Home Grape Juices and compotes for an infant: when to give and how to cook. When to give your child apples and fresh apple juice

Juices and compotes for an infant: when to give and how to cook. When to give your child apples and fresh apple juice

Carrots are a food product that is famous for its useful properties... There is no organ for which it would not be beneficial. This vegetable is baked, stewed, added to salads, juices and mashed potatoes are made. To answer the question of whether it is possible to give carrot juice to babies, you need to understand its properties and effects on the body.

Carrot juice contains many vitamins and nutrients capable of restoring and maintaining the functioning of many body systems.

Before giving carrots to a child, rinse them in cool running water and remove a thin top layer. Under the skin, in the upper layer, there is a large accumulation of carotene. The part that is closer to the tops contains more vitamins than the tip. It is better not to give the core to the baby, and it should be removed before use. It is there that most nitrates and allergens accumulate.

Carrot juice can be treated various diseases... This is an excellent remedy for thrush in the oral cavity: a small amount is applied to the inflamed mucous membrane.

A runny nose can be treated. Freshly squeezed juice is instilled in 3 drops into each nasal passage. This dosage is suitable for children under 12 months of age. For the treatment of the nasopharynx in children under 6 months, juice diluted with water is used.

How to make a healthy drink

Carrot juice for children under one year old is made without pulp. Carrots should be thoroughly washed and peeled. To reduce the concentration of allergens, the vegetable is soaked in water for two hours. After that, it must be chopped on a fine grater. The resulting mass is placed in cheesecloth and squeezed. Next, the finished carrot drink is diluted with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio.

The frequency of application of the carrot drink should not exceed twice a week. If stool disturbances are not observed, allergic manifestations did not appear, Apple juice can be added.

Carrot puree: a variant of the first feeding

Among the first complementary foods are not last place takes carrot puree... It is well absorbed and digested by the child's body.

Before cooking, carrots are soaked for two hours. Then it should be crushed with a coarse grater, pour in a little water and put on fire. When the carrots are cooked, they need to be rubbed through a sieve again and not long time put on fire again. A few drops can be added vegetable oil, but it is better to do this when the child is 9 months old.

Store milk or breast milk can be added to carrot puree for children under one year old and boiled for a few more minutes. It is allowed to use an adapted mixture.

At heat treatment carrots do not lose their nutritional properties... It is undesirable to store the finished product - it is better to do it before each use Fresh Juice or mashed potatoes.

Essential Apple Juice

The first complementary foods should start with sweet and sour apples, as they rarely cause allergies. The fruit should be washed thoroughly, peeled and cored. Then chop the remaining pulp on a fine grater. Place the resulting mass in cheesecloth and survive the juice. Strain the liquid again and dilute with boiled water.

Apple drink is rich in trace elements such as iron, potassium, copper, chromium. It contains substances that improve the breakdown and digestion of food.

At what age is apple juice allowed? It can be administered in a teaspoon from the third month.

Important points of introducing juices into the child's diet

The product for infants should be started as a juice. Children under one year old who are fed with formulas are allowed to enter the product as early as 4 months. Children on breastfeeding you can take your time to give up to 6 months.

Before introducing a product, you should consult with your pediatrician to determine when and how many months a given root vegetable can be introduced. The doctor, knowing the peculiarities of the child's development, will give recommendations.

The first time, the dosage should usually not exceed half a teaspoon. Next, you need to monitor the condition and behavior of the baby. If there is no rash, restlessness and stool disturbance, then after a few days the dose can be slightly increased.

At what age and in what quantity should the drink be introduced? You can try the following scheme.

  1. When your baby is 1 month old, you can try diluting a few drops in a large volume of water.
  2. For a three-month-old child, start giving five drops of juice half diluted with water.
  3. When the baby is 4 months old, give him undiluted juices or add less water... But this is if he is bottle-fed.
  4. A half-year-old baby who is breastfed can be administered half a teaspoon at a time.
  5. You can try to give juices for about a year industrial production.

Not only the type of drink and the age of the baby determine the basic rules. There are others important points that need to be considered.

  1. You should start giving juices in the morning. This will make it possible to monitor the child's condition throughout the day.
  2. You should know how much juice to give your child. On the first day, it is better to give not a large number of drink (up to a few drops). In the event that appeared unpleasant symptoms(diarrhea, vomiting, rash), complementary feeding should be stopped. You can try the product again only after a month.
  3. If there are no consequences, then gradually increase the dosage.
  4. After two weeks, you can add other ingredients to the carrot juice.
  5. The first juice must always be diluted with water.
  6. Juices with pulp are not allowed for children under one year old.

