Home Diseases and pests Unconditional love krayon. Kryon "love. And then you begin to understand that the evolution of the human spirit is to begin to realize the connection with the Creator that exists between people. And when this starts to happen, people will be more careful and

Unconditional love krayon. Kryon "love. And then you begin to understand that the evolution of the human spirit is to begin to realize the connection with the Creator that exists between people. And when this starts to happen, people will be more careful and

Kryon. Create a space of happiness and success around you! 10 most important lessons Lyman Arthur

Lesson 1 Finding Unconditional Love

Finding Unconditional Love

Feel loved and the world will instantly change

The success of any communication, any relationship begins with unconditional love. Simply because Divine, or unconditional love (love that does not set any conditions and does not depend on anything) is the only creative force in the Universe. If we want success in anything, if we want positive results, we must start with love. This applies to any business. Everything we approach with love receives a very powerful charge of Divine energies. They come to us, into our lives, precisely through our own feeling of unconditional love. If we carry unconditional love within us, we become conductors of powerful Divine energies. And these energies begin to work for us. They begin to create all the best that we want to receive. They bring us success.

Relationships are doomed to success if they are built on the foundation of unconditional love!

Look at any relationship that is not working or failing. The only reason is that some low-frequency energies interfered with them, different from the energies of unconditional love. Maybe these are the energies of resentment or condemnation, anger or envy, an egoistic desire for self-affirmation and power... All these are destroyers of relationships.

Unconditional love is the only force that can create the most beautiful relationships!

It is very important to understand: unconditional love is not selective. Unconditional love is a feeling that anyone can feel for anyone. Kryon says that if we did not forget about our Divine essence, then we would know that all people really love each other with unconditional love. This is a natural phenomenon for that Divine family of which we are all members. We only need to remember this to understand that there is nothing unusual or complicated about unconditional love. It is in our very nature. But our nature turned out to be distorted. Therefore, we forgot about what is natural for us and began to follow what is unnatural for us: dislike, rejection, condemnation of each other, and sometimes even hatred.

All this seems normal because it has become a habit, but in reality it is not the norm. And the more people understand this, the easier it will be for all of us to return to the true norm - to unconditional love for each other as pure Divine beings.

You need to be aware: unconditional love is precisely Divine love, love in its highest manifestation. This is the love with which God treats people. This is love that does not attach importance to shortcomings and imperfections, love that is all-forgiving and absolutely selfless.

In human society, unfortunately, there is a substitution of concepts. They began to call love something completely different from what God intended in this word. Love is the powerful creative force of the Universe. This is the power of accepting everything as it is. This is a force aimed at the unity of all things with God. This is a protective, protective force, this is warm and gentle care, this is an approving and supportive force.

People began to call manifestations of completely different energies love. So, they began to call love their possessive feeling of subjugation of another person, the feeling of possession, their desire to influence others, as well as dependence on others. Because of this substitution of concepts, relationships collapse. Because only unconditional love connects people. All other feelings, only counterfeited as love, are incapable of uniting people and can only break off relationships.


Human love is often demanding. Human love often wants to get something from the object of love. Human love can claim power and subjugation. Human love requires reward and gratitude.

I say “human” to emphasize its differences from Divine love. But this does not mean that Divine love cannot become human. To do this, it must cease to be conditional - setting conditions, and become unconditional - free from any conditions and requirements.

Every person has experienced manifestations of unconditional love at least once in their life. It is impossible not to feel them, because this is our true nature. And no matter how distorted our ideas about love may be, we still know deep down what it is to love and be loved unconditionally. This means that we are faced with the task of just remembering how this feeling manifests itself.

Exercise 1

Revive the feeling of being loved

Surely you have felt loved more than once, and you can remember this. Maybe it was in childhood when you felt that you were valuable just the way you are, that you were loved and accepted without any criticism, without any judgment, without anyone wanting you to “be better.” Maybe it was already in adulthood when you felt the love of another person. But it is possible that this feeling arose in you even without connection with the attitude of other people towards you. Thus, many children feel deep down in their souls that they are loved by the world, the Universe, God, nature, everything that exists - even if the people around them do not confirm this with their behavior.

Maybe this feeling (“I am loved!”) didn’t come to you often, maybe it was fleeting, but it’s probably happened to you!

Remember a situation in which you felt something similar, and remember the feeling itself: “I am loved.” If this was due to other people’s love for you, then, most likely, later this feeling disappeared and was replaced by other feelings, not so positive - for example, jealousy, resentment, addiction. But, one way or another, you had the feeling that you were loved, and it was real, it was yours, and it became part of your experience - regardless of all subsequent disappointments.

When we associate the feeling of “I am loved” with other people, disappointment is usually inevitable. But we can realize that this feeling does not only depend on other people. When you felt that someone loved you, you looked at yourself with different eyes - loving ones. You felt that you were given the right to love and accept yourself as you are. And if you enjoyed the feeling that you were loved, if the whole world seemed completely different at that moment, bright and beautiful, the reason was precisely because you felt your right to be loved and gave yourself the right to love yourself, to treat yourself well.

Now you just need to resurrect this feeling in yourself (after all, it is part of your real experience), regardless of other people’s attitude towards you. You can remember that you are loved because God loves you. And this love does not depend on anything. It doesn't depend on whether someone else still loves you or not. People's love is usually not unconditional, so it can change. God's love is unconditional and therefore unchanging.

Having resurrected the feeling “I am loved,” look at yourself through the eyes of a loving God. Strive to ensure that this feeling accompanies you always and everywhere. If you forgot, remind yourself that you are loved!

This way you will gradually come to a constant feeling of unconditional love that accompanies you in life always and everywhere.

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Iureli » Sep 12, 2018


Iureli: Kryon returns again to the theme of Love in the highest sense of the word. He reconsiders those signs or attributes of Love that he gave before, and also gives its new features that come along with new energy (translation from an audio recording from Lee Carroll's website).

This live channeling was given in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - August 18, 2018
Audio recording of the message “NEW ATTRIBUTES OF LOVE”: http://audio.kryon.com/en/Love-INDYSAT-18.mp3

Translation: Iureli

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon from the Magnetism Service.

