Home Roses Nice honey massage. How to do honey massage correctly. We start doing honey massage

Nice honey massage. How to do honey massage correctly. We start doing honey massage

One of the most popular cellulite treatments is honey massage. In addition to general health improvement, it gives pleasant sensations and is highly effective. Cosmetologists strongly advise using it in combination with an appropriate diet and special exercises. Taken together, all this brings good results.

You don't need any equipment or super-expensive ingredients. Everything can be done at home, or in the absence of free time, sign up for a salon.

Mechanism of action

Skin receptors explode - blood circulation in the problem area of ​​the body improves, and this helps to get rid of the nasty orange peel. Microprocesses are triggered in the body at the cellular level, which, with regular repetition, have a positive effect on the state of the body:

  • excess fluid and harmful substances are removed from the tissues;
  • the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases;
  • further formation of foci of fatty stagnation is prevented;
  • fat cells are broken down;
  • metabolism improves;
  • lymph flow is accelerated.

Thanks to these cellular metamorphoses, the honey anti-cellulite massage, followed by the course, gives the body contours a slenderness. A nice bonus will be the acquisition of a beautiful (golden) skin tone. After 3-4 procedures, you will also notice that after the sessions you do not feel tired and are in an excellent mood.

It will be quite difficult to do honey massage at home for one simple reason - not the entire problem area can be worked out. If cellulite is on the abdomen, then it is still possible, although some areas on the back in the waist area will still remain "in the shade". The back of the thighs and buttocks (which usually have the most pronounced orange peel) also require the involvement of an outsider whenever possible.

An interesting fact. In some people, after several sessions, a subtle taste of honey appears in their mouths, although they do not eat it. Scientists explain this interesting phenomenon by the fact that the body is saturated with this product in sufficient quantities during the procedures, which causes such unusual sensations.

If you are using honey massage for cellulite, learn a couple of secrets to get the most out of it.

  1. Warm up the skin before the procedure - in a bath, sauna, bath, shower.
  2. Rub it well with a towel.
  3. Check beforehand if the honey massage mixture will cause an allergic reaction.
  4. The duration of the procedure on each problem area is no longer than 10 minutes.
  5. Only after 15-20 minutes go to the shower - during this time honey will continue its revolutionary anti-cellulite activity at the cellular level.
  6. Rinse with warm water without using detergents or foaming agents.
  7. Apply anti-cellulite cream to the problem area.
  8. Alternate massage with.
  9. To achieve results as soon as possible, follow the special and select the appropriate diet.
  10. Depilate the thighs first, otherwise the procedure will be very painful.
  11. After the session, it is not recommended to go outside for 1-1.5 hours.

Questions and answers

  • How to do it right?

Start with the simplest technology described above, without involving any gimmicks. Gradually, acquiring skills, move on to more complex techniques.

  • How often can you do it?
  • When is the best time to do it?

In the evening, 2-3 hours before bedtime.

  • How many sessions are required?

Full course - from 8 to 15 procedures, depending on the initial condition of the skin.

  • Are there complications?

Pain in the treated area may occur and hematomas may form. This should not be considered a natural consequence of the procedure. This is alarming evidence that mistakes are made in the execution technique (too strong pressure is made, vacuum or roller massagers are not used correctly, etc.). All this needs to be reviewed, bruises should be healed with ointments. The fact is that a harmless bruise with repeated hemorrhage can lead to microtraumas, which often become sources of infections or sepsis.

Keep in mind. Massage should be done on both sides of the body: that is, treat not only the stomach in front, but also the back in the waist area; not only the front, but also the back of the thighs. Otherwise, the blood will leave the untreated area, which will lead to the failure of the organs located in it.

The results of home anti-cellulite honey massage
Photo taken from the resource Irecommend.ru

Formulation recipes

For anti-cellulite massage, you can use different compositions - classical (only with honey, preheating it in a water bath) or with the involvement of additional components - anti-edema, fat burning, rejuvenating. So pick up a recipe and pamper your skin with healing mixtures.

  • With essential oils

There are 3-4 drops for 50 ml of honey. The most commonly used anti-cellulite programs are: lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, juniper, eucalyptus and lavender.

