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Conspiracies for a strong family and love in the house. A very strong conspiracy in a family

Conspiracies Siberian healer... Issue 16 Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Highly strong conspiracy well in the family

Find 12 Aspen Woods. The length of these strips must be the same. From these poles, make a fire with a cross. When the fire flares up, you need to try to fill the fire in one fell swoop, saying to the water like this:

The fire ignited the wood,

And my hands flooded this fire.

How did this fire go out

So that quarrels and disputes

They went out in my house.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

From book Practical magic modern witch. Rites, rituals, prophecies author Mironova Daria

A very strong conspiracy for sale Put any key in boiling water and boil it, while reading the following conspiracy: “Just as people cannot live without an iron lock, without an iron key, so they cannot be without (name of the product). How you people cannot be without food and without

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Edition 31 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

A very strong protective conspiracy against all troubles Three holy angels descended from heaven, they met the Lord God. The Lord said: “Whoever does not eat blood on Wednesday and Friday, does not drink wine, With zeal, with a pure soul prays And bows down, He will be merciful and forgiven, From everyone

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Issue 02 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

A conspiracy from polyps in the intestines (a very strong conspiracy) Such an old conspiracy helps to cope with this ailment: As the wound in Christ overgrown And left no trace, So you, illness, Fall away without a trace from the servant of God (name). Step down on a dead field, on gray moss, On a dry stump. WITH

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A very strong conspiracy from eye disease In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, from the Jesus cross, from the first fast and last post, from my word, from holy help. Snag, can you see? - Does not see! Stone, do you see? - Does not see! A swamp hummock, see? - Does not see! Then blindness

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Edition 17 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Cancer conspiracy (very strong) Cut off the head of a rooster in one motion. Drain the blood from the body of the rooster into a vessel and take this blood to the cemetery at night, where pour it in front of the gate. After that, swinging properly, throw a knot over the fence with a ransom. Then kiss

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Edition 09 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Love spell at dawn (very strong conspiracy) Get up on Paraskeva Friday before others. Then, without washing your face, without combing your hair, without taking anything in your mouth, without talking to anyone, take off your shoes, kneel down and read a special conspiracy three times in a row. Then lie down again in

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

A very strong conspiracy from bedbugs Catch a bug and burn it on the street, reading this

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Issue 21 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

A very strong conspiracy from eye disease In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit from the Jesus Cross, from the first fast and the last fast, from my word from holy help. - Snag, do you see? - Does not see! - Stone, do you see? - Does not see! - Bump, marsh, see? - Does not see! -

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Another very strong conspiracy from boils Step my foot, step forward, swing it, swing it out, swing it out. Brush off my body, everything that stuck to it, ached, is white. Anything that has begun to rot and has matured. As my ring finger has no name, so there is no place for a boil-virium on my body. Not

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A very strong conspiracy from cancer On Wednesday, go to the bathhouse and there stick a new knife into the threshold from below. At the same time, say this: Damask knife, cut the cancer in my chest, so that not me, but it dries up and dies. Now and ever and forever and ever. Then wash yourself three times and last time say

From the author's book

From the hatred of her husband (a very strong conspiracy) From a letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna. It's so painful and hard for me! I turned 57 on October 25. And my husband went on a spree with another woman who is 20 years younger than me. She is unmarried, but she has a child from her first marriage. My husband is all this

From the author's book

A very strong conspiracy from bedbugs They burn a bedbug on the street and say: One bedbug burned out, the second bedbug ordered to eat the third, and the third the fourth, the fourth ate the fifth, and the fifth the sixth, the sixth ate the seventh, and the seventh the eighth. The eighth is the ninth, the ninth is the tenth. Tenth

From the author's book

From the hatred of her husband (a very strong conspiracy) From a letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna. It's so painful and hard for me! I turned 57 on October 25. And my husband went on a spree with another woman who is 20 years younger than me. She is unmarried, but she has a child from her first marriage. My husband is all this

From the author's book

An ancient and very strong conspiracy from damage From a letter: “Natalya Ivanovna, I am addressing you as the most just and strong master. Your address and your book were given to me in Ukraine, where I arrived at the monastery. Before that, I was in many monasteries, in Moscow with psychics,

Every family faces challenges along the way. To get rid of negativity and misunderstandings, as well as unite all family members, conspiracies for family happiness will help.

