Home Grape Legs bent at the knees. Proper breathing during evening runs

Legs bent at the knees. Proper breathing during evening runs

Running on the present stage firmly entered the life of almost every single person. With the help of it, you can not only tighten your body, but also get rid of extra pounds. However, in order to achieve the set goals, the runs must be done correctly. And this is exactly what will be discussed in the review.

Running in the evenings has been found to bring the greatest benefit the body. And if your goal is to lose weight, relax your muscles, or just get rid of stress, then you should familiarize yourself with some rules that will help answer the question of how to run correctly.

Why is evening jogging especially beneficial?

The main advantage is time. Even if there is a great desire to run in the morning, it is not always possible to force yourself to wake up and get up. Especially if you have to get ready for work. Yes, and there is simply not enough strength for daily activities - neither moral nor physical.

Among the main advantages, one can single out what exactly evening time will help to get rid of the stress that has been accumulated throughout the day. In the morning, the person is quite cheerful. And after running, he may get tired. And this, in turn, will affect performance. This aspect also cannot be attributed to positive aspects.

And another advantage is the ability to get rid of unnecessary pounds that have gained in a day. Trained muscle fibers fully recover in a dream, while taking away energy.

Jogging area

Do you want to know how to run properly in the evenings? You should figure out where to do it. No need to run on busy highways, highways and freeways. It is also better to avoid dark alleys. This could be dangerous for you. In addition, a large congestion of cars simply will not provide the necessary benefits. The best place would be a park or a simple football field located next to the house.

How much time should you spend jogging?

How to run properly in the evenings? It should be remembered that before going to bed, you do not need to load your body too much. Otherwise, it will all affect sleep and well-being. At the initial stage, it is best to devote no more than 15 minutes to running. The maximum running time is no more than 30 minutes. You should also consider taking short breaks. However, there should be no sudden stops if you need to rest. It is necessary to gradually reduce the speed, smoothly moving to a fast step.

Optimal running time

Many aspiring athletes face the same mistake. Coming home from work, they first have dinner, then sit in front of the TV to rest a little. And only after that the jogging begins. However, this approach cannot be called correct. So what's the right way to run? In such a situation, the body's biorhythms pass into a passive state. Restarting them will lead to stress.

The optimal running time is between 7 and 10 pm. It is at this moment that the body is already in a fairly calm state.

Is it worth eating?

Compared to morning jogging in the evening, it is undesirable to perform any physical activity on an empty stomach. However, you cannot eat too densely. It is worth having a light snack with salad, light lunch or soup. The diet should also contain proteins and carbohydrates, due to which the restoration of muscle fibers will occur in a shorter time.

If you want to understand how to run properly, then you need to know that before jogging, it is best to eat a light omelet, which will be steamed with chicken or beef. In the event that there is no desire to have supper, then you can have a snack with fruits. You can also make yogurt, with the help of which it is quite possible not only to get rid of the feeling of hunger, but also to support your strength.

Is there a need to warm up?

If you want to understand how to start running correctly, then you should definitely take care of a warm-up. It should be done as before any other training complex. Only in such a situation will it be possible to achieve maximum results. In addition, it will turn out to avoid any damage.

Basically, you need to stretch your legs. For this, exercises with sports equipment such as a jump rope or a ball are suitable. You need to rub the muscles with your hands. In this way, it will be possible to increase blood circulation. Before proceeding directly to jogging, you must short distance walk at a brisk pace. The speed should increase gradually.

What should be an evening run?

How to start running correctly? There is no need to overwork the body before bed. Therefore, it is worth trying to find a level place for jogging. No jumping should be done. Do not run on a path that has inclines and sharp climbs. Running should only take place on level ground. Finding them at the present time is not so difficult. Not the most the best choice will become small stadiums. In such a situation, the athlete will need to run on small circle... As a result, many may feel dizzy. Therefore, if possible, then you should pay attention to a long, level and straight treadmill.

Breathing while running plays a very important role.

How to run and breathe correctly? This question is the most relevant. During physical activity the body needs a lot of oxygen. And one of the main mistakes of a novice athlete is that when there is a lack of oxygen, breathing begins with the mouth. However, this is not the correct solution. You should always breathe through your nose. Only in such a situation will the body acquire maximum amount oxygen. And the pulse will not go astray with the respiration rate.

If you run in the evenings, remember to breathe through your nose. Especially if you need to lose weight. The more oxygen there is, the better the metabolism in muscle fibers and tissues will be.

How to learn to run properly? If during a run you involuntarily began to breathe through your mouth, this means that you are performing the technique incorrectly. Accordingly, the body does not receive the required amount of air. In such a situation, you must start to gradually reduce the speed. However, it is impossible to stop abruptly in any case.

How do you know if a run is going right?

If you have not done jogging before or have taken a break from such an activity, then after the first workout, the muscles will ache. If no pain is felt, it means that either they were not loaded too well, or something was done wrong. However, there is no need to worry about this.

How should you run correctly? You must follow the basic recommendations and listen to your own body. Don't be led by pain. Remember that the muscles will stop hurting only if muscle tissue get the necessary load. Know that after a few days, the sensations of pain will disappear. Only pleasant fatigue will remain, with the help of which you can quickly and deeply fall asleep.

You need to take time for yourself. After a few weeks, you will notice how much life has changed. Not only weight is normalized, but also the work of the nervous system. The heart will also be strengthened. Spending half an hour running will help you get rid of not only fat, but also a bad mood.

Can you lose weight by jogging?

The question of how to run properly for weight loss can be heard from almost every girl. And often the fair sex is faced with such problems as shortness of breath, pain in the sides, etc. All this arises due to the fact that the jog is going wrong. At the very beginning, let it last no more than 20 minutes. And you just have to jog to run. The pace and time should be increased gradually. And in a few days you will be able to run two or even three times longer.

The first technique that can become effective

However, jogging can always happen in different ways. And we must consider how to run properly for weight loss. There are two different techniques in this matter. In the first case, jogging is meant. It should last at least 50 minutes. This factor can be explained by the fact that in the beginning the body will spend easily digestible sugar on jogging. This takes about 20-40 minutes. And only after that the fat will begin to melt directly. But there is another way that won't make you run too long.

The second technique you can use

How should you run correctly? The second method implies that you need to start training with a walk. Then you need to switch to jogging. And only then you will need to run at the highest possible speed. Absolutely all intervals should not exceed 200 meters. This kind of running can be called more efficient. And it's worth noting that fat burning will occur for some time after the end of a run. The duration of the run should not be less than 30 minutes. You need to choose on your own the technique that will become optimal. But it is worth remembering that no respite is provided for in any of the methods. If you constantly stop or stand, it will have a very bad effect on the work of the heart. Accordingly, all efforts will be minimized.