  • With almond oil

Mix equal amounts of honey and almond oil, preheated to a liquid state. Instead of almond, you can safely use olive.

  • With dairy products

Mix a glass of honey with 500 ml of milk, kefir, yogurt or yogurt.

  • With cream

Mix a glass of honey with 30 ml of heavy cream, slightly dilute with mineral water.

  • Multi-component mixture

Mix 50 ml of honey and almond oil, add 5 drops of rose essential oil, 15 ml of oily vitamin E.

  • With lemon

Mix 50 ml of honey with 20 ml of concentrated lemon juice.

If the composition of the massage paste contains vitamins and essential oils, do not heat the honey to too hot a state, otherwise the benefits of these components will be destroyed by the high temperature. Heating is best done in a water bath.

Features of the salon procedure

In the absence of time or an assistant who could work hard-to-reach places for you at home, it is better to sign up for a salon massage. The advantages are obvious: your body will be in the hands of a real professional, the effect will be more noticeable and manifest itself faster, the risk of complications is minimal, all responsibility lies with the master. However, all this is guaranteed only if you find a good salon.

The cost of 1 salon session of honey massage for cellulite is from $ 10 to $ 50. The price depends on the duration of the procedure, and the time spent depends on the scale of the problem areas being worked out.

A professional massage therapist initially asks for medical certificates to identify contraindications, and also examines the area of ​​the body with cellulite. Together with the patient, he chooses the execution technique, explains its action and effect.

If after the salon procedure you feel weakness, weakness, pain, discomfort, tachycardia, dizziness, then it is better to refuse such a masseur and find another.

If cellulite is your headache and the cause of internal complexes, you should definitely try honey massage, with a whole course. It will not only smooth the skin and get rid of the hated orange peel. After it, lightness is felt throughout the body and the mood rises. If along the way you go in for sports and eat right, your main problem will be solved as soon as possible.

This procedure is unique in its properties, has an anti-cellulite, rejuvenating, smoothing effect, helps to strengthen the immune system and improve the general condition of the body. And most importantly, all this can be achieved at home. Let's consider the most effective ways to apply such a wonderful method.

Honey massage for cellulite

Another wonderful property of honey is that it is able to smooth out the "orange peel" on problem areas of the body. The peculiarity of its use in this case is that in the presence of a vascular mesh, asterisks and clearly visible veins, it is contraindicated. In other cases - only for health. Also, in this case, it is better to use non-sugared liquid honey for massage. Before the session, you should cleanse the areas where the massage will be performed, ideally a sauna or hot bath.

Two options for anti-cellulite honey massage:

1. Honey is applied to the hands and by the method of peeling and sticking, as well as patting, as if "hammered" into problem areas. The movements should be sharper than with a facial massage. Initially, the procedure may seem painful, and bruising is possible, especially on the inner thigh. The duration of the massage is about 5-10 minutes.

2. Another way is to apply the honey mass directly to problem areas, leave for 2-3 minutes, and then, using the movements described in the first option, work out all the zones that need it.

If you wish, you can turn the honey massage into a wrap, that is, wrap parts of the body with a film and leave it there for 30-40 minutes. It is better to wash off the honey with warm water using a soft sponge.

Honey facial massage

Honey massage for the face makes it smooth, velvety, fights almost all known cosmetic problems - fading, wrinkles, acne, normalizes fat content, increases elasticity and much more. The standard memory of massage is various circular, vertical and horizontal strokes, pressure. However, honey facial massage is done in a different way.

Lightly warmed honey in a liquid state should be applied to the skin. If you have solid honey, use a water bath, it will quickly take on the desired consistency. This unique substance should be spread evenly over the face and left for about 5 minutes. After this time, you will see that some of the honey has been absorbed, while the other remains on the face. In those places where absorption did not occur, there are some problems, such as micro cracks or damage. In general, this indicates a metabolic disorder.

The remaining honey is massaged. These are light, non-aggressive movements, which consist in sticking and unsticking hands from the face. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to carry out from 10 to 15 sessions every other day to achieve the best result.

Honey massage of the abdomen

The abdomen is a problem area for many women. Not only fat deposits can be depressing, but also stretch marks that appear after childbirth or due to any other reasons, and the general flabbiness of the skin does not look very attractive. Honey massage will help get rid of all this.

