Home Indoor flowers The completed speech card for the child is ready. Speech card (Individual speech therapy card)

The completed speech card for the child is ready. Speech card (Individual speech therapy card)

Lena Berdyugina
Speech therapy examination of preschoolers. Speech card for beginner speech therapists

At the heart of speech therapy examination should lie general principles and teaching methods survey: it should be complex, holistic and dynamic, but at the same time it should have its own specific content aimed at analysis speech impairment.

Complexity, integrity and dynamism surveys are provided by that all aspects of speech and all its components are investigated, moreover, against the background of the whole personality examined, taking into account the data of its development - both general and speech - starting with early age .

Speech therapy examination includes the following points:

1. Name, surname, age, nationality.

2. Complaints from parents, educators, teachers.

3. Data of early development: a) general (briefly); b) speech(in detail, by periods).

4. a brief description of child now.

6. Vision.

7. The child's reaction to his speech difficulties.

8. Intelligence.

9. The structure of the organs of articulation, their mobility.

10. Speech: a) impressive; b) expressive - from the point of view of phonetics, vocabulary, grammatical structure; whether he has a detailed speech; v) written speech- reading and writing.

11. Conclusion.

Each speech therapist starts their work with diagnostics. She reveals speech problems for this child. Speech therapist can based on the diagnostic data, draw up a conclusion and form an individual route for this child.

Author's diagnostics a large number of... Let's take the diagnosis of N.V. Nishcheva. It comes with a detailed description of all the techniques and methods, indicating the symptoms speech disorders ... There is a wonderful diagnostic manual edited by Professor G.V. Chirkina. It shows diagnostics from an early age and for each speech violation separately. You can consider another work of G.V. Chirkina Methods children's speech examinations”, But it is more suitable for children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders. But how to immediately determine speech impairment? This requires an average type of diagnostics. Everyone has it speech therapist its diagnostic map which he uses in practical work which he develops himself.

Speech card

1. Full name of the child ___ 2. Date of birth ___ + 3. Home address ___ 4. Date survey ___

Conclusion of experts

Otolaryngologist ___ Oculist ___ Neuropathologist ___

Primary speech history

Decision of the medical and pedagogical commission

Speech therapy examination

Anotomical structure of the articulatory apparatus: 1. Language ___ 2. Lips ___ 3. Teeth ___ 4. Jaws ___ 5. Soft palate ___ 6. Mimic muscles ___ 7. Dynamic organization of movements art. apparatus ___ 8. General motor skills ___ 9. Fine motor skills ___ 10. General sounding of speech ___

Phonetic hearing

Rat-roof duck-fishing rod mouse-bowl grass-firewood T-shirt-bunny wheelbarrow-summer car crayfish-varnish bow-hatch

Phonemic perception

1. Ta-da ta-da-ta pa-ba pa-ba-pa

2. Distinguishing a vowel among others vowels "U" A-s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ...

3. Distinguishing a consonant among others consonants: "Raise your hand when you hear the sound "T"... 4. Isolation and discrimination of sound among syllables ___ _ 5... Isolation and discrimination of sound among syllables ___

6. Highlight the first stressed vowel sound: Alik, Yura, Olya, Yasha, Hoop, Wasps, Alla ... 7. Select the last consonant sound: Poppy, steam, lump, cat, mustache, beetle, cheese. Nose…

Word and sentence structure

Medicine TV frying pan electricity Children blinded a snowman. The bird made a nest in the bushes.

Eyebrows bridge of nose elbow nostrils eyelids watering can basket spider


Onions, turnips, carrots ___ Cabinet, chair. Table, sofa ___ Dishes ___ Clothes ___ Transport ___

Find out by description

Iron, with two handles and a lid ___ Red, cunning, lives in the forest, steals chickens ___

Understanding verbs (m. and f. kind)

Zhenya fell Zhenya fell Valya cried Valya cried

Perfect and imperfective verbs

Misha makes a wheelbarrow. Misha made a wheelbarrow. Katya draws a butterfly. Katya drew a butterfly.


