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Master class on origami “Snowflake. How to make snowflakes from paper #2 Beads and bicones

How to make a beautiful paper snowflake with your own hands. Master class with step-by-step photos.

Shabanova Marina Gennadievna, primary school teacher, MBOU Sarasinskaya Secondary School, Sarasa village, Altai district, Altai Territory
Description: The work can be done with children of primary school age. The material can be useful to teachers, children and their parents, to anyone who is interested in creativity. The snowflake is easy to perform and can be completed in one lesson.
Purpose: interior decoration.
Target: making snowflakes using origami technique.
Educational: to form general cultural and social-labor competencies, to improve skills in working with paper.
Educational: develop the creative abilities, imagination and imagination of schoolchildren, their own work style, and communication skills.
Educational: to cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste, hard work, accuracy. Help children in their desire to make their work socially significant.

To work we need the following materials and tools:
- colored and white office paper and/or square blocks for notes;
- scissors;
- glue;
- ruler;
- a simple pencil;
- decor (rhinestones, half beads, sequins, etc.)

Rules for safe work with scissors:
1. Keep your work area tidy.
2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.
3. Do not use loose scissors.
4. Work only with a serviceable tool: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
5. Use scissors only in your own workplace.
6. Watch the movement of the blades while working.
7. Place the scissors with the rings facing you.
8. Feed the scissors rings forward.
9. Don't leave scissors open.
10. Store scissors in a case with the blades facing down.
11. Don't play with scissors, don't bring scissors to your face.
12. Use scissors as intended.

Rules for safe work with glue:
1.When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.
2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the job at this stage.
3. Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.
4. Wash your brush and hands well with soap after work.

So, let's begin!
For a snowflake you need square-shaped blanks. I offer you an option on how to make a square without preliminary marking using a ruler.
Fold a sheet of office paper in half lengthwise.

Fold the corners on the left and right sides to form triangles.

Trim the resulting triangles, unfold and cut as indicated in the photo.

We get these double triangles, from which we will make the basic shape "water bomb" or, as it is also called, "double square".

Unfold and fold along the second diagonal.

Unfold again and fold in half.

Unfold again and fold in half on the other side.

When unfolded, you will get a square like this with the intended folds.

Fold the workpiece in half lengthwise.

We set the right side inward, focusing on the folds.

We do the same with the left side. We get the basic form.

This is what the basic form looks like from below.

We bend the edges on the left and right towards the center, like an airplane.

Small squares can be made from the square of the writing block by dividing it into four parts.

For a snowflake, according to this sample, you will need squares of three sizes, 8 pieces each. You can choose ANY other sizes.

We coat the valves of one workpiece with glue. Moreover, No. 1 is on the inside, No. 2 is on the outside. We glue the second blank.

We sequentially glue all blank modules of the same size. Pay special attention to the insert of the last module. Don't get confused by the "wings".

It turns out like this snowflake.

Glue the second and third layers of the snowflake in the same way.

Apply glue to the center of a larger snowflake and connect it to a medium-sized workpiece. We orient the rays of the snowflake to the gap between the rays of the lower part.

Then we glue a small blank.

Let's decorate.

We admire it.

A snowflake without adhesive rhinestones will be more magnificent.

You can make a two-layer snowflake.

Or vary the combination of colors in one layer.

My kids (2nd grade) make snowflakes like this during recess. This is what they do.

When the first snow falls, a special festive mood appears. I immediately want to decorate the house with something winter. Aerial origami snowflakes are perfect for this. It's easy to make from available materials.

Product Application

There are several types of origami: classic, modular. You can make a snowflake in any of them. Such a product will decorate not only your home, but also your workplace or holiday venue. Experiment with the shape and color of products and create a winter mood with your own hands.

Here are some more options for using the product:

  • Christmas tree toy
  • garland element
  • part of the festive table setting
  • gift decoration
  • part of a handmade postcard
  • holiday souvenir

The simplest snowflake

This type of simple origami has been known to everyone since childhood. Fold a sheet of paper several times and cut out a stencil shape with scissors. You will receive paper origami snowflakes that you can stick on your windows. These stencils will make openwork products.

Volumetric product using pencil and glue

To make it you will need A4 squares (from six pieces), scissors, glue and a simple pencil.

