Home Berries Western zodiac. Zodiac horoscope. Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac. Pisces born in the year of the dragon

Western zodiac. Zodiac horoscope. Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac. Pisces born in the year of the dragon

The Chinese and Western zodiacs are based on different principles and worldview.
The Western horoscope, which is more familiar to us, examines in detail the psychology of the months. And the eastern horoscope, about which we usually remember on New Year's Eve, determines the character of the whole year. What do we know about him? Let's find out more about the similarities and differences between these two systems.

Measured East and Practical West

The centuries-old traditions of the East, its measured and unhurried life are reflected in the zodiac: he turned to annual cycles. The eastern horoscope basically gives an idea of ​​the relationship of a person with those around him, of his behavior in society, reveals the emotional component.

The practical West takes the monthly cycle as its basis. The Western horoscope provides information about the psychological portrait of a person, explains his character, temperament, and personal potential.

Eastern Horoscope & Western - 12 Signs

Despite the fact that we are talking about two different systems, nevertheless, some similarities can be found: the date and time of birth are taken as the basis for both the eastern and western horoscopes. And to indicate character traits, 12 symbols / signs are used, two of which are more or less the same: this is the Ox-Taurus and the Goat-Aries.

  • Chinese zodiac signs : Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig
  • Western zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

The coming 2018- the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, 2019 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. 2020 is the year of the White Metal Rat.

Zodiac Months - Another Similarity

The Chinese solar calendar has 24 parts (seasons). Each solar month consists of two halves (approximately 15 days each) and corresponds to two of the 24 solar seasons. This is a period similar to the month of the Western zodiac.

The 12 months of the solar calendar are represented by the animals of the Chinese zodiac.

Zodiac Signs Origins

In Chinese folklore, there are many legends about the appearance of the 12 signs. According to one of them, when the Jade Emperor - the ruler of the heavens - created the calendar, all the animals of the earth participated in the heavenly race. The first 12 animals to pass through the Heavenly Gate were rewarded and became the signs of the Chinese zodiac.

This is in contrast to Western astrology, in which the 12 signs are based on the position of the constellations relative to the Earth. And the names of the constellations come from Greek mythology.

Learn about Chinese legends associated with the origin of the signs of the zodiac.

New Year - How To Determine In Which Numbers

Each month of the Chinese lunar calendar begins with a new moon and lasts 29-30 days. Each lunar year can differ from the previous one up to 1 month of the Gregorian calendar we are used to. Thus, the length of the lunar year is constantly changing.

Falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice on December 21, that is, every year on a different date, between January 21 and February 21.

However, when it comes to predicting and plotting horoscopes, classical Chinese astrology mainly uses the traditional solar calendar.

The Western astrological calendar is based on the rotation of the Earth around the Sun (and planetary alignment) and allows assigning certain dates (days) to each zodiac month, between 29 and 31 days long. This is why the signs of the western zodiac are also known as sun signs.

Moon phases in China and in the West

Chinese astrology is based on the phase of the moon at the time of your birth.
There are 4 phases: new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon.

Personality type New moon looking for an innovative environment; born in the period Of the growing moon known for their hard work; related to Full moon possess diplomatic abilities, and people born in the phase Of the waning moon strive for harmony.

The Western zodiac considers 2 Lunar Nodes - North or Ascending and South or Descending. This is important for certain areas, but still, in Western astrology, it is the planets that are perceived as a more significant factor.

Elements (Elements)

The Chinese astrological system recognizes 5 elements / elements: fire, earth, metal, water and wood. Each element has a great impact on our lives.

12 animals of the zodiac and 5 elements / elements form a complete cycle of the Chinese zodiac, 60 years long. According to this system, each sign is influenced by 1 of the elements, depending on the year of your birth. 2018 is the year of the Earth Dog.

The zodiac passes through 13 constellations, but the zodiac circle is divided into 12 equal parts, in contrast to the constellations. Each part is one by the Sign of the Zodiac, the name of which is given depending on the location of the corresponding zodiacal constellation in this area of ​​the sky.

The signs of the Zodiac are the movement of all planets. The full circle of zodiac signs gives us 1 YEAR. The land is in the center.

The main property is activity. Common features of the signs of the cardinal cross: action, activity, perseverance, aspiration, desire and ability to influence the environment; hence the desire for change. Energy is directed from the center to the outside.

Negative traits: selfishness, dissatisfaction, irritability. These properties are dictated by an excess of energy. These people love a fight, a duel. They always go to meet the struggle, it ignites them and gives them pleasure. Victory can be triggered by movement, military action, challenge to a duel. But the result does not always bring victory. There are other factors at play here as well.

People born under cardinal signs are active, energetic and prone to change; gas, after all, also generates energy and easily spreads in all directions, almost unrestrained by gravity. People of cardinal signs blaze paths that others follow and begin deeds that complete others. Born Aries bravely embark on daring ventures and adventures. Native Cancers are blazing new trails in housing and nutrition. Libra is pioneering literary, artistic and social life, and Capricorn is pioneering business and industry. Signs of cardinal quality breed INNOVATORS.

Fixed cross.

The basis of this cross is constancy. The main quality is courage. Common features: The people of this cross do well on the defensive. The product of their efforts in the form of a positive result is endurance, patience, and anticipation. This man is a fortress. They suffer not from weak will and cowardice, but from masculinity. They are characterized by constancy, resilience, but also steadfastness in the event of an attack. They can give a brilliant rebuff (depending on the sign). They have great efficiency, reliability, unbending will. The implementation of energy depending on efforts in any area.

Negative traits: self-confidence, conservatism, stubbornness, excessive pride, which is expressed in willfulness and willfulness. Also inertia, not love for change, imperiousness, authoritarianism, despotism.

