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Prayer to get pregnant and give birth is Christian. Prayers for pregnancy

In the article below you will find the most powerful and famous prayers for the conception and pregnancy of Matrona, Xenia of Petersburg, the Most Holy Theotokos and the Lord God, Roman the Wonderworker.

Prayer for the conception of the Most Holy Theotokos

Surely everyone - even non-Christians - knows the story of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary and the birth of the Son of God by her. Christian women all over the world pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary for conception and a happy pregnancy with subsequent motherhood. The Mother of God is an ideal maternal image. Indeed, from whom, if not from the mother of Jesus Christ himself, ask for offspring. See the most below strong prayer about the pregnancy of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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Prayer for the pregnancy of Xenia of Petersburg (Petersburg)

Xenia on this moment- an image overgrown with rumors and legends. But still, after a couple of hundred years (Xenia lived in the eighteenth century), she was canonized. And historians have tried to reconstruct the story of her life. The girl was the wife of Andrei Feodorovich - a chorister. The husband died, leaving Xenia still young - 26 years old. And since then she took the austerity to wear men's clothing, be called Andrei Feodorovich. Ksenia said: “Andrey is alive. I died that day." How great was the grief of the saint, so strong were her prayers addressed to the Lord.

During the day, the woman was seen at various acquaintances, to whom she came, dined, talked and left. Since Ksenia gave all her property, including the house, after the departure of her husband, the authorities began to torment the question of where she spends the night. After spying on the blessed one, it turned out that all night long - at any time of the year - Ksenia prays, kneeling in the field.

As a result of sincere prayers and connection with the divine, Xenia of Petersburg gained the gift of foresight. She predicted the death of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, as well as the young Emperor John Antonovich.

Xenias were welcome in every house - from the poor to the most financially gifted residents of the surrounding area. Any house that the saint visited became blessed - no one in the family got sick, there was always food and prosperity, peace and love. Ksenia was buried at the Smolensk cemetery (St. Petersburg). On the site of her grave, a chapel was built, in which miracles are happening to this day. People come there with requests for family well-being, health, peace with family and friends, as well as prayers for conception and pregnancy.

Prayer to the Lord God of the spouses for the gift of children

Prayer to the Monk Roman the Wonderworker from infertility

The Monk Roman comes from Antioch (this is the territory of modern Turkey and Syria). Here, almost a thousand years ago, one of the first Christian states was created by the crusaders. All his life he strictly fasted, dispensed with fire and wore weights under his clothes for the glory of the Lord.

Roman the Wonderworker helped with infertility by prayer, asking God for pregnancy and prosperous motherhood for women, he had the gift of healing from various diseases.

To date, there are hundreds of women who have happily given birth, who have been helped by prayer to this saint. On the Internet, I found a lot of reviews and several options for praying for conception and pregnancy to Roman the Wonderworker. Below is one of them.

A prayer in the comments. I ask you to use it, but do not duplicate it in the comments, share it in other places. Unfortunately, I will not be able to leave it in the comments and will have to delete it, because it affects my site very badly and other women as a result will not be able to find this article on the Internet. So I share this prayer with you here, and you share it somewhere else.

Tell us in the comments what prayers you will read, which ones you have already read and what else you have done in order to get pregnant? Have you tried activations? If not, I'm waiting for you

One of the biggest tragedies for a woman is often forced childlessness. Its roots can be completely different: some have an abortion in their youth, others have a disease, in third families the reason lies in the health of their husband. If at the age of 20 the inability to get pregnant is not particularly worrisome, then at 30 it causes serious alertness, and at 40 - despair. However church history saturated huge amount legends that tell about women who, and after prayer, pregnancy occurred. The most important thing in prayer is your faith, because the Lord said "Ask, and it will be given to you." If, even after repeated prayers, pregnancy does not occur, do not despair - perhaps it is simply not the time yet, because it is better for God to know when and who should be born.

Reading the text Orthodox prayer helping to get pregnant, you should awaken hope in your heart, but at the same time humility, put your life in the hands of God and believe that, through your prayer, He will arrange everything for your good.

Before which icons do they read prayers to get pregnant?

