Home Useful properties of fruits Dream interpretation: what is the dream of hunting for. Hunting in a dream: what does the symbol mean

Dream interpretation: what is the dream of hunting for. Hunting in a dream: what does the symbol mean

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to enmity.

Hunt dreamed

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are hunting, in reality you have to fight for the implementation of almost unrealistic plans. If in a dream you chase game and overtake it - this portends you successfully overcoming difficulties and fulfilling desires. If in a dream you were unlucky on the hunt - this promises losses and erroneous decisions in business life. Hearing the cheerful sounds of a hunting horn is a promise of complete happiness in real life and tangible support of fate in your best endeavors.

Why is there a dream about hunting

according to Vanga's dream book

Watching hunting people in a dream is evidence that soon you will have fun entertainment with your friends. Sometimes such a dream prophesies a meeting with an evil werewolf person who will boggle your imagination. If you dreamed that you yourself were hunting for any animal, then in reality you will face great difficulties. Your secret enemy will try in any way to interfere with the implementation of your plans. He will stop at nothing, and therefore use any folk remedies... If in a dream a hunter fell into a hole dug for animals, then such a dream does not bode well. In real life, you are, as they say, "walking on the edge of the abyss", getting involved in all sorts of risky business. Be careful, because not all things can be done for the sake of a big income. If in a dream during a hunt an animal wounded by you attacks, then your opinion that you won a victory over your sworn enemy, wrongly. He only licks his wounds, preparing to strike you again.

See a fox in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The fox is a cunning beast. Therefore, if you see a fox in a dream, then either you yourself have the qualities characteristic of it, or you become a victim of such. How do you feel about this symbol - with caution or with pleasant feelings? Whether you like this image or not, it defines your view of the world and your relationship with it. If the fox appears in front of you as a rival, then the object that it is trying to take from you may become decisive for the interpretation. The appearance of a fox in a dream signals that somewhere in your life, qualities that are inextricably linked with this animal are manifested, and either these qualities come from you, or you experience their effect on yourself. Is there anyone else around the fox with similar qualities? Is there anyone else in the dream who treats you with apprehension?

Why is the fox dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

secret enemy, enmity; to kill a fox is a victory; ironing is a danger; in the house - an evil woman or evil from a woman; deception.

Dreamed of a fox

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a fox hunt in a dream means that you will engage in dubious affairs and risky love affairs. If in your dream a fox sneaks into your yard, this is a warning: beware of envious people. Your reputation is at stake. Killing a fox means that you will win in any business.

See a fox in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

The fox is a symbol of cunning, longevity, fertility, hypocrisy and vice. The fox's tricks are the devil's tricks in Christian tradition. Red fox- a demon of fire in Rome. V North America- a symbol of deception. V Norse mythology the fox is associated with the god Loki, the god of cunning, deceit, deception and impermanence. In China, the ku-li fox is one of the symbols of longevity. It is believed that at the age of fifty, a fox can turn into a woman, at a hundred - into a young girl. The fox knows what is happening at a distance of a thousand li and can affect the mind of a person, turn him into an idiot. When the fox turns one thousand years old, it becomes the Heavenly Fox, the ten-hu, with nine tails. The Heavenly Fox can take the form of not only a woman, but also a man. In Japan, the white fox is a symbol of abundance. Figurines of a fox were installed at the entrance to the temple; in his teeth he usually had a key to a barn with rice. Where there is no fox, you cannot found a village - Chinese proverb.

Wolf in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The wolf is a symbol of cruelty, courage, open struggle for life and death, love of freedom and independence. Seeing a wolf in a fight with a fox is a symbol of open confrontation, which will end the long-term, disguised enmity between Russia and Ukraine, it will erupt after February 2006. Seeing a wolf with black hair - this dream foreshadows the coming of a werewolf who will disturb the peaceful life of many and make them turn to God for salvation and help. Seeing a wolf in a red cap means a dubious position that Russia will take at the meeting of countries at the end of 2018, this will be expressed in the absence of compelling arguments and material support. See the wolf covered sheep skin, Is a symbol of hidden meanness, which is preparing a treacherous ally. This is especially worth fearing in the year of the Rooster. A wolf taking food from a person's hands means that a maniac who has kept thousands of people in fear for a long time will be condemned and isolated.