These messages are addressed almost primarily to those in the room, for the issues discussed in them are intended for the old souls present here. And these messages can be very different: Some of them are thematic. Sometimes they are parables. And sometimes, it is given as academic information about certain things so as to reveal to you what is happening and what will follow next. But not this time:

We are ending the day, and at the end of the day, you will do what you always do, and that means you will get up from your seats and leave. But right now, there is such an attunement here, such a coherence, and I want to take advantage of it while you are here alone listening to this. And for those who are reading and listening and are not here: This is not a message that will go on and on and on. This is a short message, short-lived, but which will then [Kryon with love:] last... last... and last...

In the beginning there was LOVE

We have already started channeling with these words. I want to make some kind of “update” for you. More than 10 years ago, I introduced the “4 Attributes of Love” to my partner, and he wrote them down and then published them in a parable novel [in the fifth book of Kryon, “The Journey Home”]*. 4 attributes of love were given by the Angel to the hero of the story, and he listened to them. Has Love changed during this time? You might say, “No, Love is always the same!”

I'm going to give you some information, and you don't have to agree with it: IT HAS CHANGED (!) - because: YOU HAVE ALREADY CHANGED! And now you can make an “update” for these attributes. Some of them remain the same, but even these “same” attributes can be “updated”. Because you suddenly find yourself in an energy that will reveal them in more detail, and you are no longer just “hearing about them.”

More than 2000 years ago, dear ones, the Master of Love showed HER to you, introduced HER to you. He tried to do the best he could to bring IT to this planet so that you could all enjoy IT every day of your lives. And everywhere he walked, you could see that even the flowers grew differently, and people followed him - thanks to Love! He was far ahead of his time. And yet, the Earth has changed significantly even since his departure. Thanks to the Good News that he brought, which was so pure and so divine! Even to this day you are comprehending it.

LOVE... I want to give you its attributes again today. And they are already a little different than before:

① And the first of them: “LOVE IS PURE...”

She is so pure that it exceeds anything that can be believed. The essence of Love is such that no other consciousness is mixed with it: It is PURE!

It is so pure that people do not even understand this purity. The closest thing to this - and we have said it before - is in a mother's eyes, when you first see your child, when you first pick him up and put him on your chest. And this energy that you have for your little one, it is so pure for a human being: you are overcome with excitement... and celebration... and tears... and laughter... It makes you cry. It just couldn't be cleaner! And now I want you to amplify this 10 times: This is the Purity of God's Love! And the way in which it manifests itself for you: [Kryon, with delight:] This Purity is directed → to YOU!

She is clean. She comes to you not “loaded” with anything. This is not some kind of love that says: “I love you unconditionally, well, except... one condition: You must do this and that... You must go there... Oh yes, by the way, If you don’t do this, then, of course, “God’s punishment” will befall you.” No, this is not what the pure Love of God is like. This is just your characteristic humanization of everything. No. If God is inside you, and if that is the plan, as many of the major religions on the planet claim... if God is inside you, then there is that purity that is “coupled” with him that says, “You are magnificent! Born in this place - with such purity!”

“LOVE IS PURE” is what you started with. This is the most that my mother could give. Mom saw this. Dad saw this. And when they looked at you together in those first weeks, they had such great excitement: This is such purity as they could give you. But inside... inside... you knew on some level as you grew up: The Creator who created you gave you something special: The ability to love in the same way!

The purity of love is perhaps the most amazing energy on the planet! This is from the Creator, dear ones. And no matter how you believe “who you are” and “what” is going on in your life and “what” you were told about it, you are born into these conditions. The free choice of humanity chooses according to the state of consciousness, what it is and where it is going. But then, when you arrived here, there was only pure love... for the innocence of this child.

This is number one.


She is quiet and patient. And we've said it before: The purity of real love is QUIET! The Master of Love did not enter the room with loud statements: “Listen, everyone! [Kryon, smilingly laughing at this very possibility:] I have Love! But you don't have it. So why don’t you gather all the time to listen to me?” No, that didn't happen. And you know that this did not happen. You know this.

If the Master of Love were to walk into the far door of this hall right now, it would happen quietly, and we wouldn’t even know about it. You wouldn't even know it until he walked down the aisle and spoke. And then there would be complete silence in the hall... And in this established silence you would hear the deep truths about the Creative Source: about the Love of God... about how to manipulate Physics... about how much you are adored and how loved... And everyone would recognize the Love in its purest form. This is how love manifests itself.

If Love itself would enter the hall, not even embodied in someone else's body... if Love itself would enter this hall, then this is what it would do: NOTHING!... Until you saw it and said would: [Kryon, quietly with a breath:] “Are you here? What do you have for us today?” And then Love, remaining quiet and calm, would say: “Take my hand, I want to show you something...”

And with all the quietness and beauty, Love would take you from the hall and show you a flower. And Love would say: “Look at the flower, for it is You!” The whole creation in all its complexity: it is the same for you and for the flower. It represents Love! The flower has as much in common with you as you have with it: the same Creator, the same complexity - isn’t it?”

Love would take you to the tree and say: “Do you realize that you are one with the tree? But even more than that... Hug a tree!” And Love would ask: “Can you feel how it hugs you back? Do you know that the tree knows that you are here? The tree knows this on a chemical level: You breathe on it. And the tree really likes it! Because it uses your breath for its life. And it responds by giving you oxygen in return. It is one with you. You are one with him.”

And the metaphor of this example is this: Every “living” thing on the planet, and even those things that you do not consider “living”, are one with you! And it is in silence and stillness that you are able to feel it, and you can know it. And there are people who have discovered that they can go into a field and sit there, without saying a word, and listen... to the silence of the most beautiful music in the world!

The oneness of all is almost legendary and underlies some of the spiritual systems you study. This is what Love is. Love is like the glue that connects you to everything that shows you your magnificence and tells you: “No need to say a word... Just be loved...”

It was number two.

③ The third attribute is clear without words: “LOVE DOES NOT STAND OUT, LOVE DOES NOT PUT OUT...”

Otherwise, it is in no way part of love, in no way part of the “consciousness of love.”

When you go from one place to another and at the same time you love, then you are silent, you are patient, and you understand that there are no words, no explanations, no such protrusion that would be greater than the Love that you carry. You could walk around the hall and see that the Creator is in every person in this hall, regardless of what they tell you: even if they are angry with you, or if they are happy with you.

It does not matter. They have a Creator inside too! They might even shout at you: this is their consciousness, and this is their difficulty. But God's Love is so beautiful in them. Exactly the same as in you.

