Home Vegetables Why are coffins made from zinc? Why you can't open a zinc coffin

Why are coffins made from zinc? Why you can't open a zinc coffin

When a person dies away from home, as a rule, his body is repatriated, that is, the ashes are returned to their homeland for burial. It can be done different ways, for example, by freezing in a refrigerator. Sometimes the corpse is cremated, in which case the procedure is simplified - only an urn with ashes is brought, but this is not always acceptable for religious or ethical reasons. The most common container is a zinc coffin. This terrible phrase means a metal box in the shape of a parallelepiped, sometimes equipped with a transparent window.

The reasons why people are buried in zinc coffins are quite prosaic. First, they are relatively cheap. Secondly, zinc is a light metal. Thirdly, it is easily soldered. Fourth, zinc has aseptic properties that prevent decomposition. Fifthly, this metal is soft, and to work with it.

Most often, the problem of delivering the dead is faced by the armed forces of countries waging war abroad. In the thirties, Italian soldiers who died in Abyssinia were sent home to their final resting place in hermetically sealed rectangular metal boxes. Of course, relatives buried their sons in ordinary wooden ones, albeit closed coffins, because, in addition to the hot African climate, the appearance of a dead warrior could be disfigured by battle wounds.

In the years, practical Americans carried dead soldiers in plastic containers. However, then the zinc coffin was not needed: a huge amount of cargo was delivered to Indochina, dozens of direct and return flights were made every day, and the delivery of the bodies of the dead was carried out very quickly. Today still uses polymer coffins.

In the Soviet Union, until the end of the eighties, there was no established tradition of military funerals for those who gave their lives defending the interests of the country away from their native forests and fields. Afghan war became the first armed conflict in which the dead began to be returned home. At the same time, the reason arose why the zinc coffin was called "cargo 200". The main transport for this sad mission was military transport aircraft, which also had the sad nickname "black tulips", and air travel is impossible without prior weighing to avoid overloading. zinc coffin together with the contents, it has a mass of no more than two centners, this figure appeared in the invoices.

Secrecy was also of some importance, the losses were tried not to advertise on political motives, but already in the year of the Moscow Olympics (thanks to word of mouth), almost everyone knew what this code meant. At the same time, another bureaucratic instruction appeared that forbade opening the zinc coffin (even to parents). Its implementation was entrusted to the military registration and enlistment offices, which found it difficult to cope with this task. Having lost their son, sometimes the only one, mother and father were no longer afraid of anything and no one.

In addition to wars, there are other cases when zinc coffins are needed. In early September 1986, the Odessa Electronmash plant received an urgent order for the manufacture of hundreds of metal boxes of specified sizes. It was not necessary to have special ones in order to connect such a task with the death of the steamer "Admiral Nakhimov" near Novorossiysk.

A zinc coffin is a special container for transporting the deceased over long distances and is often the only way to repatriate the body. Zinc coffins are called "cargo 200", since its total weight is on average 200 kg. The zinc coffin is hermetically sealed to prevent air from getting inside and slow down the process of decomposition of the body. The properties of galvanized metal also contribute to the preservation of the body - it does not oxidize when interacting with the remains. Upon arrival, the zinc coffin is usually disassembled and disposed of, and during the farewell and funeral procedure, an ordinary coffin is used.

You can order zinc coffins of the required sizes from us. AT as soon as possible we will make a zinc coffin according to the physique of the deceased. Indeed, in the current situation, issues need to be resolved clearly and promptly. We guarantee timely delivery of a zinc coffin, as well as provide assistance in transporting the deceased from anywhere the globe. Our experts will prepare everything Required documents and will interact with customs if the repatriation is from abroad. We will help you choose a zinc coffin, the price of which will not be high.

At your request, we can place an ordinary wooden coffin or a bed for the deceased in a zinc coffin. If the body is supposed to be buried directly in a zinc coffin, then we can offer models equipped with comfortable carrying handles, carefully polished and appearance not much different from ordinary coffins. It is possible that a zinc coffin is provided for temporary use for the period of transportation of the body. You can buy a zinc coffin from us, the price of which will correspond to your financial capabilities.

