Home Berries What time do they baptize? When can a child be baptized - time of year, age. How to live after Baptism

What time do they baptize? When can a child be baptized - time of year, age. How to live after Baptism

Orthodox traditions in Rus' have thousands of years of roots, but many of them, unfortunately, were lost due to anti-religious policies Soviet Union. After the collapse of the “great and mighty,” the original beliefs and rituals began to return, but due to the weak connection between the last believing generation and the current, post-Soviet one, the information often turns out to be significantly distorted.

The Myth of Forty Weeks

The rite of baptism is also associated with many true and false beliefs, which new parents try to follow. For example, difficulties arise if you have to decide on the time when to baptize a newborn.

You can find information according to which the ceremony should be carried out no earlier than forty days after the birth of the child. This, to put it mildly, is not true. In fact, it used to be customary to baptize children on the 8th day after birth, since it was at this age that Jesus Christ was betrayed to the Heavenly Father.

Arguments for early baptism

In principle, our ancestors might well have considered the question of when a newborn is baptized idle: infant mortality in the old days was quite high, and allowing an unbaptized child to leave this world was considered completely unacceptable. Therefore, the answer was quite obvious: the sooner the better, and especially if the baby was not healthy. In addition to caring for the baby’s soul, the parents were confident that when a newborn was baptized, the Lord would overshadow him with his grace, and the disease could recede.

Now there are much fewer threats to the baby’s life - medicine is rapidly developing, and there is no sad need to urgently perform the ritual. The experience of parents who turned to church in the first days of their child’s life can speak in favor of early baptism. Many of them claim that it is easier to baptize a very tiny baby: most he is sleeping, so the stress for both him and those present will be minimal. But the advantages are undeniable: original sin will be removed, and the Lord will take the baby under his protection almost immediately after his birth.

Mom also has the right to be present

One of the disadvantages of performing the ceremony early is the inability for both parents to participate in the process. When a newborn is baptized at such a tender age, the mother cannot be in church.

According to church regulations, a woman has no right to participate in divine services at all for forty days after giving birth. During this time, she is considered “unclean” and cannot even enter the temple. This is due to physiological postpartum processes, the dogma about the sinfulness of childbirth, etc.

After this period, a special cleansing prayer is read over the woman in labor, after which she can attend services, including being present in church when a newborn child (by the way, anyone, not just her own) is baptized.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the opinion was formed that a baby should be baptized no earlier than forty days after birth. Another “echo” of such statements is the superstition that the baby should not be shown to anyone until this period has expired (some, judging by the reviews, do just that).

Conscious choice

In fact, parents can decide for themselves when to baptize their newborn, depending on the convenience of the family and their personal opinion on this matter. There is nothing wrong with waiting: today the belief is becoming more and more widespread that the rite of baptism should be delayed until adulthood, because the choice of religion for each person should not be imposed, but his own.

Despite this, many try to adhere to traditions and baptize babies “without asking”, rightly believing that this will not harm them. For part modern society the rite of baptism is big celebration, guests, photographers, etc. are invited to attend. A baptismal shirt can be bought for any amount, just like a cross. Young parents, however, are increasingly striving for their child to be older.

Carrying a ten-day-old baby to church can only be carried out supernaturally psychologically resilient people. Moreover, newly made godparents may turn out to be completely inexperienced and are afraid to pick up a baby who is not even able to hold his head up on his own.

Another argument in favor of holding off is the cold season. If the church is not heated (and this is by no means uncommon), it will be quite acceptable to wait until the temperature outside allows you to fearlessly perform the sacrament without fear of catching a cold.

Combine or carry out separately

In principle, when a newborn is baptized, the day of the week is determined by the parents together with the clergy. On the Internet you can find information according to which the ceremony should coincide with a church holiday. Today this is not relevant for most settlements, especially in cities: a large influx of parishioners these days excludes the possibility of holding a ceremony. The regular service is just as inconvenient in this regard.

Indeed, when Catholics baptize a newborn, they prefer to do it as part of a liturgical service (imshi), when many parishioners gather in the church. IN Orthodox tradition this is also possible, but much less commonly practiced. As a rule, the ceremony is carried out separately. In the church, besides the clergy, there are only the “hero of the occasion”, his godparents and family members.