And then you begin to understand that the evolution of the human spirit is to begin to realize the connection with the Creator that exists between people. And when this starts to happen, people will be more careful and careful in what they say to each other. Because they all have something in common, and this is purity, and beauty, and the silence of Love...

And they will understand this connection between them and the Source. And they will begin to understand their connection with others... in the Galaxy, maybe... or even in the “University of Love”. The University of Love is that learning territory you are in right now that “reminds” you of what you were originally taught: Love is EVERYTHING!

④ Fourth attribute.

It is the largest, filled with new energy on the planet. And in this new energy, Love, for the first time, has this trait: “LOVE IS CONTAGIOUS!..”

And this means that when you love someone with all purity, they cannot do anything about it, they will be “infected” (!) by it [Kryon smile]. Whether they know it or not, whether they want it or not, it will permeate their potential willy-nilly. Into their potential! And this means that they will freely choose, with much greater potential than ever before, to immerse themselves in the light of Love...

And then you fall straight into the metaphor that: Love is Light! And you awaken to a greater truth that says: “When you begin to turn on your lights of light in the darkness, then the darkness goes away.” And then other people are drawn to this light because it allows them to “see better”: By their free choice, and not by the direction of any doctrine, and not by following the guidance of any book, but simply because they can now “see better.” [Kryon, enthusiastically:] They see better, and they begin to feel it.

They don't know "what exactly" they feel, but they like it. And they say, “I don’t know... I don’t know what it is, BUT... I enjoy life more. I no longer feel like a victim. I feel like something has appeared in my life... I feel like there is hope and a “light at the end of the tunnel.” I thought that my illness would destroy me... But now I know better, [Kryon, with joy:] because I know:

- I can control the Disease ← with my LOVE‼”

[Kryon, with delight:] This is what is already happening on the planet!.. If I told you something unexpected: [Kryon, in a playfully mysterious voice:] “Could you “keep it to yourself” and not tell anyone?” [Kryon laughs]. It's a joke.

The Pleiadians went through everything that you are going through: through all the systems that you discover... and through centuries and eras, through discoveries... and through the evolution of the 23 pairs of chromosomes of their DNA... And it didn’t take them many thousands of years to so that the disease goes away. And then they realized something:

...The disease itself has a vibration. And this is low vibration! And therefore, the Disease will more easily cling to something else, which also has a low vibration. And then, when their consciousness began to vibrate at a higher level... and their DNA began to work better... and the sacredness of who they are began to manifest for them... when peace was established in their land, and they moved towards what we call the Ascended status... - The disease could never cling to them again! She became “blind” to them.

This became their realization of not only a longer life - but an "extended", improved life! Their DNA is your DNA. They discovered with their higher consciousness that they could live generation after generation - WITHOUT AGING, at all!

Right now we are giving you an invitation: START IT! Right now we are telling you to START talking to your Innate and giving it commands ← with your LOVE → about what it needs to do! This is not at all what your media says about what they think should happen at a certain age.

No, this is when you reverse the countdown of your internal clock. And those around you will see not only that “you have love”, expressed in your state of compassion, and in “how you act”, and “what you do” - but also the fact that you are NOT YOU GET OLDER, and they continue to age.

It will show up. And that alone will be very attractive to a lot of people who will say, “I don’t know how you do it, but give me some advice.” Again, you can sit with them and say, looking them in the eyes, “Did you know that you are born gorgeous? And it can get even better if you want.” This gets their attention. And then you start telling them how you feel... and how you feel... and what you've done... and how you MANAGE so many things in your life: “I am NOT a victim on this Earth! This is Love. This is where I get it from... just like you..."

Love hovers over the evolution of the planet as a catalyst, a binding glue that is already beginning to show itself in many ways. The darkness will no longer be able to exist in such Purity: And terrifying things on earth will begin to crawl out of the darkness. And you will “see” them, and you will no longer be able to see such things, they are so terrible. You will burst into tears at what they are doing... and what they have already done... And they will perish in the Light. They will perish in the Light!

And then you realize that as the light that you show all the time increases, they have no chance left. By their own choice - they chose the wrong road. By their own choice, they went to the consciousness of darkness. And by their own choice - they chose to do those unthinkable things that they have been doing for many years. And their time is up. And you will see it. [Kryon, with tension, breaking into a whisper:] - YOU WILL SEE THIS!

And when you do this, I want you to remember this channeling, and this moment in time when this person receiving the channel gave you this information. It's all there in the Field. It's already coming. The big purge has already begun. The cleansing has already begun... And don’t let these things scare you: “two steps forward, one step back.” The darkness will resist, [Kryon, with a grin:] but it will not win.

That's enough for now.

And so it is.

*) Four signs of love from the book: Carroll Lee “The Journey Home. Michael Thomas and the Seven Angels. Novel-parable of Kryon” /transl. from English - M.: LLC Publishing House "Sofia", 2007:

The Divine Spirit Kryon reveals to us the secrets leading to Love and Light, success and happiness. Step on the path of Divinity, forget about competition, rivalry and division. Feel the power of spiritual unity and create a space of success and prosperity around you! This book contains ten lessons - ten steps towards a new, happy life, harmonious communication leading to success. Go through them slowly, at any pace convenient for you. All exercises are selected so that you can perform them independently in any environment convenient for you.

A series: Wish come true!

* * *

by liters company.

Finding Unconditional Love

Feel loved and the world will instantly change

The success of any communication, any relationship begins with unconditional love. Simply because Divine, or unconditional love (love that does not set any conditions and does not depend on anything) is the only creative force in the Universe. If we want success in anything, if we want positive results, we must start with love. This applies to any business. Everything we approach with love receives a very powerful charge of Divine energies. They come to us, into our lives, precisely through our own feeling of unconditional love. If we carry unconditional love within us, we become conductors of powerful Divine energies. And these energies begin to work for us. They begin to create all the best that we want to receive. They bring us success.

Relationships are doomed to success if they are built on the foundation of unconditional love!

Look at any relationship that is not working or failing. The only reason is that some low-frequency energies interfered with them, different from the energies of unconditional love. Maybe these are the energies of resentment or condemnation, anger or envy, an egoistic desire for self-affirmation and power... All these are destroyers of relationships.

Unconditional love is the only force that can create the most beautiful relationships!

