Home Trees and shrubs Is it possible to lose weight during fasting: the opinion of experts. Is it possible to lose weight in the post - menu of lean diet dishes

Is it possible to lose weight during fasting: the opinion of experts. Is it possible to lose weight in the post - menu of lean diet dishes

Post is special sacrament for every believer and has for him great importance. main meaning- this is spiritual and bodily purification, humility and suppression of passions. In this article, we want to consecrate not the most discussed side of the post - this is its effect on the figure. Of course, this time is given to a person for enlightenment and purification, and the loss of extra pounds is not an end in itself, but an addition to spiritual results. However, many people are interested in whether it is possible to lose weight in fasting, and if so, what rules should be followed for this.

Fasting and weight loss are interconnected because food restriction always contributes to the control of the desired number on the scale. Sincerely believing people are sure that observing the period of abstinence is only for the sake of losing excess weight- this is a real blasphemy. First of all, abstinence is necessary for spiritual renewal and purification. But for some, the question still involuntarily arises: is it possible to lose weight during fasting? What should be the nutrition plan that would not contradict religious canons, but at the same time positively affect the figure?

Why more people are fasting

Great, Christmas, Petrov, Assumption fasts are of great importance for a believer. If we exclude the religious side of the issue, we can talk about the incredible benefits of this time for the body. And if you doubt whether you are able to endure all the restrictions, the following reasons may convince you that the decision to fast is the right one:

  • Allowed food is mostly vegetables and fruits. And they, in turn, are rich in fiber, which favorably affects digestion and cleanses the body of all that is superfluous.
  • The diet implies a large number of vegetable proteins, and they are absorbed by the body much easier than animals.
  • Compliance with certain restrictions on the menu has been proven to cleanse blood vessels and positively affects the work of the heart.
  • Losing weight during fasting is primarily due to the list of prohibitions in the diet.
  • Among other things, there is a cleansing of the kidneys and liver. The liver, by the way, will be doubly grateful to you, because abstinence obliges you to give up alcohol.
  • Smoking is also prohibited - which means that everyone who suffers from this addiction will finally breathe freely. And maybe forever say goodbye to the desire to smoke.
  • At this time, not only the body, but also the soul rests - this is a kind of respite from stress and worries. For nervous system such psychological relief is a real blessing.
  • If you follow the numerous prohibitions, you can learn to control your desires. A fasting person often becomes humbler and stronger in spirit after this special time.
  • Without a doubt, the ban on profanity also has a positive effect on overall well-being.
  • Among other things, you learn patience (and this is what important quality, which many today lack).

Thus, this special time affects not only the purification of the soul - the whole organism as a whole also improves.

What about weight loss?

Many believers are concerned about whether it is possible to lose weight by fasting. There is no shame in choosing to shed a few pounds during this sacred time. On the contrary, getting rid of everything superfluous is a completely natural process.

Fasting is perceived by believers, first of all, as a cleansing and unloading of the body. These processes will only benefit health and weight loss. But in order to achieve the desired result and not contradict religious canons, you will need to follow some rules.

Fasting can be viewed as a strict nutrition system, however, in order to lose weight, you need to slightly correct them. You should know which foods should be discarded, and which, on the contrary, would be useful to include in the diet. The method of cooking also plays an important role. Of course, we also made sure that weight loss advice is not contrary to religion.

Fasting as a way to lose weight: video

Not without prohibitions

Most diets include strict calorie counting, and this usually results in weight loss. Here's a farewell to extra pounds in the post due primarily to the list of prohibitions on junk food. Moreover, many of the products listed below negatively affect not only health, but also the harmony of the figure. By excluding them from the diet, you not only observe the rules of fasting, but also create conditions for fast weight loss. So, the following are prohibited:

  • any alcoholic drinks;
  • all meat products;
  • eggs and all dishes with them in the composition;
  • chocolate;
  • flour products;
  • vegetable oil;
  • all fat;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • fish (with the exception of a few days, according to the church calendar).

The list of restrictions is quite large, so their strict observance seems to many as a serious test. But, of course, most of the prohibitions have a positive effect on the process of losing weight.