How to learn to run for a long time?

How to run long distances correctly? The weight of your body should be evenly distributed over your entire foot. At the moment of landing, a roll to the toe from the heel should occur. Should rely on outer part feet. Long-distance running should be done with slightly bent knees. And if you want to answer how to run on toes correctly, then it is worth remembering that this cannot be done over long distances. Otherwise, flat feet may appear, pain in the gastrocnemius muscle fibers.

The body must be kept upright. The arms should be locked at an angle of 120 degrees. The clenched fists should not cross the chest area. Shoulders, tongue, jaws, fingers, neck should be absolutely relaxed while jogging. The optimal stride length should be equal to the length of two feet.

You should understand some of the recommendations, guided by which you can understand the question of how to properly run 1 km and even more. It is imperative to inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. With this technique, the lungs receive oxygen evenly. If the athlete breathes only through his mouth, then the body will begin to more to be satiated. Accordingly, the lungs and pectoral muscles stop developing. In the event that fatigue appears during nasal breathing, you can take a break for a while and breathe only through your mouth. It is necessary to carry out inhalation and exhalation to the maximum. At the same time, the rhythm must be maintained even and calm. In the event that there is a feeling of suffocation, you need to measure the time spent jogging, stop and walk a little. After a few days, the running time should be increased. Accordingly, the physical condition will also be improved. At the very beginning, you should not overexert the body.

How to properly run 3 km or more? To start running long distances, you need to strengthen your lungs. To do this, it is worth reading a poem or singing a song while running. The words should be pronounced clearly, without hesitation. With this simple method, the load on the lungs will increase, and the workout will be more effective.

  1. Do not eat or drink before jogging. After running, you should take a shower and only after that you can start eating.
  2. You don't have to run through the force. If you have headaches or pain in your legs, then you should stop jogging.
  3. In order to finish running, you need to smoothly slow down and start walking in a few minutes.
  4. You can divide the treadmill into several parts and run from one to the other with stops. In such a situation, you will also need to take a deep breath.
  5. The length of the distance can be increased after several sessions. The same can be said for the duration of the runs.
  6. Exercise should be regular.

Introducing shuttle running

How to run correctly? Shuttle running is familiar to almost every student. He is in school curriculum... With this type of running, you can develop dexterity. And at first glance, the technique does not have any difficulties. Shuttle run involves forward / backward jogging. Distance and number of repetitions can fluctuate.

What do you need to remember while doing the exercise? A balance must be struck between braking and accelerating. At the very beginning, you need to pick up the highest possible speed. However, braking must be started a few meters before the finish line. And this must be done in such a way that after a full stop, you can immediately dial maximum speed... In this regard, it is necessary to learn how to slide slightly. During braking, you need to turn to the finish line sideways, slightly putting your foot out. Using this method, you can brake as quickly as possible. In addition, from this position, you can immediately start in the other direction.

How to jog properly? It is necessary to start mastering the technique from the hands, since they are often forgotten about. Quite often, beginner athletes strain their limbs and hold them in the chest area. In this state, they practically do not move. Some novice runners, on the other hand, swing their hands at random. All this makes it difficult to run correctly and easily.

During jogging, you need to relax the muscle fibers of the shoulder girdle. No need to clamp down. Hands should be as close to the body as possible, do not swing them in different sides or toss like ropes. The brushes will need to be gathered into a fist, without straining too much. When swinging back, the hand should be on the side, at the lower ribs. While swinging forward, the hand must be raised up to the area of ​​the midline of the chest. It is necessary to work with the limbs energetically.

If you want to learn how to run properly, then you don't have to slouch and lift your shoulders up. You also can't lean forward. We must look ahead. The body should not be strained too much. Only those muscles that are involved when running should work. The rest of the fibers must be relaxed. Don't jump. If the body makes large movements up and down, then there is simply not enough energy to run.

Landing on the heel is a serious mistake. Running in such a situation will become tough. Shock wave will go all over the body, which could cause injury. It is necessary to land on the front of the leg, placing the leg under you, slightly bent at the knee.

Don't kick with your feet. This is the main sign that the run is not going well. All energy will be spent on impacts on the surface of the earth. You should quickly and gently try to place the forefoot on the surface of the treadmill. Don't take too long steps. It is best to move your legs frequently. The optimal frequency in this case should be equal to 3-5 steps per second. The higher the speed, the higher the cadence.


In this review, we tried to consider the main nuances that should be remembered if there is a desire to learn how to run correctly. Otherwise, the athlete will not receive the effect of jogging. In addition, the likelihood of injury will increase. Therefore, approach jogging thoroughly and responsibly, since your health and general physical condition will depend on them. Good luck with your endeavors and success in both short and long distance running.

Running is easy, right? People started running as soon as they started walking on two legs. But it turns out jogging is harder than it sounds. This article will help you learn to do this without the risk of injury and will provide motivation to overcome the difficulties that await you on the way. Can you do this! How exactly, see below.


Part 1

Equipment preparation

    Find the right shoes.

    Buy comfortable, suitable clothing.

    • Strive for freedom of movement. Clothing should be loose or stretchy so that it does not hinder your movements. In addition, you need to choose clothing that is suitable for shape and made of breathable materials. This will reduce the risk of rashes and other skin problems.
    • Pay attention to the weather and temperature. Depending on where you live, you may need multiple tracksuits. For example, for winter jogging, it is better to have warmer, closed clothing.
    • Don't forget about your pockets. You will need pockets to store things like your ID and keys. Although, you can also use your shoes or armband for this.
    • You need to wear the right socks. Look for socks made specifically for runners. They will help you avoid calluses and blisters.
  1. Consider additional entertainment.

    • Take your mp3 player. Small players (such as the iPod nano) are great for running. There are special armbands to which they are well attached.
    • Find something to listen to. Music is the obvious choice, but you can listen to both radio broadcasts and audiobooks. It can become a great solution to keep abreast of events, or to do "reading" if you have little time for this.
    • If you want, you can enjoy the silence: if you don't want to, don't listen to anything!
    • Think about safety! If you do decide to listen to something, use only one ear for that. Hear the sound of an approaching vehicle or other dangerous signals essential for your safety.

    Part 2

    Laying the route
    1. Think about safety.

