Home Diseases and pests How to make Santa Claus under the Christmas tree. How to sew Santa Claus from fabric with your own hands. Santa Claus in tilde style. How to sew a Santa Claus doll

How to make Santa Claus under the Christmas tree. How to sew Santa Claus from fabric with your own hands. Santa Claus in tilde style. How to sew a Santa Claus doll

Do you want to give a great handmade souvenir for the New Year? Are you planning to master making original home decor on the eve of the New Year? Or maybe you want to learn how to make homemade toys with your children? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then you should definitely read our article today. In it we have collected very simple step-by-step master classes with photos and videos that will help you master making a Santa Claus figurine from scrap materials. Agree, a DIY Santa Claus is a wonderful gift, original decor and a fun toy in one “bottle”. A Santa Claus costume can be sewn according to a pattern, and his figurine can be made from unnecessary things, for example, nylon tights, or made from paper or a bottle. Even an ordinary plastic cup can be used as a basis for Santa Claus with your own hands, and his beard can be made from cotton wool. The main thing is to show your imagination and put in a little effort - and a themed souvenir for the New Year 2017 will be ready!

How to make Santa Claus from scrap materials with your own hands, master class with photos

First, we present to your attention a master class with photos on how to make Santa Claus with your own hands from scrap materials. Very simple and accessible objects will act as available materials: eggshells, paper, cotton wool. As a result, such a simple set will result in a very original figurine of Santa Claus, which can be given as a gift or simply placed under the Christmas tree. You will find instructions on how to make Santa Claus from scrap materials with your own hands in the master class below.

Necessary materials to make Santa Claus with your own hands

  • paper napkins
  • watercolor
  • pen
  • red paper

Instructions for a master class on how to make Santa Claus from scrap materials with your own hands

  1. Take a raw egg and use a knife to make a small indentation on top. Carefully pour the contents of the egg into a plate, being careful not to damage the shell. This will be the basis for the body of Santa Claus.
  2. Wash the egg thoroughly inside and out under running water. We try not to damage the integrity of the shell.
  3. Let the workpiece dry completely. Then we need to strengthen the base of the figure. Therefore, we coat the shell with a layer of glue and secure pieces of torn paper napkin on top. Let it dry a little, and again apply a layer of glue and napkin. At the same time, we also cover the hole through which we poured the yolk and white with napkins.
  4. We make blanks for Santa Claus clothes from red paper. To do this, cut out one wide strip, the length of which will correspond to the diameter of the widest part of the shell. We also cut out a semicircle with a base equal to the diameter of the top of the egg.
  5. Take a paper strip and coat its inside with glue. Glue it in the middle of the workpiece.
  6. We form a cone from a semicircle and glue it together.
  7. We give the cone the shape of Santa Claus's hat and glue it to the top of the workpiece.
  8. Add a pompom from a small cotton ball to the Santa Claus hat.
  9. Take cotton wool and roll small pieces into long strips. With their help, we decorate the base of the hat and the fur coat of Santa Claus, gluing it with glue.
  10. Use beige watercolor paint to paint the empty space - the face of Santa Claus.
  11. After the paint has completely dried, use a gel pen or felt-tip pen to draw the facial features of Grandfather Frost.

Original do-it-yourself Santa Claus toy made from nylon tights, master class

Did you know that from ordinary nylon tights you can make an original toy with your own hands, for example, Santa Claus? This toy turns out to be very funny and can easily be given as a New Year's gift to a child or an adult. True, in order to make an original Santa Claus toy with your own hands from nylon tights, it is advisable to have at least minimal sewing and handicraft skills. Therefore, if you are not comfortable with threads and needles, then first practice sewing individual parts of the doll’s body.

DIY materials for Santa Claus toys made from nylon tights

  • nylon tights
  • foam rubber
  • red velvet fabric
  • thread and needle
  • hot melt adhesive
  • white faux fur
  • foam ball
  • cardboard roll
  • buttons, pins
  • paper