Usually, when a newborn child is baptized, they first decide with the godparents, then with the temple where the sacrament will take place, and only then agree on a date and time, with the participation of the priest and other interested parties. Most often, the event takes place on a weekend, since the family, as a rule, wants to celebrate it with friends and family. Moreover, it is popularly believed that it is at the moment when a newborn is baptized that he acquires a guardian angel. After this, the child is no longer subject to the influence of negative energy (the so-called evil eye).

Today the church has become more loyal to parishioners (for example, the obligation of future godparents to confess before baptism is not always fulfilled by them). But still, it will not be superfluous to find out from the priest what requirements are imposed on those present. He will tell you who can be a godfather (godmother), what they must do in order to take part in the ritual, and will also indicate the need to purchase a krizhma (a special fabric in which the baby will be wrapped after the font), a cross, a baptismal shirt, etc. d.

How to baptize a child? What are the rules for the baptism ceremony? How much does it cost? The editors of the portal “Orthodoxy and Peace” will answer these and other questions.

Child Baptism

When to baptize - different families solve this issue in different ways.

Most often they are baptized +/- 40 days after birth. The 40th day is also significant from a religious point of view (in the Old Testament church, on the 40th day a child was brought to the temple, on the 40th day a prayer is read over a woman who has given birth). For 40 days after giving birth, a woman does not participate in the sacraments of the Church: this is also due to physiology postpartum period, and in general it is very reasonable - at this time, all the attention and energy of a woman should be focused on the child and her health.

After this period has expired, a special prayer must be read over her, which the priest will do before or after baptism. Very young children behave much calmer at baptism and are not afraid when someone else (godparents or priest) takes them in the arms. Well, don’t forget that up to three months, children can more easily tolerate head-dipping, because they retain intrauterine reflexes that help them hold their breath.

In any case, the choice of the moment is up to the parents and depends on the circumstances and the state of the child’s health. If the baby is in intensive care and there are health problems, the baby can be baptized in intensive care. To do this, you can invite a priest or MOTHER CAN BAPTIZE THE CHILD HERSELF.

You can baptize after 40 days.

If the child's life is in danger

If the baby is in intensive care, then you can invite a priest to baptize the child. From the hospital church or from any church - no one will refuse. Just first you need to find out what the baptism procedures are in this hospital.

If strangers are not allowed into the intensive care unit, or if the situation is different - an accident, for example - the mother or father (and the intensive care nurse at the request of the parents and anyone else in general) the child can be christened THEMSELVES. A few drops of water are needed. With these drops you need to cross the child three times with the words:

Servant of God (NAME) is baptized
In the name of the Father. Amen. (we cross ourselves for the first time and sprinkle some water)
And the Son. Amen. (second time)
And the Holy Spirit. Amen. (third time).

The child is baptized. When he is discharged, the second part of baptism will need to be performed in church - Confirmation - joining the Church. Explain to the priest in advance that you baptized yourself in intensive care. You can baptize your baby at home, having agreed on this with the priest in the church.

Should I baptize in winter?

Of course, in churches they heat the water, the water in the font is warm.

The only thing is that if the temple has one door and the temple itself is small, one of your relatives can stand guard at the entrance so that the door does not suddenly open wide open.

How much to pay? And why pay?

Officially, in churches there is no fee for the Sacraments and services.

Christ also said: “Freely you received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). But only the believers fed and watered the apostles, allowed them to spend the night, and in modern realities, the donation for baptism is one of the main sources of income for churches, from which they pay for light, electricity, repairs, fire-fighting work and the priest, who most often has many children. Price list in the temple - this is the approximate donation amount. If there really is no money, they MUST baptize for free. If they refuse, it’s a reason to contact the dean.

Is it necessary to call according to the calendar?

Whoever wants it. Some call it according to the calendar, some in honor of their favorite saint or someone else. Of course, if a girl was born on January 25, then the name Tatyana really begs for her, but the parents choose the name for the child themselves - there are no “musts” here.

Where to baptize?

It is unlikely that this question will arise before you if you are already parishioners of some temple. If not, choose a temple to your liking. There is nothing wrong with visiting a few temples. If the employees are unfriendly and rude (this happens, yes), you can look for a temple where they will treat you kindly from the very beginning. Yes. We come to God in church, but there is no sin in choosing a church according to your liking. It’s good if the church has a separate baptismal room. It is usually warm, there are no drafts and there are no strangers.
If there are few churches in your city and they all have large parishes, then be sure to find out in advance how many children usually attend baptism. It may turn out that a dozen babies will be baptized at the same time, each of whom will be accompanied by a whole team of relatives. If you don’t like such a mass gathering, you can agree on an individual baptism.

