Home Useful properties of fruits Signs of infection in kittens. Chronic viral diseases and infections in cats: symptoms and treatment. Why are viral diseases in cats dangerous?

Signs of infection in kittens. Chronic viral diseases and infections in cats: symptoms and treatment. Why are viral diseases in cats dangerous?

"A cat has nine lives", "is tenacious like a cat" - remembering these sayings, we often forget that these animals are complex, and their bodies can also have malfunctions. The task of responsible owners is to recognize the symptoms of diseases and immediately contact the veterinarian for a timely diagnosis and effective therapy. What diseases are there in cats? We will present an overview of the main ones below.

Diseases of cats: an overview

An animal cannot independently report its discomfort, but if you carefully observe it, it will become clear from its external manifestations.

Symptoms of an unhealthy cat:

  • the cat has ceased to show interest in surrounding objects, other animals and people;
  • the pet no longer responds to its own nickname and loud sounds;
  • the animal hides for most of the day in a secluded place (under the bed, behind the sofa);
  • the cat sits motionless for a long time, resting its head (forehead) against the wall;

  • the cat is limping, coordination of movements is impaired (bumps into furniture, walls);
  • rapid breathing or heart rate;
  • wheezing behind the breastbone;
  • sneezing and coughing.

You can learn more about the signs of cat ailments from the video of the veterinarian Sergey Savchenko.

Video - How to tell if your cat is sick?

Common Feline Diseases, Symptoms and Treatment

Any deviations in the usual behavior and condition of the pet should alert the owner and require an immediate visit to the veterinarian. According to statistics, the most common cat ailments are associated with the condition of the jaws and teeth, hair, muscles and joints, ears, eyes, respiratory and digestive organs. Some cats (especially those not vaccinated on time) suffer from all sorts of infections.

Skin and coat diseases

Hair problems are the first thing that catches your eye when a cat gets sick. The coat loses its shine and silkiness, dandruff appears. Pieces of fur can be seen all over the house (even between shedding periods). In addition, the animal is constantly scratching, biting something out of the wool, licking. Spots appear on the skin (similar to a rash), and bald spots are not uncommon.

A cat with ringworm

If you observe that your pet is constantly scratching his ears, then the answer to the question of why he does this, you will find in.

As with humans, certain substances and foods can be allergenic to cats. Skin allergies are more difficult to diagnose and may be similar to symptoms of other conditions:

  • itching (the cat constantly scratches its head, scratches its neck);
  • bald spots;
  • eczema;
  • blisters.

Allergic skin problems in cats are most often associated with an intolerance to flea saliva. The feline body can react sharply to dust, mold, household chemicals. The usual protein, which she had been eating for a long time (milk, fish, beef, etc.), can also cause a negative reaction of the body.

Important! Remember, most cat skin diseases are easily transmitted to humans!

Simple measures will help to avoid the development of an ailment in a cat, and therefore, infection of its owners:

Diseases of cat ears

  • the inflammatory process in the outer part of the ear (more precisely, the dermis of the outer ear and auditory canal) and in the inner parts of the ear (otitis media);
  • eczema and dermatitis (inflammation) of the skin of the ears;
  • hematomas (subcutaneous stagnation of blood at the site of ruptured blood vessels);
  • subcutaneous accumulation of lymph;
  • necrosis of the ear cartilage;
  • stuck foreign objects in the ear canal;
  • tumors of various types.

If the cat suddenly began to show aggression in response to any (even accidental) touches to its ears, most likely the animal has otitis media. This disease can develop against the background of hypothermia, due to trauma, infection, or when traumatic small objects get into the animal's ear canal. These factors lead to the accumulation of blood clots and sulfur in the shells of the cat's ears.

If the cat suddenly began to show aggression in response to any touching of its ears, most likely the animal has otitis media

A cat or cat suspected of having otitis media should be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible. The specialist will identify the root cause of the disease and, based on it, select a treatment regimen.

Tactics for treating ear infections in cats include:

  • a course of antibiotics (effective for eliminating the symptoms of otitis media are penicillins - "Amoxicillin", "Ampicillin", etc., as well as cephalosporins, for example, "Cefixim", "Cefazolin", etc.);
  • with hematomas - surgical removal of blood clots;
  • for eczema - external treatment with ointments (for weeping eczema, apply zinc ointment or Lassar's paste, for dry - naphthalan or Vishnevsky's ointment).

