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Biography. Biography Prominent figure of Ukraine

Vynnychenko Vladimir Kirillovich(Volodymyr Vinnichenko) - Ukrainian writer, artist, public and political figure. A noticeable and significant figure in Ukrainian culture and politics of the first half of the twentieth century.

Born on July 16 (28), 1880 in a family of former serfs in Elisavetgrad (now Kropyvnytskyi, former Kirovograd), which is recorded in the metric book of the Elisavetgrad Church of Our Lady of Vladimir. The recording was made by the hand of Archpriest Zacharius on July 17, 1880, the day after the birth, who baptized the boy in this church, Vladimir Vinnichenko. His father, a peasant farm laborer Kirill Vasilyevich Vinnichenko, originally from the village of Vesyoly Kut (now Grigorievka not far from Kropyvnytskyi), moved to Elisavetgrad, where he married the widow Evdokia Pavlenko, nee Linnik, who already had three children - Andrei, Maria and Vasily. Vladimir became the fourth mother and the only one in their marriage with K. Vinnichenko.

In the elementary public school, Vladimir showed himself to be a capable student, and his parents decided to continue his education at the Elisavetgrad gymnasium, despite the difficult financial situation of a large family. Education in the gymnasium was mainly funded by his brother, a printing house worker. However, in the gymnasium, his problems were not limited to material ones: poor clothing, Ukrainian dialect and other signs of rural origin caused hostile attitude from Russian-speaking and Russian children, mostly from the bourgeoisie. But the boy was not frail and could stand up for himself and, as a result, constantly participated in fights. In the senior grades, the unsatisfactory behavior of the gymnasium student Vinnichenko was further aggravated by revolutionary activities. The consequences of the revolutionary poem he wrote were a punishment cell and expulsion from the seventh grade of the gymnasium. Awareness of his position did not break the future writer, on the contrary, it provoked a protest against social and national inequality, and this period of his life laid the foundations for his revolutionary views throughout his life.

Due to lack of money, young Vynnychenko was forced to travel around the villages, interrupting daily work, while he kept a travel diary, which later, in 1901, became the basis of his first story, and was engaged in self-education. In 1900, Vynnychenko passed exams at the Zlatopol men's gymnasium as an external student and received a certificate of maturity. Ignoring the reaction of those around him, he came to the exams in Ukrainian clothes, in a hat, with a stick, as if demonstratively proclaiming his “Ukrainianness”. And in 1901 he entered the law faculty of the Kiev University of St. Vladimir.

Vinnichenko is a politician.

Politics began to play an increasing role in Vynnychenko's life, he became acquainted with socialist doctrine through illegal expositions of the works of Karl Marx and determined his social democratic convictions. Immediately after entering Kiev University, he created there a secret student revolutionary organization ("Student Community"), for which on February 4, 1902 he was arrested and imprisoned in a solitary confinement cell at Lukyanovskaya prison in Kiev, but for lack of evidence he was released, expelled from the university without the right to continue study in any other higher educational institution, and not having time to finish the first year. He was forced to move to the Poltava region, where he got a job as a home teacher. In the same period, he became a member of the Ukrainian Revolutionary Party (URP), on behalf of which he carried out agitation and propaganda work among the workers of Kiev and the peasants of the Poltava province. But by the end of 1902, a new arrest followed, conscription into the army and enrollment in the 5th engineer battalion. However, the young revolutionary saw service to the tsarist regime as disgusting, and without spending even two months in the barracks, on February 1, 1903, he voluntarily left the military unit and fled to Ukrainian Galicia, which was then part of Austria-Hungary, which was his first emigration. Since that time, Vynnychenko has been leading professional revolutionary activities, writing and translating books and brochures on revolutionary topics.

At the beginning of 1903, Vynnychenko and his Kiev acquaintance D. Antonovich entered the Foreign Committee of the Revolutionary Ukrainian Party. Together they edited the party organ of the RUE - the newspaper Gaslo (Slogan), which was illegally transported to the Russian Empire. During one of the border crossings in July 1903, Vynnychenko was detained and brought before a military court for desertion. The future seemed to him so terrible that he tried to commit suicide, but was saved. At the beginning of 1904 he was sent to a disciplinary battalion, but a lucky chance made his fate easier: under an amnesty (concerning the birth of Tsarevich Alexei), six months later, he was released from the "disbat".

V. Vinnichenko was one of the founders of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Labor Party (created in December 1905 during the Russian revolution of 1905-1907 on the basis of the RUE), headed its left wing. He was a member of the central organs of the party, edited the organ "Borotba" ("Struggle"). From 1906 to 1914, he conducted semi-legal activities in different parts of the Russian Empire, was repeatedly subjected to police persecution and arrest, several times found himself in exile, mainly in Galicia, Austria, Hungary, France, Italy and Switzerland. In France in 1910 he was a member of the "Ukrainian community" in Paris, in 1913-1914 he was in Lvov, where he edited the magazine "Dzvin" ("Bell"). With the outbreak of World War I, Vynnychenko returned to Russia and lived mainly in Moscow, where the local police took little interest in Ukrainian political leaders, under an assumed name until 1917, engaging in literary activities and under various pseudonyms collaborating with the magazine Ukrainian Life and other publications.

The 1917 revolution found him in Moscow and was a pleasant surprise. Already at the beginning of March 1917, Vynnychenko returned to Kiev, where he worked for the Ukrainian revolution, giving it all his strength: he became one of the organizers and leaders of the Central Rada (formed on March 4, 1917), led a delegation, which in May handed over to the Provisional Government demands for granting autonomy to Ukraine.

Vinnichenko belongs to the authorship of the main legislative acts of the UPR, in particular the first four "Universals". He became the first head of the General Secretariat - the executive body of the Central Rada - and the General Secretary of Internal Affairs. In January 1918, the Central Rada, with its IV Universal, proclaimed the independence of Ukraine. After the overthrow of the UPR government, V. Vinnichenko headed the Directory, which was newly created in Kiev on November 14, 1918. But Vynnychenko was not very lucky in his political career: after several successful steps, such as the Act of Reunification of the UPR and ZUNR on January 11, 1919, hard times came for the Directory: surrounded by the enemy from all sides, in early February 1919 the Directory retreated from Kiev , and Vynnychenko again emigrated abroad, to Austria, with a firm decision to leave politics. Before leaving, he wrote in his diary: “... I go abroad, shake off all the dust of politics, shield myself with books and immerse myself in my real, only business - literature ... Here, in socialist, Soviet Russia, I bury my 18-year-old socialist political activity. I am leaving as a writer, but as a politician I want to die with all my heart.».

In Austria, he wrote his main work in the role of a politician - a three-volume memoir and journalistic work "The Rebirth of the Nation (History of the Ukrainian Revolution. March 1917 - December 1919)" (Ukrainian "Revival of the nation"), where he spoke from the left positions, calling himself " Ukrainian communist"And blaming the Bolsheviks for insufficient attention to the national factor. Being " deeply infected by communism”(Like other well-known figures of Ukrainian culture), at one time had hopes for achieving political and cultural independence of Ukraine in an alliance with Bolshevik Russia.

Nevertheless, in 1920, Vynnychenko returned to his homeland, being already from Moscow appointed to the posts of deputy. Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR and its People's Commissariat. However, six months later, faced with a new tragic collapse of his political hopes, he emigrated forever. In the Ukrainian SSR in the 1920s, he continued to be considered a proletarian writer and even published a 24-volume collection of his works (in 1926-1930).