It should be remembered that the stomach is a delicate place, there are many internal organs, so the massage is carried out carefully. The honey is applied with light, non-pressing movements, then left for a few minutes, but no more than 5. Then the massage itself begins. In this case, various smoothing movements are used - circular, zigzag, peppercorn. Also, do not forget about the method of sticking and unsticking palms, but you need to act gently, just like in the case of the skin of the face. It will be enough 5-7 minutes of massage, then the honey mass should be washed off.

In addition to the obvious cosmetic effect, you will also notice an improvement in the condition of the body. Honey massage is a real gift for your beauty and health!

It is not known who first decided to use bee honey instead of regular massage oil, but this idea quickly spread throughout the world.

In the Middle Ages, honey massage was used by everyone who could afford it, both for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

And in the notes of the French surgeon Ambroise Paré, even a recipe for an ointment based on honey was preserved, which he used to rub into the diseased parts of the patient's body. In the Russian tradition, this procedure is especially distinguished from other types of massage.

The massage itself has a strong effect on the body. What are the benefits of honey massage:

  1. blood circulation accelerates;
  2. muscle spasm is relieved;
  3. improves the outflow of blood and lymph from the periphery of the body to the center;
  4. the immune system is activated;
  5. metabolism proceeds faster;
  6. toxins and waste products of cells are removed from the body;
  7. the work of internal organs is getting better.

As a result, the patient's well-being and appearance improves, and many health problems are solved.... The use of bee honey as a basis for massage increases its effectiveness due to the fact that honey:

  1. acts as a peeling (or shugaring), helping to remove dead layers of the epidermis;
  2. stimulates blood flow and skin respiration;
  3. accelerates the elimination of toxins;
  4. activates metabolic processes in the skin and subcutaneous tissues;
  5. its composition is close to blood plasma - it is quickly absorbed into the skin and penetrates into the bloodstream, from where all biologically active substances and chemical elements enter the cells of internal organs, improving their work;
  6. has an antimicrobial effect - it disinfects the skin and accelerates the healing of minor injuries;
  7. improves mood with its aroma.

Due to the unique consistency of this natural gift, the masseur's movements become more effective - he carefully works out the deep layers of tissues, from skin to muscles. At the same time, nerve endings are stimulated, through which the work of internal organs is regulated. Therefore, this procedure has not only cosmetic, but also a powerful therapeutic effect.

Choosing honey

It is very important that the honey used in the work of the massage therapist has a suitable consistency - it is moderately liquid and moderately thick, but by no means sugared.

In addition, it must contain a sufficient amount of biologically active substances and trace elements.

Therefore, in good salons, only a natural product is used that has passed the necessary control and purchased from reliable suppliers or manufacturers.

Last year's honey is gently melted at low temperatures, but fresh harvest is preferred. In some cases, the type of honey is also taken into account. For example, linden, like linden itself, has a strong diaphoretic effect. It is indispensable in the fight against excess pounds and cellulite.

But buckwheat has a strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and wound healing effect. It stimulates the processes of cell regeneration, due to which it is actively used to combat age-related changes, acne (without exacerbation) and is well suited for sensitive skin.

Floral honey is considered a more versatile base - it can be used in any case. Some beauticians and massage therapists mix different types to get a versatile effect.

Useful Supplements

Most often, essential oils are added to honey, which help to obtain a certain effect. Citrus oils, for example, help break down body fat. Chamomile, mint and rose soothe and relieve irritation. Tea tree, jojoba oil and lavender rejuvenate, while neroli and bergamot cleanse.

The beautician selects supplements based on the characteristics of the patient's skin, his age, and existing problems.

Important! When using supplements, you must make sure that there are no allergic reactions and individual intolerance. The beautician should apply a small amount of the additive on a neutral basis to the patient's elbow area. The lack of redness gives this component a green light.

Areas of the body for exposure

This technique is used to work out almost any part of the body. It all depends on what kind of effect the massage therapist or the patient wants to get.

The abdomen is massaged to improve digestion: to normalize the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, and intestines.

In addition, massage helps to tone the abdominal muscles, get rid of cellulite and accelerate the breakdown of fatty deposits in this area.