Losing weight during fasting has one thing great advantage is a unity with society. It's great if there are people in your environment who share your views and try to follow all the prohibitions impeccably during the period of abstinence. Most breakdowns in the diet occur because everyone around, as if by agreement, eats all the most harmful and high-calorie foods, but so tasty. However, if you fast, you will see that you are not alone, and then the restrictions will not be a burden.

Many admit that fasting is much easier than fasting. strict diet. The reason for the difference is that the first one is aimed primarily at spiritual cleansing, so you don’t get hung up on counting calories and lost kilograms. When you're not just focusing on losing weight, menu restrictions tend to be much easier.

Allowed and very helpful

With prohibitions, everything is clear. Then what is allowed to eat during fasting? For those who observe the sacrament of abstinence, the permissible menu at this time is well known. But perhaps you have not considered given period as an opportunity to lose weight. In this case, there are some restrictions even on allowed products.

For example, the rules of fasting allow the use of pasta at this time. However, all those who are losing weight are well aware that this treat definitely does not contribute to weight loss. So what to eat in fasting, so as not only not to violate religious canons, but also to lose weight? A menu that fulfills these two conditions consists of the following products:

  • fresh and pickled cucumbers;
  • pepper;
  • corn;
  • zucchini;
  • green pea;
  • sauerkraut;
  • potato;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable soup with barley or rice;
  • various cereals on the water without adding butter;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggplant;
  • legumes.

When losing weight, cooking methods such as steaming and stewing are preferred. This will be proper nutrition rich in vitamins and promoting weight loss. This balanced and healthy diet promises a wonderful transformation in the figure. But, despite the low calorie content of allowed food, you need to know the measure in portions and not overeat, otherwise you won’t see the effect in the form of weight loss.

A few more important rules

If you are wondering how to lose weight in fasting, then information about allowed and prohibited foods will obviously not be enough. To say goodbye to extra pounds, it will be mandatory to follow a few more rules:

  1. Fasting and losing weight should not bring you suffering. Basically, people at this time are worried about severe restrictions in their diet. However, it is unfair to equate this with a boring and insipid menu. Based on fruits, vegetables, cereals and mushrooms, you can cook new dishes every day with an interesting combination of ingredients. Today you can find great amount sources that offer a lot of lean and at the same time very tasty recipes.
  2. Fasting is not the time for grueling workouts and active physical exertion. For the body, unusual restrictions in lifestyle and diet can be a significant burden. And if you supplement this “burden” with tedious sports, you can provoke fatigue and a breakdown.
  3. But moderate exercise will be very useful both for general well-being and for easy weight loss. Great option There will be exercise and hiking.
  4. If you have problem areas with extra centimeters, you can use an effective massage against them.
  5. We have already figured out what to eat in fasting so that in the best way reflected in the shape. Among the allowed foods, we advise you to focus on protein and, in particular, on legumes - they perfectly satisfy hunger and contribute to the rapid processing of calories.

Many of our readers are surprised when they learn how to lose weight during fasting. It turns out that for this it is simply enough to adhere to some restrictions and follow a healthy lifestyle!

Correct way out

Often of great importance is not so much how to lose weight in fasting, but how to maintain the result. And here it is worth knowing about a common mistake.

All your efforts may be in vain if, immediately after the end of the abstinence period, you abruptly switch to a harmful diet and return to bad habits. In this case, just the same, they like to return so diligently lost kilograms.

Of course, when the time of strict bans ends, you can afford some indulgences. But if you set a table in honor of this with an abundance of all high-calorie, starchy, sweet and fatty, this will be a fundamentally wrong approach.

It will be ideal if you like the principles of how to eat right in fasting, and you will apply them after - this will affect the figure in the best way.

From personal experience

In theory, you can only imagine how much weight you can lose while fasting. But whether it works in practice, you will be prompted by the reviews of real people.

I don't understand how people lose weight while fasting. I follow all his rules, but at the same time I try not to feel uncomfortable with the feeling of hunger. During this period, the use of nuts, potatoes, dried fruits, fried foods without oil is allowed - they provide satiety, but also do not allow excess weight to go away.
Every time after the end of the fast, I observe my built figure. I am not chasing weight loss and do not monitor the loss of kilograms at this time, but I can say for sure that every time I lose at least 5 kg.
I must say right away that I did not consider Lent as an opportunity to lose weight - it happened on its own. As a result, it took about 4 kg in a week, and in general there was a feeling of lightness in the body.