Returning to Vienna, Vinnichenko criticized the national and social policies of the RCP (b) and the Soviet government. He continued to closely follow the events in the USSR, was engaged in literary creativity, painting. During the German occupation of France, Vynnychenko was thrown into a concentration camp for refusing to cooperate with the Nazis and head the puppet "Ukrainian government". In the postwar period, he called for general disarmament and peaceful coexistence of the peoples of the world, developed a concept (largely utopian) of the so-called "concordism" - "sunism": moral self-improvement and the direction of human development to happiness. Nourished hopes for a gradual positive transformation of the Soviet totalitarian system. At the same time, many thoughts of Vynnychenko the politician turned out to be prophetic. For example, already in the 1940s, he foresaw the creation of a single European government and a single currency.

Vinnichenko is a writer.

Vynnychenko became a writer in 1902 - his first story "Power and Beauty" was published in the magazine "Kievskaya Starina" - and quickly gained fame, having won the status of one of the most popular Ukrainian authors of the first quarter of the twentieth century. In Ukrainian literature V.K. Vynnychenko became famous as a modernist innovator and romantic - this is how the classic of Ukrainian literature Lesya Ukrainka defined the essence of his work. The works of the young writer were in demand among Russian readers, and therefore were promptly translated and published in Russian. Collections of the author's works came out one after another, mainly in the form of realistic stories and plays. He successfully combined his revolutionary activities with intense literary and journalistic work.

Vynnychenko was criticized for preaching Nietzscheism and individualism, and received negative reviews from M. Gorky and V. Lenin. Ivan Franko, Lesya Ukrainka, Mikhail Kotsyubinsky, and the classic of Belarusian literature Maksim Bogdanovich responded positively to the early work of the writer. Vynnychenko's creativity is characterized by liveliness of language, subtle irony, naturalism in describing the lower strata of social life; in the post-revolutionary period, notes of a general feeling of brokenness and decline began to play in his work.

Researchers of his work note three stages in the development of V. Vinnichenko:

  • 1902-1906 The author was first known for his small works - vivid, topical and topical sketches of everyday life and people. Attention to social problems was combined with the richness of the language and the brightness of the characters' images. The characters are filled with vitality and strong emotions.
  • 1907-1920 The author focused on drama and the creation of the first problem-psychological novels.
  • 1921-1951 The time of the creation of the main works of the writer - utopian, social-fantastic, adventure and political-philosophical novels.

    Vinnichenko in total wrote more than a hundred stories and novellas, over twenty plays and scripts, many articles and pamphlets, fourteen novels, as well as the historical and political treatise "Revival of the Nation" ("Revival of the Nation") and the ethical and philosophical work "Concordism". In addition to prose and drama, V. Vinnichenko's correspondence and his diaries are of considerable artistic value. Two volumes of notes published abroad cover the period from 1911 to 1925. Literary critic N. Zhulinsky writes about this: “... in world literature there are very few such extremely confessional, frank to the point of moral self-destruction, diaries belonging to writers. The principle of "honesty with oneself" is implemented here with maximum completeness". On the pages of the writer's diaries, along with his personal history, the entire dramatic history of the nation appears. Through their comprehension, the reader has the opportunity to deeply understand all of his work, as well as political activity. The outstanding monument of the time also represents the epistolary heritage of the author, who conducted extensive and lively correspondence with famous and outstanding contemporaries.

    In letters, diaries and publicistic works V. Vynnychenko resolutely defended the Ukrainian culture, the Ukrainian nation. Vynnychenko the politician and Vynnychenko the culturologist complemented each other. As a result, over time, the writer was erased from Soviet and Ukrainian literature with the stigma of "enemy of the people" - in 1933, after the publication of an open letter from the writer to Stalin, condemning the Holodomor in Ukraine. The publication of the writer's works in his homeland resumed only in the late 1980s. The Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia, 1960, for example, gave the author the following description: “ Vynnychenko slipped further and further into hostile, decadent positions, renounced any criticism of bourgeois society and delved into pseudo-psychological problems that were fashionable among the inhabitants of that time, resorted to erotic topics. ... Foolish vilification of the revolution, the preaching of a class world, naked biology and digging in the corrupted psyche of insignificance - this is the main content of his works».

    Vynnychenko's dramaturgy was popular abroad as well. The plays "Black Panther and White Bear", "Law", "Sin" were translated into German and staged on many European stages, in particular in German. The play "Lies" was staged in 1930 in the city of Chalette (France) by the Ukrainian Art Society. The novels "Honesty with oneself", "Notes of the snub-nosed Mephistopheles" were also translated and published. In 1922, the film "Black Panther" based on the play by V. Vinnichenko was shown in cinemas in Germany.

    At home, the writer was also not forgotten, despite the complexity of his relationship with the Soviet regime. His plays were staged in Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Lvov, Chernivtsi, Kolomyia; even the theaters of Moscow, Petrograd, Saratov, Tiflis, Rostov-on-Don, Baku did not pass their attention. "Black Panther and the White Bear" was staged by Les Kurbas's "Young Theater" with the participation of director Gnat Yura. Theatrical luminaries such as K. Stanislavsky, V. Nemirovich-Danchenko, N. Sadovsky consulted with the playwright regarding the stage implementation of his works.

    If until 1991 the centers for the study of the writer's creativity were located in Canada and the United States (Columbia University still keeps the archive of V.K. Vinnichenko), now they have moved to Ukraine, where new and close attention is paid to the author's work. In 1988-89, intensive publications and research of the classic's works were resumed here, albums of reproductions of his artistic heritage were published. In 2010, one of the key works of the writer and thinker, the ethical and philosophical treatise "Concordism", was published for the first time in Ukraine.

    Vinnichenko - personal life.

    Vynnychenko is an extraordinary person who has left a deep mark in various layers of public life, at least in Ukraine, and, moreover, has a fair share of the tragedy of its own destiny.

    For a long time (from 1925 until the end of his life) Vinnichenko and his wife Rozalia Yakovlevna lived in France. First in Paris, and in 1934 they moved to the south of France, to the town of Mougins, near Cannes, acquiring an old estate with a plot of land. The writer was prompted to take this step by the almost complete absence of royalties and mass arrests and terror against Ukrainian cultural figures. Here, for the last 25 years of his life, in his own small house, he was engaged in literary creation ("Leprosoriy", "Nova Zapovid") and painting. The writer's painting classes were successful along with literary creativity. Vynnychenko began to draw while living near Paris, somewhere in the second half of the 1920s. His pictorial heritage includes about a hundred paintings - portraits, watercolors, still lifes, landscapes - stored in various museums and collections. More than 20 of his canvases are kept at the Institute of Literature. T. Shevchenko NAS of Ukraine. In addition to his native language and Russian, he spoke German and French.

    Vladimir Kirillovich and his wife Rosalia led an "informal" lifestyle. In particular, they became the most famous Ukrainian vegetarians, were the first Ukrainian nudists. They can be attributed to the so-called supporters of "free love". With his future wife, Rozalia Lifshits, Vinnichenko met in 1911 in Paris. He was then an émigré revolutionary, and she was a student at the Sorbonne. The young people agreed not to register the marriage and not to object if any of them have an affair on the side. Nevertheless, Vladimir and Rosalia have lived together all their lives.

    V. Vinnichenko died on March 6, 1951, was buried in the French Mougins. On September 17, 2010 in Kropyvnytskyi (former Yelisavetgrad) the first monument to Vladimir Vinnichenko in Ukraine was solemnly opened.