      • Be careful while running. Choose safe, crowded areas, if possible, with fewer cars.
      • Choose a convenient running time. Running in the morning or evening at dusk is significantly more dangerous than during the day. You run the risk of being run over by a driver who does not notice you, or attackers can attack you when no one is around.
      • Be visible to drivers. If you do decide to run near roads, wear bright, reflective clothing. To become even more visible, you can use a flashing flashlight.
      • Run with a friend. It doesn't matter if you are running with a person or with a dog, it is safer than running alone. This way you are in less danger of being attacked by bandits.
    2. Determine how far you are going to run.

      • Take a test run. Run the selected distance and assess your health. Try how far you can run until you feel tired. You are more likely to achieve success if you set realistic goals for yourself.
      • Remember to return to the starting point of the route. Consider the time and effort it takes to get back to the beginning of the route. You might be able to run to that coffee shop at the end of the street, but how do you get back?
      • Increase the distance gradually. Remember that you can run long distances when in in better shape; you will be able to run further and faster. Run the route of your choice. Increasing the distance will give your body a better load, so plan a longer route ahead of time.
    3. Draw it on the map!

      • Use special software... You can use free tools like Google maps or RunningMap.com to measure route distance and keep track of things like altitude changes. There are even some social sites that allow you and other runners in your area to share and compare routes.
      • Consider the complexity of the terrain. Changing the road surface, changing the landscape, altitude can be an insurmountable obstacle for you. Try to avoid things like the steep climb at the end of the route, as this could hurt you.
      • Test your route. When you've come up with a good route, test it before putting it into practice. You can even come up with several different routes and alternate them throughout the week.

    Part 3

    Correct running (jogging)
    1. Don't try to be a superhero.

      • Do not hurry. Gradually move on to heavy loads. Otherwise, you risk injury!
      • Don't overdo your workouts. Don't let them become an obsession for you. This is harmful to your health, especially if you are overly slim, then too intense training will only harm you.
      • You also don't have to practice through force. A little stress is good. But with excessive exertion, you will be taken to the hospital. Therefore, watch your well-being, and you will feel when to stop.
    2. Eat right.

      • Do not run on a full stomach: you may become weak or even sick!
      • Before class, you need to eat a little: something that will give you energy and not overload your stomach. A banana and a couple of sweet sticks are great choices because both will give your body the nutrients, the energy of which will be used up while running.
      • Don't forget to drink enough!
    3. Warm up.

    4. Stay calm and relaxed.

      • Keep your muscles loose and move naturally. Straining or excessive force can cause injury.
      • Keep your shoulders down and relaxed.
      • Your torso should be straight and upright with your hips pointing forward: in other words, your body should be in a natural position.
    5. Breathe.

      • Remember to breathe!
      • Breathe deeply and evenly.
      • If you feel dizzy, stop! Give yourself a little rest and catch your breath.
      • If you find it difficult to breathe, talk to your doctor, you may have asthma.
    6. Observe the water regime.

      • Take a bottle of water with you, or drink enough before and after running.
      • Drink plain water and eat foods that are rich in potassium, sugar, and salt (electrolytes), or drink water that is rich in electrolytes.
      • With sweat, your body releases vital nutrients, so you need to replenish them. If you don't, your health will suffer.
    7. Move correctly.

      • You shouldn't land on your heels. This is bad for your knees. Try to land with your entire foot, or best of all, land on the forefoot.
      • Bend your arms at a 90 ° angle.
      • Keep your head straight. Don't look down more than necessary. It is best to look at least a few feet in front of you.
    8. Cool down.

      • Cool down to avoid injury. This step should never be skipped!
      • Run slowly, then walk for a few minutes before stopping.
      • Finish cooling off with a small stretch. Calf stretching exercises are very beneficial for runners.

    Part 4

    Engage on a schedule
    1. Run in the morning.

      • If you reschedule your climb 30-45 minutes earlier, you can fit the jogging activity into your schedule.
      • Running in the morning will kickstart your metabolism and energize your day. It's as effective as a cup of coffee to wake up!
      • You can shower after class, which will save you time if you usually take it later.
    2. Run in the evening.

      • If you're not an early riser, you can run at the end of the day. You can do this right after you get home or after dinner, which will make it easier to fit jogging into your schedule.
      • An added benefit is that you can shed a few extra calories at dinner, but on the other hand, you will be less tired before bed.
    3. Run during your lunch break.

      • If you have a long lunch break and have the option to take a shower, you can include a brisk run in some of your lunch breaks.
      • This will help you stay awake for the rest of your day.
      • Plus, running at lunchtime removes the time barriers many people have and makes exercising one of your priorities in life.
    4. Run on your way to work or school.

      • If your work or school is close enough to home (less than 3 miles), you can use this route for running.
      • Of course, you will need a place to clean yourself up. Grab a change of clothing and consider how to eliminate sweat odor before proceeding with your business as usual!
    5. Prepare a contingency plan!

      • Remember that in bad weather you can run on a treadmill or in indoor stadiums.
      • You can do other workouts if you are unable to run for some reason. For example, if your leg hurts, you can do upper body exercises.

    Part 5

    Maintain motivation
    1. Run for the right goals.

      • You should run because you like it. If you don't enjoy it, you have little or no chance of staying motivated.
      • Jogging is just one of many types of workouts. There are many activities that will be more effective in your case, and it will be easier for you to fit them into your schedule.
      • If you run to dump excess weight, remember that you still need to follow a diet and be more active during the day (for example, climb the stairs yourself, and not use the escalator). For many people, this will be enough.
    2. Organize everything correctly.

      • Don't give yourself excuses to skip workouts. If possible, eliminate all the reasons that will prevent you from exercising so that your daily routine is comfortable.
      • Take a weather-independent route near your home.
      • Find a running time in your routine that you don't have to constantly change.
    3. Introduce a friend to the class.

      • This will help you stay motivated by making you accountable for someone else. This could be a close friend or family member.
      • You can even take your dog with you if you have one.
      • In addition, it is an added plus for your safety during class.
      • You can join a local runner group. Jogging groups are organized in many areas. Check your area!

Losing weight is a long and laborious process that requires the exercise of willpower, dedication and diligence. In order to lose weight, people use different methods. Some are adopting new diets, others are using dubious pills. Some even resort to liposuction - a surgical body shaping. Each of the listed methods of dealing with obesity has its drawbacks. If you limit yourself to food, you will lose weight, but the result will be short-term or not at all satisfactory. Taking pills without medical supervision can harm the body. Liposuction has many side effects, besides, this procedure will have to be spent a lot. If you really want to tone your body, it is best to resort to sports - start running. This option for normalizing weight is the most affordable, absolutely free and, which is also important, has practically no contraindications.