Wide - Tall - White - Old - Funny - Hot - Slim -

Synonymous words

Funny- Big- Beautiful-

Grammatical structure

Who is the cat catching? ___

How do they cut firewood? ___

Action names of people and animals

Artist ___ Postman ___ Violinist ___ Builder ___ Dog ___ Cat ___

Convert singular to plural

Castle book cat beetle letter fly wagon braid cap belt

Education noun genus. pad. units and many others. the numbers

N-R: I have a pencil, and you? (ruler, pen, book, violin, candy.) R- To: What about me? ___ Formation of compound words

Leaves are falling ___ Samkatit ___ Snow is falling ___ Samvarit ___ Going up ___ Flies off ___


Use prepositions

Formation of diminutive forms

Doll hare ball house window ring

Aligning nouns with numerals

Formation of adjectives from nouns

Table made of wood fur coat made of fur glass glass baba made of snow

Drawing up a simple proposal for picture

Writing a story by series pictures

Features of thinking

1. Make up the whole of the parts ___

2. Exception ___

3. Spatio-temporal concepts:

Top-bottom far-close high-low middle part of the day days of the week seasons

4. Color:

5. Form:

6. Counting operations: How many eyes does a dog have? How many wheels does the car have?

Clarification speech diagnosis

During the academic year

Teacher- speech therapist ___

Speech survey map

non-speaking child

1.Surname, name of the child _____________________________

2. Date of birth, age ___________________________________________________________________

3. Nationality (bilingualism) _____________________________________________________________ _

4. Home address ________________________________________________________________________

5. Where did you come from ________________________________________________________________________

6. Date of admission to speech therapy group _______________

7. Conclusion PMPK from ______________

8. Psycho-neurological status _______________________________________________________________

9. Hearing condition _________________________________________________________________________

10. State of vision _______________________________________________________________________

11. Date of filling in the speech card ____________________________________________________________

Speech therapist ___________________________________

I ... Study of non-verbal communication components

Establishing contact with a child (productive, unproductive) __________________________________

Manifestation of motor and speech negativism _____________________________________________

Demonstration of the ability to imitate:

- "Do as I do" (indication, negative gesture, etc.) _________________________________________________________

- "Fly like a bird", "Jump like a bunny", "Drown like a bear" ___________________________

Manifestation of fixation of the child's gaze (speaker's eyes, organs of articulation, picture) ______________________


II ... Learning auditory perception

Defined e changing the number of non-speech sounds ___________________________________________________

Distinguishing and reproducing a 2-complex rhythm by ear ______________________________________

Determination of the direction of non-speech sound __________________________________________________

Distinguishing by ear of onomatopoeia ____________________________________________________________

III ... Studying motor development

1. General motor condition:

(gait - confident, unsure, with camber; walking on tiptoes in straight lines; jumping on one or two legs)

coordination ____________________________________________________________________________

2. Fine motor skills:

(try: repeat sequentially the poses "cam", "roof", "boat", "goat", "circle", "glasses"; alternating two poses: "fist / palm", "fist / goat", "palms / boat "," glasses / fist; lacing)

accuracy of movements _______________________________________________________________________

switching ___________________________________________________________________________

pace ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. The state of the facial muscles:

Face (meaningful, presence of facial expressions, indifferent, asymmetrical, nasolabial fold) ___________


The ability to perform mimic movements in imitation (tests: raise eyebrows up ("surprised"),

frown ("get angry"), squint eyes, puff out cheeks ("fat")) ____________________________________


(shows negativism; visually perceives, tries to repeat, but unsuccessfully; tries to repeat, but the pose

does not hold; performs movements independently)

IV ... Examination of the articulation apparatus

1. Articulation apparatus structure:

lips ____________________________ muscle tone of the lips _______________________________

teeth ____________________________________________________________________________________

bite _________________________________________________________________________________

tongue (shape; position, muscle tone at rest, condition of the hyoid ligament) _________________



solid sky ___________________________________________________________________________

2. The state of the motor skills of the articulatory apparatus:

lips ______________________________________________________________________________

lower jaw __________________________________________________________________________

language ____________________________________________________________________________________

soft sky _____________________________________________________________________________

V ... Learning Impressive Speech:

1. State of the nominative dictionary

Correlation of a personal name with a person

(knows his name, responds to it)


Assigning items to their names

Show where the doll, ball, clock, book, table


Show body parts (hand, nose, knee, elbow, forehead, fingers, neck)


Show parts of objects (house, car, plane, doll, watch)


Show animals (cat, dog, hare, wolf, fox, horse, goat)


Correlation of objects with their purpose (objects, pictures)

Show me what you play with, how you brush your teeth, what you eat, etc.


Understanding generalized words

Show (take, give) dishes (clothes, etc.)


2. State of the predicative dictionary

(plot pictures in which one object performs different actions)

Show where the girl is walking (standing, running, eating, sleeping, playing, washing)


(plot pictures on which different objects perform different actions)

Show who is washing (standing, running, etc.)