1. Bend the square diagonally and mark lines on the square. They are made in the shape of a Christmas tree, without cutting to the middle. You need 6 pieces on each side.

2.Cut the lines.

3.Place a pencil in the center and glue the opposite corners together. Alternately angles on one side and the other.

4.The result was airy volumetric elements. They need to be glued together in the center and on the sides.

5.Attach the product to a thread and feel free to decorate your apartment.

Volumetric snowflake rose

In order to do it. You will need 16 squares of paper and glue. Fold the square along vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines.

Now you should turn two corners to the center of the product.

The junction of the corners will be the center of the snowflake. Now position the product at a slight angle. The compound element needs to be completed. Make small folds in one side of the element. You need to wrap small triangles inside so that the model looks like a bird's feather.

You need 16 such elements. They are connected together in a circle using PVA. If you make two sets of modules of different sizes, you can get a two or three-level snowflake.

Origami snowflakes using modular origami technique

This product can be made by people who already have experience in origami. It is made up of standard triangular modules, which are made according to the diagram. Modules are parts of a construction set that allow you to make products of varying complexity. Here is one way to make a snowflake using the modular origami technique: Make 12 triangular modules. To connect them, use additional modules that will fit onto the sides of the first row. This will create the basis for a snowflake.

Now two more are mounted on each module. For clarity, they are made of red paper. Then they are combined into one module (yellow in the photo). Next, alternate steps “two-one” until the desired height of the snowflake beam.

Repeat the steps with the other modules in a circle. Using different methods of folding modules you can get snowflakes of different shapes. But this work is painstaking and suitable for patient people.

Snowflake using kirigami technique

This product is both simple and unusual. The kirigami technique is a separate type of origami that allows the use of scissors and cutting paper while folding the model. Using this technique, you will get both simple and beautiful snowflakes with three-dimensional elements without folding the modules. The technique requires some preparation, but having created the template once, you can make many different snowflakes using stencils.

  • Prepare A4 sheet. To create a template, take a pencil, ruler and protractor.
  • Draw a horizon line.
  • Draw a perpendicular (line at a 90 degree angle) to the middle of the horizon.
  • Use a protractor to measure 60 degree angles.
  • Next, take a square of paper and bend it diagonally.
  • Apply to the template with the apex of the triangle on a perpendicular line and the base on the horizon.
  • Make folds along the marked lines.
  • Using a pencil, draw a stencil and cut out with sharp scissors.

Use some simple kirigami stencils:

Snowflakes will serve as a pleasant decoration during the winter holidays. The product is easy to make with your own hands and give as a souvenir or decorate your workplace. Simple openwork snowflakes are cut out of paper. For experienced craftsmen, modular origami is suitable. And the synthesis of classical and volumetric origami is kirigami. With it, you can quickly and easily get snowflakes with three-dimensional elements.

Video master classes “Origami snowflakes”

Anastasia Russkikh


Snowflakes have no number,

The wind is friends with them,

And from them white - white

All the earth in the world.

The most current and common types of winter decor include snowflakes handmade from paper. Snowflakes will turn out to be very unusual, will give everyone an optimistic, festive mood and will make everyone believe in the most beautiful and kind New Year's fairy tale.

Snowflakes DIY - this is the most affordable and simple decoration for the New Year. You can make them from the most ordinary paper using the technique origami.

For the manufacture of snowflakes using origami technique will be needed:

Office white paper A4 size one sheet,

PVA glue,


Prepare six white squares measuring 7x7 cm and a circle with a diameter of 2 cm.

Fold the candies by doing actions:

1. Take one square and bend it in half, lowering the top corner.

2. Expand the square

3. Lower the top and bottom corners to where the lines intersect.

4. It will turn out to be “candy”

5. Fold the remaining squares in the same way

6. Glue the two pieces to circle: one piece at the top, the other at the bottom. Their angles meet in the center of the circle.

7. Glue two parts to the glued parts on the right and two more parts on the left.

To the center snowflakes You can glue a small circle.

Like these ones we got snowflakes.

Publications on the topic:

“Volume snowflake” (master class) Hello, dear colleagues! I bring to your attention a master class on making a volumetric snowflake.

