Home Useful properties of fruits Can I be a doctor test? A medical test that only a professional doctor can pass

Can I be a doctor test? A medical test that only a professional doctor can pass

Question to a psychologist

Hello. I am 17 years old, I am finishing the 10th grade. Since childhood, I have been very interested in medicine. And since the time comes to decide on a future profession, I need advice or good advice!
When I was little and played with dolls, I had only one game - the treatment of dolls. They were constantly in bandages and greens; I drew and imagined different (real-existing) diseases and injuries for them, and then hospitalized and treated them. It was very interesting for me. Later, I got a hamster, and one day, when I came home, I found him, at least, unconscious, lying on his back. It was cold, and the rhythm of the heartbeat was not felt. I resuscitated him, warmed him up and tried to slowly feed him ... he came to life and came to his senses. I was very happy.
For the past 3 years, I have been constantly looking out the window when an ambulance passes by. It has already become a reflex, because every time I hear a siren or see a flashing ambulance lamp, I immediately look out the window and try to see it.
I watch and periodically review serials about medicine (“Doctor Tyrsa” and “Ambulance”), sometimes I read medical literature, I search the Internet for those that interest me medical terms. I love it. I would love to become an emergency doctor, or in a hospital (however, if in a hospital, I don’t know what specialty I would choose), I also think about becoming a massage therapist ... but there are several factors that repel me from this professions, professions of a doctor: firstly, I do not know chemistry; secondly, I am afraid that I will not pass the exams necessary for admission; thirdly, ambulance workers do not have a high wage(although this factor does not repel me much); fourthly, you need to study for a very long time and learn and know a lot; and fifthly, I am afraid that I will not be able to break through and take a really good position in which I would like to help people and save their lives!
After all, I also thought about the Ministry of Emergency Situations, because I really want to help people and save their lives!
Now I can’t decide who I should be, even despite all sorts of professional tests. But exams are coming soon and you need to know what to prepare for and where to go next! I REALLY WANT MY FUTURE JOB TO PLEASURE ME, BUT I'M AFRAID THAT I WON'T FIND ONE.
I play football and in the team I play the role of, so to speak, the Doctor-Doctor ... The girls periodically apply directly or, if not possible, write about a disease or injury that bothers them; asking for help, suggest something. I manage to do them at the training camp good massage. She has helped many with back pain, muscle pain, bruises and sprains. And I am pleased and very interested.
I apologize for such a long letter, but I tried to describe the problem that interests me in as much detail as possible. This is very important to me, and I need help in choosing a profession.
By the way, I like to communicate with people, to help them whenever possible. In principle, I easily get in touch with people and can maintain a lively conversation. My friend says that I have certain oratory skills and a good tongue!
So I look forward to your advice and any help.
Thanks in advance!

Hello, Tatyana! let's see what's going on:

in addition to the whole picture of your childhood - one role play little - in order to be a doctor - it only speaks of interest on your part - that there is an interest - BUT so far nothing else! and little of this desire and play! medicine is one of the most difficult specialties, and you need to invest yourself in it, work hard, because the results will NOT come by themselves! What are you doing to make your dream come true? Are you just listing problems?

I watch and periodically review series about medicine (“Doctor Tyrsa” and “Ambulance”)

I sometimes read medical literature, search the Internet for medical terms that interest me.

THESE MOVIES ARE DIFFERENT FROM REALITY! you will NOT learn from films what THERE really is - for this you need to come to the hospital and look at patients, at doctors, find out and inquire (ask your parents, find out from friends) - what is behind this profession? what are their pitfalls - in addition to patients, studies, advanced training, a lot and routine! besides watching FROM the outside, what are YOU doing to start becoming a doctor or GO TO it?

There are several factors that repel me from this profession, the profession of a doctor:

(i.e. you see problems and DO NOT solve them) - it is NOT problems that repel, but YOU yourself! YOU see THIS as a problem and YOU DO NOT solve THEM!

first, I don't know chemistry;

what are you doing to find out? did you study it yourself? did you contact the teacher? did you work with tutors? what? knowledge by itself will NOT come - and chemistry is indeed one of the main subjects in a medical university, and also anatomy in different options!

secondly, I am afraid that I will not pass the exams necessary for admission;

What's the point of being afraid? the most important thing is to understand what will give YOU a sense of confidence in the exams - this is, first of all, KNOWLEDGE! and in order to understand what your knowledge is in REALITY, look at your grades, identify problematic and difficult areas and lean on them! go to training courses!

thirdly, ambulance workers do not have high wages (although this factor does not repel me much);

yes, NOT high (as in principle in many institutions) - BUT - and it will depend on YOU - on the intensity, on the category, etc.

fourthly, you need to study for a very long time and learn and know a lot;

And what turns you on about it? fear ? uncertainty? YES, you need to know a lot, study and work - can YOU be responsible for your actions? and only in YOUR power to work, learn and know! ready? Or is it easier for you to see NOT a way out, but obstacles?

also the choice is YOUR - to look for a way or see a dead end!

but in fact - in any specialty you need to study, know and work a lot!

and fifthly, I am afraid that I will not be able to break through and take a really good position in which I would like to help people and save their lives!

and YOUR help to people depends NOT ON the position, but ON YOU! and YOUR future will depend on YOU! how YOU build it and how you go is YOUR choice! until YOU see the path, only the limits! even studying to be a massage therapist is also a medical direction!

it is also important to go through career guidance - BUT NOT only the motivational component - BUT - 1.know your abilities! 2. know your personality and 3. motivation - and all together, an analysis of all areas will help you see the direction where you can realize yourself as much as possible (only in each profession you need to ACT, and NOT observe!)