Instructions for a master class with Santa Claus made from nylon tights

  1. First, let's make blanks for the body of Santa Claus. To do this, take a cardboard tube from a paper towel and cover it with two layers of synthetic padding. The length of the padding polyester should exceed the roll by about 1/3 of its length.
  2. After drying, we tie the foam rubber in the place where the sleeve ends. Place a foam ball inside and glue the free edges of the foam together to form a round base for the head.
  3. We pull a light nylon stocking over the base and tie it tightly with thread at the base of the toy’s neck.
  4. We fill the free space in the cardboard sleeve at the bottom with crumpled newsprint. Then we sew the free edges of the nylon together and glue a cardboard circle to the base.
  5. We take a few sewing pins and with their help we begin to shape the facial features. In order to make the nose, we fasten two pins in the middle with a small gap. Then we stitch the places of the clamps with thread so as to give the desired volume to the nose. Using the same principle, we form the cheeks and chin of Santa Claus. Instead of eyes, we sew small buttons or beads.
  6. We roll two small pieces of foam into two rolls and glue them together. Then we wrap the blanks in fabric and stitch them. We also form large mittens from foam rubber and fabric and decorate them with fur.
  7. We cut out a rectangle from red velvet fabric, which will become the basis for Santa Claus' fur coat. We sew it to the base with toys. We glue a strip of fur in front. We also use fur to make the bottom trim of Santa Claus’ fur coat.
  8. We sew the arms to the body of Santa Claus. We sew a hat from the remnants of fabric and fur and glue it to the head.
  9. We cut the remaining fur with scissors and glue it to a cone-shaped piece of nylon. Let the materials at hand dry and glue them onto the face - this will be the beard of Santa Claus. If desired, we decorate the fur coat with snowflakes, sequins, beads, and make a gift bag with our own hands.

Bright decor for the New Year Santa Claus from a plastic bottle with your own hands, master class

An ordinary plastic bottle can become a bright decoration for the New Year if you make Santa Claus out of it with your own hands. Our next master class is very simple to implement, so you can make it a reality with your children. Read on to learn more about how to make bright Santa Claus decor from a plastic bottle and scrap materials for the New Year with your own hands.

Necessary materials for Santa Claus from a plastic bottle with your own hands

  • plastic bottle
  • gouache and brush
  • black and white fleece
  • hot melt adhesive
  • colored paper
  • artificial fur
  • plastic ball
  • shampoo cap

Instructions for a master class on how to make Santa Claus from a plastic bottle with your own hands

  1. First, remove the label and wash the bottle well, outside and inside.
  2. Then we take red gouache and paint the shampoo bottle and cap. Let it dry completely.
  3. In the meantime, cut out two narrow strips from white fleece: one as long as the height of the bottle, and the second should match its width. Glue one vertically in the middle of the bottle, and the second horizontally from below.
  4. We make a belt from black fleece, and cut out a buckle from colored paper. Glue it in the middle of the bottle.
  5. Glue the plastic ball to the neck of the bottle. We make a beard for Santa Claus from cotton wool or faux fur. We use beads to make a nose and eyes.
  6. Cover the bottom of the shampoo cap with cotton wool and secure the resulting cap with glue. DIY Santa Claus made from a plastic bottle and scrap materials - ready!

How to make Santa Claus from a cup with your own hands, video

Do-it-yourself Santa Claus from scrap materials is a universal souvenir that can even be made from a plastic cup. Like similar versions of Santa Claus master classes made from paper, nylon tights and plastic bottles, the following master class with video is as simple as possible to perform. A do-it-yourself beard and costume for Santa Claus from a cup are, of course, made from traditional cotton wool and fabric, which can also be replaced with paper. There is no complicated pattern in this video, so children can master this craft too. For more information on how to make an original Santa Claus from a cup with your own hands, watch the video below.

A beautiful figurine of Santa Claus, made according to our master classes with photos and videos, is suitable for submitting to a competition and decorating your home for the New Year. We have collected a lot of instructions for adults and small crafters on sewing a toy from fabric and felt, sculpting it from salt dough, and assembling it from a plastic bottle, paper or cardboard. Step-by-step master classes will be clear to children from school and kindergarten and they can easily make Santa Claus with their own hands from various purchased and improvised materials.

Do-it-yourself Santa Claus using scrap materials for kindergarten - step-by-step master class with photos

Using various materials and fabric at hand, you can easily make a cute Santa Claus figurine for the New Year. For the youngest crafters, we have selected interesting instructions that tell you about the rules for making such a craft. Our next master class with photos will tell you more about how to make a cute Santa Claus from scrap materials for kindergarten with your own hands, step by step.

DIY materials for Santa Claus kindergarten

  • multi-colored felt;
  • silicone glue;
  • juice can or cardboard toilet paper roll (for the base);
  • lace;
  • red and white pom-poms;
  • scissors.

Master class on making your own Santa Claus from scrap materials

  1. Prepare materials for work.

  1. Cut out a rectangle from red felt according to the size of the cylinder to be glued.

  1. Glue the red felt to the base.

  1. From light pink felt, cut out a large face for the future figurine and glue it with glue, as shown in the photo.

  1. Decorate the edges of the face with lace: glue the lace along the contour of the light pink felt.

  1. Cut out a couple of eye circles from black felt. Glue on the eye circles and the red pompom nose. Cut out a couple of cheek circles from pink felt, and a smile from red felt.

  1. Glue cheeks and a smile to the figure.

  1. Cut a triangle out of red felt as shown in the photo. Glue the edges of the triangle together to form a cone-cap. Glue a white pompom on top. Then glue the cap to the previously prepared figure.