Baptism photography

If you decide to hire a photographer for the christening, be sure to find out in advance whether he will be allowed to take pictures and use a flash. Some priests have a very negative attitude towards filming the Sacraments and an unpleasant surprise may await you.
As a rule, photography and video shooting are not prohibited anywhere. Photos from a baptism are a great joy for many years for the whole family, so if you can’t take pictures in a church, then you need to look for a church where you can take pictures (but even in Old Believer churches they allow you to take pictures at christenings)
In some cases, a child can be baptized at home. The main thing is to agree on this with the priest.


Who can and cannot be godfather - this is the most frequently asked question. Is it possible for a pregnant/unmarried/unbeliever/childless girl to baptize a girl, etc. – the number of variations is endless.

The answer is simple: the godfather must be a person

– Orthodox and church (HE is responsible for raising a child in the faith);

– not the child’s parent (godparents must replace the parents if something happens);

– a husband and wife cannot be godparents of one child (or those who are going to get married);

- A monastic cannot be a godfather.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not at all necessary that there be two godparents. One thing is enough: women for girls and men for boys. .

Conversation before baptism

Now this is a must. For what? To baptize those who believe in Christ, and not those who come because “a child_is_sick_must_be_baptized_otherwise_they_will_jinx_and_we_are_Russian_and_Orthodox.”

You have to come to the conversation, this is not an exam. usually the priest talks about Christ, the Gospel, reminds that you need to read the Gospel yourself. This looks like.

Often the need for conversation causes indignation among relatives and many try to “get around” them. Someone, complaining about a lack of time, or even just desire, is looking for priests who can ignore this rule. But first of all, this information is needed by the godparents themselves, because by offering them to become your child’s godparents, you impose a great responsibility on them and it would be nice for them to know about it. If godparents do not want to spend time on this, then this is a reason for you to think about whether the child needs adoptive parents who cannot sacrifice just a couple of their evenings for him.

If the godparents live in another city and can only come on the day of the sacrament, then they can have conversations in any church that is convenient. Upon completion, they will be given a certificate with which they can participate in the sacrament anywhere.

It is very good for godparents, if they don’t already know, to learn - this prayer is read three times during baptism and, it is likely that godparents will be asked to read it.

What to buy?

For baptism, a child needs a new baptismal shirt, a cross and a towel. All this can be bought at any church store and, as a rule, this is the task of the godparents. The baptismal shirt is then stored along with other mementos of the baby. In foreign stores there is a whole line of stunningly beautiful clothes for baptism; you can also use some beautiful set for discharge.

Baptismal name

Find out in advance what name the child will be baptized. If the child’s name is not in the calendar, select one that sounds similar in advance (Alina - Elena, Zhanna - Anna, Alisa - Alexandra) and tell the priest about it. And sometimes names are given strangely. One of my friends Zhanna was baptized Evgeniya. By the way, sometimes there are unexpected names in the calendar, say. Edward - there is such an Orthodox British saint (though then all the temple employees will not believe that there is such a thing Orthodox name). In church records and when performing other Sacraments, you will need to use the name given at baptism. Based on it, it will be determined when the child’s Angel Day is and who his heavenly patron is.

We arrived at the temple, what next?

At the church shop you will be asked to pay a donation for baptism. Before the sacrament, it is better to feed the baby so that he is more comfortable and calm.

Feed in the temple IT IS POSSIBLE, it’s good to wear nursing clothes or have an apron with you. If you need privacy, you can ask one of the temple employees to find a secluded place.
The only thing is that if the baby is feeding for a long time, it is better to have a bottle-sipper-syringe with food with you, so that it does not happen that the baby gets hungry in the middle of the service and you either have to wait half an hour until he eats or he will cry from hunger.

During the sacrament, the child is held in their arms by the godparents, the parents can only watch. The duration of Baptism is usually about an hour.

It is useful to familiarize yourself in advance with what will happen during the service in order to understand the meaning of what is happening. Here .

But mothers are not allowed to be baptized everywhere - it is better to clarify this question in advance.

Cold water?

The water in the font is WARM. It is usually poured there first hot water, before the Sacrament it is diluted cold. But the water in the font is warm :)

The temple employees who collect it will make sure that the water is warm - they don’t want the child to freeze just as much as you do. After immersion, it will not be possible to immediately dress the child, and here again it is worth mentioning that it is good to baptize very young children in separate rooms and not in the temple itself, where it is cool even in summer. In any case, don’t worry, everything happens quickly and the child will not have time to freeze.