Good answer 2 bad answer 2

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Today we have prepared 10 really difficult questions that only a person who reads a lot and has an unusually broad outlook can correctly answer. According to statistics, only 1 in 100 is able to answer all questions correctly. Perhaps it is about you. Let's find out now!

Who should be considered smart? A person with excellent logic, developed thinking and the ability to analyze, or someone who has read a lot of books? We are sure that the first option is correct. Therefore, this test is based solely on logic, and not on a random set of facts. In this test, you can guess several correct answers, but no one has yet been able to pass it without making a single mistake. We invite you to try to be the first.

Knowledge and logic formed the basis of this test. If you are a person who constantly learns something new, thinks creatively and knows what it means to "think", then you are the right person for us! In this test, you can score a maximum of 20 points, but no one has yet been able to get 18 without the help of prompts and the Internet. Let's try to fix this.

If a person knows how to correctly express his thoughts, write without errors and has a wide vocabulary, then this characterizes him as intellectually developed, with good level education. Are you fluent in your language, can you score in this test maximum score? Check yourself!

Man is a rational being, and in order to remain one, he needs to expand his horizons: learn sciences, learn languages, travel, read a lot and strive for intellectual growth. Otherwise, degradation is not far off. How broad is your horizons, do you have excellent knowledge, can you be called an erudite? If yes, then this quiz is for you! Test your strength.

Soviet schoolchildren were taught not only literacy and arithmetic. It was a shame not to know the history or geography of their state. Therefore, the erudition of those children can only be envied. The test will seem easy, but only if you have a Soviet education.

An erudite person is not easy, or rather, impossible to drive into a dead end difficult question. After all, his broad horizons, phenomenal memory, ingenuity and intelligence will always come to the rescue and help out in any difficult situation. To be such, it is necessary to engage in self-education: read a lot, get involved in science, study new and cognitive information. If you are not afraid to challenge your knowledge, then our test is for you! Test your strength!

Education in Europe is considered one of the best in the world. Students are skillfully instilled with a love of knowledge, and they continue to study even after receiving a diploma. Do you have enough knowledge to be more educated than the average European? Let's find out now!

The history of Russia covers a long period: from the formation of small principalities to the formation of a great state. Behind this formation there are many high-profile and great names, events, cities, dates and victories. Only a well-read and educated connoisseur of history will be able to answer all questions of this test. Test your knowledge.

In this test, we have prepared for you 10 difficult questions that affect wide range knowledge in geography. If you manage to answer everything, then your memory and erudition can be envied. Check your strengths and capabilities in this area. Are you really strong in geography, or does your knowledge require a portion of new and fresh information.

Doctor- the most noble and humane profession. Apparently, this is why children play doctor from an early age, and teenagers dream of becoming one. Without a doubt, it's great when a child wants to help people and save lives, but in order to become a good doctor one desire is not enough. Each specialty of this profession has its own characteristics, which you must know when choosing a direction while studying at a medical university.

Having finished medical university , you can become a pediatrician, therapist or dentist, but to become a surgeon, oncologist, cardiologist, orthopedist and other narrow specialist, you also need to complete an internship. We offer you to take a test and answer questions to decide which doctor you are better off becoming:

1. How do you react to the question of a passerby: "Tell me, please, where is the (name) of the street?"
a) Silently, I point with my hand in the right direction;
b) I ask what he is looking for there;
c) I will develop a route by opening a map of the city in my mobile phone;
d) I simply answer "I don't know" and move on.

I want to become a doctor! but I don’t know how ... tell me? what kind of doctors are in demand now? And what will be in 5 years? What kind of doctor to become? I am graduating from a medical university, and the question of choosing a future profession is now particularly acute, but I am still at a crossroads

You have chosen the profession of a doctor, but what kind of doctor to become? All types of medical activities are described here

What kind of doctor to become is not an easy question.
I speak as a highly experienced physician. When I entered the medical school, I was full of all sorts of romantic ideas about the work of a doctor. And only by the fourth course, thoughts began to arise in my head - what kind of doctor to become? You know, I sincerely envy those who can determine their priorities. But, in my opinion, the majority of medical students make doctors who are not the result of their conscious choice but as a result of circumstances. Thought to be a cardiologist, but found a place in residency only for skin diseases? Here's your dermatologist. Maybe he will be a good dermatologist... or maybe... I also thought about cardiology at the institute, and as a result, a traumatologist-orthopedist with 25 years of experience... Probably, it is important not to become a doctor in the sense of a profession, but simply become a medical professional. Feel the difference?