Slimming jogging

Many people believe that only legs work while running. This is a deep misconception. Running involves a wide variety of body muscles, making it a fairly energy-intensive sport. Moreover, it has a beneficial effect on the body - it improves the functioning of organs and tissues, enriches the circulatory system with oxygen, normalizes metabolism, dulls the feeling of hunger, increases immunity and, of course, normalizes weight.

It should be said right away that this method of losing weight is suitable for those who need to get rid of a few extra pounds. If you need to lose weight globally, you should not start with jogging, but with simple walking. gradually increasing the load. The fact is that the more weight, the more the joints are loaded, which means that the risk of injury increases. With an injury, as a rule, training will have to be stopped and weight loss postponed until complete recovery.

Before proceeding with the normalization of weight, you should visit a specialist. This is especially true for those who have chronic diseases and medical contraindications. If there is no reason for concern, you can start classes. To make your workouts as effective, useful and enjoyable as possible, you need to follow certain recommendations:

  • To jogging, like to any other kind physical activity, the body needs to be taught gradually... During the adaptation period, it is categorically not recommended to give all the best in full force. It is enough to run 1-2 kilometers. It will take you no more than 10-15 minutes. If you neglect this rule and run to the limit of your capabilities, you can do great harm to your health. It is important to note that the adaptation period lasts for everyone in different ways. Someone will need a couple of weeks, while others will take 1-2 months. Having passed it, you can begin to increase the load and run 3-4 kilometers or more in one workout.
  • Regularity- one of the main aspects of any undertaking, including running. If you train 2-3 times a month, you will not be able to achieve the desired result. Excess fat reserves will begin to melt only with a systematic approach. Experts advise beginners to practice 2 times a week. After a while, the number of workouts can be increased to 5. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that the first 2-3 weeks of running will be difficult. This is a completely normal reaction of the body. It will be especially hard for people who have never played sports. If you endure this stage, running for weight loss will cease to be a burden and will begin to bring real pleasure.
  • The time you run also affects your training results. There are three types of running - morning, afternoon and evening. Each of them has a different effect on the body. Jogging in the morning is practiced by people who want to strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Day jogging is useful for those looking to strengthen their muscles. Thanks to evening runs, they burn excess fats... Based on this, it follows that running in the evening is most suitable for losing weight. If for some reason you cannot run in the evening, run in the morning or afternoon. The effect of losing weight from such loads will be less, but it is better than nothing. During the day, the main periods of time are distinguished when both the muscles and the body are most prepared for athletic classes: from 6.30 to 7.30, from 11.00 to 12.00, from 16.00 to 18.00.
  • If you decide to exercise in the morning, you must remember that you cannot load the body immediately after waking up. After waking up, you must first drink a glass of water, have a light snack and wash your face. Only then can you start cardio. As for the daytime and evening running, it should be carried out 2 hours after a meal. After the end of the run, it is not recommended to eat or drink for 1 hour.
  • Clothes and shoes play a significant role in jogging for weight loss. Clothing should be lightweight and comfortable. It is best to give preference to models made from natural material... For warm summer day shorts and a tank top are great. If it is less than 20 degrees outside, it is advisable to put on a tracksuit. In colder weather, wear a warm suit, light jacket, and a hat. The latter should cover the ears. Choose a shoe with shock absorbers. They must certainly securely fix the ankle.
  • The place in which the training will take place also matters. It is best to go jogging away from the roadway and crowded places. Squares, parks and a stadium are perfect for this. It is good if the chosen route covers a surface with ups and downs. Thanks to them, you can increase the amount of calories burned.
  • Before starting a run, you must warm up... With its help, you prepare the body for the upcoming stress. The warm-up complex includes 5-10 minutes of walking and general physical training exercises. These are swings, squats and bends. In general, it should take you about 20 minutes to warm up.
  • So that running for weight loss does not bring discomfort and does not lead to injuries, you need accustom the body to correct position ... While jogging, stick to following rules: look forward, maintain correct posture, do not strain your shoulders, bend your elbows 90 degrees, bend your knee to soften the landing, touch the supporting surface with your heel and roll onto your toes. If during the exercises there are no shuffling sounds and there is no pain in the muscles, then you are doing everything right.
  • Heart rate control- This is an integral part of training aimed at getting rid of excess body fat. The greatest efficiency is brought by the load at which the heart rate fluctuates from 120 to 150 beats per minute. The most convenient way to keep track of your optimal heart rate range is to use a dedicated heart rate monitor. If you do not have such a device, you can measure your heart rate manually. To do this, you need to stop, feel the pulse, for example, on the carotid artery and count the number of pulse beats in 10 seconds. By multiplying the resulting figure by 6, you will find the frequency. If it exceeds the specified rate, the pace of running must be reduced.
  • In order not to prematurely leave the race due to severe shortness of breath, you should learn to breathe correctly... Beginner runners often have a question about how to inhale air - through the nose or through the mouth? Many believe that the nose. This is not entirely true. It all depends on the intensity of the run. If you run at a low pace, then the oxygen that enters through the nasal cavities will be sufficient. The same cannot be said for running at an average and high pace. With such loads, the need for oxygen increases by an order of magnitude, which means that nasal breathing becomes small. Therefore, the amount of oxygen must be increased with the mouth. To do this, it should only be slightly opened. In cool weather, running this way can get sick. To prevent this from happening, use the following trick: keep your tongue in a position as if you are pronouncing the sound "l".
  • If during the adaptation period you jogged for 10-15 minutes, then after its completion the load must be increased... Otherwise, even there can be no talk of positive results. All because of the peculiarities of the body. The human liver produces an easily digestible sugar called glycogen. During a 10-15 minute jog, the body gets its energy from it, and not from excess body fat. The glycogen stores are enough for about 30-40 minutes. Only after there are not enough of them, the breakdown of fats begins. Therefore, in order for jogging to provide a slimming effect, you need to train for at least 40 minutes. One-hour workouts are considered the most effective. If you exercise for longer than the specified time, the body will begin to feed on proteins, which will lead to loss muscle mass.
  • The body quickly gets used to the same loads, which negatively affects the effectiveness of training. Because of this, in running for weight loss it is best to alternate running at a regular pace with interval jogging... If everything is clear with the usual, then many questions arise about the interval. Therefore, it is worth disassembling it in more detail.

Interval running

Interval running is an alternation of load modes. In other words, on one segment you are running in an enhanced mode, on the other you are resting. It is believed that this type of running is the most effective in losing weight. However, it is not suitable for every person, because when accelerating, it affects the heart, muscles and joints. heavy load... Interval running can be practiced by those who run one kilometer at a distance of 5-10 kilometers in at least 6.30 minutes.