Do-it-yourself voluminous Santa Claus from nylon tights - master class with video

A funny craft in the form of Santa Claus can be made using ordinary nylon tights. They make interesting three-dimensional figures that can be submitted to competitions or used to decorate your home on the eve of the New Year. Our step-by-step master class will tell you more about how to make a beautiful Santa Claus out of nylon tights with your own hands.

Master class with video of making your own from nylon tights of Santa Claus

The following video discusses in detail the stages of making a voluminous toy from tights. It is important to follow all the author’s instructions, then the resulting craft will be beautiful and neat. You can use the finished figurine to decorate rooms for the New Year or simply plant it under the Christmas tree.

Cool DIY Santa Claus from a plastic bottle and spoons - master classes for kindergarten

Pasting and painting plastic bottles is a fairly simple task that can be easily completed by a student in the middle and senior kindergarten group. Therefore, for the New Year, we have selected interesting master classes on making crafts from such simple scrap materials for kids and their parents. In the following photo instructions you will learn how to easily and quickly make a large figurine of one of the main symbols of the New Year. According to our master class, Santa Claus is made from a plastic bottle and spoons with your own hands without much difficulty.

Materials for making a cool Santa Claus from a plastic bottle and spoons

  • large plastic bottle 5 liters;
  • plastic spoons;
  • scissors;
  • white and red tape;
  • glue gun;
  • rain;
  • circle of pink fabric;
  • cotton wool;
  • white cardboard and black paper.

Master class with photos of making Santa Claus with your own hands from a bottle and spoons

  1. Start gluing the five-liter bottle with red and white tape.

  1. Cover the front center part with white tape, as shown in the photo.

  1. Use red tape to create a neat frame around the previously glued white tape. Also cover the entire back of the figurine with red tape.

  1. Cut off the handles of plastic spoons. Proceed to gluing the resulting blanks onto a five-liter bottle using a glue gun. In this way, glue the lid and make a strip of spoons on the neck.

  1. Glue the spoon blanks to the bottom of the bottle (under the white tape).

  1. At the bottom of the bottle, glue spoon blanks in several tiers, as shown in the photo (so that the bottle itself is not visible).

  1. Make eyes for the figurine from white cardboard and black paper.

  1. Make a spout filled with cotton wool from pink fabric.

  1. Use pieces of plastic spoon handles to make eyebrows for the figurine. Glue the eyes and eyes onto the prepared plastic bottle.

  1. Decorate the bottle with rain.

Video on how to make a cool Santa Claus from a plastic bottle with your own hands

You and your children can make a simpler, but no less cool figurine in the next master class. A detailed video will tell you how to make a cool Santa Claus from an ordinary plastic bottle for the New Year. A voluminous craft can be used to decorate a room, and it can also be placed under a Christmas tree. The original figurine is also suitable for participation in a competition at school or kindergarten.

Original DIY Santa Claus made from cotton wool - master class with video for school

A large number of toys were made from ordinary cotton wool in the USSR. At the same time, they turned out not only beautiful, but also very original. Now, using this technology, you can also make unusual decorations for the New Year. And with the help of our next master class with video, you will learn how to make a cool Santa Claus out of cotton wool with your own hands.

Video on making your own Santa Claus from cotton wool - for school

By following the author’s instructions in the next video, you can easily make a real toy out of ordinary cotton wool for the New Year. The finished figurine can be painted or varnished. This craft will look original and bright against the backdrop of modern store-bought toys. In addition, it can be used not only to decorate rooms, but also to decorate a Christmas tree: plant Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden made of cotton wool under the tree and create a real festive atmosphere for the New Year.

Simple DIY Santa Claus made of paper and cardboard - templates for kindergarten and school

You can easily and simply make many different Santa Claus figures from ordinary cardboard and paper. The templates we have selected will help you and your children with this. All you need to do is print them out, and then start cutting and gluing the figure. And in just 10 minutes a beautiful craft for the New Year will be ready. You can choose a template for cutting out a bright Santa Claus from paper or cardboard with your own hands in our collection of pictures.

A selection of templates for paper and cardboard with Santa Claus for elementary school and kindergarten

The cutting templates we offer can be used both at home and for kindergarten or elementary school. From simple blanks, children will be able to make cool and cute Santa Clauses on their own. You can also submit such an original craft together with a child from the junior group of kindergarten to an exhibition held in honor of the New Year.

Do-it-yourself original Santa Claus made from fabric and cotton wool - very simple - patterns for beginners

Sewing three-dimensional figures and toys requires certain skills in working with fabrics and a sewing machine. But in our next master class you will find the simplest possible master class on making a toy from fabric. In it, the main task of the needlewoman will be to carefully redraw the workpiece onto the base and brightly color it. You can learn more about how you can very easily sew Santa Claus from fabric and cotton wool with your own hands in our next master class with patterns for beginners.