Each family is held together by love, but sometimes something serious arises between family members, and the incipient discord prevents everyone from living in peace. Use our reconciliation plots to get rid of unnecessary negativity and return warmth to the family.

Causes of family problems

Our emotions are governed by energy. She happens to be the main reason happiness, and its absence can ruin any marriage and any relationship. Energy suffers in the following cases.

Evil eyes, curses and negative programs. Get rid of evil eyes and curses different ways, which . Negative programs can also be removed by yourself. Sometimes the help of affirmations is enough for this. Positive attitudes enhance the energy, and the negative disappears by itself. However, many people use white magic and natural power.

Conspiracies for a strong family and love

Permutation and positive attitudes in the morning are not always enough to return harmony to the family hearth. We have prepared for you simple conspiracies that do not require preparation.

The first is as follows: “Mother nature, give me the strength to survive all the hardships and family difficulties. To be for me (your name) with (partner's name), to have mercy, not to know about troubles. Amen." Read this conspiracy in the morning and before bed, when your thoughts are free. He helps him to escape from any problems, as well as return feelings.

The second must be said when you are throwing out the trash: “I endure all the troubles in the hut, sweep out quarrels, drive away the bitterness of my heart. Till the end of time." Imagine that along with the trash you take out all your problems and all the negativity.

A conspiracy so that discord, jealousy and betrayal bypass the family . When you wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom. When you wash, say: “Water-water, take away everything evil and dashing with you, so that the life of my family becomes more beautiful and sweeter. Wash away, water, all troubles so that they disappear forever. Amen".

Ritual after a quarrel

This ritual is carried out after quarrels. It must be carried out as quickly as possible in order to expel all the negativity from yourself and from your home. You will need an onion. Do not wash it, but cut it into four approximately equal parts. Put the first one where the quarrel or conflict occurred, the second at your sleeping place, the third at the sleeping place of the one with whom you quarreled, and the fourth at front door... Place the onion pieces in the same order.

After you put the onion under the door to the house, read the conspiracy: “My eyes are afraid of the bow, so let my anger and yours leave this house forever. Amen". After that, let the bulbs lie for about an hour in their places. Subsequently, it is better to throw them away, since all negative energy will be absorbed into them.

This ritual is very old. Thus, the ancient Slavs drove away evil spirits and anger from their homes. Now this ritual will be as effective as before. Use it whenever emotions get the better of you, and you later regret it.

Read our prayers for family to help bring prosperity and happiness to your home. Together with conspiracies, this will give you an excellent result. You will see that your family has grown stronger. Good luck, love, and don't forget to push the buttons and

07.07.2016 04:00

The betrayal of a loved one can literally tear our heart to pieces. This is why many people experience ...

Family conspiracies are very useful means white magic. They are always aimed at protection. family relations from any external influences... There are many such rituals, but there are also universal rituals. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right impact for the current situation.

Almost any family conspiracy is read independently at home. To carry out such a ritual, a positive attitude is important, in a fit of anger or against a background of irritation, use such magical influences it is forbidden. At best, they will simply not be effective, but very often negative emotions can only harm family relationships.

Any ritual related to family magic should be performed in complete seclusion with dim lights. It is important in the room that it is not easy to create comfortable environment, but will also make sure that no one and nothing interferes with you when performing magical actions.

The plans and the fact of the ritual must be kept secret from other people. The fact that you have read a directed family conspiracy cannot be told even to the closest people, including you should not inform your soul mate about it.

Conspiracies are very popular, the action of which is aimed at reconciling spouses, because, as you know, petty quarrels and disagreements are quite frequent occurrences in family life.

A powerful reconciliation conspiracy goes like this:

“The world is so arranged that the day sun never quarrels with the night moon, although they are so different. Natural luminaries in different time stand in the firmament, but are attracted to each other. Also, there are never disagreements between stones and trees, but some quietly settled down below, while others strive upward. The earthly and heavenly spirits do not quarrel among themselves, although they live in different shells and lead different life events... So why loving people quarrels. (Spouse's name) and (spouse's name) will always live in peace and harmony. Amen".

To remove resentment from the soul

When the peace in the family suddenly shook, then you can use another conspiracy. With its help, you can not only make peace with your loved one, but also remove unnecessary grievances from the soul. But such a ceremony is important to carry out in good mood... To achieve this state, you need to retire to separate room, and force yourself to remember the brightest moments life together filled with positive emotions. In order to get rid of internal irritation, you can light a candle and, looking at the flame, imagine that all the negative surrounding you is burning out in it.

