Home Vegetables Scorpios love gentle girls. Scorpio and Virgo. The Scorpio girl has many positive qualities.

Scorpios love gentle girls. Scorpio and Virgo. The Scorpio girl has many positive qualities.

/ Scorpio Woman

General characteristics of the zodiac sign - Scorpio Woman

Women who celebrate birthdays between October 23 - November 21 are among the most strong sign- Scorpio. Persons, seemingly friendly and harmless, will attack and bite without hesitation in a dangerous situation. Determined and unbridled representatives of the sign, in order to achieve their goal, are ready to sweep everything on their way. They will not even think to take care of the feelings of the people around them. Having fallen in love with a Scorpio woman, a man who was afraid of passion should run away from her without looking back. And what other features does the person of this sign have?

Scorpio Woman Traits

The Scorpio woman is a real warrior, she is a strong person, capable of getting involved in an adventure. She is so energetic that for the sake of responsible work, where one cannot do without logic and a man's mindset, as well as extreme travel, this woman can risk her life.

As a rule, a lot of life trials fall to the share of the representative of the sign, but she comes out of any and suffers only minimal losses and all thanks to her enormous potential, spiritual and physical strength... Whatever the pressure of troubles and problems, she will not give up, but some time will pass, and she will return to duty with new ideas and plans.

You can't say about the Scorpio woman that she lives in romantic dreams and reads love novels with binges. On the contrary, she longs to always be in the thick of things: travel, study active sports, make new friends.

The representative of the sign can become a devoted and faithful friend, but those who dare to offend or offend her undeservedly, standing in her way, will not be lucky. Of course, she will prefer to keep her good reputation and will not sink to the level of the offender, but she will find a way to take revenge cruelly and fiercely. A Scorpio woman can be secretive to such an extent that neither relatives nor close friends will guess what is going on in her head.

She will not tolerate humiliation and mockery for anything, and she will not allow anyone to trample her feelings. This woman will immediately understand whether the harm done was intentional or unconscious. She will undoubtedly appreciate love and care and will respond with kindness for good.

Features of the appearance of Scorpio Women

The representative of the sign of a stunning appearance, as a rule, does not have, however, the innate ability to attract men's views she has. In all her appearance there is magnetism from nature, she is one hundred percent confident in herself. With tenacity, determination and developed intelligence, she is at the same time feminine and seductive.

Scorpio women are rarely taller than average, but physically developed and well-built. Most often they have big breasts and curvaceous forms generally. The bearing, gestures and gait are like a king's. They certainly keep their bodies in good shape and have a bright temperament. They love bright lipstick and dark clothes.

Scorpio woman at work and career

Work is the place where the representatives of the sign are able to express themselves in all their glory. In such positions as a salesman or a clerk, they will not like to work, but the position of a manager will satisfy their ambitions.

Very often, a Scorpio woman prefers professions that require extraordinary intelligence, stress resistance and perseverance (they are also called masculine). She can achieve success in her career working as a prosecutor, criminalist, investigator, politician and psychologist.

This woman has a special relationship with finances. As a young woman, she spends all her money left and right, but she does not get less money, and she can constantly earn more, alternating periods of accumulation with spending.

Scorpio woman in love and marriage

A Scorpio woman can be considered very pretentious in love, since no matter what man she chooses, he must go head and shoulders above his competitors and be smarter, more self-confident and more beautiful. She can be patient and wait for her one and only for years.

The representative of the sign of weakness in a man will never admit, so he should stifle attempts to appear before her not who he really is. Also, a man who wants to use a woman only for the purpose of satisfying his lust should stay away from her, because she will see through such a man very quickly.

For a real man who can conquer the heart of a Scorpio woman, she will become a reliable friend, support him in a difficult situation, throw up interesting ideas, and in general, will make any sacrifices to help her other half self-actualize.