The drug "Cefazolin"

An indicative scheme for the use of antibiotics

The body of each animal responds to medications individually. In order to avoid the development of allergies to medications, treatment of a cat should be strictly under the supervision of a veterinarian. Pilot tolerance testing is recommended prior to full dose administration.

As a rule, a solution of antibiotics is used for the infectious nature of ear diseases. For every kilogram of the cat's weight, 15 mg of antimicrobial drug is calculated. The injection is carried out 1 time under the skin or intramuscularly. If there is no improvement in the cat's condition within 48 hours, the injection can be repeated.

Diseases of the stomach and intestines in cats

Diseases of the digestive system in the overwhelming majority of cases cause tissue inflammation. Often, disorders in the digestive tract are confused with other ailments due to a similar manifestation:

  • diarrhea and vomiting;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • mucous discharge in feces / urine.

Diseases of the cat's stomach and intestines by their nature are conventionally divided into two types:

Table. Diseases of the feline digestive system

The establishment of an accurate diagnosis can only be entrusted to a professional veterinarian-gastroenterologist, who will carefully examine and study the results of a detailed examination of the animal. Most likely, the cat will undergo a nutritional correction, according to individual indications, a short fasting is useful. Medication may be prescribed:

  • antibiotics (for example, "Tylosin");
  • drugs against inflammation caused by protozoa (Metronidazole, Furazolidone, etc.);
  • probiotics supporting beneficial microflora (Linex, Vetom, Lactoferon, etc.);
  • antiallergenic agents ("Prednisolone");
  • drugs that normalize bowel function ("Smecta");
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Sulfasalazine).

Sulfasalazine tablets

Most of the listed medicines can be purchased at a regular pharmacy, however, a different dosage is required for animals, which can only be accurately selected by a professional veterinarian.

Diseases of the teeth

Domestic cats are predators, they, like no one else, are familiar with diseases of the mouth and teeth. As a cat grows older, its teeth become more vulnerable; in adulthood, dental diseases are more severe.

A lot of bacteria accumulate in the cat's mouth. Due to their waste products, dental plaque accumulates in the oral cavity - the main cause of all dental and periodontal (gum) diseases in cats.

Important! To keep your cat's teeth healthy, it is recommended to periodically remove tartar, this should only be done by a veterinarian. The owner can help his pet only by regularly brushing his teeth with special pastes or buying professional food aimed at preventing the transition of plaque into stone formations (sold in veterinary pharmacies, pet stores).

Read more about dental problems in cats on our portal.

Diseases of the joints

Many joint diseases in cats lead to the fact that over time in the cartilage, hyaline tissue, which is a kind of lining between the bones, is partially or completely destroyed. The mechanism of this process has not yet been studied, but it is known that it proceeds faster in older cats. In addition, irreversible changes in the joints can be the result of previous injuries or diseases caused by infection.

Major diseases and injuries of feline joints:

  • osteoarthritis (inflammation);
  • arthritis (chronic inflammation);
  • ligament ruptures;
  • dislocations.

Respiratory diseases

Oxygen enters the cat's body through the upper respiratory tract to the lower respiratory tract, and then to the chest. Each area is characterized by its own defeats. Cats with defects in the development of the nasopharynx and abnormalities in the structure of the skull (in certain breeds), trauma, tumors, and infections are more likely to be susceptible to diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


  • nasal mucus;
  • watery eyes;
  • labored breathing;
  • snore.

The cat is coughing: why and what to do? Read on our portal.

The lower respiratory tract is an excellent target for viruses and bacteria. This department especially suffers when foreign bodies enter the body, the development of cysts and tumors, as well as gas poisoning.

Cough in cats is a signal of lower respiratory tract disease in cats


  • dyspnea;
  • cough;
  • frequent shortness of breath;
  • wheezing.

The defeat of the chest organs occurs after the transfer of pneumonia, due to trauma and developmental abnormalities.


  • difficulty breathing;
  • dyspnea.

Important! Respiratory system diseases can only be treated under the guidance of a veterinarian. But they can be prevented by providing proper prevention, first of all, protecting the pet from hypothermia and drafts.

Video - Diseases of older cats

Muscle diseases

Among muscle diseases, inflammation is distinguished - myositis.