Should a child wear a cross all the time?

Parents are often concerned about the safety of their child wearing a cross. Someone is afraid that the child may be harmed by the rope or ribbon on which the cross hangs. Many people worry that the child might lose the cross or it might be stolen, for example, in the garden. As a rule, the cross is worn on a short ribbon that cannot get tangled anywhere. And for kindergarten You can prepare a special inexpensive cross.

And they say that...

Baptism, like many other things in our lives, is surrounded by many stupid superstitions and prejudices. Older relatives can add worries and worries with stories about bad omens and prohibitions. It is better to clarify any doubtful questions with the priest, not trusting grandmothers, even very experienced ones.

Is it possible to celebrate baptism?

It is quite logical that relatives who will gather for Epiphany will want to continue the celebration at home or in a restaurant. The main thing is that during the holiday they do not forget the reason for which everyone gathered.

After baptism

When the Sacrament is over, you will be given a certificate of baptism, which will indicate when the baptism was performed, by whom, and the day on which the child has a name day will also be written. After baptism, you will definitely need to go to the temple again to give the baby communion. In general, babies should be given communion regularly.

By this action he joins the Christian world.

In the Christian world, baptism is treated especially carefully, because after this, the child in the future will be able to go to church, take communion, and worship icons. But, before baptizing him, it is necessary to choose godparents, understand exactly when, after birth, the baby can be baptized, how to do it and what is necessary for this.

When to baptize a child?

In the old days, our ancestors were more religious, unlike today. After she came to the USSR Soviet authority with its prohibitions, many traditions were lost, but believers still remained. Now that religion has been revived, many parents are wondering on what day their child should be baptized.

Many believe that this should be done after the baby’s forty birthdays; there is a second category of people who say that baptism should be done on the eighth day; the third category includes people who claim that this should be done on the third day.

If you take an interest in history, you can understand that previously a baby was baptized and named on the eighth day after birth. Now the church recommends baptizing a newborn on the 40th day. This is due to the fact that the mother is going through a period of cleansing all this time. Forty days is the time when the woman in labor stops all bleeding.

Among other things, if the child is unwell or there is another danger for him, he can be baptized earlier. When the child recovers, he needs to be baptized again, but in front of the altar.

Although this is not very convenient, if fasting occurs on the fortieth day, this cannot be an obstacle to christening; there are no prohibitions on this. They can only refuse on major holidays., when clergy simply physically cannot facilitate baptism.

On what days is it possible and when is it not possible?

Some tips for choosing the day or date of baptism:

  • Thursday is considered the most prosperous day for the baptism ceremony.
  • If it is not possible to baptize your child on Thursday, get ready for the weekend. All relatives can gather on weekends, which is very convenient.
  • Children should not be baptized on major church holidays. This will be inconvenient not only for the participants in the process, but also for numerous parishioners. Among other things, the priest simply does not have enough strength to cope with all his responsibilities.
  • You can choose (and even need) the date of one of the Saints, after whom the baby is named.

On what days can you not be baptized?

Here, the question again depends on many factors, such as the chosen date and the event in the church itself. For example, this could be the day when a funeral service or wedding takes place in the selected church. Agree, in this case there will be no time for baptism. On the other hand, there are no days when a child cannot be baptized.

Customs and rules

Several main features of the baptism ceremony:

  • It is generally accepted that godparents must pick up the child and take him to the priest yourself. Only after this can the parents themselves come.
  • Godmothers should not be in the house of the child’s parents, sit down somewhere.
  • Only when the festive meal begins can guests arrive. When the sacrament of baptism itself occurs. There should only be close friends and relatives.
  • If necessary, you can hire a priest directly to the maternity hospital. But, as mentioned earlier, the child will have to be baptized again.
  • If the child is calm at the christening, or better yet, he’s dozing, that’s a great sign.
  • Any gifts for a child are suitable. The main thing is that they are useful to the child. You can bring everything directly to the cathedral.

This will be useful:

  • Mentally ill people, monks, and non-believers cannot be godparents. or unbelievers, close blood relatives, dissolute people, girls under 13 and boys under 15.
  • According to the rules of the church, You can't baptize twins right away, but you can take the same godparents for them. Also, brothers and sisters cannot be godparents to each other.
  • Naturally, everyone present must have pectoral cross . As for clothing, everything here is like in a church parish - women wear a headdress in the form of a scarf. No trousers or short skirts. A man must be decently dressed; under no circumstances should he come in a T-shirt with shorts.