Scorpio woman in bed

In terms of sex, a Scorpio woman has no equal, she is capable of only one smile and a look, the manner of conversation, to cause a great desire in her chosen one. While still in young age the girl of the sign knows at the level of intuition how to provide her partner with an unforgettable night of love and pleasure.

The representative of the sign tends to distinguish sexual relations and marriage, so there is no guarantee that even if her husband is insatiable and passionate in bed, she will remain faithful to him. This is due to the desire of the Scorpio woman to feed herself with new emotions. However, thanks to her intelligence and discretion, she will not destroy the family for the sake of sexual impressions.

Scorpio woman - mother

Scorpio mom does not like someone else to interfere in the upbringing of her children, even if they are the closest people. She feels her children as well as all people. She is demanding in relation to children and with early childhood teaches them life, telling them in advance about not the best sides of it and preparing to take a blow when faced with them. She also does everything possible to develop in her children the talents given to them by nature.

Scorpio Woman compatibility with other zodiac signs

It is believed that the Scorpio woman with her strong-willed character it is difficult to get along with anyone, but statistics claim the opposite - its compatibility with certain signs of the zodiac is even higher than that of other zodiac signs. So, the representative of the sign can connect her life with the men of the following signs:

And, just like she belongs to water element, perfectly understand the desires and feelings of each other, however, Scorpio will dominate in this union.

And they will be able to make the representative of the sign an impeccable party, and she, having relaxed, will be able to plunge into the pool with her head, in full confidence that all her problems will be instantly resolved.

And they are average for this person. They will get along, of course, not bad in terms of sex, business and business relationship.

- - irrepressible and creative person, can survive an enchanting romance with Scorpio, in which there will be friendship, creative interests, wonderful sex, but the marriage is unlikely to work out due to the fact that a woman wants to get stability and return from her Aquarius, but he is unlikely to be able to give it.

They will become rivals for the Scorpio woman for life, and she will not wait for mercy from a man if she does not find support and a reliable shoulder in marriage.

Having conquered this woman, she will leave to rest on her laurels, in full confidence that he has completed his mission, but this will not suit her and she will send him into retirement soon.

She can write a whole treatise on how a woman who wants to turn the head of a man should look, move and speak. Anyone who falls under her spell soon ceases to notice other representatives of the fairer sex.

The energy of one woman - Scorpio is enough for a couple of women born under others zodiacal constellations... As a rule, it works "for wear and tear". Whatever she does, she does it a little "too", as if exaggerating. You can even get a little tired from being next to such a person, but for sure you will never be bored with her.

The Scorpio woman takes love seriously, she puts all her passion into it. She will love her chosen one deeply and strongly, protecting him from everyone and everything. Marriage with her is equally likely to become a branch of heaven or hell on earth. It is unlikely that she will babysit someone who does not meet her sexual expectations or tries to deceive her. On the other hand, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, she easily finds mutual language with those men who suffer from some sexual problems with a psychological background. If impotence is just that, then next to Scorpio a man can "rise" like a phoenix from the ashes. Yes, she will support, encourage and help - but you should not consider this a noble gesture, a Scorpio woman will behave this way exclusively for selfish reasons - in order to find sexual harmony.

She has a bright head and a very well-developed intuition. She will examine her friends and lovers for a very long time and intently practically under a microscope, arrange "exams" and "checks" for them, before allowing them to become a part of her life.

The Scorpio woman is capricious enough and loves that everything was as she intended. As a rule, if she does something, then she probably pursues some secret goals. She is incredible goal-oriented person who plans all the steps to achieve the goal and will not give up until it reaches it. She cannot be knocked off course, but she is always ready to change her tactics in response to changing circumstances.

Unless everything is in order on the personal front of a Scorpio woman, from a charming creature she turns into an evil fury, characterized by destructive behavior.

The enemies of this person will have a very hard time - she, like no one else, knows how to take revenge and does it very subtly. In addition, the Scorpio woman despises weakness in any form and especially despises those who bend under other people's pressure.