“I, the Slave (s) of God (s) ( given name) I walk on Mother Earth, and do not wind in the clouds in the heavens. But even there there are no quarrels between the sun and the moon, and the stars in the night sky do not quarrel with each other. So let reconciliation come in my family and there will never be any quarrels and disagreements again. So that my soul mate and I feel each other from half a glance and half a word and never snapped at each other. My words are strong, a righteous deed. In the family, peace and harmony. Amen".

Unfortunately, not always only minor disagreements arise in the family, there are also serious conflicts that can even lead to separation. Usually in such situations people do not want to understand each other and do not seek reconciliation.

It is important to understand that in order to keep the family together, one of the spouses must take the first step. Well, if you can't make up household way, then you definitely need to use magic. With the help of a strong conspiracy for reconciliation, you can return peace to the family and understand each other.

The ceremony is performed in complete privacy in a separate room. It is important to ensure complete silence there and make sure that no one interferes with the reading of the conspiracy. Magic words on the selected day are spoken twice in the morning and in the evening for twelve days. In the room, twelve candles are set in candlesticks in front of a pair of icons.

In front of them, the following magic words are pronounced clearly, but in a half-whisper:

“Lord, bless me, the Slave (s) of God (s) (name)! Passed light angel from the throne to the temple, right up to the royal gates. The Holy Mother of God and the Archangel Michael came out to meet him. The Holy Mother of God and a sharp sword were holding a saber in her hands. With them, she killed strong human anger and hatred, and with a saber she excised human disagreements with a saber. Give, Lord Almighty, reconciliation in the souls of the Servant of God (the name of the spouse) and the Servant of God (the name of the wife). Let their relationship be strong, and never let them conflict again. Close their family gates with a key so that understanding and happiness remain inside. From now on and forever. Amen".

Each time after the completion of the ceremony, the candles are extinguished with the fingers, and all the attributes are left intact. After twelve days, the candle stubs are removed and hidden behind the icon. Mother of God, which from now on should always be in your home.

It is not in vain that experts in various fields argue that family well-being is achieved only by very hard, constant work. Here, as they say, all means fit.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account: many different factors affect the family aura.

These are its members themselves, with their own characters and habits, hobbies and preferences.

And yet outsiders interfere, trying to inspire their opinions and views.

All this constitutes a kind of "trash bin" that begins to rot and decompose the atmosphere.

If the litter is not removed, then you can wait for trouble. , of course, will help prevent this.

It is very good that only "white" means are used to establish a family atmosphere.

They will clean up the excess and attract the good, restore the harmony of relations, increase any little joy, laying it, like a brick, into the foundation of peace.

Any rite can be performed by any member of the family.

V ancient times such rites were performed by an older woman. That was her duty.

But now her role can be entrusted to someone who truly believes in magic, is interested in rituals, tries to understand them.

And if not the right person, then let anyone conduct. The main thing is to do it with love, without too much and, in in this case, extremely harmful skepticism.

Just keep in mind that a magic broom is not used for its intended purpose. For rituals and ceremonies only!

It would be nice if the following ritual was performed in every family. People would have lived a completely different life! Joyful!

And so we pass all sorts of troubles to each other, adding our own to other people's problems.

You can imagine it as if people are passing a suitcase from house to house, putting old holey socks and other unnecessary junk into it. Such "good" does not disappear anywhere. Wanders from one family to another.

Imagine how the world would change if all these "suitcases" were burned at the same time! How much space for good will be freed up.

And you need to do this.

  1. Buy "". It can be a vase or a beautiful figurine. This kind of thing that everyone will like will not cause rejection or negativity.
  2. On the new moon, place this thing under the open sky.
  3. Read the following words above it:

“The house is not a bad field, but a good nest. The house is not a fiery desert, but a piece of warmth. Home is not a place to fight, but a haven of fate! It’s okay to be here, but you don’t need grief! Amen!"

Now choose (better all together, with other members of your family) a place of honor for yours. It is imperative that it is clearly visible.

And yet, it is very useful to perform this rite together.

Then the energy of the ritual will be so strong that it will spread to the neighbors.

Try it, you will see everything for yourself!

Getting married (starting to live together) is very easy. But to make coexistence truly wonderful, comfortable, convenient, desirable is quite difficult.