Juices are an irreplaceable source of nutrients... If you follow the rules of the first complementary foods, you can avoid violations in the functioning of the child's organs.

During the feeding period, I want to give the child the opportunity to try not only new food, but also drink. The most common in complementary foods is juice. Let's try to answer the questions: when can you start giving juice, and what it should be.

When to start giving juice to a baby

When asked when to start giving juice infant replies great amount... Someone prefers to inject juice from 5 weeks of age, and someone does not before the year... However, according to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, juices can be included in the menu of babies from 5 months of age. The initial dosage of juices should not exceed 5 ml.

Let's consider at what age you can give your child juices made from different fruits.

How many months can you give apple juice?

The most common juice in infants is apple juice. For the first feeding, it is advisable to make apple juice at home. For this, green apple varieties are best suited. Green apple rich in vitamin C, iodine, iron. You can give your child apple juice from the age of 4 months.

Before preparing homemade apple juice, make sure that the foods you choose are good quality... Rinse the fruit thoroughly and peel it. Next, cut the apple into small pieces and remove the core and seeds. Grate the chopped pieces. Then wrap the resulting gruel in cheesecloth and squeeze thoroughly.

Be sure to dilute the resulting juice boiled water since in pure form it will greatly irritate the walls of the stomach and cause severe discomfort in the baby.

As for the question of whether raspberry juice is possible for babies, then all the doctors are in solidarity. It is better to exclude this type of juice before the child is one year old. This is due to the fact that raspberries are strong allergen... Therefore, this juice is not desirable for early feeding.

When can you give your child carrot juice?

Everyone knows that carrots contain a large amount of provitamin A - carotene. It is a "growth vitamin" and is highly valued by many moms. Carrots make sweet, rich juices that babies love so much. In addition, carrot juice is very well absorbed by the organisms of the crumbs. From how many months can you give carrot juice to children? Optimal age for the inclusion of this juice in the child's menu, is six months. You can prepare it in 2 ways:

  1. Manual spin.
  2. Using a juicer.

Many parents are interested in the question of how much carrot juice can I give to the child? Doctors advise to start drinking juice with a couple of teaspoons, gradually increasing and bringing its volume to 100 ml.

It is not worth giving children freshly squeezed juice, as it is very concentrated. In undiluted form, freshly squeezed juices will negatively affect the gastric mucosa. What will cause discomfort in the baby's belly.

Tomato juice for children

Tomato juice for children is introduced into the diet from 6 months. When preparing it, only high-quality raw materials are used. They begin to acquaint the baby with this juice from 1 teaspoon a day, gradually bringing up to 1 small glass every few days.

Raisin compote for babies

Raisin compote for babies is cooked from thoroughly washed dried fruits. Make sure that no skin forms during cooking. You should not sweeten the compote. It is worth introducing it into the diet from 5 months in a small amount.

Thus, we found out that from 4-5 months it is possible to give juices to babies. Do not forget to carefully process raw materials before juicing. If you prefer commercial juices, then before buying, carefully study the composition of the product and the age indicated on the packaging from which the juice of your choice can be used.

Juices are very useful for a child, as they contain vitamins and organic acids... They have a positive effect on digestion and the functioning of the body as a whole. Some pediatricians recommend introducing juices as early as 4-5 months, but modern experts advise not to rush to give drinks infants up to six months. In this article, we will analyze in detail from how many months you can give juices to babies. We will also find out what drinks and at what age are given to babies.

When and how to give juice to babies

The first complementary foods for babies begin from six months with vegetable and fruit purees, and only then, after the seventh month, juices are given. Remember that newborns cannot be supplemented with juices; in exceptional cases, you can give drinking water! If the child is on artificial or mixed feeding, complementary foods begin from 3-4 months. This means that drinks made from fruits, vegetables and berries can be given earlier, already from 4-5 months.

Juices start drinking from 5 ml (¼-⅓ teaspoon), then the dosage is gradually increased to 30 ml, each time adding 5 ml. The norm for a one-year-old baby is 50-60 ml. Give your child a teaspoon to drink, older babies can be taught to drink.

Carefully monitor the condition of the baby, it is important that the drink does not cause a negative reaction. Certain fruits and vegetables can trigger rashes and itchy skin, disrupt the work of digestion and cause indigestion, worsen stools. If you notice symptoms of food allergies, temporarily exclude the product from the baby's diet and contact your pediatrician. You can try the introduction again no earlier than after 4-5 weeks.