If the above applies to you and you decide to train in a similar way, then first you should study principles interval running :

  • First of all, it should be said that you need to do this type of running no more than 1-2 times a week. The rest of the time it is advisable to devote to a calm and measured run.
  • An interval run is slightly different in time from a regular run. If the second takes 1 hour, then the first is enough to devote 30-40 minutes. In this case, high-speed work should be at least 20-25 minutes. It is possible to increase the distance and the number of high-speed segments no earlier than in 2-3 months.
  • There are two main ways to alternate intervals: by distance and by time. The first option is suitable for people running around the stadium. Training in this case can be structured as follows: warm-up; acceleration - 1 circle, rest - 1 circle; acceleration - 2 laps, rest - 2 laps; acceleration - 2 laps, rest - 1 lap; acceleration - 1 lap, rest - 2 laps; hitch. The number of circles for each interval can be different. It all depends on your physical fitness. The second option is convenient for those who run in a public garden or park with a clock. It differs from the first only in that the circles are replaced by minutes. Please note that training, regardless of the method, should be built on the principle of a pyramid. Simply put, the acceleration should be lengthened towards the middle of the workout and shortened by the time it is completed.
  • It is worth mentioning another type of interval running, called fartlek. Here acceleration and rest take place as you decide for yourself. Wanted - accelerated, wanted - slowed down. It is good to use fartlek on terrain that is rich in descents and ascents. If you don't know how to calculate your strength or it's hard for you to force yourself to accelerate without a clear training plan, it is best to refuse such a run.

Do not forget that jogging for weight loss will give positive results only if you combine it with healthy way life and proper nutrition... Adhering to an integrated approach, after a short period of time you will begin to notice how the extra pounds go away and your figure is transformed - the skin becomes taut, and the muscles acquire the long-awaited elasticity.

Running is one of the most popular types training apparently because no special equipment is needed. Put on your shoes and run.

Most people start running to get the shape of their dreams, but remember that in general it does not help to build muscle mass, unless it is of course 100-meter sprint training.

But, despite the bright prospects, not everyone is running. It is incredibly difficult for many - muscles and joints ache, tension in the lungs, dryness in the mouth, and other unpleasant symptoms occur, up to fainting. And all because although this is a very natural matter, you need to be able to do it - to study and hone the technique and know about the mass of subtleties.

How to run properly: safe running technique

Let's try to describe the correct running technique as simply as possible: running is a constant fall forward, you fall and substitute your legs so as not to fall - thus, you save strength due to the fall energy, which partly moves you forward.

Putting your feet under your falling body must be correct: land on the toes, ideally exactly under the center of gravity of your body. With perfect landing technique, you can even run on slippery ice.

The “cadence” in running (number of steps per minute) for beginners is usually too small (too long, sweeping steps, jumping too high), you need to strive to move your legs more often (about 90 steps per minute), take less steps.

Hands should move along the body, bent at a right angle, as if you were holding a towel by the edges of the towel.

That, in fact, is the whole science of running, and now it is all much more detailed:

Here is a technique for performing one jogging stride. There are many nuances, but not all at once. Master these tips one or two at a time, gradually developing the skill of the correct movement. It will be optimal to hire a trainer to set the correct running technique. Zozhnik recommends, for example, the coaches of the Trifit studio (if you are in St. Petersburg). Our experience has shown that it is more effective and cheaper to take two or three personal trainings from the best running trainer and then follow the individual program written by him, than to do seven weeks in a group.

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At the start of each step:

  • put your leg straight in front of you;
  • look ahead and keep your head parallel to the ground (imagine a plate on top of your head);
  • bend your arms at an angle of 90 degrees or slightly less;
  • do not slouch, straighten your shoulders (this also allows the lungs to open up and work more efficiently);
  • keep your knees soft.

In the air:

  • do not wag your hips: you are running, not dancing, running should not look sexy-defiant;
  • work with your hands clearly back and forth, do not swing them in other directions;
  • keep your shoulders back and do not pinch them;
  • bend your knee and ankle joints at an angle of 90 degrees.

Near the ground:

  • shorter stride: feet should land exactly under the buttocks;
  • keep a vigorous rhythm (count how many times your foot touches the ground), your goal is 85–90 times per minute;
  • land in the middle of your foot, do not hammer your heels into the ground (if you are jogging, gently place your foot on your heel and roll onto your toes);
  • after the foot touches the floor, tighten the buttocks, bringing the leg to the next step.

Exercises that will deliver running technique

1. Changing running positions with your back to the wall

  • Objective: to learn how to pull the heel in the right direction- under the pelvis so that the leg does not remain behind and does not protrude far forward.
  • Execution: stand with your back close to the wall. Jump from foot to foot, making an active movement in the limb that you lift off the ground, and not in the one that you are going to put.

2. Running in place

  • Goal: To understand that until you give the body a tilt, you will not move forward. And secure the position when the legs remain under the pelvis.
  • Execution: remember exercise 1 and, according to the same principle, just run in place: pulling the heels under the pelvis and raising them to a comfortable height - approximately to the middle of the lower leg.

3. Falling onto the wall

  • Goal: learn to "fall" forward, keeping the body straight at all times.
  • Execution: stand in front of a wall, knees slightly bent: they should be over the toes. The weight will move to the front of the foot, the pelvis over the support, the shoulders over the pelvis. Fall on the wall and rest your hands on it: make sure that the pelvis is not behind.
  • When you feel comfortable, you can try this chain. Changing the position of running against the wall - running in place - falling on the wall - running with the addition of falling forward. Over time, you will feel that the greater the incline of the fall, the higher the speed. Make sure that the pelvis does not go back, the shoulders do not fall forward, your position remains collected, there is no swinging from side to side, the body does not twist with your arms, the movements are light and smooth. Keep your head straight, do not nod.

4. Running with arms outstretched

  • Purpose: to check how the body is working properly.
  • Execution: Stretch your arms out in front of you and fold your hands. If they start to "walk" while running, you are doing something wrong. Level yourself, try not to wobble.

How to run correctly: pace and duration

Often, neophytes start too quickly and quickly leave the race with injuries and the belief that running is evil. In fact, it's evil not to understand how fast and how long you need to train.

If you can freely maintain a conversation while running, then you need to add speed. But also wheeze on separate words- not right. The optimal speed is the golden mean between these extremes, when you can speak, but not grandly, but in short sentences. In numbers, this is about 5.5 - 7.5 minutes per kilometer, depending on the level of training.

Start running with 20 minutes of jogging three to four times a week. Don't worry if you need to take a step in the first few months when things get tough. Your goal is to gradually reduce rest periods and increase your running pace. If you are an absolute beginner with no contraindications to jogging, then after 10-12 regular workouts you should be able to run at a calm pace for 30 minutes without a break.