Under the signs of a fixed quality, rather adamant, decisive and resilient people are born. Rigid bodies are difficult to change shape or location; Likewise, people of fixed quality are deeply attached to the familiar environment, the habitual way of performing their professional duties, and the habitual style of thinking. They have a tremendous power of resistance to any external pressure, are hardy and patient, are distinguished by perseverance and perseverance, delve into details. They are not innovators or energetic developers, but when development reaches a climax, they tweak the details and improve. Fixed quality marks breed IMPROVERS.

Movable cross.

It includes signs: | | |

The main quality is changeability. Common features: mobility, complaisance, flexibility, diplomacy, courtesy, sociability, talkativeness. These signs are endowed with perceptual flexibility. This is a very valuable quality that enables them to quickly adapt to change. They have the ability to find unconventional solutions. These signs don't need a duel. They are strong in originality, resourcefulness, negotiations, because they are mobile and dual.

Negative traits: talkativeness, narcissism, self-love, conceit. Basically, there is a desire to talk only about yourself. The duality of these signs is based on the combination of fixedness and cardinality, which results in a constancy of movement.

Mutable signs are the golden mean between the crazy activity of the cardinal signs and the stubborn resistance of the fixed ones. Liquid cannot seep through the gap as easily as gas, but if the channel continues for it, it will quickly flow along the line of least resistance. People born under mutable signs are rarely pioneers and innovators, but they easily follow in their footsteps. As a liquid easily takes the form of a vessel in which it is located, so mutable people easily adapt to a new environment and strangers. Marks of mutable quality rarely breed pioneers and innovators. These are mainly DEVELOPERS.

Anatomical connections of the zodiacal signs

1. ARIES - symbolizes the head, crown, forehead and face, is responsible for immunity (for leukocytes - taking part in the immune system). Pathology: headaches and toothaches.

2. TAURUS - between the eyebrows, throat, neck and ears, tonsils, the lymphatic system as a whole (all lymph glands in different parts of the body). Articular and vocal cords, tendons. Pathology: throat diseases - otitis media, tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc. All throat diseases.

3. Gemini - suffers from the tongue, arms, shoulders, collarbones, vision, eyebrows, lungs, nervous system, cerebral cortex (gray matter). Pathology: myopia (farsightedness), impaired memory and speech (cortex), inflammatory processes associated with the lungs, neuritis (inflammatory processes associated with the nervous system). Neuralgia, neuritis (upper shoulder girdle), neurasthenia.



Zodiac sign Capricorn

Patron planet Saturn

ruled by Jupiter, born

Perfect year year of the Ox


This is a very tough and powerful combination, reminiscent of the mythical animal - the unicorn.

Pure Capricorn attracts to itself, but it is dangerous if its interests are affected. He is able to conquer the most impregnable peaks, live in Spartan conditions and achieve incredible success. It can withstand the most difficult trials and overcome difficult times, troubles, without deviating from the chosen path.

This is a very eccentric, independent personality, withstanding a double load. A political leader who can become a support for a large number of people. In business terms, such a person is able to go to the top of the hierarchical ladder for a long time, using not intrigue, but confidence and his best qualities.

The ideas about life in such a Capricorn are clear, concrete, it is impossible to convince him.

He hardly understands jokes, is sexually very primitive, rarely capable of wide-ranging feelings and the manifestation of love.

Romantic ties and family are, as it were, a continuation of his work, if they do not interfere with the goals and aspirations of the Capricorn-Ox.


A very careful and experienced Capricorn, capable of avoiding traps, evading pursuit and strictly guarding its territory.

He tries to achieve this goal with minimal effort and risk. The personality is wise, thoughtful and judicious, less stubborn and more consistent in behavior than other Capricorn combinations.

This Capricorn does not trust emotions, heart hobbies, which are inherent in Tigers, and therefore shows his abilities very effectively.

For those around him, he is very attractive and does not put pressure on partners, who, as a rule, take an active part in his affairs. They like to obey such a person, they value his ability to connect the right people to the most difficult task and the ability to interest the end result.

In sexual relations, he is quite active, one cannot be offended for a long time at his betrayal, if they take place. Able to resolve any conflicts with partners.


Such a symbiosis can only be compared with a Siamese cat, which is pugnacious on the street, but in the house can be very affectionate. This is an independent nature, not very sociable, on his own mind.

Quite calm, but active Capricorn, well-versed in public life, respecting the law and the hierarchy of society. He is able to change beliefs, although he is extremely reluctant to do so, knows how to negotiate and be diplomatic. Can manage both property and time wisely.

Everything that happens around him can control quite clearly, including the actions of partners with whom he can be a great conformist, forgiving them their shortcomings. In family life, such a Capricorn is stable and romantic enough in the manifestation of his feelings.


One of the unusual species of Capricorns. Such people storm the heights, dressed in armor, and are able to be warriors not only on earth, but also in the sky: possessing a very strong astral gift, they are able to move mountains, using both willpower and their mystical abilities.

In performing any task, such a Capricorn can be extremely realistic, diligent and self-confident. This is a very strong combination that gives rise to strong-willed people, who are whole, capable of influencing the life around them and setting themselves super-tasks. However, he still lacks rationalism, he overestimates his strength and often suffers defeat. At such moments it is better not to touch him: in solitude, he draws strength and "licks" his wounds.

Partners can influence this Capricorn only when he is extremely unlucky. In other circumstances, he does not notice support and often breaks away from the team in his leadership aspirations. Therefore, this person gives a rather important place to the family, helping to cover the rear.