Materials for making your own original Santa Claus from fabric and cotton wool

  • linen or cotton fabric;
  • paints for painting on fabric;
  • paper (for printing patterns);
  • cotton wool or holofiber;
  • scissors.

Master class on making your own original Santa Claus from fabric and cotton wool

  1. Print out the proposed patterns, transfer the contours of the figure (or both figures onto the fabric). Transfer the drawing itself to make an original pendant toy.

  1. Paint the front of the figurine with fabric paints.

  1. Make the back of the figures: redraw the outline again (turning the pattern over) and paint with fabric paints.

  1. Make the bottom part of the toys and paint them as shown in the photo.

  1. Cut the blanks with an indentation of 1-1.5 cm.

  1. Fold the blanks with the front parts and sew them using a sewing machine or by hand. Additionally, sew on a ribbon or decorative cord to hang the figurine.

  1. Turn out the workpiece.

  1. Sew the bottom part of the toy (not completely - half).

  1. Fill the toy with cotton wool or holofiber.

  1. Hem the second half of the bottom of the toy.

Video on sewing the original Santa Claus from felt - with patterns for beginners

The following video will help you sew a different Grandfather to decorate your home for the New Year. It tells you step by step how novice craftswomen can make a simple toy. The patterns offered in it are quite easy to redraw, so even middle and high school students can make the craft.

DIY funny Santa Claus made from salt dough - master classes with photos and videos

You can make many different cool crafts from salt dough for the New Year. This kind of work will definitely appeal to both kindergarten kids and primary school students. And with our next instructions, you and your children can make original pendants with painted handprints. A simple master class with photos will help you easily and simply create your own original Santa Claus from salt dough.

Materials for making a funny Santa Claus from salt dough yourself

  • flour - 2 cups;
  • fine salt - 1 cup;
  • water - about 1 glass;
  • rast. oil - 1 tbsp;
  • foil;
  • acrylic paints.

Master class with photos of making Santa Claus from salt dough with your own hands

  1. Prepare everything for making salt dough. Mix the ingredients and knead thoroughly until smooth.

  1. Roll out the prepared salt dough into a thin layer (no thicker than 2 cm). Cut out small ovals or circles from it (to fit a child’s hand and leave a neat side).

  1. Make imprints on the surface of the salt dough.

  1. Carefully trim off the excess dough, leave a border about 1 cm wide near the print. Make holes in the upper part of the workpiece with a tube for later threading the cord or ribbon.

  1. Place the pieces on foil and place it in the oven. Bake the crafts at 120 degrees for 2 hours.

  1. Paint the workpiece with white paint and let it dry. Then draw the face of Grandfather Frost and his beard. Thread a ribbon or lace through the previously prepared hole.

Video on how to make Santa Claus from salt dough yourself

Your children can make a three-dimensional figure in the shape of Grandfather Frost in the next master class. A step-by-step video will help them create a very cool New Year's craft. It can be used to decorate your home for the New Year or to decorate a classroom at school or kindergarten. Simple and exciting work with salt dough is sure to please all children.

DIY bright Santa Claus for kindergarten - crafts for an exhibition with master classes

When making crafts with your child, it is not at all necessary to use only available materials. For example, in the following master class, a wooden blank in the shape of a man is used as a basis. You can easily purchase it in modern craft stores. The figurine itself with such a blank is obtained quite easily and simply, so every child will like working according to the instructions. The following master class will tell you how to make a bright and cool craft in the form of Santa Claus for the New Year with your own hands for an exhibition in a kindergarten.

Materials for making bright Santa Clauses for an exhibition in kindergarten

  • wooden blanks "men";
  • acrylic paints;
  • yarn for felting (can be replaced with padding polyester);
  • white and red felt;
  • silicone glue;
  • scissors.

Master class with photos of making a bright craft in the form of Santa Claus for an exhibition in kindergarten

  1. Paint the body of the wooden piece red.

  1. Wait for the workpiece to dry.

  1. Use felting yarn or padding polyester to make hair and beard for the figurine.

  1. Add a belt and buckle to the dried blank. Glue hair and beard with silicone glue.

  1. Draw eyes for the figure.

  1. Cut a triangle from red felt.

  1. Sew (or glue) a hat out of it.

  1. Cut a thin strip from white felt. Glue it to the hat as a frame.

  1. Place the cap on the finished figurine.

Video on how to make a bright Santa Claus craft for an exhibition in a kindergarten

You can make bright crafts in the form of Santa Claus yourself from other materials. For example, children and their parents can make a very interesting craft for the New Year from ordinary light bulbs. Moreover, such blanks can be painted in different colors, and you can also make various clothes and decor for them. But such work should only be carried out together with adults.

