Home Vegetables Becherovka liqueur is a visiting card of the Czech Republic. Becherovka - a journey into the world of a miraculous drink from and to

Becherovka liqueur is a visiting card of the Czech Republic. Becherovka - a journey into the world of a miraculous drink from and to

The Czech Republic is famous not only for its magnificent Prague architecture, healing water Karlovy Vary and surprisingly tasty beer, but also unique in its palatability liquor, the secret of which is kept secret and passed down from generation to generation by the descendants of the inventor - Becherovka. How to drink Becherovka correctly in order to appreciate its spicy herbal aroma and tart taste in its entirety? Find out what the experts advise.

What do they drink Becherovka with? Traditionally, it is consumed with beer, added to tea or coffee, in cocktails.

The secret of the taste of Becherovka

Czech liqueur was created in early XIX century by a pharmacist from Karlovy Vary Josef Becher. A drink made from oils and herbal extracts was conceived as a means to improve digestion and appetite. After numerous experiments with the composition, Becher created the ideal formula for herbal liqueur, which he named after himself.

The Becherovka recipe is kept secret: only the descendants of the pharmacist and the main technologists of the enterprise know it.

It is only known that the drink is based on extracts of more than 20 herbs, including both local and collected in different parts of the world, and the purest water Karlovy Vary springs.

Connoisseurs distinguish notes of cinnamon, anise, orange peel, cardamom, wormwood, cloves, allspice, coriander, lemon, chamomile and honey in the bouquet of liquor.

How and with what do they drink Becherovka?

Per long history herbal liquor has developed certain traditions of its use.

    In a pure, undiluted form, the drink is served after a meal or in the evening, in small glasses. Before drinking Becherovka, it must be cooled to 5-7 degrees - this is how the manufacturer recommends drinking the drink. Some connoisseurs drink the liquor slightly warm, but when warm, the taste of the drink becomes especially sharp. An appetizer for liquor can be an orange slice sprinkled with ground cinnamon - so its taste and aroma will be revealed most fully and brightly.

    As medicinal product to improve performance gastrointestinal tract Becherovka is added to tea or coffee at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per cup. This drink helps to improve digestion, strengthen immunity and increase tone.

"Becherovka" - Czech liqueur on herbs with a strength of 20 to 40 degrees, depending on the variety. Conceived as medicinal tincture for the stomach and digestion, over 200 years the drink has become one of the main alcoholic brands in the Czech Republic. PragaTrips tells how, when and with what it is better to drink Becherovka, as well as what kind it is.

Types of "Becherovka"

The manufacturer has developed six varieties of the drink, which differ in alcohol content and additives.

"Becherovka Original" (Becherovka Original). A classic liquor - this is how Jan Becher came up with it at the beginning of the century before last. In addition to alcohol and water from Karlovy Vary springs, cardamom, anise, orange peel, allspice and cinnamon are used in the preparation of the original Becherovka. Fortress -38%

"Becherovka Cordial" (Becherovka Cordial). It differs from the classics in that lime color is added to Cordial. This variety is slightly weaker - 35%.

"Becherovka Lemond" (Becherovka Lemond).
The weakest version of the liquor is only 20%. As the name implies, citrus fruits are added to the drink.

“Becherovka KV 14” (Becherovka KV 14). Red wine is added to the original Becherovka. The strength of the drink is 39%.

“Becherovka KV 15” (Becherovka KV 15). The 40-degree variety was the strongest in the Becher line, but was later abandoned in favor of the KV 14. Now they don’t let them out anymore, but suddenly you are lucky enough to stumble somewhere on a bottle that was accidentally lying around.

"Becherovka Ice and Fire" (Becherovka Ice & Fire). The newest liquor in the Becherov line has been on sale since 2014. Designed to mix with alcoholic drinks. Fortress -30%. At first you feel the bitterness of herbs with a cool citrus-menthol flavor, and then rolls hot wave spicy pepper.