Such a Capricorn loves to retire in the rocks, hidden from prying eyes, and is able to be in dreams for a long time, content with his own wisdom. Possessing a strong intellect, he gives the impression of a person who is very wise with experience. He has good intuition, he can, based on even insignificant facts, create coherent theories.

Easily trained, consistent in solving his problems, he is able to achieve success in areas of activity that require an individual approach and inner focus: in writing, detective work, scientific research.

He is very smart, thinks abstractly. Endowed with self-esteem, has its own system of moral and ethical values. Usually acts as a patron for a team or partners who should be close to him in spirit.

Although the sexual potential of such a Capricorn is quite high, he is extremely reluctant to make contacts.

The environment of these people is afraid, because when they are not at ease, they can kick quite tangibly, protecting their inner world.


He is able to organize any business and unite different people to achieve a specific goal. Very consistent and constant in his aspirations. Reliable and responsive. Such a person can solve his own and other people's problems, taking into account common interests.

He is successful in business, because he knows how to defend his rights and complete any undertaking. The emotional sphere of life is for him a source of business activity and enthusiasm. A responsible person cares about family and work equally if he perceives the first as a continuation of the second. He shows emotions quite actively, but does not cause particular irritation among others, harmoniously fitting into any team.


A very sluggish Capricorn, similar to a camel, capable of feeding exclusively on thorns and making do with internal reserves for a long time. Developed a sense of self-worth. Knows well what he wants. Lucky due to mobility and sociability.

For his benevolence and readiness to protect the weak, he is respected by those around him. As a rule, such people rarely remain in the shadows. They are able to play an active role in shaping their environment and create life in the pattern they believe is right. Fate will sooner or later reward them for their trials. Capricorn's firm leadership helps to recognize and limit the Goat's evasiveness, agility, and cunning.

The emotional and sexual spheres of life play an important role in the life of Capricorn-Goat. He is reluctant to change partners, although his sexuality is quite high. Before deciding to do this, he will carefully weigh the pros and cons of the new one.


He is capable of hard long-term work, but his deeds rarely bring the desired result. Peaceful disposition, diligence and responsibility in his character coexist with dexterity and cunning. Such a Capricorn is able to take a position in society and control the environment without being too burdened with responsibility. Can achieve any goal and not benefit from the fruits of his labor.

Sexual relationships are dynamic enough, but unreliable. The people with whom he breaks up cannot take offense at him for a long time. The unshakable influence of the zodiac sign helps such Capricorns to explain the motives of their actions from the position of indestructible logic and at the same time draw the correct conclusions.


Able to realize the most ambitious plans and aspirations. Such a Capricorn has a very rational mind, he is calm, not petty, unsophisticated and, due to his principles, is capable of engaging in battle with superior enemy forces. This is a fighter, a samurai, ready for any sacrifice for the sake of victory. The same is the case with partners who must be conquered, conquered by him, and only then will they be of interest to him. He becomes attached to such a partner for a long time. His principle: "To steal is like a million, to love is like a queen!"

Sexual potential is average, but high goals set allow him to show miracles of heroism and emotional passion, and therefore - to win.


There is much in it from the dog guarding the owner, tied to his yard and wary of strangers. At the same time, such a person is very generous and benevolent to those who are interested in him. He can change his views and moral and ethical principles, if there is a need for this and if he feels that he will receive dividends from this.

However, a sense of justice and faith in himself make him, in moments of trial, put into practice what he himself considers right, regardless of prohibitions and old attachments. Such a Capricorn has his own self-assessment system, which is based on the principle of fulfilling his duty. Capricorns-Dogs - respect the law both as a boss and as an executor.


In a calm state, he is peaceful, but if there is a threat from competitors or enemies, he is capable of extreme measures, and then it is difficult to stop him. Such a person is characterized by ambition and ambition. He clearly observes hierarchical conventions, adheres to conservative views on social relations, and takes into account the opinions of others.

The dreams of such a Capricorn are based on the real state of affairs and represent the rungs of the ladder along which he intends to climb to the heights of success. As a rule, Capricorn-Pig does not shy away from responsibility, is able to work for a long time and scrupulously, but is afraid of collisions and problems that may arise with partners. He has the psychology of a person who slowly but surely lays the foundation for future castles.

He maintains relations with all relatives and is proud of his children, his home, his environment. An adherent of traditions, he pays attention to the atmosphere in the family of a potential partner, is rarely capable of frivolous and unnecessary love affairs. Women of this sign are very sexy and capable of having many lovers, mainly high-ranking ones. Men are more reserved, although their sexual potential is quite high.


A very cautious Capricorn, who, before making a decision, will weigh everything several times. He has subtle intuition, adventurous, but circumspect and accurate in every little thing. Not a fan of gambling, because he does not rely on luck. She can believe in success if she is reinsured several times.

In public relations he is stable, chooses friends once and for all. However, he does not like to get too close to people and even more so to open up to them. In the business sphere, he can show remarkable resourcefulness and extraordinary flair. Over time, all his plans are realized, and those around him will be surprised at the accuracy of his foresight. An intelligent collector, neat to the core, seeks to streamline everything and everyone, both in business and in personal relationships. Such a person is a loyal, stable and tactful partner, his connections are very long-term and constant.


January 21 - February 20 Zodiac sign Aquarius Patron planet Saturn (those born from January 21 to February 1 are influenced by Venus, those born from February 2 to February 12 are ruled by Mercury, those born from February 12 to February 20 are ruled by the Moon) Perfect year year of the tiger


An optimal combination for these Aquarius, but unsafe for those around them, because such people are able to implement any of their destructive ideas in a very soft, diplomatic form. They are one of those who lay softly, but sleep hard. The personality is equally courageous and sophisticated, moreover, absolutely independent: like a cat that walks by itself. Aquarius avoids any kind of leadership.