Scorpio woman and sex

The night with her will be infinitely long, so a man needs to calculate his strength. A Scorpio woman is not averse to starting a love prelude by familiarizing her partner with the upcoming "sex program"; she will gladly whisper all her erotic fantasies in his ear. Even talking "about it" can, if not bring her to orgasm, then excite - for sure.

The Scorpio woman prefers to make love on huge water mattresses or round beds, on which you can sit with maximum comfort. This person is distinguished by a penchant for all kinds of sexual experiments. No matter how great and varied her partner's erotic experience is, she will always find something to surprise him with. The Scorpio woman is firmly convinced that sex is not a one-way road and will do everything so that the chosen one gets the same pleasure from what is happening as she herself. The most sensual women are Scorpio women. In bed, they act on an instinctive level, no "Kamasutra" or "Lessons of Healing Tao" will not convince them that sex is a matter of technology. Scorpios would rather go to bed with a bad partner than a good book.

By and large, eroticism for a Scorpio woman is much more than a standard set of body movements in bed, she is sure that there are no trifles in her.

The real fad for Scorpios is control over the onset of orgasm, the Scorpio woman will do everything to prolong sexual intercourse and the man does not "discharge" too quickly. Almost the entire assortment of the sex shop will be used - from vibrators to lubricants.

Many Scorpio women feel the need to have a weaker and more passive man next to them. They are ready to take on the role of a leader not only in bed, but also in life.

Who suits a woman - Scorpio

A Scorpio woman already on the first date with a Taurus man can make sure that she has found her soul mate. Surely deep feelings await them, complete mutual understanding not even from a half-word, but from a half-sigh, and amazing harmony in the sexual sphere.

Man - Cancer - also worthy candidate for a woman - Scorpio. An avalanche of feelings can cover these two with their heads, and intimacy, permeated with tenderness and care for each other, will only confirm the correctness of the choice.

Most likely, already at the first meeting, a woman - Scorpio and a man - Virgo will feel that they can be good friends However, this is the very case when friendship can very quickly develop into love.

The Scorpio woman and the Scorpio man are waiting for either an instantly flared antipathy, or love at first sight. In the second case, the poisonous stings will be hidden - then there will be every chance that this relationship will be long and will bring many pleasant minutes to both.

The union of a woman - Scorpio and a man - Capricorn is that rare case when partners are equally interested in discussing not only family matters in all their diversity, but also any business issues.

The alliance of a woman - Scorpio and a man born under the sign of Pisces is proof that telepathy does exist. The Scorpio woman will surely help her companion understand himself, and he will give her a lesson in relaxation and wean her from the habit of keeping absolutely everything under control.

Not the most successful and not the most unfortunate combinations

Even the first date of a man - Aries and a woman - Scorpio can end in sex, because both signs have great sensual potential. However, outside the bedroom, everything does not look so rosy - her desire to control everyone and everything is too great, and his - to command. This relationship has a future if the lovers will put up exclusively in bed.

A Leo man cannot live without constant praise, and a Scorpio woman has too little patience to endlessly “stroke” his male pride. If she can train him to pay less attention to the outside of the relationship and appreciate more what is hidden behind the facade, this couple has a chance.

Who is not suitable for a Scorpio woman

A Scorpio woman is unlikely to take a Gemini man with his too sweet speeches seriously, because she is used to "looking at the root" like Kozma Prutkov. It is unlikely that she will be able to see something worthy of her attention behind the verbal husk. In addition, Gemini is used to talking a lot, including about good sex... The Scorpio woman will be almost the first to ask him to confirm his words in practice ...

A Sagittarius man will "scare away" a Scorpio woman with a complete lack of secrets. He is all - as in the palm of your hand, does not hide any skeletons in the closet, or family secrets, or his bad or good habits. This will surely disappoint the Scorpio woman who loves to delve into the depths of the male soul.

The desires of the Aquarius man are always the opposite of those of the Scorpio woman, so this romance is unlikely to be long (if it starts at all).