How, when and with what they drink "Becherovka"

Classic way. The creators of the liquor are advised to drink it as it is, without anything from 50-gram cognac glasses. Ideal Temperature for "Becherovka" - seven degrees. If the liquor is heated, then its taste will intensify, the herbal notes will become rough, the drink will smell like medicine - don't do it. The only plus of the warm "Bekhkrovka" is a brighter aroma. Chilled up optimal temperature the drink will be sweetish with a touch of herbal bitterness.

It is best to drink late in the evening and after dinner. "Becherovka" is a digestif, and it helps the body to absorb the food received from food. useful material. Initially, the liquor was a medicinal tincture for the digestive system. Of the entire Becherovka series, only KV 14 is conceived as an aperitif - this variety is drunk before meals.

Manufacturers do not recommend snacking, and Becherovka does not need it: it tastes good, there is no point in interrupting it, and if you drink in right time then you are not hungry. The only snack that the creator of the drink allowed was an orange slice sprinkled with cinnamon.

Later varieties of liquor allow exceptions. “Lemond” and “Cordial” are often drunk for dessert, and it’s good to have a sweet snack on them: soft cookies, a piece cream cake, chocolate, cake. These two drinks also go well with citrus fruits, apples and grapes.

in Slovak. In Slovakia, they believe that Becherovka without beer is money down the drain. Or maybe vice versa. Be that as it may, Slovaks like to wash down heavily chilled liquor with beer - cold and preferably light, but for some, dark is normal. Malt and hops harmonize well with Becherovka herbs - a pleasant aftertaste comes out. As you understand, "Becherovka" in Slovak - the right way get drunk quickly.

With juice. Strong varieties of "Becherovka" like "Original" are mixed with juices in a ratio of one to one. Cherry, pomegranate, apple, orange, blackcurrant, grape juices are often used - it is believed that they are well suited to herbal liquor. But this is already a matter of taste - experiment, select juices and ratio.

With hot drinks. In small quantities, liquor is poured into morning tea or coffee - usually one or two tablespoons of Becherovka per cup of hot drink. You will almost not feel the taste of alcohol - only aftertaste from herbs, smell and barely noticeable bitterness.

The meaning of this method is to cheer up the body a little. This mixture improves tone, improves digestion and strengthens the immune system. If you drink "Becherovka" with tea or coffee in winter, then the probability of catching a cold will be lower. To achieve a preventive effect, you need to drink daily. The main medical effect of herbs "Behkrovka" is that they relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve spasms of the gallbladder and stimulate the excretion gastric juice.

Cocktails with Becherovka

There are many of them, and we will talk about the most common ones, which are often prepared in bars.

Punch from Becherovka. 45 gr. liquor is mixed with 90 gr. filtered water and add 20 gr. sugar syrup, 10 gr. orange and lemon juice. All this is well mixed and heated. A cocktail is served in a bowl for hot drinks, and you can decorate the glass with a lime or an orange slice.

"Oasis". Cut lime into small pieces and throw them into a glass. Sprinkle with sugar and press down to release lime juice. Top with ice, pour 50 gr. Becherovka and mix well.

"Becherovka" with cherries. Pour into a shaker 40 gr. grapefruit juice and Becherovka. Shake, pour into cocktail glasses and garnish with cocktail cherries.

B-Ocean. You need 40 gr. “Becherovki”, 20 gr. blue "Curaçao" and 150 gr. grape juice. All this is mixed in a blender, ice is added and poured into a glass. For decoration, an orange or mint leaf is suitable.

“200 years of Becherovka”. A cocktail invented for the anniversary of the liqueur. For 30 gr. drink need 100 gr. apple juice and just a tiny bit of ginger ale. Decor - mint leaf and lime.

"Bianca". In a glass mix 30 gr. liqueur and vermouth - white dessert. After everything is mixed, pour into a glass filled with ice. There add 30 gr. champagne and decorate the glass with a lime or raspberry.

