Home Useful tips Ex-husband's relatives in a dream. Why do relatives dream - according to the modern dream book. Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

Ex-husband's relatives in a dream. Why do relatives dream - according to the modern dream book. Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

Thanks to dreams, we can better understand ourselves, our desires and fears. Most often, dreams feature those people and objects that a person constantly encounters in reality. Therefore, relatives in a dream very often act as the main characters.

Relatives are included in the dream book as a symbol of important areas of the dreamer’s life or ambulance significant events. However, often a dream in which relatives dreamed simply reflects daytime experiences, having no other meaning other than the echoes of the impressions of the day.

To determine why relatives dream, you need to remember in detail what happened in the dream: great importance have character traits and individual characteristics dreamed people.

Meetings with relatives and family holidays

The arrival of relatives in a dream, as a rule, foreshadows prosperity, profit and prosperity, when the dreamer is glad to see them and does everything in the dream for their convenience. But in dreams, meetings with relatives can also be sad, anxious, and bring a lot of trouble. Such dreams require a more detailed analysis.

A meeting with relatives, the result of which is bedlam in, reflects the desire for change in life. The dreamer can get these changes by agreeing to change jobs or move. If guests cause a lot of trouble in a dream and make annoying noise, then a person who has seen such a plot should not spill his or other people’s secrets to other people, but it is better not to talk about his personal life and plans at all.

It is not difficult to determine why a relative is dreaming about visiting him in a dream if the dreamer has a very vague idea about him due to the fact that in reality he knew about this person only from the words of others or had short personal communication. Such a dream reflects the desire to plunge into the unknown, expand the boundaries of one’s personality, and engage in professionally interesting areas of knowledge for the dreamer, in which he is able to demonstrate many of his inclinations.

In addition, distant relatives can personify the desire to get closer to those people in reality who attract the dreamer, but are not part of his close circle of friends. with relatives they have a very positive interpretation. Dreams with such a plot are harbingers of prosperity and joy, as well as new acquaintances and the acquisition of strong friendships or even love.

Why you dream of relatives who abuse alcohol at a holiday depends on the characteristics of their behavior and the situation in the dreamer’s life. If a drunk relative pesters everyone and behaves violently, and the person who saw the dream is tense and meek in reality, it means that the dreamer wants to be more spontaneous and openly express his feelings to other people. If a drunk relative is relaxed and indifferent to what is happening, then the person who has seen such a plot is burdened by his responsibilities and subconsciously wants to escape from reality and get rid of stress. And when the dreamer himself is drunk among sober relatives in a dream, in reality one should not make rash promises.

Table setting at a holiday plays big role. The abundance of dishes and fun symbolize the stability of connections and the comfort of communication with family. A meager treat reflects a lack of attention to relatives on the part of the waking dreamer.

Interactions with family members

In dreams, as in life, we can quarrel with our family, calm them down, or simply spend time together. It’s easy to answer why you dream about relatives with whom the dreamer is quarreling. This is the work of the unconscious to eliminate negative content that is formed from minor omissions between people or uncomfortable conditions of reality.

Although such dreams have a harmonizing effect, it is still worthwhile to figure out what causes unpleasant emotions, what the dreamer does not like in a waking relationship, and try to eliminate the reasons. In addition, some dream books point to quarrels in dreams with relatives as a symbol of the dreamer’s autonomy and independence.

Dreams provide invaluable material for analyzing one’s own personality and choosing optimal behavior strategies, but even the most best interpretations are realized only if a person persists and believes in himself.

Family - main value of people. For most, creating a family is the meaning of life. Therefore, when many people see a family in a dream, they are not surprised or frightened. After all, it's natural.

But everyone remembers that a dream is a prediction or personification internal state person. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what it means. This is necessary so that a person knows what events in life are worth preparing for.

To interpret a dream about a family, it is worth remembering the vision in detail.