It is very important to understand: unconditional love is not selective. Unconditional love is a feeling that anyone can feel for anyone. Kryon says that if we did not forget about our Divine essence, then we would know that all people really love each other with unconditional love. This is a natural phenomenon for that Divine family of which we are all members. We only need to remember this to understand that there is nothing unusual or complicated about unconditional love. It is in our very nature. But our nature turned out to be distorted. Therefore, we forgot about what is natural for us and began to follow what is unnatural for us: dislike, rejection, condemnation of each other, and sometimes even hatred.

All this seems normal because it has become a habit, but in reality it is not the norm. And the more people understand this, the easier it will be for all of us to return to the true norm - to unconditional love for each other as pure Divine beings.

You need to be aware: unconditional love is precisely Divine love, love in its highest manifestation. This is the love with which God treats people. This is love that does not attach importance to shortcomings and imperfections, love that is all-forgiving and absolutely selfless.

In human society, unfortunately, there is a substitution of concepts. They began to call love something completely different from what God intended in this word. Love is the powerful creative force of the Universe. This is the power of accepting everything as it is. This is a force aimed at the unity of all things with God. This is a protective, protective force, this is warm and gentle care, this is an approving and supportive force.

People began to call manifestations of completely different energies love. So, they began to call love their possessive feeling of subjugation of another person, the feeling of possession, their desire to influence others, as well as dependence on others. Because of this substitution of concepts, relationships collapse. Because only unconditional love connects people. All other feelings, only counterfeited as love, are incapable of uniting people and can only break off relationships.


Human love is often demanding. Human love often wants to get something from the object of love. Human love can claim power and subjugation. Human love requires reward and gratitude.

I say “human” to emphasize its differences from Divine love. But this does not mean that Divine love cannot become human. To do this, it must cease to be conditional - setting conditions, and become unconditional - free from any conditions and requirements.

Every person has experienced manifestations of unconditional love at least once in their life. It is impossible not to feel them, because this is our true nature. And no matter how distorted our ideas about love may be, we still know deep down what it is to love and be loved unconditionally. This means that we are faced with the task of just remembering how this feeling manifests itself.

Exercise 1

Revive the feeling of being loved

Surely you have felt loved more than once, and you can remember this. Maybe it was in childhood when you felt that you were valuable just the way you are, that you were loved and accepted without any criticism, without any judgment, without anyone wanting you to “be better.” Maybe it was already in adulthood when you felt the love of another person. But it is possible that this feeling arose in you even without connection with the attitude of other people towards you. Thus, many children feel deep down in their souls that they are loved by the world, the Universe, God, nature, everything that exists - even if the people around them do not confirm this with their behavior.

Maybe this feeling (“I am loved!”) didn’t come to you often, maybe it was fleeting, but it’s probably happened to you!

Remember a situation in which you felt something similar, and remember the feeling itself: “I am loved.” If this was due to other people’s love for you, then, most likely, later this feeling disappeared and was replaced by other feelings, not so positive - for example, jealousy, resentment, addiction. But, one way or another, you had the feeling that you were loved, and it was real, it was yours, and it became part of your experience - regardless of all subsequent disappointments.

When we associate the feeling of “I am loved” with other people, disappointment is usually inevitable. But we can realize that this feeling does not only depend on other people. When you felt that someone loved you, you looked at yourself with different eyes - loving ones. You felt that you were given the right to love and accept yourself as you are. And if you enjoyed the feeling that you were loved, if the whole world seemed completely different at that moment, bright and beautiful, the reason was precisely because you felt your right to be loved and gave yourself the right to love yourself, to treat yourself well.

Now you just need to resurrect this feeling in yourself (after all, it is part of your real experience), regardless of other people’s attitude towards you. You can remember that you are loved because God loves you. And this love does not depend on anything. It doesn't depend on whether someone else still loves you or not. People's love is usually not unconditional, so it can change. God's love is unconditional and therefore unchanging.

Having resurrected the feeling “I am loved,” look at yourself through the eyes of a loving God. Strive to ensure that this feeling accompanies you always and everywhere. If you forgot, remind yourself that you are loved!

This way you will gradually come to a constant feeling of unconditional love that accompanies you in life always and everywhere.

Find the Divine Source of Love Within You

The main source of unconditional love is God. But since each of us is Divine by nature, or Human-God, the source of unconditional love is within every person. This source is our true essence, our loving Spirit. When we feel loved and allow ourselves to be loved, we are in touch with that source. But most people don't realize this. Most people still believe that you can only feel loved when someone else loves you.

It turns out that you believe that this other person knows better whether you are worthy of love or not. And you allow this other (even a close and loved one) to decide whether you can feel loved or not. At the same time, for some reason you do not give yourself the right to feel loved without any conditions.

This is due to the habit of not trusting oneself. We trust other people more than ourselves! We allow other people to determine whether we are worthy of love or not.

But each of us knows and understands himself much better than other people. Others may not understand something, judge us for something, or deprive us of their love. But this does not mean that we, like them, should deprive ourselves of the right to love!

Remember that God does not deprive anyone of the right to be loved!

And if you are a particle, a ray, a spark of God, if you are God-human by nature (and each of us is exactly like that!), then you, as God, can give yourself the right to love - the right to love and be loved.

Having discovered the source of love in yourself, you will no longer depend on the attitude of other people towards you. You will give them the right to their opinion, to their attitude towards you - but this will not influence you. Because the one who has discovered the source of love in himself is above all influences.

Exercise 2

The source of Divine love is within you

Stay alone with yourself, close your eyes, direct your attention inward. Calmly and quietly say to yourself: “I.” Listen to the resonance that arises within you, in your inner space. Continue: “I am the Light. I am the love. I am God." Feel these words. Mark the point within yourself where they seem to resonate, respond. Imagine that a light flashes brightly at this point. This is the light of Divine love.

Mentally connect with this point - the source of Divine love within you. Imagine that your entire inner space and your entire body are filled with radiance. Tell yourself: “The source of love is always with me. He's in me. It does not depend on anything external. This is an eternal and inexhaustible source. Nothing can affect him. God's love is unchanging. God's love is with me."

Stay in the light of love, imagine yourself bathing in its warm and soft waves. Notice how your condition has changed. You feel calm strength, quiet joy, peace, tranquility, self-sufficiency, security. This is how Divine love works!

Turn unconditional love into your strength and support

Having found the source of love within yourself, you need to consciously begin to direct this love to yourself. This is the only way to turn love into strength - into your own personal strength. This strength will become the support for any of your actions, achievements, successes. It will also become a support for successful communication.

