Home Trees and shrubs Games similar to mafia 3. Tactics and strategy of the classic mafia. Description of cards and roles

Games similar to mafia 3. Tactics and strategy of the classic mafia. Description of cards and roles

Spend an evening with friends playing board games - have a nice time. Card "mafia" is very popular among big company. But how to play it correctly?

Traditionally, eleven people take part: ten players and a presenter. The latter watches the progress of the game and voices its stages.

At the beginning, players choose one of ten cards. Seven out of ten are “red”, the rest are “black”. Accordingly, seven townspeople and three mafiosi. At the head of the citizens is the Sheriff, at the head of the mafia is the Don.

The gameplay is divided into “day” and “night”. The presenter replaces them, saying the phrases: “Day is coming” or “Night is coming.”

The goal of the game is for the mafia to “kill” the citizens or vice versa.

The game has begun

Ten people sit at a table, each is assigned a number, from 1 to 10. The host announces the onset of night and the participants are blindfolded. Everyone chooses a card, remembers who they will be in the game and puts the card in place, closing their eyes. The host accordingly sets aside the card chosen by the player. And moves on to the next one.

So that the participants do not spy, everyone bows their heads.

After everyone has received their cards, “the mafia wakes up.” The players who received black cards get to know each other. Only on the night of the meeting can the mafia decide in what order the “murders” of citizens will occur. In by next nights they are not allowed to remove their masks. Don leads the rest of his team, and it is he who sets the order of the “kills.” During this action, the mafia should not reveal itself, since civilians can catch certain movements nearby. After the words: “the mafia is falling asleep,” the players are blindfolded.

The Sheriff “wakes up” next to meet the presenter. The Sheriff has the opportunity to check the mafiosi during the “night” game. After the introduction, “The Sheriff falls asleep.”

When morning comes, the Leader must say the phrase: “ Good morning. Residents are waking up."

Everyone has the right to speak for one minute. Citizens must identify the mafia, and the mafia must not betray “their own” and remove the citizens.

The player who was assigned the first number begins to discuss first and then in a circle. Players can nominate players who, in their opinion, are mafia. Each person “blames” only one player. At least two candidates must be submitted for the first contest, otherwise voting will not take place. In the following days, there can be any number of accused. The one for whom more votes were given based on the voting results leaves the game. The one who leaves the game has his say the last word. He has a minute during which he makes excuses or expresses his suspicions. If the player turns out to be a mafia, he must maintain until the last moment that he is an ordinary citizen. When “killing” the Sheriff, he has the right to voice it and talk about his nightly checks. If he has identified the mafia, he has the right to say so.

If during voting several suspects have an equal number of votes, then in 30 seconds they must present arguments in their defense and prove that they are peaceful citizens. Then the players vote again. The one voted for by the majority leaves the game.

Then night is declared. The presenter says: “the mafia gets down to business” and lists the game numbers. At the same time, members of the mafia do not remove their bandages; when the number is announced, they raise a “gun”. The player will be "killed" if all the mafia raised their "guns", otherwise the mafia misses. Let us remember that Don and his accomplices agreed on the order of their murders at the very beginning of the game. After this, “the mafia falls asleep.”

"Don is waking up." The head of the mafia is looking for the Sheriff. He selects a player with any number, points to him and the Leader either confirms the theory or refutes it. "Don is falling asleep."

Following the head of the mafia, the Sheriff “wakes up.” He figures out the mafia. He has the right to point to anyone and receive an answer from the Leader. "The Sheriff Falls Asleep"

"The city comes alive." If the mafioso managed to “shoot” a citizen, then the presenter talks about this and gives a minute to the one who dropped out. If everyone is still alive, then the Leader should please the citizens with this news.

On the second day, player number two plays first. Subsequent nights and days pass in a similar manner until one of the teams wins completely.

The townspeople win if all the mafia members are eliminated, otherwise the mafia wins.


If a player has three comments, he does not have the right to speak out during one game day. If more than three warnings are received, the player is eliminated without the opportunity to speak.

The card game "Mafia" is a board game for a large company. When playing it, you need to observe other players and draw conclusions based on their behavior, gestures and words. And the mafia will have to try with all its might to mislead naive citizens.