Rules for godparents:

  • Pays for and buys the first cross for his godson himself Godfather . The godmother, in turn, only buys the goddaughter’s pectoral cross. When choosing a cross, it is worth considering that sharp edges can injure a child, so be careful when choosing - buy one with rounded edges.
  • If the godfather must pay for the ceremony, godmother You must bring a shirt for christening, as well as a sheet and a towel. The godmother buys an icon with the name of the Saint to which the newborn belongs.
  • Many people, especially the rich, love gold, but gold is considered a “sinful” metal therefore purchase products made of silver or any other metal that is not related to gold, this is especially important for a baby.
  • Don't forget your birth certificate child.

Interesting fact: there are differences in christenings between a boy and a girl. The girl is not brought into the altar, because it is believed that she is the man’s assistant, and the man, in turn, is a potential minister of the church.

What do you need to prepare for christening?

  • The most important thing to prepare for baptism, no matter how it sounds, is the godparents themselves. Their choice must be approached with special care. Godparents are not just people who came, baptized and sometimes dropped by to visit with gifts. These are the people who will help the child grow spiritually, they will pray for him and help him in every possible way along the path of life.
  • Necessarily prepare the cream, white sheet, in which the baby is swaddled after baptism. For a girl, prepare a cap and dress, for a boy - a white shirt.
  • The cross that the godfather gives is obligatory must be consecrated in advance.
  • Since the ritual is not a “five-minute” one, It’s worth taking the necessary things with you, such as: diapers, a towel, water and a bottle with formula.

Remember: first of all, you need to consult with the clergy about all issues and agree on the date of baptism. Godparents may need to go through an interview with the priest in advance.

The baby is born, all the relatives are delighted and you hear a lot of congratulations. Particularly religious relatives insist that the baby be baptized almost a day after he was born. They explain this by saying that the baby will have protection, he will become calmer, etc. When can a child be baptized after birth is a question that the church will help answer.

Why shouldn't you rush?

If you want to attend the sacrament of Baptism, and not sit at home, then you need to know that you should baptize your child after birth when you run out of postpartum discharge from the genital tract. They bother a woman for about 40 days. After this period, you can safely prepare for baptism.

If we turn to rituals ancient church, then before this sacrament was performed on the 8th day after the birth of the child. But there is one small nuance here that, apparently, was not taken into account before: a child is baptized after birth only when his umbilical wound has completely healed and he is in good health.

Existing exceptions

Sometimes there are cases when it is necessary to baptize a child immediately after birth, without waiting for the 40th day. This is necessary for those children whose lives are in danger. Ideally, a clergyman is invited to the hospital for Baptism, but if this is not possible, then the child’s mother or other loved ones should read the “Prayer of Holy Baptisms in brief, fear for the sake of death” and sprinkle water on the baby. It can be anything, it doesn’t have to be consecrated. After the child recovers, the rite of Baptism must be supplemented by visiting the temple.

40th day after birth

It has long been customary that the Orthodox Church performed the sacrament on the 40th day after the baby was born. This date is not chosen by chance, and it takes into account the condition of the newborn and the mother. The Church says that this is the day when it is correct and necessary to baptize a child after birth. But if for some reason, relatives cannot gather on this date or someone is sick, then the child can be baptized on any other day and this will not be considered a mistake.

However, it happens that the 40th day falls on a church holiday or fasting. In both cases, the sacrament is performed, and in the Bible there are no prohibitions on the baptism of children on these days. But if the date falls on a major church holiday, then the sacrament may be denied to you, not because there is a prohibition, but because that clergy have a lot of work on such days. Therefore, you need to contact the temple in advance and talk with the priest to obtain permission to conduct

So, on the 40th day of the baby’s life and after it, this is the time when it is customary to baptize a child after birth, and there is no specific date here. It depends, first of all, on the desire of the parents and the ability of relatives to get together.

Child baptism is one of the seven Christian sacraments, without which it is impossible to save a sinful soul for the kingdom of God. After the ceremony performed by the servants of St. Orthodox Church, the baptized person is born for spiritual life, acquiring an inextricable connection with the Heavenly Father. Believing parents know well why it is necessary to baptize a child, but they sometimes have questions related to organizational issues. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some recommendations from the church related to the ceremony. The following basic rules for parents will help you prepare well for your child’s baptism.

