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In the history of Russian education, rewarding students first appeared when Empress Catherine II. According to the Charter of the People'sschools in the Russian Empire" the names of students who distinguished themselves by success in the sciences,diligence and good manners, were entered by the teacher in a notebook, which wasthe prototype of the "Book of Honor", widely distributed later in the Soviet school

In addition, the best students received a textbook in good condition as a reward.

bound, signed by the director. Since books were very expensive in the 17th century, they

were a really high reward for the students.

In 1828, the “Charter of gymnasiums and schools of county and parish” in Russia for the first time

school medals were officially introduced. Prior to this, the presentation of various types of school

medals happened haphazardly and semi-officially.

Starting in 1828, gold medals were awarded to graduates who showed

whose decision before 1835 was subject to approval by the university, and after 1835

Educational district.

In 1835, Emperor Nicholas I approved a single medal for men's

Gymnasium "For Achievement in Science" The front side of the medal was decorated with the state

coat of arms (double-headed eagle). On the back was depicted the patroness of science Minerva,

standing with a lamp raised in her left hand. In her right hand was a laurel wreath, at her feet

An owl and attributes of sciences (scrolls and a globe) and an inscription - "TO THE SUCCESSFUL".

It was assumed that gymnasium education should continue in

university, since the inscription "SUCCESSFUL" was knocked out only on medals for


"Male" gymnasium medals were minted in two types - a large one made of silver, and

small gold. They existed without major changes until 1917.

The gold medal of men's gymnasiums had a diameter of 32-33 mm, a weight of 25-26 grams and

Made from pure 990 gold. The silver medal was made from silver and

had a diameter of 43 mm.

To get a gold medal, one had to have exemplary behavior, grades

"excellent" in Latin, ancient Greek languages ​​and mathematics and an average score of at least

4.5 in all other disciplines.

In 1870, after the approval of the regulation on women's gymnasiums, the right to be

The girls received gold and silver medals along with the boys.

"Women's medals" were of two types, as part of the gymnasiums were in charge of the Ministry

public education, and Empress Maria Alexandrovna patronized the rest.

On the medals that the Empress was in charge of, the reverse side was decorated with a wreath of


The medals of the gymnasiums of the Ministry of Education were decorated with the image

the patroness of sciences Minerva, standing with a lamp and attributes of sciences at her feet, but “in

light tunic" and with the inscription "FOR WELL-BEING AND SUCCESS IN THE SCIENCES".

On the front side of both types of "female" medals, uniformly knocked out

profile image of the empress and the inscription "EMPRESS EMPRESS

MARIA ALEXANDROVNA". After the death of the august person, patronage of women

Gymnasium was accepted by the wife of Alexander III and the mother of the last Emperor Nicholas II -

Maria Feodorovna, and on the front side of the medals they began to mint her profile

image (pictured).

Medals in tsarist Russia were given to all deserving, regardless of position in

society, class and social status of the student or his parents. Cases are known

moreover, not isolated ones, when even the children of state criminals received medals. Example: the director of the gymnasium F. Kerensky (father of the future head of the Russian Provisional Government) insisted on giving a gold medal to graduate Vladimir Ulyanov.

However, it should be noted that even with a strong desire, not all gymnasiums had

the opportunity to celebrate the success of their students with gold and silver medals. Everything

depended on how rich the board of trustees of a particular gymnasium was, because for

medals made from precious metals had to be paid.

a national award could only be a stretch.

The October Revolution of 1917 changed the pre-existing order. In

including the previously existing system of rewarding graduates of educational

establishments with medals.

After 1917, some schools independently produced some kind of school

medals - medal-shaped tokens on various pendants, which were awarded especially

distinguished during the years of study and especially gifted students, but all this was amateur and


In addition, various departments, institutions, commissariats encouraged the best school graduates with commendable letters and gifts, badges for excellent completion of various courses. Officially, the certificates of merit were approved by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of September 2, 1935 and for the first time began to be awarded following the results of the 1935-1936 academic year.

Medals of the 1945 model.