3. State of the attribute dictionary

Understanding the names of the attributes of objects

Show me where is the big table? where is the little one? (thick / thin stick, long / short tape, high / low house) ____________________________________________________________________

Show me which cube is bigger? which cube is smaller? (pencil is longer / shorter, pyramid higher / lower) _____________________________________________________________________________

Show me where the red (yellow, blue) ball is? _______________________________________________


4. State of the grammatical structure of speech:

Understanding the forms of the one and only plural noun

Where is the doll? where are the dolls? (pyramid / pyramids, car / cars, book / books)


Understanding the meanings of prepositions that reflect spatial relationships

Put the toy in the box (on the box, behind the box, under the box, in front of the box)


Understanding nouns with diminutive suffixes

Show me where the table is? where is the table? (book / booklet, doll / doll, box / box) ________________________________________________________________________________________

Understanding prepositional-case construction (2-hard instruction)

Take a bear and put him on a chair; go to the table and take a pencil; take the cubes from the table and put them in the box


Understanding the content of the text, told by a series of plot pictures


VI ... Learning expressive speech

1. General sound of speech

Breath (volume, duration of exhalation, smoothness) _____________________________________



Pace (bradilalia, tachilalia, moderate) ___________________________________________________

Intelligibility (indicate the reason) __________________________________________________________

2. Condition speech activity

Sound unconditioned reflex reactions ( grunting, smacking, squealing, whining,

joyful exclamations, laughter, crying, screaming) _______________________________________________


Possibilities of pronouncing words (babbling, onomatopoeia, amorphous words, single words, safety syllabic structure)__________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

Phrases Pronunciation Capabilities (the nature of pronunciation: conjugate, reflected, arbitrary; structure of the phrase, the presence of agrammatisms) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Possibilities of pronunciation and differentiation of individual sounds

(sound pronunciation)

(differentiation of sounds)

Vii ... Research of non-speech mental functions

1. Thinking:

Seguin board ownership __________________________________________________________________

Folding the pyramid _________________________________________________________________

Classification _________________________________________________________________________

Allocation of 4-extra ____________________________________________________________________

2. Account:

Straight mechanical account: ______________________________________________________________

Correlation of the number with the number of objects ("give 2 pencils, 3 cubes, 5 pictures") _________

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _

Naming numbers ____________________________________________________________

3. Optical-spatial gnosis:

Distinguishing concepts up / down, right / left, front / back ___________________________________


4. Optical-spatial praxis:

Folding cut pictures from 2 - 3 - 4 parts _______________________________________


Folding figures from sticks according to the pattern (3-6 sticks) ______________________________________


Speech therapy conclusion: _______________________________________







As you know, speech cards usually contain all tasks and a place to record the results of the examination - on several pages. At our work, the flow of the surveyed is several times greater than in educational institutions, and funding for stationery is not important. Therefore, a directive came from the authorities: to reduce the consumption of paper. The search began. However, the speech therapy sheets that came into view did not fully correspond to the functionality and content of speech maps. My task was to fit all the necessary information on the examination of speech on one sheet. I did it! When using this form of the speech card, you must have a clear knowledge of all tasks in one or another block, or better - the availability of well-chosen visual materials for all tasks by age and your impeccable orientation in them. Based on the speech map of N.V. Nishcheva. With the additions of tasks from the maps of other authors, I made materials and schemes for examining the speech of children separately by age. Within the framework of my work, this is much more convenient than the materials presented in the literature, where, in order to find pictures for the next task, you need to constantly scroll through pictures to other ages in the album. The results of the examination of the speech of children from 4 to 15 years old are entered in the corresponding columns. If the skill is not yet to be formed by age, the column is not filled in. Based on the results of the survey, a descriptive speech therapy report is filled in, which indicates the same sequence of components of a speech examination as in the speech map.

Within the framework of educational institution in addition to the form of the card, you will need a history sheet.

I assure you, it is more convenient to store the documentation in this form, it is more convenient to use it!

Speech card

Surname, name of the child ______________________ age _______ group / class __________

Hearing ________________________________ vision ___________________________________

Articulating _____________________________________________________________ apparatus _______________________________________________________________________

Oral praxis _____________________________________________________________

Breathing (out of speech and speech) ____________________________________________________

Rhythm, tempo, intonation __________________________________________________________


Sound reproduction ___________________ intelligibility ___________________________



Sound-syllable structure of words and phrases : simple _____ multi-link ____ complex ______

Phonemic representations: _______________________________________________

Phonemic perception : auditory-visual differentiation of words ________________

ear-speaks. differentiation of opposition sounds in syllables ____ in words ______

Sound-syllable analysis and synthesis : _________________________________________________