The area of ​​the face and neck is massaged in order to rejuvenate, cleanse the skin, and improve the appearance. Regularly performing honey facial massage, you get rid of small mimic wrinkles, tighten the contours of the face, get rid of puffiness, bags under the eyes, "bulldog cheeks" and other problems.

Honey back massage is often used for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes - to relieve tension and stress, eliminate pain and muscle spasms. Purposeful study of the chest area helps to get rid of cough, improves the condition in chronic respiratory diseases.

Foot massage helps to improve venous outflow and eliminate lymph congestion; it is effective for chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins. It makes the skin of the feet soft and silky to the touch, helps to relax and improve overall well-being, by acting on the reflex points of the skin of the foot.

Important! The tendency to form vascular "nets", rosacea, rosacea and hypersensitivity of the skin is a limitation to the use of massage techniques. In this case, honey wraps may be recommended.

How to do

How to do honey massage: as in the classic massage, stroking, rubbing and patting are applied - these techniques are performed before honey is applied to the skin.

They help warm up the skin and muscles and prepare them for deeper massage treatments. Then the masseur takes some warmed honey and gently applies it to the area of ​​the body to be worked on.

With light sliding movements, he distributes this healing mass over the skin, and then begins to "drive" into the thickness of the skin with patting movements.

As the sticky mass is absorbed, the masseur's palms are more and more difficult to detach from the skin. By raising them, it removes dead cells of the epidermis from its surface, and also affects the deep layers of soft tissues and the nerve endings hidden in them.

If the purpose of the massage is a superficial effect on the skin and feeding it with honey, then the massage therapist works with his fingertips, and deeply located tissues are not affected. On average, a masseur takes about twenty minutes to work on one anatomical area, and about an hour for the whole body.

Anti-cellulite slimming

To combat cellulite and obesity, both massage and honey wraps are used. Their effectiveness in this case is due, firstly, to the acceleration of blood circulation, lymph flow and metabolic processes in the area being worked on, and secondly, to the composition and properties of the honey itself. Therefore, this honey massage for weight loss is very popular.

Often these methods are combined with each other - thereby increasing their effectiveness. First, the masseur works out the "problem area" well, and then wraps it with a film and covers the patient with a warm blanket. Honey penetrates deep into the skin and bloodstream, where it works its magic.

Sometimes a fresh layer of slightly warmed honey is applied before wrapping. This contributes to a more active saturation of tissues and the body as a whole.

It is recommended to carry out such sessions of honey anti-cellulite massage at intervals of one day, that is, from three to four times a week. This mode allows you to get the maximum result in a relatively short time.

End of session

Despite all the useful properties of honey, hardly anyone will want to leave the massage therapist's office without washing off this magical, but incredibly sticky substance.

Therefore, after a massage or body wrap session, the patient is invited to take a shower or visit a bath (sauna) to put his body in order.

Together with the remnants of honey, both its dead surface layers and metabolic products that came out along with sweat will be washed off the skin. It is recommended to use a coarse washcloth or scrub for a more thorough cleansing.

In addition, after the procedure, you will need to drink a lot of liquid - clean drinking water or herbal tea. This is necessary because by his actions the massage therapist launched many metabolic processes in the body.

Metabolic processes can only take place in the presence of the most important solvent in our body - water. At least one and a half liter of liquid must be consumed in order to prolong the healing and cosmetic effect of the massage.

Important! Consumption of a sufficient amount of fluid helps to cleanse the body of metabolic products (including toxic ones), which are formed in large quantities in cells after honey massage.

Indications for use

There are a lot of indications for honey massage. First of all, these are:

  • excess weight;
  • feeling unwell, fatigue, stress;
  • insomnia;
  • tension headaches;
  • back pain caused by muscle tension and spasm;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • humeral periarthrosis;
  • chronic joint pathologies (arthritis in remission, arthrosis);
  • chronic diseases of the respiratory system (outside the stage of exacerbation);
  • sluggish digestion;
  • frequent colds;
  • neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In addition, this technique is used to:

  • cleansing the skin of the face, getting rid of blackheads;
  • improving the appearance, condition of the skin;
  • increasing elasticity, moisturizing the skin;
  • rejuvenation, face lifting, getting rid of a double chin, "bulldog cheeks", folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, overhanging eyelids;
  • fight against acne, pimples;
  • weight loss;
  • cellulite treatment and body shaping;
  • improving overall vitality, mental and physical performance.