With prayers for pregnancy, women most often come to the icons of the Virgin. It is understandable - after all, She is also a Woman, a Mother, and will understand those who so want to realize themselves in motherhood. Before some icons, the Mother of God is prayed for both pregnancy and safe delivery, and later - about the health of the long-awaited child. Among them are the miraculous images of the Mammal-giver, Help in childbirth, Leaping baby, Feodorovskaya, Georgian, Tikhvinskaya.

You can also read the text of an Orthodox prayer to get pregnant in front of the icon of the saints righteous Zechariah and Elizabeth, parents of John the Baptist. We know from Holy Scripture that Elizabeth and Zechariah were childless until old age, and suffered greatly from this all their lives. Because the Jewish people waited for the coming of the Savior, then barrenness among them was considered a heavy punishment of God. And so, after many years of tears and prayers, the Lord gave Elizabeth a child, whose name went down in the history of Christianity.

Prayers for pregnancy to Orthodox saints

Strong prayers that help to get pregnant are also prayers to the righteous Joachim and Anna, parents Holy Mother of God, St. Blessed Matrona of Moscow, Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg.

Do not be afraid to read the text of prayers for pregnancy to the Lord, because He is the Giver of all blessings. If a woman once, due to unreasonableness, performed abortions, then one should definitely repent of this sin at confession, suffer penance (a punishment that involves reading certain prayers, alms, etc.), which the priest will impose, and after that begin to read prayers for the gift of pregnancy.

Listen to the video prayer to the Lord GOD to get pregnant and give birth to a baby soon

A powerful prayer for those who want to get pregnant with a healthy child to the Lord God

Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God, may Your grace be sent down by our prayer. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember Your Law on the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, so that by Your help the established by You will be preserved. By Your powerful power You created everything out of nothing and laid the foundation for everything in the world that exists - You also created man in Your image and sanctified the union of matrimony and the foreknowledge of the mystery of Christ's unity with the Church with a high mystery. Look, Merciful, on these (names), united by marriage and pleading for Your help, may Your mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may they see their sons even to the third and fourth generation and live to the desired old age and enter into Kingdom of Heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due with the Holy Spirit forever.

Orthodox prayer before conception to get pregnant to the holy blessed Xenia of Petersburg

O holy all-blessed mother Xenia! Under the protection of the Almighty, who lived, led and strengthened by the Mother of God, hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, you received the gift of clairvoyance and miracles from God and rest under the shadow of the Almighty. Now the holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorifies you. Coming at the place of your burial, in front of your holy image, as if you live with us, we pray to you: accept our petitions and bring them to the throne of the merciful Heavenly Father, as if having boldness to Him, ask those who flow to you eternal salvation, for good deeds and our undertakings are a generous blessing, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows. Stand with your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinners. Help, holy blessed mother Xenia, illuminate the babies with the light of holy baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, youths and maidens in faith, honesty, and grant them success in teaching; heal those who are sick and sick, family love and grant the consent of those who are monastics with a good feat to strive and protect from reproach, affirm the pastors in the fortress of the Holy Spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and serenity, pray for those deprived of communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ at the dying hour. You are our hope and hope, speedy hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Listen to the video prayer of Matronushka helping in conception and pregnancy

Strong prayer to get pregnant with a healthy child to the Holy Matrona of Moscow

Oh, blessed mother Matrona, we resort to your intercession and we tearfully pray to you. As if you have great boldness in the Lord, pour out a warm prayer for your servants, who are in sorrow of the soul and ask for help from you. For the word of the Lord is true: ask, and it is given to you and again: as if you counsel two of you, on earth about every thing, even if she asks, she will be from My Father, who is in Heaven. Hear our sighing and convey to the throne of the Lord, and even if you stand before us, as the prayer of the righteous can do much before God. Yes, not to the end, but from the height of heaven he looks down on the sorrow of His servants and gives the fruit of the womb for useful things. Truly, God desires, so do the Lord to Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and Elisabeth, Joachim and Anna, pray with him. May the Lord God do this to us also by His mercy and inexpressible love of mankind. May the name of the Lord be blessed from now and forever. Amen.