If you have an idea to lose weight while fasting, you can be sure that it is possible. The main thing is to believe in yourself, and then everything will definitely work out!

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Fasting and weight loss Is it possible to combine these two concepts? Believers believe that this is impossible, while adherents healthy lifestyle life, on the contrary, they believe that it is during the fasting period that you can lose a few extra pounds. Which of them is right? Charla Women's Site will help you answer this question by telling you how fasting affects your figure and weight.

Fasting and weight loss: the opinion of a nutritionist

Fasting and weight loss: the opinion of a psychologist

Who is fasting for weight loss? Such a nutrition system will benefit those people who do not consider food restrictions as a way to lose weight, but are guided precisely by religious beliefs. The fact is that the motive of faith in this case overpowers the desire to please yourself with something tasty. It is also noticed that what more people thinks about weight loss, the greater the feeling of hunger he experiences.

It is important to note that, in order to combine fasting and weight loss, you need to tune in to the need to constantly monitor your nutrition. From the point of view of the psychological mood, those days when it is allowed to eat fish are very dangerous (Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday) - the probability of disruptions is high.

It is good if the person who observes is supported by relatives and friends. It is important that no one encourage him to eat "at least one piece" of food that is prohibited during fasting. Therefore, you will have to control not only your diet, but also meetings with others - some people even have to refuse trips to birthdays or weddings, which are held during the fasting period.

Yes, with psychological point vision fasting and weight loss do not mix well with each other, however, in the presence of willpower, desire and faith, 49 days will fly by unnoticed.

Fasting and weight loss: the opinion of the priest

It is wrong to consider fasting as a means to lose weight. Weight loss is a consequence of food restrictions, but not an end in itself if we are talking about a believer. The meaning of fasting is to get closer to God and improve yourself in the physical, spiritual sense.

It is worth remembering that you can’t eat animal products during fasting, sometimes you can do without food. If you are not ready to follow these rules, it is better not to start fasting, but simply try to make a diet so that it is balanced and allows you to lose weight.

And, of course, it is important to note that fasting without faith in God is an ordinary diet with severe restrictions and nothing more.

Fasting and weight loss: the opinion of experienced

Combine fasting with weight loss is quite real. Moreover, you get the following benefits:

1. There is no need to eat the same way. The main thing is to evaluate the composition of each dish.

2. Clear certainty regarding the beginning and end of the fast - this allows you to set a goal and achieve it.

3. The realization that fasting is not a diet, but it helps to more easily endure food restrictions without psychological discomfort.

And finally, he is in a hurry to give some advice to those who nevertheless decided to combine fasting and losing weight:

1. Watch the fat content of foods and do not overdo it in the use of cereals, vegetable oil.

2. In order not to feel hungry, in addition to cereals, include bread, potatoes, cook soups in the diet.

3. Try to avoid protein deficiency, which can result from the rejection of animal products. Eat beans, soy, lentils, nuts.

4. Be sure to get enough sleep and walk more often in the fresh air. Practice moderate physical activity.

5. Take vitamin complexes.

6. Watch the amount of food eaten - fruits and vegetables are low in calories, but with their help you can stretch the stomach, which will only increase your appetite.

Now you know about all the pros and cons of losing weight in the post, and therefore, you can make your choice. Good luck!

If you believe the statistics, then in the coming Great Lent, one in six is ​​ready to give up alcohol and TV, one in eight is ready to give up meat and smoking habits, one in ten is ready to give up sex. And only one person out of 35 is ready to leave his account on social networks for this time. Our material is for those who have remained on the Internet, but do not mind using fasting time to improve their well-being and figure. Let's talk about whether fasting can be considered a diet and how to limit yourself in nutrition.

How to follow

Two weeks ago, the Orthodox Great Lent began, which will last until May 4. Strictly speaking, for believers this is the time for the purification of the soul, everything else is details. And we will just discuss them, if possible without touching sacred meaning this holiday.

For centuries, and the first mention of Lent, close to modern understanding, date back to the 4th century, Christians adhered to this serious "diet". Those who follow the rules of fasting should not consume animal products for more than a month: neither meat, nor milk and its derivatives, nor eggs. There are other restrictions as well:

● On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, you can only eat cold food without oil once a day. Moreover, eating is allowed only in evening time.