    In the Ukrainian literary fiction of the twentieth century. V. Vynnychenko entered as the author of the first Ukrainian science fiction novel - the social utopia "The Solar Machine" (written in 1922-24, with a dedication to "Blessed My Sleepy Ukraine"), the anti-utopia "Leprozor" ("Leprous"), - 1938, and also the first Ukrainian work in the genre of "political fiction" (political fiction) - the novel "The Word for You, Stalin!" ("A word for you, Staline!"), 1950. The social-utopian work of the writer - "the historical novel of the future" - "The Eternal Imperative" ("The Eternal Imperative"), 1936 has not yet been published.

  • Born June 26, 1880 into a peasant family. His father, Kirill Vasilyevich Vinnichenko, a farm laborer, moved from the village to Elizavetgrad (now Kirovograd) and married the widow Evdokia Pavlenko, nee Linnik. From her first marriage, Vinnichenko's mother had three children: Andrei, Maria and Vasily; from a marriage with Kirill Vinnichenko, only Vladimir was born. In the public school, Vladimir showed himself to be a capable student, and his parents, despite the difficult financial situation of the family, decided to continue his studies.

    From the age of ten he received secondary education at the Elizavetgrad gymnasium. Meager financial aid for his studies was provided by his older brother, who worked in the city printing house. However, already in the seventh grade, Vladimir Vinnichenko was expelled from the gymnasium after a week in a punishment cell for writing a revolutionary poem. Lacking the means of subsistence, he was forced to wander around southern Ukraine in search of short-term earnings, while at the same time intensively engaged in self-education. Then in 1900 he passed the exam at the Zlatopol gymnasium as an external student and received a certificate of maturity.

    In 1901 he entered the law faculty of the Kiev University of St. Vladimir. By this time, he had already become acquainted with socialist doctrine through the popular expositions of the works of Karl Marx, distributed illegally, and strengthened his social democratic convictions. Immediately after entering Kiev University, he created a secret revolutionary student organization there, which was called the "Student Community", and subsequently took an active part in the revolutionary movement.

    He belonged to the Kiev Gromada and early joined the Ukrainian Revolutionary Party, the first political party in the part of Ukraine that belonged to the Russian Empire. On behalf of the party, he carried out agitation and propaganda work among the workers of Kiev and the peasants of the Poltava province, for which he was arrested in 1902 and, never having finished his first year, was expelled from the university without the right to continue his studies at any other higher educational institution. Having left for the Poltava region, he began to work as a home teacher and managed to take part in the work of the 1st Congress of the RUE, but at the end of the year he was sent to the 5th engineer battalion.

    In February 1903 Vynnychenko managed to escape to Austria-Hungary and settle in Lvov, where he began to cooperate with local representatives of the Ukrainian movement. He is a member of the foreign committee of the RUE and becomes the chief editor of the newspaper "Gaslo" ("Slogan"). Having studied German, he is engaged in the translation and popularization of the works of Karl Kautsky, Paul Lafargue, Ferdinand Lassalle and other theorists of European social democracy. During one of the attempts to transfer illegal literature across the border to Russia in July 1903, he was detained in Volochisk and imprisoned in a solitary confinement cell at Lukyanovskaya prison in Kiev. According to the verdict, he was sent to a disciplinary battalion for six months, after which he emigrated again.

    Volodymyr Vynnychenko was one of the founders of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Labor Party (created in December 1905 during the Russian revolution of 1905-1907 on the basis of the RUE), in which he headed the left wing. He was a member of the central organs of the party, edited the organ "Borotba" ("Struggle"). In 1906-1914 Vinnichenko, conducting underground and semi-legal activities in different parts of the Russian Empire, was repeatedly subjected to police persecution and arrests, as a result of which he found himself in emigration several times (his literary activity in the post-revolutionary period is characterized by a general feeling of breakdown and decline). After another arrest and imprisonment with the threat of life-long penal servitude, Vynnychenko, with the help of his comrades, managed to escape from the hands of the tsarist secret police and emigrate to France, where in 1910 he became a member of the "Ukrainian community" in Paris. For some time he lived in Lvov (1913-1914), where he edited the magazine "Dzvin" ("Ringing"). With the outbreak of the First World War, Vynnychenko returned to Russia and lived mainly in Moscow under an assumed name until 1917, engaging in literary activities and collaborating in the journal Ukrainian Life.

    Immediately after the February Revolution, he returned to Ukraine and began active political work, joined the Ukrainian Central Rada (UCR), created on March 3-4, 1917. The conference of the USDLP confirmed Vynnychenko's position as the leader of the party. In April 1917, he was elected deputy head of the UCR Mikhail Sergeevich Hrushevsky (along with Sergei Alexandrovich Efremov) and deputy head of the Malaya Rada. Appointed at the head of the Ukrainian delegation sent on May 16, 1917 to Petrograd for negotiations with the Provisional Government regarding the recognition of the UCR as the highest regional authority and granting Ukraine the rights of autonomy within Russia, rebuilt according to the federal model.

    After the publication of the Universal by Rada I on June 15, 1917, he headed the General Secretariat - the actual body of executive power in the territory of 9 (later 5) Ukrainian provinces - and also took the post of Secretary General (Minister) of Internal Affairs. Author of almost all official declarations and legislative acts of the Ukrainian People's Republic. In October 1917, the Provisional Government, worried about the growing independence of the Central Rada, which again extended its influence to 9 provinces, summoned the members of the General Secretariat, including Vinnichenko, to Petrograd (supposedly for negotiations). They were saved from imprisonment by the overthrow of the Provisional Government by the October Revolution, witnessed by Vynnychenko. On behalf of the UCR, he negotiated with the Council of People's Commissars.

    Best of the day

    In January 1918, when the Central Rada in the IV Universal adopted retroactively proclaimed the independence of the UPR for the possibility of negotiating with the Central States in Brest-Litovsk, the General Secretariat was transformed into the Council of People's Ministers. Accordingly, Vynnychenko became the prime minister of a formally sovereign state, but in the same month, due to inter-party friction, he resigned. Under the onslaught of the advancing Red Army units, the UPR government fled to the west. Vynnychenko, together with his wife Rozalia Yakovlevna, left under a false name to the south, to Berdyansk.

    After the coup of Pavel Skoropadsky, organized by the German occupation forces, on April 29, 1918, he fled from Kiev to the Knyazhya Gora farm near Kanev, where he hoped to engage in literary work, in particular, he wrote the play Between Two Forces. However, his plans were thwarted by the hetman administration, which arrested him on trumped-up charges of plotting a coup d'etat. However, under pressure from the German command, fearing the destabilization of the political situation, Skoropadsky and his Minister of Internal Affairs Kistyakovsky were forced to release Vynnychenko. After his release, he again switched to active political activity in order to lead political forces opposed to the self-proclaimed hetman.

    In August 1918, Vynnychenko entered the Ukrainian National Union (formerly called the Ukrainian National-State Union), which was in opposition to the hetman’s regime of Skoropadsky, strongly insisting on the restoration of the republic. On September 18, he headed the UNS, replacing the indecisive A. Nikovsky in this post. Vinnichenko and Nikolai Shapoval, close to him, hoped to unite the efforts of the Ukrainian socialist parties (USDRP, UPSR) with the Bolsheviks to organize an armed uprising against the dictatorship of Skoropadsky; for this purpose, he conducted secret negotiations in Kiev with Christian Rakovsky and Dmitry Manuilsky. At the same time, in order to divert the attention of the authorities, Vynnychenko agreed to participate in negotiations with the hetman on the creation of a "government of popular confidence."