Myositis reasons:

  • trauma;
  • prolonged exposure to cold;
  • spread of inflammation from adjacent tissues;
  • infections (tuberculosis);
  • violation of the contractility of muscles with a prolonged lack of proper load on them.

The muscle tissue affected by myositis increases in size. Touching the muscle causes unbearable pain to the cat. When palpating, the muscle seems to be hot, "stone", there is swelling and lameness.

Weakness of the affected limbs during movement is the main symptom of myoptasis. Sore muscles are relaxed, touching them does not cause painful reactions in the animal.

Myositis therapy involves warming compresses and physiotherapeutic procedures (heat therapy, massage, ultrasound of the affected area), excision of abscesses, the use of antimicrobial drugs and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. Feline urolithiasis

According to many veterinarians, the kidneys are the most fragile organ susceptible to many diseases, the most dangerous of which is the formation of stone structures in the kidneys (LSC).

Exacerbation of urolithiasis, as a rule, happens unexpectedly: the cat suddenly feels a sharp pain when trying to urinate, meows plaintively, blood can be observed in the urine. Failure to seek immediate veterinary help can result in the death of your cat.

Causes of kidney stones:

  • poor quality unbalanced feed, excess of raw meat and fish;
  • contaminated drinking water;
  • genetic addiction;
  • little physical activity with increased weight;
  • castration / sterilization.

The diagnosis "urolithiasis" is competent to be made by a veterinarian-general practitioner. Therapeutic measures should be carried out under the mandatory supervision of a nephrologist.

The main methods of treating KSD in cats:

  • adjusting the menu;
  • medications;
  • acoustic wave therapy (shock wave);
  • homeopathy.

In emergency situations, cats are shown only abdominal (with tissue excision) or endoscopic (sparing, through punctures) operations.

Additional information can be obtained from a special article on our portal.

How often does the cat go to the toilet?

Organisms of individuals of different sex and age produce different amounts of urine per day. On average, the daily urine volume ranges from 0.05 to 0.2 liters.

Newly born kittens are able to digest only liquid food, they have a small bladder volume. It is normal for them to urinate up to ten times during the day. Adolescent cats (from 1 to 3 months) visit the litter box less often - 5 times a day. Mature sexually mature cats urinate daily on average every 6 hours (cats - 5 times, cats - 1-3 times).

With more frequent visits to the toilet, a cat may be suspected of having cystitis. If your cat urinates less often than every 12 hours, it may signal a lack of water in the body or the development of chronic kidney failure. Sometimes deviations from going to the toilet are caused by stress, for example, after moving or going to the vet. Over time, the normal schedule is restored.

What to do, if ? This is the topic of an article on our website.

As with urine, small kittens produce feces faster. They walk "big" 3-6 times a day. At the age of 1 month, kittens are gradually transferred from milk to solid food, the frequency of bowel movements is reduced. It is enough for an adult cat to perform an act of defecation at least 1 time in two days and no more than 2 times a day, which is equally the norm.

How to help ? Details in the article on our portal.

Infections and viruses in cats

Cats easily become infected with infections caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria. Fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, open ulcers can be the result of infection with viruses: coronaviruses, infectious panleukopenia (deadly feline plague), calcivirosis, rabies.

In the treatment of infections, antiviral sera and medications are effective, which are selected based on the type of pathogen and the stage of the disease.

Most often, cats are caused by infectious bacteria (anemia) and salmonellosis (acute infection in the intestine). With a decrease in hemoglobin (a symptom of anemia), the cat has a fever, the animal is lethargic and refuses to eat. A key sign of anemia is the blanching of the mucous membranes of the mouth. With salmonellosis, a runny nose, vomiting are added to the listed signs of infection. A speedy recovery is facilitated by taking antibiotics and serums that increase immunity, as well as changing feed and homeopathy.

Fungi can infect both the outer covers of the animal and the internal organs. The most common diseases of fungal etymology among cats: cryptococcosis, candidiasis, histoplasmosis. Fungal spores enter the animal's body through cuts and open wounds, by airborne droplets or from food.

The competent diagnosis and treatment of pet infectious diseases should be entrusted to an experienced infectious disease veterinarian.

Diseases of cats, dangerous to humans

Cats, like humans, suffer from many diseases, but not all of them can be transmitted to humans. From animals to people can pass:

  • worms;
  • lichen;
  • toxoplasmosis.