The players are divided into groups: “red” and “black”. “Reds” are civilians, and “Blacks” are mafiosi. There are 7 red cards and 3 black cards played in the game. One of the seven red cards is different from the rest - this is the “Sheriff” card, the leader of the red ones. Black also has its own leader - the Don card. The game is divided into two halves: day and night. During the game, the “blacks” must eliminate the “reds” and vice versa. Ten players sit at the gaming table. Then everyone puts on blindfolds, since at night all players must have their eyes closed. The assistant takes turns offering to choose a card from the tray, each player looks at his card, puts on the headband again, the assistant collects the cards, and the game begins.

The presenter announces: “Night is coming.” Participants in blindfolds tilt their heads down so that the movements of neighbors or the play of shadows do not become a source of additional information for them. The presenter announces: “The mafia is waking up.” Participants who received black cards, including the Don of the Mafia, take off their bandages and get to know each other and the presenter. This is the first and only night when the mafiosi open their eyes together. This night was given to them in order to agree on the procedure for eliminating the “reds”. Negotiations should be made very quietly using gestures and facial expressions - so that the “red” players sitting next to them do not feel the movements. The presenter announces: “The mafia is falling asleep.” After these words, the “black” players put on headbands.

Presenter: “Don wakes up and meets the presenter.” “Black” Don opens his eyes. That night the host meets Don. On subsequent nights, Don will wake up to find the Sheriff of the game.

Presenter: - “Don is falling asleep.” Don puts on the bandage.

Presenter: - “The Sheriff wakes up and meets the presenter.” The sheriff opens his eyes and meets the presenter. On subsequent nights, the Sheriff will be able to wake up and look for "Blacks".

Presenter: “The Sheriff is falling asleep. Morning. Everyone wakes up."

First day. Everyone takes off the bandages. During the day there is a discussion. Each player is given 1 minute to express their ideas, thoughts and suspicions.

The goal of the game as a whole: for the “red” to identify the “black” participants and remove them from the game. And for “blacks”, accordingly, it’s the opposite. The Blacks are in a better position because they know who is who in this game. The discussion starts with player number one and continues around the circle.

During the day's discussion, players can nominate players (no more than one per player) with the goal of removing them from the game. At the end of the discussion, the candidates are voted on. The candidate who receives the most votes is eliminated from the game. The one who drops out of the game has the right to the last word.

There is a term in the game called "shootout". This is a situation in which two or more players score the same number votes. In this case, the voters are given the right to justify themselves within 30 seconds, convince the players of their “redness” and remain in the game. After which a re-vote takes place. If someone gets more votes, they are eliminated. If the players again gain an equal number of votes, then the question is put to a vote: “Who is in favor of all those voting leaving the game?” If the majority votes for elimination, the players leave the game, if against, they remain; if the votes are divided equally, the players remain in the game. In the event that there are four players left at the table, a second vote during the “shootout” is not carried out. All players remain at the gaming table and the host announces that “night is coming.”

After the first circle, night falls again. During this and the following nights the mafia has the opportunity to "shoot". The “shooting” occurs as follows: those who agreed on the first night on the procedure for eliminating the “red” mafiosi “shoot” (with their eyes closed) on the following nights. The presenter, after the words “the mafia goes hunting,” announces the numbers of the players in turn, and if all the mafiosi shoot at a certain number at the same time, the object is hit. If one of the mafia members “shoots” at another number, or does not “shoot” at all, the presenter records the miss. “Shooting” occurs by simulating a shot with the fingers held high. The presenter announces: “The mafia is leaving.” Then “the presenter announces: “Don is waking up.” Don wakes up and tries to find the Sheriff of the game. He shows on his fingers to the presenter any number behind which, in his opinion, the Sheriff is hiding. The presenter either confirms his version or denies it with a nod of his head. Don falls asleep, wakes up Sheriff. Sheriff also has the right to night checks.

After the presenter's answer, the Sheriff falls asleep, and the presenter announces the beginning of the second day. If the mafia did not eliminate the player at night, the host announces that the morning is indeed good, and no one was hurt during the night.

The discussion of the second day begins with the next player after the player who spoke first in the previous circle. During this and the next round, the course of the game does not change. Nights and days alternate until one team or another wins.
The game ends with the victory of the “red” players when all the “black” players are eliminated. “Black” wins when there are an equal number of “red” and “black” left.