    After the November Revolution in Germany, together with Simon Petliura, he acted as one of the initiators of the uprising against the Ukrainian State and the creation of the UNR Directory on November 14, 1918. The next day, being in Bila Tserkva, he announced the beginning of an armed uprising of the Directory and the corps of Sich Riflemen who joined it under the command of Evgeny Konovalets against the hetman's power. After the departure of the Germans and the expulsion of the hetman, on December 18, 1918, Vinnichenko returned to Kiev and headed the Directory, which by that time had become a collective body of executive power. As part of the Directory, Vinnichenko opposed Petliura's right-wing positions, advocating socialist transformations and peace with Soviet Russia. The ideological, political and interpersonal confrontation between Vynnychenko and Petliura, who strove for sole military and political power, contributed to the loss of the already unstable power of the Directory over most of Ukraine.

    At the direction of the Entente, Vynnychenko, as an “almost Bolshevik”, along with the rest of the left-wing socialists, was removed from the Directory and other authorities of the UPR on February 10, 1919. After the departure of its head, the Directory actually turned into a marching camp under the command of Supreme Ataman Petlyura, and Vynnychenko himself soon retired abroad intending to take part in the conference of the Second International in Bern. In emigration, his political views were transformed in the direction of national communism and the perception of Soviet power. He was in Hungary for a short time, where he met with the leaders of the newly proclaimed Hungarian Soviet Republic. The leader of the Hungarian communists, Bela Kun, promised Vinnichenko to help him come to an agreement with representatives of Soviet Russia on the creation of a united revolutionary front of Russia, Hungary and Ukraine against the Entente forces, but the negotiations remained unsuccessful.

    In the second half of 1919 Vynnychenko moved to Austria, where he wrote his main work - a three-volume memoir and publicistic work "The Revival of the Nation (History of the Ukrainian Revolution. March 1917 - December 1919)" (Ukrainian "Revival of the nation"). In this work, which is a valuable source for studying and understanding complex political processes after the 1917 revolution, Vynnychenko takes a leftist position, calling himself a "Ukrainian communist" and blaming the Bolsheviks for insufficient attention to the national factor. Since at that time the former head of the Directory was closest to Marxist positions, he tried to organize a new party with a communist socio-economic program and with "national characteristics." At the end of 1919, Vynnychenko announced his withdrawal from the USDLP and organized in Vienna the Foreign Group of the Ukrainian Communist Party, and also created its printed organ - the newspaper "Nova Doba", in which he published his manifesto letter "To the class irresponsible Ukrainian intelligentsia", announcing his transition to the Marxist platform.

    At the beginning of 1920, he contacted Soviet representatives and began intensive negotiations on the possibility of returning to their homeland and participating in the Soviet authorities. The Soviet leadership and personally Vladimir Ilyich Lenin reacted favorably to the request of the emigrant. In May 1920, Vinnichenko and his wife arrived in Soviet Russia and visited Moscow, met with Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev, Georgy Chicherin, Christian Rakovsky and Nikolai Skrypnik, who invited him to join the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

    Initially, Vynnychenko accepted their proposal, joining the RCP (b) and taking the post of deputy chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic with the portfolio of the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs and co-optation as a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine. However, since he was never included in the Politburo of the CP (b) U, Vynnychenko refused to participate in the work of the government of the Ukrainian SSR and in mid-September 1920 left Kharkov for Moscow, and from there he emigrated again. Returning to Vienna and continuing to publish in 1920-1922 in Vienna a magazine that was actually communist in orientation, Vinnichenko criticized the national and social policies of the RCP (b) and the Soviet government. Nevertheless, in the Ukrainian SSR in the 1920s, he continued to be considered a proletarian writer and even published a 24-volume collection of his works (in 1926-1930).

    After 1922 Vynnychenko moved to Czechoslovakia. In September 1925, he again applied to the Soviet embassy with a petition to allow him and his associates to return to Ukraine. A group of Ukrainian Social Revolutionaries-emigrants, alarmed by Vynnychenko's act, turned to SR Grigoriev with a demand to explain Vynnychenko's motives. Grigoriev answered them in a secret letter that “... the question of Vynnychenko's return to Ukraine should not be understood as recognition of the Bolshevik power in Ukraine. The struggle against the Bolshevik regime is more expedient from the inside than from the outside. "

    Vynnychenko spent the next 30 years in Europe, mainly in France, where he moved in 1925. Initially he lived in Paris, from 1933 he was in the town of Mougins near Cannes, in a small estate, where he continued to closely follow the events in the USSR, was engaged in literary creativity and painting ... He developed his own ideological concept of "concordism". During the Second World War, for refusing to cooperate with the invaders, he was temporarily imprisoned by the Nazis in a concentration camp, which seriously undermined his health. After the end of the war, he called for general disarmament and peaceful coexistence of the peoples of the world; in the novel "The Word for You, Stalin!" (1950) turned to the Secretary General with proposals for democratization in the Soviet Union.

    Literary activity

    Vinnichenko began publishing in 1902. He published realistic stories and plays. Criticized for preaching Nietzscheism and individualism. Received negative reviews from M. Gorky and V. Lenin.

    In 1921-24 he wrote the novel "The Solar Machine" (Ukrainian "Sonyashna Machine"), which is considered the first utopian novel in Ukrainian literature. Later, he created several more works of the social-utopian trend - the novels "New Testament" (Ukrainian "Nova Zapovid", 1931-33), "Eternal Imperative" (Ukrainian "Vichny Imperative", 1936) and "Leprosorium" (Ukrainian " Leprozor ", 1938).

    Vynnychenko Vladimir Kirillovich(26.7 (7.8) .1880, Elisavetgrad, Kherson province, - 6.3.1951, Mougins, France), one of the ideologists of Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism, the leader of the nationalist counter-revolution in Ukraine, a well-known Ukrainian fiction writer.


    Born on July 26, 1880 in the family of a farm laborer-shepherd in the Kherson province. After graduating from a rural folk school, he entered the Elisavetgrad gymnasium, where he studied at the expense of his older brother as a typography collector. Vynnychenko leaves the 7th grade of the gymnasium and goes to wander around Ukraine, earning himself a living from day work. This wandering provides Vynnychenko with rich social material for his future works of art, which discovered in Vynnychenko a talented writer of everyday life, mainly of the proletarian peasantry and farm laborers, who accumulate deaf discontent against the oppression of social contradictions caused by the growth of agrarian capitalism. Such stories as "Bilya Mashini" (Near the Thresher), "Beauty and Power" and others, the story "Golota" (Golytba) express the moods and aspirations of these social strata, which were close to the youngest artist at that time.