"Magical Sunset" Pour 40 gr. into a glass with ice. liqueur, 15 gr. orange juice and 10 gr. grenadine. No need to stir - just garnish with an orange slice or strawberry.

Bejito. For 40 gr. "Becherovki" take 50 gr. tonic or soda and 150 gr. blackcurrant juice. Everything is mixed in a blender, ice is added and poured into a glass. For decoration, orange or mint is suitable.

"Becherovka" with cola. There is nowhere easier: mix 150 gr. cola with 40 gr. liqueur and decorate the glass with lemon.

"Tears of Raquel". Two-layer cocktail: 50 gr. "Becherovka" pour the same amount of "Triple Sec" and do not mix. top set on fire before serving.

Prepared only on Karlovy Vary water. Therefore, the people received another name "Karlovy Vary Spring No. 13".

Becherovka - Czech liqueur, 38% alcohol. Produced in Karlovy Vary. It is prepared from local medicinal herbs according to a technology that has not changed since 1807. It was originally used as a stomach medicine.


A mixture of 20 herbs is placed in a canvas bag and dipped in alcohol. After a week of infusion, the extract is sweetened, diluted with water and aged for 3 months in special oak barrels.

Composition of Becherovka

The exact recipe and proportions are unknown. But it is clear that it contains:

  • Cardamom
  • Cinnamon
  • Carnation
  • Allspice
  • orange zest

There is a legend that someone managed to bring the recipe for this drink from the Czech Republic. But when they tried to reproduce it, the liqueur turned out to be completely different from the original. Therefore, many believe that it is Karlovy Vary water that determines the taste of this tincture.

Medicinal properties

Becherovka is drunk to improve digestion and increase appetite. For this, it is taken 20 ml before meals. Doctors are skeptical about the miraculous properties of the drink and doubt the effectiveness of its effect on the digestive organs. However, drinking in moderation has never hurt anyone.

How to drink

Served in small glasses before dinner. Drink as an independent drink, or add to tea or coffee.

Cocktails with Becherovka deserve special attention. The most popular is with tonic: the drink is mixed in a ratio of 1: 2 (2 parts of tonic). Despite this, the cocktail is quite strong, for which it received its popular nickname "Concrete".

The Czechs themselves sin because they like to mix it with Czech beer. Ruff lovers can take note, the rest are not recommended to practice such "mixes".


In addition to the traditional tincture, other varieties began to appear, these are:

  1. Becherovka Cordial (Cardinal) - with the addition of linden honey, 35% alcohol.
  2. Becherovka Lemond (lemon becherovka) - a brighter citrus flavor. Less strong - 20%.
  3. Becherovka KV - a mixture of traditional liqueur with red wine. Fortress about 40%.

History of creation

The authorship belongs to the pharmacist Josef Becher. Together with their colleague, the British physician Mr. Frobering, they tried to develop new medicines based on various medicinal herbs and tinctures.

Leaving the Czech Republic, a British doctor instructed him to refine his recipe based on local plants. Becher managed to bring the matter to an end, and since 1807 the elixir appeared on the shelves of his pharmacy. "Carlsbad English Bitter" is its first name. Sold as a medicine in the form of drops.

Until 1841, Becherovka was known only to the clients of his pharmacy. But after he betrayed her recipe to his son, Johann opened a small distillery and by 1841 had established the production of this drink. He commissioned the design of bottles and labels to his brother-in-law Karl Laub. Since appearance the bottles were never changed again.

Gradually Becherovka gained popularity. At the beginning of the 20th century, the company was already fighting off numerous attacks by bootleggers who were desperately trying to reproduce the recipe for this liquor.

All this time, the recipe was kept secret and passed down from father to son. During World War II, the Becherovka recipe was buried in family garden. In 1945, it was discovered by the Czech authorities, and since then the liquor has become the public domain of the country.

The Czech liqueur Becherovka is known to lovers of a high degree for this drink and a unique aftertaste of herbs. The stress in the title is placed on the first syllable. It has existed for 210 years this moment. In the heart of Karlovy Vary is the Jan Becher Museum dedicated to the drink. Initially, pharmacists and friends Josef Becher and Frobirg mixed herbs, oils and spirits to create new tinctures. Frobirg left, but Josef continued to experiment and was successful.

