Home Berries Ranhigs in English name. Russian academy of national economy and public service (ranhigs, presidential academy): admission conditions, reviews. Basic principles of the Academy

Ranhigs in English name. Russian academy of national economy and public service (ranhigs, presidential academy): admission conditions, reviews. Basic principles of the Academy

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Latest reviews from RANEPA

Anonymous review 03:56 09/25/2017

If you want to lose in an empty year of your life - YOU HERE. It was the biggest mistake of my life - to enter this insignificant institution. Not only did she pay money, but also a lost year.

I myself am a graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. I entered the RANEPA for a magistracy. I came to the IOM faculty, the dean's office smiled sweetly, recommended the faculty, in general, everything was more or less satisfied.

However, after:

1) Unqualified teachers.

2) English level d ...

Anonymous review 15:21 07/18/2017

The worst thing that can happen to you in life is the law school ranhigs (ipinb, which).

being a graduate, I can say with confidence that you will not find a more swinish attitude in the dean's office anywhere else.

the teaching staff was selected, it seems, solely on the basis of mental illness. You will receive 10% of knowledge at lectures (in most cases - useless) and seminars, the rest - by yourself. information required for students is sent at the last moment, meetings from the dean ...

RANEPA Gallery

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation"

RANEPA branches

RANEPA Colleges

  • College Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Kazan
  • College Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • College Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Omsk


No. 02656 valid Indefinitely from 09.10.2017


There is no data

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for RANEPA

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 6 6 6 4
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of study68.84 68.23 71.46 66.45 71.94
Average USE score enrolled in the budget91.4 89.43 88.30 88.04 90.05
Average USE score of those enrolled on a commercial basis65.26 65.14 68.38 62.35 69.07
Average for all specialties the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department42.35 41.62 52.52 49.21 51.79
Number of students18364 18211 17412 15400 14864
Full-time department14005 13799 12243 11393 8887
Part-time department2086 2206 2097 1687 2088
Extramural2273 2206 3072 2320 3889
All data Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

The best law schools in Russia according to the international information group "Interfax" and radio station "Echo of Moscow"

The best financial universities in Russia according to the "FINANCE" magazine. The rating was compiled on the basis of data on the education of financial directors of large enterprises.

TOP-5 universities in Moscow with the highest and lowest passing marks of the Unified State Exam in the field of study "Jurisprudence" in 2013. The cost of paid education.

The results of the 2013 admission campaign to specialized economic universities in Moscow. Budget places, USE passing score, tuition fees. Profiles of training economists.


RANEPA structure

The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration is the largest university in Russia that graduates young specialists for all management areas. RANEPA is one of the youngest and most promising educational institutions, the decree on its creation was signed in 2010. The academy included:

  • 12 regional institutes of federal significance;
  • Academy of National Economy;
  • Russian Academy of Public Administration.

RANEPA branches were opened in cities such as Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don and others; in total, 68 branches function in the country under the auspices of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration on the territory of 58 constituent entities of the Federation. The total number of students throughout the country is more than 200 thousand people, and 35 thousand of them study in full-time departments.

RANEPA is not only the largest higher educational institution in Russia specializing in the humanities, but also a significant competitor for leading European institutions in the field of economics and sociology. The popularity of the academy is emphasized by top places in national ratings and all kinds of statistics.

Teachers, students and the education system at RANEPA

Today, more than 4500 thousand students study 82 specialties in the Moscow branch of the RANEPA. A hostel is provided for students. The structure of training at the academy is very diverse. So, students are offered:

  • 26 training programs for specialists;
  • 22 bachelor's degree programs;
  • 14 master's degree programs;
  • 31 programs for students seeking secondary specialized education.

The creation and renewal of training courses takes place annually, today the university has developed and implemented about 700 additional training programs. For those wishing to continue the process of comprehending new truths, postgraduate and doctoral studies work. In the first case, students can choose from 65 scientific specialties, and in the second - from 25.