Aquarius-Tiger does not open his cards, it is useless to call him to frankness. He can ridicule those who try to do so, and create difficult and unpleasant situations for them. At the same time, in public, he is able to be gentle and intelligent. Charming and cheerful, he knows how to charm everyone. He is often visited by great and unrealizable dreams and expectations, but he does not even try to realize them. He only likes what comes into his own hands. He is not able to rid himself or his environment of routine work. In intimate relationships, it is very unstable, although the sexual potential is very high.


Such an Aquarius has a rich imagination, and with this he charms people. He studies the world not in order to conquer it, but to understand it. These are optimistic natures, they know how to control their rather violent emotions and get along with others. Their inherent discernment perfectly helps to navigate the merits and demerits of people, and the prophetic gift is to foresee the future. The fantasy of such an Aquarius is nothing more than a reflection of predicted events.

The sexual potential is high. This is a romantic-minded person who attracts a partner for a long time. He usually has few enemies.


He can get more out of life than circumstances offer him.

An excess of militancy such Aquarius, as a rule, directs to people who were his friends before, so the circle of his close associates is constantly changing. He chases after ghostly fame and success, never satisfied with what he has achieved.

Glory to such people always comes too late, and they are rarely recognized during their lifetime. In addition, others do not like being used.

Despite this, he is constantly surrounded by followers and associates.


He sets himself super-tasks that he usually cannot fulfill due to the fact that he is overwhelmed with a variety of desires. All problems for such an Aquarius arise, as a rule, due to constant anxiety and internal stress. He lacks concentration to show his extraordinary abilities and talents. At the same time, she is an open, cheerful, dynamic, bright and artistic personality. Sociable and short with any partners. Has good intuition, foresees the future and is able to influence others. He is active in business, organizes meetings, receptions, gathers the right people. In a dynamic, changing world, it feels like a fish in water. However, he is hampered by such traits as envy, weak will, lack of balance.

Best of all, he can prove himself in the role of a mediator.

Sexual potential is average, and relationships with partners are rather unstable. Both men and women often gladly change partners, but more often they return to the family, to old friends and acquaintances.


An active, optimistic, lively personality. Such a person is always full of enthusiasm, new ideas and obsessed with the search for truth and the highest justice. Surrounds himself with a crowd of fans, forcing them to believe in themselves and their intentions. He is constantly striving into the future, and the experience of the past, as always, does not teach him anything. For the sake of future ghostly goals, he is ready to put everything on the line and sacrifice his present. In affairs, Aquarius-Horse sets unrealistic goals, trying to achieve them with the help of insufficiently competent people.

However, sometimes, thanks to the help of patrons and natural attractiveness, he manages to attract the right companions that ensure his success.

Sexual potential is high, but partners should be of the same level. Sex for such an Aquarius is a continuation of rivalry and business relationships.


Combines contradictory qualities. Firstly, such an Aquarius is endowed with a much greater mind than is required for life, but his mind is at the mercy of the Goat's whims. Secondly, such a person is very difficult to conquer, since he is too mobile and values ​​himself very highly. At least, being next to him, one must constantly be ready for sacrifices and exploits.

Aquarius-Goat - nature is quite altruistic and very peculiar. He values ​​both his freedom and the freedom of others, therefore such an Aquarius develops warm and friendly relations with many people. He is quite sensitive, understands the emotional sphere of other people well, is capable of compromises. He can be a good counselor or judge in an argument.

He does not look for permanent connections, does not suffer from an excess of ambition and is not capable of long-term work for the sake of a career. He prefers to take pleasure in debt, of which he usually has a lot, paying with advice and friendly participation. It is difficult to make any serious claims or demands to him.

In practical activities, he shows intuition and mystical abilities. Outwardly, he is deceptively simple-minded and, only after getting to know him better, the partners change their attitude towards him. For family life, this person is not very adapted. But occasionally such an Aquarius still meets the one with whom he becomes a good family man, although in this case he will consider his half unworthy of himself.


The personality is very unusual, with an original character, combining the generosity of Aquarius and his ability for versatile knowledge with the ability of the Monkey to deftly operate them. Such a person is able to conduct his policy with extreme flexibility and prudence. At the same time, he is energetic, dynamic and extremely curious, has an extraordinary intuitive gift and sociability.

He uses his abilities in practice, can be a good traveling salesman and mediator. Using a combination of their natural qualities, they are able to conquer any heights, without losing their benefits. He keeps the people he needs by cunning and deceit as long as it suits him.

The sexual potential is quite high, and Aquarius-Monkey skillfully uses it, constantly increasing in the process of gaining experience.


A dynamic, forward-looking nature, capable of putting today's well-being on the line for future benefits. To defend his principles, to which he is fanatically devoted, such a person is ready for any sacrifice. He likes to be ahead of everyone, and sometimes he is really ahead of his time.

The most favorable for him are the types of activities in which you can show your individuality. He is able to become a brilliant inventor, researcher, scientist, generating ideas for the future. In partnerships, this is a rather difficult and even difficult person who rarely manages to find a decent half. Maybe that's why he is always looking for new connections.


Extremely agile, courageous, open and friendly person with a developed sense of humor and the ability to compliment. The first to feel social unwell, without hesitation, is ready to resist, raising people to fight. Very dynamic, unable to stay in one place for a long time, he sometimes seems too scattered and immersed in his thoughts. In fact, at this time, he can develop grandiose plans and ponder various ideas.

Easily changes the environment and, entering a new team, often completely transforms it. Has a somewhat "provocative" character and hardly obeys. Such a combination - Aquarius + Dog - is favorable for partnerships and, if the partner is ready to follow his chosen one, despite all his quirks and ideas, their relationship can last a lifetime.