You can't do without magic here. Moreover, it will help to save energy, maintain health, nerves, for sure.

And save happiness not for one person, but for the whole family! There is something to spend a few minutes on the ritual!

  1. Buy the Faith, Hope, Love Icon.

By the way, it is desirable to have it in the house. She in itself brings peace and harmony.

Well, if you remember the rite on the thirtieth of September, on their day. Then the ritual will gain special power. And if you forget, then spend another day.

The Lord will surely hear your prayers.

The plot is read near this particular icon twice: in the morning and in the evening.

  1. Light a candle or an icon lamp.
  2. Say these words:

“In the waters of the okiyana sea, the flesh-fish splashes, it will not find a place for itself, it plays happily, it does not know any troubles. It’s bad for her if you drag her out onto dry land. A fish-flesh cannot live without clean waters... There is no way for her to wander through the fields and meadows. So the enemy will not reign in my strong family, will not bring trouble on him. Let his path lie on the side, so that later he does not show offense. The race is strong and strong, blessed by the Lord. And whoever wants to destroy it, the flesh-fish awaits. The foe of her flesh will taste, he will not live a day, he will die in agony. Christ cannot be broken by the name of my kind. As fish scales lie on the skin in rows, so we are destined to rally! Amen!"

And if everyone reads this spell together, then already.

The family is a support, a reliable fortress for any person. Close people will always listen, understand, support, help, forgive. It would seem that it should be so. However, not every person can boast of mutual understanding in the family. What to do if the relationship went wrong, if there is no way to find it mutual language with loved ones? And if, in addition, you feel that the influence comes from the outside, as if someone is conjuring, then take action.

Read a protective conspiracy for the family, do not let the situation take its course. If you do not defend yourself, they will do whatever they want with you. And when you lose your family, it will be too late to fix something. So that such a disaster does not happen in your life, I suggest several effective conspiracies in harmony in a family, whose family strength is from the envy and anger of others, from spirits - essences thin world, and from your own imperfections.

On the growing moon, early in the morning, before dawn, while all the household are asleep, read an independent conspiracy of love in the family. Pour the water consecrated in the church into a bowl, stand by the window and say, looking at the water: “The sun has risen, morning has come, God's world has awakened, everyone was surprised, everyone rejoiced. May there be grace in the family, there will never be strife. My word is strong. As it is said, it will be so. Amen". Spray the threshold at the front door with charmed water, then the windows in the apartment or house, and then all the rooms. But this should be done so that no one sees.

A simple conspiracy for the well-being of the family and from quarrels of young spouses

If a young husband and wife often quarrel, then a strong family conspiracy can help in such a situation. It should be read by an older relative, for example, the mother of one of the spouses. On the growing moon, you need to collect spring water (water consecrated in the church will do), and at dawn, holding a container in water in front of you, stand by the window. Magic formula pronounced like this: “Just as a fish cannot live without water, so the servant of God (name) could not live without God's slave(name). Let these words enter (name) and (name) into the body, fall on the zealous heart. And they could not live without each other, and there would be no strength to separate them. Like a dove with a dove cooing, so the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) would live the whole century, not quarreling, but being friends. Amen". The charmed water on the same day before sunset must be added to the young to drink, and then sprayed on their marriage bed.

An independent conspiracy for peace in the family from conjugal jealousy

You need to read on the waning moon, the most suitable day is Thursday. Wait until the sun sets, and then pour into a bowl of running water. Above this water, you need to read a good conspiracy for the family. “The jealousy arrows of fire, giving love to ridicule, to outrage, do not stick into the ground, but break against people, take out the soul, break life. So those arrows would fly by on a rotten swamp, into a dry forest, so that jealousy would take off, like a hand, from the servants of God (names). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Then spray the thresholds at the front door and the marital bedroom with this water.

Strong conspiracy on family from discord between husband and wife

it white conspiracy- a charm that protects against damage to discord in the family. You need to read once in the morning and once in the evening, standing at the family icon "Faith, Hope, Love."

“In the sea, in the ocean, there is a white fish. As it is bad for that fish without water, so let it be bad for my enemy, so that my family is strong and whole. Whoever eats that fish will not sleep for an hour, will not live a day. In the name of Christ, no one will break my family. As scales adhere to fish from head to tail, so my family be strong and whole. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". &1

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