Home Vegetables How to make a ball from threads and pva. How to make a ball of thread and glue with your own hands. DIY thread balls

How to make a ball from threads and pva. How to make a ball of thread and glue with your own hands. DIY thread balls

I am a decorative designer and sometimes I get interesting orders. This time, when decorating the wedding, the bride wanted to decorate the ceiling of the hall with thread balls.

For people like me, fans of the Pinterest service, there is a special article about Pinterest fails - like it can be beautiful on the Internet in pictures and then the user is faced with reality:

In our case this was true.
The first photo is Pinterest, the second is reality :)

And a little more reality:

That is, before the first perfect ball, we had 4 attempts to choose the glue, application method, and type of winding.

So I propose a proven system:

1) It is most convenient to take round balls with an elastic band at the end. They are sold in any children's stores or in the holiday sections of supermarkets. All balls are reusable. It's a matter of saving. If you are making only one balloon, you can simply use a bare balloon and then deflate or pop it.

In our case, we needed to make 30 balls, so I bought 7 bases and had a cycle of 7 pieces.

2) Each ball is wrapped in cling film to prevent the rubber from drying out from glue, etc.
We tie the end that is inflated with a thread and also wrap it tightly with film, so as not to eat the glue later, we leave open only the back pipe, which we will hold.

Lubricate the film over the ball with sunflower oil or Johnson's baby oil. Why do this?

In fact, even if you don’t smear, the ball will still come away from the film, but when you wind the threads, they leave strips of glue on the cellophane. If you leave it as is, the glue dries like a film between the threads and needs to be cut out (see photo of the blue ball at the beginning of the post). If there is oil, then it seems to roll off and remain on the film as just balls.

3) Glue!!!
Glue should be used PVA grade M (furniture). That is, ordinary office glue is not suitable (PVA-K), it does not hold at all. Glue should be purchased at the rate of 1 liter for 7-10 balls with a diameter of 30 cm. It took me about 3 liters for 32 balls.
PVA glue should not be taken as an emulsion, although it is more expensive, it dries like epoxy, surrounding each thread with a transparent cocoon, but simply construction PVA for wood, etc.

The successful glue in the photo with a pink label, it was bought at Leroy-Merlin for 23 UAH - 1 liter.

We prepare the glue in portions, adding water and starch to make the ball harder. I cooked in a container about 300 ml - a couple of tablespoons of starch and 20-30 ml of water so that the starch was kneaded. Make the solution by eye - the glue should not end up much more liquid than before dilution.

As it turned out, the question is not fundamental. I took large acrylic yarn, 300 meters per 100 grams, the blue one is natural cotton-bamboo. Both natural and artificial threads adhered well, provided they were well impregnated.

4) Master classes usually involve two people - one person soaks the threads in a bowl (puts glue into the threads), and the second one winds them.
We didn't do it that way, but made a system out of a bottle. We made two holes in a half-liter bottle - at the bottom and in the cork. The thread was threaded into a dry bottle with a needle from bottom to top. The hole was made according to the size of the thread so that it fits tightly, then the glue does not spill out back. You can make the hole in the cork a little wider so that all the glue does not wring out and the thread comes out wet.
So, when each thread passed through the entire length of the bottle from bottom to top and, being savored, was pressed out a little at the exit, no assistant was needed. If the thread ran out, then I made a knot in advance before entering the bottle and connected them.

5) The work is dirty, I did everything on the balcony. She laid oilcloth on the floor and put on a raincoat, but backwards. She shook the bottle with her feet and shook it.

First you make a circle around the ball and tie it in a knot, then wind it randomly.

It’s convenient to wind if you pull a long piece (one and a half to two meters) of glue out of the bottle and twist it around the ball, distributing the threads. Then pull out the next one. Small pieces are less neat.

6) The balls were dried on the balcony. It was hot, so they dried in about half a day. I shook early in the morning and in the evening - at night.

7) When they were completely dry, I found an inflator, untied it and deflated. The film and ball were taken out from a large sector nearby.

8) Gradually a hill like this grew up.

We used balloons to decorate the ceiling at a wedding, photo report here.


What can threads be useful for? The answer would seem to be very simple - for sewing, embroidery, darning or knitting. And who would have imagined that threads could make original interior decorations and toys? However, if you approach the matter with imagination, then the home master can do anything!

Before you start creating, you need to consider that there are two important principles of working with threads when making toys from them.