    early years

    In 1901, Vynnychenko entered the Kiev University, where he got in touch with circles of the revolutionary Ukrainian party (RUE) and carried on propaganda among the workers. In 1902, Vynnychenko was arrested and imprisoned in the Lukyanovskaya prison in Kiev, from where he soon left, but without the right to return to the university. Since that time, Vynnychenko has become an active figure in the RUE and has been working among the peasantry. As an expelled student, he is called up for military service. Soon, however, Vynnychenko fled to Galicia, appeared there in the socialist press, and organized the shipment of revolutionary literature from there to the Ukraine. During one of the crossings, he was captured by the gendarmes, again imprisoned in the Lukyanovskaya prison, where he was identified and transferred to the fortress, in solitary confinement. In 1904, under an amnesty, he leaves the fortress, but ends up in a disciplinary battalion. In the same year, Vynnychenko was again abroad, collaborating in the social democratic organ "Selyanin". In 1905, Vinnichenko illegally returned to Ukraine, moved from county to county, hired as a farm laborer in the economy, organized farm strikes, which played an important role in the 1905 revolution in Ukraine, and spoke at workers rallies in Poltava. After the split of the RUE, most of it was reorganized into the USDLP, one of the leaders of which was Vinnichenko. After the defeat of the revolution, Vynnychenko was sent to Lukyanovka for the third time, from where he was released on bail pending trial, and in 1907 he emigrated abroad, took part in the Stockholm Congress of the USDLP, and was elected a member of the Central Committee. Until 1914 Vynnychenko lived in different European countries. As a writer, he won wide recognition for himself during this period in Ukraine and Russia, his novels and stories are translated into Russian, dramas in translations are staged on the stages of the capital. But the nature and direction of Vinnichenko's work is changing: from a socialist artist who depicts social contradictions in all its acuteness, depicting the life and aspirations of proletarians, farm laborers, ruining peasants, scourging their exploiters, showing the moral insignificance and decay of the bourgeoisie, the greed of the kulaks, Vinnichenko turns into a petty-bourgeois writer the revolutionary intelligentsia, with its inherent post-revolutionary decadence, psychological and sexual problems. Although he gives during this period (1907-15) a number of vivid pictures of the revolution of 1905 ("Disharmony") and acts as a Marxist critic ("Dzvin" magazine), there is very little proletarian ideology in his journalism and literary works. Depicting in his novels, stories and dramas ["Honesty with oneself", "On the scales of life" ("Pivnovaga"), "Bozhki", "Bazaar", "Shable life" (Stages of life) and others, mainly, the life of a revolutionary intelligentsia in emigration and exile (the era of political and social reaction in Russia), Vinnichenko is increasingly coming to preaching an individualistic, essentially bourgeois morality, "honesty with oneself", striving for inner harmony of will, feeling and reason, even if this desire was antisocial. The sexual problem is more and more gaining the upper hand in his works, the justification of animality in man becomes one of the motives of his work. His novel "Notes of the snub-nosed Mephistopheles", written on the eve of the February Revolution, not only does not foreshadow the coming social storms, but, on the contrary, reflects the complete moral crushing of the "revolutionary" intelligentsia, who have lost faith in their social ideals.

    While in exile, Vynnychenko, at the same time, as a member of the Central Committee of the USDLP, continues to carry out political work. In 1914 he illegally returned to Ukraine to establish contacts with local organizations of the USDLP; here he is caught in the war. Living illegally now in Yekaterinoslav, now in Moscow, he publishes a brochure against the war and against the orientation towards one of the belligerent imperialist coalitions.

    After 1917

    On the eve of 1917 Vynnychenko, together with the professor. Grushevsky and others, participates in the publication in Moscow of the only, after the defeat of the entire Ukrainian press, legal magazine "Promin" (Luch), a very moderate trend. The February revolution of 1917 finds Vynnychenko in Moscow, from where he soon leaves for Kiev, where he creates the central organ of the USDRP "Robochu Gazeta" and takes the closest part in organizing the Central Rada. Vynnychenko takes the position of a "united revolutionary front" with "Russian democracy", that is, with the Kerensky region; at the head of the delegation of the Central Rada, he travels to the Petrograd government for negotiations on the recognition of Ukraine's autonomy. After the publication of the 1st universal by the Central Rada in June, Vynnychenko was elected chairman of the general secretariat as the "moral" government of the Central Rada so far. Later, on behalf of the Central Rada, he negotiates with representatives of the Provisional Government - Kerensky, Tsereteli and Tereshchenko - and signs an agreement with them on the basis of declarative recognition of Ukraine's autonomy. At the 4th Congress of the USDLP at the end of September, Vinnichenko joined its right wing, defending the point of view of the bourgeois revolution and the coalition with the bourgeoisie; is a member of the Central Committee, but in fact does not take part in it, in view of the "leftism" of the latter, devoting himself entirely to work in the General Secretariat. After October 1917, when the national revolution in Ukraine, but "as the class struggle in the country intensified, turns into a bourgeois-nationalist counter-revolution, waging a struggle against the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the USDLP, of which Vynnychenko was one of the leaders, finally slides onto bourgeois-kulak class soil , Vynnychenko prepares an alliance with foreign imperialism. He is the author of the 3rd and 4th universals who proclaimed the "independent" Ukrainian People's Republic and heads its government. On the eve of the expulsion of the Central Rada from Kiev, this government passes into the hands of Ukrainian social revolutionaries Leaves power, illegally travels around Ukraine and is personally convinced of the fruits of the policy of the Central Rada: of the hatred that she aroused among the masses, about which Vynnychenko himself wrote later.During the German occupation, Vynnychenko negotiates with the Germans and the bourgeois-landowner government of Hetman Skoropadsky on the introduction of the rule favors of representatives of the Ukrainian bourgeoisie; at the same time conducts unofficial negotiations with representatives of the Soviet peace delegation Rakovsky and Manuilsky. With the formation of the "National Union" becomes its head. After the German revolution, the National Union proclaims an uprising and elects a directory headed by Vynnychenko. After the Germans left Kiev, the abdication and flight of Hetman Skoropadsky to Germany, the troops of the directory occupied Kiev (December 1918), and the directory moved from Belaya Tserkov to Kiev. As the head of the directory, Vynnychenko, prior to its entry into Kiev, is oriented to the left, taking into account the lessons of the previous activities of the Central Rada (a break with the masses); but the very next day after arriving in Kiev, he sharply changes his position and, under the influence of the bourgeois-kulak counter-revolutionary military clique led by Petliura, sets a course for the Entente, and on February 10 he leaves the directory and Petliura became the head of the Directory in order to facilitate Petliura's collusion with the Entente.

    In emigration

    In 1920, finding himself in emigration, summing up the results of Petliurism, he wrote against it the accusatory three-volume work "The Revival of the Nation", in which he outlined the revolutionary events in Ukraine in 1917-19 from a bourgeois-nationalist position, and allegedly having reconciled with Soviet power, called a foreign group of the UCP (Ukrainian Communist Party) and published the newspaper "Nova Doba" on its behalf, which, in general, plays a major role in the decomposition of Petliurism. In the summer of the same year, he came to Moscow and then to Ukraine, negotiating here about joining the CP (b) U and the Ukrainian Soviet government. For several days he is a member of the Soviet government of Ukraine as People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR and a member of the Central Committee of the CP (b) U. After the refusal of the Central Committee of the CP (b) U to introduce him into the Politburo, he resigns from all posts, goes abroad and begins there a reckless counter-revolutionary persecution of the Soviet government and the Communist Party. For some time, Vynnychenko still tries to establish ties with banditry in Ukraine and is oriented towards an armed struggle against Soviet power, but gradually his political activity falls, he acts as an open enemy of Soviet power.

    Vynnychenko spent the next 30 years in Europe, mainly in France, where he moved in 1925. Initially he lived in Paris, from 1933 he was in the town of Mougins near Cannes, in a small estate, where he continued to closely follow the events in the USSR, was engaged in agriculture, literary creativity and painting. He developed his own ideological concept of "concordism". During the Second World War, for refusing to cooperate with the invaders, he was temporarily imprisoned by the Nazis in a concentration camp, which seriously undermined his health. After the end of the war, he called for general disarmament and peaceful coexistence of the peoples of the world; in the novel "The Word for You, Stalin!" (1950) defamed the situation in the Soviet Union.

    Literary activity

    He began his literary career in 1902. In the stories and novellas of 1902-06 Near the Machine, Golytba, and others, V. realistically showed the life of the rural poor and seasonal workers. After the defeat of the Revolution of 1905-07, Britain took the path of slandering the Russian revolutionaries. M. Gorky gave a sharply negative assessment of Vynnychenko's novel On the Scales of Life (1911). Vynnychenko's novel "Testaments of the Fathers" (1914) received a devastating response from V. I. Lenin. Vynnychenko's stories, novellas, and plays are imbued with ideas of individualism and eroticism, praise of vulgar Nietzschean individualism; they distortedly depict the revolutionary struggle in Ukraine.