Choosing which doctor you want to become will depend on your preferences, abilities and capabilities. For example, you can become a dentist, therapist, pediatrician, surgeon, cardiologist, oncologist, etc.

If almost everyone knows general practitioners and pediatricians, then in relation to other doctors, people who are far from medicine may completely lack this knowledge. Up to the point that there are even anecdotal situations. So, as a cardiologist, I was once visited by a teenage girl who stubbornly complained of abdominal pain and diarrhea and was sincerely surprised that the cardiologist did not do this. And the nephrologist somehow drearily sat at the reception, waiting for patients, looking at the completed record sheet. But it turned out that all her patients went to a neurologist.

Graduating from a medical university, having completed an internship, you can become a therapist or pediatrician. But to become a specialist in a narrow profile, you need to specialize. So, let's make a clarification of what exactly this or that doctor does, who should be contacted for certain problems.

THERAPIST - a generalist, in principle, is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of all internal organs. If necessary, refer to narrow specialists.

PEDIATRIST - the same as a therapist, but with regards to childhood diseases.

NEONATOLOGIST or micropediatrician. It has such a name because it deals exclusively with children of the neonatal period, that is, only up to 1 month of life. Neonatologists work mainly in maternity hospitals, but one such specialist may also work in a city children's polyclinic.

A SURGEON is a specialist who is also known by the majority of the population. This doctor is engaged in diagnostics and mainly surgical treatment of surgical pathology.

ORTHOPEDIST - a doctor who deals with problems of bones, joints, spine. Often can act in one person with the surgeon.

TRAUMATOLOGIST - treats injuries of bones, joints, spine, most often it is, of course, fractures, dislocations or just bruises.

A NEUROLOGIST is a fairly common specialization. Neurologist (neuropathologist) deals with pathology nervous system, treats VSD, cerebral palsy, the consequences of birth or craniocerebral injuries, the consequences of infections affecting the nervous system (encephalitis, meningitis, poliomyelitis) and much more.

It is worth paying attention that it is not worth contacting a neurologist specifically in case of an injury, for example, of the head. You will need to consult a NEUROSURGEON. But when they make, for example, a diagnosis of concussion, it is already possible to be treated by a neurologist. In addition, a neurosurgeon operates on diseases of the nervous system, brain tumors, etc.

OCULIST or OPHTHALMOLOGIST solves all problems with vision and eye diseases.

ENT - a doctor or OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGIST deals with all diseases of the ear, throat, nose. But if the hearing is impaired, then the otorhinolaryngologist will refer to the audiologist.

AUDIOLOGIST - a doctor who diagnoses hearing disorders (audiogram), treats hearing loss and selects hearing aids.

NEPHROLOGIST - deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, requiring conservative treatment(pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urinary tract infections - this is all according to his profile).

UROLOGIST - a specialist in something similar to a nephrologist, but often problem solver kidneys and urinary tract in an operative way, for example, if it is a congenital anomaly, hydronephrosis, etc.

A CARDIOLOGIST is a specialist who treats all heart cases, these are hypertension, heart attacks, various arrhythmias, in children - congenital heart defects.

RHEUMATOLOGIST - a doctor specializing in rheumatoid diseases. If rheumatism is a thing of the past, then rheumatoid, systemic diseases connective tissue, vasculitis is becoming more and more common. These are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, etc. They are treated by a rheumatologist. If in adult patients the rheumatologist is singled out as a separate specialization, then in childhood such problems can be dealt with by a cardiologist.

GASTROENTEROLOGIST - specialist in all diseases gastrointestinal tract.

ALLERGIST - a specialist in the treatment of allergic pathology, including bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, allergic dermatitis, rhinitis

Dentist, plastic surgeon. A good cardiologist will not be left without bread. Yes, you always need experience. The main thing is to be a good specialist, then the patients themselves will go and incur money. After all, most doctors are stupid.

And let's end this with a cheerful poem:

All specialties smell special:
The geneticist smells of buccal scraping,
Surgeons smell like peritonitis,
And pulmonologists smell like pleurisy,

The urologist smells like a prostate secret,
Barium smells like a radiologist,
The smell of phlegm, blood and urine
Everywhere carry laboratory assistants, doctors,

Smells like agar microbiologist,
Gypsum and splints - traumatologist.
Smells like saliva, with and without belching
FGDS office doctor.

It smells like roses ... a good proctologist,
The gerontologist smells like old women,
The Uzistka smells of condom and gel,
Medical registrar - paper and glue.

The doctor podiatrist smells like feet,
Grill and bedsore - combustiologist,
Vomit, homeless people, urine and gasoline
The smell of the ambulance doctor is unbearable.

The gynecologist smells like aunts,
And the histologist smells like paraffin.
Evil old women, tons of paper
We smell poor therapists,

Smells like meconium neonatologist
It smells like urine of an old nephrologist.
The mammologist smells like a dirty armpit,
And pediatricians smell of "Rastishka"

Smells like ketones endocrinologist
Dentist smells like a rotten tooth,
The forensic doctor smells like a grave,
The chief honey smells of cognac and tequila,

A psychologist smells like a wet vest,
The anesthesiologist smells like anesthesia.
There are many smells, but there is also a bummer -

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