Do-it-yourself Big Santa Claus made of fabric to school for a competition - step-by-step master class

Our next master class will help you make a big and handsome Santa Claus for your school competition with your own hands. High school students can easily make a toy calendar using it. But for children in high school, such work will be quite difficult and their parents must help them in making the toy. A craft for the New Year sewn according to our instructions will very easily and simply help your children take prizes.

Materials for making a fabric Santa Claus for a competition at school

  • a piece of red and black fabric;
  • sewing supplies;
  • white felt and ready-made white felt numbers;
  • linen or cotton fabric of flesh-colored or light gray, light pink color.

Master class with photos of sewing Santa Claus with your own hands for a competition for school

  1. Cut a strip of fabric with a width of 11 cm and a length of about 100 cm. Carefully hem it on one side to prevent the fabric from fraying: fold it 1 cm and repeat the fold, leaving the edge inside. Sew the workpiece. Make folds as shown in the bottom photo: step back 4-5 cm from the edge, tuck the fabric under the bottom, making a 2 cm fold. Repeat until the end of the cut. All fabric bends should be ironed.

  1. Secure the folds at the top with clothespins and at the bottom with pins.

  1. Sew the parts together and turn the workpiece inside out.

  1. Cut out another large triangle and sew finished arms and legs to it.

  1. Pin the front and back of the workpiece together.

  1. Sew the connected parts. And then sew the head to them. Glue felt numbers onto the pockets themselves (to make a calendar).

Using our master classes with photos and videos, you and your children can easily make Santa Claus with your own hands from various available materials: paper, cardboard, plastic bottle. We have also selected simple instructions for sewing toys from fabric and felt with patterns. They will tell you how to make a Santa Claus figurine for a competition for school and kindergarten, as well as what decor you can make to decorate your home for the New Year.

Always in anticipation of a magical holiday, the whole family starts making New Year's decorations for the green beauty and home. And the most favorite craft is rightfully considered the main symbol of the New Year holiday - Santa Claus.

We suggest you make Santa Claus out of paper. With such a simple material you can create real masterpieces with your own hands. You just need to devote a little time to this activity and show all your limitless imagination.

Study our master classes on making Santa Claus with your own hands and you will be able to please your loved ones with unique New Year's gifts, made with soul and attention.

Modular origami Santa Claus - master class

We will need: sheets of A4 paper: blue - 14 pieces for 211 modules, white - 13 pieces for 207 modules, pink - 1 sheet for 17 modules.

We divide each sheet into 16 rectangles, from which we will make modules.

Step one. Fold the rectangular sheet in half lengthwise. Using another fold, we outline the middle line.

Step two. We bend the edges of the rectangle folded along the middle, as shown in the photo. Turn the piece over and fold the bottom edges up.

Step three. We fold the corners, bending them over the large triangle, and then bend these corners inward. We bend the resulting figure in half - so we have learned how to make a module. Now, in the same way, we make the required number of modules indicated above from the rest of the paper.

Step four. Let's start making crafts. We take 5 white modules and arrange them as in the photo (we place the top row module with the smaller side up). Next, we assemble a chain of 3 rows of white modules. Each row consists of 25 pieces.

Step five. We close the chain into a ring and turn it over. Next, we perform 3 rows with blue modules. From the seventh row we make a beard. To do this, insert 2 white modules with the smaller side facing out. We insert the remaining blue modules of row 7 as usual.

Step five. In the 8th row we fasten 3 white modules, as usual, with the long side, the remaining modules are blue. With each next row we add one white module on each side of the beard.

Step six. In the 11th row we insert one red module into the middle of the beard - this is the mouth. Row 12 consists of white modules. We put them on blue modules with the smaller side facing out, and on white modules (beard) with the long side, as usual. In the 13th row, opposite the red module, we put on the white one with the long side outward, and 2 pink modules each with the smaller side (see photo).

Step seven. In the 14th row we put on 6 pink modules with the smaller side, and we put on white modules as usual. Row 15 - we put on 17 white modules and 8 pink ones. In the 16th and 17th rows we put on all the white modules with the smaller side outward - this is the hat.

Step eight. The last 18th row consists of blue modules with the smaller side facing out. We assemble hands from 3 white modules and 5 blue ones. Glue the finished eyes and insert the nose (part of a children's mosaic). Santa Claus made from paper using modular origami technique is ready. We hope that after studying the master class, the Snow Maiden, made in the same technique, will appear next to your Santa Claus.

Santa Claus made of paper using origami technique - master class

We will need colored paper and a little patience. We offer you several schemes according to which you can easily make Santa Claus with your own skillful hands. You can hang it on the Christmas tree, decorate a greeting card with it, or give it to friends for the New Year.