Only when your running pace is in the range of 5.5-6.5 minutes per kilometer and you can keep it for at least half an hour, gradually add running exercises.

  1. After a warm-up and 10 minutes of continuous running, do a 20 second maximum acceleration, then 10 frog jumps or just short jumps. And so four times in a row. At the end of the workout, do dynamic stretching exercises (several swing and amplitude movements) and walk at a brisk pace of 10 minutes.
  2. Run uphill for 30 seconds, jump low 10 times in place, or do 10 jumps if you feel strong. This is approach 1, do 3. After - dynamic stretching.

Add 10 seconds to your vigorous interval every week or two. And try to end your workout with the intention of running a minute longer next time, rather than dreaming of dying in a puddle of sweat at the finish line.

How to Run: Run Longer

When you run, your lungs, heart, and muscles are doing great work, but running also puts a strain on your brain. From the moment the shoe is laced to the end of the session, the gray matter is actively involved in the process. So that it doesn't force you to end your workout ahead of time, listen to Dr. Jeff Brown, Ph.D. at Harvard University:

Visualize your success
Athletes who imagine how they have achieved high results are more demanding of themselves and train harder. Before your run, dream of crossing the finish line of some important event with a smile on your face.

Find Words of Support
Come up with a catchy slogan and repeat the cherished words when you want to send everything to hell. For example, “I had time and it was harder” or “I can do it, I can do it, I have the strength!”. If only you yourself believe in the mantra, and it inspires you.

Deceive yourself
If you don't feel like not only training, but even looking out into the street, then convince yourself that you are going out for only 3 minutes. You will see: as soon as you start jogging, the urge to turn off the straight path will disappear. And if not, then your goal does not inspire you and you need to invent another.

If not from the heart, then at least cheerfully grind your teeth. This will add self-confidence and help not to whimper at the finish line.

Don't run every day
We all know that for a good result you need to constantly train. Each session is a shake-up for muscles, bones, joints and ligaments, and the more often you expose them to dosed stress, the more resilient they become. But it is important not to overdo it with loads. If you alternate between monotonous and interval running too often or accelerating too much, you run the risk of injury.

The ideal regimen for newcomers is 3 races per week. If you train less often, progress will creep like a snail, and every time you will run like the first. And if you increase the load, then the body may not have enough time to recover. One but: those who have neglected physical education for years, are significantly overweight, should limit themselves to two races a week and add one or two walking or cycling. But in general, before doing health-improving physical education every person it is necessary to pass at least the minimum medical examination and consult a doctor.

If you've been running three days a week for a month or a month and a half, you can add a fourth workout. This is the optimal regime for most (except when preparing for a competition). It's not worth adding a fifth day. It is better to spend 4 lessons a week with full dedication and gain strength for new feats. A good athlete is not someone who runs every day, but someone who can do long distances. When increasing the effectiveness of monotonous workouts, keep in mind that you should not increase your mileage, number of workouts, or jogging time by more than 10-15% per week.

How to run correctly: how to drink, what to eat - before and after running

If you are going to run for an hour, then 15-20 minutes before the start of the workout, eat 100-200 kcal in the form of carbohydrates: a banana or a slice whole grain bread... 4 hours before training, drink 350 ml of plain water, and then continue drinking as usual.

If running workout lasts more than 60 minutes, then every hour you need to drink 450-500 ml of a sports drink (isotonic) containing electrolytes such as sodium and potassium (not in one gulp, gradually). It is optimal to drink isotonic 100-130 ml every 15 minutes.

Isotonic can be bought, or you can do it yourself: for 400 ml of water, add 100 ml of any fruit or berry juice, 20 g of honey or sugar, a pinch of salt and soda on the tip of a knife

Run no earlier than 2 hours after a full meal so that blood flows more actively to the working muscles, and not to the digestive tract.

How to run correctly: increasing the distance

For many newbies, the phrase "run 5 kilometers" sounds much more terrifying than "15 minutes of running." Conversely, experienced marathon runners often measure their achievements in tens of kilometers, without bothering how many minutes flew there before the first sweat. In general, for those who are just starting to plan their great athletic future, we advise you to focus on time, not distance.

If you feel tired, then lower the intensity, but continue to move (jogging or walking) for the allotted minutes. You will start planning distances later, when you are able to special problems run 40 minutes or longer.

Another caveat about time and kilometers: you should not continuously increase either one or the other. In general, if you run 5-7 kilometers 3-4 times a week, we are very happy for you - this is a wonderful mode of support in muscle tone (including the heart). If more significant achievements are tempting, leave the duration the same, but add high-intensity intervals. For example, after 10 minutes of light jogging for 20 minutes, alternate 2 minutes at "talking" speed with a minute of acceleration.

If you plan to “do” a marathon (42 km) or a half marathon (21 km), then, of course, you need to increase the distance. But do it slowly and don't forget about it. Let one of the races a week be long - add 2-3 kilometers to it, and leave the rest time until the next the same.

Gradually, you will be able to pump all workouts in this way. After - again increase one of the races, and so on. But always be guided simple rule: the number of kilometers added must not exceed the number of workouts per week. As a result, the distance of a long run should not be more than half of all kilometers collected in your piggy bank in a week.

How to Run: Competition is Fun

It doesn't matter what your experience on this moment you can start preparing for fun starts that will take place in next year and achieve good results there. By the way, the more you invest (both moral and material) in training, the stronger will be the motivation to train with full dedication. Choose a distance that inspires you, make sure there is enough time - and start preparing.

For beginners, it is better to take a closer look at races of 5 - maximum 10 kilometers and hold on to their ambitious dreams of a marathon. Leave it to the distant future, but for now, plan about two months to prepare for the 5K race. and at least 3-4 months- ten. Exercise gradually by adding time and distance to one workout, then several workouts per week. I hope you remember about the increase in indicators by no more than 10-15%.

An excellent motivator is a training diary, which will allow you to have a schedule of all your feats in front of your eyes in 3-4 months. If you regularly run 15 km or less per week, then get ready for a 5-kilometer race, 15-20 - for a 10-kilometer, 20-30 - for a half marathon, 30 or more - wow! Tune in for a marathon.

Who to run with

Working out in a company is cool. But what if your partner is perfectly prepared and runs like a moose? Or, on the contrary, is it you - the same elk, and a friend is puffing from behind?

If you have more experience, combine the days when you have uncomplicated workouts, with intense races of a partner.

Do a warm-up together, and then go their own way. After your workout, reunite and discuss your accomplishments or failures. If your friend is more experienced, cool down together.