Interpretation of the night plot based on the situations occurring in the vision:

  1. See the circle of family and friends. Psychologists say that a large happy and friendly family in night dreams reflects the dreamer’s real situation.

    This dream symbolizes the presence of a good, cheerful and friendly family that can support you at any time. This is a sign that you should value your loved ones, there is no need to offend them.

  2. See children among relatives. The dream has two interpretations:

    The dream prophesies joyful events.
    The second interpretation says that children in night dreams personify care and troubles. Therefore, this plot indicates that it is worth devoting more time to your family. They need care and attention from the dreamer.

  3. See relatives at the table. The night plot prophesies material well-being.
  4. I dreamed about it the large family , which is seated according to seniority. The vision has two interpretations:

    This vision indicates the dreamer's dissatisfaction with his life. Due to his upbringing, he cannot act meanly, so many of his dreams did not come true.

    The night plot indicates that a person will experience changes in better side. The sign indicates that there is no need to regret, because the sleeper has many good events ahead.

    The second interpretation states that such night story promises an unmarried young lady a marriage proposal from her beloved guy.

    If a person doing business saw his relatives, then it is worth remembering the mood of his loved ones:

    If the emotions in night dreams are negative, then a difficult period will come in business.
    If the emotions are positive, then the business will be profitable.

  5. Look at your loved ones in a photo. Night vision has two interpretations:

    The first interpretation says that a photo with loved ones predicts success in all endeavors. Thanks to hard work, a person will achieve considerable heights.
    The second interpretation states that a photo with relatives promises a new addition to the family in the future.

  6. Photograph family to receive news.

  7. See death of a family member. This dream promises dramatic changes in the dreamer’s life. His life will change, he will lose the support of his family.

    A quarrel or conflict based on the dreamer’s beliefs will provoke discord in the family. If he wants to avoid conflict, he should not vehemently prove his point of view.

    A funeral is a tragic event that no person would want to see in a dream. But if the dreamer is “lucky enough” to witness a funeral in a night scene, it’s worth remembering what the weather was like that day in the cemetery:

    If the sun was shining, then the whole family expects prosperity. The sign indicates that all relatives are in excellent health.
    Bad weather with rain, wind, and hail promises news of a relative’s illness.

    If the faces of people at the funeral are sad, then this plot personifies that the dreamer has envious people who want to harm him.

  8. I dreamed about it large family family. Such a plot indicates troubles, concerns and problems, the solution of which will take little time but a lot of effort.
  9. See poor family. Vision for improving financial situation.
  10. I dreamed about it someone else's family. Such a sign symbolizes participation in an interesting event.
  11. See royal family. Such a dream personifies a person’s desire to achieve high results in the financial industry. The dreamer wants to become rich and be recognized by the public.
  12. Family ex-husband or lover. The dream is interpreted based on the behavior of relatives ex-spouse:

    If loved ones argue, then you should expect trouble.
    If there is no conflict in the dream, then good luck awaits the sleeper.

  13. See ex-spouse with new passion. The ex-husband's passion for another woman symbolizes that the woman, after a divorce or breakup, is ready for a new relationship. She survived the crisis of separation and is ready to become loved again.
  14. I dreamed about a family loved one. This vision should be regarded as a prediction for an early marriage. Soon future wife meet the relatives of your beloved man.

    It is worth paying attention to the mood of the relatives in the night scene:

    If they smiled, laughed and had fun, then in reality they would approve of the girl’s choice as a guy. Future family prosperity and happiness awaits.
    If loved ones were gloomy, then in reality they will not approve of his choice. The family faces need and constant conflicts.

  15. Conflict among relatives promises a quarrel in reality.
  16. Fight in the family is interpreted as good event. In reality the dreamer is expected harmonious relationships with his other half.
  17. Dreaming husband leaving the family. If your spouse leaves, then you should expect changes in your life.
  18. I dreamed that killed the whole family. Don't be scared this phenomenon. This is a sign predicting a quick journey.