So an unusual drink was born. It was positioned as a means to improve appetite and digestion in general. The drug was put into production.
Josef passed the recipe on to his son Johan, who knew how to keep secrets. He upgraded equipment and increased production. Johann's son, Gustav also continued to develop production. And the brother of Gustav promoted the drink and increased the supplies several times.

The recipe is still kept secret and passed on to male heirs. There are many assumptions about which herbs are included in the drink. Many have tried to unravel the mystery of taste, but have not been able to recreate it yet.

Views of Becherovka

Creating the first tincture was not the limit. There are several varieties of different strengths, differing in additional components:

The original and lemon can be purchased in many countries, but other types are sold only in the Czech Republic directly from the manufacturer.

How to drink liquor

Per long time The existence of this liquor appeared 4 main ways to use. One of them has medicinal properties:

  1. Pure Becherovka. Classic variant recommended by the manufacturer and true connoisseurs of the drink. For the full disclosure of taste, it is important that the temperature of alcohol is within 5-7 degrees. Served in small glasses or shots. They are drained in small sips, savoring. The best option will drink a shot after dinner, before dinner or after it. Snack can spoil the taste. But you can afford a slice or circle of orange sprinkled with cinnamon.
    The sweetish liquor will leave a noble aftertaste of herbs, which will be noticeable for quite a long time. The aroma of the drink itself will increase if the temperature is higher than suggested, but the liquor will have rough notes and bitterness.
  2. With fresh and regular juices. Becherovka Original has 38% alcohol, so not everyone will like to drink it in pure form. It goes well with juices from currants, apples or cherries. Orange juice is suitable for Becherovka KV 14. The ratio of ingredients and tastes are selected individually. Usually used in proportions of 1:3 or 1:4.
  3. Liquor + beer. The two main drinks in the Czech Republic are beer and Becherovka. This method is loved in Slovakia. A glass of the famous liquor is drunk in one gulp and washed down with a sip of light beer. Hops and malt reveal the aftertaste of herbs in a new way, giving it richness. Changes in degrees lead to rapid intoxication, so you need to be careful with this option.
  4. medicinal method. It is applicable to Becherovka Original, which was created as a medicine. It is important to observe the doses and use no more than 1 time per day. You can drink 20 ml of "potion" 10 minutes before meals. Or add 1-2 tablespoons to coffee or tea. The general tone will rise. Liquor has a beneficial effect on immune system, improves appetite and the digestive system.

received world fame thanks to original recipe and unsurpassed taste. Connoisseurs of elite alcohol are often interested in what ingredients are present in Becherovka, how to drink this drink correctly and what medicinal properties it has.

The history of the invention of the drink

Becherovka liqueur was invented in the early 19th century by the Czech pharmacist Josef Becher. In addition, Dr. Frobering, a native of Britain, took part in the development of the main recipe. These scientists met in Karlovy Vary, studied together healing properties plants and conducted research, collected medicinal herbs in the vicinity of the city and created from them. Before returning to his homeland, the Englishman gave Becher a note in which he noted the main ingredients of the future liquor and their proportions.

Over time, the Czech pharmacist finalized the recipe and, since 1807, began selling the tincture in the form of a remedy that normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. Since the drink was popular, its production was expanded, the design of the bottle was finalized and trademark. In the late 19th century, herbal liqueur was introduced to the European market.

Composition and types of liquor

The exact recipe and proportions of the ingredients used are a trade secret and protected by the state. Becherovka, whose composition of herbs and spices includes more than 20 plant species, contains the following components:

  • water from Karlovy Vary springs;
  • alcohol;
  • sugar;
  • anise, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, wormwood, allspice, etc.;
  • orange peel.

The liqueur is produced using a complex technology, but the natural healing properties of herbs are fully preserved during the manufacturing process. In addition, the liquid does not contain preservatives, dyes and flavors.