Listen to the video prayer to Saints Joachim and Anna to get pregnant with a healthy child

Read the text of the prayer helping the Righteous Joachim and Anna in pregnancy

O holy righteous, God-fathers Joachim and Anno! Pray to the Merciful Lord, as if He would turn away His anger from us, according to our deeds righteously moved on us, and may our countless transgressions be despised, turn us, the servant of God (names), to the path of repentance, and on the path of His commandments, let us confirm us. With the same prayers of yours in the world, save our life, and in all good things, ask for good haste, everything we need for life and piety, from all misfortunes and troubles and sudden death by your intercession delivering us and protecting us from all enemies visible and invisible, and tacos in the world this temporary life has passed away, we will achieve eternal rest, even if by your holy prayer let us be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God, to Him, with the Father and the Most Holy Spirit, all glory, honor and worship is due forever and ever.

Read the text of the prayer in front of the Icon of the Mother of God Healer helping to get pregnant and in a successful birth

Accept, O all-blessed and all-powerful Lady Lady Theotokos Virgin, these prayers, with tears now brought to You from us, Your unworthy servants, to Your wholesome image, the singing of those who send with tenderness, as if You yourself exist here and listen to our prayer. By any request, do fulfillment, ease sorrows, give health to the weak, heal the weak and sick, drive away demons from heaven, deliver the offended from insults, cleanse lepers and have mercy on small children: still, to the Lady Mistress Theotokos, and from bonds and dungeons you free and heal all kinds of passions: the whole essence is possible through your intercession to your Son,. O All-Singing Mother, Holy Mother of God! Do not stop praying for us, Thy unworthy servants, glorifying Thee and honoring Thee, and bowing with tenderness to Thy most pure image, and having irrevocable hope and undoubted faith in Thee, the Most Glorious and Immaculate Ever-Virgin, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

A lot of families are faced with the problem of conceiving a baby. In this matter, medicine is sometimes powerless. And then, completely “exhausted” and hopeless couples turn to the Lord God to read a prayer for the conception of a child. In these moments of conversation with the Almighty, one can only hope for a miracle. Those who sincerely believe in God will definitely get what they ask for.

How to read a prayer for the conception of a healthy child

You can pray not only in a sacred place, but also at home. The main thing is to repeat the words: "Thy will be done." Each sacred text read slowly, without rushing. Pass all the words through yourself, do not think about the bad, imagine how much you want someone's little feet to stomp around your apartment. Who can pray for the conception of a child?

  1. Matrona of Moscow.
  2. Mother of God.
  3. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer to the Matrona for the conception of a child

It is believed that Mother Matrona is the patroness of suffering girls. The Saint helps someone to get married as soon as possible, while others - to conceive a child. Even during her lifetime, Matrona was a sympathetic old woman, she always helped people. Now she is among the Saints and is ready to do everything so that the Lord hears all the prayers and requests of people through her. The most important thing is to sincerely repent of all the sins committed. It will be good if the couple manages to go to the relics of Matrona and pray there.

“Oh, blessed Matrona, accustomed all her life to accept and listen to the suffering and needy, hear and accept me, unworthy, praying to You. May your mercy to me, unworthy and sinful, not be impoverished even now. I pray heal the disease of God's servant (name) and God's servant(name of the spouse), deliver from the torment and temptations of the devil, help us bring the Cross of life. Begged the Lord Almighty to have mercy on us, to forgive all sins, anger, hatred, resentment and dirty thoughts, beg Him to give us a new life, a healthy and kind girl. We trust and hope in You and our God to have strong and unfeigned love for all our neighbors. Amen"

Prayer to the Mother of God for the conception of a child

The Most Holy Theotokos will also definitely help if you turn to her with a request to conceive a baby. Virgin Mary is the patroness of all women in childbirth and pregnant women. It is to her that young girls pray, who are in a position and are waiting for the birth of a child. This prayer helped so many to become pregnant and easily bear the fetus, giving birth without torment.

“Oh, Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, quick-obedient intercessor of all who resort to You with faith! Look from the height of Your heavenly majesty on me, indecent, crouching to Your icon! Hear soon the humble prayer of me, a sinner, and bring it to your Son; implore Him to illuminate my gloomy soul with the light of His Divine grace and cleanse my mind of vain thoughts, to calm my suffering heart and heal its wounds, to instruct me in good deeds and strengthen me to work for Him with fear, and forgive all the evil I have done, May he deliver eternal torment and not deprive His Heavenly Kingdom. Oh, Blessed Mother of God! You deigned to be named in Your Georgian image, commanding everyone to flow to You in faith, do not despise me for sorrow and do not let me perish in the abyss of my sins. On thee Bose, all my hope and hope of salvation, and I entrust Your protection and intercession to myself forever. I praise and thank the Lord for sending me the happiness of the marital state. I beg you, Mother of the Lord and God and my Savior, that with your Motherly prayers send me and my wife to my beloved child. May He grant me the fruit of my womb. May it be arranged according to His will, to His glory. Change the sorrows of my soul to the joy of conception in my womb. May I praise and thank You, Mother of my Lord, all the days of my life. Amen"

