Home indoor flowers Can colic from oatmeal cookies. Is it possible to eat oatmeal cookies while breastfeeding, how does the product affect the body. Rules for introducing a new product into the diet

Can colic from oatmeal cookies. Is it possible to eat oatmeal cookies while breastfeeding, how does the product affect the body. Rules for introducing a new product into the diet

Fresh and crispy tasting biscuits - who doesn't love these sweet treats? Many nursing mothers are also not averse to pampering themselves with delicious pastries. However, they are stopped by its possible negative effect on the body of the newborn.

So, what kind of cookies can you breastfeed? The article will just talk about allowed baking, its positive and negative qualities.

The benefits of biscuits during lactation

Like any product, such baking can both help and harm. The benefits of cookies include:

  1. A large amount of carbohydrates in its composition. Such food is able to charge a woman's body with energy, which is especially important for her during breastfeeding.
  2. Sweets ( scientists have proven it) provide the production of endorphins - special substances that improve mood. Therefore, sweet cookies will help get rid of depression that is common during lactation.
  3. Also, such baking is involved in the production of another hormone - serotonin. It is he who allows a woman to more easily cope with insomnia and fatigue.

Therefore, to the question whether it is possible to eat cookies while breastfeeding or not, the answer follows: the benefits of eating it are still present.

Harm baking

But any product has not only useful qualities. It can also negatively affect the body of the crumbs and mother. So, the minuses of cookies include the following facts:

  1. The use of sweets in large quantities is harmful to health. If there are pastries without any norms, there is a risk that a woman will gain excess weight. It can also lead to caries. And breastfeeding mothers are already at risk.
  2. Simple carbohydrates in a woman's diet sometimes negatively affect the newborn. For example, eating cookies in large quantities can cause diathesis in infants.
  3. Yeast-based baking sometimes leads to increased gas formation and colic in babies.

Thus, cookies can be eaten but in limited quantities. In this case, it can only benefit the body.

And neither stress nor other problems should force a nursing mother to eat pastries in kilograms.

Now another question arises: what kind of cookies can you breastfeed? In the first month after the birth of a child, a woman should exclude from your diet foods that can cause allergies in him. And therefore, you need to choose cookies that will not harm the newborn.

What is the safest treat

It is not so easy for a nursing mother today to choose the right type of product because of its diversity. Therefore, the first thing you should pay attention to such varieties of cookies:

  • Oatmeal.
  • "Jubilee".
  • Biscuit (with or without sugar).
  • Rye.
  • Corn.
  • Curd.
  • You can cookies "Maria". it is the most popular and useful.

And from such types of cookies as shortbread, chocolate and crackers, it is best for mom during lactation to refuse. In addition, the composition of the product should not contain fillers, spices and various fillings.

Another question of interest to mothers: is it possible to have baby cookies while breastfeeding? After all, it is produced specifically for kids. This means that it contains many useful substances, and the content of harmful substances is minimized. The answer of experts: yes, such cookies are allowed to be consumed during the period of breastfeeding.

Now a little about the composition and benefits of permitted products.

properties of oatmeal cookies

It has already been noted that a product made from oatmeal is approved for use by nursing mothers. However, most often these cookies are baked from wheat flour. So, in its composition, most likely, there are gluten, palm oil and preservatives. Therefore, it will be more useful to cook oatmeal cookies yourself. Then it will definitely contain a lot of useful substances: vitamins A, B, micro and macro elements (iron, selenium, manganese). Oatmeal cookies also contain fiber, which prevents constipation and improves bowel function.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare the treat:

  • 3 cups of oatmeal;
  • 3 eggs;
  • milk (170 g);
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • 3 art. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

The cooking process includes the following steps:

  1. Oat flakes are poured with water so that they swell.
  2. Then the rest of the ingredients are added.
  3. On a baking sheet, greased with oil, the dough in the form of cookies is distributed with a spoon.

Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Such a dessert is definitely allowed, but in limited quantities, of course. One amendment - the recipe is suitable for mothers of babies who normally tolerate chicken eggs. Although allergies to this product in baking are less common than when they are consumed in their pure form.

And one more thing: if the baby's body reacts negatively to milk, it is best to replace it with water.

Biscuits for lactation

It is a satisfying and at the same time dietary product, so it is included in the diet, which requires some dietary restrictions.

When women think about what cookies can be breastfed, experts advise using it. The flour from which the product is made is rich in fiber. The finished biscuit contains micro and macro elements (zinc, iodine, phosphorus and others).