You can get infected by close contact with an unhealthy animal, directly through feces, or when you are in a place where a sick animal relieved itself.


The main feature of the group is virulence, that is, a high degree of penetration into the body and toxicity. The poisonous effect of various pathogens differs only in the method of exposure: poisoning with the products of their vital activity, the release of toxins. Another sign of the presence of an infectious disease is the incubation period, which can vary in time and directly depends not only on the type of ailment, but also on the method of infection.

Almost any organs on the body can become the "gateway" for infectious diseases in cats: mucous membranes, skin, and so on. Each type of pathogen has its own area of ​​penetration.

Types of infections in cats

There are several options for dividing the described group. Most often they use natural addiction:

  • fungal;
  • viral;
  • protozoal;
  • bacterial;
  • prions.

Many of them are quite rare, but there are some types infections in cats, the symptoms of which must be known to all owners.

Rabies ... One of the most dangerous viral diseases, which is fatal, since it is practically not amenable to treatment. The pathogen is transmitted through direct contact, most often through a bite. Depending on the strength of the immune system, the incubation period can last from 5 days in kittens to a couple of months in adults. It exists in three forms: light, violent, atypical.

Panleukopenia or plague ... This infectious disease of cats is considered one of the most contagious. Infection occurs through saliva. Differs in a very short incubation period (from three days) and high mortality.

Peritonitis ... The described infectious disease is more common in kittens than in adult pets. It is characterized by blurred symptoms, which makes the diagnosis very difficult. The owner should be attentive to a decrease in appetite, bouts of vomiting and diarrhea, and shortness of breath for the baby.

Calcevirosis ... Acute respiratory infection in felines. Activation of the pathogen occurs within 4 days, with reduced immunity no more than a day. The airway is the gateway, so the transmission method can be both airborne and direct contact.

Infectious diseases transmitted from cats

There is a special group of infectious diseases that can be transmitted to humans. They're called zooanthroponosis... What is characteristic - a person can also infect their pet with them. That is why it is important to observe safety and personal hygiene measures when treating them. And after the recovery of the four-legged friend, thoroughly disinfect the place where he was sick.

High degree of infection: rabies, pasteurellosis, dermatophytosis, salmonellosis.

Low infection rate: tuberculosis, lymphorectulosis.

Symptoms of Infectious Diseases in Cats

It should be remembered that each infectious disease in cats has its own individual symptoms, but there are a number of specific characteristics that will make it possible to timely detect the initial stage of almost any of them:

    change in behavior. Most often it is lethargy, depression. In some cases, excessive persistence of a sick animal in seeking communication is possible. Some of the diseases of cats are characterized by an aggressive attitude towards others. It should be borne in mind that the cat's search for a secluded place can be the beginning of a developing photophobia;

    abnormal discharge is observed and not only from the eyes. These include increased salivation, various forms of vomiting (with blood, mucus), diarrhea, constipation;

    changes in mucous membranes and skin. The appearance of various erosions, ulcers, vesicles, focal dermatitis and others is possible;

    temperature increase. Since most of the infectious diseases of cats are accompanied by an inflammatory process, any change on the thermometer should be a reason for contacting a veterinary clinic.

Of course, the list is far from complete, but any of the described indicators should alert the owner.

Treatment of feline infectious diseases

In view of the high degree of infection and the severity of the consequences of many infections in cats, the animal should be protected not only from contact with other pets, but also with family members, until a complete diagnosis is made.

In addition, the owner must remember about the short incubation period, the rapid course of the disease in cats, as well as the similarity of the clinical picture and not self-medicate. The same applies to self-administration of medications, which can cause irreparable harm and worsen the already difficult situation of the four-legged friend. For example, written out for many forms infectious diseases in cats analgin, is categorically contraindicated in panleukopenia.

For the correct diagnosis, it may be necessary to take tests. It is not worth delaying the provision of material (feces, urine), since the timely identification of the pathogen will help to correct the already prescribed therapy. The key to success is a quick appeal to a veterinarian and the timely implementation of all recommendations. Otherwise, the risk of death increases significantly.

An effective preventive measure for most infectious diseases in cats is timely vaccination, which allows the production of antibodies. Of course, a healthy pet should be vaccinated, since in case of infection, the situation will only worsen. A good measure to combat infections of cats keeping a pet in proper conditions is considered. A competent approach to feeding, living conditions and care allows the immune system to cope with various viruses on its own.