In the romantic sphere, relationships are more friendly than sexual in nature, so it is difficult to be in constant love relationship with such a person.


This combination is the softest and most balanced of the entire Aquarius combination, although it is ambiguous. On the one hand, he is a sincere and businesslike person, on the other, he is prone to reckless and defiant actions. Nevertheless, due to its efficiency and open-mindedness, Aquarius-Pig can unite the team for any purpose. In this case, even the inconsistency of his character does not shock his environment, but, on the contrary, excites the imagination and increases the creative potential of the companions.

Such an Aquarius often hides its ability to think strategically and rationally under various disguises. But he can succeed and correct mistakes. He is very amorous, but the emotions that distract him from everyday affairs never capture him enough to lead him to a dead end. The feelings of this person cannot be exploited for a long time. Although he is able to correspond to partnerships for a long time - provided that no one will restrict his freedom and business activity.

AQUARIUS BORN IN THE YEAR OF THE RAT Such an Aquarius has an innate craving for an intellectual life and, accordingly, his circle of contacts is quite selective, although he himself makes a uniquely pleasant impression on everyone around him, causing special love in children. A versatile, dynamic person who values ​​freedom with an extremely inflexible character is a kind of rebel-revolutionary who brings a fresh stream to any society.

Quite often, such people give the impression that all this is only for the sake of effect, and cannot hold the conquered hearts for a long time. The urge to change places pushes them to seek more and more new adventures. The same thing happens in the sexual sphere, which is very unstable, which is why, sooner or later, these Aquarians change their family and partners. But as a friend, such a person is quite attractive, because he does not particularly hold on to his own profit, is easy-going, appreciates communication and company.


Outwardly dispassionate, even harsh, this person is internally intelligent, promotes his brilliant ideas, does his job patiently, persistently, using his intuition, and quietly but confidently connects others to the implementation of his ideas. This is how his predatory instinct manifests itself. His main stake is ingenuity and original perception. Sooner or later, such a person gets his way.

Sexually, he is rather calm and uses sex as fuel for his own purposes, as he is capable of sublimating sexual energy. He can force his partner to adapt to his sexual FISHES

February 21 - March 20 Zodiac sign Pisces Patron planet Jupiter (those born from February 21 to March 1 are influenced by Saturn, those born from March 2 to March 11 are under the protection of Jupiter, those born from March 12 to March 20 are accompanied by Mars) Perfect year- year of the Rabbit


She is a very sensitive, flexible and pleasant person who surprises with the most versatile talents. Does everything in order to please others, and often makes a deceptive impression. Business and rational abilities are hidden under a modest and unassuming shell.

Such a person uses the mistakes of others for his own pleasure, considering them as cogs and nuts of his mechanism. Avoiding other people's problems and conflicts is optional in relationships and promises. An observant and resourceful mind helps him to avoid even the smallest risk in businesses. Such Pisces go to the goal only with a 100% guarantee of success.

In family relationships, it is not easy with them, because they know how to please and play on weaknesses. They value themselves highly enough that when they are clearly neglected, they can remain alone for a long time.

The sexual potential is very high. Sometimes they can lose their heads and leave home for a long time, but more often they return to their former attachments, not finding a better one.


Such Pisces are characterized by softness and delicacy in relationships with friends. They are able to embark on a risky journey, love adventures, unexpected meetings, romantic experiences, although they are very ambitious and can do the most difficult work. He is able to make work not only himself, but also his environment. They have intuition and foresight, combining them with sufficient rationalism. They are wise in their actions, therefore they rarely flare up and explode, but one must be very careful with them. If you acquire an enemy in their face, the case can turn into a heart attack and complete defeat. These people manage their partners subtly and skillfully thanks to truly mystical intuition. Their sexual potential is high enough, and they use it to attract and keep the right people on an equal basis with others.


By nature, predatory, these Pisces, however, with their restraint, calmness and gentle manners, are able to mislead others. You can drown in the whirlpool of their feelings, so such people rarely reveal to anyone all the depths of their souls. They are easily offended, especially if they are trying to show their affection, love, or friendship. When they are seriously offended, their love turns into hatred, and the result can be very disastrous for the offenders:

Pisces-Snakes will stop at nothing, and can even use black magic. In relations with partners, they do not need verbosity, in their aura one can feel a certain clarity of consciousness, psychic strength, quiet calmness. Business cooperation with such people can be very fruitful, because they are able to find a way out even from seemingly hopeless situations. They are good as advisors, consultants, or lawyers. But winning their sympathy isn't easy.


A very unusual combination of long-suffering Pisces with the agile and active nature of the Horse. It is very difficult for such a person to understand himself, and very often he himself is deceived in others. He finds it difficult to use his abilities, often changes the environment, profession, emotional attachments and social circle. And nevertheless, throughout his life, he remains completely incomprehensible to anyone and still asks himself the question: "What can I do to change?"

In relations with the team, Pisces-Horses mainly prefer to go with the flow, but they are constantly waiting for a turn on which you can easily turn off and swim your way. Such people are gifted with a brave soul, a subtle perception of the moods and desires of other people, but they will not follow the lead of anyone, since they believe that everyone should reach everything on their own. These are individualists working outside the team, able to work for a long time, but not always effectively. Their relationships with partners are unstable, they lack depth and completeness.


Acting with inspiration, they are able to achieve success in any area that is attractive to them, although they lack regularity for systematic everyday work, and excessive fussiness interferes.

Such people are very attractive and even charming, make the most favorable impression, showing wisdom, thoughtfulness, attentiveness, gallant behavior, well-read and their other best qualities, of which there are many.