Bad mood and fatigue can also be a reason for a session!

Carrying out this massage in the bath will also have a positive effect, when the body is more relaxed, and the pores are maximally opened.


Honey massage, contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • any diseases in the acute stage;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • allergy to bee products;
  • menstruation.

If there are open wounds, lesions and abscesses on the skin in the area of ​​the massaged area, the session is postponed until they are completely healed.

How much is this pleasure worth?

Honey massage: the price for a honey massage session ranges from 300 to 500 rubles per one area of ​​the body. Average course - from 5 to 7 procedures. Some salons offer a comprehensive study of the whole body, the cost of which usually ranges from 800-1000 rubles per procedure.

Due to its relatively low cost and effectiveness, honey massage is one of the most affordable and popular procedures today. With its help, many cosmetic and medical problems are solved. And, despite the fact that everyone can master this technique and do honey massage at home, many people prefer to visit the salon, because the skillful hands and professionalism of the massage therapist significantly increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

Honey massage: video review

Watch a useful video about honey massage for the back, abdomen and face:

Massage with honey is an extremely effective wellness procedure that has been known since antiquity. It was widespread in China, India, was actively used to treat many diseases in Tibet, and allowed to preserve youth and health in Russia. The popularity of this massage technique has not decreased today.

Massage with honey

In the course of this procedure, the benefits of massage technique are significantly enhanced and supplemented by the benefits of vitamins and trace elements contained in honey. A bee product with a whole range of nutrients penetrates deeply into the skin, blood, muscles, internal organs, nourishing and toning them. As a result, the effect of honey massage is simply colossal. With its help it is possible to:

  • Strengthen immunity, significantly increasing the body's resistance to various diseases and negative external influences.
  • Neutralize physical and mental fatigue. The special composition of the honey mass allows you to quickly replenish the body's energy supply, and certain substances soothe and normalize the nervous system. Honey massage is often credited as part of the treatment for psychosomatic illnesses.
  • Restore the tone and function of internal organs, joints, muscles. In addition, this agent has a beneficial effect on pressure, reducing it to an optimal value.
  • Prevent or cure a number of diseases. It is used to treat colds, bronchitis and other respiratory problems. The massage procedure is also effective in the fight against osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis. This effect helps to quickly and permanently overcome headaches.
  • Improve muscle condition, tighten skin and make it healthy and supple. Honey significantly enhances the circulation of blood, lymph, assimilation of other nutrients and elements. In addition, the sticky substance cleanses the pores from dirt, due to which the skin is better oxygenated.
  • Remove toxins from the body. Honey fetters them and brings them out. This makes it possible to improve health, improve metabolism, and normalize weight.
  • Strengthen and strengthen blood vessels and the cardiovascular system as a whole.

Massage will strengthen the cardiovascular system

Tellingly, even during the production of treats, bees produce special enzymes that process nutrients into a form that is easier to digest. As a result, massage honey penetrates directly into the skin and almost all of its composition benefits the body.

Indications and contraindications

Just as effectively as in professional massage parlors, you can perform honey massage at home. The main thing is to correctly follow the procedure technique, as well as adhere to the indications and contraindications.

This format of healing effects is used in a number of cases. It has established itself as an effective prophylactic agent that helps prevent many diseases and constantly keep the body in good shape. Also, the massage process using honey is used to treat pulmonary and colds (pneumonia, mild and chronic bronchitis, flu symptoms). This method has also proven itself as an effective means of dealing with stress.

Massage with honey is widely used in the cosmetic field. It is prescribed to fight cellulite, eliminate stretch marks, small scars. On its basis, work is carried out to correct the shape of the figure. It also provides elasticity and firmness to the skin, removes the "orange peel" effect.

But, it should be remembered that the use of honey massage is possible only if a person has no contraindications to it. Such contraindications are:

Increased body temperature

  • the presence of allergic reactions to honey or its individual components;
  • increased body temperature and fever, which are the result of illness;
  • the presence of malignant and benign tumors in the body;
  • most sexually transmitted diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • serious problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • dermatitis, fungi and other skin diseases;
  • blood clotting problems;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • asthma and tuberculosis.