● Tuesdays and Thursdays - hot food without oil once a day, also only in the evenings.

● On Saturdays and Sundays, it is allowed to add vegetable oil to the diet and grape wine twice a day.

● First and last week- especially strict post. AT certain days You can not eat at all or use only bread and water.

In general, as dietary, the rules of the fasting law are technically easy to follow. You don’t need to scrupulously count calories, calculating which piece of cake was superfluous, you don’t need to stuff hated boiled or cereal into yourself for four days in a row. It would seem: eat whatever you want, but not meat (meat), cold and only in the evenings. However, it is worth figuring out how such a diet affects the body in general and the figure in particular.

And what will come of it


For good health. Abstaining from heavy protein foods has a positive effect on the body, especially in spring. Yes, and regarding the usefulness of milk for an adult, controversy has not subsided so far.

For a figure. Fasting will help free the intestines from toxins. This means not only weight loss, getting rid of heaviness in the stomach, but also a decrease in the amount of toxins in the blood.

For the mind. Lent trains willpower. And the time freed up from long meals can be spent on more interesting things.


Uneven weight loss. Yes, during fasting body weight is reduced. However, according to some experts, first of all, the number of muscle tissue and then fat.

The risk forgastrointestinal tract. A sharp transition to lean dietary rules can adversely affect the work of your stomach.

The temptation to overeat. There are no strict restrictions on the amount of food consumed, so the “walk, Emelya, your week!” mechanism may turn on. It would seem that it is not flour, not meat, not sweet - you can eat as much as you like, but this belief is erroneous. Firstly, eating at night is harmful, regardless of the type of product. Secondly, it will be difficult to rebuild after fasting for small portions. In four weeks, the stomach will get used to getting its own.

Emotional decline and irritability. It so happened that many are accustomed to reward themselves with food. We don't eat when we're hungry, but when we're bored or lonely. During fasting, the diet is strictly normalized, and the body does not receive the usual endorphins from the chocolate eaten at lunch. Of course, often the mood will deteriorate.

They always come back. And, unfortunately, in this case This is not about men, but about the lost kilograms. The so-called boomerang effect is triggered, and after a diet, the body replenishes fat reserves with new force.

Fasting and active training are not compatible. If you play sports, then the body will not have enough proteins during fasting. They will have to be replenished with soy cocktails or dietary supplements.

Loose Tips

● Competently compose your diet. Since you can’t eat foods with animal protein, include nuts and mushrooms in the menu.

● Make a list of what you can and cannot eat. Printout - on the refrigerator! So the probability of making a mistake and accidentally eating a piece of sausage will be lower.

● From fasting, as from any diet, should be released gradually. In other words, do not pounce on Easter raw smoked sausage and eat her mother's "Napoleon".

Summing up, we note that nutritionists have no unequivocal opinion regarding fasting. Some experts talk about its undoubted benefits for the body, while others argue that the kilograms dropped during it will immediately return, and they will also take gastritis with them. Probably, in everything it is good to know the measure. If meat is not the basis of your diet, then giving it up for a while will not bring harm. However, if you are used to eating steak for dinner, and do not consider "grass" for food, then it will be better if you choose a less "sacred" diet.

Lenten Recipes

Despite the fact that in general lean kitchen saturated with starch, which is not very useful for the figure - potatoes and pasta alone are worth something - we decided to offer you a couple of recipes for such dishes that will help you keep fasting and will not hurt your waist.

Lenten soup - borscht

The king of any Russian table and a love potion that any girl can prepare if desired. This is a rich borsch, the recipes of which are passed down from generation to generation. Fasting is not a reason to refuse it.

In order to prepare it, we need the following Ingredients:

3 medium potatoes, one sweet, one beetroot, half a head onion, 100 g frozen broccoli or cauliflower (or both), half a medium carrot, salt and spices to taste.

many helps to lose weight effectively Orthodox post , especially Great Lent. It is difficult to say whether the principles of Orthodoxy require such strict dietary restrictions as fasting people voluntarily impose on themselves. Combining their religious zeal with the desire to lose weight, some women stop eating meat, poultry, fish during fasting, butter, milk, cheeses, cottage cheese and eggs. Thus, they significantly reduce their protein intake during this period, which leads to the inevitable loss of part muscle mass.