Animal families

People often dream of families not of people, but of animals. You should not ignore this sign, because it can also portend something.

Interpretation based on the type of animal:

  1. Lvinoe the family prophesies that the dreamer will have many relatives and a strong family. But according to the plot, it is understood that the “head” of the couple will be the woman. She will lead and guide the man. But for strong character the good keeper of the hearth will be hiding.
  2. Family bears prophesies that an unmarried young lady will meet a wealthy guy. The bear family predicts success in business for a man. If the little bear cubs growl, then this is a sign that one of the spouses in the dreamer's family wants to leave.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
Aesop's Dream Book If you dreamed of the whole family sitting at the table, then this sign promises the recovery of a sick person. The illness will recede as quickly as it befell the patient.
Vanga's Dream Book Many children among relatives symbolize the improvement of the demographic situation in the world.
Women's dream book This is a sign of good health.
Maly Velesov Changes are to be expected.
Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong A fight in a night plot predicts harmony in relationships.
Swearing prophesies illness.
The division of property between spouses promises a quick divorce.
Dream Interpretation Tarot Expect quarrels among relatives.
Dream Interpretation of Medium Hasse Expect an important family event.
Muslim dream book Such a vision expresses the dreamer’s desire for the birth of a baby.
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If you dreamed about relatives, then there is a chance that you will soon meet them in reality or at least receive news. However, this image also has other meanings in a dream. Popular dream books will tell you what these characters dream about most often.

What does the modern combined dream book think?

Seeing relatives in your dreams means that they are thinking about you and want to meet. Did you dream that one of your relatives died? Be prepared for family disagreements. Why dream that complete strangers turn out to be your relatives in a dream? Soon you will meet a person who will become true friend. For lonely dreamers, the dream book promises, after such a vision, an acquaintance with their future spouse.

Interprets Aesop's dream book

Relatives at night act as a symbol of support and unity, but at the same time point to the negativity inherent in a person’s character. Why do you dream of numerous relatives sitting at one large table? You will soon receive news from a relative living in distant lands. The same plot hints at an addition to the family or the recovery of a family member.

Did you dream of a huge scandal in which all your relatives were involved? The dream book considers this a sign of repentance and admission of guilt to those closest to you. In addition, an important, one might say fateful meeting or acquaintance with a respectable person is coming.

Why dream about relatives sitting at the table in order of seniority? The dream book is sure: you are seriously concerned about the problem of education. The same plot indicates a pleasant surprise or, on the contrary, major dissatisfaction.

Did you dream about how you and your relatives dug up a treasure? You don’t value what you have, and you can’t solve the pressing problem alone. In addition, you should not look for adventures, they will only do harm.

Did you happen to see that your relatives had a serious fight? Don’t rush into refusal and gather your strength, there is serious work to be done. The same vision hints: a long-standing problem can only be resolved by force.

What does it mean if relatives have a sick child or even a disabled child? The dream book believes that you are too suspicious, and this adds to your troubles. Such a dream indicates the groundlessness of fears, at the same time it is a signal of deteriorating health.

Interprets the Wanderer's dream book

Why do you dream about relatives in general? In a dream, they symbolize various kinds of conflicts and disagreements, and not only in the family. These same characters are identified with much-needed moral support. Did you dream about distant relatives? An event is coming that will be closely connected with these people. In addition, according to the dream book, distant relatives are identified with memories, indifference and oblivion.

Dream book opinion for the whole family

Why do you dream about relatives gathered in one place? In reality, expect good news from a distant relative. Most likely, someone will get married or have a child. If there is a sick person in the house, then after the plot in question he will certainly get better.

Did you dream that your relatives had a fight? This means that you committed a stupid act towards your loved ones, and now you repent. The dream book also promises a meeting that will bring a lot good changes. It's bad to see what your relatives handed you a large sum money. You are too dismissive of your obligations to your family. Don't look for adventure and worry less.