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Snowflakes are amazing creations of nature. Absolutely symmetrical along six axes, like a crystal of frozen water. And never repeating forms! Let's try to cling to the genius of the Creator and make something similar out of paper.

The easiest way is to make New Year's snowflakes with your own hands from identical fragments folded from paper. We place 16 fragments in a circle and the symmetrical rose is ready.

  • Take 16 identical square pieces of thin paper. Fold them in half diagonally, horizontally and vertically, marking the fold lines.

  • Fold two corners towards the center.

  • Select one of the remaining two corners and make it the center of the snowflake. Fold the edges of the diamond from it to the middle, as shown in the photo. It turned out to be a feather, a segment of a paper snowflake.

  • You need to make 16 such feathers and fold them into a circle with your own hands, gluing them together with a drop of PVA.

  • This is the kind of three-dimensional snowflake we got without a diagram.

  • New Year's snowflakes can be made even more interesting if you use 8 large feathers and 8 small ones.

Snowflake - star (video)

Let's first repeat how to make modules with your own hands. It's not difficult at all. Cut many, many identical small pieces of paper and fold them as shown in the photo. Surprisingly, origami snowflakes look just like real ones, just as cold and prickly.

Work order

  • We start making a snowflake with our own hands by making modules. Place 12 prepared pieces of paper folded in a certain way in a circle.

  • Connect them together with another circle of modules.

  • We have a circle, a modular origami of the birth of a snowflake.

  • We insert two for every second module. For clarity, we use red paper modules.

  • Connect them together with one more fragment. In our photo it is yellow.

  • We need to make our snowflake bigger, so we repeat: two red modules on yellow, then one yellow and again two and one.

  • This is what part of the snowflake should look like if we were to make it out of white paper.

  • And this is what the snowflake will look like when we finish making all its rays with our own hands.

Making snowflakes is simple and interesting. It is enough to find suitable fragments that are easy to multiply and put together in a circle, and you will get an original, unique snowflake. Which is quite reasonable. It has been proven that there are no identical snowflakes.

Making an original snowflake. Cut many identical strips of colored paper. And glue them together as shown in the photo. All that remains is to make a loop of thread and hang the snowflake daisy on the Christmas tree.

Volumetric snowflake

The scheme for its manufacture is complex, although making this paper miracle is very simple. Therefore, it will be more clear to get a master class by watching the video.

There are only a couple of weeks left until the New Year, which means it's time to think about how you will decorate your home. If you think that a Christmas tree and festive garlands will be enough, then you are deeply mistaken. The forest beauty can decorate the living room, but in all other rooms the festive mood can be felt will not be.

If you want to recreate the New Year's atmosphere in every corner of your home, then don't be lazy and decorate everything around with New Year's attributes. Volumetric paper snowflakes are best suited for this. And although this decor seems very simple at first glance, it can turn your home into a fabulous snowy kingdom.

Therefore, find some free time in your busy work schedule, stock up on white paper and scissors and start creating a New Year's fairy tale for yourself and your family.

How to make a three-dimensional 3D snowflake for the New Year from paper?

Volumetric snowflake 3D

If you want to truly surprise your household, then decorate your house with voluminous 3D snowflakes. Depending on the size, such a craft can be placed on a Christmas tree, window, wall or even on furniture. A garland made from such hand-made decor will look very beautiful.

Try to make snowflakes of different sizes and fasten them on a thread so that they are all at different levels. If you are not lazy and make several of these garlands, you can make an imitation of snowfall in some room.

Materials for making three-dimensional 3D snowflakes:

  1. White paper (you can use any other color if you wish)
  2. Stationery stapler
  3. Paper scissors
  4. Ruler and pencil
  5. Any glue
Figure No. 1
  • First of all, start making a stencil, with which you can later make individual blanks for the future decoration. To do this, take a thick sheet of paper (you can even use cardboard) and draw six straight lines on it at right angles. Make sure that they are placed on the sheet parallel to each other and do not intersect anywhere. Draw them at a distance of 1 centimeter from each other.
Figure No. 2
  • After this, take six sheets of the same size (square), fold each of them separately diagonally and, using a pre-made stencil, cut three slits on them. If you did everything correctly, then you should have six isosceles triangles with parallel cuts on your table.
Figure No. 3
  • Take one of the blanks and carefully unfold it. On the table in front of you there should be a square consisting of several smaller squares. The corners of the smallest square (it is located in the very center of the workpiece) must be carefully tucked towards the center and fastened with glue.
Figure No. 4
  • After this, the sheet must be turned over to the next side and the free corners of the next square secured in the same way. You need to continue these actions until you get something like a multi-layered icicle. Thus, you need to glue all the remaining five parts.
Figure No. 5
  • Next, we take the finished icicles and carefully fasten them together using a stapler. We do this in two stages. First, we fasten three icicles into one. Then, using the same stapler, we fix the two formed halves together. Do everything as carefully as possible, but do not spare the brackets; if you do not fasten them well, the finished product will simply fall apart.