Why is the wolf dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Dreamed of a wolf

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a wolf in a dream - says that among your employees there is a careless person who gives out production secrets and is capable of stealing. Killing the wolf means that you will cope with cunning enemies who seek to discredit you. Hearing the howl of a wolf means that you will be able to expose a secret conspiracy directed against you, and honestly emerge victorious in the competitive struggle.

See a wolf in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

In dreams, the wolf is often a symbol of loneliness or predator behavior. If you are dreaming of a wolf, then you probably lack friendship or companionship. Another scenario is that you feel that others are extorting something from you for personal gain, or you are extorting something from others. Does the wolf appear close and growl, or do you notice it at a great distance, driven into a hopeless position?

Why is pork dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Dreamed of pork

according to Miller's dream book

If you eat pork in a dream, it means that you will face serious troubles, however, if you only see pork, then your problems will be successfully overcome by you.

Dreamed of a deer

according to Miller's dream book

To see a deer - auspicious dream, portends a pure, deep friendship to the young and a calm, balanced life - to spouses. Killing a deer means that enemies will poison you. For farmers and business people hunting a deer in a dream means failure in the intended business. If you dream of a deer, then in reality you will soon find reliable and fair friends. For young people, this dream promises a pure and true feeling.

Why is a deer dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

litigation and prosecution.

Why is the tiger dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

danger; persecutes, but does not repair harm - very strange events or patronage.

Dreamed of a tiger

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a tiger walking at you, it means that your enemies will annoy you in every possible way. If in a dream a tiger attacks you, it means that the impending failure will plunge you into despair. If in a dream you repel the attack of the tiger or kill him, it means that all your endeavors will be extremely successful. Seeing a tiger running away from you in a dream portends your victory over enemies, strengthening your position. If in a dream you see a tiger in a cage, it means that you will be able to confuse your opponents. Tiger skin promises exquisite pleasures.

Seeing in a dream or taking part in a hunt with dogs, horns, etc. is a sign of success in business. If you are awaiting a court decision on a case, then a dream predicts to you that the case will be decided in your favor. For those who do not like hunting, a dream predicts that some events will drive such a person out of himself.

If you dream that the hunt is over or you are returning home from a hunt, then your business will not go well because of your slowness and love of idle pastime. If in a dream you are invited to hunt, then in reality they will make you profitable proposition which you shouldn't give up. Sometimes such a dream predicts a win in a gambling game.

To see, carry and use hunting equipment in a dream (snares, nets, etc.) is a harbinger that the lost will be found. If you cannot find a certain person, then a dream predicts to you that your search will end successfully. If you do not belong to either one or the other, then you should be wary of deception or beware of the business that you do for a living. The dream of hunting gear is more favorable if they are in your hands, and not in the hands of your enemies. However, seeing them in the hands of friends is a sign that these friends need to be treated with caution.

The sound of a hunting horn in a dream foreshadows the receipt of unpleasant or disturbing news. Sometimes such a dream predicts quarrels or a quarrel between partners. In general, hunting in a dream yourself or seeing others doing it is a sign of damage or an indication that your business is empty. Sometimes such a dream portends enmity. To meet a hunter in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you need to be wary of meeting an ill-wisher.

Going hunting in a dream and having a gun with you means that a friend's betrayal will upset you.

Hunting small game in a dream means that you will fail in business.

Hunting for wild beasts: See interpretation: beasts by name. But in general, such a dream warns you that it is time for you to enter into a duel with your worst enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

Dream interpretation - Hunting

Changes in business, news in your home.

To participate in the hunt - to the need to be more careful.

Catching animals - to a new acquaintance, deception, deceit.

Catch the animals with bare hands- unexpected success awaits you.

Hunting in a company - you have to take part in a dubious business to hunt alone - to good luck.

Hunter - the appearance of the enemy and his maneuvers against you.

The hunter shoots the bird - dangerous enemy destroys your hopes, deliberately arouses suspicions against friends.

A hunter hunts a person - a warning that, attacking others, someone is aiming at you.

The hunter sets traps, sits in ambush - forebodings tell you to redouble your caution and vigilance.

The hunter lies in wait for the beast - a warning that enemies are using your drives in order to lure you into a trap.

Interpretation of dreams from

Explain anyone, even the most unusual dream the dream book will help. Hunting in a dream can have many interpretations. The main thing is to remember all the details of your dream, without missing a single detail.

Trapper in a dream

To determine what the hunter is dreaming of, it is necessary to take into account who he was, what this person did and what he looked like. These nuances are very important in drawing a true picture of your present and future.