The sign of the zodiac will tell a lot about the nature of personality. This knowledge helps to understand your own psychology and understand the individual traits of the disposition of both your own and those of those around you. Those born under this symbol are considered unique, multifaceted and very interesting, changeable and extremely unpredictable. Nevertheless, astrologers managed to unravel them. innermost secrets... You will learn more about the secrets of character and how to make friends with Scorpios from the article.

Sign of fate

The stars are playing big role in life a specific person... They are responsible for our feelings. In heaven, it is decided to whom we will feel affection, and with whom we will not want to be friends.

From October 24 to November 22, the time comes for the eighth sign of the zodiac - Scorpio. This symbol belongs to the element of water. This gives him confidence in his actions and helps him achieve success.

The planet-defenders are Mars and Pluto, which are distinguished by their aggressive energy. Nevertheless, their magic has a good effect on the character who were born under this sign, are naturally endowed with imperturbable tenacity. This leads them to their goal. Women have to make great efforts in order to achieve what they want. But since childhood they have been pursued by good luck. Random encounters, useful acquaintances, nice people "fall" to them directly from heaven.

The magic of the symbol

Astrologers are especially interested in the fate of women born under these stars. Horoscopes assure: the beautiful half of humanity, whose patron is these stars, can safely buy lottery tickets... Fortune pursues them. If the number is not winning, then the young lady will have another luck.

Scorpios also do not go unnoticed. A keen mind, an excellent sense of humor, a subtle perception of art and the ability to enchant - all these are the trump cards in the sleeves of the ladies.

All girls born under this constellation are beauties. Even if their faces and figures do not correspond to the standards of modern fashion, it is still their fate to attract the eyes of men.

Little genius

From early childhood, the Scorpio girl shows her temper. Her essence and character are especially vivid if there are other children in the family besides her. The attention of relatives and friends should belong to her entirely. A baby can achieve her goal in two completely opposite ways. The first is versatile talents: from excellent grades in school to significant inclinations in creativity.

The second option is mischievous behavior and companionship. A child who does not receive the attention he wants from his parents will make up for the lack of friendship.

Per school desk The student is interested in exact sciences, although by nature it is easy for her humanitarian knowledge... Such a person does not like to ponder "what could have happened if ..." All questions must have specific answers - this is the Scorpio motto. The character and basic principles are formed in childhood.

Crazy youth

Youth is very stormy. Emotional and conceited student has excellent control over her feelings. Deftly uses the weapons that the stars have endowed her with. Her vengeful and vindictive nature will not allow her enemies to go unpunished. But the power of hatred is equal to that of attachment.

Usually a Scorpio girl makes friends. Its essence and character are attracted by other, most diverse signs. If such a person feels affection for someone, then the object of these feelings can be sure that his back is always covered.

A strong and principled girl becomes weak and helpless when it comes to treason. A young lady can forgive the meanness of her friends and the infidelity of her lover, if she really has sympathy for this person. But enduring ridicule for a long time is not her style. Acquaintances who have deceived trust once will no longer be able to claim a place in her heart.

Logarithm of professional activity

The character of the Scorpio woman is pretty much manifested in a work environment. She is not interested in static, non-initiative professions. Such a sign needs movement.

She achieves high results in a specialty where it is necessary to find solutions to complex logical problems. Love for precise objects plays a big role here. Scorpions make excellent doctors, scientists, journalists and law enforcement officers. Any profession, the essence of which is a puzzle, is a good option for this sign.

Ladies born under this sign are guided by a successful career. If for some reason such a woman is forced to work at work, which does not inspire, she will get used to it. Subsequently, it will be very difficult for her to leave her comfort zone and look for new options for earning money.

Absolute control

The only area of ​​life where Scorpio's character will not tolerate mysteries is love. The feelings of the heart are completely under control. Choosing whom to fall in love with and with whom to have an affair is her prerogative. Usually, each of the partners is waiting for the woman to take the first step. But she will easily give her heart to someone who decides to conquer the girl himself.

