Home Useful properties of fruits Questionnaire survey of the population about zhnk. Questionnaire for polling the population about social services. Having good and true friends

Questionnaire survey of the population about zhnk. Questionnaire for polling the population about social services. Having good and true friends

Attention all residents! Questionnaire for a survey of residents of the municipality city of Sayanogorsk Administration of the municipality of the city of Sayanogorsk within the framework of the Comprehensive program of social economic development municipal formation of Sayanogorsk for the period up to 2025, analyzes the standard of living of the population. One of the sections of the program is to study the opinion of the population about how they would like to see our city (district, settlement) and how they would like to live? What do you think should be the main strategic goals to which the authorities, business structures and the population of the municipality should strive together? Please tick the answers you have chosen. 1. Mark with any sign the answer to the question - in your opinion, does your city, district, settlement need a program of socio-economic development? □ □ Yes No 2. In your opinion, what is the standard of living of the population in your city (district, settlement) today? Below the subsistence minimum □ Above the subsistence minimum □ Equal to the subsistence minimum □ Difficult to answer □ 3. What is the standard of living in your city, district, settlement compared to neighboring ones? Higher □ Lower □ Equal □ Hard to say □ 4. To which segment of the population would you personally classify yourself? Very rich □ Rich □ Prosperous □ Low-income □ Poor □ Below the poverty line □ 5. In your opinion, are the prices for goods and services in the city (district, settlement) acceptable for the population? Completely satisfies more not satisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderately difficult to answer 6. What do you consider when buying food products? Opportunities □ Needs and desires □ Other ___________________ 7. How would you rate the quality of the medical care? Completely satisfied To a greater extent dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderately Difficult to answer 8. What is the problem of providing medical care in your city (district, settlement)? Name a few, ranking them in order of importance 1. 2.________________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________________________ 9. How do you rate the quality general education children? Completely satisfies To a greater extent dissatisfied Mostly satisfies Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 10. What is the problem of general education in your city (district, settlement)? Name a few, ranking them in order of importance. additional education children? Completely satisfies To a greater extent dissatisfies Mostly satisfies Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 12. What is the problem of additional education in your city (district, settlement)? Name a few, ranking them in order of importance 1. 2.________________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________________________ 13. How do you rate the quality preschool education children? Completely satisfied To a greater extent unsatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 14. What is the problem of pre-school education in your city (district, settlement)? Name a few, arranging them in order of importance 1. 2.________________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________________________ 15. How do you evaluate the activities of the bodies local government for landscaping? Fully satisfied To a greater extent dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 16. What kind of improvement activities would you suggest? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 17. What is the ecological state in your city (district, settlement)? Fully satisfied To a greater extent unsatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 18. What measures would you suggest to preserve the ecological state? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 19. Is your own safety ensured in your City (district, settlement)? Completely satisfies To a greater extent dissatisfies Mostly satisfies Not at all Satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 20. In your opinion, is the population's need for transport being met? Fully satisfied Mostly dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderately Hard to answer 21. What measures would you suggest to increase the provision of transport? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 22. How do you evaluate the activities of housing and communal services management companies? Fully satisfied More dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 23. What is the problem of providing housing and communal services in your city (district, settlement)? Name a few, ranking them in order of importance 1. _______________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________________________ 5.__________________________________________________________________ 24. How would you rate the quality of services provided in the field of culture? Completely satisfied To a greater extent unsatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 25. What is the problem of providing services in the field of culture in your city (district, settlement)? Name a few, ranking them in order of importance 1. 2.________________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________________________ 26. Are you satisfied with the existing social programs for the population? Completely satisfies To a greater extent dissatisfies Mostly satisfies Not at all satisfied Moderate Difficult to answer 27. On a five-point scale, rate the severity of the problems for your municipality? Name Employment Urban improvement Infrastructure development State of the housing stock Provision of social services Availability of transport links with other municipalities Lack of recreational facilities Crime rate Other __________ 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points first of all? Name the five main ones and arrange them in order of importance 1. __________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________ 29. How do you evaluate the activities of local governments? Fully satisfied To a greater extent dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Medium Difficult to answer 30. How open are local governments? Completely satisfied To a greater extent dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Not at all satisfied Medium Difficult to answer 31. From what sources do you get information about the activities of local self-government bodies? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 32. Do you think Last year You began to live: (circle the appropriate one) 1. much better 2. at the same level 3. worse 4. much worse 5. difficult to answer 33. Have you, or your loved ones, experienced recent times desire to move to permanent place residence in another locality? (circle as appropriate and please indicate the reason for the move) 1. Yes, we are going to leave in the near future _________________________________ 2. This option is being considered_______________________________________________ 3. There is no such desire 4. Difficult to answer In conclusion, several traditional questions: A. How long have you been living in municipality? _________________ B. Your gender 1. male 2. female C. Your age 1. from 16 to 29 2. 30 - 39 3. 40 - 49 4. 50 - 59 5. over 60 D. Education 1. incomplete secondary 2. secondary 3. secondary - special 4. incomplete secondary 5. higher E. Your field of activity 1. Head of an enterprise, division 2. Specialist 3. Individual entrepreneur 4. Employee (doctor, teacher, teacher, cultural worker, etc.) 5. Worker 6. Student, student 7. Pensioner 8. Unemployed, housewife 9. Other ____________________ Thank you very much, all the best! Please submit this questionnaire to the Administration of the municipal formation of Sayanogorsk or to the editorial office of the newspaper "Sayanskiye Vedomosti". Also, the questionnaire is posted on the official website of the Sayanogorsk municipality: www.sayan-adm.ru The completed questionnaire can be sent by e-mail: [email protected]