However, the composition of the cookies still contains fats and carbohydrates, which can lead to the appearance of excess weight in nursing mothers. Therefore, it is better to use it only as a snack.

The recipe for such a product is also quite simple, and it will not be difficult to cook it yourself.

For biscuit cookies, the following products are needed:

  • water (110 ml);
  • wheat flour 1 grade (400 g);
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • a little vanillin;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Pour water at room temperature into the container. Add the rest of the components. The dough should have a thick consistency. It is rolled out into a not too thick layer and then circles are cut out with a glass.

A baking sheet is greased with vegetable oil or lined with baking paper. The product is laid out and baked at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.

By the way, you can make diet cookies without sugar.

Mary while breastfeeding

Such a product is the most useful and least allergenic of all types of sweets. The cookie recipe is very simple, and the product itself is hearty and nutritious, but with a minimum amount of calories.

Therefore, when a woman determines which cookies are allowed while breastfeeding, the most suitable option is "Mary".

This product is also suitable for feeding babies 7-8 months old, if it is pre-soaked in milk.

But before buying this cookie, you need to study its composition. It should not contain preservatives and other harmful ingredients. Despite all the advantages, get carried away the product is also not worth it - it is enough to use it per day for 50-100 g.

How to introduce cookies into a woman's diet

Now about how many cookies you can use during breastfeeding per day and from what time is it better to start doing this.

Due to the fact that such a delicacy is not the safest product, it is introduced carefully, observing the following rules:

  • In the first month after childbirth, a woman is allowed to use dry biscuit, baby cookies or "Maria".
  • If a nursing mother suffers from constipation or has had a caesarean section, then she should completely refuse any flour products for a while.
  • Initially, they try to eat 1 piece a day and only in the morning. If during the day the baby behaves calmly and does not have allergy symptoms, the amount of the product is increased to 2-4 pcs.

It is best to enjoy cookies in the morning because of their high calorie content.


So, can a newborn cookie? Yes, a nursing mother can afford to indulge in them. However, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the product and not buy it in the store, but bake it yourself.

And one more thing: when introducing a new product into the diet, it is imperative to monitor the condition of the baby. And at the first sign of an allergy, cookies should be removed from the menu for a while.

While the baby is breastfeeding, every mother is interested in the question: “What can I eat and what can not, and in what quantities?”. Breastfeeding experts convince every mother that you can eat everything within the so-called "healthy food". At the same time, doctors advise to exclude: smoked, salted, fried, spices, alcohol. As well as products that cause allergies or and mothers. Are oatmeal cookies good for breastfeeding moms?

Every mother who cares about the health of her baby carefully selects her diet. The first weeks after birth, lactating women, as a rule, have a limited diet. And when the question arises, to include a new product in the menu, everyone thinks about how my baby will react to it.

In fact, the entire women's menu during breastfeeding is selected for three purposes:

  • do not harm the baby;
  • do not cause allergies in him;
  • not cause tummy problems.

Can breastfeeding moms eat oatmeal cookies?

This product does not belong to obvious allergens, cannot cause colic in the baby, and, of course, it does not belong to the category of unhealthy products. Having already excluded oatmeal cookies from the above three groups of risky foods, we can firmly say that oatmeal cookies can be consumed by a nursing mother.

Oatmeal cookies are made on the basis of oatmeal, which in itself is much more useful than rye or wheat flour. Thanks to carbohydrates, such cookies are able to give energy to the body of a nursing woman, which she needs so much.

However, exceptionally useful properties can be attributed to. In industrial production, they use: animal fats, margarines and spreads, as well as preservatives that have a negative effect on our body. It is margarine or fat of unknown origin that can cause allergies or cause colic in a breastfed baby.

There is another option - to cook cookies during lactation itself. At the same time, you control the entire cooking process, as well as those products that use according to the recipe. Instead of margarine, it will be safer to use butter, and it is quite possible to replace the large amount of sugar that is supposed according to the recipe with dried fruits. You will receive excellent, healthy cookies that will not harm either your health or the health of your baby.

If you can’t make cookies at home, include store-bought oatmeal cookies in your diet during lactation, like all other products that belong to the risk group. Start with a small dose (no more than two cookies a day) and watch your baby's reaction.

What are the best cookies for nursing mothers to choose? And is it worth it? Many women, when feeding a baby, are afraid to include certain products in their menu. Their concerns are understandable. Indeed, with milk, various substances present in the mother's diet can be transmitted to the child. How the baby's body will react to them cannot be predicted for sure. Someone eats ordinary food with almost no exceptions, and this does not affect the child in any way. Other women need only try a piece of new food, as the baby immediately reacts to it.