The game of "Mafia" is, first of all, a collective hobby, which should model the relationship between members of a criminal organization who constitute a minority and the unorganized majority. But many people wonder how to play mafia, what are the rules of the game?

The game was invented and brought to life 30 years ago by MSU student D. Davydov. From the very beginning, it was aimed at wide circles; it was used in hostels, during breaks in educational institutions. Subsequently it became widespread and became known throughout the world.

Game plot

The plot is that the city residents no longer want to tolerate rampant crime and decide to get rid of all the criminals. In response, the criminal world decides to destroy every single honest citizen. A fight begins in which a winner must be determined.

The situation as it develops leads to two ways of introducing struggle, which include direct struggle and masquerade, where people in conflict with the law hide their identity from their opponents. Mafiosi easily adapt to both, while honest citizens, on the contrary, experience big problems.

This is a show and a battle for survival in one format, the process does not require any investment or physical strength. Intelligence and luck are valued first.

Mafia game rules

Here, like everything, there are established rules that you need to know before sitting down at the gaming table. To start playing, you need the number of participants to reach 8 people, best option, when the number of players reaches 16 people.

At the beginning, cards are dealt, everyone receives their first card. It indicates the role of the person who received it, his affiliation with one of the teams, and the recipient must keep this information secret from others.

Cards come in black and red. Red means that the owner of the card is a peaceful person, black means that it is a bandit. If, for example, 10 people participate, then 7 red and 3 black cards are issued.

Players are divided into two opposing teams - gangsters and residents, who, as a rule, do not know each other. Individuals have a certain status, for example the second team has a key person, the police commissioner, and their opponents have a leader called "Don". The commissioner has the right to check the personal status of any team member at night, and, if he deems it necessary, kill the gangster

The rules prohibit players from giving or pronouncing oaths, they have no right to make any bets, or spy on the other participants. The voter has the right to choose only one candidate during the poll.

Process of playing Mafia

The passage does not contain any difficulties; simplicity and convenience highlight this way of spending time. Immediately after receiving the cards, each player recognizes the side he occupies, which only he himself knows, a leader appears, a kind of leader in everything.

The gameplay consists of two parts - open struggle during the day and secret struggle at night. The sequence of actions looks like this:

  • The first night is the night when the players get to know each other.
  • The host declares that night has come, both teams must put masks on their faces.
  • The leader gives the command, the mafiosi wake up, recognize each other’s identities and the identity of the leader.
  • The mafia men then put on masks and pretend to be asleep, at the same time the civilians wake up and recognize each other and their identities.
  • After the participants showed themselves to the boss and put on their masks again.
  • The day is coming again.

Types of roles in the game "Mafia"

  1. There are two types of participants in the confrontation: active and passive players. As a rule, gangsters are primarily active participants.
  1. The active role means that its owner wakes up at night, making his permitted moves existing rules. These measures are aimed at identifying enemy individuals and destroying them, everyone who is not a member of the mafia.
  2. In the event of a murder, the leader announces this to members of both teams and allows the eliminated player to make a farewell speech.
  1. On the contrary, the enemies of the mafiosi become more active at night, the goal of the enemies of crime is to identify the identities of all gangsters and put them to death. Gangsters during the daytime need to not give themselves away and not attract unnecessary suspicion.
  1. Criminals are executed after a poll, this happens during the day. The court is announced by the presenter, and the participants in the game express their opinions about the accused. "Blacks" are trying to confuse the "reds" by giving false information as the proceedings progress.
  2. All participants in the game, both peaceful citizens and their opponents, vote.
  1. It is important for civilians not to make a mistake in their decision, otherwise an innocent person may become the victim of their mistake. Mafiosi always strive for this. If the accusation is true, then the criminals seek to overwhelm the vote by convincing as many of their opponents as possible that the accused person is not a member of the mafia. One participant is eliminated per day, after a quick vote and subsequent execution.
  2. Then night falls again, the mafia chooses one victim from their team of opponents. Game continues.

Participants have the right to choose a strategy, which is an undoubted advantage of this game. But the framework defined by rules The games prohibit you from showing your cards to anyone or removing your mask.

All this can happen only if the participant lost and was removed from the game process.

Final game

Day and night alternate as the two teams fight. Everything ends with a categorical victory for one of the parties. The presenter should sum up the results. Civilians win when all the gangsters are exterminated, this is the final goal.