The first rule is that to create volume from threads you will have to use some kind of base, for example, a balloon, cork or a wire frame. One or another thread or string is wound onto the base of the desired shape, and so the future object takes on the required shape. After drying, the toy can be decorated as you wish.

The second rule is a little simpler. When creating string toys, you can’t do without fluffy pom-poms. They are also used as a basis for a toy, when pompoms are glued together, creating the required shape and volume, and can also be used for decoration, for example, to imitate hair or fur on a toy.

Further, from the intelligible master classes, you can glean simple but very effective ideas for creating toys from threads using different frames. One has only to try, and the new hobby will certainly captivate both parents and children.

DIY thread balls

For the first time, descriptions of such Christmas tree decorations appeared in the difficult 90s, when it was not always possible to find spectacular decorations in the store. Then the balls were forgotten, but today such handmade toys are back in fashion. At the same time, the use of balls has expanded, which today are used not only as New Year's decorations. There are very interesting ideas for more complex toys and even interior items made from air structures obtained by winding threads around a balloon.

Materials and tools

  • Threads
  • PVA glue;
  • Non-greasy cream, for example, massage or hand cream;
  • Scissors;
  • Balloons of different shapes;
  • Darning needle;
  • A little cotton wool or cosmetic cotton pads;
  • Brush.

Manufacturing procedure

To make a Christmas tree decoration, the balloon is inflated until the diameter is approximately 10 cm and tied tightly so that no air escapes.

Using a cotton swab, carefully apply the cream to the entire surface of the ball, making sure that it covers the mold with an even layer. This technique will allow you to quickly remove the form from the ball of thread without any problems with peeling off. This is especially important if a thread with pronounced hairiness is chosen for the toy, from which it is not always easy to separate the balloon.

The thread from which the toy is to be created is pre-impregnated with glue. It is better to do this when the threads are wound into a loose ball, which can be completely immersed for some time in a container with an adhesive composition. You don’t have to soak all the threads at once, but do it gradually when making the jewelry. To do this, two through holes are made in a container with glue, through which a darning needle with a thread threaded through it is passed. Passing through the glue inside the vessel, the thread will be saturated, which means it will be prepared for winding.

Now you can remove the needle from the thread and proceed to the main stage. You can start wrapping the ball from any place, but it is more convenient to fasten the tip of the thread to the tail of the ball so that it does not slip off and you do not have to start all over again. The thread should be wound in chaotic circles, making sure that one turn intercepts the previous layers.

At this point, you may need the help of a second person to hold the glue and help pull the thread through evenly. A child can easily handle this activity, the main thing is that parents take care of an apron for the baby, which can get dirty when working with glue.

The density with which the thread is wound is determined by the master himself and the purpose of the future ball. However, if you want to make the ball as openwork as possible, you should not lay the thread too rarely, because this will affect the strength of the structure. Frequent winding ensures a dense thread cocoon.

When the required volume of thread has been collected, you need to generously lubricate the end of the thread with glue and hide it under the wound layer. After this, check whether the adhesive layer is sufficient everywhere, and use a brush to coat it with additional glue.

When the work is completed, the balloon can be hung to dry, and so that the process goes evenly and the balloon does not release air, it is better to dry the toy away from heating devices. On average, it takes about a day to dry, and when the workpiece has completely hardened, you can take the balloon out of it. To do this, they either pierce it, in order to then get it through the holes in the threads, or, having untied it, carefully release the air.

Decorating a ball of thread

An original Christmas tree toy can come out of such a blank. To do this, the ball will need to be either covered with a layer of glitter, placed on a small layer of glue, or decorated with themed appliqués, sequins or beads. You can apply designs to the balls using a stencil or cover the future toy with aerosol red or decorative, for example, gold, varnish.

There are countless decor options, and using different techniques you can make decorations in the same style for the entire Christmas tree, while one toy will be different from the other, creating a unique New Year's interior decor.

If you carefully cut the ball with a stationery knife, you can turn the blanks into surprisingly openwork airy flowers, as if coming out of a fairy tale. To do this, without deforming the thread ball, it is cut, as shown in the illustration, and one petal after another is carefully bent one by one. Such buds can become spectacular lilies of the valley, lilies or tulips - it all depends on the imagination and desire of the craftswoman!

If you get a little more creative and, for example, attach fins and an elegant tail made of gold paper to a spherical blank with transparent instant glue, then a magical Goldfish will visit your house.