According to the dream book, a hunter in a camouflage uniform is a sign that you have a reliable patron. You can safely count on his help and support in difficult situations. But you should not abuse his location.

If you dreamed of a hunter not with a gun, but with a hunting bow, then soon you will receive an unusual offer. Think carefully before making a decision. Also, it will not be superfluous to consult with more experienced people.

And what is the dream of a hunter in whom you recognized your friend? Usually, such dreams foreshadow a joint adventure with a friend. And a loved one in the form of a trapper promises the dreamer pleasant events in his personal life.

  • Hunters in the forest - you will find yourself in an interesting place.
  • Trappers in the field - to spiritual freedom.
  • To see him in your house is to wait for guests.
  • Talking to a hunter - to find out the news.
  • Fighting with him is to defend your point of view.

Now let's consider the version of the dream in which you are hunting. Such a hunt in a dream is a sign that you are facing a difficult, but quite profitable job... If you work conscientiously, the result will be generous rewards.

I dreamed that you were hunting with firearms? Such night dreams are often dreamed of to facilitate the task. The dream book says that in the near future you can count on the help of others.

Hunting in a dream to no avail means wasting time and energy on a useless task. Think about whether what you are doing is so important. You might want to reconsider your priorities in life.

To be satisfied with the hunt and prey is to fulfill the plan. The interpreter of dreams says that courage and determination will help you achieve what you want. If these traits are inherent in you, then success and fame await you.

I hunted with you in a dream stranger? Get ready to chat with like-minded people. And a dream, in which hunting took place in the company of friends, portends a fun pastime.


V modern dream books you can find a lot of interesting things. To do this, you have to remember what animals your dream was about. Seeing, for example, is a sign of success in your personal life. And chasing a raccoon is a household chore.

Why dream of hunting wolves? This usually portends a misunderstanding, a dispute with loved ones. To prevent the situation from escalating into a serious conflict, you should show restraint and compromise.

Hunting wolves at night is a special sign. Most dream books warn that one wrong step can bring a lot of problems and frustrations. Therefore, before you do something, think about the consequences.

Overcoming difficulties, solving accumulated problems - this is what a hunt for, as a result of which you kill an animal, dreams of. And if you failed to defeat the owner of the forest, then you will have communication with a rival or competitor.

Hunt for - for financial gain. Most likely, you will become the owner of an impressive amount of money. And hunting a deer is a sign that you have a mistaken opinion about a new acquaintance.

  • To kill a fox is to prevent trouble.
  • Hunt for - make a decision faster.
  • The victim turned out to be a hedgehog - be smart.
  • Hippo - you underestimate yourself.
  • - to meet an authoritative person.

A dream in which a moose hunt was crowned with success speaks of your iron willpower. And if you have not killed the animal, then someone will try to take advantage of your credulity and gentleness of character.

Did you dream about a duck hunt? You need to calm down. Try not to freak out on loved ones, especially children. Pull yourself together and understand that those around you do not deserve this treatment.

And why do you dream of such a hunt in which you kill? V similar dreams fate gives you a hint of your excessive pride. And if you defeated a tiger with a hunting rifle, then in reality you will be victorious over the enemy.

If you have a dream in which you kill many different ones while hunting, then soon you will have a lot of worries. Do not be discouraged: most likely, it will be pleasant chores associated with a long-awaited meeting with friends or relatives.

Return from the hunt and prepare prey - good sign... If you believe such a dream, then soon joy awaits you.... And roasting game on a fire in the forest is to be impatient, to rush things.

After you dreamed about hunting, try to remember all the little things and nuances of your dream. If you manage to do this, then feel free to look into the dream book and interpret your night dreams. Author: Vera Fractional

Idiomatic dream book

Hunting - what symbolizes what you see

Hunting - Wolf Hunt, Wanderlust, Adventure Hunters. “Hunting for something - in the sense of wanting, wanting; “Hunt for a celebrity” (stalk); "Hunt" - to track, observe, investigate. See Add. Footprints are the meaning of what this dream is about.