At what age is it better to baptize a child?

The Church believes that a newborn child cannot be baptized earlier than forty days after birth. Otherwise there are no restrictions. Parents have the right to independently decide at what age the child will undergo the ceremony. Some mothers and fathers doubt whether to baptize their child while he is very young. Their fears are understandable, because the baby requires increased attention

, needs regular feeding, and his immunity is not strong enough. However, postponing the ceremony for a long time is also undesirable. This is explained psychological reasons . When your baby gets a little older and begins to recognize people, he may become nervous in unfamiliar surroundings. Experts and mothers with experience indicate the optimal interval when it is better to baptize a child after birth. This is an age from three months to six months

. Older kids are more restless and more often capricious. However, if for some reason you did not have time to baptize your child, there is no need to be embarrassed. Temple workers calmly react to the behavior of children, well understanding that crying is a normal reaction to external stimuli for them.

As for the question on what days a child can be baptized, there are no restrictions here either. However, in church holidays the ceremony is not performed, since all the clergy are busy conducting prayers. Each church has its own schedule, which indicates on what day of the week small children are baptized. Most often, Saturday is chosen for the sacrament. Since the ceremony is carried out during the day, the day off is convenient because its adult participants will not have to take time off from work.

Although church rules no prohibitions on baptism certain days is not established, there are a lot of folk signs that tell you when a child can and should be baptized.

  • Of course, the church does not encourage superstition, but many parents try not to perform the sacrament on Mondays. Dislike for the first day of the week is quite understandable; many people try not to schedule important things for this time.
  • Tuesday is a favorable day for hitting the road, so it is also suitable for baptism, which is the beginning of a person’s spiritual path.
  • Wednesday is considered not the most successful day. In the middle of the week it is necessary to fast, devote more time to prayers, and baptism involves at least a small feast.
  • Thursday is the ideal day to perform the sacrament. According to popular belief, a child baptized on the fourth day of the week will have good luck in life.
  • Friday is the only day of the week that plunges superstitious people into mystical horror. There are many negative signs associated with it. That is why it is considered undesirable to baptize on this day.
  • On Sunday, the ceremony is performed in most churches. Popular rumor also gives this day positive energy. It is believed that a person baptized on Sunday will be happy and rich.

Conduct baptism during church fast the church does not prohibit, however, parents themselves often refuse such an idea, because then they will have to take care of special Lenten menu. Folk signs recommend parents of girls to baptize on the Feast of the Intercession. Patronage Holy Mother of God will help the young lady to get married successfully in the future.

Some folk signs recommend baptizing a child on his birthday. This belief obviously has pagan roots. It was on the day of birth that it was customary to carry out all kinds of conspiracies for health, love, and financial well-being.

Preparation for the baptism of a child begins with choosing the date and temple in which the sacrament will be performed. Shortly before the child's baptism, future godparents must visit church to confess and receive communion. Unfortunately, not all parents who want to baptize a baby are versed in the intricacies Orthodox rites. You should not seek advice on this matter from friends or relatives; everything that parents need to know about the sacrament will be told by the priest or volunteer helpers from among the parishioners. If the baby has already been named, you can further clarify the name; it is often necessary to change it when the child is baptized.

Who to choose as godparents

According to tradition, it is customary to invite a man and a woman to be godparents. If this is not possible, you can get by with one named parent. It is better if he is of the same sex as the person being baptized.

When asked whether it is possible to baptize a child without godparents, the church also gives a positive answer. Most often, close friends or relatives are called to baptize children. Parents need to approach the choice with all responsibility, because raising the godson in the spirit of religious traditions will fall on the shoulders of the successors.

The number of wards is not limited, the church does not give clear instructions on how many children can be baptized. A person decides for himself whether he is ready to pay due attention to the upbringing and formation of another Christian. If the candidate understands that he is not able to give the same number attention and love to all his wards, he will refuse the offered honor.

Often, issues related to the choice of a successor involve degree of closeness between parents and candidate, for example, is it possible to baptize a child at the godfather’s place? Grandparents, uncles or aunts can baptize a child. To the questions of whether it is possible to baptize a child to his sister or whether it is possible to baptize small children from each other, the answer will also be positive. Moreover, future godfathers may well perform the ceremony on the same day and celebrate the event together.