Victory will be achieved when the last criminal is identified and sent to execution.

The mafia wins if its numbers are equal to the number of their enemies. If this happens, the mafiosi automatically win, which must be announced by the presenter in a timely manner.

Playing mafia has its advantages compared to others similar games. It is attractive because the players themselves decide how to play; nothing is required from the participants except resourcefulness and luck.

Video: rules of the game "Mafia"

The mafia is not only an Italian criminal structure. This is a fascinating team game built on a twisted detective plot. Mafiomania captured our country just a few years ago, although this way of having fun has been known throughout the world since the end of the last century.

By the way, did you know that the birthplace of the game is Russia? Yes Yes! The mafia was invented by Dima Davydov, a graduate of the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State University, and immediately became popular among students.

But, oddly enough, at that time (and these were the 90s of the twentieth century) the game did not become widespread in our country and became better known outside the Fatherland. University graduates who went abroad began to spread this intellectual entertainment among their new acquaintances.

So people began to play Mafia in the most different corners Europe and USA. Today it is difficult to find a club or salon where they do not know about the Mafia. It is played at home, in cafes and even on social networks on the Internet.

Competitions are held between students from different institutes and cities, and Mafia-style parties are organized. The game has even reached Japan - there people who are going to become jurors are attracted to it to develop their logical thinking.

Although the Mafia board game, but it is by no means intended for children. If you want to learn all the secrets and always lead your team to victory, first you need to know the rules of the mafia game.

Let's start by listing the characters.

All Mafia characters are divided into three groups:

  1. Civilians(second name Townspeople) - play only during the day.
  2. Mafia– they play only “at night”, and “during the day” they pretend to be Citizens.
  3. Additional characters: Doctor(or Doctor) – plays on the side of Civilians. Saves one of the players, but does not know which camp he belongs to.
    Prostitute(or Lover, Girl) - plays on the side of Civilians. At night it can keep one of them safe. But the rules also do not prohibit this character from playing as a Mafioso.
    Commissioner(or Sheriff, Detective) - plays for Civilians, at night tries to destroy one of the mafia players.

Also involved in the game is the Host, who distributes the cards and ensures that all the rules are followed correctly.

The main intrigue of the game is that the townspeople have no idea how the participants are divided and which players are on the Mafia team. But the bandits, on the contrary, know each other. The competition ends when there are no accomplices left in one of the warring camps, which means the second team becomes the winner.

Mafia is played using special cards that determine what role each participant will play in the game. In the absence of thematic cards, you can use a regular playing deck.

Then you need to decide in advance which suit corresponds to each character. But it’s better to buy or download special maps for mafiosi on the Internet.

Note! Cards in the deck are left exactly according to the number of players, and there can be three or more. The traditional version of the Mafia involves the participation of 10 people.

The gameplay is divided into two periods - “day” and “night”. On the first “night”, the Host finds out which of the participants is the Mafia, which is the Citizen, and who plays the other roles (Sheriff, Prostitute and Doctor).

On command, the named players open their eyes, while the rest do not have the right to spy and, thus, cannot find out “who is who.”

After this the game begins.

Game phase Townspeople Mafia
Zero Night The townspeople are sleeping. The presenter gets acquainted with all the players and finds out their status Getting to know each other
First day Trying to figure out which player is the Mafia Participates in discussion, trying to divert suspicion from his team
First night The townspeople are "sleeping" The Mafia “wakes up”, “kills” one of the Citizens and notifies the Leader about this
Second day The host announces which player was “killed” during the night, and that participant leaves the gaming table. Townspeople discuss further actions
Second night The townspeople are "sleeping" Additional characters wake up one by one, trying to save the Peaceful team with their actions
The third day The presenter reports on all the events that happened at night, the townspeople are trying to figure out the mafia and “execute” him
This continues until one of the teams wins completely.

Some clubs offer their visitors original masks that make it difficult to determine whether players belong to a particular team.

The premises where tournaments are held are decorated with themed items. This is done to add mystery and mystery to the atmosphere, and thereby enhance the “spirit” of the game.

Classic mafia tactics and strategy

The tactics of behavior of Mafia participants is the most important factor in the conduct of the game. After all, the final victory or defeat of his team depends on the ability of each player to analyze, generalize and draw conclusions.