Attention! Completely contraindicated in pregnancy. It cannot be performed even when the patient is in a state of alcoholic intoxication. If the procedure is performed for a person prone to hypertension, a sharp increase in pressure may be observed, which also makes it undesirable in this condition.

How to choose honey for massage

The most commonly used buckwheat and linden varieties. They are especially in demand when working with a face. In the case of a general procedure for the prevention of disease or weight loss, any option is suitable. The main thing is that it has the desired consistency.

The product is used exclusively in the form of a liquid, transparent mass with high viscosity. The candied look, of course, is not suitable for the procedure. It must be thoroughly melted in a steam bath before use. As for the volume, 4-5 tablespoons of the substance will be enough for one session.

Quite often, honey is not used in its pure form, but with various additives that enhance its main effect. Basically, essential oils are used for this. You can add a few drops of peppermint, orange, juniper oil. If the main purpose of the session is to lose weight, a specific mixture of oils is added to the bee treat. It includes:

Geranium oil

  • Geranium oil - 3 drops.
  • Juniper - 3 drops.
  • Grapefruit - 5 drops.
  • Lemon - 2 drops.

The components are thoroughly mixed, after which they are added to the general substance, 5 drops per session. They allow you to quickly break down and remove fat deposits, excess water.

Types of honey massage

The general health and rejuvenating effect of honey massage treatments is widely known. But, targeted exposure to certain areas of the body with different intensities and different additives can give more specific results. In accordance with this, there are several dozen types of such massage. The main ones are:

Honey massage for face

Of course, this approach is especially popular among women. It allows you to significantly increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, make it softer and more silky, smooth out the wrinkles that have appeared. But, this type of massage is useful not only in cosmetic terms. It is believed that there are points on the face that directly affect the work of internal organs. Therefore, by stimulating such points, it is possible to increase the general tone of most body systems, to solve minor and some larger diseases that develop in them.

Massage with honey for face and neck

Massage procedures for the abdomen

The emphasis on this area significantly enhances metabolism, tidies up the intestines and stomach, and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Also, honey is quickly absorbed into the skin and allows for several sessions to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Anti-cellulite variety

It makes it possible for a month of regular sessions to remove excess fat and remove water from the thighs and buttocks. Sessions are held every other day. In this case, the main focus is solely on the "problem" areas of the body. Often the composition uses a honey mass interspersed with citrus essential oils.

Impact on the back

When working with the back, the effect can also be quite powerful. This type involves accelerating blood circulation in the muscles. As a result, their relaxation occurs, the elimination of clamps that cause pain. A beneficial effect can be traced in relation to the nervous system. It consists in relieving stress, getting rid of insomnia, neutralizing physical fatigue. The method is also quite effective in the treatment of sciatica and osteochondrosis.

Vacuum massage

It is performed using special cans. It involves pumping out the waste mass from the deeper layers of the skin, as well as a more intense blood flow to it. As a result, the resulting effect can be more pronounced.

Vacuum body massage

Basic rules for honey massage

Like any other therapeutic effect, massage with honey can only be effective if performed correctly. It, in turn, is possible only if the basic rules and stages of the procedure are observed.

First of all, you should adhere to the following conditions:

  1. Honey should not be sugary, but not too runny. You should find a middle ground between these two states.
  2. It is not recommended to apply it on the groin area, the skin of the armpits and knees, and the chest.
  3. The honey mass should be exclusively natural. The same goes for the essential oils used.
  4. Once used, the product must be disposed of immediately. Reuse is prohibited, as the waste material contains a lot of toxins and slags.

These rules will maximize efficiency. But, one should also not forget about the correct sequence of implementation of the massage process. It starts with preparation.


The preparatory stage is carried out right before the main part. During it, the patient can take a warm, relaxing shower. Further, the master (the one who performs the massage) puts the patient on the couch so that he is comfortable.

Before applying the bee product itself, you should warm up the body well in advance. An effective way to do this is to lightly pat the areas for further action. Perform them within 5 minutes. You can also warm up the muscles in the same time period using well-known standard techniques.