    During the revolution, Vynnychenko the writer completely fades away in front of Vynnychenko the political figure. He turns to artistic creativity only occasionally, and the dramas and stories that have come out during this time are either counter-revolutionary or continue the philistine chewing on the sexual problem, and are not of particular value in artistic terms. Recently, Vynnychenko has turned to the problem of the revolution, having written a large adventure-utopian novel "The Solar Machine". In this novel, the world revolution is made by the invention of the solar machine, which converts solar energy into food and leads to the "liberation" of workers from their masters without class struggle. In the "Solar Machine" social democracy and communism are taken out of the same bracket, and the anarcho-terrorist sect is depicted as a positive factor of the revolution. This novel, despite the sharp criticism of capitalism in it, is evidence of the complete social helplessness of the petty bourgeoisie bankrupt in the revolution. It is wrong, as is sometimes done, to oppose Vynnychenko as an “unsuccessful” politician to Vynnychenko as a successful writer. Both in politics and in literature, Vynnychenko's work is conditioned by the same socio-historical factors.

    In general, Vynnychenko is the most typical representative of the nationalist petty bourgeoisie in politics, although in the field of fiction and gave at one time a number of works that make him akin to proletarian literature. The works of Vynnychenko (in Ukrainian) were published separately. books and entire collections (new edition - in the publishing house "Rukh" in Kharkov).

    A.A. Zhdanov, in his report on the magazines "Zvezda" and "Leningrad" in 1946, denounced Vynnychenko among those who were in a hurry "to debunk ... the lofty ideals for which the best, progressive part of Russian society fought."


    • Lenin V.I., Inessa Armand, Full. collection cit., 5th ed., vol. 48, p. 294-95
    • Olminsky M., "Belletrist" V. Vinnichenko, in his book: On literary issues, M. - L., 1932
    • Gorky M., Sobr. op. in 30 vols., t. 29, M., 1955, p. 177-80
    • Efremov S., History of Ukrainian Writing, Kiev, 1917
    • Doroshkevich O., Ukrainian Literature, p. book, Kiev, 1923
    • Grushevsky O., Volodymyr Vinnichenko, in the book. "3 modern Ukrainian literature", Kiev, 1909 and 1918
    • Danko M., Vol. Vinnichenko. Test literary characteristics, "Lit.-Science. V. ", VII, 1910
    • Sventsitsky I., Vinnichenko. Test of literary characteristics, Lviv, 1922
    • Rechitskiy A., Vinnichenko in literature and politics, Kharkiv, 1928
    • Detailed lit. and bibl. see M. Plevako, Reader of the New Ukrainian Literature, pp. book, pp. 291-93, Kharkiv, 1927.

    Sources of

    • Small Soviet Encyclopedia 2 edition - 2 and 3 volumes. Page - 209 and 437.
    • Great Soviet Encyclopedia 1 edition - 11 volumes. Page - 67.
    • Great Soviet Encyclopedia 2nd edition - 8th volume. Page - 102.
    • Great Soviet Encyclopedia 3rd Edition -

    Perekazhit my, so bi moviti, humble command
    people ... Say it: dumb big, dumb scratched, dumb
    generous and beautiful thoughts and feelings
    as for people, as for people as for people, as for happiness.
    They did not force, they cannot,
    and happy. Reasonable? And to my colleagues, writers i
    mittsyam, perekazhit, so dumb, tsikavishoi those
    for їхніх creatures, like happiness.
    V. Vinnichenko

    Life of the writer

    Volodymyr Vinnichenko was born 26 lime trees 1880 rub. in the place Alisavetgradi(nini - Kirovohrad).

    Batko a writer from a young age, a landless rural hirer. Winning to the place and making friends with the pleasure of Evdokin Pavlenko, as a small three children, a sleeping child with them only Volodymyr.

    Zmalka lad mav dobro memory. I started reading early, and it became uncomfortable for the fathers. Possibly, the first "primer" for the new boule brought by the brother (robotic friend) posters, from the wines, cursing, putting letters and adhesives on the wall, feeding them to the grown-ups, just for a letter. Susid children "have trimmed ... trochas in terror, but they are even stronger for their own wicked, volatile, obstinacy."

    Volodymyr is still in love with his father. The very hard part has planted hatred in the lads' soul to the extent of rottenness, to suspicious injustice, to the humiliation of human glory. So laid down the foundations of yogo maybutnіh revolutions, socialist perekonan.

    Sphatka boy navchavsya in at the school, and later at the Alisavetgrad School of Classical Gymnasium. Tse buv satisfied with the democratic initial pledge, who received the illumination not only of children of noblemen and officials, but of townspeople, guilds, and inviting villagers. A Polish singer Yaroslav Ivashkevich, Nobel laureate physicist Igor Tamm, creator of the Katyusha rocket launcher Georgiy Langemak, has come to an early hour at the school.

    Gymnasium bosses, teachers, and behind them, the scientists made a simple small Ukrainian with ridicule. Yogo ukrainian vimova, simple odyag and іnshі signs of the proletarian proletarian wicked sorcery: "We teach you not to be a swineherd, but to be an official."

    The lads didn’t feel the knowledge of their camp, but a little bit of a protest and reaction to the same reaction: the bickers of the scholars, the bangs of the wizards. In the senior classes, they learned the fate of the revolutionary organization, wrote a rebellious poem, won the "punishment cell" for the yak, and were then included in the gymnasium. Musiv to make money for shmatok hliba hired by the helpers. Those biduvannya became the first life school and material for the maybut creatures: "Bilya machines", "Narodny diyach", "Court", "Hunger" and in.

    Try to twist it, Volodymyr didn’t get too much money. Win prodovzhuvav gotuvatisya to maturi (certificate of maturity) and sk.chav as an external student at the Zlatopilskiy Gymnasium.

    At 1900 p. Vinnichenko joined Faculty of Law, Kyiv University. At the end of the hour - on the evil capital - national cultural ruh politize. Young people are no longer satisfied with ethnography and educational work. Winning Ukrainian political parties, showing democratic extinguishing and contributing to their programs the idea of ​​autonomy of Ukraine. Let the socialistic fades out in fashion, and in the Ukrainian parties, the stench will come together with the nationally-willed pragmatists. The head post in the revolutionary processes is student, about one historian gradually respecting: "The type of revolutionary Yunak with the" Communist Manifest "in one of the cisterns with" Kobzar "- with the other" will enter the political scene. "

    Having gotten used to the student community, Volodymyr went to the news of the Revolutionary Ukrainian Party, sympathy for such a bully at the European Social Democracy. U fierce 1902 p. Vynnychenka zaashtuvali They were sent to Luk'yanivskoy in'yaznitsa. Pevna rich, from the university they were dragged out, and in the spring they were taken to the service. Here, he prodovzhuvav revolutionary robot, ale chergovoy, without becoming a checkout with the battalion, go to Galicia. That was the first emigration of the writer. Відтоді він Stat professional revolutionary.

    Along with the propaganda robot, the prisoners, the prison and the soldiery, Vynnychenko was engaged in literary activity. Voseni 1902 b. win over his first announcement of "Power and Beauty" in the magazine "Kievskaya Starina" - this is how debut of Vynnychenko-prose.

    Lvov Volodymyr has made links with Galician parties, writes brochures, which he himself illegally delivered to Naddnipryanshchina. Yogo zaareshtovuyut and get stuck as much as two rock.

    Z 1906 p. go out one by one, five books of his announcement. I am Vynnychenka is becoming popular, criticism is positively about him.