DIY Santa Claus from colored paper - master class

We will need: red paper, pink paper for the face, white paper for the beard, cotton wool, markers, scissors and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. Using a compass or a small plate, draw a semicircle on red paper. We cut it out, fold it into a cone and glue it together.
  2. We cut out an oval from pink paper, draw eyes and a nose on it with a felt-tip pen and glue the face of Santa Claus to the cone.
  3. Next, glue on the beard and hat from white paper. To do this, cut out white strips, cut fringe on them and twist it with scissors. We glue strips with twisted fringe to the cone at the bottom of the face in several rows, giving the beard fullness. We make a hat from the same strip. A beard, hat and fur coat for Santa Claus can be made from cotton wool, which is glued to the cone along its lower edge, on the face and the upper part of the cone. An elegant Santa Claus made from paper, made by yourself, is ready. Using a cone, using your imagination, you can make a Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus made of colored paper strips - master class

We will need: thick colored paper, white corrugated cardboard, scissors and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut out 6 strips measuring 1 cm by 15 cm and 6 strips measuring 1 cm by 10 cm from red paper. Glue them into rings. We assemble a ball from 6 large rings, fastening it with glue at the top and bottom. Using small rings, we assemble a smaller ball using the same pattern. The result is the body and head of Santa Claus.
  2. Cut out a small circle for the face from pink or orange paper. We cut out a mustache, beard and hat of any size from corrugated cardboard and decorate the face with them. Cut out and glue the eyes and nose. Glue the face to a small ball, which we then glue to the body. Cut out mittens and felt boots from cardboard and glue them to the craft. The New Year's symbol made from paper, created with your own hands, is ready.

A few more ideas for creating Santa Claus with your own hands

By using your imagination and using the patterns we have proposed, you can make Santa Claus even from a paper napkin.

A paper cone allows you to make many versions of Santa Claus with your own hands.

And this family of Santa Clauses is made from ordinary toilet paper rolls.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden using the popular modular origami technique.

We hope that our master classes helped you understand the technique of making Santa Claus from paper and encouraged you to be creative. Use a little imagination and create your own kind Grandfather or even several. They will decorate your holiday and create a magical mood!

Diagrams, printouts, drawings

With the New Year holidays approaching, all fathers and mothers want to give their kids a joyful and unforgettable holiday. for the Christmas tree have already been prepared in advance and are waiting in the wings. So that the wait for the New Year does not last so long, because children are so impatient, you can diversify it with different things for the holiday.

Children are interested in making a variety of holiday paraphernalia together with their parents. My favorite craft is Santa Claus, made with my own hands. Children look forward to this hero most of all, because they believe in miracles. You can recreate a fairy-tale character yourself using any available means that are available in any home where a child lives.

DIY New Year's Santa Claus made from paper

Santa Claus made from pine cones - crafts made from natural materials

When we make Santa Claus with our own hands, there is no limit to our imagination. A variety of available materials can be used, or the same ones can be used, but in different variations. You can use the same pine cone as a Christmas tree decoration, just in a different form.

There is very little time left before the New Year holidays. All kindergartens and schools are starting to make all kinds of crafts related to New Year's themes. Moms and dads are creative with their children at home. Very often, children are given the task of making an original New Year's toy or decoration at home. Often parents do not have special skills, but there is no need to be upset. This article will be a great help. Check out the master classes on creating Santa Claus presented below, and you will be able to make a rather original and unusual New Year's craft with your own hands, while the money will remain intact and your child will be happy.

Santa Claus made of paper. Applications for the little ones

Waiting for the New Year holidays is a wonderful reason to get creative and involve our children in this activity. The first master class is dedicated to making crafts that our kids can do with the help of their parents. This exciting process will help your child develop his perseverance, fine motor skills, imagination and spend time in a fun and interesting way.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, you can make many bright and interesting applications. Invite your child to make an applique in the form of Santa Claus with you.

The Santa Claus model presented below is designed to decorate walls, windows, doors, you can stick it on thick paper or cardboard, and it will become a wonderful postcard.

Decorating a snow lawn

The first thing you need to do is glue all the ice puddles onto the snowy lawn, then cut out the Christmas tree figures and glue them onto paper, then start decorating Santa Claus. After that, glue the bear with the Christmas tree, the sleigh with gifts, and last of all, glue the rope from the sleigh.

Glueing Santa Claus

Separately cut out all the parts of Santa Claus in advance and paste them onto a diagram printed on paper. First of all, glue on the red fur coat, then glue on all the white parts (collar, beard, edge of the fur coat). The face, mouth, nose, white parts of the eyes, and eyebrows are glued on top of the beard. Using a felt-tip pen, draw the iris and pupil.