However, sometimes they are overly sentimental. Such Pisces are capable of sincerely deluding themselves and leading equally sentimental and irrationally thinking people.

They, as a rule, do not claim leadership and prefer to manage from behind the scenes. These are "gray cardinals" who skillfully perform intermediary functions and take good commissions for it.

They can unite around themselves a large number of people under the banner of goodness and humanistic aspirations. However, they rarely move from plans to systematic actions and do not like to take responsibility.

With no less success, they are able to attract sexual partners, firstly, because of their romantic qualities and, secondly, because of their generosity. In sex, they are able to combine sports, and art, and poetry. As a rule, they are attached to the family, for the sake of which they are ready for any sacrifices.


Possessors of outstanding intellectual abilities. They easily learn everything and can provide their environment with a lot of small services. They are very good merchants, salesmen, uniting everything and everyone, not without benefit for themselves. Skillfully use their mystical charms to achieve what they want.

Such people most often have a wonderful acting gift, they can read in the hearts and souls of others, they know their advantages and disadvantages well, and their main talent is the ability to get the most out of everyone. Therefore, in business relations, especially in non-production and humanitarian spheres, such a person can be very useful. However, due to the superficiality of Pisces-Monkeys, relationships with sexual partners, emotional ties are shallow.

Very often at the end of their lives, looking back at the path they have traveled, they realize that they are entangled in a maze and it is too late to look for a way out. Sometimes they can be burdened with several families or partners, many children, constantly resolving all kinds of conflicts. At the same time, they get along with everyone and financially support all their lovers and all their offspring.


Individuals are quite peaceful, capable of corporate actions, willingly compromise. If they listen to such a Fish, and even more praise or flatter her, then she obeys her environment and shows her positive qualities to the maximum. These Pisces have their own views on morality and ethics, and other principles cannot be applied to them, so in business relationships you can expect the most incredible antics from them. These people often change their appearance and the roles they play. Long and methodical work is avoided, especially if you can engage in any individual activity.

Sexual potential is high enough, so they can spend it recklessly, not at all thinking about the possible consequences.


Natures are quite sensitive, attentive, combining courage and respect for authorities, they value comfort and peace, they attract others with their pleasant manners. Such a Pisces has a deep understanding of the inner human essence. She rarely conflicts with others, on the contrary, her presence alone affects the resolution of any conflicts and the search for compromises.

Quite high sexual potential and stable relationships with partners. Rarely embarking on adventures, even the most romantic ones, they respond to feelings only when they are sure of them.


These Pisces combine confidence with good intuition and deep penetration into the human soul. Create a positive attitude around them. Such a person is able to unite the team, demonstrating to everyone his love and readiness to protect at the right moment, he can direct his environment to achieve a specific goal. He does not tolerate conflicts and does not change his opinion about people too quickly, because he does not like to sort things out in general, and even more so through court.

Such a combination of the zodiac sign and the year of birth gives stability, allowing a person to use with maximum benefit for himself any, even not very beneficial, situations that fate offers. Pisces-Pigs are capable of causing frankness, so many people like to cry into their vest.

These Pisces have high sexual potential, they love children and value their family. For them, the family is a place where their positive qualities are manifested, although they themselves are often in a state of melancholy, carefully hiding this from others and believing that they receive less than they deserve.


Very pleasant, emotional and thoughtful natures, their peaceful disposition allows to unite teams for the sake of altruistic and humane goals. This creative person, despite some shyness and secrecy, is capable of leading large masses of people. She subtly feels the inner world of any person and successfully comprehends the wisdom of human relations, and the ideals of goodness and justice are perceived by her very deeply.

Pisces born in the year of the Rat often have intuitive insights, meditative states, they are able to communicate with muses, but do not indulge in passive contemplation, but become creators.

In an intimate life, this is a rather deep, emotional person who prefers a romantic relationship with a spiritually close partner to primitive sex. He has a great need to have his own home in order to feel safe, so his family life is quite stable.


Behind the external modesty and restraint of these Pisces lies strength, reliability, and internal integrity. As a rule, professing sincerity and honesty in their behavior with others, they often face the need to change tactics due to deceptions and self-deceptions. Such people seem to have a double life, and an easily vulnerable soul is hidden behind an outwardly formidable facade.

Sincerity is required from a partner. Restrained in the manifestation of feelings, such Pisces are able to remember offenses for a long time and rarely forgive them, so sometimes the accumulated grief manifests itself in the form of hysterical explosions and home scenes. But the healthy beginning of their personality rarely allows them to step over the fatal line.


Elegant and agile natures, which are often difficult to discern under the guise of tranquility. Such Pisces love dancing, games, poetry. They are able to subdue loved ones, forcing them to fulfill all their desires and whims. This is a very dynamic and mystical combination - behind the Pisces' appearance is the Tiger, ready to jump at any moment. In the family, such people are looking for an outlet from the hardships of everyday life, and if they do not find it, endless domestic showdowns follow.


Zodiac sign Aries

Patron planet Mars

ruled by the sun, born

Perfect year- Year of the Dragon


Self-confident, businesslike and as if not having nerves, such a person may seem like his own on the board, but this impression is deceiving. A personality, undoubtedly, bright, capable of raising the masses, inspiring them with his enthusiasm under the motto "All or nothing!" The life credo of this nature: to steal - so a million, to love - so a queen. Such people are domineering, self-confident and brave to the point of recklessness. They are capable of fighting anyone who disputes their rights or infringes upon their dignity.

In the latter case, Aries-Dragon can be simply terrible for others.