Let's take a closer look at examples of strategies for each character:

  1. Peaceful resident. It is necessary to conduct a calm dialogue, carefully looking at the rest of the team members in order to identify “enemies” among them. It is recommended to write down all moves and gestures or statements that alarm you. This will simplify the task of further identifying the mafia. Any suspicions that arise must be supported by facts in order to avoid groundless accusations. If you yourself come under suspicion, do not behave aggressively, this will confuse the players even more and your candidacy may be put to a vote for “elimination” from the game.
  2. Mafia. Your goal is to confuse the participants as much as possible in order to divert suspicion from your team. In all your behavior, copy the Peaceful in order to try to “join” their company. One of the tactical moves could be to “surrender” the smallest mafioso in order to protect the “larger” player from “elimination.”
  3. Doctor. This character has a lot of weight, as he can save any player from elimination. The doctor must have good analytical skills in order to accurately identify a civilian and help him. The main task is to hide his role to the last, otherwise the “bandits” will quickly remove him from the game.
  4. Prostitute. This role reveals all the natural adventurism and resourcefulness of the player. The putana can protect the character from each side, so it doesn’t make sense for her to particularly hide her role.
  5. Sheriff. Must suspect everyone. The Sheriff, the only honest citizen, has the opportunity to “kill” any player at night. The main thing is not to hit a civilian. If there is a risk of detection of a hero, one of the members of the peaceful team can impersonate the Sheriff, thereby averting suspicion and leaving him in the game for a longer period.

Game secrets

It doesn't matter whether you prefer the amateur version of the Mafia, which involves your family and friends, or you are a professional who attends tournaments in this exciting game, in any case, there are certain rules of etiquette that are considered bad manners to break.

  • You cannot clearly show your emotions, by which other players can recognize your character.
  • The host sets the mood for the game. He should not speak briefly, dryly and in monosyllabic phrases. When informing participants about the events that took place, this hero should describe them colorfully and interestingly.
  • Players who are ejected during a game must not comment or disturb others with their behavior. They are obliged to remain silent until the very end of the competition.
  • The presenter, who knows who has what role, should not hint or give hints to the players. It is recommended that this character even look in one direction, without focusing his gaze on any of the participants.
  • The main thing in Mafia is the process of the game itself, and not the victorious ending. It is precisely in order for everyone to feel like a part of the team, and also to be able to independently choose the strategy of their behavior, that players sit down at the card table. Therefore, spying on others at inopportune times is unacceptable, because it contradicts the very idea of ​​the game.

A person learns to control his emotions, is distracted from everyday problems, and simply finds new friends with similar interests.

And in some clubs the game script involves simultaneous study foreign language, which further increases the benefits of such leisure.

Useful video

Playing Mafia with cards is a fun activity for both adults and children. This simple team game allows players to develop their imagination, teaches them to speak beautifully and sharpens the gift of persuasion, and also trains their memory. Mafia - calm and fun game, which is suitable for a large company. The rule here is that the more players there are, the more interesting the game becomes. Optimal quantity players for Mafia - 8-16 people.

Preparation in the game

Before the game starts, cards are prepared (you can purchase ready-made cards"Mafia", print out the pictures for the Mafia yourself or use regular playing cards). Using cards, all players are divided into roles. It's more interesting to play with special cards created for this game. You can download pictures for the cards and print them on a printer - Card templates for the game MAFIA

If you have a regular deck playing cards, then the roles are distributed as follows:

  • red - townspeople (aka civilians),
  • blacks are mafia,
  • picture cards - additional statuses (for example, the queen of spades is a courtesan, the king of clubs is a commissar, the king of spades is a maniac, the king of hearts is a doctor.)

Players who have never played Mafia should become familiar with the roles before playing and understand what each character does and how.

Players shuffle the cards and deal them out. Each player receives a card face down. Players look at their cards, but do not show them to others. Each player must clearly know his role and not get confused. The card can be attached to clothing with a clothespin or simply put in your pocket.

So let's look at the main roles and remember what they can and can't do.

The main roles of players in the game Mafia

Leading- the only player who shows his card to the others. This man knows everything about everyone in the city. He plays the game.