Prayer for the conception of a child to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant is the patron saint of all mothers and their children. It is not for nothing that many turn to Him to conceive a baby and easily go out all 9 months. Since childhood, children are taught to the icon of Nicholas, they say that this kind grandfather who brings gifts. For adults, Nikolai Ugodnik also brings a gift - the conception of a child.

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the servant of the most beautiful Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and a dull one, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me to the accursed one, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Wonderful Examples of Those Who Prayed

Prayer before conceiving a child works, it has been proven. There are many examples of girls getting pregnant, even when doctors said that they would not have children all their lives. Isn't this a miracle? Is this not God's will?

If you really want to conceive a child, but it doesn’t work out, be sure to turn to God, to any patron saint. Children are happiness, this is the life for which you want to go forward.

Prayer for conception healthy child- the strongest was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

Excellent article 0

Until a certain time, the absence of children does not bother spouses at all. rare modern family immediately trying to have a baby. Rather, on the contrary, they select methods of contraception and try to prevent a possible pregnancy.

Age puts everything in its place, a woman wants to become a mother, and with slight envy she looks at her peers with children. A man also ceases to strain at the thought of children.

Happy couples who were able to conceive a child without difficulty do not even think about how lucky they are. And in some families, the process of waiting for pregnancy drags on for many years. Treatment, emotional disassembly, experiences, sometimes despair falls to their lot.

The Saints are the last hope. That unknown subtle world to which they turn has its own rules. It is fundamentally important to know how to pray and to which icon to turn your words so that their aspirations are heard. Where to look for that icon, the appeal to which will create the miracle of conceiving a child, even contrary to the verdict of doctors?

Last Chance - Pray for Conception

The holy elder Paisius Svyatogorets called prayers a conversation with God. “Send a signal, ask for help from the Saints, the Mother of God for yourself and for others,” he instructed his parishioners.

First you need to clear your thoughts, tune in to the positive. St. John of Kronstadt helps to strengthen one's faith. The Creator of the world - God hears us, it would seem, why mediators. But often we go with our problems to our mothers, and not to our fathers. Yes, and in subtle world, it is easier for us to talk with the Mother of God.

The main intercessor earthly man The Mother of God stood before the Almighty. She is called the Mother of Mothers, all our anxieties, troubles, doubts, infertility, including, we carry to Her. A prayer addressed to the Blessed Mary to get pregnant faster will be heard. There is a lot of evidence for this - conception occurs in those who have been diagnosed with "infertility".

Women, like the last source, come to pray to the icon of the Virgin in order to become pregnant, bear fruit and give birth to a child, so long-awaited.

There are a lot of icons of the Theotokos. There are icons depicting only the Mother of God, more often icons of the Virgin Mary with the baby were painted. The name of the icons comes from the place where this or that icon of the Theotokos miraculously appeared. Sometimes the image was associated with important event in Mary's life.

Miraculous icons to help get pregnant

For women who want to receive help in conception through prayer to the Image of the Virgin, it is important to know which icons help the most and most often. Such icons of the Virgin Mary are called Miraculous. The most revered are 5 of them, helping women get pregnant when their prayer is heard:

  • "Mammal";
  • "Help in childbirth";
  • "Jumping baby";
  • Georgian icon of the Mother of God;
  • Feodorovskaya icon of the Mother of God.

There won't be enough time to see them. The icons themselves are sometimes far away and inaccessible. But their lists, which are credited with continuing miracles, are much closer:

  • a list of Georgian icons can be seen in the Church of the Intercession Mother of God in the city of Moscow, on the Vorontsovo field;
  • The “leaping baby” in Russia can be kissed at the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow;
  • In Moscow, in the Church of St. Nicholas in Klenniki, you can pray before the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God;
  • In Serpukhov you will find a revered list of the icon "Aid in childbirth";
  • In Tula, in front of the icon of the Mammal-Giver, offer prayers.