Correct feeding will protect the child from negative reactions and will only benefit. Fruit, vegetable and berry juices have the following beneficial functions:

  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Saturate the body with vitamins, minerals and beneficial acids;
  • Cheer up, give vigor and strength;
  • Improves digestion;
  • Cleanse the body, remove excess salts, toxins and other harmful substances;
  • Improve metabolism;
  • Facilitate digestion and assimilation of food;
  • Increase appetite
  • They have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

What juices can a baby have?

At first, they give juices from only one component. Two-way drinks are only given after each ingredient has been added separately. You can buy ready-made baby juice. Before buying, check the expiration date and composition, the integrity of the package. The product must be appropriate for the age of the child!

However, experts recommend preparing fresh juices for babies, since fresh juice is more useful and natural. Purchased drinks do not need to be diluted, but those prepared at home are first diluted by half with water. The volume of water is gradually reduced by replacing natural juice... Now let's look at the procedure for introducing juices.

  • Apple juice is given first of all, starting at seven months. For cooking, take green varieties, as they are less likely to cause allergies than others;
  • A week after the apple is administered pear juice... Pears are very healthy and also the least allergenic among fruits;
  • Apricot or peach is given after pear and apple. These fruits have a beneficial effect on vision, strengthen bones, teeth and gums;
  • Vegetable juices include primarily carrots and fresh carrot for babies. But be careful, because carrots can cause allergies due to beta-carotene and orange color;

  • Then they give pumpkin fresh, cabbage, cherry and plum, currant and pomegranate, banana with an interval of 3-7 days, depending on the developmental characteristics and habituation of the baby to new food;
  • Do not rush to give beet juice, as beetroot weakens well. Beetroot drink is not recommended for children under eight months old and for babies who suffer from diarrhea. But for constipation, such a drink will be an excellent remedy;
  • After nine months, two-component juices are given. An excellent option would be a combination of apple with pumpkin, apricot or peach, banana.

Children under one year old should not be given citrus juices, including oranges, lemons, pineapples, grapes and other similar fruits. In addition, berry drinks should not be consumed. bright color including strawberries and raspberries. Such products increase gas production, negatively affect digestion and the condition of the stomach, and often cause an allergic reaction.

Juicing is about the same. The vegetable or fruit is peeled, cut into wedges or pieces and passed through a juicer. Then the drink is filtered and diluted with boiled drinking water... It is not recommended to give juices with pulp and add sugar to the drink for children under one year old.

Along with juices, compotes should be given. Such drinks are absorbed and perceived more easily than rich juices. Dried fruit compote is especially useful. Such a drink can be introduced from 6-7 months, then drinks from fresh berries and fruits are given. How to properly prepare compote for babies, see.

Unfortunately, the advocates of juice from 2-3-4 months apart from: "We drink - and everything is fine" or "Our mothers gave us water and we drink" ... other arguments are not given, but the arguments modern medicine ignored, referring to the experience of those very mothers and grandmothers who once gave them juices, from 2-3 months.

Let's talk about them.

Why did our mothers give us juice?

The method of introducing complementary foods with juice was especially widespread in the period before the 70s. And not only in Russia, but also in Europe and America. But already in the late 60s in America and Europe, the first recommendations appeared to limit such food activities for children.

From observations of children 6-12 years old, who grew up on a wave of early juicing, doctors were able to obtain information that such methods can be fraught with long-term consequences. The danger lay in wait not only in the form of instant allergic manifestations, but also in the subsequent reactions of the maturing organism. The child's gastrointestinal tract already from birth, receiving unadapted food (and recommendations to give juices were starting from 3 weeks), worked in extreme conditions, "wear". And at the time of physiological stressful periods (pre adolescence and adolescence) just banally broke down, rewarding the child with a bouquet of diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, problems with the intestinal mucosa, etc.

And again, referring to that time, let us remember that the main emphasis was on artificial nutrition(and at that time it was considered BETTER to feed the child with a mixture, and the mother was advised to use the services of a nursery as soon as possible to go to the plant) - the child needed additional sources nutrients... This is how the principle of "lesser evil" became relevant.

Yes, juices as a first food are harmful. But insufficient nutrition due to the lack of breast milk, on the milk formula is not a balanced composition of cow's milk or kefir, it is more dangerous for a child. Nutrient deficiencies provoke severe developmental defects, while gastrointestinal problems first appear at a later age and secondly are potentially familiar and theoretically treatable.

And now the numbers
I will give an example on hardware. More precisely, on its content in various food sources suitable for the child. infancy and the child's needs for it.