When to start a romantic relationship, how fast it will develop and whether it will continue at all - her choice. All that bothers, she throws easily and without tearful goodbyes.

It is not uncommon for men to lose their heads over a Scorpio woman. The character that such ladies are endowed with is attractive.

V intimate life she has no equal. She perceives sex as a challenge, because she feels especially relaxed in bed with her beloved. With a man who has earned her trust, a woman will be ready to experiment.

Dramatic changes

If in romantic relationship such a sign is fundamental, then family life full of compromises. A lady, whose heart and hand are busy, does everything possible to make her half happy. Having passed all the checks during the bouquet and flower period, having endured the madness and rage of the woman, the man receives heavenly angel after the wedding. In marriage, Scorpio's character is calm and balanced. Capriciousness disappears, but care and self-sacrifice appear.

At first life together the wife focuses not only on her own well-being, but also on the happiness of her beloved. Under her leadership, the husband reaches new heights in his career.

But men who have become companions of the Scorpio girl should remember that their beloved is of interest to many. Marriage is not a reason to think that from now on the heart of a lady is forever yours. As soon as she notices that the relationship is degrading, and love disappears, the already familiar uncompromising girl will appear in her, who will easily file for divorce.

The ability to distinguish from a partner's unwillingness to develop is a Scorpio feature. The nature of this sign will not allow him to sacrifice himself for the pleasure of another.

Cause of the crisis

V mature age a woman becomes an object of pride and envy. She manages to put things in order in all areas of her life. She has loving husband, successful career... The house is clean, there is peace, a friendly and cozy atmosphere. The wife always looks great. Fashionably and modestly dressed, the Scorpio is a style icon.

But few people understand that all these achievements are very difficult for her. Colossal work has been invested in every corner of her life. Often, due to excessive control and a desire to manage everything, a crisis sets in. It leads to depression. The Scorpio woman's personality is very strong. But it is difficult to fight alone against the whole world. If you constantly swim against the tide, someday circumstances will break. And everything that she spent so much time on will collapse.

However, if there is at least one on her side true friend(it doesn't matter who exactly - parents, lover, girlfriend or children), she will cope with everything.

Comrades from the sky

A person born under this sign has unique characteristics. She is dexterous, beautiful, successful, kind and extremely sincere. Such a woman is absolutely inept at lying, but she is good at recognizing lies. It is because of her simplicity and cordiality that people are drawn to her. Friendly is how you can describe the character of the Scorpio sign. She is devoid of pride and the desire to achieve success at the expense of others. That is why among her friends there may be representatives of any signs.

Most often, her friends are Aries, Leo and Libra, who have the same confidence in their actions. These people have similar principles and rules. They become support for each other. But it is very difficult for a Scorpio girl to make peace with Aquarius, Gemini and Cancer, who often pull her down. The latter prefer stability, while our heroine loves excitement.

Landmark for love

The zodiac is a complex system of connections. Each of the symbols corresponds to certain features. Sometimes a marriage becomes unhappy just because the "heavenly inhabitants" cannot find a common language with each other.

Especially it concerns this case... Difficulties on the path to happiness are often created by Scorpio himself (zodiac sign). The character plays a cruel joke with him. On the one hand, a person born under this constellation is very friendly and open to new extraordinary acquaintances. He accepts his comrades as they are, without trying to change, to correct their shortcomings.

But in love, not everything is so simple. From a man with whom she intends to live her whole life, a Scorpio woman requires changes for the better, if such are appropriate. Therefore, it is important that the companion is ready to fulfill the whims of his beloved: from changing his hairstyle to being fired from work.

Not everyone will understand the emotionally unbalanced nature of Scorpio. Men born under the sign of Cancer, Aries, Capricorn or Pisces will become faithful companions.

But any relationship requires tremendous work. It is good that difficulties do not frighten women born under this constellation.