RANEPA has an impressive teaching staff. Students are taught by more than 3000 highly qualified teachers, 700 of whom have doctorates and professors' degrees.

Education at RANEPA is truly unique. In this university, not only classical basic skills are given for young students, but also a large-scale development of a project on the continuing education of civil servants is being carried out. The innovative idea was first embodied within the walls of the academy. Its main meaning boils down to continuous training and support of employees of this management sector, the implementation of retraining, advanced training and various consulting activities.

RANEPA integrates world experience

RANEPA specializes in training managers of the highest class; university graduates in their knowledge are not inferior to students of leading foreign institutes. Training is conducted under the prestigious international MBA (Master of Business Administration) and EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration) programs, which are relevant in world business. RANEPA also became the first university to teach in the MRA (Master of Public Administration) system. This innovative approach enables the provision of high-quality personnel to the Russian government.

On the basis of the academy, a business incubator was implemented, which was appreciated by the world community, namely, in the ratings of the Forbes magazine, as the most advanced and successful in Russia.

RANEPA pays great attention to interaction with foreign colleagues. Thus, the exchange of experience is carried out with renowned world universities, including Harvard and Stanford. Cooperation is built on mutually beneficial terms, the academy sends its students for internships, accepts students from abroad for training, and develops common projects.

Goals, objectives and principles of the university

Today the RANEPA faces the following most important tasks:

  • training of highly qualified personnel for state and public structures;
  • research in social and economic spheres;
  • development of scientific papers;
  • providing scientific and expert assistance to government authorities;
  • setting educational standards, monitoring and requiring their implementation.

The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration adheres to the following training principles:

  • continuity (initial training, advanced training, retraining);
  • individual approach (students can form their program from a certain set of module courses);
  • use of international experience in teaching (exchange student programs, internships);
  • innovative teaching methods (business games, simulators, practical exercises);
  • at the heart of training is the acquisition of practical skills.

The newly formed Academy under the President of the Russian Federation - RANEPA - is the largest university in Russia and Europe with a socio-economic and humanitarian profile, rightfully occupying the top lines in all national ratings. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.07.2011 No. 902, the Academy has the right to independently establish educational standards and requirements for educational programs of higher professional education implemented by it.

The mission of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation is:

  • training globally competitive and adaptive management personnel for the state, public and private sectors in order to solve the problem of innovative development of society;
  • implementation of fundamental and applied research and development in the socio-economic and humanitarian spheres;
  • scientific and expert-analytical support of state authorities of the Russian Federation.

Basic principles of the Academy:

  • continuity of education. Modern education accompanies a leader and a specialist throughout his professional activity;
  • individualization of education. Students and listeners are given the opportunity to form their educational trajectory from a set of proposed modules in order to implement individual training and development programs;
  • internationalization of educational programs. Any professional activity involves the use of modern approaches, including advanced international experience. This makes it necessary to take into account, when developing educational programs, the experience of leading foreign educational organizations, inviting foreign teachers, increasing the share of foreign students in the total student population, passing foreign internships by students and listeners, as well as developing student and teaching academic exchanges;
  • new educational technologies. The practice of the leading Russian and foreign educational organizations convincingly demonstrates the effectiveness of active teaching methods in comparison with the passivity of the classical lecture-seminar teaching model. In this regard, the basis of the Academy's programs are active teaching methods ("situational cases", simulators, computer simulators, business games) and a project-based approach to teaching (projects aimed at achieving practically significant results by students during and at the end of the educational program);
  • competence-based approach. Educational programs are focused not on a standard set of lectures and the number of hours of classes, but on the mastery of students with certain practical competencies. Programs should clearly record what set of new qualifications and competencies students will receive upon completion of the training program;
  • the allocation of centers of excellence that provide competitive educational services, and the creation on their basis of the methodological and organizational core of a modern system of continuous education of management personnel.

The Academy is the only educational institution in Russia under the President of the Russian Federation!

RANEPA is a leading university in Russia in the areas of public policy, public administration and business administration.