Cookies are a great option for refreshment. In addition, a mother who already restricts herself in nutrition sometimes wants something tasty, sweet. You don't have to give up cookies completely. Just choose the right type of pastry. Eat cookies in a reasonable amount. It will be enough 2-4 pieces per day. An excess of flour products can provoke problems with the baby's stool, cause colic and gas formation.

For a nursing mother, varieties of cookies with a minimum amount of food additives are suitable: lean, biscuit, oatmeal. You can even try special flour products for baby food. Confectionery crackers, bagels, dryers are also a good option. In the manufacture of cookies, flour, sugar, eggs, butter, milk, various food additives, as well as cocoa, honey, jams and other ingredients are used. Many of these foods can cause allergies in an infant. Therefore, it is important not to harm, especially at the initial stage of breastfeeding.

It is necessary to introduce cookies into the diet of a nursing mother consistently. First, eat one serving of baking, during the day, watch the reaction of the baby. If something bothers the child (constipation, skin rashes, etc.), then stop eating this product for a while. With good perception, you can gradually increase the number of cookies. But at first, keep watching the baby. Over time, you can try other types of baking.

Biscuits - what is it?

An ideal option for a nursing mother is biscuit cookies. In its production, baking is not used: butter, eggs, milk and other high-calorie components. Or they are included in the composition in a minimal amount. The dough is usually kneaded with water. Such a confectionery product can be considered a dietary product. Biscuit cookies are unlikely to cause allergies in an infant.

On sale there are a wide variety of pastries of this variety. Usually these are light hard cookies with characteristic holes on the surface. The dough is dry, crispy, slightly sweet. In stores, such products are found under the names “Lenten”, “Lenten”, “Maria” and others, as well as “Bran biscuit cookies”.

It is this type of cookie that is recommended for children, as well as people on a diet. It has a long shelf life, from six months to one to two years. This confection can be plain (low in various oils) or more fatty.

Useful properties of oatmeal cookies

For nursing mothers, it is very important to get good nutrition. Oatmeal cookies are not only tasty, but also healthy. It contains a large amount of fiber. It is recommended by pediatricians to women who are breastfeeding their babies.

Cookies contain a lot of slowly digestible carbohydrates. Therefore, it is able to create a feeling of satiety for a long time and provide the body with the necessary energy. In addition, oatmeal contains many vitamins. It promotes digestion and removes toxins.

When shopping for oatmeal cookies, look for the one with natural ingredients. Avoid various substitute products in the composition, as well as nutritional supplements. For example, it is better if butter is present instead of margarine and various fat substitutes.

The most delicious oatmeal cookies - homemade. The recipes for baking this confection are quite simple. They require minimal product and time costs. Harmful components in this case are excluded. It is good to use such pastries with milk.

Cooking cookies for yourself

Home baking is much healthier than industrial products. There is no doubt about its composition. It is unlikely that someone will add chemical stabilizers to their own products. For nursing mothers, homemade cookies are preferable to any purchased confectionery.

You can make different types of cookies. The baking process will not take much time, and the benefits of this product are obvious. You can prepare products for several days. Of course, it is difficult for a woman with a baby to allocate some free time. But for yourself and your baby, you should try.

For baking, at first, the simplest cookie recipes are suitable. Give preference to those culinary masterpieces that require less sugar and various rich ingredients. Try different options. Cookies are not main dishes, cook them as needed.

Easy biscuit cookie recipe

A great baking option for nursing mothers. The dough for biscuit cookies does not contain muffin, various fats and harmful additives, so it is unlikely to cause allergies or other reactions in the baby. The product is low-calorie.
To get about 400 grams of cookies, you will need the following ingredients:

  • wheat flour - 2.5 cups;
  • clean drinking water - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Vanillin can be added for taste.

Mix all ingredients except flour in a bowl. Then add flour and knead the dough for about 10 minutes. It turns out cool, non-sticky. The dough should be rolled out, and cut out figures with a glass or molds. The oven is preheated to 200 degrees. Add a little vegetable oil to a baking sheet and lay out cookies. Exposure time - 5-7 minutes. It will take no more than half an hour to prepare this harmless product.

How to make oatmeal cookies for a nursing mother

There are various recipes for oatmeal cookies. The composition of such a product is more high-calorie than that of biscuit baking. You can try out a simple recipe for delicious oatmeal cookies.