What should be remembered by a representative of the fair sex, whose attention was attracted by a Scorpio man? What kind of women does he like and dislike? The people ruled by this sign are famous heartthrobs, they are difficult to conquer and keep. Scorpio men are famous for their selectivity, exactingness. What qualities do they want and do not want to see in a life partner, what are their ideas about the ideal?

Scorpios - what they are in love

Perseverance, exactingness, suspicion are qualities characteristic of many representatives of the stronger sex, born under this sign. Scorpio in love - what are they? In relationships with the opposite sex, such men strive for domination, it is important for them to remain in charge in any situation, to keep everything under control. It is difficult to live with them because of excessive authoritarianism, they are only interested in their own opinion, while others are often ignored.

The men ruled by this constellation are passionate and emotional lovers. They are extremely jealous, so their companions should not provoke them. An angry Scorpio is capable of crazy deeds. People born under this sign will never accept defeat. They will seek reciprocity from the woman who attracted their interest, using any method. You should not expect regular compliments from them, Scorpios only praise deservedly.


A photo of an ideal companion for a representative of this sign cannot be found, since the appearance of a lady can be anything. Age, hair color, body parameters - all this does not matter for these men. The main requirement that they make is grooming. Young ladies who do not take care of themselves will not be able to attract their attention.

Scorpios are great at current trends, they are attracted by fashionably dressed ladies. They also value elegance, do not tolerate vulgarity. Internal beauty is more important for them than external.


What else does he like? Mysterious is a quality that they like in the opposite sex. Ladies reminding open book, have no chance of success with them, they prefer innuendo, the ability to hide weak sides and highlight the benefits.

However, Scorpios also value sincerity. They possess developed intuition, they are difficult to mislead. Lie - The best way cause disappointment in such a man, and the disappointed Scorpio immediately leaves.


Fidelity is a quality that Scorpio-man wants to see in his chosen one. What kind of women does he like? Those that do not give rise to jealousy. You need to know that a reason for people born under this mysterious constellation is often not needed, it is easy to provoke them. It is difficult to find a Scorpio who is able to forgive treason, betrayal.

It is curious that the representatives of the sign do not like it when the other half shows jealousy. A woman who intends to connect life with such a man needs to learn to fully trust him. With any attempt to control Scorpio will fight, he will not tolerate the slightest encroachment on his freedom.

Nevertheless, the men ruled by this sign like the independence in the ladies. Women who try to make them the main purpose of their lives are rewarded only with contempt. If the life partner does not work, depends on him morally and financially, Scorpio will push her around. The chosen one of the representatives of this sign must certainly have her own source of income, stand confidently on her feet.


Stupidity is what the Scorpio man hates in ladies. What kind of women does he like? Those with whom it is interesting to communicate, with a broad outlook. Perfect companion life for him - one that has its own opinion, is able to defend it. A woman should not only be erudite, but also have excellent manners. Scorpios always pay attention to how a lady behaves in society.

Often, such men associate their lives with women who are older than them. This is due to the fact that they value maturity, experience, self-confidence. The age difference cannot embarrass them, whatever it may be.


Scorpio men - what are they like in relationships with the opposite sex? The chosen one of the representative of this sign must learn to respect him life principles... Such a guy will not tolerate interference in his own affairs. It is useless for him to give advice, since he is used to relying on his own opinion in everything. From the second half, Scorpio expects diplomacy, the ability to avoid sharp corners.

The above does not mean that such a man cannot be persuaded. However, this must be done carefully, avoiding direct pressure. When making a decision, Scorpio should not doubt that it is his own, and not imposed by someone else.


Passion is a quality that, in their opinion, should have ideal woman... For a Scorpio man, harmony in sexual life... The partner must remain attractive to them, even if they have lived together for many years.

A lady who readily decides to experiment in bed will be able to win the heart of Scorpio. The chosen one of the representatives of this sign should be sensual, passionate, loving erotic games... If such men are satisfied with everything intimate relationships with a partner, they will not seek adventure on the side, as they despise infidelity. However, cooling in intimate sphere can make them pay attention to other women.