Since sweets are not forbidden during fasting, they often “help” the fasting woman in acquiring virtues. Kozinaki from nuts and seeds, jam, dried fruits - everything except chocolate and sweets, which include ingredients “forbidden” during fasting, is actively consumed at this time. The authoritative weight loss site fatburning.ru regularly writes about this. Despite the fact that church prescriptions recommend eating cereals, legumes during fasting, bakery products, pasta and vegetables, not all Orthodox have the secrets of preparing full-fledged nutritious meals during fasting.

This again leads to a gradual depletion of the body. So, for example, few people know that in order for your body to receive complete protein from cereals or legumes, from them it is necessary to prepare such dishes in which at the same time would be present and cereals and legumes. This is due to the fact that neither the protein of cereals nor the protein of legumes are complete, tk. do not have in their composition all the set of essential amino acids necessary for human health.

But if everyone who observes or observed fasting as one assures that they always lose weight well during fasting, then due to what does this happen? Most often, of course, this is a direct consequence of the fact that the fat content of human nutrition is reduced. Even if before fasting, in an effort to lose weight, you did not eat fried potatoes, lard and mayonnaise, removing all meat and dairy products from the diet leads to a sharp drop in your intake of hidden fats contained in these products.

Why do people who dream of losing weight wait for the next post? Because all those kilograms that they lost during last year's fast have already returned! No one often thinks to understand why this happened and everything is attributed to their own sins - laziness, gluttony and love for other worldly pleasures. And why, in fact, figure it out if fasting again helps to get back to normal and throw off 10 or even more kilograms of excess weight? Such a “rolling hill” of losing weight and the inevitable subsequent weight gain can last for several years, but then suddenly the fast stops helping !!!

What happened, why one day we can no longer lose weight during fasting? Let's first understand why we used to lose weight during fasting and why did the weight always return? In this situation, everything is quite transparent ... Always during fasting, we experienced a lack of protein, as a result of which we lost weight due to muscle loss. There is nothing useful in this, because when we lose part of the muscle mass, we become more lethargic, weak, and our figure worsens. Always during fasting, we had time to yearn for various high-calorie dishes that we loved, and to which we later happily returned. This led to the fact that after fasting, the weight returned quickly enough.

During fasting, overeating is not encouraged and if you followed this, then this was also a significant reason that it helped to lose weight. This is all understandable, but why now all these mechanisms have stopped working? You yourself can see the reasons for this if you analyze how your life has changed over the past few years.

First, you no longer have to commute to work on the other side of the city, as it used to be. Even more, the job is 3 blocks away from you and you no longer need to expend energy in order to get to it.

Secondly, you bought a car and if earlier you and your husband at least sometimes went for a walk on weekends, now you, like all “normal” people, drive “to nature” and eat up on this nature even more than at home watching TV.

Thirdly, for last years you got a pay raise, and you wanted to try a lot of new and delicious foods that you previously could not afford. We can say with 90% certainty that the advent of these products has increased the overall calorie content of your daily food.

Fourthly, you have become a few years older, which means that your metabolic rate has decreased by several percent and now you simply cannot burn as many calories as in your youth.

Fifthly, your body has adapted to your posts. It's hard to believe, but our body is an amazing self-adjusting system. To lose weight or not to lose weight is decided by your head, it is she who compares your photo in a bathing suit with what she managed to see in fashion magazines. The body is always against losing weight, it does not need it. Therefore, as soon as you start fasting for the next 7 or 8 times, the body remembers this situation, which already “frightened” it in the past, and says: “Well, no, Masha, since you have sharply cut calories, I sharply reduce my activity and give I’m not going to have energy like last year!”

Article from the site:

How to lose weight in fasting and at the same time not harm your health is a question that worries many young girls. In fact, fasting is a vegetarian diet that all believers resort to. Therefore, if you do not know how to lose weight during fasting, then you should ask another question - how do vegetarians lose weight. But, unfortunately, there are no universal recommendations for anyone regarding diet food, because the need for a particular element or nutrient each of us is different.