Big dream book by Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of Hunting

Hunting - If you hunted in a dream - in reality you have to fight for the implementation of almost unrealistic plans. If you chased the game and overtook it, it means successfully overcoming difficulties and fulfilling desires. If in a dream the hunt was unsuccessful, losses and erroneous decisions in business life are possible. Hearing the invigorating sounds of a hunting horn is a tangible support of fate in your best endeavors. Watching hunting people in a dream is evidence that soon you will have fun entertainment with your friends. Sometimes a dream prophesies a meeting with an evil werewolf person who will boggle your imagination.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about the Hunt

Hunting - Hunting in a dream speaks of your slightly exaggerated attention to opposite sex... Participation in the hunt symbolizes an attempt to realize almost impossible plans for your object of adoration.

Hunting according to the dream book of the esotericist E. Tsvetkov

Hunting - To enmity.

Samokhvalov's psychoanalytic dream book

What the Attack symbolizes in a dream

Hunting - Desires, especially desires for renewal. Sexual assault.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Hunting in a dream, what is the dream

Hunting - Hunting to see - to a change in business, news in your home. To participate in it - to the need to be more careful. Catching animals - to a new acquaintance, deception, deceit; if you catch animals with your bare hands, unexpected success awaits you. Hunt in a company - you have to take part in a dubious case; to hunt alone - to good luck. A hunter in a dream means the appearance of an enemy and his maneuvers against you - this serves as a warning that you are neglecting the obvious deterioration of your affairs. If a hunter shoots a bird, a dangerous enemy destroys your hopes, deliberately arouses suspicions against friends. If the hunter is hunting a person, this is a warning that, by attacking others, someone is aiming at you. If in a dream a hunter sets traps, sits in ambush, forebodings tell you to redouble your caution and vigilance. If the hunter lies in wait for the beast - a warning that the enemies are using your drives in order to lure you into a trap, in the next interpreter you can find out why this dream is dreaming.

Old French dream book

Hunting - interpretation of the dream

Hunting - To see a hunt in a dream - that someone's trickery will lead you to the brink of ruin. Go hunting in a dream is a sign of sure profit, especially if in a dream you go hunting without a weapon. Returning from a hunt in a dream with nothing - predicts despair and sorrowful events. To kill a lot of game on the hunt - to a happy meeting or marriage.

Miller's dream book

What is the dream of Hunting in a dream

Hunting - To dream that you are hunting, in reality you have to fight for the implementation of almost unrealistic plans. You chase the game and overtake it - this portends you the successful overcoming of difficulties and the fulfillment of desires. If in a dream you were unlucky on the hunt, this predicts losses and erroneous decisions in business life. Hearing the cheerful sounds of the hunting horn is a promise of complete happiness in reality and tangible support of fate in your best endeavors.

The meaning of the dream about Catching (Assyrian dream book)

Hunting - If a person is going to hunt in the desert, sadness awaits him.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of Hunting

Hunting - If in a dream you dreamed of a hunt, it means that soon the unexpected awaits you financial difficulties... For all your foresight and ingenuity, you will not be able to guess where to expect difficulties and with what area of ​​your life they will be associated. However, so that the blow does not take you by surprise, you can now start preparing for the time of lack of money, which, by the way, will be the shorter, the faster you can find the required amount of money. Try to cut your expenses now and put off big purchases for now. To hunt in a dream yourself - to win. This is both a monetary gain and a victory in some important dispute for you. Talking to hunters in a dream - be careful, you are in danger! It is carried by your acquaintances, offering you participation in some, in their words, very profitable business. Tip: do not settle for this business, no matter how good and profitable it may seem to you.

The meaning of a dream about Hunting people (Dream Interpretation of Wangi)

What is the dream of Hunting - to watch people hunting in a dream - is evidence that soon you will have fun entertainment with your friends. Sometimes a dream prophesies a meeting with an evil werewolf person who will boggle your imagination. If you dreamed that you yourself are hunting for any animal, then in reality you will face great difficulties. Your secret enemy will try in any way to interfere with the implementation of your plans. He will stop at nothing, and therefore use any folk remedies in your defense. If in a dream the hunter fell into a hole dug for animals, then the dream does not bode well. In real life, as they say, you walk on the edge of an abyss, getting involved in all sorts of risky business. Be careful, because not all things can be done for the sake of a big income. If in a dream during a hunt an animal wounded by you attacks, then your opinion that you have won a victory over your sworn enemy is mistaken. He only licks his wounds, preparing to strike you again.

Dream interpretation of miss Hasse

Hunting as an image in a dream

Hunt - Take part - endurance will ensure a wonderful future; being invited is happiness in the lottery.