    І in emigracia, and when he turned to the house, a writer, who informed him, led to low psychological dramas ("Disharmony", "Lies", "Grіkh" "," Rivnovaga "," Bozhki "," Notes of Kirpatiy Mephistopheles "). SHOULD be innovative, unprecedented in the current literary process, which was ambiguous, the stench provoked super-streams, in a word, remember it.

    Negative criticism of Vynnychenko took off even more quickly, and at the moment, if the response was categorical, it could be said, extravagantly: it’s okay to write in Russian, moreover, in Russian vidannykh I was doing something more eagerly at that hour.

    Patriot and philanthropist Є. Chykalenko viplachuvav a significant scholarship to the young writers, and she became a member of the old literature. The popularity of the postponement overwhelmed the disagreement. Romani Vinnichenka cries out for the palate, dramatic works are staged with success in the theaters of Kiev, Kharkiv, Moscow, and they are changed and staged at Zakhidniy Europe.

    Before the ear of the First Svitovoi Vyynyna Vinnichenko had been in emigration. An hour from an hour illegally arriving in Ukraine, Incoli - at once from Rosalієyu Lifshits, as a friend in 1911 p. (won a student at the Sorbonne University and was trained as a physician). Z 1914 p. the writer was working on an illegal camp in Moscow in Batkivshchyna.

    Naturally, when the Bereznevo revolution of 1917 r. Same Vinnichenko - an authoritative revolutionary with 17 years of experience - having cleansed the first district of the Ukrainian People's Republic (UNR) - General Secretary. He himself was the author of all the declarations and the Universals of the UNR - the most glorious visions of European democracy. Trokhs each year, sending the hetmanat P. Skoropadsky, Vinichenko, at once with Petliura, again we will get away with the UNR unit - the Director.

    Yakraz u tsei burhliviy period is fiery for Ukraine and for new ones to appear superbly svitoglyadu. All life is self-evident, having met two ideals: national and social (development of national language, culture, Ukrainian democratic statehood and freedom of rotten people, social justice). Such close, mutually-knitted stinks are created. However, і Vinnichenkovі, і to all our people і share judged the sacrifice of one cause of the sake, and as a result, we spend it, and those.

    Ulytka 1917 p. Vinnichenko from the name of the family in Petrograd important talk s Timchasovym district to seek autonomy for Ukraine buttoy at the border of the federal union with Russia. Dare to see the fight against the national forces. Protect rusiani categorically opposed. Having taken over the power to the coup d'état in Zhovtni, Volodymyr Lenin is available to the Central Rada in a number of ways, and even in the middle of the country he voluntarily started to work against Ukraine. We practically didn’t have enough power to defend ourselves (I want more Ukrainian vіysko narakhovuvalo ponad 300 thousand warriors). On the other hand, conducting socialist policy, Vynnychenko and the central officials of the Central region, for the sake of setting up against themselves representatives of the rich vernaculars of the Ukrainian suspension.

    In one word, Ukraine has lost independence from the past. 22 June 1918 p. The UPR still got a chance to vote on the sovereignty, but also on the spot. On the cob of fierce to Kiev, the Russian bolshoi vijska stuck in and felt the barbarian bombardment of a careless place without a hitch, the roof was flowing like a roof, the zagarbniks hammered the kiyan for the Ukrainian word, a vishyvan shirt, a portrait of Shevana. Kilka raziv stretching 1918-1919 rr. I succeeded in visiting the capital of Ukraine, the stench turned back again and again. The tragedy was completed by the dissension of the political Ukrainian forces, hunger and cold, mass epidemics.

    Huddled at grave pardons. The director of the show led to populism, as Vydtak Vinnichenko was depicted on the way to the delivery and to go outside the cordon. Here is a trinity of memoir-publicistic pratsy "Revival of the nation", in which analysis of the vicissitudes of the formation of the Ukrainian statehood. To wonder about yourself, to be afraid that the sovereign changed from the new socialist, criticism of the radical works of Petliuri. Navigate to find the Ukrainian Communist Party (as an alternative to the pro-Russian Communist Party of the Ukrainian Communist Party). For a whole hour, the bolsheviks talk about Vinnitsa with tales of some kind of "Ukrainianization" and "socialization of workers", encouraging the speedy popularity of Vinnitsa, to get away to go to. 1920 p. I want to be careful, ale the same virishu turn around.

    Protesting from the girkim dosvid, Vynnychenko violated immediately not to Ukraine, but to Moscow, for a conversation with the Kremlin leaders. A few months ago, the wise, well-informed politicians were able to understand the essence of the new communist regime. For the sake of internationalism, a policy is being conducted to update the current "One-not-one-not-one" empire, but a sovereign Ukrainian order near Kharkiv is heard from the vison of the order from Moscow. The substitution of social support for prodvazhcheniye is more girgish oppression.

    Rozcharovaniy, Vinnichenko is seen as a robot in a marionette district having passed the cordon, already set aside.

    The leading pro-communal illusions of the wines are no longer mav. Moreover, back to the Other Holy War, one of the first to declare the security for the Society of the fascist community.

    Truth closed the Vinnichenko-people road to Batkivshchyna, de panuvala false. However, Vynnychenko the writer became the most popular author in Ukraine for more than 15 years. Yak and earlier, yogh books were seen in great form and magnificent overlays. Leave it alone to tell, scho stretching 1926-1928 rr. has poured over the collection of works of Vynnychenka in 28 volumes.

    At 1933 p. Vynnychenko wrote an open sheet to the communist Moscow leaders, who called them in organizing the genocide against the Ukrainian people, from the "renewed old prison peoples". For the price, Stalinska Vlada called the writer "Old Vovok of the Ukrainian counter-revolution", his fees, which until they came from the USRR, were skewed, the creation of creations was recalled, the books were drawn from the library and the struggle was won. So trivial ponad pivstolittya.

    Vynnychenko goes to sleep without getting lost, in self-reliance (the majority of Ukrainian emigrants may be for a zradnik), or to know the strength of life. Supplementary is the military squad, creativity and long-standing rural practice. Vinnichenkas on the last penny kupztot zanedbanu sadibu in the place of Mougins, not far from the Canny metro station in France. It is common to change your modestly - "Zakutok". Self-workers repair booths, grow a garden and a city. Rozrakhovztot is not on the power: there were no children in their homeland. For more than an hour, physical work is taken from Volodymyr Kirilovich. On the other hand, the enemy's self-discipline is: the skin day I will assign a few years for creativity.

    The creative dorobok of the majster is magnificent. With a hand of his life, Vinnichenko wrote 100 reports, letters, scripts, articles and pamphlets, a three-volume historical-political treatise "Renaissance of the nation", two-volume philosophical pratsy "Concordism", 40 novels of them (11 novels "(From 1911 to 1951), as many as 10 novels and later were lost in scribbles.

    Yogo p'єsi "Nonsense", "Chorna Panther and Biliy Vedmid", "Law", "Grіkh" were transformed into European movies and were staged in theaters in Bagatyokh regions. This is how the Yogo Romani itself was transferred several times. On the screens of Nimechchin in 1922 p. the film "Chorna Panther" was demonstrated. P'usi Vynnychenka was constantly staged in Ukrainian and Russian theaters (until the ear of the 1930s), zokrem, as well as genial directors, such as Mykola Sadovskiy and Gnat Yura, Les Kurbas. Together with the playwright, Kostyantin Stanislavsky and Volodymyr Nemirovich-Danchenko were involved.

    Mitets grumbled not only in literary creativity, but th painting. Having made a hundred pictures in Mayzhe. Watercolors and oleyny landscapes, portraits, still lifes and graphic compositions have been exhibited more than once by France and beyond. The artist's thoroughness was recognized by renowned artists such as Paul Signac and Pablo Picasso.