If in a dream your relatives’ children and yours got into a fight, then forget about a quiet life. However, try to control yourself; anger and irritability are not the best advisers in this situation.

Why do you dream about living relatives?

Did you dream about living relatives? They think about you, and in reality they are looking for a meeting. If absolutely strangers became your relatives in a dream, then in reality a rich relative will appear, whose existence you did not even suspect.

In general, dream scenes in which living relatives are present are a fairly common occurrence. And the interpretation of sleep must be based on personal relationships. In addition, it is at night that you can learn about the real feelings and plans of loved ones.

I dreamed about deceased relatives who died alive

If dead relatives appeared in a dream, then soon someone will ask you for advice or a loan of money. Why do you dream that your deceased relatives are trying to take some promise from you? Be careful: a very difficult period is approaching, and if you do not follow some advice, you will experience all the “charms” of a black streak. The worst thing is if you dreamed that the dead were calling you with them. You are in grave danger. The appearance of deceased relatives in full health is interpreted according to their mood, condition and personal emotions from the meeting.

In a dream, you haven’t seen relatives with whom you don’t communicate for a long time

If you dreamed of relatives with whom you have not communicated for a long time, then prepare for serious life changes. Moreover, some changes may occur in the lives of the relatives themselves. Why else do you dream about relatives whom you haven’t seen for a long time? A very important family event is coming. If relatives are happy in a dream, then expect joy; if they are sad and angry, then there will be trials.

Why do you dream about relatives of your husband and wife?

To interpret the appearance of these characters in a dream, it is necessary to take into account the degree of relationship and gender of relatives. For example, the mother-in-law hints in a dream about difficulties in business sphere and disagreements in the house. However, a little later, everything will work out and life will become better. Did you dream about your father-in-law? Some event will completely confuse your plans. Both relatives of the husband signify pleasant communication in the family circle.

Why do you dream about father-in-law? You have to put aside your own affairs in order to solve someone else's problem. If your mother-in-law visited you in a dream, then you will have to make a difficult decision under someone else’s pressure. Other relatives of the wife signal a dangerous temptation, and the husband - a possible betrayal or meanness.

Seeing relatives in mourning, black clothes, in a coffin, covered in blood

Did you dream about relatives in black clothes? Receive a pleasant message from acquaintances or friends. Why do you still dream of relatives in mourning? You risk failure due to a simple oversight. Show maximum attention in business, otherwise you will lose everything.

It's good to see a living relative in a coffin. This means that his family will soon live richly and calmly. But if you dreamed about already deceased relatives in the same plot, then a serious threat is approaching, perhaps even fatal. Relatives in the blood warn of a tragedy or an imminent meeting.

Why do you dream of relatives at the table, at a wedding?

Did you dream that satisfied relatives were sitting at the same table? Expect good news about the birth of another family member or a wedding. If there is a sick person in the house at the moment, then after the said event in a dream he will certainly recover in reality. If those sitting at the table are arranged according to seniority, then pay more attention to your own children and perhaps nephews. A wedding celebration with relatives hints at a big surprise.

What do relatives mean at a cemetery or funeral at night?

Why do you dream about relatives at a funeral? In reality, wealth will come through a successful marriage. Did you dream that you were burying a relative? A general truce is coming, even with sworn enemies. Seeing that you are busy organizing the funeral of a relative means that in reality he will be healthy and live for a long time. But if the event occurs during rain and bad weather, then the vision promises illness, decline in business and other everyday troubles.

Relatives in a dream - examples of transcripts

Did you dream about healthy relatives? In a dream, this is a reflection of thoughts and reflections, most often related to family. The appearance of distant relatives marks a period of absolute peace.