Often people are mistaken, thinking that for a good relationship you need to treat others well, love them, but you don’t have to love yourself. But it is impossible to love others without loving yourself first. This seems to be a simple truth, but it is not always easy to learn in practice.

You must share love first with yourself, and then with others!

Because if we cannot direct the flow of Divine love even to ourselves, we simply do not have enough strength and energy to love someone else unconditionally.

To hold yourself in a state of unconditional love, to turn that love into your own power, requires training. After all, the outside world continually knocks us out of the state of Divine love. Someone else's opinions, our own failures, the habit of comparing ourselves with others and other factors make us doubt ourselves, undermine our self-esteem and simply block the flow of Divine love. As a result, we cannot access the source of this love, even though this source is within ourselves. It requires the ability to return again and again to the state of “I am loved” and strengthen your inner foundation, personal strength based on unconditional love.

To gain this skill, begin to fulfill the following three conditions:

– Accept as an axiom the fact that you are worthy of love, and this is not discussed. Let go of all thoughts that you are not perfect enough, that you need to be better first, etc. Remember that unconditional love does not require any conditions. Tell yourself that you are worthy of love just the way you are.

– Learn to distance yourself from other people’s opinions. See yourself through the eyes of a loving God, not other people.

– Stop comparing yourself to others. For God, everyone is equal and everyone is equally worthy of love. No one is worse or better than another.

By accepting and following these three conditions, you will find it increasingly easier to remain in a state of unconditional love. You will feel that you are becoming stronger, gaining an inner core, and it will be more and more difficult for the outside world to knock you out of your Divinity, from the state of love and unconditional acceptance of yourself. Change may come slowly, but it will come steadily. Notice even the slightest changes for the better in your condition, let them become an incentive to further move forward.

The following exercise will help you regain your power in situations where some external influences deprive you of access to the source of Divine love.

Exercise 3

Regain your power

Sit in a comfortable free position, direct your attention inward, mentally connect with your inner source of Divine love. Regain the feeling of being loved by seeing yourself through the eyes of a loving God. Ask your Creator to show you what is stopping you from feeling fully loved and finding your power. Ask your Divine Self the question: “Who or what am I allowing to take away my power?”

Listen to the inner silence for a few seconds. Then try to understand the answer you receive. To do this, think about the situation or person that you think is preventing you from feeling loved. Usually the first thing that comes to mind is the correct answer.

Think about what specifically makes you feel like you are “not good enough” or “unworthy of being loved.” Remind yourself that it is a misconception that you, like all people, are loved by God and worthy of that love.

Then mentally surround with a cocoon of the love and light of God that person who makes you feel that you are not good enough (or, if this is not related to the person, but is caused, for example, by some kind of failure - imagine an image of this situation, its picture and yourself in it, and also surround him with a cocoon of love and light of God).

Then take a deep breath and say, “I am loved! I am worthy of love! Now I'm taking back my power!" Imagine that you are inhaling the energy that you gave to this person or this situation, and it flows into your body, making you stronger. Then exhale slowly, completely exhaling all the air from your lungs, and say: “I am clearing the dissonant energies received from this person (this situation),” and imagine yourself exhaling these unnecessary energies.

Then say: “I ask the Creator to dispose of the energies I do not need in a way that is appropriate.” You don’t have to imagine how dissonant energies return to the person who caused them - entrust God to dispose of them.

Take a few more similar inhalations and exhalations to fully regain your strength and completely free yourself from unnecessary energies.

Repeat this exercise as often as you see fit - and preferably after every undesirable situation and after every meeting with people who make you uncomfortable and knock you out of your stay in Divinity.

Start sending unconditional love to others in any situation.

Only by establishing ourselves in the feeling “I am loved”, only by gaining internal strength through this - the strength that allows us not to succumb to external influences and not lose touch with the source of Divine love - can we interact harmoniously with other people. Harmonious relationships and, in general, any full-fledged communication are possible only in the energies of love. Where these energies are absent, where they are replaced by other energies - associated with a feeling of rejection of oneself and others - there any relationship is doomed to failure.

It is very important to enter into communication with a feeling of being loved, complete and worthwhile. Then you will be able to convey a harmonious positive message to other people. Even if there is a hostile person in front of you, he will feel a positive message from you.

There are people who try to provoke us into displaying dissonant energies. They themselves are inharmonious, and seem to call us to join their dissonance. If we feel the strength of our inner source of love, then we can hold our line, that is, not get involved in the dissonance of another person, no matter how much he tries to pull us into it. Remember that you have the power and your own will. Don't blindly follow others' lead. Don't allow yourself to be drawn into their dissonances. Learn to send unconditional love to everyone, and especially to those with whom you come into contact.

The question often arises: how can we send unconditional love to those who do not love us, wish us harm, treat us badly, or even hate us? But unconditional love is unconditional, so as not to depend on such conditions either! If there is any protest within you against sending love to such people, remember that all people carry a spark of Divinity within themselves.

Yes, there are people who betrayed their own Divinity and do various dark things. But still, a spark of Divinity is present in them, although they themselves may not know about it. Send unconditional love to their Divine Self! If your love towards them is truly unconditional, strong and sincere, a miracle can happen: these people will begin to change, or events in their lives will begin to unfold in such a way that they will no longer be able to do dark things.

This is how, without engaging in open struggle, without fighting, with one message of unconditional love you can neutralize darkness and change the world for the better!

Exercise 4

Sending unconditional love to others

Think about the people you interact with most often and with whom you would like to improve your relationship. If a relationship is not good enough, it means there is a lack of unconditional love. Don't wait for the other person to show you that kind of love! After all, in this case, your love will no longer be unconditional. It turns out that you set conditions: “First you show your love, and only then will I show mine.”

Unconditional love does not wait for any reason to be shown. You don’t need to strive to change your outward behavior to do this. You just need to imagine that you are sending this person a flow of love energy from your heart!

Direct this flow by addressing the Divine Self of this person. You can mentally say: “I direct the flow of Divine love from my Divine Self to your Divine Self.” If such words do not really help you, if it is easier for you to imagine the energy of love in the form of a warm, soft flow of light, or to feel such a flow at the level of sensations - do what is more convenient for you, what works best for you.

Be sure to listen to your feelings when you do this, they will tell you how best to direct such a flow.

You will definitely feel that something has changed in your relationship. The flow of love always prevents conflicts, quarrels, aggravation of relationships and instills gentleness, warmth, and mutual understanding.