    Pid hour payback Franzia fascists Vynnychenko categorically considered them spіvpratsyuvati, for the price of enduring the problem and getting stuck in the concentration table.

    The great writer and mistress died 6 birch 1951 p. at your donkey.

    The majestic archivist mittsya the last hour was taken at Columbia University (USA). Independence update 1991 p. According to the commandment of the squad, the yogo bulo was transported to Ukraine.

    Creative dorobok

    Style. Volodymyr Vynnychenko having embraced the current of modernism in the Ukrainian literature, yak neorealism. I want one in a neo-realist letter to see neo-romantic, impressionistic chi symbolist elements (novels-etudes "Promin Sontsya", "Zina", "Moment", painting spadshchina).

    Svitoglyad of the Writer. With a head mark of creativity for Vinnichenka bulo the last bit of human souls we got to know, already, sense of life. Yak socialist atheism. To that, for a new one, the psyche of the people was lost in a single chamber of value.

    Burkhliva capitalization between the XIX-XX centuries. caused ruinuvannya old, patriarchal-patriarchy morality, I will not show myself, hypocritical day. The nature of the vibir: povna immorality("Moral new morality.

    Vynnychenko’s situation is in front of hanging for himself and for others a concept "Honesty from myself". The essence is: “Be honest from yourself, so: do not show the truth to yourself, do not deceive yourself from yourself, do not break yourself; Having lost your own, having fooled yourself, you will be built to the brink ”.

    I am delighted with the concept, the wine is psychologically subtle and mercilessly vicious in the mindlessness of the old sacred morality; fear-bridging the immoralization of people by capitalism (tse sp'yaninnya vid raptogo skasuvannya fence); zd_ysnuvav big, hour-long super-screaming joke of the new moral p_dvalins.

    At the nativity scene of immorality between the capital with a single light, we rested revolutionaries, leading intellectuals. The whole ideal image was held in uyavi bagatokh, and now in front of ehny vlasniy. Vynnychenko after shaking off the form of a new revolutionary shrine. To that, having developed a visible ideal, unaffected by those who themselves are most often put forward with the most honesty.

    Such is the vicious doorway of the shokuval and oburyuva. That bagatokh, in front of the quiet leading intellectuals.

    It seems that the writers are more beautiful than the development of immorality, and the formulation of new morality. And all the same, the program is positive, it may appear in your works, in the schoolhouse, in the philosophical practice "Concordism".

    Vynnychenko vvazhaє, well, there is no morality, how to give the ability to specialize in vіlno development. Lyudina is guilty of being guilty of the bonds of any signatory laws (churches, fathers, suspensions), and she is hearing the truth only of the master's "I".

    The basis of human life, behind Vinnichenko, є love. Before the speech, there are two clear differences, and I’m blessed, an identical understanding - love and love.

    Love gives people a chance for happiness. Happiness Vynnychenko vvazhav health the first things, the facets of the human soul. Look at the title of the treatise "Concordism" (in Latin, concord - weather, year).

    Svitospriymannya Vynnychenka is completely satisfied with the tradition existential misery. The very idea of ​​atheistic existentialism was promoted for the year by all the views of the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus.

    The creative work of V. Vynnychenka has old people cleverly developing three periods.

    The first period of creativity (1901-1906)... Here, create small forms, in front of social and psychological notification.

    Yak is already moving, Vinnichenko debut 1902 p. in the magazine "Kievskaya Starina" I will turn up, as I myself called the news, "Power and Beauty" (hereby I will call the change to "Beauty and Power") Zbirka "Beauty and power" was published.

    The debut was immediately re-created as a triumph. The writings of the young prose writer are abundant in the number of readers, who highly appreciate the most authoritative critics.

    And all the same, in the early creations, it is more reminiscent than the accumulation of living and creative information, being careful not to re-ferry over the home, comprehension. In front of us there is a whimpering from the everyday tsikavi stage, epizodi, colorful posts from the good knowledge of the authors of the middle - the village, soldier, bosyatsky, robotic ("Beauty and power", "Bilya machines", "Court", "Golota", " "Dark Power", "Student" and ін.). Before the speech, Vynnychenko started writing about those awesome middle-class, as if he knew well that he is alive, such is the trustworthiness, the "recognition" of his creatures.

    Under the perennial science of the first creations, deyaki is already visible in them mark the year of the self-made Vinnichenkovo style.

    Leading edge from the banalized traditions old populist romanticism and realism. So, already in the debut announcement "Beauty and Strength", a polemic is based on folklore clichés in the old populist manner of making beauty: “It was a beauty, how to wander only in Ukraine, but not like that, like painting the deyak from our writers. There were no sponges in her, like sponges, chervonykh, like good namisto, or “pidboriddya, like a pot”, or “cheek, like a big face”, and she herself did not “get silly, like a head on the city” " ...

    The nature of Vynnychenko turns out to be an accurate, realistic little one, if he’s going to become an objectival, unrelated sposter.

    Osobliva uvaga do details(most often - portrait), which step by step become psychological.

    Corevinny psychologism. Already in the early works of Vynnychenka, he felt caution over the character, the delivery of the hero. By the end of the opening, the mechanism of the human soul will become the main creative implications of the writer.

    Let us reveal with a glimpse of the early creativity of Vynnychenko є announcement (story) "Beauty and Power" (1902). Already here the problem has been ruined, as if the writer was able to do it in bagatokh creations: people superbly smoothly pull the prototypes of the first.

    In information about people who have gone to the bottom of life. Middle of the beggars and p'yanits, middle of the people, scho "Not to be afraid of neither clouds, nor thunder", Virіznyayutsya Іlko and Andriy - young villains. Іlko - ugly, kind, ale weak-willed, Andriy, navpaki, - non-hot, hard, ale of inclinations. Міська-сільська дівчина Motrya namagatsya prihilitisya chi to "beauty" (Іlko), chi to "strength" (Andriy). Protest і "beauty", і "strength" wrapped in villainy and rogue, that the finale smelly stinks behind the board of life: "The star is no longer spinning", and Motrya with Andriyum hocha and pobrali, ale "They went to the settlement, kudi sentenced Andriy for" attempted murder. "

    Okrema storinka at the creativity of the mitts - notifications about children and for children. Early: "Fedko-Halamidnik", "Kumedia with Kostyom", "Babusin's Gift", the last cycle "Namisto" , soulless svіtі grown up.

    Another period of creativity (1907-1920). Approximately from 1907 r. the creativity of V. Vynnychenko has an infusion another, obviously new period. Now I am overwhelmed with such genre, like a psychological image (etude), an empressive novel, an ethical-psychological drama, a novel. Tsey period є naybilsh scandalous from the writer's creativity. Critics either call him in the propaganda of "vilnoy love", erotomania, then cast aside the overworld tendencies, pieceiness, "changed morality."

    Now at the center of taagi of the writer perebuva revolution of intelligence, We are far from being hungry for light, for the spirit of light. The author of some of his positive and negative characters in the "moral laboratory": kidding in the most common situations, abi re-verifying listening, truthfulness of their ethical ideas.

    V. Vinnichenko has written for an hour create new ideas, zokrem: dramas "Disharmony" (1906), "Shable Life" (1907), "Great Moloch" (1907), "Bazaar" (1910), "Grіkh" (1919), etude "Zina" (1909), short story " Moment "(1910), the novel" Honesty with oneself "(1911)," Rivnovaga "(1912)," Notes of the Kirpaty Mephistopheles "(1917) and ін.

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