When asked whether a father can baptize someone else’s child during the baptism of his own, the church gives an affirmative answer. Therefore, if friends wish to hold a joint ceremony, there will be no problems. By the way, it is not forbidden for a husband and wife to take part in the sacrament at the same time if they have different godchildren.

Who cannot become a godfather

  • Monastics cannot baptize children.
  • Citizens who lead unrighteous lives (alcoholics, drug addicts) will also be rejected by the church.
  • Spouses or couples who subsequently wish to enter into marriage, should not baptize one child, since sexual intimacy between successors is unacceptable.
  • The godfather must reach the age of majority, but in some cases younger persons can take part in the sacrament with the blessing of the priest.
  • Parents never baptize their children, since this deprives the sacrament of any meaning.

If a suitable candidate is not found, you will have to do without godparents.

Some young women are interested in whether it is possible to baptize a child in church while pregnant? The question is related to the fact that the child’s mother is not present at baptism for forty days after birth. However, these are somewhat different things. Pregnancy, like any physiological process, such as menstruation, does not prevent a woman from baptizing someone else’s child. You need to be guided by your health and the recommendations of the supervising doctor.

Is it possible for two children to have one person as godparent?

Church rules do not prohibit one person from baptizing a second or even third child in the same family. If this happens in different time, no difficulties arise. But if it is necessary to perform the ritual on two babies at the same time, it is technically difficult to accomplish. The godfather will need to hold both babies in his arms and take them from the font. Therefore, it is better not to create additional difficulties and invite two successors, or postpone the christening of one child to another day.

Where to baptize a child

Regular parishioners who regularly attend church have a question about where to baptize their child. The rest can be advised to choose a temple not far from home, so that the road does not tire the child too much. It is important that the parents themselves and those invited to the christening feel psychologically comfortable. Residents of large cities should not expect that they will be able to find a church where few people will be present at the ceremony. It is impossible to predict the influx of applicants, so it is better to navigate by the days of the week. It is worth paying attention to the presence of a special room at the temple for the ceremony, especially if baptism occurs in the cold season.

Conversation before baptism

Recently, the church has established new rules for successors, inviting them to have a conversation with the priest before the ceremony. This procedure was required in order to convey the seriousness of the sacrament, to explain to future godparents are the essence ritual, the procedure for preparing and conducting the ceremony and their responsibilities towards the godson. Without a preliminary interview you may not be allowed to attend the sacrament..

A person who is truly a believer will not look for excuses, since for him, responsibilities towards his soul and God are much higher than worldly ones. For parents, an interview with the priest before the baptism of a child can become an indicator of the seriousness of the intentions of the successor. If the candidate does not have a couple of hours for his godson now, it is doubtful that in the future he will become a good mentor to the child in the faith.

What do you need to buy for baptism?

In continuation of the conversation on how to prepare for the sacrament of baptism, here is a list of what you need to buy before the ceremony:

  • pectoral cross,
  • clothes for the baptism ceremony,
  • large towel,
  • kryzhma (baptismal diaper),
  • church candles.

The godparents must purchase the baptismal shirt or dress. They buy a cross, gold or silver.

What name to baptize a child with?

Often, parents decide what to name their baby even before birth, and the choice does not always coincide with the Saints. In this case, it is customary to baptize the child with a different church name. For example, a girl named Alena or Alina will be baptized Elena, and boys Yuri or Yegor will be named Georgiy. Most often the choice falls on something close in sound. Sometimes the name with which a child or adult will be baptized is chosen according to the Saints, according to the date of birth of the new Orthodox Christian.

Features of christenings for boys and girls

To understand what is happening, it would not hurt parents to know how the rite of baptism of a child takes place in the church. The procedure will differ depending on the gender of the child. Different baptismal sets are purchased for boys and girls. The future man's clothes will be a little more modest than those of the young princess. Dresses for girls are made not only from cotton, but also from guipure. There is a difference in the very sequence of the sacrament. Boys are brought or escorted through the Church gates, and girls are only brought to them.

What is needed for a boy's baptism

A little earlier we already provided a list of things that need to be purchased before baptism. For a male baby, purchase a set with a baptismal shirt. Since a man is supposed to be bareheaded in church, he will not need a cap. If an older child is being baptized, he can be dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. It is important to keep your legs and arms open.