Go together for a group race at your level. Each of you will run for himself, but you will find yourself in the company of passionate general idea people, in fact feel that you are many and you are strong.

How to run properly: tracking jogging

The most popular programs: Runkeeper, Endomondo, Nike Plus, - choose something to your liking, they are in iOS and Android, and probably on other cellular operating systems. it irreplaceable helpers which, through music that inspires you to run, will inform you into your headphones, for example, your pace for the last kilometer.

About injuries

Every year about 75% wonderful people temporarily stop training due to injury. Some kind of pain is inevitable as long as you fit into the slender ranks of the runners, but if you cannot move like a human being, because your knees are constantly aching, you should think about it. What if discomfort do not let go at night or last longer than a few days, this is a reason to visit a doctor, especially if you find symptoms from the table below.

When is the best time to run

In the morning or evening? They say that in the morning it is not environmentally friendly and bad for the heart, and in the evening it is bad for sleep.

If you live in a metropolis, then the phrase "running in the morning is not environmentally friendly and harmful to the heart" loses all meaning. It is not environmentally friendly either in the morning or in the evening. Yes, at the beginning of the day, the accumulation of harmful substances in the air is greater, but only relatively. So try to run in park areas and close to water bodies, and ideally - to leave the city. In other cases, the only salvation is a fitness club, but even then not just any one, but with a good ventilation and filtration system.

Actually, morning running yet the most useful and effective. With its help, breathing and the work of the cardiovascular system, in muscles and internal organs a larger volume of blood and oxygen comes in - metabolism accelerates, the body awakens. This will greatly improve your well-being throughout the day. If the lesson is in the evening, the body will not soon come to the stage of relaxation from the state of overexcitation - you simply will not be able to immediately go to bed and fall asleep calmly. But people are all different, try to run this way and that.

What to do if you can't run anymore

We saw runners who periodically stop and start jumping in place, spread their arms and legs to the sides. Twitch like this for a minute - and run on. These are “fills”. They make it possible to diversify a long monotonous run. Plus - they include in the work muscles, which are not emphasized during a run. It is not harmful if the pulse is in working condition, plus or minus at the "running" intensity.

If you feel that you increasingly want to move from running to walking, then it is better to initially choose a more relaxed pace so that it is not so ragged. Then after training there will be no “I died” state.

How to drink while running

Drinking while running is a must. The liquid thins the blood - and it is easier for the heart to pump it over. Not to mention the dangers of dehydration and heatstroke. If the workouts are intense and prolonged, it is advisable to drink not water, but a special sports drink - isotonic, which will replenish the salts lost with sweat and provide the body with electrolytes and vitamins. You need to drink as much fluid as you lose, plus a small reserve. This is approximately 500-1500 ml. Constantly and little by little - do not fill up. Where to put the bottle? Nowadays there are so many T-shirts with special pockets and backpacks for running, so this is not a problem.

What to do if it gets bad

If you have any complaints like "stabbing in the side", "fainted without leaving the treadmill", "knees ache," "I start to choke," first, stop. And secondly, seek the advice of a sports doctor and undergo fitness testing. It is impossible to drive a car without completing a training course. So it is with the body - it is impossible to run without understanding its needs, biomechanics of movements, processes that occur under various loads. Ideally, any training should begin with an assessment of all of the above parameters.

Run categorically contraindicated if an exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer occurs. When these conditions are in remission, exercise is not prohibited. Such loads cannot provoke the transition of gastritis to peptic ulcer... Although, of course, if you exercise regularly, then you need to be doubly serious about your diet and diet.

Is it possible to run with varicose veins?

This disease requires the supervision of a phlebologist, who in certain cases may restrict the patient's running load. But it is impossible to give unambiguous and at the same time impersonal recommendations here: you need to look at a specific person, take into account where he works, how much he weighs, in what physical condition he is, how pronounced his varicose changes are.

Is running harmful to joints?

Running is one of the most natural exercises for human body which is very helpful. But with several "ifs":

  • you are staying within the normal weight range for your height;
  • do not run like a driven horse, but in moderation;
  • on natural surfaces (long running on asphalt overstrains the ligaments and joints);
  • adhering to the correct technique;
  • in special shoes that optimally fit your foot and the configuration of the lower limbs;
  • competently build a rest and stress regimen and maintain general physical shape at the proper level.

The option - 4 hours of sleep, 12 hours in the office, a hearty dinner and immediately 10 km on the asphalt in sneakers, which are dear as a memory of the pioneer camp of the eighties - is definitely harmful. In other cases, before you plunge headlong into serious training, you need to consult with sports doctor or a rehabilitation therapist who will assess your condition and give recommendations for classes.

Running is a shock to the joints, including the spine. The higher the stress, the stronger it is. Asphalt and treadmill injure joints, not immediately, of course, but much faster than other surfaces. Trauma accumulates, joints and ligaments begin to hurt, and it is advisable to listen to this pain.

We age, the body recovers longer - in the end result, with age, running will make itself felt, but only if you have been doing it all your life. And, the higher the intensity, the closer the X-day. The situation will brighten up the right shoes(special treadmill, with cushioning on the foot and heel, on a thick sole with balloons filled with air) and a less rigid covering. It is strongly discouraged to run in an area that is not intended for this.

How to Run: Stretching Before and After Your Run

Stretching is a must. In the warm-up, use a dynamic one, which will prepare the muscles and ligaments for serious stress. After the run, stretch statically, holding each position for 20-60 seconds.

How to breathe correctly while running

Inhale through your nose: this is how the air is filtered and warmed up, and exhale through your mouth: carbon dioxide must leave the lungs quickly. And try to breathe deeply so that the cells are better saturated with air and oxygen starvation does not happen.

The safest workout for a beginner

Jogging or brisk walking for 45-60 minutes, with an intensity of 50-60% of the heart rate of the maximum, not taking into account the warm-up and cool down. There is a simple Karvonen formula: heart rate during training = (maximum heart rate - heart rate at rest) x intensity (in percentage) + heart rate at rest.

Interval training option - not suitable for neophytes. A ragged rhythm is a rather serious load on the cardiovascular system.

10 Beautiful Running Windbreakers You Can Buy Right Now A Runner's Worst Enemies: Calluses, Chafes, and Broken Nails

There are usually three reasons why people quit running most often: physical - difficult, psychological - hard, physical and psychological - very hard. The third option is when you run, your side begins to hurt, your legs - everything in general, and very tempting thoughts immediately appear in your head to give up all this and go do something socially useful. You are also an integral part of society, right? And here the most important thing is not to leave the race. For this, you need to start correctly and observe not only those rules that apply to your physical condition and will help you avoid injury, but also those that maintain the correct mental attitude.