Do-it-yourself volumetric paper snowflakes: step-by-step instructions

Step-by-step instruction

Volumetric snowflakes always look very beautiful, but unfortunately, making them takes a lot of time. In view of this, if you want to decorate your home for the New Year with just such a festive atmosphere, then try to make a simpler version of volumetric decoration. It will have a slightly different format, but most importantly, you will spend a minimum of your time on its production.


  1. Sheets of paper
  2. Thread and needle
  3. Compass
  4. Pencil and ruler
  5. Red or yellow fabric

Manufacturing rules:

  • Take a sheet of paper and draw four circles of equal diameter on it. To make small snowflakes, a diameter of 5 centimeters will be enough, and to create larger products this figure can even increase to 10 centimeters.
  • Carefully cut out the drawn circles with scissors, and then using a ruler and pencil, divide each circle individually into eight equal parts. Along these lines, the workpiece will need to be cut with scissors from the edge to the center.
  • Then the ends of the resulting petals must be carefully bent towards the center and fixed together with glue. If you cannot give the petal the correct shape, try helping yourself with a simple pencil.
  • In this way, make three more of these paper flowers, and then start fixing all the blanks together. This can be done with glue or take a thread and a needle and simply sew all parts of the snowflake.
  • In order for such a snowflake to look complete, be sure to cut out a small circle from the fabric and attach it in the very center of the product. If you wish, you can decorate it a little with sparkles and small sequins.

Types of volumetric snowflakes - origami: photo

Volumetric snowflake

Two-color origami
  • Many of us associate origami with something very complex and incomprehensible. But in reality, this technique simply requires a little more concentration than any other man-made process. Therefore, if you show just a little patience, you will probably be able to make voluminous snowflakes this way. But even in this case, there are several methods for creating New Year's decorations.
Snowflake origami
  • The first type includes ordinary origami, which involves folding paper sheets in a certain order, which subsequently produces a three-dimensional product with a 3D effect. In this case, you do not have to glue or fix anything. All that will be required of you to create a decoration is simply to fold the sheet correctly.
Snowflake karigami

The second and more complex type of this technique is the so-called karigami. In this case, the process involves both the correct folding of the sheet and the most accurate cutting of the pattern. If you are making such an origami snowflake for the first time, then it will be better if you first draw the future pattern and only then start cutting it out.

This can be done with either standard scissors or manicure scissors. The latter option is preferable for beginners as it will provide the opportunity to correctly cut through the most intricate pattern. After cutting, all you have to do is bend some parts and the voluminous karigami snowflake will be ready.

Modular snowflake

Elements of a modular snowflake
  • The last method of creating snowflakes is the most difficult, but the finished decorations turn out truly fabulous. This type is also called modular origami. In this case, you will first have to make quite a lot of different small parts, and then connect them in the correct order. The disadvantage of this origami method is that if during the joining process you make the most minimal mistake, it will greatly spoil the visual perception of the decoration.

Volumetric snowflakes made from strips of paper: diagrams

Volumetric snowflake in the shape of a star

If you want to get the most voluminous snowflake, then make it from paper strips. In this case, you will be able to independently regulate how much this or that part of the product will protrude, but most importantly, you will not have to watch how you bend or draw lines all the time.

To create this decoration you will need scissors, glue and thin strips of paper of any color. If you want to make the most airy snowflake, then use strips 3 to 5 millimeters wide to make it. If you plan to decorate your house with large voluminous snowflakes, then cut strips with a width of 8 millimeters.