Required Ingredients:

  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • oat flakes - 1 cup;
  • water - 60 ml;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • butter - 40 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - the third part of a teaspoon;
  • baking powder (slaked soda) - 1 teaspoon (optional).

Beat the egg with butter until smooth. Add sugar and beat again. Then add salted water. Oat flakes crushed in a meat grinder are added to this mixture, mixed. Add flour with baking powder and knead the dough. The resulting mass is rolled out with a rolling pin, blanks of the desired shape are cut out. Line the bottom of the baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out the cookies. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. The product turns out crispy, beautiful golden color. If desired, you can add dried fruits to the cookies and reduce the amount of sugar.


Breastfeeding mothers can buy cookies or make their own. When purchasing a product in a store, familiarize yourself with its composition, as various manufacturers may include all kinds of food fillers in the product. Therefore, cookies of the same type, but different brands, can be very different from each other. In order to reduce the cost of goods, not the most useful components may be added to the composition.

A great option for sweets for nursing mothers is homemade cookies. The baking process does not take much time. You can be sure of its usefulness for you and safety for the baby. However, do not get carried away with flour products, it is better to observe the measure in everything.

Try low-calorie, low-sugar foods, muffins, and supplements first. Later, you can move on to other varieties of cookies. Simple control over the reaction of the baby will help to avoid problems. Start with small portions and gradually increase them.

And at the chest. Some moms can't stop baking even for a while. But such products are not always useful. In this article, we will consider whether oatmeal cookies can be breastfed.

Is it possible or not

A nursing mother is also a person, sometimes wanting to eat something tasty. During lactation, you can eat not very sweet cookies - biscuit, zoological. But it gets boring so quickly and I want to diversify my menu with other pastries. Therefore, the question becomes very relevant, is it possible for mom to have oatmeal cookies. The answer is yes.

The product in question does not include allergens, and it does not cause colic in the baby.

It is recommended to introduce this delicacy into the menu slowly, watching the baby. After all, the baby may have an individual intolerance to the constituent ingredients. Oatmeal, which is used in baking, is healthy. But all the benefits can only come from self-made cookies.

Preservatives, flavors, vegetable fats are added to factory products - this can adversely affect the condition of the crumbs.

Did you know? Oat cakes were invented in the 17th century in Scotland. At that time, oats were a very popular cereal crop, and thanks to the Scottish recipe, the crunchy delicacy became known all over the world.

Useful composition of oatmeal cookies

The products in question consist of oatmeal or flakes. Such ingredients are not harmful for HB and do not cause allergies. They are allowed to be used every day. Cereal-based pastries are rich in fiber, which has a positive effect on bowel function. She also warns the appearance, which is often encountered by recently given birth girls.
Oatmeal contains vitamins A, B, selenium, iron, manganese and other elements. These components are important for the recovery of the body of a woman who has been exhausted by pregnancy. These components also take part in metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system. Useful elements enter the blood, and then - in the mother. Therefore, the baby also benefits from oatmeal products. These cookies are high in carbohydrates, so they are considered an excellent source of energy.

Is there any harm

Consider what the consequences may be after eating oatmeal cookies with HB, and how to introduce a new product into the diet.

Are complications possible

The considered baking, consisting of natural ingredients, certainly benefits. Only factory-made oatmeal cookies containing flavor enhancers, additives E, preservatives and other unnatural substances can cause harm.
Purchased cookies are made from 60% wheat flour, which contains gluten. Some have . This is not very common, but infants may have a different reaction. Wheat flour also increases blood sugar.

Important!Substitutes are sometimes added to factory baked goods instead of real eggs and fats - this can cause allergies and other undesirable consequences.

Rules for introducing a new product into the diet

Any pastries should be introduced into the menu little by little. For the first 30 days after the birth of a baby, mommy can eat homemade cookies without milk, eggs and with a very low sugar content. And it is better not to experiment with factory products before the fourth month of breastfeeding.
At first, it is recommended to eat one cookie and watch the baby. If within 24 hours signs of allergy did not appear, there were no other problems with digestion, it is allowed to increase the number of cookies to 5 pcs. per day. If a negative reaction of the baby's body to this product occurs, its introduction into the diet should be postponed for 2 months.