  • deceased relatives in a coffin - mortal danger
  • seeing the dead is a joyful event
  • talking to them is good luck, happiness
  • meeting living relatives is a major expense
  • talking to them is meanness on the part of friends, colleagues
  • visiting a hospital is an extra expense
  • doing business with them means trouble
  • hugging - illness, quarrel with loved ones
  • hitting relatives - changes in business
  • fighting is unnecessary haste
  • receiving letters, messages - a groundless, undeserved accusation
  • to lose - patience, long-awaited help
  • get sick - surprise, surprise
  • die - rich inheritance
  • die - big win
  • bury - luck, health, happiness
  • feel the pain of loss - good deed for the benefit of the whole family
  • kill - profit, unexpected success
  • well-dressed relatives - wealth
  • dirty, in rags - bad thoughts
  • mother - everything about luck, luck
  • father - actions, deeds, intentions
  • cousins ​​- support, rivalry
  • distant - disappointment, grief
  • cousins ​​- new troubles, worries
  • distant - gossip, lies, deception
  • aunts - condemnation, guests
  • uncles - bad news, conflicts

If you dreamed about great-aunts and uncles, then some difficulty is coming, which will be very difficult to overcome. But unusual advice received from a random person will help you cope.

(See interpretation: ancestors and by name)

A meeting or conversation with relatives in a dream foreshadows the receipt of news. If you dream that you are visiting them, then you will face large expenses that you did not plan for. Losing relatives in a dream means that you will need all your patience and willpower to overcome obstacles on the path to success. Doing business with relatives in a dream foretells trouble.

A dream in which you saw your relatives (still alive) dead and lying in a coffin warns you of great danger. Seeing dead relatives in a dream means a change in the weather. If you dream that your relatives are sick, then you will experience an unusual incident. See interpretation: dead.

Talking about relatives in a dream can often mean that you will find like-minded people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Husband

If a woman dreams of a quarrel with her husband, this means that in reality she will experience a feeling of alienation. However, if the husband unfairly accuses her at the same time, this foreshadows his trust in her.

A dream in which the husband is cheerful foretells good luck and happiness. If in a dream your spouse is in love with another woman, this means that the way of life in the family is too boring. To improve family relationships, you should find something to do to broaden your horizons and become an interesting person.

If a woman dreams that she has fallen in love with another person, this means that in reality she is not satisfied with her relationship with her husband.

If a girl dreams that she is married, this indicates that she should take care of her attractiveness and pay attention to her behavior - perhaps her actions are repelling potential suitors from her.

If a woman dreams that her husband is with another woman, they quarrel and as a result he is killed, this foreshadows divorce. Besides, similar dream may promise the usual troubles.