If you don't succeed the first time, practice again and again. Notice when you get out of this state of love and consciously return yourself to it in any situation.

Find protection and invulnerability through unconditional love

There is such a misconception that to start giving unconditional love to everyone means becoming vulnerable to them, allowing yourself to be used, and being subordinate to others.

Kryon refutes such opinions; he says that things are exactly the opposite: the one who carries unconditional love in himself turns out to be protected, invulnerable to any harm. After all, love, as we already know, is not only a feeling, it is also energy, that is, real power.

The more unconditional love we carry within ourselves, the more energy we have, which nourishes our Spirit, giving it literally a diamond strength!

This means that no one can influence us against our will, no one will force us to do something that we don’t want to do, no one will force us to abandon our interests, tasks, goals and needs.


Unconditional love is Divine love. This is the love with which God loves all things, including every person. God loves you with unconditional love - but is God vulnerable to you? Can you manipulate God or use Him for your own purposes? Can you force God to act the way you want if it is not His will?

No. If you don’t like some Divine laws, you cannot influence God so that He changes these laws. You can decide for yourself whether to follow these laws or not. This is a matter of your free will. But whether or not to repeal the laws themselves is a matter of God’s free will, over which you have no control.

When we carry unconditional love within ourselves and share it with others, we become like God: we become invulnerable, we become free, we become able to independently establish the laws of our lives and not allow them to be violated.

Exercise 5

Divine love is the best defense

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply and steadily to relax and drive away extraneous thoughts. Focus your attention on the heart area and connect with your Divine center.

Mentally ask the Creator to place you in the flow of Divine love and light. Imagine that you are inside a stream that flows from above, from infinity, and goes deep into the earth. It is an iridescent, shining white light.

Now mentally ask the cells of your body to accept this Divine light and, with its help, activate your own Divine nature. Imagine watching light enter the cells and they burst into white, glowing light. Now you are engulfed in light both outside and inside. You have united your human nature and your Divine nature.

The Divine light also burns in your eyes. This is the light of Divine love, unconditional love, because the nature of love and Divine light are one. Love and light – this is God!

Imagine that your Divine nature is looking at the world through your eyes. Mentally direct this light to your loved ones, your friends, acquaintances, and then to those whom you consider an enemy or ill-wisher. You will notice that you can wish him well, and that his attitude towards you no longer affects you. You see in him the same Divine being as you yourself, which means you no longer judge his behavior, even if it is far from perfect or, from your point of view, contrary to Divine laws.

Learn to maintain this state first alone with yourself, and then you will be able to maintain it when communicating with other people, and, as a result, be invulnerable.

Summary. To build harmonious relationships with other people and communicate successfully, you need to learn unconditional love. To do this you need:

– revive the feeling that you are loved, and strive to constantly maintain it within yourself,

– find the source of Divine love within yourself,

– turn unconditional love into your strength and support,

– learn to send streams of unconditional love to other people (everyone without exception), in any situation,

– enter a state of invulnerability and protection by the energies of unconditional love.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Kryon. Create a space of happiness and success around you! 10 Crucial Lessons (Arthur Lyman, 2014) provided by our book partner -


Kryon (via Arumina) - Relationships and Sexuality


Relationship channeling from Kryon, received through Arumina.

In the New Time, relationships will undergo significant transformation. Or rather, not they themselves, but your views on them and your opinion about them. It is an outdated concept that the people of Earth now make judgments about relationships. The New Time will bring many changes in this sense. Oh, our dears, many discoveries await you! There is a lot of surprise along the way, as well as a lot of joy - we see it ahead for you.

Your concepts of relationships are based on a dual perception of the world. Such duality closes consciousness, limits it and limits the possibilities that could be in the field of your experience.

In the New Time, you will move away from previous boundaries, you will begin to look at relationships more freely and understand their true essence - Love, Acceptance and Trust between people, no matter what gender they are, what skin color, what views, what religion. All these differences will go away, you will move away from the judgment of perception and begin to live more freely. Your pattern of behavior as men and women, flirting, sexuality, love play will undergo a significant transformation. You will build a world of relationships based on the attraction, first of all, of souls - the resonance of souls. To do this, it is important for you to develop the ability to discern what is true for you and what is not.

The ability to discern will come to the fore in the New Time. It is thanks to this ability that you will be able to determine which person at this stage really attracts you, and with whom you can raise the level of your vibrations and move along the path of growth.

Restrictions will disappear from your life. Yes, this is a great gift, good news for those who already live differently, but have not yet openly admitted it. With relief, representatives of the so-called “minorities” will come out of the shadows and will be considered simply as people, the same as representatives of different professions, religions, and worldviews.

In the New Time, people will look at relationships more freely. If a woman wants to live with a woman, this will not cause any condemnation, because at the moment she will simply choose to go through this experience and this is completely normal from the point of view of the soul. If a man chooses to live with a man, the experience will enrich both of them because the soul has no gender. But the first who can do this will be the souls who have most well integrated the qualities of a man and a woman, uniting them in themselves - they are the ones who are now at the forefront of the revolution in views on sexuality. It is these brave souls, choosing to live in a way that is important to them and openly declaring this, accepting themselves completely, that are gradually changing society’s views on understanding human sexual nature.

Once again we want to remind you that what you see as small and insignificant is actually very important for the entire Universe.

Relationships and acceptance of oneself in different manifestations in relationships is a very important step in the development of many, many individuals who have now come to Earth. How many conflicts are happening inside now because of this! But the paradigm is changing dramatically, there is no turning back.

More and more people are choosing not to be limited by the beaten paths of known experience, they are drawn to what was unknown - that is what they have made contracts with other souls on the half we are looking from. For many, this is a painful process, but everything is going according to schedule, and the opportunities that are opening up now will very quickly take you to a new level, when the concept of sexual minorities will no longer be so painful for humanity, and it will simply be a field of experience in which everyone can experiment and find a lot of joy and pleasure for yourself.

There are more and more such people every day - these are brave, open souls and believe me, there is nothing in your experiments that would be condemned. We're so glad you express yourself so creatively! And look at the world with an open heart and wide eyes, like children.

By accepting yourself in all your manifestations, you become more and more connected with the Spirit, with the Whole. We are eternally grateful to you for your courage to go forward and go beyond the boundaries that were once imposed on you. Think about why this was done? Why did they limit your freedom, set you strict parameters, barriers beyond which you were forbidden to go, and even thinking about what was behind them was reprehensible. Why did they do it, and who did it? As you think about these questions, answers will begin to come to you, perhaps similar to what we are saying now.