Scheme No. 1

Volumetric snowflakes made of stripes:

  • So, first of all, take a sheet of paper and cut five strips of the same width from it. The length of these blanks will be different. In order to make one part of a snowflake you will need 1 strip 25 cm long, 2 21 cm long and two 19 cm long.
  • At the next stage, coat the ends of the blanks with glue and carefully fasten them together. Let the petals dry a little, and then begin to form a voluminous leaf out of them. Be sure to check whether all the parts are well secured to each other and, if necessary, then additionally secure them with thread or an ordinary clothespin.
  • In this way we make at least eight more pieces of paper. If you want the finished product to be more voluminous, then make 10 or 12 leaves. Let the blanks dry thoroughly and begin assembling the product.
  • Cut a strip of thick paper 1 cm wide and glue it into a circle. All previously made blanks must be carefully attached to this circle. If you see that the structure is not very strong, then try first gluing the leaves themselves together and only then fix them on the core.

The next method of creating a three-dimensional snowflake is considered quite complicated, but still, if you decide to make a decoration using this method, you will be satisfied with the result (diagram No. 2). To create a medium-sized decoration you will need 6 strips 25 cm long, glue and paper clips.

Scheme No. 2


  • At the first stage, we begin to weave the strips together so that a square is formed in the center. We fix each strip with glue or a paper clip.
  • At the second stage, we begin to connect strips that are close to each other. To do this, first lubricate their ends with glue and then carefully fasten them together. After these steps you should end up with something resembling a leaf.
  • We form the three remaining parts of the workpiece in this way and move on to creating another such part of the snowflake. After it is ready, all you have to do is put them together so that your product visually resembles a flower. After the glue has dried, the paper clips can be removed and the snowflake can be hung on a Christmas tree or attached to a window.

Beautiful three-dimensional snowflakes - balls: diagrams, photos

Photo No. 1

Photo No. 2

Below we will tell you how to make a New Year's snowflake ball from colored paper. If you want it to look more like the snowflake we are used to, then before you start gluing all the parts of the product together, cut an interesting pattern on them. This will help make the decoration lighter, airier and more festive.

Figure No. 1
  • Take paper of any color and draw 12 circles on it. In order for your New Year's decoration to turn out perfect, they all must have the same diameter.
Figure No. 2
  • Fold all the pieces in half and place them in one neat pile. If you use multi-colored paper to create a snowflake ball, do not forget that the colors must be alternated.
  • Place this workpiece under anything heavy for a while and leave it there for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the bend line of the circles will become very noticeable, and you will be able to correctly fix them together.
Figure No. 3
  • To do this, carefully straighten the workpiece, and then use a stapler to connect all twelve parts together. Make sure that the staples are located exactly on the fold line.
Figure No. 4
  • Once you're done with this process, you can move on to creating the form. Straighten the circles and start gluing them together with glue. They must be connected in such a way that each separate half of the circle is attached to the adjacent part of the product on one side and at the bottom on the opposite side.

Large volumetric paper snowflakes: templates

Template #1

Template No. 2

Today we have already introduced you to the most common ways to create voluminous New Year's snowflakes. And as you probably already understood, if desired, even a child can make this beautiful New Year’s decoration out of ordinary paper.

But finally, we decided to introduce you to another method of creating holiday decor. Below we will tell you how to easily and quickly make a large voluminous snowflake.

Scheme for manufacturing

Snowflake accordion:

  • To begin, take paper and cut strips of the same width from it. Their width can vary from 7 to 15 centimeters.
  • Fold the blanks in half, and then draw the outline of the future ornament on them. Take scissors (you can use nail scissors) and carefully cut through the design.
  • If you chose not very thick paper to make a snowflake, then you can fold two parts at once and cut them together.
  • Then fold each part separately like an accordion. Make sure that all workpiece segments are the same size. If at least one of them is larger or smaller than necessary, then you simply will not be able to glue the two parts together.
  • When the accordions are ready, coat their edges with glue, fasten them and wait until they dry completely. After this, take the snowflake and straighten it with smooth movements.

If you want your New Year's decoration to be more colorful, then use paper of different colors to make it. For example, combine white with blue, pink, peach or mint. Also, if you wish, you can glue several small beads or bright pieces of glass onto the snowflake.

Video: Do-it-yourself volumetric snowflake

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