Interpretation of dreams from

illness as described - A dream in which you feel sick, in reality can turn into a slight malaise or a headache from talking in high tones. If in a dream the matter is much more serious and you consider yourself terminally ill, it means that in the near future you will see with your own eyes the advantageousness of your social position. Seeing your relatives sick in a dream means that the orderly course of life in your home will be shamelessly disrupted by a guest whom no one expected. Having a sore throat in a dream means your work will seem hateful and worthless. Seeing people with tonsillitis means that in reality you will be worried about the illness of one of your relatives. Having asthma in a dream and waking up from suffocation means an imminent change in position. Rabies in a dream should serve as a warning to you about possible obstacles from ill-wishers. A rabid animal that bites you in a dream should warn you of possible deception on the part of a friend. Bronchitis portends minor obstacles in the implementation of your plans, which may be caused by the illness of one of your relatives. Typhoid fever - be attentive to your health and towards ill-wishers. Witnessing a typhoid epidemic in a dream foreshadows an unfavorable development of your business. Dropsy is a safe way to get rid of a protracted illness if you yourself are affected by the disease. If it’s someone else, wait for good news. Gangrene - to great worries, sadness and grief. Hemorrhoids - you will encounter a bribe-taking bureaucrat. Hernia - you will be persuaded in every possible way to get married. Dysentery – bad omen, due to someone else’s negligence, you will fail in business, but you can be absolutely calm about your health. To be mentally ill means you will be disappointed by the results of your own efforts; a disease is possible that will change your plans for the worse. If you get jaundice (Botkin's disease), puzzling problems will resolve themselves, and quickly. If others are sick, the employees will let you down, and the future will appear in the darkest colors. A dream in which your child is sick with croup portends positive emotions. All fears will be in vain, and everything will go well in the house. In general, for a mother to see her child slightly ill in a dream means that he will always have good health, other troubles associated with him will cause her concern. Seeing your child hopelessly ill in a dream means that you have reasons for fear, because there is real threat his health. A fever in a dream means that you are needlessly worrying about trifles, while the main thing is escaping your attention, so you should pull yourself together and look at life more soberly. Malaria - you really fall into a sick state. If you are suffering from an attack of malaria, it means that lack of confidence in yourself and your affairs will lead you almost to despair. Smallpox is a dangerous infection or disease that will come as a complete surprise to you and ruin all your plans. If you dream that you have a diseased liver, this means one thing: your husband will start eating you for any reason and for no reason. Gout in a dream - you will experience excessive irritation from the stupid stubbornness of relatives, which is why material losses are inevitable. An attack of gout - you will forget about all diseases for a long time. Leprosy - to illness, as well as loss of money and bad attitude people close to you. Seeing lepers in a dream means that an event awaits you in love that will plunge you into complete confusion. To be cured in a dream from such a terrible illness as cancer is a sign of success in everything and prosperity. Getting cancer means quarreling with a loved one and falling into depression, which should not be allowed in any way: a temporary cooling in love will lead to it flaring up with renewed vigor. Scarlet fever - you are threatened by illness or betrayal by someone you trust more than anyone else in the world. If in a dream one of your relatives suddenly dies of scarlet fever, you have no reason to fear for your health; trouble awaits you on the other side: your plans may be upset due to someone’s carelessness or negligence. Being sick or seeing people with tuberculosis in a dream means long years of healthy life. To witness in a dream how a cholera epidemic devastates people's homes is a harbinger of a threat in reality viral diseases, which can take you away from urgent matters for a long time. Scabies, from which you are supposedly itching in a dream, suggests that you will have to resist frankly brutal pressure. The plague, one way or another appearing in your dream, means you will be able to overcome all the obstacles on the way to completing the program that you started long ago. Epilepsy - there is a chance that you will win the lottery. Seeing an epileptic - in your situation it will happen big change., Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

gift as described - If in a dream you were given a crystal vase, this means that you will soon achieve your goal cherished desire. If a young woman dreams that her lover is giving her a pearl necklace, then in reality they are waiting for her happy events, during which she will hear words of love from her boyfriend and a proposal to marry. To dream that you have a dog fried is a harbinger of a prosperous life full of comfort and pleasure. Receive a box of expensive chocolates as a gift - in reality you will find yourself in an intelligent society, where your talents will be appreciated and will always be happy to welcome you. A dream in which you are given a stunning fur coat made of natural fur means that in reality you will find yourself in an awkward situation when you will be mistaken for the wrong person, and you will not reveal your true name, so as not to aggravate your situation. Receiving jewelry as a gift is a sign of exceptional attractiveness and luck in love, promising a wonderful husband and luxurious life in complete carelessness. A dream where you receive a car or a yacht as a gift from some sponsors is a sign of suspicious goodwill of people who have always demonstrated a hostile attitude towards you. To receive wonderfully designed books as a gift in a dream is a sign of joyful news from friends from abroad. If in a dream you did not receive the expected gift, this portends a clear threat to your current position. If on your birthday you received flowers as a gift from a loved one, such a dream predicts good luck in all areas. A dream in which you are given golden things means that you will be able to go far on the path to wealth and universal recognition. A dream where you yourself present gifts to relatives foreshadows financial assistance from them. Giving a gift to your superiors on their anniversary indicates your deeply indifferent attitude towards your leadership, as well as towards any subordination in general. If in a dream you send an expensive gift by mail, in reality you are not using the chance given by fate to arrange your life. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

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