For the first time in the USSR, gold and silver school medals were introduced, starting from the 1944-1945 academic year, by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated June 21, 1944 "On measures to improve the quality of education at school." At the same time, it was decided to hold final exams for students in schools. On May 30, 1945, the "Regulations on gold and silver medals" FOR EXCELLENT SUCCESS AND EXCELLENT BEHAVIOR" came into force, which approved the samples and descriptions of the medals themselves, as well as samples of certificate forms for them. According to this regulation, a gold medal was awarded to persons who showed outstanding success in passing the matriculation exams, having exemplary behavior and a grade of “5” in all basic subjects of secondary school. If a student showed similar knowledge when passing exams, had exemplary behavior, but a grade of “4” in no more than three of the other main subjects, then he could be awarded a silver medal. When awarding medals, marks for singing, drawing, drafting and military physical training were not taken into account. The submission of a student for a medal was formalized by the pedagogical council of the school, but the decision to award the medal was made by the regional and regional departments of public education.

Those awarded with gold and silver medals had the right to enter higher

educational institutions of the USSR without entrance exams, while in the first place

those awarded with a gold medal, and then a silver one, were accepted.


BEHAVIOR, awarded to high school graduates between 1946 and 1954, had

the same diameter is 32 mm, and the thickness is 1.5 mm and 2 mm, respectively. were made

medals made of 583 gold alloy and 925 silver alloy, respectively.

The gold medal weighed almost 11 grams and was covered with a layer of pure gold.

3 microns thick. The silver award was slightly heavier and weighed 15 grams.

On the front side of the medals, against the background of diverging rays, an open book is depicted,

bordered below and to the right by a laurel branch. In the upper part, in the center of diverging rays,

a convex five-pointed star is placed. Along the circumference - the inscription: "FOR EXCELLENT

Medals of the 1945 model:

Gold school medal of 1945.

Diameter 32mm, weight 11 grams,

gold of the 583rd test.

Silver school medal of 1945.

Diameter 32mm, weight 15 grams,

925 sterling silver.

According to the site www.smedal.ru.

SUCCESS AND EXCELLENT BEHAVIOR”, framed by a rim of dots and a rim. On the

on the reverse side of the medals there is an image of the coat of arms and an abbreviated inscription of the name

corresponding union republic.

In the certificates of students who graduated from high school with a medal, there was an entry:

"Awarded with a gold or silver medal", and at the top a similar text was

made in gold or silver, respectively.

In the same period, the Moscow Mint issued gold and silver medals in

16 options for each of the union republics that existed at that time. The inscription "For

excellent achievements and exemplary behavior" was also performed in national languages

union republics.

A matriculation certificate and a gold medal "number 1" in the RSFSR were awarded to a student of one

All-Moscow Mathematical Olympiad to Evgeny Shchukin.

After graduating from school, Evgeny continued his studies at the Faculty of Physics

Moscow State University, which he graduated with honors.

In 1967, Evgeny Dmitrievich Shchukin became a professor at Moscow State University. In 1984 he

was elected to the US National Academy of Engineering, and in 1988 - to the Royal

Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

Medals of the 1953 model.

Since December 14, 1953, due to a change in the technological conditions for the manufacture of medals, there have been some changes in their parameters, first of all, the composition of the metal alloys used has changed. The gold medal began to be made from an alloy of the 375th test and additionally coated with higher-grade gold by electroplating. The thickness of this layer was 3 microns, only 6 grams of gold remained in the medal. The silver medal was still minted from 925 sterling silver. With the preserved diameter of 32 mm, the thickness of the medals increased to 3 mm. The design of the medals remained the same.

Medals of the 1960 model.

Since 1959, in connection with the transition to a new school system,

gold and silver medals began to be awarded not only to graduates of secondary

ten-year schools, but also graduates of working youth schools.

the reorganization of schools for working youth into secondary general

reverse sides of the gold and silver medals of the 1960 model were the same as on

medals of the 1945 model, and the clarifying words “in learning and work” appeared in the inscription, and she



Both medals increased in diameter to 40 mm and began to be made of

base metals: gold - from tompak L90, and silver - from cupronickel MN19.

The surface of the medals was covered with the thinnest layers of precious metals in 5

micron. The method of electroplating or silver electroplating was used (on a medal

was spent: gold in the amount of 0.307 g, silver - 0.167 g.)

Accordingly, new samples of certificates of secondary education were introduced. On the

the front side of the certificate form was placed the coat of arms and the name of the Ministry of Education

union republic and the name of the document: "Certificate of Secondary Education".