The point is that the nature of your sexuality is incredibly rich and powerful - you are very blessed in this sense! But next to sex there is always the greatest fear, as powerful as the desire for Life itself. No, it's actually not that powerful! But this is one of the biggest prohibitions that you have on Earth. You have been controlled through sex for a long, long, long time. For eons you have been made to feel guilty about your sexual nature while being encouraged to reproduce in order to maintain the species on Earth.

Sexuality is a bridge to other dimensions. Many of you already know this very well, others are yet to discover how powerful the energy lives within them. You were left with only the carnal part of the sexual energy of Kundalini and people have learned to exploit it very well.

Sex for you is associated with feelings of guilt, shame, fear, pleasure and pain, although this is the spring that can catapult you very quickly into the energy of the Home and show you how things really are. Through sex you enter an altered state of consciousness.

By merging with other people, you can add to yourself the entire field of their experience in one moment, thus expanding your consciousness, your boundaries. When two people merge into one, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a man with a woman, a man with a man or a woman with a woman - they merge their experience, exchanging it, exchanging it at the level of DNA, at the level of subtle bodies. And this experience remains inside every person for a very long time. At will, it can be eliminated from the field of experience of a given person or integrated into it completely. But without conscious work, he usually remains inside for a very long time. This is why it is important to clearly distinguish between those people with whom you choose to merge, because your physical interaction leads to interaction at the level of all bodies, all subtle bodies. And the resonance that you achieve, believe me, resonates throughout the entire Universe.

If your energies are inharmonious and you are driven only by carnal energies, there is a leak of information, a leak of your power, an exchange of dissonant energies and then you feel tired and empty. One of the indicators of good sex is an internal uplift afterwards. Strive for a state of flight. It seems to you that this happens very rarely or is almost impossible, but in fact, you were originally designed as very powerful beings - your bodies are designed for this. Harness your ability to discern. As soon as you claim it, it will lead you to exactly those people whose experience, like pieces of a mosaic, will complement yours, and you will create something completely new and beautiful, which will bloom in very beautiful flowers throughout the Universe and change it from the inside of your souls.

With great respect to you, with a reminder from the House of your limitless possibilities! Thanks to Arumina as a channel for taking it upon herself to talk about this sensitive topic.


Kryon from magnetic service.


Greetings from Home!

The Group is speaking to you now.

We also want to add on this topic something that is very important now for understanding the nature of your sexuality. Many, many of you strive to expand the boundaries of your experience and go beyond the boundaries, abandon the restrictions imposed on them, and many feel guilty about this. You do everything right because you feel that your heart is calling you there. Follow your heart! Trust him. The heart is the magnet that is finely tuned to your Divine plan and the vibrations of your soul. The heart is like a navigator; it will lead you to a lighthouse that will show you the way. If you follow your heart, like a magnet, like a compass, this compass will lead you exactly where you need to go, where you prepared for yourself when you came to this Earth.

Human sexuality is multidimensional. This is a new concept for you - try to hear it with an open heart. It is your heart that tells you what is right and what is wrong, specifically for you. But this does not mean at all that the same things will be the same for others. Therefore, listen to yourself and pay little attention to what others have to say about it. If someone over your shoulder says: “Well, this is all nonsense!” - feel what is happening inside you, stay centered. If these lines make you happy, then this is exactly what you need to hear and take note of.

Your soul is programmed to respond to such messages. They come to you at the right time, at the right moment. These are like confirmations that we agreed on in advance - you receive them like reminders on your mobile phones and you understand that not only you know what you guessed or what you always knew intuitively. And that this is the concept of the New Time that you have come to share with others on this Earth and introduce it into the human experience.

Beautiful Warriors of Light - you have come to change a lot on Earth and you are already at the center of events. Changes are in full swing! Although all this looks like ordinary life, it’s just that the pace of it for you (you must agree, it’s impossible not to notice) has increased unusually recently. These years are very intensely saturated with all sorts of events and, if you look at them from the outside, you will very clearly see how you, dear ones, it is you, changing views and concepts that seemed indestructible in many, many, many parameters. This also applies to relationships and sexuality - the topic that we are talking about today.

Change is already happening. Be bolder! Think of yourselves as multidimensional beings. Your courage will serve as a bright light for other beings who will be drawn to you based on the principle of similarity. And together you will create a New Reality. You have already started doing this. Create with confidence in yourself! With grace, with the grace that is characteristic of such beautiful souls as you. We know each of you by name, love you immensely, and send the light of our love to every soul that resonates with these words.

With great gratitude, love and respect to the Warriors of Light who are at the forefront of change at this beautiful point in time and space on planet Earth.



Energy of the month.

Channeling Kryon through Arumina 12/11/06

Your path has taken you through storms and storms in recent months. You were shaken well on turns and tossed up on the crest of a wave. The path that many of you followed meant overcoming yourself at every moment and required incredible courage and perseverance. You had to be very committed to yourself not to stray from this path, for you were overcoming the zone of dense energies that separated you from the quantum tide of the infinite energy of God now coming to Earth.

This month, until the end of the year, the challenges will continue, but you have already begun to find pleasure in it. You even enjoy handling and riding these waves. You are Warriors of Light, some of the greatest that have ever walked the Earth, and deep down you remember this. Move on. Move further into the unknown and everything will unfold for you with even greater intensity and vibrational frequency.

This month will be a turning point in the sense of the irreversibility of the processes that you are starting now. You are moving away at incredible speed from the point where you made a choice between past energies and present, current ones. Now everything has changed. You are rapidly moving towards your true contracts. You remember them, more and more of you wish to follow them with all your heart. And you do it great.

For those who have done this, there is no turning back, because you no longer want to return to your old patterns of action. You are the best Warriors of Change who have ever lived on this Earth. We are with you.


Kryon, from magnetic service.


Channeling Kryon through Arumina

Night from 02.12.06 to 03.12.06, hotel “Karelia”.

(Beginning not recorded)

...You have no idea what you are doing. What seems like small things to you actually affects the entire Universe as a whole. What seems to you to be your personal healing heals the entire Earth, the entire Universe and other Universes. In the Universe everything is interconnected, everything is in unity. Your personal individuality is connected with the Universal Whole according to the law of similarity. The purer you become, the purer the channel you become. You channel light into your physical bodies, and the Earth responds with gratitude.