Impressive speech :

Passive vocabulary: volume, quality ______________________________________________


Discernment: surrounding objects ____________ parts of objects __________________

actions ______________ signs ____________ generalizations ________________________

Understanding the meanings of grammar. changes: verbs perk. type ___________________

units - pl. number of existence ______________ units - mn. number of verbs ___________________

decrease-caress. noun form _____________ of prefixed verbs __________________

Understanding logical and grammatical constructions: addressed speech ___________________

instructions: simple social and household ________ multi-tier ________ complex _________

prepositional case structures: simple _______________ complex ________________

simple comparison ________ complex comparison ___________ inversion _______________

structures expressing the relationship of persons and objects with each other (in TV.p.) _______

simple questions _____________________ difficult questions ________________________

sentences similar in structure _______________________________________________

text _____________ understanding hidden meaning ________ figurative sense ________

Expressive speech :

Active dictionary: volume, quality _______________________________________________


Grammatical processes :

Education: adj-x from noun-x _________________ verbs committed type ______________

noun-x Im. n. pl. h. __________________________ prefix. verbs _______________

noun plural in indirect n. or R. n ._________________ refers. appendix ________________

noun in reduced-caress. form _______________ will attract. addend-x _______________

baby animals _______________________ qualities. appendix _________________

agreement (in gender, number and case):

adjectives with noun _________________________ verbs with noun ___________________

noun with numerals ___________________________ noun with prepositions _________________

Coherent speech:

Phrase _______________________________________________________________________

Spontaneous speech _______________________________________________________________

Dialogue speech ____________________________________________________________

Automated speech: verses _______ count _______ days of the week _______ months _______

Unauthorized speech: counting _______ days of the week _______ months _______

Conjugate speech ______________________________________________________________

Reflected speech _______________________________________________________________

Nominative speech _____________________________________________________________

Drawing up a phrase: a) according to the picture _______________________________________________

b) with a given word __________________________________________________________

Monologue speech:

Allocation of causal relationships:

Types of monologic statements


Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures

Drawing up a story based on a plot picture

Composing a story on a given topic (from experience)

Text structure (parts)

The sequence of the disclosure of micro themes

Completeness of disclosure

Semantic accuracy

Phrase type, word matching

Using Expression Tools

General and fine motor skills ____________________________________________

Optical-spatial gnosis and praxis ______________________________________

Letter: type of lateralization, pace, cheating, independent writing, dictation _____________________________________________________________________________




Reading : words, sentences, text; pace; reading to yourself; understanding the meaning; retelling _____________________________________________________________________________




Conclusion :__________________________________________________________________




Speech therapist: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Below you can download a sample speech card form

(font 12, 2 pages A4 size).

Speech therapy conclusion.

During speech therapy examination ___________________________________ (____________ year of birth)

the following was revealed:

According to experts:

In the structure of the articulatory apparatus:

In a state of oral praxis:

In the state of prosody and the dynamic side of speech:

In a state of sound pronunciation:

In a state of sound-syllable structure of words and phrases:

In a state of phonemic perception:

In a state of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis:

In a state of impressive speech:

* passive dictionary

* understanding of changes grammatical meanings words

* understanding of logical and grammatical constructions

In a state of expressive speech:

* active dictionary:

* grammatical processes:

Word formation:


* phrase

* monologue speech:

In a state of general and fine motor skills:

In a state of optical-spatial gnosis and praxis:

In writing state:

Reading state:

Conclusion :

Speech therapist:


Below you can download the speech therapy report form in A4 format (font 12).


1. Last name, first name of the child ___________________________________________________________

2. Date of birth ____________________________________ Age ______________________

3. Institution visited, group, class ____________________________________________

4. Full name of mother, age, place of work, position _____________________________________

5. Full name of father, age, place of work, position _______________________________________

6. Nationality, native language what language does he speak in the family ______________________


7. Data on the presence of neuropsychic, somatic

diseases, speech disorders, especially dyslexia and dysgraphia _____________________


8. The course of pregnancy. (To identify if there were injuries, Rh-conflict, impact

chemical, physical - especially radiation - factors, infectious diseases -

especially rubella, influenza, etc., - toxoplasmosis, cardiovascular diseases,

liver disease, kidney disease, toxicosis in the 1st and 2nd half of pregnancy, symptoms

threatening miscarriage.) 1st half _____________________________________________

2nd half ____________________________________________________________________

9. The course of labor (on time, early: at 8, 7 months; normally proceeding, protracted,

impetuous, dehydrated, etc.; the use of stimulation during childbirth, its nature;

duration of labor) _____________________________________________________________


10. The state of the child at the time of birth. The presence of trauma during childbirth: fractures,

hemorrhages, tumors, asphyxia (blue, white) ____________________________________

when he screamed (immediately, after a few seconds, after a few minutes) __________________________________________________________________________


presence of congenital defects _____________________________________________________