You should not refuse a Scorpio man if he wants to make love. Being rejected, he falls into a state of anger, begins to think over a plan of revenge, which will certainly be carried out.

What's not to like

The above is about what Scorpio men like about women. However, there are qualities that their chosen one cannot possess. For example, representatives of the sign hate vulgarity, this applies to both clothing and makeup, and the behavior of a lady. Candid outfit will repel, not attract them, Scorpios prefer to solve riddles, rather than admire the beauty on display. They like to think out, to fantasize.

Bright makeup will also not help attract a Scorpio, unless it is a short-term affair. Such men avoid women who are overly addicted to cosmetics. They prefer natural beauty, they like women who know how to carefully emphasize it.

Not only vulgarity, but also the stupidity of a lady is able to alienate a person born under this constellation. With women with whom there is nothing to talk about, they are not on the way. Overly domineering young ladies should also keep away from them, such an alliance will not be lasting, since Scorpio himself is prone to dictatorship. Finally, representatives of the sign do not tolerate rudeness, aggression, avoid women who are inclined to demonstrate these qualities.

What else do you need to know

What else should a representative of the weaker sex know, in whose way a Scorpio man was? Characteristics of what women he likes - all this is described above. It must also be remembered that for people born under this constellation, reciprocity plays an important role. Scorpios, despite their outward coldness, want to feel loved, like representatives of other zodiac signs. Reciprocity, sincerity is what they value above all else.

Astrology claims that most Scorpio guys are suitable for young ladies born under Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn. The union of two Scorpions can be strong, albeit explosive.

Scorpio (10.24-22.11) is the most powerful of all the signs of the zodiac, because it is under the auspices of the mystical planet Pluto. The environment of such people has perfectly studied them, outwardly they create an image of harmless and benevolent persons, but when danger arises, Scorpio attacks without hesitation, and his bite can be fatal. For the sake of achieving their goal, unbridled and decisive Scorpios sweep away everything in their path, not caring about other people's feelings. If you are in love with a woman of this type and the word passion scares you, run and do not look back, because this characteristic suits her perfectly.

Scorpio woman traits

Women born in the constellation of Scorpio are real warriors, strong, passionate natures, inclined to get involved in dangerous adventures. They are so overwhelmed with energy that seemingly fragile and weak-looking ladies are ready to risk their lives for extreme travel or responsible work that requires a special, masculine mindset and logic.

As a rule, many life trials fall to the lot of representatives of this zodiac sign, women have enormous potential, physical and spiritual strength, which helps them get out of any situation with minimal losses. Scorpios do not give up, do not give up under the pressure of problems and troubles, and after a while they return to duty with new plans.

With all this, the Scorpio woman is very attractive and seductive for the opposite sex, it is simply impossible not to notice her charm, such ladies are called fatal. They strive to get sensual emotions at any cost, which attracts men like a magnet. Feminine, charming and mysterious, Scorpios are fraught with a serious danger for the stronger sex, once in their networks, they risk forever remaining loyal fans, ready to sacrifice family, work and friends. And even this alignment will not guarantee that the obstinate girl will condescend to her boyfriend.

The Scorpio woman can hardly be called a Turgenev young lady who lives in captivity of romantic dreams and spends everything free time reading novels. No, on the contrary, she seeks to be in the thick of things, to engage active species sports, travel and meet new people. There are many temptations on the way of Scorpio, including alcohol and drugs, but thanks to her charisma and fortitude, she will cope with this.

A woman is able to be faithful devoted friend, but beware of those who stood in her way, undeservedly insulted or offended. She will not stoop to their level, retaining a good reputation, but still find a way to take revenge, and it will be fierce and cruel revenge. Sometimes Scorpios are so secretive that even their close friends and relatives do not suspect what plans they are hatching in their pretty head.

