Home Flowers New master classes in the Origami technique, on the theme “March 8. New master classes in the Origami technique, on the topic “March 8 Volumetric origami for March 8

New master classes in the Origami technique, on the theme “March 8. New master classes in the Origami technique, on the topic “March 8 Volumetric origami for March 8

On February 23rd we prepared origami cards for men, and on March 8th we simply had to do something similar for our mother and sister. Let's borrow the idea of ​​Kitty Katkards, who suggested creating miniature women's dresses out of paper, and create origami postcard for March 8.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a sheet of thin colored paper measuring approximately 10 by 10 cm, and the finished dress will be about 7.5 cm. Fold the square in half horizontally, then vertically.

2. Fold the sides of the square towards the center along the dotted lines.

3. Turn the folded paper over and fold the sides again with dotted lines towards the center.

4. Turn the paper over again, opening the upper “flaps” in different directions.

5. Stepping back from the edge about 1.2-1.5 cm along the dotted line, fold the top edge of the paper.

6. Start shaping the neckline as shown in the photo.

7. Fold both sides towards the center along the dotted lines.

8. Bend the lower corners of the dress in different directions along the dotted lines.

9. Fold the paper in half so that the corners marked with asterisks match.

10. Along the dotted line, bend back the upper part with the neckline, retreating from the fold line 1.2-1.5 cm, the size of the deviation is as you wish.

11. Start shaping the upper part of the waist, folding the corners along the dotted lines.

12. Shape the lower waist of the dress by folding the corresponding corners along the dotted lines.

The origami dress is ready! Now all that remains is to use it for its intended purpose.

Glue the origami dress onto a blank printed on a color printer.
Make inscriptions and decorate with rhinestones and other decorative elements, write a congratulation. You can decorate a gift box with this dress, if, of course, the gift is intended for your mother, sister, friend, or any other woman.

What can you do using the origami technique on March 8th with your own hands? That's right, a flower. Namely: several types of flowers.

Simple scheme

  1. Take a square piece of paper and alternately make two diagonal fold lines (as in picture 1).
  2. Now turn the sheet over and make two more fold lines (Figure 2).
  3. Now you need to fold the sheet so that pockets are formed on both sides (see picture 3).
  4. Flip the page to the right and straighten it (pictures 4 and 4a).
  5. Now you need to bend the “wings” at the back (picture 5). You should get a figure like in illustration 5a.
  6. Turn the part over and turn the bottom triangle to the top (pictures 6, 6a and 7).
  7. Wrap the second triangle also, but at the bottom (picture 8).
  8. You should get a triangle like the one in image 8a.
  9. Fold the figure in half vertically (pictures 9 and 9a).
  10. Now bend the upper triangle a little at an angle (pictures 10 and 11).
  11. All that remains is to carefully straighten the resulting figure, as shown in illustrations 12, 12a and 13.
  12. As a result, you will get such a cute flower.

Origami tulip

Do-it-yourself origami composition “March 8th” in the form of a bouquet of paper tulips will turn out to be interesting:

  1. Take square sheets of paper in red, yellow or pink.
  2. Fold the piece of paper in half to form a triangle (image 2).
  3. Now you need to make one more fold (picture 3).
  4. Straighten the sheet and bend it in half again, only this time so that you get a rectangle (illustration 4).
  5. Using the resulting lines, you can fold the piece of paper and get a new shape (see picture 5).
  6. Fold the left and right sides of the upper triangle up (picture 6).
  7. The same must be done with the reverse side (picture 7).
  8. You should get a new diamond (image 8).
  9. Now fold the left side a little further than the middle line (see picture 9).
  10. The right part needs to be placed on the top left (image 10).
  11. Carefully tuck the bottom and straighten the resulting figure (see illustrations 11, 12 and 13).

You've got a bud. Now make a thin tube out of a green leaf and glue it to the finished bud. Collect several of these tulips, and you will get an interesting origami craft for March 8 with your own hands.