Hello! We are conducting a nationwide study on the habits and beliefs of Russian citizens. The study involves residents of all subjects of the Russian Federation, living in urban and rural settlements. We ask you to express your opinion on a number of issues. The questionnaire is anonymous, you do not need to enter your last name. All data will only be used in summary form for scientific purposes.

After each question it is written how many answers you need to give. Circle the number next to the answer that expresses your opinion, or write your own.

Please answer ALL questions related to your lifestyle.

Your feedback is very important to us!

To begin with, we ask you to answer questions that characterize

Your life guidelines

1. Please indicate the 5 most pressing problems that need to be addressed first of all in your locality (multiple answers are possible):

1. Lack of housing

2. Road quality

3. Alcoholism

4. Unemployment

5. The state of the housing and communal sector

6. Addiction

7. Quality of medical care

8. Crime

9. Other (write in) ___________________________________

2. Please select from the list below, no more than FIVE values ​​that are most significant to you:

1. Active, active life

2. Life wisdom

3. Health

4. The beauty of nature and art

5. Interesting work

6. Love

7. Having good and loyal friends

8. Financially secure life

9. Public recognition

10. Cognition

11. Productive life

12. Development

13. Entertainment

14. Freedom

15. Happy family life

16. Happiness of others

17. Self-confidence

18. Creativity

3. Do you think that in the locality where you live, there are enough opportunities to spend your free time interestingly? (one answer)

4. What ADDITIONALLY do you need in order to have fun in your free time?(no more than three answers)

Please answer questions about your health

5. How do you rate your health, speaking.

(one answer per line)

6. Do you have bad habits?

    Yes, rather yes

    No, rather not

7. In your opinion, how widespread is the problem of drug addiction in your locality (krai, region, etc.)?

1. Very common

2. Common, but no more than everywhere else

3. Not common at all

4. Difficult to answer

8. What do you think is the reason for the recent spread of drug addiction?

1. Dissatisfaction with life, social disadvantage

2. Moral degradation of society, permissiveness

3. Poor Law Enforcement

4. Excessive freedom, lack of organized leisure

5. The impact of the drug business, the availability of drugs

6. Unemployment, economic problems

7. Influence of mass culture and media

8. Weak preventive work

9. In your opinion, what measures should be taken to solve the problems of drug addiction?(Multiple answers can be selected)