Veterinary therapist IVC MBA

In the modern world, many people give their preference to cats for their greater independence from humans, in contrast to dogs, which need to be given time; adaptation to a solitary lifestyle, grace and the ability to warm its owner on cold winter days. A loving and caring owner tries to protect his pet from troubles in the form of various diseases that cats suffer from.

This concern is manifested in high-quality nutrition and timely prevention of viral diseases. Unfortunately, there are a number of types of incurable viral infections that cats are susceptible to. In the absence of symptoms of the disease and specific diagnostics, you can live with the animal for a long time, unaware of the presence of a chronic viral infection (hereinafter CVI) in the pet. In this article, I would like to reveal in detail the danger of CVI, to try to avoid this problem when purchasing the desired kitten.

So, what are chronic viral infections and what danger they pose to our pets. CVIs are viral diseases with a long incubation period, which can last from several weeks to several years. Infection can occur both in utero and through contact of healthy cats with sick animals, as well as carriers.

Coronaviruses - etoRNA - containing viruses . These viruses acquired this name due to the similarity of the club-shaped processes with the corona spinarum. The infection is caused by a virus of the Coronaviride family. There are 2 pathogenic strains - the closest relatives of the same microorganism. One causes peritonitis, the other - enteritis.

Coronaviruses are divided into 3 forms:

Asymptomatic form - the animal can be a carrier of the virus and can infect other cats, while nothing threatens life.

A mild form, it is not dangerous and is capable of causing quite easily ailments - enteritis (intestinal feline coronaviruses - FECV).

A highly pathogenic form is feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV). In the body, destructive changes occur in all systems and organs, which leads to death.

Coronavirus enteritis (FECV) is relatively safe and occurs in animals at a young age, and symptoms are based on loose stools, which rarely leads to death; But viral peritonitis of cats is extremely dangerous, since it has a high mortality rate. FIPV and FECV are quite interconnected, these microorganisms are considered a single population of viruses, but with varying degrees of pathogenic changes. Studies have shown that coronavirus enteritis in the process of mutation turns into viral peritonitis.

Transmission of infection is oronasal, i.e. infection occurs through the respiratory tract by airborne droplets, through feces, feeding kittens, during mating. In cats living alone, this disease is less common, a greater percentage of this disease occurs in show cats, as well as cats living in large groups.


There are 2 forms of VIPK:

1. Exudative (with "effusion")

"Wet" peritonitis is accompanied by a clear sign of the presence of fluid in the chest or abdominal cavity. The liquid generally has a light yellow tint, there is some viscosity.

With the accumulation of biological fluid in the chest cavity, the animal experiences respiratory impairment as a result of effusion, while the cat takes a forced pose. Breathing is more often of the chest-abdominal type.

When fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, owners often pay attention to the pet's enlarged belly.

It can also be observed:

  • fever (not always);
  • weight loss;
  • general weakness, depression;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • decreased or loss of appetite.

2. Non-exudative ("dry")

Symptoms are often mild in this form. This form is difficult to diagnose. Its characteristic features are weight loss and lack of appetite.

Diagnostics. It happens in a complex manner. To begin with, clinical and biochemical blood tests are taken from the animal; perform ultrasound of the abdominal cavity; serological research methods (ELISA - determination of the amount of antibodies to a given disease; or ICA - express test), also examine the effusion fluid.

Forecast... Adverse. Sometimes, with the exudative form of VIP, after the removal of the fluid and the symptomatic treatment carried out, a "dry" form of the disease develops. Cats with "dry" VIPK can live up to a year.

Treatment... Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease, only symptomatic therapy is carried out, aimed at improving the quality of life of the pet.

Prophylaxis... Aimed at reducing the number of cats kept in one room (maximum 6-10 cats). Cleanliness and timely disinfection of the used trays and their sufficient number, frequent change of the filler.

This is a chronic viral disease characterized by a weakening of the immune system, the development of anemia, and lymphosarcoma. Young animals are very susceptible to this infection. FeLV is diagnosed in all countries of the world, the disease affects cats of different age groups and breeds.

Paths transmission... Fecal-oral (saliva, feces, nasal discharge), through the milk of infected cats, bites, contact with a sick animal from cat to cat, flea transmission is possible, as well as if the rules of asepsis and antiseptics are not followed during injections, blood collection.