I have already tried the tips from this article, I would have continued but I ran out of threads with glue))))) I am sharing with you)))))) today I will make Christmas trees from threads, there is a photo below, I want one))) maybe you will be inspired ))

Types of creativity: Nitography Difficulty: low Working time: 2 hours

Greetings, masters and craftswomen!

Materials and toolsthat we need:

Balloon (for smaller volumes, use finger pads, which are sold in pharmacies; for larger volumes, inflatable balls);

Threads (any thread is suitable: regular for sewing, floss, iris, wool for knitting);

Glue (PVA, silicate, stationery);

Needle, scissors;

Vaseline (you can use thick cream or oil);

For decoration: beads, feathers, beads, sparkles, semolina or powdered sugar, etc.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a ball from threads:

1. Inflate the balloon to the desired size. Wrap a thread around the tail of the ball with a reserve of ~10 cm - for the future loop on which the ball will subsequently be hung to dry.

2. Lubricate the surface of the ball with Vaseline to make it easier to detach from the glued threads later.

3. Soak the threads with glue. When using threads of different colors, very beautiful weaves are obtained.

There are several ways:

  1. Pour the glue into some container that is convenient for you to work with, and soak the threads in it for 5-10 minutes. Dilute PVA glue with water (1:1) before soaking, as it is too thick. Make sure that the threads do not get tangled when soaking.
  2. Take a tube of glue and use a hot needle to make two holes in it opposite each other. Thread a thread through the holes using a needle (when pulled through the tube, the thread will be smeared with glue). Instead of a bottle of glue, you can take a Kinder Surprise egg, or another small plastic bottle, for example, a medicine bottle or the same silicate glue, and pour the glue into it.
  3. Wind the dry thread around the ball (skip step 4 and go straight to step 5), and then thoroughly saturate it with glue using a brush or sponge.

4. Secure the end of the thread soaked in glue to the ball (to secure the thread to the inflatable ball, you can use adhesive tape, tape, or protective tape). Then randomly wrap the thread around the entire surface of the ball, like a ball - each turn in the opposite direction. If the threads are thick, make fewer turns; if the threads are thin, wind them more tightly. Hold the threads in your hands with a slight tension, and also make sure that the thread is well wetted with glue. If the canister runs out of glue, refill it.

5. After winding, leave again a long tail for the loop, winding it again on the tail of the ball, cut the thread and hang the ball wrapped in threads to dry. Dry the ball thoroughly for 1-2 days - the finished cocoon should be hard. Do not try to speed up the process by hanging the balloon next to a heating device - the rubber from which balloons are made does not like this, and the hot air can cause the balloon to burst. An indispensable thing for drying is a clothes dryer with clothespins. You can dry several balls on the dryer at once, and they will not stick together.

6. When the glue has completely dried and hardened, the balloon must be removed from the web craft.

There are two ways:

1. Peel the ball off the web using a pencil with an eraser at the end. Carefully pierce the ball with a needle in several places and remove it or what is left of it.

2. Untie the knot that tied the balloon and it will gradually deflate. This method is mainly practiced when, instead of a balloon, you used an inflatable ball as the basis for winding.

7. Glue the finished cobweb balls together with a hot gun, pressing the gluing area slightly inward. The balls can also be sewn together, but this is not easy, because the balls become very strong and hard when dry.

8. Decorate the resulting design with beads, beads, feathers, braid, ribbons, artificial flowers, or any other materials at hand. Cover with paint. To do this, take a can of paint and go out onto the balcony or into the yard. With a slight movement of your hand, direct the colorful streams towards the balls awaiting a miraculous transformation. Create a snow effect: moisten the balls with glue and dip them in semolina or powdered sugar. Spray the ball with glitter hairspray. Don't expect much shine, but light sparkles are guaranteed.


small BIG tricks:

To prevent the table from getting dirty during the wrapping process, it is better to lay something plastic on it, not paper - everything will stick to the paper. Plastic coasters for hot dishes are suitable. If not, you can use a document corner made of thick plastic. The bottom seam is cut off, the folder is unbent and straightened, and it turns into a universal tool for saving the table from glue, paint and other creative deposits. In extreme cases, polyethylene is suitable for protecting the workplace.

Instead of glue, you can use sugar syrup or paste. Recipe for making paste: 4 teaspoons of starch per glass of cold water, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil.

Instead of thread, you can take thin copper wire and wind it around the ball in the same way.