Honey is heated in a water bath

At the end of the warming up, the master once again checks whether the honey is in the right condition. If it thickens a little, it must be additionally heated in a water bath. The main thing is not to overdo it with temperature, since too much heating will lead to the breakdown of many useful trace elements.

At the end of heating, the sweet mass is gently and easily rubbed into the body. Where exactly depends on the type used. With a general massage, the application starts from the feet. The masseur smoothly moves to the back and above.


At the end of the preparatory stage, the main part follows immediately without a pause. It is represented by the following sequence:

  1. By alternating light strokes and stronger strokes, the honey continues to be rubbed into the skin. This allows for increased heating of muscles and tissues, and also allows honey to penetrate deeper into the pores. When the mass thickens to such an extent that it is already difficult to carry out further rubbing, stroking ends.
  2. Next, the master applies a palm to individual areas of the skin. When it is completely adhered to the sticky mixture, the palm comes off abruptly. Together with it, salts, dirt, sebaceous plugs, and particles of fat come out of the skin.
  3. When the entire surface of the massaged area is covered with a white thick film, it must be washed off with a sponge and warm water.

At the end of the main part, the patient should be wiped dry, wrapped in a warm blanket and allowed to lie down for 15 minutes. If possible, you can drink hot tea with honey and lemon. This will increase the efficiency of the work done.

Reference. The effect can be prolonged by wrapping the affected areas with plastic wrap. A thick layer of fabric is wound over the film. This will provide an abundant release of toxins and the absorption of nutrients. This wrapping can be carried out within 1-3 hours.


At the end of the procedure, a shower is preferred over a regular towel. Even after wiping it with a sponge, honey particles with toxins remain on the body. And over time, they are again absorbed into the pores. But a warm shower will help wash them off the skin, which completely eliminates even the smallest chance of re-contamination of the body.

Duration and number of sessions

Parameters such as the duration of the session, the frequency and the general term of treatment are quite individual. They may depend on the type of massage and the condition of the patient. In addition, a person's sensitivity to pain is also an important factor. Such a process is quite painful and at the end of it, small bruises may even appear. But with each procedure, the body gets used to it, and the effect can be lengthened.

On average, one session can take from 5 to 60 minutes. The number of sessions is also strictly individual. On average, it is 8-10 visits with a break of 1-2 days. In this case, the patient is guided by his painful sensations. If the pain does not go away by 3-4 visits, it is better to refuse this type of massage.


The procedure has already become an integral item in the list of services of most massage and beauty salons. But, due to the simplicity of implementation, it can be easily implemented at home. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the listed rules and warnings. Massage with honey will allow you to look much younger and healthier, spending a minimum of money and effort on it.

The benefits of honey can hardly be overestimated. We love this unique product for its extraordinary taste and aroma, we use it as a medicine for the prevention and treatment of various diseases, we use it in cooking and cosmetology. And today we will talk about massage with honey and how to do honey massage at home with the greatest benefits and effectiveness for health and beauty.

Before moving on to the essence of the honey massage procedure, let's talk about what massage is in principle and how it came about.

Probably, massage as a technique originally arose on an instinctive level, when a person, without hesitation, rubbed and kneaded a bruised or sore spot. We still do that often now. In the process, it was noticed that such actions help relieve overwork and fatigue, even later massage was used to soften and cleanse the skin.

In many manuscripts and in the Bible, it is said that ancient healers used the art of massage to improve the condition of a person and to heal diseases. Drawings made in those days with images of people rubbing each other are further evidence of the use of massage.

At the same time, aromatic oils were used to lubricate and rub the skin. The traces of oils, herbs and ointments found during the excavations are proof that people, together with various methods of manipulating the body with their hands, used various means to help heal wounds and soften the skin.

Already from the name of this procedure, you can understand what massage is and how to perform it. For example, in Arabic the word “massage” means “to touch”, “gently press”, in French it means “to rub”, in Greek it means “to squeeze with your hands”. In fact, these are the names of different types of effects on the body with the hands, which are the main techniques used in massage.

It is believed that the first massage technique was developed in ancient times by Chinese healers, who managed to find certain points on the human body, when pressed on which an amazing healing effect is manifested. Later, the massage technique was developed and became part of the culture of Japan.