Hunting - Small animals - no luck in business; on a large beast - prudence.

Esoteric dream book

Hunting in night dreams

Hunting - Common, to see, to be on the hunt, difficult situation, difficult situation. An exotic situation requires an extraordinary solution, move away from the usual stereotypes of behavior. People, you or your organization are targeted by the tax police or other fiscal authorities.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Hunting in a dream, what is the dream

Hunting - Endurance will ensure you a great future - being invited - happiness in the lottery

Hunting - Unprofitable occupation - for small animals - no luck in business - for a large animal - prudence.

Hunting on the Small Veles dream book

Hunting for large animals - Defeat the enemy // enmity, damage; the hunter is a thief.

The meaning of a dream about fishing (Gypsy dream book)

Hunting to Engage - To be amused and to go out into the field with dogs means a vain pursuit of happiness; from the hunt to return with the hunted animals means an undoubted benefit.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Hunt from your dream

Hunting - For someone - to desire what the subject of the hunt means; striving to achieve a meeting, someone's favor; intransigence, aggression.

Explanatory dream book

What to expect if you've seen the Hunt

I had a dream about hunting in a company - Take part in a dubious case; one - success

Great encyclopedia of dreams / Olga Adaskina

What the Hunt symbolizes

To take part in a big hunt - to engage in a dubious or unprofitable business, to suffer damage.

Hunt - Chase game with dogs, overtake her - to success in work (if you hunt alone).

Returning with trophies - to the fulfillment of desires, and sometimes to idleness and carelessness in business (if you only have dogs, but no game), to erroneous decisions.

Hunt - Seeing snares, traps, nets in a dream is a negative sign, a symbol of deception.

To meet a hunter in a dream - in reality to meet an evil person.

Watching hunters in a dream - soon you will have fun with your close friends.

Hunt - If you dreamed that you yourself were hunting for any animal, then in reality you will face considerable difficulties: your secret enemy will try by any means to interfere with the implementation of your plans. He will stop at nothing, and therefore you can use any, even the most cruel, means to protect yourself.

Seeing in a dream or taking part in a hunt with dogs, horns, etc. is a sign of success in business. If you are awaiting a court decision on a case, then a dream predicts to you that the case will be decided in your favor. For those who do not like hunting, a dream predicts that some events will drive such a person out of himself.

If you dream that the hunt is over or you are returning home from a hunt, then your business will not go well because of your slowness and love of idle pastime. If in a dream you are invited to hunt, then in reality you will be made a lucrative offer, which you should not refuse. Sometimes such a dream predicts a win in a gambling game.

To see, carry and use hunting equipment in a dream (snares, nets, etc.) is a harbinger that the lost will be found. If you cannot find a certain person, then a dream predicts to you that your search will end successfully. If you do not belong to either one or the other, then you should be wary of deception or beware of the business that you do for a living. The dream of hunting gear is more favorable if they are in your hands, and not in the hands of your enemies. However, seeing them in the hands of friends is a sign that these friends need to be treated with caution.

The sound of a hunting horn in a dream foreshadows the receipt of unpleasant or disturbing news. Sometimes such a dream predicts quarrels or a quarrel between partners. In general, hunting in a dream yourself or seeing others doing it is a sign of damage or an indication that your business is empty. Sometimes such a dream portends enmity. To meet a hunter in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you need to be wary of meeting an ill-wisher.

Going hunting in a dream and having a gun with you means that a friend's betrayal will upset you.

Hunting small game in a dream means that you will fail in business.

Hunting for wild beasts: See interpretation: beasts by name. But in general, such a dream warns you that it is time for you to engage in a duel with your worst enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

Dream interpretation - Hunting

Changes in business, news in your home.

To participate in the hunt - to the need to be more careful.

Catching animals - to a new acquaintance, deception, deceit.

Catch animals with your bare hands - unexpected success awaits you.

Hunting in a company - you have to take part in a dubious business to hunt alone - to good luck.

Hunter - the appearance of the enemy and his maneuvers against you.

A hunter shoots a bird - a dangerous enemy destroys your hopes, deliberately arouses suspicions against friends.

A hunter hunts a person - a warning that, attacking others, someone is aiming at you.

The hunter sets traps, sits in ambush - forebodings tell you to redouble your caution and vigilance.

The hunter lies in wait for the beast - a warning that enemies are using your drives in order to lure you into a trap.

Interpretation of dreams from

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