Everyone knows the standard rules for correct and balanced nutrition, however, such a diet helps a few to lose weight, since each of us needs our own specific set of products. It’s enough for someone to eat steamed oatmeal and have a banana during the day for a full existence, and for someone it’s just physiological features must be eaten every day animal protein. In addition, not everyone loses weight on vegetarianism, there are people who, on the contrary, by eating only vegetables and cereals, get better. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the issues of proper nutrition during fasting, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of such nutrition.

Pros and cons of losing weight while fasting

The pros and cons of losing weight during fasting, we will consider below. After reviewing this item, you can decide for yourself whether it is worth losing weight in this way or is it still better to choose another diet with a more balanced diet.

Benefits of fast food:

  • For many people, it is quite difficult to follow a strict diet when everyone around is eating something tasty and high-calorie. And during fasting, there are quite a lot of people who observe a certain diet, so you will not be tempted to “break loose”. Even if you go to a restaurant, you can order Lenten dish and eat deliciously without harming the diet.
  • This way of eating is a real cleansing of the body from toxins, toxins and other harmful substances that enter the body along with copious amounts of fried foods, meat, lard and other fats. And during fasting, this method of cooking should be abandoned in the direction of consumption. raw vegetables and fruits, as well as steamed cereals, which, as everyone knows, do an excellent job of cleansing the blood, intestines and liver.
  • Also, during fasting, it is worth limiting the use of sweets, chocolate, flour products, which also harm the body.
  • Many people are afraid that they won’t be able to lose weight during fasting due to the fact that fasting is mainly carbohydrate food, but nutritionists do not agree with this statement, the main thing is to choose and cook foods correctly. Avoid starchy and starchy foods such as rice, potatoes, noodles, and pasta in favor of fresh vegetables, legumes and natural cereals.
  • And keep in mind, if on the first day of fasting you start looking for recipes for delicious lean pastries, as well as eating sweets, even lean ones, then you will not be able to either lose weight or cleanse yourself spiritually.

Disadvantages of a Lenten Diet

  • Such a diet is quite poor in B vitamins, which are found only in animal products, as well as zinc, iodine and iron. Therefore, it is recommended to buy vitamin supplements during the fasting period in order to make up for the missing elements.
  • Fasting is not recommended for those people who have any problems with the gastrointestinal tract, also with eating behavior. Because fast food is severe stress for an orgasm, which promises a change in mood and against this background, people can begin to "seize" problems. Which will do more harm to the body than good.
  • An unbalanced diet, lack of protein, combined with a large intake of carbohydrate foods, can stretch the walls of the stomach, which in the future can lead to an increase in appetite, weight gain and, as a result, stretch marks.

Recommendations for healthy eating, written below, will help you, if you do not lose weight during fasting, then keep your body in shape and thereby speed up the body's metabolism, which will subsequently lead to the correct and, most importantly, healthy weight loss. With a reasonable approach, fasting will become for you a kind of “respite” and a period for cleansing, which is essential for full weight loss. Therefore, in order to start all metabolic processes, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Diverse food. Fasting is not limited to the use of one buckwheat, cabbage and apples. On the Internet you can find many recipes for delicious and healthy food, which can be consumed during fasting. Every day, prepare new dishes for yourself that will not only diversify your diet, but also cheer you up.
  • Try not to eat fast carbohydrates, which bring the body a lot of extra calories, and besides, saturation with them quickly passes. Better cook your porridge vegetable stews, bean dishes, and also limit the consumption of sweets.
  • Try not to overeat. Remember that food saturation comes only after 15-20 minutes. Therefore, try to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. Do not eat at night either, the last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, seasoning them with a small amount olive oil and lemon juice. Try to eat them raw, not overcooked.
  • Add plant-based protein to your diet. Pay attention to legumes, which not only eliminate the feeling of hunger, but also help you lose weight in fasting.
  • During fasting, it is not advisable to snack. At first, it is very difficult to adjust to new mode nutrition. Since the body lacks protein, at first you will feel hungry, which makes it necessary to constantly snack on dried fruits, nuts, seeds, which contain a huge amount of calories. So if you're feeling hungry, you better cook yourself full lunch than to replace it with constant snacking.
  • Try to move more. Physical exercise help burn all the carbohydrates you consume throughout the day. It is not necessary to visit gym just walk more and not use the elevator.

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