Peaceful townspeople- ordinary residents of a virtual city who sleep at night (sleep honestly, without peeking!), and during the day they vote (put in prison) the player who, in their opinion, is a mafioso.

Mafia- players who choose and kill the chosen victim at night, and during the day try to disguise themselves as peaceful townspeople.

Sheriff (Commissioner)- there can only be one sheriff in the game. His job is to check the players at night.

Doctor (doctor, healer)- the doctor also works at night and can only save one city resident.

Courtesan- takes one of the players for the whole night and thereby saves him from being killed. True, if the mafia chose her as a victim, then her loved one also dies with her.

Maniac- seeks to kill everyone and remain the only resident in the city.

Rules for playing Mafia with cards

After the cards have been dealt, the presenter, who has received his card, shows it to the other players and prepares a small piece of paper and a pencil. The leader will count the dead and announce the verdict to the rest of the townspeople. The leader of the game must be honest.

First night

On the first night, the host gets to know the teams and finds out who is the mafia, who is the civilians, who is the doctor, the maniac, etc.

The host announces to the players:

Night. The townspeople are sleeping, the mafia is waking up.

Those players who received a civilian, doctor, courtesan or sheriff card do not open their eyes. “Mafia” opens its eyes and gets acquainted (without sound, players find each other only by looking, townspeople should not know who is who!!!). The presenter writes down the mafia players on his piece of paper. Of course, he doesn’t allow any of the players to look at this sheet.

Next, the presenter orders the mafia to sleep, and orders the sheriff to wake up and writes him down on his “black list.” So, on the first night, the host recognizes all the players one by one: the mafia, the sheriff, the doctor, the courtesan, the maniac and civilians.

First day

The presenter announces:

Day! The city is waking up.

All players open their eyes. The townspeople are given a head start on the first day. The mafia had not yet killed anyone, but already on the first day the peaceful townspeople suspected something was wrong (the rustling noises at night gave them alarming thoughts - the mafia was operating in the city!).

On the first day, city residents must put one player in prison, recognizing him as a mafioso. The player is selected by general decision or by voting. Naturally, the mafia is trying with all its might to imprison a civilian. Once a player is selected, he is eliminated from the game and shows his card. The townspeople will find out who they imprisoned.

Second night

The presenter announces:

The city is sleeping, the mafia is waking up!

The mafia opens its eyes and identifies its victim as silently as possible. The presenter writes down in a notebook who the mafia killed. Then, one by one, everyone wakes up acting roles(sheriff, doctor, etc.). Each role must perform its function:

  • The sheriff checks the player. Pointing his eyes at one of the players, he asks the leading mafia whether this is it. The presenter must nod to let the sheriff know whether it is the mafia or not. During the day, the sheriff must persuade the vote to kill the mafia, but this player cannot shout “I am the sheriff and I know everyone.” He himself is afraid of the mafia, and the mafia, as soon as they guess who the sheriff is in the city, will immediately knock him down.
  • The doctor points at one of the players and saves him. The presenter writes down the “treated” person. I think there is no need to explain that the doctor treats the players at random, because he doesn’t know who is who and who was killed by the mafia that night. Also, the doctor cannot treat one player 2 nights in a row. The doctor also cannot treat himself 2 nights in a row.
  • The courtesan looks at the player, whom she takes with her to the brothel that night. This player, if chosen by the mafia, remains alive (after all, he was not at home at night). The trouble is that if the mafia killed a courtesan at night, then her visitor also dies, there is no need for mafia witnesses!
  • The maniac simply kills whoever he likes. Well, what to take from a maniac!

All players who were treated, were with a courtesan, fell into the clutches of a maniac, etc. The presenter writes it down so as not to get confused.

After all the players have played their roles, the city wakes up.

Second day

After a long, eventful night, the host announces:

Second day, the townspeople wake up.

Everyone opens their eyes and the presenter calls the one who did not wake up:

At night there was a murder in our city. So-and-so is killed (the player shows his card to others and leaves the game).

So that it would not be very offensive, and the game would be more fun, the murdered man tells with taste how he was hit (you can come up with something fun and funny. For example, death occurred because I was forced to eat 25 plates of semolina porridge:)

If the player chosen by the mafia was saved by a doctor or courtesan, the host announces “The murder did not occur.”

The day continues with a discussion and the lynching of one of the players.

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