To prevent glue from leaking through the hole in the floss tube, place a thin needle on the end of the floss and poke a piece of tape through it. Pull the thread in the opposite direction and firmly glue this tape to the jar. Thus, through a small hole in the electrical tape, the glue will not wet the thread so abundantly and will stop randomly dripping from the thread onto the table and clothes.

Be careful when winding the kokan. When dried, a poorly tied cocoon cracks and loses its shape as the ball descends.

Spider web balls can be not only spherical in shape. As a basis for winding, you can take a cone-shaped object (roll thick paper or cardboard into a cone), a heart, etc.

If you decide to change the color of a thread ball, then it is best to paint the ball before deflating and removing its base - so that the web does not become wrinkled when painting. In addition to aerosols, it is convenient to apply paint with a small sponge, inconvenient - with a brush and takes much longer.

To make the surface of the ball textured, you can coat the balls with glue and roll them in cereals, for example, millet or coffee beans.

And a few more words about threads...

If an air structure is being prepared, then the threads should be thin and light. For flower pots, it is better to take thick threads or even ropes and do not skimp on glue. The thread color can be any. True, it depends on the glue used. When the glue is transparent and leaves no traces, you can experiment by wrapping the ball with threads of different shades. It will turn out even more interesting.

The use of cobweb balls is limitless: simply as a decorative element, as a lampshade, and as New Year’s toys. From several of these balls of thread you can make snowmen, birds, and fish.

Fantasy is limitless, let's use it!
Good luck to you and your children in CREATIVITY!

PS: Through the cracks between the threads it is very interesting to look inside the ball... it seems that there is another world inside. No, honestly, it’s impossible to tear yourself away

Photo selection of ideas:

Making home decorations with your own hands is a special pleasure. You can feel like a real designer creating exclusive things. Ready-made thread balls can be decorated in a wide variety of ways: flowers, buboes, rhinestones, satin ribbons. Balls can be used to make complex compositions, interior decorations, original lamps, Christmas wreaths, and Christmas tree decorations. It’s especially good when the finished work not only looks good, but also doesn’t require huge expenses.

Lightweight, thread balloons are made very simply and quickly, literally in a matter of minutes, excluding, of course, the drying process (it will take at least half a day). And thanks to the fun, making balls from threads will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

All the necessary materials for making balls of thread can be found in stores.
To work, you will first need a regular balloon. Regular sewing threads will do, although you don’t have to use them specifically: you can take floss, cotton threads like “Iris” or “Snowflakes”, and even yarn - they all stick equally well. The main thing is to make sure that the threads are well twisted, otherwise the appearance will deteriorate. Regarding color, there may be two options. Either choose threads of the desired color or, if it is difficult to find, make a ball of white ones and then paint them. In the second case, you will need a can of spray paint.

What you should pay special attention to is the glue. In general, you can use anything: PVA, stationery and even paste. Experience shows that stationery glue does not always hold threads well. PVA is most often used in its “pure” form - after drying it becomes transparent. Another option is possible: PVA glue (10 g) is diluted with water (50 g) with the addition of sugar (5 spoons). If you want the ball to be harder, the glue is diluted with water and mixed with starch.

These are the basic materials you need to make balls of thread with your own hands. Additional options include a thick cream (oil, Vaseline) so that the threads better lag behind the base. Finally, it is worth remembering that you will have to work with a large amount of glue, which is very difficult to wash off from surfaces and the skin of your hands. Therefore, it is better to cover the table and do all work with gloves. The finished ball can be decorated; this will require various decorative materials: beads, buboes (more often called pom-poms), beads, glitter for manicure, ribbons, etc.

Balls of thread: basic technique

A considerable number of master classes on the Internet tell you how to make balls of thread with your own hands. You can study them before starting work in order to better understand the manufacturing technology and gain original design ideas. The manufacturing method may differ in some details, but the production technology is the same in any case.

First of all, you need to inflate the balloon to the desired size. A child can easily cope with this task - he can be entrusted with this. The main thing is that the shape of the ball needs to be adjusted so that it is more round, although for some crafts the usual elongated shape is quite suitable. We securely fasten the end of the ball. To avoid damaging the surface of the ball with glue, lubricate it with oil, Vaseline or greasy cream. If the base needs to be used several times (for example, if you want to make many balls of thread), you can first wrap it in film and apply cream on top.

