Home Vegetables Model in shorts and t-shirt. Problems that girls in short shorts create for us

Model in shorts and t-shirt. Problems that girls in short shorts create for us

Anatoly Zemlyanka joined the militants in 2013 and left to fight in the Middle East.
According to preliminary information, Anatoly Zemlyanka, a native of Noyabrsk, better known as the executioner of ISIS * Jihadi Tolik, was eliminated as a result of a special operation in Iraq. This was reported by sources in law enforcement agencies. It is noted that a Russian who joined the ranks of extremists was killed during the battle for Mosul.

According to our information, Zemlyanka was killed during a shootout in Iraq in the city of Mosul, a source in law enforcement agencies said.

Anatoly Zemlyanka became famous thanks to a video recording of an execution committed by militants. The extremist killed another Russian citizen, whose identity was later established. His victim was 23-year-old Magomed Khasiev. Jihadi Tolik accused him of spying for the Russian special services and slit his throat.

Jihadi Tolik was included in the so-called red circular of the special services and was wanted by Interpol. This means that he was suspected of committing particularly serious crimes and should have been immediately detained, wherever he was.

Before leaving for Syria, he fell under the influence of the Wahhabis back in hometown Noyabrsk, distributed extremist literature and even managed to recruit his friends Alexei P. and Ruslan S.

Muslim Akhmedkhanov, a resident of Noyabrsk, has not seen Jihadi Tolik for 3 years since they parted as enemies.

Muslim says that Anatoly Zemlyanka at some point became an adherent of a radical interpretation of Islam. Surrounded by the future executioner of ISIS*, people appeared who called for jihad against the infidels, reports LifeNews.

They came together to the mosque, argued with other Muslims all the time, pushed through their position, handed out leaflets slowly, their brochures. They openly tried not to recruit in the mosque, because the imam does not allow this to be done there, but they looked out for those who followed the lead and invited them to their gatherings, gathered in their circle, with their imam, Muslim recalls. - It would be wrong to say that they themselves sent to ISIS. These recruiters make it so that the person himself decides to go to Syria. They misinterpret the Quran and clog people's brains. As in the case of Tolik.

Anatoly Zemlyanka also became a frequent visitor to a small mosque on the outskirts of Noyabrsk. Muslim says that all the Muslims of the city know about it. Wahhabis openly preach there.

We have been at war with them for a long time. Ideological skirmishes with them are not the first time we have. They come to our mosque and argue with the imam and his assistants. But we cannot always forbid these Wahhabis to come to our mosque, because this is the house of the Almighty. We only sometimes tried not to let them in, kicked them out, and so, we can only fight them with words, - Muslim smiles bitterly and immediately notices that in recent times Wahhabis sharply reduced their activity.

When it became known about Tolik, they disappeared. They are no longer in the mosque. These leaders are no longer walking openly. When they heard the news about Tolik, they immediately jumped off, - says Muslim.

Now he notes that Anatoly Zemlyanka looks a little different than before. There was a seriousness and confidence in his eyes.

It remained the same. It seems to have become somehow serious, ”Muslim noted when he saw Jihadi Tolik on the video with the execution. According to a resident of Noyabrsk, the current confidence in the eyes of Zemlyanka was not there before. - He was always healthy. This did not increase his strength and spirit, - Akhmedkhanov believes.

Jihadi Tolika Muslim considers "the infantry of extremists, which has always been with them."

He is a performer. He has no way back. They tell him, he does, Muslim believes.

Earlier, Anatoly Zemlyanka's Muay Thai coach said that, despite his dense physique, he did not have sports potential. He was used only as a sparring partner and as a whipping boy.

And in Jihadi-Tolik's native school, teachers remembered him with great difficulty, and then thanks to rare surname. It turned out that the future extremist thug in the class was a quiet C student.

And the consultant of special services in the field of behavioral analysis Artyom Pavlov came to the conclusion that the guy with young years had a predisposition to be in the ranks of the militants.

* A terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.

Finally, after a long, exhausting winter (almost like in the Game of Thrones), warm weather has settled. It means that beach season just around the corner and soon sandals and shorts will become standard clothing for all of us.

More importantly, good weather kicks off the season of girls in shorts - a worthy cause to celebrate!

Girls in short shorts are a natural phenomenon that we see every year and still have not received due worship. Instead of hiding their legs under jeans, as they do 75% of the time, girls finally bare their skin and expose their legs to our eyes. We do not keep ourselves waiting and plunge into contemplation. Fortunately, looking at them is not forbidden: the main thing is not to touch.

Look, man, but be careful and selective in this activity. Girls in short shorts are a source of not only pleasure for us, but also problems. What?

1. Age

The legs will not tell you anything about the age of the girl: you must admit, it is difficult to determine how old she is when you look at the lower half of the body instead of the upper one. But short shorts force us to do just that! Instead of immediately separating the unsuitable, we first revel in the sight of their legs and manage to make them the subject of our sexual fantasies.

It's not too late to change your mind and state, but at the first moment you will still feel like a pervert looking at the legs of high school girls.

Although it is difficult to blame us: we did not know. These short shorts made her legs and butt look like parts of a grown woman's body.

The opposite happens as well: we are engrossed in watching the dignified legs of a woman much older than us. There are no wrinkles on the legs, they look young, and when we look up, we realize with horror that this woman is suitable for us as a mother.

Do you understand what it's about? Seeing more skin isn't always good.

2. Face

Similar story. When you first of all look at the girl’s legs, your face can be shot in a comedy video: first, a satisfied smile spreads on it, and as soon as your gaze moves up, it slowly slides off your lips, giving way to a disappointed grimace. We are naively inclined to believe that Beautiful legs in fantastic denim shorts oblige the face of their owner to be beautiful.

Of course, you are not only evaluating the legs, but you still make a decision too hastily, basing your judgment only on confidence in the beauty of the lower half of her body. Sunglasses and make the task more difficult.

Many of us fell into this trap and regretted the decision to meet after a half-hour conversation. Be careful dude!

3. Figure

In short shorts, it is more difficult for a girl to hide figure flaws from you, but in some cases they wonderfully distract our attention from this nuance. Short shorts hold on your attention, and the more you look, the more you are convinced that her legs are good - but can the owner of marvelous legs have small breasts, a sagging belly and massive arms?

Men cannot be blamed for this mistake. However, finding yourself in the company of an oversized lady just because the shorts made her legs look better is an undesirable outcome for any of us.

Moreover: if you put up with it, your standards will automatically drop and you will never be the same again.

4. Fat

You can’t hide fat in short shorts, the problem is not an illusion. Let's talk about the obvious: it's hard to move away from the sight of fat and unsportsmanlike legs sticking out of short shorts. Every year, more and more thick legs open up to our eyes.

Seeing a slim and toned beauty queen in short shorts is as wonderful as seeing a 180-pound woman in the exact same shorts is terrifying. This is simply ugly, but everyone is silent, because they consider it impolite to talk about it.

5. Sex

It is not known whether this fact is scientifically proven, but short shorts increase the degree of sexual desire in men. However, alas, there is no reverse law: for girls in short shorts, sexual desire does not change and our chances of success do not increase. Rather, on the contrary: they are more self-confident and more often give us a turn.

Of course, having sex in the summer is technically easier because we wear less clothes and are more likely to be in places where people are half-clothed (say, on the beach). But that doesn't make it any easier to persuade a girl.

And this is a problem, because when we see shorts, the only thing we can think about is how to take them off as soon as possible. In theory, shorts should simplify everything, but the effect is the opposite. And no one likes complexity.

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