Pathogenesis... FeLV is due to a genetic predisposition, as well as immunological deficiencies in animals. Sick cats with an antibody titer of 1:32 may not have a clinical picture of the disease, but such animals are considered virus carriers. Antibodies may also be undetectable in clinically ill cats. FeLV inhibits the activity of the red bone marrow, which leads to anemia, lowers immunity and contributes to the development of other diseases.

Clinical picture There are three forms of the disease:

  1. Stable or persistent. The immunity of such an animal is greatly weakened, the disease progresses rather quickly and treatment is most often ineffective.
  2. Latent or latent. The animal has a circulatory disorder. The virus enters the lymphatic system and the red bone marrow. The animal begins to hurt more often, tumors appear.
  3. Transitional or transient. Due to its strong immunity, the animal recovers 3 months after infection.

More often than not, all such animals have severe anemia, immunosuppression (predisposition to other infections or its presence), lymphosarcoma - multiple or atypical. The incubation period is 60-80 days, sometimes 2 to 6 years. FeLV occurs in a latent form without the manifestation of clinical symptoms of infection and may not manifest itself for a long time. Under the influence of negative factors (change in feeding conditions, hypothermia, stress), the virus is activated, and the disease develops. At the very beginning, changes in the blood can be noted (leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, the appearance of atypical blood cells); pallor / icterus of the mucous membranes, enlarged lymph nodes, weight loss, decreased appetite, indigestion.


Occurs on the basis of clinical, hematological, serological and virological studies. The most significant diagnostic methods include:

  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), immunochromatographic analysis (ICA). False negative results are common.
  • Clinical blood test.
  • Blood biochemistry.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  • Biopsy and histology.

Treatment... There is no cure. It is aimed at providing symptomatic therapy and improving the quality of life of the animal. For example, with severe anemia, a blood transfusion is prescribed, as well as the use of drugs that stimulate the production of red blood cells in the red bone marrow. Prescribed drugs that stimulate the immune system. If lymphomas are found, chemotherapy is given.

Prophylaxis... The virus is very unstable in the external environment; outside of a living organism, it dies after two days. To destroy this virus, it is enough to disinfect the premises and animal care items, bowls and so on. Keeping a pet clean, nutritious food and limiting contact with stray animals is the key to the health of the pet.

This disease is dangerous only for cats, for humans and other species of animals, it does not pose any risk.

The main method of preventing this disease is vaccination. For such purposes, the Purevax FeLV and Leukocel vaccines are used. Vaccination is carried out from nine weeks of age. Immunization is performed twice, with an interval of 21 days. Further, cats should be vaccinated once a year.

Viral immunodeficiency (VIC, FIV)

Infectious disease of cats, characterized by a chronic course, accompanied by damage to the immune system, high mortality.

This disease has become endemic in cats throughout the world.

The virus remains at room temperature for about 4 days. When heated to 60 degrees, the virus dies within half an hour, during boiling it dies. When treated with alcohol-containing drugs, the virus is inactivated after 5-10 minutes. VIC is quite resistant to ultraviolet light.

Stray cats are more often sick with VIC, the approximate age of animals is 5-10 years.

Paths transmission... The main way is the bites of sick animals, non-pedigree cats are more likely to become infected; the infection is also common among animals that have free access to the street. Infection is possible with mutual licking. The virus is found in saliva, blood, and other fluids.

The clinical picture. Clinical signs are rather nonspecific and quite varied. They reflect concomitant infections that develop against the background of a decrease in the immune system. Animals develop:

  • Weakness;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Gingivitis;
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Weight loss, etc.

Due to the fact that the animal's immune system malfunctions, various infections can join the VIC: calcivirosis, chlamydia, viral leukemia, etc., which aggravate the general condition.

Cats with FIV are at increased risk of developing lymphoma, and the clinical signs may be similar to those of FeLV.

Diagnostics... Clinical laboratory tests are used: blood OCA (neutropenia, lymphopenia, anemia, monocytosis may occur). A biochemical blood test reveals a large amount of protein, an increase in the activity of liver enzymes, azotemia, hyperglycemia.

There are several specific studies of this disease:

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA); IHA.

The virus can be detected by PCR if serological tests are negative.

Treatment. There is currently no specific treatment.