The personality is deep and thoughtful, if he criticizes something, he does it meaningfully, sparkling with imagination, sharpness and accuracy of comparisons. When intriguing, he goes to the end, although he rarely does it, because he is wise and careful. In the social sphere, he adheres to liberal-democratic principles, and such Aries is inclined to consider any situation detached, not taking anything too seriously and to heart.


Fearless and impatient, he is in constant motion, he expresses himself brightly, but sometimes recklessly: without really completing one thing, he is in a hurry to start another. Such a person lacks perseverance in the consistent achievement of the intended goal.

However, this does not bother him, since wit and inspiration, grace and dexterity allow him to do several things at the same time.

As a consequence of the influence of the year, the Horse is difficult to herd, but also difficult to keep in the stall. Aries born in the fatal year of the Horse of Fire (1966) is in danger.


It can sometimes seem meek and gentle, patient, ingenuous and reliable. But very often this is just a game.

Sometimes Aries of the Year of the Goat are too persistent and aggressive with their loved ones. They are capricious, pretending, nagging and thus determine the limits of the patience of parents and spouses. If whims do not work, they become completely manageable and reasonable.

They will wait for a suitable viewer.


This combination, on the one hand, signifies a lightning-fast reaction, extreme aggressiveness, suddenness in the manifestations of feelings, and on the other hand, the ability to deep feelings, isolation and calmness, however, often ostentatious. In general, Aries-Monkeys strive for leadership and often realize these inclinations in the sexual sphere, where their aspirations border on lust.

These people "advertise" themselves and their ideas, being able to show themselves in the most favorable light. It is difficult to force them to deviate from the chosen path. They can be honest when it suits them, express their feelings sincerely and firmly, looking straight in the eyes. But in other cases, they will be cunning, and it is extremely difficult to appeal to their conscience or prove that they are wrong. They are capable of harsh, uncompromising dialogues, but at the same time they know how to defend their opinions in a very correct manner.


This person is able to see the weaknesses of people, the prospects for the development of relationships with them. He can give good advice, but he does not skimp on unrealistic promises. Hard to miss, impossible to ignore and hard to endure - these are the three main signs of Aries in the year of the Rooster. Positively tuned, they can be simply necessary in any business and for any person. However, being in an unimportant mood, they are able to demonstrate rather unsightly qualities. Convinced of their righteousness, they can go to any battle with fanatical stubbornness and with a clear conscience, without hesitation and without hesitation, commit extremely unseemly acts. Direct in all their manifestations, they are prone to megalomania, which often clearly shows through in a conversation with them. It is sometimes extremely difficult to prove anything to such people.


A nature capable of both heroic and very base deeds is very often in the spotlight, because she is self-confident, open and feels the problems of other people well enough.

It is impossible to take offense at such a person. He is able to adequately assess the situation, always strives for emotional and spiritual fulfillment and justice.

This Aries is proactive. And material benefits are not of paramount importance to him. For Aries-Dog, the main thing is the highest principles. And even if he is disappointed in them, he quickly finds new ones and can just as easily change the environment.


This person is "tough" - active, does not tolerate servility and honor, is able to keep a distance from most people.

Cheerful and optimistic, passionate and generous in heart, Aries of the Year of the Pig is distinguished by sex appeal and seething energy. He can be a reliable support, able to lend a shoulder to a friend in difficult times and open his soul. All his life he is looking for points of application for his abilities, inclinations and sympathies.


An impetuous, aggressive and impudently curious person who is able to easily and freely enter any society thanks to his contact and self-confidence. This is a person with a truthful character, his straightforwardness is softened by his inherent dexterity, cunning and charm.

A very self-willed and self-confident Aries of the Year of the Rat actively manifests itself both in the business and in the emotional sphere. Able to control and push others. He amazes others with his awareness in the most unexpected areas.


The personality is temperamental and unyielding, although sometimes it seems slow and uncertain.

Such a person is quite delicate both in words and in behavior. He is characterized by self-control, discretion, he will defend his territory and his environment.

Aries-Ox rarely seeks help and does not burden other people with his problems, for this he is too self-confident, sometimes even arrogant. But when he decides to act against the interests of other people or tries to overthrow someone's authority, he will be unbearable and adamant.


Constantly agitated, has neither patience nor endurance - a kind of unceasing firestorm, an endless bundle of energy. It rushes forward, sweeping away everything and everyone on its way, or suddenly discharges into frenzied hysteria. However, it can be very generous both materially and emotionally. He is an innovator and inventor by vocation, he has no shortage of friends or enemies.

Unbridled feelings and inherent charm and artistry inherent in him from birth attract many fans, which is for the heart of Aries-Tiger who loves to be in the spotlight. Very sexy and gambling, he is able to overcome all sorts of prohibitions and barriers, to break any resistance.


He prefers to keep aloof, being interested in others to the extent that this does not contradict his personal interests, tastes, attachments, etc. When necessary, he can be very communicative. He does not go into his pocket for a word if you need to play along with the interlocutor with flattery or win over a business partner to your side, although in the end it turns out that the more words, the less action.

Behind the deceptively calm appearance and seeming good manners hides a man with nerves of steel, capable of playing any role, carefully and deftly choosing the right moment for action. Able to act tough in his own interests, as a rule, always achieving his goal.


April 21 - May 20 Zodiac sign Taurus Patron planet Venus (born from April 21 to May 1 are ruled by Mercury, those born from May 2 to May 11 are favored by the Moon, those born from May 12 to May 20 are ruled by Saturn) Perfect year year of the snake


The most businesslike of all Taurus. Faithful not only to himself, but also to partners with whom he strikes up a relationship for a long time. It amazes with tenacity, the ability to predict the situation for a long time. Rarely regrets his failed plans, quickly replacing them with new ones. I am sure that a bird in the hands is better than a pie in the sky - hence the attention both to partners and to money. Taurus-Snake is difficult to make to take risks and cannot be seduced by gambling. He is rarely tormented by doubts and fears, for he firmly believes in his abilities and molds his destiny with his own hands.