Very simple origami for a postcard

And the origami paper flower proposed below for March 8th can be used to create three-dimensional cards:

  1. Place a square sheet of paper in front of you like a diamond and fold it in half (picture 1).
  2. Fold the right and left sides to the fold line (picture 2).
  3. Fold the top edges back slightly (image 3).
  4. Turn the figure over and fold it in half (pictures 4 and 5).
  5. Now you need to make a bud, as shown in diagrams 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
  6. Turn the piece right side out and add green leaves underneath.

Glue the finished craft to the cardboard - the postcard is ready. All you have to do is sign it and you can give it to a loved one.

Modular origami

  1. Fold the square sheet in half and get a triangle (Illustration 1).
  2. Now fold the right and left sides to form a diamond shape (Images 3 and 4).
  3. Now fold the triangles formed on top in half, first the right one and then the left one (Illustrations 5 and 6).
  4. Carefully unfold the “petals” formed during the last steps (picture 8).
  5. Wrap the protruding triangles on the right and left (illustrations 9 and 10).
  6. Now fold the right and left sides in half along the fold lines formed earlier (pictures 11 and 12).
  7. Now all that remains is to fold the part into a cone shape so that all the accordion-shaped elements are inside. Glue the centers together using PVA glue. This is one petal ready. To assemble the flower you need five parts. They are glued together in the middle (see picture above).

To complete the origami craft for March 8th, you need to make several of these blanks with your own hands. Then glue them together to make a ball.

Tip: for beauty, you can add green leaves between the flowers or paint the centers with glitter glue. You can also decorate with beads, which are attached with a glue gun.

Origami (Japanese 折り紙, lit.: “folded paper”) - the ancient art of folding paper figures. Art origami its roots go back to ancient China, where paper was discovered.

Initially origami used in religious ceremonies. For a long time, this type of art was available only to representatives of the upper classes, where mastery of paper folding techniques was a sign of good form. Only after the Second World War origami went beyond the East and came to America and Europe, where it immediately found its fans.

Classic origami made from a square sheet of paper.

There is a certain set of symbols necessary to sketch the folding diagram of even the most complex product. Most of the conventional signs were introduced into practice in the mid-20th century by the famous Japanese master Akira Yoshizawa.

Classic origami prescribes the use of one square, evenly colored sheet of paper without glue or scissors. Contemporary art forms sometimes depart from this canon. Varieties origami - And .

On this wonderful spring holiday, we congratulate the beautiful half of humanity on International Women's Day and give gifts. Show us what gifts you have prepared with your own hands for your grandmother, mother, sister, classmate, beloved. The event must be reflected in the work. If your gift is universal, choose the event Good mood or Undefined for it.

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by a master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be original (invented and made by you). If you used someone else's idea, you must indicate the author. (The link to the source should not lead to a site containing sales of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited according to clause 2.4 of the PS).

Your master class should not completely duplicate the one already available in the Land of Masters. Before publishing, check through the search that there are no similar MKs on the site.

The process should be photographed step by step (see Tips for photographing crafts) or filmed (see how to upload a video).

The order of registration: the first photo is the finished work that is proposed to be completed, the second photo is the materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the stages of MK from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments about the process.

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Anna Shibaeva

Dear colleagues, I invite you to master manufacturing class flower made of modules.

8 March we Of course, we congratulate the women on their professional achievements. But much more willingly - because they cook deliciously, create comfort in the house, and warm everyone with their care and love.

Officially, this holiday is called International Women's Day, and it is celebrated in many countries.

8 Martha- one of the favorite holidays in our country, this is the day not only of mothers, but also of grandmothers, teachers, educators, as well as girls who will soon grow up and also be mothers.

So we decided to please the teachers of our kindergarten and give a flower. The flower is made using the technique« Modular origami» .

Modular origami- this is a variety origami. Modular origami assembled from identical parts ( modules, which add up according to a certain rule. The parts are not glued together, but are inserted into one another.

Working out with children origami, you get a unique opportunity to develop children's attention, memory, perseverance, spatial thinking, and fine motor skills.

So, in order to do this flower, us required:

Office colored paper

Colored paper



Glue stick


Cocktail straws (skewers)

First, you need to learn how to fold modules:

Take a sheet of office paper and draw it out (5cm by 7.5cm).