It has been noted that treatment with Zidovudine improves the clinical condition and function of the immune system in many cats. These drugs are expensive and can cause significant adverse reactions such as anemia. Also used are immunomodulators that have a beneficial effect on the body.

Clinically unhealthy cats and cats with low immune systems should not be vaccinated.

Prophylaxis... There are no vaccines. Minimizing contact with cats outside the home. Compliance with the diet, keeping animals clean, disinfection of care items and timely replacement of filler in trays. When new animals appear - mandatory quarantine and medical examination of a new pet.

Love your pets!


  • Gaskell, Bennett: A Handbook of Infectious Diseases of Canines and Felines, Aquarium Print, 2015.
  • Various sources from the Internet

Anemia- anemia, a decrease in the content of hemoglobin, erythrocytes in the blood or their simultaneous decrease, accompanied by inhibition of hematopoiesis in the red bone marrow. There are posthemorrhagic anemias (acute and chronic), hemolytic, hypoplastic (hematopoiesis disorders - alimentary or deficient, myelotoxic) and aplastic (depletion of bone marrow hematopoiesis).

Etiology. The causes of anemia are most often combined.

The diagnosis is made taking into account the anamnesis, as well as the data of hematological studies (quantitative and qualitative composition of erythrocytes, hemoglobin content), changes in the hematopoietic organs.

Symptoms In acute post-hemorrhagic anemia due to external and internal bleeding, the symptoms depend on the initial state of the animal's body and the amount of blood loss. With insignificant blood loss, drowsiness, lethargy of the cat, unsteadiness of its gait, yawning, hypothermia, vomiting, dryness and pallor of the mucous membranes, cyanosis are noted. With massive blood loss, collapse is possible, characterized by hypothermia, involuntary urination, dilated pupils, shortness of breath, weakening or increased heart rate; the amount of hemoglobin and erythrocytes decreases, ESR increases, blood viscosity decreases.

In chronic post-hemorrhagic anemia, the symptoms grow more slowly and lead to a change in the functional functions of the parenchymal organs.

With hemolytic anemia, jaundice, hemoglobinemia and hemoglobinuria occur. In the blood, the content of unconducted (indirect) bilirubin increases.

In hypoplastic anemia as a result of a lack of iron, copper, cyanocobalamin, folic acid, high-grade proteins, as in myelotoxic anemia (resulting from toxic suppression of hematopoiesis), the animal's fatigue, mucosal anemia, shortness of breath, decreased body condition, diarrhea, erythropenia, anisocidosis, megalocidosis are noted , neutropenia, thrombocytopenia.

With aplastic anemia, normocytic and even macrocytic anemia occurs along with pancytopenia (aphanulocyto and fanulocytopenia), as is the case with radiation sickness, poisoning with benzene derivatives, and plague.

Treatment for anemia depends on the nature of the disorder. The animal is provided with complete rest, a complete, easily digestible diet rich in protein, vitamins, trace elements and carbohydrates. First of all, etiological factors (bleeding, toxicosis, lack of macro and microelements) are eliminated. Symptomatic, pathogenetic and substitution therapy is prescribed. Hemostimulin, ferrocal, aloe syrup with iron, feramide, ferrocerone, fercoven, ferbitol are shown.

Hemoblastosis (leukemia). The main signs of hemoblastosis are malignant growth of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues, impaired cell differentiation. They combine two groups of blastomatous lesions of the hematopoietic system: leukemias (lymphoid, myeloid leukemia, undifferentiated leukemias); hematosarcomas or reticulosis (lymphosarcoma, lympho-fanulomatosis, reticulosarcoma, etc.), characterized by focal tumor growths of poorly differentiated elements of hematopoietic tissue.

Etiology. The dominant theory of the etiology of hemoblastosis is the viral genetic theory.

Symptoms Lymphosarcomas are more common in cats, in which systemic hyperplasia of the lymph nodes, spleno- and hepatomegaly, ascites, hemorrhagic diathesis, edema, neuphophilic leukocytosis (20-30 thousand / mm) with the appearance of blastocytes in the blood come to the fore, sometimes signs of systemic damage to the lymph nodes are long time is not detected, but signs of ascites, pneumonia appear.