1. Compulsory drug treatment

2. Systematic professional work of specialists in the field of drug addiction prevention

3. Increasing the availability of the help of psychologists, psychotherapists

4. Tougher penalties for drug offenses

5. Expansion of the network of anonymous drug treatment rooms, centers

6. Expansion of work with youth, assistance in socialization

7. Construction of rehabilitation centers for drug addicts

8. Information about hospitals

9. Other (write in)____________________________________________________________

Attention all residents!


Completely satisfies

Mostly satisfies

Doesn't satisfy at all

Difficult to answer

19. What are the activities to increase the provision public transport would you suggest?

20. How do you evaluate the activity management company Housing and communal services?

Completely satisfies

Mostly unsatisfactory

Mostly satisfies

Doesn't satisfy at all

Difficult to answer

21. What is the problem of providing housing and communal services in your (village, settlement)? Name a few and rank them in order of importance.

1. _________________________________________________________________





22. How do you assess the quality of services provided in the field of culture?

Completely satisfies

Mostly unsatisfactory

Mostly satisfies

Doesn't satisfy at all

Difficult to answer

23. What is the problem of providing services in the field of culture of your

(village, settlement)? Name a few and rank them in order of importance.

2.____________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________________4.______________________________________________________________________________5.______________________________________________________________________________

24. Are you satisfied with the existing social programs for the population?

Completely satisfies

Mostly unsatisfactory

Mostly satisfies

Doesn't satisfy at all

Difficult to answer



City improvement

Infrastructure development

The state of the housing stock

Provision of social services

Availability of transport links with other municipalities

Lack of resting place

Crime level

Other __________

26. In your opinion, on which problems should we focus our efforts together in the first place? List the top five and rank them in order of importance.

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________

27. How do you evaluate the activities of local governments?

Completely satisfies

Mostly unsatisfactory

Mostly satisfies

Doesn't satisfy at all

Difficult to answer

28. How open are local governments?

Completely satisfies

Mostly unsatisfactory

Mostly satisfies

Doesn't satisfy at all

Difficult to answer

29. From what sources do you get information about the activities of local governments?


30. How do you think, over the past year you began to live: (circle the appropriate one)

1. much better

2. stay the same

4. much worse

5. find it difficult to answer

In conclusion, a few traditional questions:

A. How many years have you lived in the municipality? _________________

B. Your gender

1. male

2. female

B. Your age

1. from 16 to 29

5. over 60

D. Education

1. incomplete secondary

2. average

3. medium - special

4. unfinished secondary

D. Your field of activity

1. Head of the enterprise, division

2. Specialist

3. Individual entrepreneur

4. Employee (doctor, teacher, teacher, cultural worker, etc.)

5. Working

6. Student, student

7. Retired

8. Unemployed, housewife

9. Other ____________________

Thank you very much, all the best!

Municipal Formation "Chagansky Village Council"

Dear residents!

At present, the Administration of the municipal formation "Chagansky Village Council" has begun to develop a Strategy for the socio-economic development of the municipality "Chagansky Village Council" of the Astrakhan Region for the period up to 2030 and the development of an Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the municipal formation "Chagansky Village Council".

This survey is conducted to identify and better take into account the opinions of the population, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders.

Please answer the questions below by ticking the box of your answer.

The survey is anonymous, but if you consider it necessary to provide any information about yourself or additional considerations, suggestions and comments, we will be very grateful to you.

  1. Where do you live:________________________________________________
  2. 2. What problems worry you the most (tick three of the most exciting and acute)?:

Problem name

In the last year, I can note an improvement in this area.