Walk a lot. So many

As is usually the case. Put on sneakers and sportswear, go out on the street or on the treadmill and ... start at a high speed, as a result of which you exhale literally after 500 m, gasping for air and twisting away.

How it should be. Everyone can become a runner. Running is our innate ability, you just need to remember how to do it right. New York coach Gordon Bakoulis advises starting slowly and building up your pace gradually, or better off walking! Just walk a lot. It doesn't work on weekdays because of work, then do it at least on weekends.

Then you can start running at a very slow pace, alternating between running and walking. The pace should be such that you can talk throughout your run. As soon as you start to choke, slow down or start walking. The number of workouts is three times a week. Over time, you will be able to increase them up to 4-5 times.

10 weeks running and walking plan:

  1. 2 minutes of running, 4 minutes of walking.
  2. 3 minutes of running, 3 minutes of walking.
  3. 4 minutes of running, 2 minutes of walking.
  4. 5 minutes of running, 3 minutes of walking.
  5. 7 minutes of running, 3 minutes of walking.
  6. 8 minutes of running, 2 minutes of walking.
  7. 9 minutes of running, 1 minute of walking.
  8. 13 minutes of running, 2 minutes of walking.
  9. 14 minutes of running, 1 minute of walking.
  10. Run all the time.

Start and end each run with a 5-minute walk. If you feel fatigued before completing your workout according to plan, then you are either at a too high pace, or have chosen a workout that is too difficult, or you are running for too long. Review your plan and choose something easier. And don't worry, even if you are moving a little faster than just walking - you are already a runner.

Always warm up well before exercising.

Makes your workout easier and you can run longer, reducing the risk of injury to a minimum.

Plus, a warm-up is about much more than just activating your muscles and increasing blood flow. It also triggers our neuromuscular system, with which the brain tells the muscles to contract and be ready to run. Our body begins to actively produce fat-burning enzymes, which in turn help our aerobic system work more efficiently. The synovial fluid heats up, which helps lubricate the joints.

During a hitch, our body cools down, all our systems return to standard operation. Stopping abruptly has a negative effect on the health of the cardiovascular system. For such a slowdown, it is enough to walk a couple of minutes after the end of the run. As for, if time is really short, you can do it at home before bed.

Unfortunately, not only beginners, but also those who gave themselves a second chance to become a runner after the first failure, ignore the warm-up and the cool-down, arguing this by the lack of time and not understanding how important it is for training in general and well-being both during and and after running.

Alternate between different running surfaces

Many runners do not even think about the fact that variety in running can be introduced not only by changing the pace, but also by changing the surface. Each surface brings something different, and our body adapts to it. For example, you can run for one week. The second - on the asphalt sidewalks of your area. On the next one, you can try running on dirt paths in the park, which then change to beach sand. What you shouldn't run on is concrete, as even the asphalt bounces at least a little. Concrete, on the other hand, is absolutely hard and does not absorb the impact of the foot at all. Your feet will fully feel the force of impact on this running surface which could result in injury.

Monitor your body position

The quality of running depends not only on how fast you move your legs, but also on the work of all other parts of the body.

Head. The gaze should be directed forward. The chin should not be pressed against the chest or, on the contrary, pulled forward.

Shoulders. Everything is very simple here: they should be relaxed. Many runners strain them, which causes physical fatigue and slows down the pace of running. If you feel that your shoulders are tense, just shake your hands and try to relax them. Remember this position and try to keep your shoulders relaxed for the rest of your workout.

Hands. Your feet do what your hands tell them to do. Remember this and try to work with your hands so that your legs run beautifully and straight. This means that the arms should move like a swing - back and forth - with good amplitude. Do not press them against your body with your elbows and do not swing them from side to side. The elbows should form a 90-degree angle, the hands are slightly clenched into fists, the fingers barely touch the palms.

Frame. It must be kept straight, avoiding leaning forward or backward.

Hips. Should be carried forward and straight by the muscles. Do not throw them back or wiggle them from side to side.

Legs and feet. Your feet should bounce as they push off the ground. Landing should be in the middle of your foot, not on your toes or heels. You need to push off with that part of the foot where the pad is thumb... You seem to be rolling, rather than banging your heel on the ground. And don't take big steps! Ideally, the impact of the foot on the surface should occur directly under your body.

Move forward slowly but surely

The phrase “You need to hurry slowly” is great for running. If you want to learn to run fast and for a long time, you should never rush. A classic mistake not only for beginners, but also for those who started running after a break, is to increase the pace or distance too quickly.

Remember the golden rule of ten percent: Increase distance or speed by 10% each week over the previous week.

For example, if in the first week total time workouts was 90 minutes, which means that in the second week you can safely run 9 minutes longer. Only for 9 minutes, not 20 or 30!

The same applies to distance: the first week is 12 km, the second week is 13.2 km.

Add variety

Every runner periodically loses inspiration, and running becomes boring. What to do? Find different ways. I am glad that there are quite a lot of these methods and everyone can choose the one that suits him specifically.

Music. Is it boring to run only to your thoughts? Collect a playlist of your favorite tracks and enjoy the music. The main thing is to remember that we unconsciously adjust our running pace to the rhythm of the music, so either watch yourself or choose special playlists for runners taking into account the cadence (frequency). If you are not satisfied with the music, you can listen to your favorite podcasts or audiobooks.

A group of like-minded people. If you're bored with running alone, find friends who are willing to support your athletic endeavors, or join a running club. Running will become more fun, and responsibility will appear. Now you can hardly find 101 excuses why you should stay in a warm bed at six in the morning and not go running if your friends are already waiting for you on the street.

Running diary. This is an option for those who like to keep observation diaries and study statistical data. Keeping track of your progress and learning about the processes and circumstances that affect your running performance can be a challenge for you. After all, now you are running for a reason, but you can track your progress, study the factors that affect it, draw appropriate conclusions and make adjustments necessary to improve results. This can be done with or with integers social networks health.

Meditation. Another way to add variety to your runs is to include mindfulness meditation. You learn to listen to your body, understand your feelings and use all this for your own purposes, as well as pay attention to the world: sounds of nature, smells, landscapes. It helps a lot when running long distances.

Remember it's never too late to start running

Never think that it is too late to start running at your age. Run ! Nobody requires you to sprint speed or ultramarathon endurance. It could be jogging followed by walking. It doesn't matter what others think of you. Don't be afraid to look ridiculous when compared to more experienced runners. The main thing is that it is non-traumatic, maintains your health and brings you pleasure. Everything else is secondary!

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