What is needed for a girl's baptism

Since women and girls need to cover their heads while in church, in addition to the baptismal gown, a cap, knitted cap or scarf is purchased for the baby white. An older child needs to buy a white shirt, knee-length or shorter, exposing his arms.

Baptism ceremony

During the sacrament, the godparents hold the baby. Moreover, the boy is given to the woman, and the girl to the man. The successors, on behalf of the child, renounce the evil one and swear an oath to the Lord. The priest reads a prayer, which is repeated after him by all participants in the ritual. For the successors, we will clarify what prayers are said at the baptism of a child. The main one is the “Symbol of Faith”, it must be learned by heart, in addition to this you need to know the texts “Our Father” and “Virgin Virgin Mary”. Read more about the responsibilities of godparents.

The priest sanctifies the water in the font, performs anointing and immerses the child in the font three times. If a chalice is used in baptism, only infants are immersed in the holy water. Older children are sprinkled with holy water. After this, the priest puts a cross on the child and hands it to the godfather of the same sex. Then, under the prayer of the priest, all participants walk around the font three times. The action is completed by an application to the icons of the Lord and the Mother of God.

Sacrament of Baptism

The mother of the child is not allowed to visit the temple for forty days after the birth.. A woman is allowed into the church after the priest reads her mother’s prayer over her. Some priests recite the text before baptizing the child, others do it at the end. If you want to be present at the baptism of a child, find out in advance when exactly in the temple it is customary to read the mother’s prayer.

How cold is the water in the font?

Despite the tradition of plunging into an ice hole at Epiphany, the water in the church font is never made cold. Let us remember that Christ himself was baptized in the Jordan River, and in Israel the weather is warm in January. That's why It is customary to fill the baptismal cup hot water, which cools down while the priest reads prayers. So there is no need to worry about your child catching a cold.

"Symbol of faith"

The "Creed" is summary Christian dogmas. The text is included in the list of required morning prayers, and is also read during the liturgy.

This prayer is also said before the baptism of a child. The godparents will have to read it themselves or repeat it after the priest. The priest also reads other prayers when baptizing a child. As a rule, their texts are pronounced in Old Slavonic language, so there is no need to learn them.

Duration and cost of the ceremony

Christenings last from 45 minutes to one and a half hours. The church does not establish a definite cost for the ceremony. Parents contribute what they can, and the amount indicated in the price tag of the temple is only an approximate amount. You need to understand that donations from parishioners are a source of income for the church, and any church incurs certain costs for maintaining the premises. Therefore, if material possibilities allow, we can offer more a large sum. If the parents do not have money, the priest does not have the right to refuse to perform the sacrament for them.

Is it possible to take photographs

In most temples, photography or video shooting is not prohibited. Restrictions may only apply to the use of flash, as it will distract the clergyman and irritate children. It is better to clarify this question in advance; this can be done by telephone or in a personal conversation with the temple servants.

After baptism

Communion is the second Christian sacrament performed after the baptism of a child. Communion is an opportunity to receive the blessing of the Lord, to open the soul to divine powers. The sacrament of communion is performed on every Christian who has undergone the rite of baptism, and the sooner this happens, the better. Parents should not delay the event. Even if the child is too young, the church does not approve of such behavior. The baby’s godparents can also take part in the ceremony.

Should a child wear a cross without taking it off?

According to the customs of Orthodoxy, after baptism the child wears a pectoral cross constantly. It should be noted that it is not customary for the Orthodox to remove the attribute of faith even during hygiene procedures. The cross cannot harm a baby, but it is better to wear it on a chain; it breaks easily under strong tension. It is not customary to display the symbol of belonging to Christianity, so from childhood a child should be taught to wear a cross under his clothes.

Celebration of christening

The baptism of an infant is his second birth to spiritual life. Undoubtedly, such an event can and should be celebrated with family and friends. According to tradition, the ceremony itself and the subsequent feast are paid for by the named father of the child, that is, the godfather. If the ceremony date falls on fast days, the menu must be appropriate. It is not customary to drink alcohol at such a holiday, otherwise there are no restrictions. You can organize a feast both at home and in a restaurant, but it would be wiser to spend the money on good deeds, for example, donating to the construction of a temple.

We tried to tell everything parents need to know about the baptism of a child. To top it off, I would like to remind you that such a ritual is not just a tribute to fashion, but an important event, defining later life. From the moment the sacrament is performed, godparents, along with parents, are responsible for the soul of the new Christian and are obliged to become for him an example of piety and faith in the Lord.

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