Criteria for choosing store cookies

If you do not have the opportunity to bake cookies yourself, but you want to eat something sweet, you can buy oatmeal pastries. But when choosing a product, pay attention to some things:

  1. It is better not to take cookies sprinkled with sugar, as its excess can cause allergies in the baby.
  2. It is recommended to look at the expiration date - high-quality cookies have a short shelf life due to the fact that they contain fewer preservatives.
  3. The product must be fresh. Pay attention to its edges - whether they are dried up, as well as to the color and smell.
  4. Buy pastries in trusted stores where you can provide product documents.
  5. Purchase packaged goods, as packaging protects against negative external influences. However, it must be complete.
  6. If cookies are sold in transparent packaging, you should pay attention to the shape of sweets - a quality product has a loose appearance with small cracks. Its color should be light brown.

Did you know? Several centuries ago, oatmeal delicacy was baked on an open fire. The oats were ground, mixed with water, and the dough was laid out on hot stones in ovens.

Cooking for yourself: the best recipes for nursing mothers

Oatmeal is quick and easy to make. In addition, home-cooked cookies will not do any harm, since you will buy all the products that make up the cookies yourself. Let's see what kind of cookies you can while breastfeeding.

Recipe 1

Cookies made according to this recipe do not contain flour and butter, so they are low in calories. Such a product is not dangerous even for nursing mothers who are overweight.

  • oatmeal flakes - 2 cups;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes) - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 tsp;
  • vanilla - at the end of the knife;
  • cinnamon - to taste.
First, eggs are beaten and vanilla is added. In the second bowl, oatmeal, chopped dry fruits, cinnamon and sugar are mixed.
Then eggs are poured into the resulting mixture.
The baking sheet is covered with baking paper and the dough is laid out on it with a tablespoon.
The oven should be at 200°C for 20 minutes.

Important!Baking, which includes eggs, is not recommended to be included in the menu earlier than 2-3 months of the lactation period, since eggs are a strong allergen.

Recipe 2

The delicacy prepared according to this recipe does not contain eggs, so it can be consumed from the first month of breastfeeding.


  • oat flakes - 20 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder - half a teaspoon;
  • pear - 1 pc.;
  • nuts, raisins, candied fruits - to taste.
Oatmeal is poured with 100 ml of boiling water, sugar is added. The resulting mixture should be left for a short time so that it swells. Chopped dry fruits and chopped nuts are added to the oatmeal. The pear is rubbed on a grater and added to the dough. Then the baking powder is poured out and everything is thoroughly mixed. The baking sheet is covered with baking paper and the dough in the form of cookies is laid out on it. A delicacy is baked at 200 ° C until it becomes golden in color. So, if a nursing mother wants to treat herself to baking, it is worth remembering that purchased oatmeal cookies are not very healthy. It is better to take a little time and prepare a treat yourself - it definitely will not harm the baby's health. But do not forget about the sense of proportion.

During lactation, mothers should carefully monitor the diet, because all products and their components pass into breast milk. If the food is of poor quality or it contains a lot of harmful impurities (dyes, flavors, thickeners, preservatives, and so on), the baby's body may react painfully. For example, there will be a disorder of the stool, a failure in the process of digestion, in extreme cases, intoxication develops. Mothers of newborn babies need to pay special attention to the diet, and food should be healthy throughout the entire lactation period. What can be from sweets? Is it permissible to enter cookies on the menu while breastfeeding?

During the period of breastfeeding, mom should be careful about the products used.

The benefits of cookies

Flour products, including cookies, contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which are converted into energy faster than fats and proteins. Cookies are suitable for a snack when there is no time for a full meal or when you feel hungry between meals. The mood of a nursing mother also depends on nutrition, and sweets enhance the synthesis of the hormone of joy - endorphin. This reduces anxiety and stress. Also, cookies help produce serotonin, on which the general condition of the body (vitality) depends, and the quality of sleep improves. So cookies are a useful and necessary treat for nursing mothers. It is important to choose the most useful varieties.

What is possible?

The main rule: a minimum of additives and fillers! A biscuit is suitable - it contains only natural safe components, so there should not be a reaction in the crumbs. Oatmeal cookies are also allowed when breastfeeding. From store products, the following types should be preferred:

  • cookies "Jubilee";
  • cookies "Maria" (long, without additives and vanillin);
  • rye;
  • oatmeal;
  • corn;
  • for baby food;
  • without sugar on fructose (if the child is not allergic to fructose).

Not all cookies can be eaten during lactation. Dyes, chocolate and other ingredients can cause allergies in a child

It is best to eat homemade cookies. Below are a few recipes.