Using a blue marker, draw shadows on the eyebrows, beard and hat. Next, glue on the mittens. The mitten that holds the sled needs to be glued under the edge of the sleeve, and the other one - on top of the white edge, as in the image.

Felt boots are also glued under the lower edge of a fur coat. Additionally, using dark red paper, you can create a shadow between the left sleeve and the right side of the fur coat.

Bags with gifts on a sled

To begin, glue an orange bag, a red one on top of it, cut out a patch and two ties from green paper, and glue them. Using a felt-tip pen, draw the threads on the patch. At the end, you need to glue the cut out sleighs to the bottom of the bags.

Gluing the bear cub

Now you need to glue the body of the bear cub on top of the bags with gifts. Glue a hat, scarf, mittens, felt boots, nose and ear on top of it. Additionally, use a felt-tip pen to add eyes, a mouth, and the lower part of the paw. Using a pink pencil, draw in the cheeks. As for the Christmas tree, it must initially be glued to the back of the bear’s body in the shoulder area. Use a blue marker to draw shadows on the scarf and hat.

Now take care of the overall design of the picture. To do this, use colored pencils to outline the shadow and light areas, giving the picture additional volume. Leave the applique to dry, and then you can stick it to the window or door using a small piece of adhesive tape.

Santa Claus made of fabric

This Santa Claus can be made in the form of a toy, and it can also be used as a thermal cover. To make a similar Santa Claus from fabric, you will need red rags, prepare calico for the base and lining, a small piece of linen to decorate the face, padding polyester for stuffing, and additionally for decoration you will need scraps of white faux fur.

Start by cutting out two body pieces and four arm pieces on the fabric you prepared for the base. An additional 2 cm will be left for allowances. Next, use a pen to indicate the location of the face.

Now assemble a red fur coat from scraps, it is made using the “crazy” technique. You need to pin one triangle to the bottom of the base with an obtuse upward angle. After this, select a strip of another fabric, but also in a red shade, and sew it to one of the sides of the triangle. Place the flaps facing each other, sew, bend and smooth them. The third strip should cover the second side of the triangle and the cut of the strip sewn to it. You also need to place the strip right side down, stitch, turn and press it. In this way, cover the entire surface, giving it the appearance of a red fur coat. This will be the back.

As for the front of the product, there will be a flap of linen that will serve as the face. It can be immediately included in the overall product during assembly, or it can be sewn on at the end, when Santa Claus is completely ready.

Start assembling the arms. You should learn a kind of “sandwich” of lining, padding polyester and patchwork top, which are assembled on the main fabric. First, pin all the parts together, and then quilt them.

Next, you need to trim all the parts, leaving seam allowances of about 1 cm. After this, fold the two parts of the body face to face, sew them, zigzag the edges and turn them right side out. If this is a toy, then you need to make an additional part that will serve as the bottom. The body should be stuffed with padding polyester and the bottom should be sewn to it using a hidden seam. If you are planning to make a case, then you do not need to perform these steps.

Do the same with the parts of the arms, leaving the holes unstitched, through them you need to turn the parts out and fill them with padding polyester. After this, you can sew them up with a hidden seam.

Next, you need to sew an applique in the form of a nose and cheeks to your face. When performing this procedure, place a little synthetic padding under the bottom to give the part more volume. A beard, mustache, and eyebrows can be made in two ways: felt parts from wool using the dry felting method, or you can make them from leftover fur. All you have to do is cut out a fur collar (the fur should be different from the one from which the beard is made), a fur strip for the hat and the bottom of the fur coat. Fasten the hands, embroider the eyes.

DIY Sweet Santa Claus

We must always remember that we create our own mood. Therefore, to make the atmosphere more festive, make sweet Santa Clauses that can decorate any table and holiday dishes.

This recipe is quite easy to prepare and does not require any dyes. All you need are strawberries, whipped cream, and chocolate or baking chocolate sprinkles.

First, cut off the part of the berry where the leaves were located; this must be done so that the figurine can stand in an upright position. Then cut off the top, which will be used as a cap in the future.

Next, using a spoon or piping bag, place a little whipped cream on the main part of the strawberry, cover with a cap (the cut off tip of the strawberry). You should also put a small drop of cream on top of it - it will serve as a pompom.

Make eyes from chocolate powder, and also make two buttons, using a toothpick for convenience.

You can complicate your task by adding an additional ingredient in the form of pineapple.

To perform this Santa Claus, repeat the same steps with strawberries, but in this version you need to insert a piece of pineapple between them and secure everything with skewers or toothpicks. Decorate your pineapple-shaped head with lush hair made from cream.

To place the chocolate eyes, cut small holes in the pineapple and insert the eyes using tweezers.

New Year's candlestick with Santa Claus

You can easily make a fabulous winter candlestick with your own hands. At the same time, in addition to Santa Claus, you can place any image with a New Year theme on it.