We need 5 yellow and 50 red modules

Cut it out:

We make the module according to the diagram:

Let's start doing flower.

For the 1st and 2nd row we will need 10 yellow modules(5 modules per row) .

Corners modules put it in someone else's pockets module:

We begin the formation of petals. To do this, insert the yellow corners of the first row into the red pockets modules. Add 8 modules:

We close the petal with the ninth connecting corner:

Repeat this operation for 4 more petals:

To our flower could be placed in a vase using a cocktail straw (skewers) and stripes color we make it with green paper stem:

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

A wonderful holiday for all women is coming soon. My children and I prepared this flower for their mothers. And this is how we did it. We will need.

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Master class “Gift for mom on March 8th” Amelina Marina. Master class “Basket with flowers”. Senior group. Introduction. Approaching.

Master class "Gift for mom for the holiday of March 8". Early age group from one to three years. We will need: 1. Colored cardboard A/5. 2. Landscape.

Dear Colleagues! I would like to offer you a master class on making a gift for mom on March 8th. My 6 year old children did it. We will need:.

By March 8th we are making crafts together with children Greeting Cards, flower arrangements, bouquets. These origami: flowers and butterflies will just help you decorate a holiday card or create an interesting holiday composition.

Making snowdrops from paper

Take a green square measuring 10x10 cm and a square measuring 8x8 cm in white (pale pink, lilac, blue). Fold the white square in half like a book, lifting the bottom side over the top (1).

Fold the rectangle in half (2). Raise the bottom corners to the fold line (3).

Place the right corner on the left: the figure becomes three-dimensional (4 K). Glue the corners.

Turn over (5). Pull the first layer of the right corner: the fold lines are aligned (6 P).

The flower is ready (7). Fold the green square in half (8). Lower the upper sides of the square to the fold line (9 K).

Raise the bottom sides to the fold line (10 K). Fold in half, lowering the top corner onto the bottom (11).

Fold in half (12). Pull the corners away from each other (13 P).

Turn the part upside down (one corner is the stem, the other is the leaf) (14).

Glue the first piece, placing its corner inside the stem corner (15 K). Snowdrops: options with different angles of inclination of flowers (16).

Schemes for making snowdrops

Making a daffodil from paper

Take two or three bright yellow circles with a diameter of 5-6 cm and six yellow (white) squares measuring 5x5 cm and fold them into “candies”. Connect the “sweets” by gluing them in pairs: the vertices of the corners coincide (1).

Connect the three resulting parts: place one part horizontally, glue the others diagonally (the centers of all parts are aligned) (2).

Turn over the figurine (3). Glue a circle twisted onto a ballpoint pen into the center of the flower: place the “bottom” of the pen in the center of the circle, wrap the outer parts of the circle around the pen, then, without removing the pen, apply glue to the center of the circle from the outside, place the part coated with glue in the center of the flower and Press it firmly against the figure with your handle, holding it motionless until it sticks. Repeat the action with the second circle: the part is placed inside the part from the first circle (4 P).

The flower can be glued to a stem made from a 15x15 cm square (see making a snowdrop) or twisted from a strip (5 V).

Schemes for making daffodils(to open the original, click on the picture)

Paper butterfly. Manufacturing

Prepare three squares measuring 8x8 cm: two blue and one light blue, one brown square measuring 6x6 cm.

Fold the larger squares first. Fold one (blue) square, lowering the right side over the left (1).

Lower the top corners to the fold line (2). Bend the bottom corners of the resulting house. Turn over, turning the house with the roof down (3). Fold two more of the same (blue) parts (4). Cut one piece (blue) in half (5 B). Make a “candy” out of a brown square.

Fold the sides to the fold line (6). Fold the top corner and turn it over (7).

Connect the parts by first gluing the small wing on one side, then the large wing: the large wing slightly overlaps the small one (8 P). Glue the wings on the other side. Decorate with applique butterfly wings (9 K). By bending the figurine in half, you will teach the butterfly to “fly”.

Scheme for making a butterfly(to open the original, click on the picture)

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