The main rule: when introducing a new product into the diet: you need to monitor the reaction of the crumbs. If the child has flatulence, problems with stools or allergic rashes, you need to wait.

What is impossible?

Cookies for a nursing mother should not contain:

  • chocolate;
  • various cream fillers;
  • spices (including cinnamon);
  • flavors;
  • dyes (the most harmful products are red and yellow);
  • various chemical additives.

You can not eat crackers - they have a lot of fat and spices. It is important to remember the quantity: even the safest treat can cause reactions in the baby (bloating, colic, constipation) if you eat a lot of it. An excess of flour products leads to digestive problems in mother and child.

How to eat cookies?

In the first weeks of breastfeeding, you need to limit the use of wheat flour, during this period you can use oatmeal cookies. The first time you need to eat it in the morning, and then during the day to monitor the reaction of the child. If there are no unpleasant manifestations in the crumbs, it is allowed to gradually introduce biscuit, sand. Even if the baby is not allergic, you should not eat chocolate sweets for up to 3-6 months.

To make sure that the baby has an allergic reaction to cookies, you need to eat just one little thing. If there are no manifestations after three hours, you can safely include this product in your diet.

How much flour a mother eats affects the health of the crumbs. It is advisable to limit yourself to a few things, especially up to a month old baby. Baking also affects mom's digestion.

Breastfeeding Cookie Recipes

The absolute advantage of home baking. The hostess herself controls the composition of the product. The following are easy and safe baking recipes that you can breastfeed. A woman herself decides which delicacy to prefer, on the Internet, cookbooks, you can find a lot of recipes for delicious and healthy sweets.

oatmeal cookie recipe


  • oatmeal - a glass;
  • granulated sugar - to taste (about 3 tablespoons);
  • butter - 120 g (we recommend reading:);
  • eggs - 2 or 3 pieces (we recommend reading:);
  • walnuts (can be replaced with any other, except for peanuts) - about 3 tablespoons (we recommend reading:);
  • breadcrumbs.

Oatmeal is dried in a dry frying pan for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Oats should not change color! After cooling, the flakes are placed in a dry bag and ground with a rolling pin to a state of flour. Mix with peeled nuts and grind with a blender or coffee grinder.

On the shelves in stores a large selection of cookies. But it will be much healthier if you cook it at home.

The yolks are separated from the proteins and ground with sugar until white. Softened butter is also introduced there. Mix thoroughly. Proteins are whipped separately into a strong foam. Everything is mixed: yolk-oil mixture, proteins, flour with nuts. Then the dough is thoroughly mixed, breadcrumbs are added (about 2 teaspoons).

The baking sheet is covered with parchment, on which the formed products are laid out. Can be garnished with dried fruits or nuts. The baking time depends on the thickness of the cookies. You need to focus on the golden color.

biscuit recipe


  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower, olive) - 60 ml;
  • drinking water - half a glass;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • vanilla optional.

Everything except flour is mixed in a deep bowl. After that, flour is introduced and the dough is kneaded for up to 10 minutes - it should turn out cool and not sticky. The dough is rolled out into a thin layer, from which cookies are cut out using molds, a glass or a knife. The oven is preheated to 200 degrees. A baking sheet is greased with a small amount of vegetable oil or covered with baking paper. The cookies are baked for 5 to 10 minutes. The entire cooking process will take no more than 30 minutes.

From this number of components, about 400 grams of the finished product will be obtained. This option is perfect for nursing, does not contain harmful additives and fats, in addition, low-calorie.

Not only mommy can enjoy fresh homemade cookies, but also relatives

shortbread recipe


  • flour - 2 cups;
  • sour cream - 0.5 cups;
  • butter - 125 gr;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • vanilla - 0.5 sachet;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp

Sugar or powdered sugar, soda, vanillin are placed in a bowl with flour. The ingredients are mixed and sour cream, butter are added. The dough is kneaded in the form of a ball, covered with a napkin and cleaned in the cold for half an hour, then rolled out up to 5 mm thick. Shapes are cut out with molds, pricked with a fork. After greasing with a beaten egg, put in the oven for 10-12 minutes.


Breastfeeding women can eat cookies, but should refrain from harmful sweets, which include chocolate, spices, dyes, flavors and other additives. Already in the first months after the birth of a baby, it is permissible to use biscuit, oatmeal, shortbread cookies. It is better to prepare a delicacy on your own, not to buy in a store. It is important to know the measure, if you eat a lot, then even a safe product will provoke digestive problems in the baby.

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