An important point to pay attention to is how the zinc coffin is sealed. It happens that unscrupulous agencies seal the zinc coffin with ordinary silicone sealant, violating the law on the movement of "cargo 200". Such a zinc coffin may not be allowed to be transported, while the relatives of the deceased lose time and money, and are also subjected to administrative punishment. Of course, filling a zinc coffin lid with silicone sealant or hammering it with nails is a matter of five minutes. Whereas a high-quality soldering of a container takes about two and a half hours. remember, that Customs now attached great value the quality of container sealing and with the help of special devices, they shine through them for unscrupulous soldering. With us you can not only order a zinc coffin, the price of which will suit you, but also high-quality soldering in accordance with all requirements for container transportation.

We recommend that you contact trusted funeral homes. You can buy a zinc coffin from us, the price of which will not be high. There was a need to buy a zinc coffin in Moscow? Contact the "City Service-Ritual"!

Unfortunately, none of us is immune from loss. loved one. In addition to the natural experience of this grief, relatives are also concerned about the worthy conduct of the deceased in last way. Sometimes it happens that the body for burial needs to be transported a fairly long distance. This, of course, creates some difficulties, but such a task today is quite solvable. The difference will be only in what you need to collect full list necessary accompanying documents and buy urgently a zinc coffin. It is a good custom to bury a person where he was born and raised.

For Western civilization, the practice of cremation is quite acceptable. From a practical point of view, this is very justified. But for Slavic peoples brought up on Christian values, the rite of giving a person to the earth is rarely subject to dispute. For this purpose, zinc coffins began to be used as early as the beginning of the 20th century. But then zinc was available in very limited quantities, and in the ritual sphere was used only by very rich people. In our time, zinc mining has reached a level at which, when asked how much a zinc coffin costs, you will no longer hear an astronomical amount.

Finished zinc coffins are usually made from galvanized iron. After "cargo 200" is placed in them, such coffins are closed and the joint is hermetically sealed (mainly with tin). This allows the body to be transported by any mode of transport (including by plane) to any distance, even in the hottest weather. For some reason, most people have an opinion that only military men are transported and buried in such coffins. But in fact, they are being used more and more often at peaceful civilian funerals. This is due to the fact that a person is often born and grows in one corner of the country, and dies in a completely different one. If it were not for the aforementioned method to slow down the decomposition of the body, then such transportation over long distances would be out of the question.

It is not difficult to determine the size of the coffin. Its length directly depends on the height of a person during life. 15-20 centimeters should be safely added to this figure, since the body after death, as a rule, lengthens, in addition, it is necessary to observe at least a minimum space between the feet of the deceased and the wall of the coffin, as well as between the head and the wall. At the same time, we must not forget about the width of the coffin. It comes in four types: "standard", "deck", "special deck" and "domovina". The required width is determined based on the size of the deceased's clothes: if he wore clothes - up to the 50th size - then this is the "standard", up to the 56th - then this is the "deck", 56-62 - "special deck", 64th size and above - "domovina".

If you follow these simple recommendations, you will not have any problems with the location of the deceased in the coffin. Zinc coffins don't have to look like zinc at all. There are many ways to finish them using a variety of materials. In this case, you will have the opportunity to pre-determine the color of the coffin. The most popular colors in the ritual sphere are black, dark blue and red, as well as combinations of these colors in different combinations. It is not recommended to use very bright colors, since they will not be combined with the rest of the funeral paraphernalia. In any case, this is an individual matter and different people may look at this question differently.

It's no secret that organizing a funeral takes a lot of time and effort. And it is unacceptable to delay in this matter for obvious reasons. For this purpose, our website was created. Here you can always find out how much a zinc coffin costs and choose the right option, since we have large selection there are always coffins of all the most popular sizes, even taking into account the religion of the buried (with Christian or Muslim symbols).

We are fully responsible for the quality of the offered goods: all coffins are soldered with tin inside and out, which allows you to freely send the coffin through any airport in Moscow, unlike coffins for 5-6 thousand, which are simply filled with sealant and violate sanitary standards. Our website for funeral services is operational. Here you have the opportunity to urgently buy a zinc coffin at any time of the day.

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