V breast milk the iron content is insignificant in itself, about 0.04 mg per 100 grams. But iron in breast milk has a unique bioavailability - 50-75%. No other product in the world gives such. That is, the amount absorbed in μg / 100 grams is about 20-30.

In modern adapted mixtures, the content of ferrous sulfate is of the order of 0.2-0.4 mg / 100 grams (in enriched mixtures, 0.6 mg / 100 grams). Taking into account its bioavailability (and this is about 20%), the absorbed amount is from 40 to 120 μg / 100 grams.
According to WHO, 20 μg / 100 g is sufficient to meet the needs of a child up to 6-8 months of age on average. In mixtures in which there are no additional factors stimulating absorption, the iron content, as you can see, is overestimated.

But in the milk formula, which mothers fed us, the iron content is two times less than in breast milk 0.02 mg / 100 g. Bioavailability is low - 10% ... and the amount of absorbed iron is only 2 μg / 100 g of the mixture.
That is, for a child who is then time was artificially fed, prevention iron deficiency anemia was very relevant. Because of affordable food he received less than 1/10 of the required amount.

Juices were at least some kind of alternative solution to this problem. Really, at least some... Because a child who is not ready for complementary foods is offered solid food impossible. Extremely fluid. So, juices ... the iron content in fortified apple juice is about 0.4-0.5 mg / 100 g. Bioavailability - 1-2%. That is, about 4 μg / 100 g is absorbed.

Therefore, by the age of the physiological decrease in iron stores in the body (about 4 months), a child who is fed with a poor mixture should already have a SUFFICIENT amount of another source of iron in the diet - juice. By at least at least these 100 grams of juice a day. But if you give them to the child right away, forgive him, he will bend. Therefore, it was introduced as early as possible in order to stretch the habituation period. To smooth out the stressful effect.

Why this recommendation was universal
During that period, artificial feeding dominated the chest. That is why, proceeding from the principle of lesser evil, guided by the good of the majority, this recommendation was universal. If there is any harm, it will be small compared to the problems of a growth defect in a child in the first year due to poor nutrition with unadapted food.

The main problem is that in conditions modern nutrition babies, the advantages of entering juice have lost their relevance. And when there is no even dubious benefit, what is left?

Juice is a very large irritant with a high acidity factor. The complete absence of fiber, but a deadly carbohydrate environment, due to sugars. The intestines of a child simply cannot digest such things, additional enzymes are needed to digest the juice, which the pancreas of a child in infancy does not produce. And it turns out in the intestines there is an irritating product - sugar from juice. Until a certain age, the baby's mucous membrane is very perceptive and sensitive, molecules penetrate the blood through its walls, and sugars begin to strongly irritate the mucous membrane, the body receives a signal to get rid of the aggressors as quickly as possible, the pancreas tries to form enzymes to break down carbohydrates in the juice. The intestine collects additional fluid to partially neutralize aggressive sugars and begins to contract, removing the irritant. Outwardly, the child may have stools quickly enough after the infusion of juice. But at the cost of tremendous stress to the pancreas, mucous membranes and the body as a whole. At the same time, the necessary minerals and vitamins are washed out from the body, the child loses a lot of fluid. The carbohydrate component creates in the intestines an ideal environment for the reproduction of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora (candidiasis, staphylococcus aureus), therefore, after juicing, thrush is so common in a child's mouth.

Juice- this is one of the most cruel methods of influencing the baby's body, therefore, before pouring in 3 month old baby juice, do not forget to ask yourself: "Why !?". It is better to drink this wonderful juice yourself than spoil your child's health.

The earliest when you can introduce juice is from 1.6 years, and better and later, starting with an apple green varieties... And best of all, if it is squeezed juice and diluted with mineral non-carbonated water, in a ratio of 1: 1 (2) (1 part juice to 1 (2) part water).
Freshly squeezed carrot juice is diluted in a ratio of 1: 2 (3) (1 part juice to 2 (3) parts water). The first time the juice is added (2-3 months), the juice is given 1/4 cup a day, in the morning or at lunchtime, after that it is gradually brought to 1 glass a day, up to 5-7 years. Juice diluted with water should be given to children up to 5-7 ... years old. But Children's juice, marked on the bottle "from 5 months."

But it's still better to cook compotes from dried fruits, and after a year and a half years from fresh fruits and berries.
You can make the weak fruit drinks, for example: knead a spoonful of fresh cranberries, pour boiling water and add sugar to taste, cool. You can also give baby tea.

Do not rush to give your child production juices from unknown bullshit:

P. S .: Stupid comments like: "Oh my God ...", "Begins ...", please by, I will delete.

I don’t even think about introducing my juices, I’ll definitely not give it up to 3 years old. Let fruits, berries, dried fruits and some vegetables chew like that. But compotes and fruit drinks homemade, I give from a year, like Baby teas.