At the same time, he is a very sensitive, emotional person, capable of perceiving beauty, enjoying art - this stimulates and develops his feelings. He perfectly orients himself in time and space, making the most of any opportunities provided to him by fortune.


It is a mixture of conscientiousness, consistency, reasonable risk and the ability to use his inherited ability to manage people. He is well versed in the intricacies of human nature and uses it for his own purposes.

Such a Taurus is very dangerous to admit to power, since he usually has a sick self-esteem. Taurus-Horse can remain lonely, showing exorbitant ambitions, which, however, does not create a big problem for him, since he is ready to calmly and contemplatively meet any trials.

This person, guided in his actions by reason and common sense, is always ready to analyze both his own behavior and the actions of others. At the same time, such a Taurus is not capable of sufficiently deep introspection, he lacks the breadth of thinking, and he will never break his neck, chasing mythical treasures.


Gullible and vulnerable creature with aristocratic manners and very attractive in communication. In the business sphere, this person is open to any suggestions if they correspond to his instinct for self-preservation and the need for comfort, coziness and safety.

At the same time, Taurus, born in the year of the Goat, amaze with an unmistakable sense of beauty and intuition. Their weaknesses include some internal indecision - they cling too much to the past, looking into the future with apprehension.


The ability to produce bright ideas attracts others to him. He is extremely impressionable and has a flexible mind. Sociable, able to manage his environment, ambitious enough. But at the same time, Taurus of the Year of the Monkey is not always purposeful and consistent in his actions and desires. Of the positive qualities, one can note the ability to harmonize the interests of others and one's own interests and find compromises in various critical situations. Such a person loves a fun life and does not allow his high enough sexual potential to be inactive.


Keeping faithful to his principles, sincere and exalted, such a Taurus devotes the main place in life to love. As a Rooster, he is sexy, but he is able to sprinkle these rather base feelings with spirituality. Again, like Taurus, he has a truly swan loyalty. But if base qualities win in such a person, then he becomes an attractive bastard.

Such a person is able to win victories without knowing fatigue, knows how to control his words and actions. He is not tormented by difficult trials, Spartan living conditions, he is able to work hard and for a long time, and sometimes looks withdrawn and dry. Sufficiently serious outlooks on life, on partnerships allow such people to achieve success in specific activities.


Like all Taurus, he is circumspect and gravitates towards stability, moderately sociable, generous and able to give warmth of his friendly feelings. By nature, such a Taurus is open and honest, sometimes it is too superficial in judgments and is not able to delve deeply into the problems of another person. With his reckless, sometimes somewhat obsequious behavior, he helps loved ones to relax, not forgetting, however, about his own interests.

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Zodiac horoscope and description of the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac, is considered very popular in European civilization. It is difficult to find a person who does not know his zodiac sign. And even people who claim that they do not believe in horoscopes, how do they know the characteristics of the sign of their Mother-in-law or Wife.

Zodiac signs by date of birth

(March 21 - April 20)

(April 21 - May 21)

(May 22 - June 21)

(June 22 - July 23)

(July 24 - August 23)

(August 24 - September 23)

(September 24 - October 23)

(October 24 - November 22)

(November 23 - December 21)

(December 22 - January 20)

(January 21 - February 19)

(February 20 - March 20)

Nobody knows the exact appearance of Western astrology, it appeared around the 1st century. n. e., and since then has not undergone any special changes. It arose as a pagan science and developed in the occult mainstream of the course of life, possessing a pronounced religious connotation.

In ancient times, people believed that the gods live in heaven, and by watching the sky, they become closer to them. Ancient Astrologers have established that life on our planet is subject to the rhythms of movement of heavenly bodies. For many centuries, the priests watched the stars and planets, and accumulated vast knowledge, based on the zodiac horoscope.

The basis for the construction of Western astrology and the characteristics of the zodiacal horoscope is 12 constellations of the zodiac, which represent special groups of stars. Ancient Astrologers, after long observations, found out that all events taking place on Earth are very closely related to the solar sanctuary. They calculated 12 cycles, corresponding to the twelve zodiacal constellations that the solar disk passes through during the year. The path that the Sun passes along the constellations was named in Western astrology - zodiac circle, and twelve constellations - 12 signs of the zodiac... Each sign of the zodiac reflected cyclical characteristics with different features, which took on a reflection of the state of the subtle world and the Universe.

The zodiac horoscope consists of 12 signs of the zodiac, the characteristics of which depend on the date of birth of a person. To be more precise, the zodiacal constellation at the time the Sun is in it, on the date of birth of a person.

Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in the horoscope, reflects the fundamental character traits of a particular zodiac sign. Therefore, for a more detailed horoscope, Astrologers are ordered an individual horoscope, which, among other things, takes into account the influence of the planets at the moment of birth.

In the zodiac horoscope, the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac are associated with the four earthly elements, which endow the signs of the zodiac with certain energies. Western astrology distinguishes the elements - fire (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius), water (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer), air (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) and earth (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn). Each sign is endowed with certain energy characteristics, properties and temperament.

As a result, the Western zodiac horoscope takes into account many different parameters, the influence of the position of the sun in the passage of 12 constellations, the energetic influence of the planets. The characteristic of the signs of the zodiac also depends on the earthly elements, which add additional properties to it. The accumulated knowledge of Western astrology gives us the opportunity to know ourselves more deeply and the subtle world around us, which is hidden from the gaze of our eyes.

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