The work in this area is acceptable/satisfactory


We are waiting for a decision from the implementation of the strategy

Low earnings

Few jobs, difficulty finding employment

housing problems

Housing and communal services (quality of provided housing and communal services)

High prices and their growth

Availability of transport links with other municipalities

Quality of medical care

Few children preschool institutions and schools

Safety in public places

Nowhere to rest

Other (what exactly?) ______________________________________________________________

I don't care about any problems

3. How do you rate the quality of medical care provided?

4. What are the problems in providing medical care? Name a few and rank them in order of importance.

5. How do you assess the quality of general education of children?

6. What are the problems of general education? Name a few and rank them in order of importance.





7. How do you assess the quality of additional education for children (sections, circles, etc.)?

8. What are the problems of additional education? Name a few and rank them in order of importance.



9. How do you assess the quality of preschool education for children?

10. What are the problems of preschool education? Name a few and rank them in order of importance.

2.______________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________________



11. How do you evaluate the activity of the administration of the municipal settlement on the improvement of the territory?

12. What landscaping activities would you suggest?

13. Is your own safety ensured?

14. In your opinion, is the population's need for transport being met?

15. What are the activities for improvement transport system would you suggest?


16. How do you evaluate the activities of housing and communal services enterprises?

17. What is the problem of providing housing and communal services in your settlement? Name a few and rank them in order of importance.

1. _________________________________________________________________





18. How would you rate the quality of cultural services provided in your settlement?

19. What are the problems of providing cultural services in your settlement? Name a few and rank them in order of importance.

2.______________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________________




Have you turned to the official structures of power to solve your problems? If yes, to whom?

To the Head of the Administration of the settlement

Head of the district administration

To the deputy of the local government

To the deputy of the district council / regional Duma

To none of them: we solve our problems ourselves

Elsewhere (specify) __________________________________________

There was no need


If so, did they help you solve your problems?




Do you have enough small businesses in your municipality (trade, consumer services etc.) to meet your needs?


There are many of them, but not all service sectors are covered (indicate which are not enough):_____________________________________________________________

Very few

Difficult to evaluate

We go to Kamyzyak at least once a week

Well no

We go to Astrakhan at least once a week

Well no

23. Please provide additional information about yourself:

Place of residence (village, town, city)






 15-30 years old

 31-60 years old

 over 60 years old



office worker

agricultural worker

municipal employee



a housewife



other (what exactly?) _______________________________________________


Dear owners, members of the HOA "_______________________"!

The Board of the HOA "____________________" together with contractors is constantly working to improve the quality of housing and utilities in our house.

For getting feedback from the residents of our house, we ask you to fill out this questionnaire and submit it to the HOA in person or through mailboxes Homeowners' association in the entrances.

The information received during the survey will allow us to better organize our work. Your feedback is very important to us!

apartments _____________________________

Do you participate in general meetings?

Evaluate the quality of thegeneral meetings owners and members of the HOA (part-time form, notification of residents, holding a meeting in full-time absentee voting, answers to questions, clarifications).

How often do you usereception for personal matters chairman and accountant of the HOA?

How do you rate the quality of accrual of payment for housing and communal services and productionreceipts (timeliness, accuracy, reconciliation of calculations with an accountant, etc.)?

How many times a year did you apply to the HOA? How quickly the staffresponded to your requests ?

Have there been cases of rudeness against you by the HOA or the personnel of contractors?

Have you ever got stuck in an elevator and how quickly did the emergency team arrive? Rate overallelevator maintenance.

Have you ever contacted emergency services?


How often do intercom breakdowns happen in your apartment? How quickly are issues resolved?

Do you have any inconvenience when the fire alarm goes off?

How many times forwinter you could not leave the yard because you were notroads cleared?
Appreciate the cleaning and removal of snow.

Did it give you any inconvenienceanalysis (blockages, bad smell in an apartment or porch)?

    filling information stands

    timely placement of ads

    timely responses to questions from owners

Your wishes for the development of our home. What, in your opinion, should the HOA do in the near future to improve the quality of service?

Sincerely, The Board of the HOA "______________________",




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