Take a half-liter jar and stick on it all kinds of applications of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, bunnies, Christmas trees, etc., use PVA glue for this work. In this case, be sure to glue an applique of the fire around which all the characters are warming themselves.

Leave the jar to dry, then spray it with silver spray paint. Let it dry. Next, you need to peel off all the applications; the best way to do this is to wet the jar with water. After this, give it time to dry again, then paint all the figures using acrylic paints.

Let the jar dry, coat the product with varnish, dry it again and make additional decor for the candlestick. You can make snowdrifts from plaster and place them on top, and also make a stand for a candle from plaster. Allow your candle holder to dry completely.

Now all you have to do is place a candle-tablet inside and the New Year's fairy tale will come to life. The flame will blaze, and Santa Claus will sparkle with new colors.

Sweet New Year's gift. Santa Claus with candy

This master class describes how to make an unusual craft in the form of Santa Claus with candy. It can be made for souvenirs for kindergarten, or used in cases where you welcome guests with children at home. Such skewers can become a bright and original decoration for a holiday table. Therefore, read the instructions and get down to business. Don't forget to invite your children, they will also be very interested in participating in the process.

For work, prepare cardboard, wrapping paper (can be replaced with ordinary paper), a cotton pad, decorative elements in the form of ribbons, felt, etc., wooden skewers, glue and candy. First of all, you need to cut out a triangle from thick cardboard. Also cut out the piece shown in the photo from wrapping paper. You will need it to wrap the cardboard triangle.

Now start making the face. To do this, cut out a circle, carefully bend it and make the nose in the shape of a semicircle by cutting it out with scissors. Shade the edges of the face and draw on the cheeks using a cotton swab and blush.

Glue the wrapping paper to one side of the triangle. In this work, double-sided tape was used for these purposes. Glue a face on top.

Cut out mittens from felt, glue them and decorate the place where the candy will be located.

Glue a wooden skewer to the back of the triangle and cover it with paper on top. In this procedure, moment crystal glue was used.

Additionally, you can tie a bow from a satin ribbon on a stick at the base of the triangle. Fix it with glue, making a small drop - this way the bow will not move out.

And at the end of the work, give Santa Claus a piece of candy, attaching it with double-sided tape. Now your souvenir is ready.

Santa Claus from a plastic bottle

Such a Santa Claus can be made in just a few hours, without spending significant money. You will need one plastic bottle, a piece of padding polyester (70 X 50 cm will be enough), the same piece of red fabric, a small piece of white fabric, as well as all kinds of materials and tools that are always needed when sewing by hand.

To begin, take a bottle, place it on padding polyester and wrap it in a plastic container. In order not to spend extra money, you can look for padding polyester at home; in any case, you will find an old, unnecessary children's coat. If you still don’t have it, don’t despair, you don’t have to buy it. Wrap the bottle in several layers of fabric - this will not spoil the product. The bottle will serve as the body of the toy, and the padding polyester needs to be cut off a little above the neck - the head will be made from it.

Wrap the bottle and sew the edges together. You don’t have to pay too much attention to the quality of the seams; no one will see them anyway. The top of the padding polyester will become the head of Santa Claus, so sew up the top, and carefully tie the neck area with a rope.

To prevent the head of the toy from being made of synthetic padding, cover it with white cloth. Don't worry if you get creases, the main thing is that they don't fall on your face. Distribute them at the back. In the future they will disguise themselves.

Now start making clothes. Cut out two triangles from red fabric, sew them, sew a pom-pom from white padding at the top, and use it to make the edge of the hat.

Next you need to make a fur coat. Select a red or blue fabric and wrap it around the workpiece. Sew the edges together, it is best to sew the seam in the center, because. then it will still not be visible - we will cover it with padding polyester. Make fur for a fur coat by cutting padding polyester into strips. Sew a collar, the bottom of a fur coat from it, and also sew a stripe on the front.

Make hands from fabric strips and fill them with any material to add volume. Don't forget to wear gloves; the sleeves should also have white trim. Sew the arms under the collar, this way you will avoid unnecessary visible seams.

Now, using the same padding polyester, make a beard and mustache out of it. Eyes can be made from buttons, beads, or you can simply draw them. Give your cheeks a rosy glow; blush is best for this. Additionally draw the mouth and nose. Santa Claus from a plastic bottle is ready.

Toys and crafts in the form of Santa Claus are an excellent decoration for any interior. As you can see, it can be made from anything. So prepare all the necessary materials, call your child to help and start making real New Year's masterpieces. You'll see, your handmade Santa Claus will look unique, bright and beautiful, and besides, the flight of your imagination is not at all limited. Good luck in your creativity and happy New Year holidays!

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