The earth is a portal, it is connected to other dimensions, it is connected both inside and outside. Through the Sun, many energies come to you, they flood the physical reality around you, they penetrate deep inside the Earth and your bodies, and change them from the inside. The more you trust this process, the more intense it happens. Your DNA is changing, your physical structure is changing and you are ready for it, you have called for it. Your task is to be Light, to be Love, to trust what is happening.

The issue of trust is one of the main issues you work with in this incarnation. It is difficult for you to imagine that all this is true, it is difficult for you to believe, but nevertheless it is so. You called this energy here - it came. Be ready to accept it. If you accept with love and trust, it becomes even greater, and miracles happen that you could not imagine, could not imagine.

Your Universe, your reality is changing in an unrecognizable way. Very soon the Earth will become that paradise that you cannot imagine yet, it is difficult for you to imagine it - you have not lived on this Earth, in the paradise that will be, for a very long time and you have begun to forget it. Be confident in yourself, be at peace with yourself. Everything is happening very correctly and even faster than we expected.

We love and honor you very much. I am transmitting a message from other energies, I am Kryon from the magnetic service, I am telling you this on behalf of many, many entities who are watching you with love. We give you all the support you need at this stage, all the help you need. All the love is inside you, you have an infinite amount of energy - claim it, claim your strength. The earth will really change, remember this. Watch the changes and more will happen.

With much love to you, Kryon, from the magnetic service.


Hello dear! Kryon is with you, coming to confess his love to you! Can you feel these energies that I carry with me? These are the energies of your heavenly home. This is the energy of unconditional love.Unconditional love is love that has no conditions.. This is love that does not pretend to possess or to influence you in any way. This is Divine love, dear ones.This is universal energy and the only force in the world that is a source of balance, harmony, and comfort. And this is the only power with which you can create your world and get everything you need.

The world is full energies of unconditional love. Yes, this energy is in abundance around you.And if you learned to use it, you would not ask questions about where you can get the strength to create. These forces are everywhere. And most importantly, they are easily accessible to you. You don't have to put in too much effort. You just need to be on the same wavelength as them.

You gain strength only when you do something for unconditional love. Dear ones, we are sad to see how often you waste your energy. You notice this yourself, right? You work, you put all your energy into work, or into caring about other people, or into some other matter... And the result you get is zero. It even happens that the result is negative! Life does not get better because of your efforts - and sometimes it only gets worse. It seems to you that this is unfair, that the laws of the world work somehow incorrectly. You begin to complain, lament, worry - but your complaints and worries make everything even worse!
What's the matter? Let's figure it out. No, the laws of the world are not to blame - everything is fine with them. World laws always strive to restore harmony. And if you violate this harmony by spending energy unwisely, then you will start to have troubles designed to direct you to the right path and restore the balance you have disturbed.

Yes, your work, your concern for others, your many efforts to achieve your goals very often lead to an imbalance in the world balance. And this happens when your efforts do not match laws of unconditional love.

When you are about to do something and put effort into something, first of all ask yourself: are you doing it from unconditional love? Is there any self-interest here on your part? Are you really just doing it because you love doing it, or do you want, implicitly or explicitly, to get something in return?

It seems to you that you are absolutely selflessly caring for the other person. You only do it because you love to do it. Is it so? Check: are you not deceiving yourself? Aren't you really expecting gratitude? Or maybe you thus want to influence this person so that he will repay you with special affection or so that he feels that he is indebted to you?

Dear ones, such intentions are not clean. And if your intention If it’s not clean, your energy will be wasted. You won't get what you want.

Sometimes you feel like other people are taking away your strength. In fact, it is you who give them your strength. In the same way, you give your energy to many things that are unnecessary to you. As a result, you do not have enough strength for yourself, to create your life.

Of course, your ego will tell you that you are obligated to do things that you don’t really want to do, that you are obligated to give your strength to other people for their benefit and your own. Your ego believes that you will get a reward for this. Dear ones, these are vain hopes! Don't trust the ego, it's deceiving you. It makes you spin around in vain, like a squirrel in a wheel, and in the end only come to disappointment.

If you give away your power, you are robbing yourself of the ability to love unconditionally. As a result, you cannot love yourself or the one to whom you give power, even if you do it voluntarily. You see that in the end everyone loses. You give power - but in the end you cannot give love. And the person for whom you are trying, as a result, does not feel your love. He receives care, guardianship, maximum attention from you - but all this does not make him feel loved. Because his Divine “I” feels: what you give him is not love, but only an attempt to manage him, control him and receive something in return.

When you start to only care about unconditional love- to yourself, to another, - your intentions become pure. You love simply because you love, and do not try to get anything for it. And this is where the world begins to bestow blessings on you! Because, being in a state of unconditional love, you are in balance, you exist at the same vibration frequency with those levels of reality that are responsible for creating all kinds of benefits in your life.

This explanation may seem overly complicated to you - but in fact it is simple. You yourself can understand it using examples from your own life. Remember the situations when you did something selflessly, without expecting to receive anything in return, you did it simply because you liked doing it. After all, it was for this kind of work that you received the greatest reward, wasn’t it? And even if you did not receive any material reward, then the reward for you was the very opportunity to do what you love! Because as a result, you received strength that you could direct to new achievements.

It is a law: when you do what you love and in the name of unconditional love, you gain power. When you do something into which you cannot put unconditional love, you waste your energy, you lose it.

Start with self-love!

You may feel like you don't know what it's like to... love unconditionally. In fact, each of you knows this. Each of you by nature has a deep unconditional love for yourself. This is love that accepts you as you are. This is love that does not criticize, does not condemn, does not demand that you become something different, better and more perfect. No, deep down, each of you knows about your Divine essence. This means that deep down, each of you loves and accepts yourself as you are. Remember this! Just remember this feeling. This acceptance of yourself without any conditions is the secret of the power that is always with you.

Direct unconditional love first of all, on ourselves, dear ones. If you do this, many of your problems will be removed. Your path will become clearer, you will no longer need to wander in the dark. It will become absolutely clear what you really need and what you don’t. And all kinds of benefits will appear on your path by themselves - because they will be attracted by your attunement with the highest vibrations of Divine love. For God's love is unconditional love, and when you love unconditionally, you become like God.

Exercise .

based on materials from the book: Tamara Schmidt - "Kryon. The key to the treasury of the Universe. Your wishes will be fulfilled".

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