My very much loves baby tea "Organic":

The juice was first tasted at 3.2 years old, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 part water: 1 (2) part juice, after about six months it stopped diluting it.

One of the most controversial points in the issue of baby food - the introduction of juices into the diet. Sources and experts speak differently about this. The development and state of health of each baby is very individual, therefore, the decision when it is better to give the child juice is taken by the parents independently. Before that, it is advisable to study the materials on this issue and consult a pediatrician.

When parents decide to introduce the baby to a new food, they are faced with a number of problems. The variety of fruit drinks makes them wonder which juices should be given to a child and which should be discarded. There is an example diagram of the sequence for entering drinks into children's diet, which you can adhere to without fear for the health of the baby.

1.At 3 months:

  • clarified, from green apples.

2. At 4-5 months:

  1. clarified pear;
  2. apricot;
  3. peach;
  4. carrot;
  5. pumpkin;
  6. banana.

3. From 6 months to a year:

  1. combined: apple + apricot, apple + peach, carrot + orange, apple + pumpkin, apple + celery;
  2. cherry;
  3. cranberry;
  4. from cherries;
  5. black currant;
  6. plum;
  7. beetroot;
  8. cabbage.

4. It is worth being careful with allergenic juices, which should be given to babies as the last thing:

  1. citrus fruits (orange, tangerine, grapefruit);
  2. crimson;
  3. tomato;
  4. strawberry;
  5. grape (introduced last).

If a child is found to have any diseases, parents should consult a pediatrician and give him those juices that will alleviate his condition. So, for example, with constipation, you need to drink a beet or plum drink, with anemia - apple, pear, apricot or peach.

From what age?

There are many opinions on when to give juices to a baby, each with its own merits and demerits:

  • from 3 months: for a long time it was believed that at this age it is apple juice that increases hemoglobin in the baby's blood, but this argument is refuted, since iron is practically not absorbed by a small organism from such products;
  • from 4 months the pancreas begins to produce enzymes to process more serious foods than breast milk;
  • from 6 months- this age is recommended by most pediatricians;
  • from 8 or 9 months: you can already safely introduce apple juice into;
  • after a year: there are experts who argue that a small body can fully process such drinks only at this age.

If the baby has already had allergies, it is better to postpone such complementary foods for more late period... If there are no deviations in his condition, you can do it earlier. If you are still not sure when to start giving your child juice, it is best to consult a doctor.

How to introduce juices into a children's diet?

In addition to the age and type of drinks, there are a number of rules that should be adhered to so that the introduction of juices becomes a pleasant event in the life of the baby. Parents should consider that:

  1. you can give juice immediately after morning feeding;
  2. on the 1st day of the introduction of the drink into baby food, you need to give the baby just a few drops, and then very carefully monitor the reaction of his body during the day: is there diarrhea or, profuse regurgitation, excessive rumbling of the abdomen; in the presence of such symptoms, complementary feeding should be stopped and returned to it later;
  3. the scheme for introducing juice into the baby's diet is simple: in the first week - half a teaspoon a day, in the second week - a whole teaspoon, in the third week - 2 teaspoons a day;
  4. two weeks after the first feeding, you can start giving mixed drinks, which have the highest nutritional value;
  5. the daily dose for one year should be about 50-60 ml, which can be given an hour and a half before the second feeding;
  6. it is better to start complementary foods with industrial drinks, on the cans of which it is indicated that they belong to baby food and the age at which they can be entered is determined;
  7. can not be given concentrated juices: it is better to dilute them with water in a 50/50 ratio;
  8. juices with pulp can be given after a year;
  9. natural drinks homemade it is recommended to enter from one and a half years and no more than 200 ml per day;
  10. ordinary store-bought juices are allowed to be consumed by children from the age of three only.

Dangers of early introduction

Today, many doctors are against giving juices to babies under the age of one year. They argue this opinion with a number of negative consequences of such early feeding:

  • juices have a bad effect on the work of the stomach, disrupt the normal process of digestion;
  • they can cause allergies;
  • fruit drinks contain a lot of sugar, so children, getting used to sweets, may subsequently give up healthy food- cereals and soups;
  • they do not satisfy the baby's need for daily rate vitamins and minerals.

Before introducing juice to a child's regular diet, each parent should understand for himself that there is nothing healthier and tastier than mother's milk. Therefore, all doctors advise young mothers, in the presence of milk, not to rush to complementary foods earlier than 6 months.

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