Weight and height of the child at birth ___________________________________________________

When they brought in to feed, as they sucked (well, sluggishly) ________________________________________________________________________________

11. Data on the somatic, neuropsychic and psychomotor development of the child

(write out from the medical record). Keeps her head with ________________

sits with ________________ walks with ___________________

Past diseases up to a year _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


Postponed diseases from one to 3 years ___________________________________________


Past diseases after 3 years ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

12. Data on the development of the child's speech: the time of the appearance of humming __________ babbling __________

nature of babbling ______________ time of appearance of words _______ phrasal speech __________________

whether the child had violations of the syllable structure of words _____________________________ agrammatisms _____________________________________ what sounds were pronounced incorrectly for a long time _____________________________________________________________________

the nature of the incorrect pronunciation of sounds (distortion, substitution, lack of sounds)

up to 4 years _______________________________ after 4 years _______________________________

whether there was a correction of violations of sound pronunciation and other speech disorders,

over what period, its result ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________


characteristic features of understanding the speech of others _________________________________________________________________________________


13. Data of medical examinations - specialists ________________________________________________________________________________ Share with a colleague!

(for children with OHP who are engaged in a speech center for two years of study,
highlighted font - second year of study)

1. Surname, name. Age

2. Home address.


3. Date of enrollment.

4. Full name parents, place of work, position.




5. Anamnesis. Speech development child (features of speech development).

Humming _________________________________________________________________________

Babbling __________________________________________________________________________

First words ____________________________________________________________________

Phrasal speech ___________________________________________________________________

6. Hearing.

8. Intelligence.

9. General sounding of speech.

10. Examination of the articulation apparatus.

Bite (normal, open anterior, open lateral, progeny, prognathia).

The structure of the sky (normal, high, low, ___________________________________________)

Hyoid frenum condition (normal, short, long,

incremented., _____________________________________________________________________)

Lips (normal, thick, narrow, inactive, _______________________________________)

Mobility of the tongue (mobile, sedentary, ________________________________________)

11. The state of general motor skills.

Coordination of movements - ___________________________________________________

Fine motor skills - ______________________________________________________________

Prefers to work with the right / left hand.

12. Sound reproduction.

S ____________ S ____________ W ____________ S __________ C __________

W ____________ W ____________ W ____________ H ___________

L _____________ L ____________ R ____________ R ___________

K _____________ Y _____________ X ____________ Yot ____________

T _____________ D _____________ N ____________ ______________

______________ ______________ _____________ ______________

13. Phonemic hearing.

14. Pronunciation of words of complex syllabic composition

Review: The pharmacist has prepared the medicine.

The guide conducts an excursion.

15. Analysis of the sound composition of the word.

a) highlighting the first sound in a word.

b) highlighting the last sound in a word.

c) determining the sequence of sounds in a word.

b) the level of generalization:
sweater, dress, shorts, skirt, tights
saucer, frying pan, spoon, plate
tomato, turnip, carrot, cabbage
apple, peach, pear, lemon
cow, dog, wolf, hedgehog

sparrow, duck, pigeon, turkey
bus, train, trolleybus, plane
trees, shrubs, flowers, grass
bread, sausage, cheese, biscuits
bee, fly, ant, beetle

Dictionary of signs:

a) selection of adjectives for nouns:
fox (what?) -
dress (what?) -

b) selection of antonyms:

Verb dictionary:
a) what are they doing?

b) the formation of a diminutive - affectionate form:

c) coordination of adjectives with nouns:

d) the formation of adjectives from nouns:

e) education possessive adjectives:

f) coordination of nouns with numerals:
(one table, two tables, five tables)

g) the use of prepositions:


18. Coherent speech. Retelling. "Bathing teddy bears"
The hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud crack of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree. A big bear and two cheerful bear cubs came out of the forest.
The she-bear grabbed one bear cub with her teeth by the collar and let's dip it into the river. Another bear cub got scared of the cold bath and started to run away into the forest. The bear caught up with him, slapped him, and then into the water, like the first one. The water refreshed them well. After bathing, the bears disappeared into the forest again, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home.

drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures "Bunny and Carrot".

19. Reading:
Letters - knows, does not know.
He reads - by letter, by syllable, by words.


20. Speech therapy conclusion:



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