Icons of the Virgin, helping to get pregnant

There are also a number of icons of the Theotokos, who are prayed in the hope of becoming pregnant and giving birth to a child, when medicine makes a helpless gesture and refuses to help in any way.

  • Icon " Unexpected Joy» - prayers are offered to her when hope has turned into a grain of sand, and it remains only to hope for the joy that they did not expect to receive.
  • "Quick listener"- prayers are addressed to her in the hope that they will soon be heard and grace-filled help will be revealed, especially in the desire to become pregnant.
  • "Healer"- helping everyone who comes to her to pray for the health of loved ones, relatives, friends - of any age and gender, as well as for women who dream of children.
  • Image of the Mother of God "Assuage my sorrows"- helps believers whose prayers ask for help in diseases of the soul and body of a person. The icon takes away sadness, brings hope and joy, especially to those who want to conceive a child, by faith and prayer it will be given to them.
  • "Serafimo-Diveevskaya" - next to it, parishioners pray about any women's problem: difficult pregnancy, infertility, miscarriage. They ask for conception and safe delivery.

Do everything possible and impossible to venerate one of these icons, pray and ask for help in getting pregnant from of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Prayer and icons - is a miracle possible?

Many icons depicting the images of the Holy Righteous, confessors, martyrs are revered by the Orthodox and they offer their prayers to them in the hope of intercession before the Heavenly Father.

The icon of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg is almost always in the iconostasis of Orthodox believers. Prayer to her image helps in many troubles of life. They turn to Saint Xenia about a happy marriage, about peace in the family, about the possibility of conceiving a healthy child. They say that a woman can become pregnant if she prays to the icon of Xenia of Petersburg. The image is revered all over the world, as it helps in heavy sorrows, losses.

They are applied to the images of the Saints, who are credited with the possibility of healing in diseases, including infertility.

These are the icons:

  • Reverend Seraphim of Sarov;
  • Alexander Svirsky;
  • Matrona of Moscow;
  • Luke Krymsky.

Prayer to the Saints, concentrated and sincere, can work a miracle. This conversation and our requests may already be expected, hurry up. Ask, and it shall be given you. To find lists of icons, just go to the nearest temple. There are special icons with particles of Holy relics.

Welcome to the site, compassionate mother. 90% out of 100 that it is you who will begin to read the prayer to the Matrona of Moscow, which helps your beloved daughter become pregnant.

Let's agree right away that you will not dare to persuade your daughter to ignore the practical recommendations of a gynecologist.

Infertility and other ailments should be treated under the supervision of experienced doctors.

Prayer power, in this case, is a very serious help in helping your daughter get pregnant as soon as possible.

The only and, probably, the main condition is a heartfelt faith in the Lord God.

Please go to Orthodox church and submit a registered note on the health of your daughter.

Buy 6 candles. 3 of them, put to the icon of the Blessed Staritsa.

Being near her image, whisper these prayer lines to yourself:

Matrona of Moscow, forgive all the sins of my family, and help your daughter get pregnant easily. May your will be done. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently and turn back.

When will appear free time, seclude yourself in a locked room.

Light the 3 remaining candles. Next put the icon of the Matrona of Moscow.

Mentally imagine the immaculate conception of a daughter, a baby and a future father - in the face of a decent and infinitely kind person.

Turning to the Lord God, draw images of grace-filled pregnancy.

Engage in repeated and unhurried whispering special prayers helping through uncomplaining faith.

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. I hope and believe in you, you have mercy on us, only leading to the Lord. My daughter cannot get pregnant, I hope that your love will help. Let in conception, sins not be created, and strong children will be born into the world. May your will be done. Amen.

Matrona of Moscow, Blessed Staritsa. Ask the Mother of God for protection, all hopes for pregnancy are broken. The daughter is despondent, does not accept the seed, it is clear that a heavy burden has fallen on her. I beg you, heal us and save us, take away all illnesses and diseases. May your will be done. Amen.

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. I have only one hope for you, without grandchildren, the family is exhausted in anguish. We are sinful, and in prayer we are intolerant, frail and vulnerable from despondency. The daughter cannot get pregnant for years, help us with prayer and deeds. May a happy pregnancy happen, and the child will be born at the appointed hour. May your will be done. Amen.

Pray patiently for your daughter, and the moment will come when she will delight you with a rounded tummy.

May God help you!

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