Then we prepare the glue. Undiluted glue is very easy to apply. We take a long needle, insert a thread into the eye of the needle and pierce the jar of glue. If you choose a solution of glue and sugar syrup for work, mix all the components in a bowl, then lower the threads there for about 5 minutes. In this case, the thread will have to be “squeezed out” a little to remove excess glue. Here we remember the need for gloves, make sure that we have them and, moreover, are already wearing them. Otherwise, washing off the glue will take a long time and be tedious.

We fix the thread on the ball, then wrap it around the entire surface, gradually reducing the distance between them - and so on until the ball resembles a cocoon. Cut the thread and glue the tip to the ball.

After this, place the finished ball so that the glue drips a little. Then it will need to be dried. To do this, it is best to hang the ball by the tip - this way it will dry evenly and not become wrinkled. No matter how much you would like to move on to decorating the ball, you will have to be patient: drying is a slow process. It will take at least a day for the glue to dry thoroughly. At best, half a day if the work takes place in summer in warm weather.

When the “cocoon” dries, you can pull out the ball. This can be done in different ways. Usually the ball lags well behind the thread shape, but it is better to make sure that it does not stick - press it a little on all sides with a pencil. After this, you can carefully pierce the ball and pull it out through the large holes. Or you can untie the thread at the end of the ball and deflate the air.

Video: making decorative balls from threads

The thread base is ready. Now the ball can be decorated.

Decorating balls with threads

Balloons made from threads themselves look original and beautiful. But to use them, they often need to be modified and decorated. To do this, you can use additional materials: pompons (buboes), rhinestones, tassels, beads, etc. Photographs and video master classes will help you find beautiful design ideas.

Buboes can be made with your own hands using different technologies. The simplest one is to cut two rings out of cardboard, put them together and wrap them with thread. Then insert scissors between the rings and carefully cut the thread along the outer edge. After this, we tightly tighten the thread between the disks; The cardboard form can be removed. Bubo can also be woven or crocheted.

Thread pompoms can be used to decorate lampshades. First, we will make the lampshade itself using the standard technique, only changing the size of the ball. Once the base is dry, cut it in half, decorate the edges and sew on the pom-poms. They will give the product an unusual and original look.

You can also decorate finished products with tassels. How to make a tassel from threads is described in video master classes. Making tassels is also easy. As with making a bubo, you will need a cardboard base, but not a round one. The thread is wound around the base so many times to create a lush tassel. Then it is secured on top with a thread of the same color. We wind the thread in several layers around the top knot, although you can replace it with a satin ribbon. A more complex tassel is also suitable for decoration: to make it, you need to make pendants with three buboes of different sizes, then connect one large bubo with a picot.

You can also decorate a thread ball using paint, for example, instead of white, make the ball gold or silver. To do this you will need spray paint.

Video: how to make a tassel and pom-poms from threads

Balls of thread - a weightless miracle with your own hands (video)

Balls of thread - a weightless miracle with your own hands (video)

From available materials you can make amazing things, incredibly beautiful and very original. Each of you is capable, for example, of making unique balls of thread with your own hands of various sizes and colors that will decorate any room. Today, such simple and fashionable crafts are created with pleasure by children and adults from many countries around the world.
DIY thread balls transform an ordinary room into a cheerful and festive one, and all that is required to create them is a little patience, a creative spirit, a drop of imagination and a few commonly available tools.

Materials for production

For pom-poms (the same balls of thread), only made in a different way, you will need:

  • any thread;
  • match rinds;
  • scissors.

Before making a ball of thread, it is worth remembering a few auxiliary rules.
First, let's look at the simplest craft - a bubo or pom-poms made from threads for a hat or for making other crafts (carpets and rugs, animals, pillows, blankets, wall panels, bedspreads for chairs and benches, etc.).

How to make a bubo from threads

We warn you! After one self-made pompom, you won't be able to stop! Just like making a tassel from threads in one copy. And making a bubo from threads is very simple:

  • We tie a thread onto a matchbox and wind it (or around our fingers);
  • We remove the wound threads from the box or fingers, tie the future bubo tightly in the center with a thread;
  • We cut the resulting loops at both ends and fluff them (if necessary, trim the bubo to a uniform roundness).
  • Such a simple craft as a bubo makes children and cats very happy, especially if you attach a string to it. Pom poms will delight all family members.

    Video: how to make a fluffy pompom with your own hands

    For balls of thread, the material can be taken in any color, but classic white or silver will suit any interior.
    Before winding the thread, do not forget to lubricate the balloon with a good layer of any cream or oil so that it does not stick to the thread.
    It is better to buy more glue - it will take a lot of it. One standard bottle goes into two small balls.
    Balloons should be purchased with a reserve; during the process of making crafts, they sometimes burst.
    It is better to cover the table or floor with oilcloth or newspapers first, so as not to smear glue all around and not to wipe it off later.