Today RANEPA constitutes a multi-tier education, research and training system that embodies the life-long learning philosophy. We offer a variety of education and training programs to serve the learning needs of civil servants, entrepreneurs, managers, financiers, and lawyers.

RANEPA's Moscow campus includes 12 schools and departments. The total number of university students engaged in various forms of training, including regional campuses, equals more than 207 thousand, including more than 35 thousand full-time students.

Generations of Russian civil servants have received their training at RANEPA through first university degree, graduate and short-term programs. Over the years RANEPA has developed many unique programs to train civil servants for the federal and regional authorities in Russia. RANEPA was one of the initiators that introduced the MPA (Master of Public Administration) program in Russia to meet the needs of the public sector in talented and creative personnel.

80% of current regional governors are RANEPA graduates | 60% of federal government officials are RANEPA graduates

RANEPA dominates in the field of training of top-level managers for Russian enterprises. The Academy was a pioneer in the Russian MBA program market and was the first in Russia to receive international accreditation of its MBA program. Moreover, RANEPA introduced the first DBA program in Russia and is at the forefront of implementing Executive MBA programs in the country.

Most of the MBA and ЕМВА programs are viewed as best practices in quality in the Russian market of business education. RANEPA's business education programs are accredited by the international and national accreditation agencies, such as AACSB International, EFMD and Association of MBAs.

Over 40% of russian MBA graduates received their degrees from RANEPA

RANEPA has launched more than 20 “dual degree” programs in partnership with universities and business schools in Europe and the USA. Over the last decade several thousand graduates of these joint programs have received diplomas of partner universities and business schools.

RANEPA has established a special “Center for Russian Studies,” which studies issues of politics, economics, management, history and other subjects in Russia and the former Soviet Union jointly with foreign partners. For foreign students specializing in Russian, taregetted 2-week programs are offered in English in both the summer and winter terms. Each year sees students from Stanford, Harvard, Wharton, Georgia Tech, as well as a number of other universities coming to RANEPA to participate in these globally respected programs.

Three Master's programs taught entirely in English have been recently launched at RANEPA in: International Management, Project Management and Change Management.

RANEPA is partnering with numerous foreign universities under programs and projects of student and faculty exchange and internship, including government-sponsored programs.

Where to enter, which higher educational institution is better - these are topical questions for applicants. When choosing a university, first of all, you should think about what you would like to do in the future, what place in life to occupy. When striving for managerial, analytical and scientific activities, it is worth paying attention to RANEPA (transcript - Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration).

University history

At the end of the 70s, the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR began to function in the capital of Russia. The task of this institution was to improve the qualifications and retrain management personnel. In the Soviet years, the heads of various organizations, specialists and heads of management bodies studied here. In 1988, the rector decided to open an educational institution on the basis of the Academy - the Higher Commercial School.

In 1992, there were some changes. The institution received a new name. Henceforth, the institution began to be called the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2012, dramatic changes took place. Several state universities have joined the Academy in accordance with the Presidential Decree. As a result, a new higher educational institution with a rich history appeared - the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (abbreviated designation - RANEPA).

University currently

The Presidential Academy is considered the leading one in Russia. It trains specialists in demand: economists, lawyers, journalists, future leaders, managers, civil servants. Education is very effective because it includes new educational technologies. The programs include active teaching methods (business games, computer simulators, "situational cases"), allowing you to get various practical skills.

The Main Presidential Academy (RANEPA) is located in Moscow. However, this does not mean that people who are going to apply here must go to the capital of the country. This state educational institution has a huge number of branches. There are more than 50 of them. All of them are scattered over the territory of the Russian Federation.

The structure of the educational institution

When considering a university, you should pay attention to its structure. The State Presidential Academy includes several faculties - educational and scientific, administrative structural divisions that train students in various specialties. Some faculties at RANEPA function as institutes.

So, the structure of the academy includes the following divisions:

  • Institute of Management, RANEPA;
  • higher school of corporate governance;
  • Faculty of Economics;
  • Higher School of Management and Finance;
  • Institute of Social Sciences, etc.