Read also: Honey massage for osteochondrosis at home

Archaeological finds indicate that the Persians and Egyptians used massage techniques for medicinal purposes and in skin care for the face and whole body. For this, various mixtures and ointments were made with the addition of aromatic oils, resins, medicinal herbs and honey.

Much later, at the turn of our era, the massage technique began to be used in European countries, especially the cult of a healthy body flourished in ancient Rome and ancient Greece.

During the dark Middle Ages, the development of massage techniques and its use were practically suspended. But already in the Renaissance, with the emergence of interest in the beauty of the body, with the development of painting and art, they again remembered about massage.

Gradually, this procedure was recognized as an effective way to treat various diseases, teaching and learning the basics and techniques of massage was introduced in medical institutions.

Massage with honey can be considered one of the discoveries of ancient medicine. They knew how to do honey massage even in Ancient Tibet. In Russia, honey massage was used in a special way, in combination with hardening procedures, with beating with wooden chocks and rubbing and patting with a broom that has survived to our time (among the Slavs, this technique was called "horsetailing").

How is honey massage useful?

Honey contains the energy of the sun and plants, which is further enhanced by the amazingly intelligent and productive activity of little bees, producing a unique natural product.

The healing and health-improving possibilities of honey massage are unique. The ancient doctors of Tibet, Southeast Asia, India and Russia knew about this and used it to restore strength, improve health and appearance, and get rid of serious diseases.

And nowadays massage with honey is also widely used for preventive, therapeutic and cosmetic purposes, the effect of which is achieved through the interaction and penetration of useful substances from honey through the skin.

Honey massage at home is most often carried out for the purpose of general improvement in complex treatment, to restore strength and increase activity with a weakened body and a decrease in performance, with sleep disorders, with headaches, to strengthen immunity, with fatigue, stress, muscle tension, with osteochondrosis, joint diseases and lingering respiratory diseases.

As a result of mechanical action on the body with the hands using honey:

  • the body relaxes, the motor function of the joints improves;
  • general well-being improves;
  • the skin becomes soft, smooth and silky;
  • sweat and sebaceous glands are cleared, harmful substances are quickly removed from the body;
  • metabolic processes occur more intensively, blood circulation improves, lymphatic drainage is restored;
  • muscles are tightened, the skin is smoothed, manifestations decrease, extra pounds go away.

Read also: Honey massage for cellulite - the way to health and beauty

How to do honey massage at home?

Most often, a classic massage is performed at home, which consists of such techniques as kneading, stroking, vibration, rubbing, percussion. Of course, to do the massage correctly, you need to master the technique of its implementation.

Body massage always starts with stroking and ends with the same technique. The purpose of this action is to warm up the muscles and increase blood flow. Kneading promotes muscle relaxation and improves blood circulation. Tapping helps to increase superficial blood circulation, separates and removes phlegm from the lungs. Rubbing is often used to massage the periarticular areas, as a result of which movement is restored and blood circulation is increased. With the help of vibration, the tissues of the body are relaxed.

The technique of honey massage has its own characteristics, and almost everyone, even at home, can do it correctly, having learned the simplest techniques.

  • Before starting the procedure, you need to prepare honey. For massage, a natural product is used without any additives in liquid form (candied honey must first be melted in a water bath, without heating your 40 ° C).
  • You can add aroma oil or a mixture of oils to honey. The choice depends on the desired result. For example, lavender oil is used as a sedative, eucalyptus oil is used for the respiratory system, citrus oil has a better effect in getting rid of cellulite.
  • Oil is added at the rate of 5 drops of oil per teaspoon of honey.
  • For one procedure, it is enough to prepare 2 tablespoons of honey or its mixture with oil.

Before the honey massage, a preliminary warming up general massage of the whole body is done (3-5 minutes). Then the honey mixture is transferred from the palms to the desired area of ​​the body with patting light movements. Most of the honey remains on the skin and a small amount on the hands.

At this stage, the following technique is used: the hands must be pressed tightly to the skin, as if gluing, and then the palms must be quickly withdrawn, gradually increasing the pressing force and accelerating the pace. The massage technique can be changed in the process: tearing off the palms either sharper or softer, alternate two palms and one at the same time. In this case, you can use not only the palm, but also its side surface and fingers.

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