    The process of making balls from threads

    There is no secret or difficulty required in making such balls - everything is very, very simple:

  • The balloon is inflated, then the surface is coated with a layer of oil or Vaseline.
  • We take a bottle of glue, pierce it from the bottom with a needle with a thread inserted so that the needle comes out from the top, unscrew the lid. The thread is thus saturated with glue. It is better to place a container under the glue bottle so that the glue falls there and not on the table. Second method: pour glue into a container and drown the thread in it for impregnation
  • When the thread is saturated, we tie it to the inflated ball and wrap it around it in the pattern that we want or that will work out. In this case, the thread does not need to be pulled tightly; the tension should be the same as when winding it around a ball.
  • When we have finished wrapping, we tie the end of the thread, trying to make it invisible, and hang the ball to dry for a day. Carefully! Do not dry glue balls near radiators or other heating devices, it will burst. It is not difficult to make sure that the threads are completely dry - they become hard.
  • After the thread has dried from the glue, we pierce the ball and carefully remove it.
  • The finished craft can be decorated at your discretion with anything: beads, bows, beads, etc.
  • In the video attached to the article, you can see how easy it is to make balls from threads and glue with your own hands and step by step make this simple and beautiful interior decoration.
    From small balls you can make interesting toys: caterpillars, a snake or a snowman, from large ones - chandeliers, from oblong ones - a heart, letters and everything that your imagination wants. Let's look at several crafts that can be made from thread balls.

    Chandelier made of threads, balls and glue

    A thread chandelier is not only very easy to make, but also economical and at the same time stylish. Such a chandelier will look gorgeous in any modern interior and, moreover, is safe (not heavy, made of natural, non-toxic materials, has no sharp elements).
    For the chandelier you will need the same materials as for the balls of thread, we will only add a bowl and a foam disk, which we will glue to the ceiling. If there is no socket with a light bulb left from the previous lamp, we buy them too.

    Large balloons and even inflatable balls are used for the chandelier. But it depends on what size the chandelier is needed. Inflate the balloon or ball, mark a place for a hole to fix the light bulb (you can attach a bowl and circle it).
    Next, the same processes occur as when making a ball from threads and glue, and at the end the frozen ball can be coated with matte acrylic varnish.
    It is convenient to wind first horizontally, then vertically, and then in any order. The main thing is to eliminate gaps and holes.
    The future chandelier also dries for about a day, then the balloon is deflated, taken out and they begin to secure the chandelier - that is, they thoroughly spray it with a special glue spray. It would also be a good idea to glue paper butterflies or other figures onto the thread lamp.
    There is no need to wait another day, the structure will dry while preparations for installation are underway.
    The old chandelier is removed, a foam plastic disc is attached to the ceiling, and a structure is assembled from a new chandelier, bowl, lampshade and paw. After which the chandelier is placed in its rightful place and everyone admires the unusual and spectacular spectacle. There are also quite a few video master classes about this craft.

    Video: master class on making a chandelier from threads

    Heart made of threads and balls

    Such a thread heart, made with your own hands, will decorate any occasion: a wedding anniversary, the birth of a baby and the return of mother and baby home, Valentine's Day, birthday, etc. The craft does not require special skills or spending a large amount of money. All you need is patience and a few easily accessible tools:

    • threads, preferably those for knitting;
    • Balloons;
    • PVA glue or any other reliable glue;
    • scissors.

    The manufacturing technology is the same as described above: the balls are inflated, coated with Vaseline or oil, threads soaked in glue are wound on them, and the balls are allowed to dry for a day. When the threads have hardened, the balloons are pierced and removed. We decorate the resulting thread hearts with beads, sequins or other decorations at your discretion.

    That's it, the heart is ready!
    It’s probably not worth reminding that it’s better to make a heart from scarlet or pink threads. However, it can also be done using white threads, the main thing is that the craft is made carefully and firmly attached to the wall. And the effect of such decor will exceed all your expectations, rest assured!
    Create and decorate balls of thread, make interesting shapes out of them - in a word, do not limit your imagination, film the entire manufacturing process, and share your tips with others.
    And let your home always be cozy, beautiful and joyful!

    Video: learning to make balls from thread and glue

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