If the certificate form was intended for students who graduated from high school with

gold or silver medal, then the coat of arms and inscriptions were made in gold, respectively.

or silver embossed. On the inside there was a text certifying

rewarding the owner of the certificate with a gold or silver medal.

Medals of this type were minted by the Mint for 15 union republics, and

the inscriptions on them were made in the languages ​​of the republics for which they were intended.

medals graduating from correspondence secondary general education schools”, which allowed

award medals to graduates not only of correspondence secondary schools, but also

correspondence departments of secondary educational institutions.

awarding gold medals to those graduating from secondary schools and

the establishment of a commendable letter for graduating from these schools "rewarding with silver

medals was temporarily discontinued.

Simultaneously with the abolition of silver medals, letters of commendation "For

special success in the study of individual subjects.

Now, in order to be awarded a gold medal, it was required to have annual grades of "5" in

all subjects during the study in grades 9-10, pass the final exams with a mark of "5",

behave appropriately and actively participate in the social life of the school.

Students applying for a meritorious diploma in subjects were required to have

At the end of the eleventh grade, a student can receive a gold medal. I'll tell you what it is, how to get it and why.

What kind of medal and how to get?

Gold medal. There are two types: all-Russian and Moscow.

The all-Russian one is called "For special achievements in teaching" and is awarded simultaneously with the issuance of a certificate of secondary general education with honors. It is difficult to get an all-Russian medal - you need to study for all fives in the 10th and 11th grades. The scores for each semester are taken into account.

The Moscow medal is easier to get. You need to be a prize-winner or winner of an all-Russian competition, score 220 points in three subjects at the Unified State Examination, pass the Unified State Examination by 100 points, get all fives for the eleventh grade. A medal is given for any of these four points. The Moscow medal is awarded later by the all-Russian medal - after the announcement of the results of the exam.

Sometimes there is a combo - two medals, because the graduate received all fives in the tenth, eleventh and passed the exam with 100 points. Kudos to whoever did it.

What gives?

The gold medal gives benefits for admission. Each university has different benefits, usually from one to five points in addition to the results of the Unified State Examination and DWI. At HSE St. Petersburg, a medal gives three points, at Baumanka - four, at Moscow State University - six, at MADI, MAMI and MEPhI - ten points.

And why do graduates need a medal if it gives so few points?

Most - as a memory of the school.

Feedback on one of the alumni forums

I rent 10 and 11 externally. Will they give me a medal?

No, full-time education is required. Sadness 😭

I want a medal. What is the easiest way for me to get it?

The easiest way for Muscovites to pass each exam is at least 74 points in order to score 220 points in total or get all fives for the eleventh grade.

Children from other cities need to study for all fives in grades 10 and 11. It is difficult, but the unofficial level of such a medal is higher.

Consultants: Maria Putilina, eleventh grader, going for a medal, Inna Ivanovna, head teacher

Now schoolchildren can be presented to the medal "For Special Achievements in Education". This is an analogue of the gold and silver medals for schoolchildren, which replaced them in 2014.

2. How to get a medal?

A graduate of the 11th grade can receive a medal "For Special Achievement in Education" if he has one of the following achievements:

  • he will become the winner or prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren;
  • he will score the maximum number of points in the Unified State Examination (USE) in one academic subject;
  • in all academic subjects, he will have the final marks "excellent" and when passing the exam, he will score at least 220 points in total in three academic subjects.

A disabled child graduating from the 11th grade may receive a medal not only for the above achievements, but also in the following cases:

  • in all academic subjects, he will have the final marks “excellent” and when passing the exam, he will score a total of at least 146 points in two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics (profile level);
  • in all academic subjects, he will have the final grades "excellent" and when passing the exam, he will score at least 73 points in the Russian language and at least 5 points in mathematics (basic level).

An important condition: students who had violations during the exam were not presented for the award.

3. What preferences does the medal "For Special Achievement in Education" give?

Each university has the right to award applicants additional points to the USE points for the presence of certain individual achievements. In total - no more than 10. The medal "For Special Achievements in Education" is one of such achievements. Usually 2-3 points are added for it (in each university in its own way).

In addition, if several people applying for the same place score the same number of points, the advantage will be with the medalist.

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