Undergraduate and Specialist

RANEPA (Moscow) has the widest choice of undergraduate programs. Applicants are offered various directions in which they can study full-time, part-time, part-time (information on the forms of study should be specified in the admissions office of the head university or branch):

  • Applied Informatics;
  • psychology;
  • economy;
  • management;
  • municipal and state administration;
  • international relationships;
  • personnel Management;
  • social sciences, etc.

The State Presidential Academy (RANEPA) also invites for a specialty. It is presented in four directions. These are "Economic security", "Customs", "Psychology of service activities", "Ensuring national security (legal)". Training on them is carried out in full-time form.

Master in RANEPA

With this, anyone can try their hand at admission to the magistracy at the Presidential Academy - a state educational institution. This is the second level of higher education. The university provides training in 17 areas ("Economics", "Jurisprudence", "Municipal and State Administration", "State Audit", "Foreign Regional Studies", etc.).

A master's degree at RANEPA (Moscow) allows not only extending the student body for a couple of years. It gives you the opportunity to expand your knowledge of the existing specialty or get another profession. The master's program opens up new career prospects, because some positions are not assigned to people with a bachelor's degree.

At the state academy for the magistracy, you can choose any form of study that is most convenient for you (full-time, part-time, part-time). It is also worth noting that in some areas you can study for free at the expense of the state budget. Applicants enter budget places when they pass through the competition.

Further education

Persons wishing to devote their future life to scientific activity are invited by the Presidential Academy to graduate school. Preparation is carried out in several directions:

  • jurisprudence;
  • economy;
  • religious studies, philosophy and ethics;
  • sociological sciences;
  • information and librarianship and mass media;
  • psychological sciences;
  • political sciences and regional studies;
  • cultural studies;
  • archeology and historical sciences;
  • informatics and computer technology.

Postgraduate study programs include:

  1. Study of disciplines (modules). For each of them, in the end, either a test or an exam is passed.
  2. Passage of teaching practice. This stage of training allows you to gain new skills and professional experience.
  3. Research work. This stage of training is supervised by a supervisor.
  4. Passing the state final certification.

People who have completed postgraduate studies receive a diploma with the qualification “Researcher. Research teacher ”.

Admission to RANEPA

To enter the Russian Academy, you must select the faculties and institutes that are of interest, submit a package of documents (passport, application, certificate or diploma, photographs, papers that serve as confirmation of individual achievements). The selection committee takes into account the results of the exam (for each direction, specific exams are determined, taken into account by the university). Those who do not have them, take entrance tests at the academy in the form of written tests.

Applicants to the magistracy in order to test their knowledge are assigned an exam in a specialized discipline. In some areas at the Russian Academy of National Economy, additional tests and a foreign language are provided.

on the budget

Many applicants entering the RANEPA, branches of the university, apply for budget places. However, their number in the educational institution is limited. To study at the expense of the federal budget, you must go through a competition. To do this, you should prepare well for the exam or entrance examinations in order to score as many points as possible.

RANEPA statistics show that the best applicants with good knowledge enter the budget places. In 2016, the passing score was quite high. So, in the direction of "Public Relations and Advertising" it was 277 points (the sum of three USE or the results of entrance examinations), in the direction "International Relations" - 272 points.

Frequent questions of applicants

People who have chosen RANEPA, branches of this university, are often interested in whether it is possible to somehow get to know the academy better, to find out additional information about the faculties and institutes they like. The educational institution periodically conducts At these events, you can find out the conditions of admission, ask questions of interest.

Also, applicants often ask if the Russian Academy has hostels in Moscow where nonresident students will be able to live in the future. The university has a hotel and residential complex. There are also several hostels. Check-in usually starts at the end of August. One thing is required of students - to conclude an employment contract. Otherwise, the university refuses to provide a place in the hostel.



since 2010
earlier: ANKH, RAGS


state, education and science, RF

A source: http://www.ysu.ru/content/news/news_detail.php?ID=7373

... Academician. 2015.

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