Women born in the period from October 24 to November 11 make perfect housewives and mothers. Scorpios are not among those parents who blindly pamper their children, turning a blind eye to wrongdoing. They bring up justice, perseverance and resilience in them, preparing them for life in advance. At the same time, mothers create all conditions for the development of the child's talents, guide and advise which friends to choose and how to get out of a difficult situation.

In operation, this watermark manifests itself in all its glory. Because of their bright temperament, it is difficult for them to be in tenth roles, working as a clerk or salesman, but leadership position will completely satisfy their ambitions.

Women often choose male professions that require extraordinary intelligence, perseverance and resistance to stress. Strong and confident Scorpios are disliked by colleagues, given that they are quite secretive. Climb high career ladder women will be able to act as a criminalist, prosecutor, investigator, psychologist, politician.

Scorpios have a special relationship with money, in their youth they give a damn about this aspect of life, three to the right and left, everything they have, while finances do not become less and there is always an opportunity to earn extra money. Periods of frantic buying from them alternate with periods of savings.

Scorpio women compatibility

There is an opinion that strong-willed and rebellious Scorpio ladies are quite difficult to get along with someone, however, statistics suggest the opposite - their compatibility is slightly higher than that of other signs of the Zodiac.

Delicate love relationship expect Scorpio with Pisces and Cancer, they are from the same aquatic environment, perfectly understand the feelings and desires of each other, of course, the dominant role here will go to the woman.

Union with the Aries and Taurus man promises to be perfect, with them Scorpio will be able to afford to relax and plunge into the pool with his head, knowing that her household and material problems will be resolved immediately.

Union with creative and stupid Aquarius can be truly enchanting, because they have everything - friendly relations, creative interests and unrestrained sex, but these signs are poorly suited for marriage, the Scorpio woman requires full commitment and stability from her partner, and Aquarians prefer to indulge in narcissism and make crazy plans.

Scorpios have average compatibility with people born in the constellation Libra and Virgo. They get along well when it comes to business relationships and business, and also find mutual understanding in sexual terms.

The lion is a conqueror by nature, therefore, the king of beasts who conquered the woman, prefers to rest on his laurels, confident that this is where his mission ended. The restless and energetic Scorpio will definitely not be satisfied with this, and soon she will resign to the impudent person.

With Gemini, Sagittarius and Capricorns, women will compete throughout their lives, not finding a reliable shoulder and support in marriage, they will not wait for the mercy of a man.

Diverse Scorpios, what could be worse? These two do not coexist well together, yes, they respect each other and pay tribute to the partner, but the marriage between them will resemble a battlefield.

Scorpio woman in love

In love, the Scorpio girl is very pretentious, anyhow whom she does not choose, she only needs number one, the best of the best, far ahead of her competitors in intelligence, external data and self-confidence. A woman can show remarkable patience, waiting for the one and only one for many years, which will allow her to become a weak and fragile half of a strong man.

In a man, Scorpio does not recognize weaknesses, do not even try to show yourself in front of her who you are not. If you intend to use this sign to satisfy your lust, there is still time to change your mind. After a couple of dates, a woman will see through the "chameleon" thanks to her intuition and the skills of a psychologist, and revenge will not take long.

But for a real man who conquered her heart, the Scorpio woman will become a faithful friend and companion, will prompt new interesting ideas, will support in difficult situation, for the sake of his self-realization, she is ready to make any sacrifices.

In sex, these women are real aces, they skillfully tempt a partner, bring them to a frantic desire with just one manner of speaking, one glance and a smile. Scorpio, even in his youth, intuitively knows how to please his lover and provide him with an unforgettable night of love.

Since the Scorpio woman clearly separates the boundaries of intimacy and marriage, it is not a fact that sexually she will remain faithful to her husband even if he is just as passionate and insatiable in bed. It's all about her desire to constantly be fueled by new emotions. But the girl is smart enough and prudent and will never allow the family to be destroyed for the sake of erotic impressions.

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