Under the brand name Becherovka, 5 varieties of the drink are produced:

  1. Original Becherovka. At the core - classic recipe, unchanged since 1807. The alcohol content is 38%.
  2. Becherovka Cardial. Dessert type of tincture with a strength of 35%. It is made with the addition of white wine, honey and linden flowers. It is bottled in brown bottles decorated with golden inscriptions.
  3. Becherovka Lemond. A low alcohol drink containing 20% ​​alcohol. Has a sweet taste, mild lemon flavor and light yellow. Among the main ingredients are citrus fruits. It is sold in branded transparent bottles with a yellow-blue label.
  4. Becherovka KV14. Strong type of liquor, alcohol content - 39-40%. It has a burgundy hue due to the red wine it contains. Does not contain sugar, suitable for people with diabetes. The design of the bottle contains red and black colors.
  5. Becherovka ICE&FIRE. Relatively New Product on the market, was first released in 2014. The strength of the drink is 30%. The liquid has a specific taste and intense fresh aroma. The recipe contains chili peppers, menthol, citrus fruits, various herbs and spices. Pairs well with ginger ale, tonic and other drinks. The bottle is made of black glass and decorated with a beautiful label made in a modern style.

Becherovka, whose types differ in their components, is often used by bartenders to create many alcoholic cocktails. In the public sale you can find 2 types of drink, the rest are sold in company stores on the territory of the Czech Republic or are included in souvenir and gift sets.

Medicinal properties

Thanks to the medicinal herbs included in the composition, Czech liquor has a beneficial effect on the body and has the following medicinal properties:

  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: promotes better absorption of food, speeds up metabolic processes, increases the amount of gastric juice secreted, increases appetite, normalizes stools, etc.;
  • can be used to prevent heartburn, flatulence and belching;
  • fights colds;
  • helps to increase immunity;
  • relieves insomnia and improves the quality of sleep.

Despite all positive traits, Becherovka Original and other types of this liquor are alcoholic beverages and, if consumed excessively, can harm human health. The recommended daily dose by doctors is 20 ml.

How and with what to drink correctly

If you do not know what Becherovka is drunk with, follow the recommendations of the manufacturers and use herbal liquor undiluted. The drink should be served well chilled in a small glass or cognac glass. You can drink tincture as an aperitif or as a digestif. The best appetizer in these cases is an orange slice sprinkled with cinnamon powder. If you want to manage insomnia, drink liquid before bed.

Also, the liquor can be heated to a warm state and consumed in small sips. This will get rid of diseases of the throat and cough.

In addition, many doctors advise medicinal purposes regularly add 1-2 tsp. Becherovka in tea or coffee. This method will increase the body's immune resistance to viruses and bacteria, give vigor and good mood.

Use in cocktails

Czech liqueur goes well with many alcoholic and soft drinks, so it is often included in cocktails. The most common mixes:

  1. Becherovka s. This method Drinking the drink was invented in Slovakia and gained popularity all over the world. First, they drink a small glass of chilled liquor in one gulp, and then a glass of light beer. It is believed that in this case, hops and malt reveal the herbal flavor of the tincture in a new way. However, due to the combination of strong alcohol with a weaker liquor, intoxication quickly sets in.
  2. Becherovka with juice, tonic or other soft drinks. Traditionally, the liqueur is diluted with apple, cherry or currant juice. If you add a tonic to the original Becherovka and dip a slice of lemon into the cocktail, you get a taste reminiscent of a lemon variety of the drink. Perhaps a combination of Becherovka with Coca-Cola and Sprite.
  3. Becherovka with other types of alcohol. The drink can be combined with champagne, ginger ale, and other liquors.

When making cocktails, add ice, mint, sugar syrup, ginger, water, lemon, lime or orange slices, other fruits and berries (raspberries, grapefruit, cherries, etc.). Alcoholic drinks that Becherovka categorically does not combine with include,.

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