Usually, with lymphosarcoma, the submandibular, cervical, popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes increase, and lymphoid infiltration is established in the punctate. Localized lymphosarcomas, in contrast to systemic ones, proceed according to the leukemic type and only in the final phase does neurophilia appear with a shift of the nucleus to the left. Lymphoid leukemia causes less hyperplasia of the lymph nodes, hepato and splenomegaly, although it proceeds against a background of high leukocytosis (up to 500 thousand / mm).

Myeloid leukemia is characterized by splenomegaly, lymph node hyperplasia, high leukocytosis with a shift of the nucleus to the left.

Monocytic leukemia is a rarer form of haemablastosis in cats, the disease proceeds against the background of an increase in the number of monocytes and monoblasts up to 35-65%. In a leukogram with basophilic leukemia, the number of basophils of varying degrees of differentiation increases to 80% or more.

Mast cell leukemia is manifested by basophilia, neutrophilia with a significant shift of the nucleus to the left, hepato and splenomegaly, slight hyperplasia of the lymph nodes. In the bone marrow punctate, foci of blast mast cells are found.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis, taking into account clinical manifestations, as well as data from hematological studies of punctates of the lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow. The most important data for the identification of hemoblastosis are obtained by establishing the species, stage and degree of morphological differentiation, proliferation of cellular elements of white blood and hematopoietic tissues. The disease lasts from several weeks to several years, but usually ends unfavorably.

The treatment does not give satisfactory results. To alleviate the condition of the animal during illness, symptomatic methods are used, fortifying agents, arsenic drugs in combination with iron preparations are prescribed. It is also necessary to prevent the possibility of infectious complications.

Healthy cats are full of activity and look cheerful. Any disease, even a minor one, always affects the behavior of the animal. An attentive owner will surely notice alarming symptoms and seek medical help at a veterinary clinic.

How to tell if a cat is sick

A cat can get sick at any age. And also the development of pathologies does not depend on the breed of the animal. When a cat's health worsens, the following general symptoms may be observed:

  • lethargy of the animal;
  • poor appetite;
  • anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance.

If a cat refuses a favorite treat, then this should alert the owner.

What diseases are there in cats

Diseases in cats can be divided into the following types:

Any disease in a cat should be treated at the very beginning of development. In a neglected state, many diseases can take on a chronic form.

Video: skin diseases in cats

Clinical signs of various diseases

Depending on the clinical signs, the owner can assume what kind of ailment the cat is sick with.

Table: Common Feline Diseases and Symptoms

Photo gallery: symptoms of feline pathologies

Fleas are small and brown in color Blepharitis is characterized by reddening of the eyelids in a cat When the third eyelid in a cat falls out, the mucous membrane in the inner corner of the eye turns red.Increased thirst in a cat may indicate the development of type I diabetes Vomiting in an animal may be a symptom of renal pathologies. foam from the mouth With ringworm, partial baldness of the animal occurs. With dermatitis, ulcers and blisters appear on the cat's skin.

Diseases transmitted from cats to humans

There are feline diseases that can be transmitted from an animal to its owner:

  • worms;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • rabies. The virus can be transmitted to humans if an infected cat scratches or bites them. The symptoms of the disease in humans are the same as in cats. It is impossible to save an infected person, the disease ends in death.

To avoid infection by contact with a sick cat, you must follow the safety rules:

Most often kittens get sick

Kittens can also be susceptible to various diseases. However, the following pathologies are most often observed in babies:

  • upper respiratory tract infections;
  • worms;
  • flea damage to the skin;
  • colitis.

To help the kitten, you should not hesitate and seek medical help from your veterinarian.

The kittens' immune system is in the process of formation, so the body's defenses are weakened. This becomes the cause of frequent respiratory illnesses.

What pathologies are older cats prone to?

Older cats are at increased risk of developing the following conditions:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Metabolism in cats is disrupted with age, which can lead to a decrease in the content of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. Lack of these nutrients leads to the destruction of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • pathologies of the heart. Aged cats are often diagnosed with high blood pressure, which can cause cardiovascular malfunction;
  • type II diabetes mellitus. Many older cats do not move much and are therefore prone to excess weight;
  • chronic renal failure. As cats age, blood circulation may deteriorate, which often causes a decrease in renal excretion.

Old age is an additional factor in the development of diseases in cats


To reduce the risk of developing diseases in your beloved pets, adhere to the following recommendations:

The outcome of any cat disease primarily depends on the competent actions of the owner: if any pathological signs appear in the animal, you should seek the advice of a specialist.

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