Home Diseases and pests Read Black and White Magic by Papus online. Papus - “Practical Magic” and other books of the French Rosicrucian. How to learn magical mysteries using a book of spells

Read Black and White Magic by Papus online. Papus - “Practical Magic” and other books of the French Rosicrucian. How to learn magical mysteries using a book of spells

This article contains numerous black magic techniques, mainly related to Slavic culture. We provide information for informational purposes only and do not encourage anyone to use the described practices. Remember that for every negative magical effect, sooner or later you have to pay.

Black magic - book of spells

We present to the reader black spells with which you can take away health, wealth or luck.

Magic paraphernalia

Nail from the cemetery

This method causes the victim of witchcraft to stop urinating. This is a very dangerous damage from which a person can die. To bring it, the sorcerer had to get a nail from the cemetery, speak it and drive it into the wall of his enemy’s house or into any wooden surface closest to his house.

The nail is spoken as follows:

“Restless spirits of the earth, help me, so that (the name of the person being hexed) does not have a day of living, or a night of sleeping, not an hour of strength, not a half hour of patience.”

A novice magician needs to know that this ritual is supposed to be performed on the day of Saturn, i.e. on Saturday. When driving a nail into a tree, you are supposed to wish harm on your offender.

Goga (spoil livestock)

Black magic can cause harm not only to a person, but also to his home, family, social status and even animals. For example, to spoil livestock, a warlock can do the so-called. "gogu". This is a paper-cut image of an animal (sheep, goat, cow).

Goga is buried where the owners most often graze livestock. At the same time, a special spell is pronounced:

“Not to grow, but to die, not to become fat, but to dry out! Evil spirits come and destroy all the cattle of my enemy!”

During the ritual, no one should see the magician. Therefore, goga is usually buried after sunset.

Damage to mandrake root

It is often used in black magic. With the help of this plant you can bring misfortune and serious illness to a person. To do this, you need to touch the mandrake root three times on a full moon with a new knife, while pronouncing the name of your enemy.

Next, the magician cuts the root with the same knife if he wants to doom his enemy to a series of troubles (this is called cutting off luck). To take away health, you will need to dig a hole, put a mandrake root in it, cover it with salt and then earth.

Punish the offender

A sorcerer can use this method to punish a person who has acted unfairly towards him. On Saturday, before the sun rises, you need to get a branch of a one-year-old hazel tree. The branch should be carefully cut with a knife. In this case, you will need to cast a special spell:

“I cut you off in the name of (the name of the offender), whom I wish to punish.”

"In nomen Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sanctus, et in cute Droch, Mirroch, Esenaroth, Betu, Baroch, Maaroth."

Then the caster began to whip the hazel branch onto the tablecloth. The offender received as many blows as they were dealt.

Damage to the wind

This is a very simple method, a kind of black magic for beginners. In order to “plant” the disease on his enemy, the sorcerer had to get a handful of dust from the cemetery in advance. Then you should wait for windy weather and approach your enemy’s house from the leeward side (i.e. in such a way that the wind blows from the magician towards his enemy’s house).

It was necessary to throw a handful of dust in the direction of the enemy’s home, and then cast the spell:

“Amakula Kulaba! Blind (name of the offender) black, raven, green, brown or blue eyes. Dry it so that it becomes thinner than mown grass, and inflate its womb thicker than a coal pit!”

Ruin the business

In the old days, black magic was often used when it was necessary to ruin the trading business of a competitor or enemy. To do this, the warlock poured salt in the shape of a cross on the threshold of the store, while pronouncing the following spell:

“As soon as this salt melts, your business will fall apart. There is no way for you, no road!

Black magic voodoo

Voodoo magic originated on the African continent, but over time it spread throughout the world and became incredibly popular...

A voodoo doll

The finished volt is named after its enemy, then you can perform various manipulations with the doll - beat it, prick it with needles, cut it with a knife, or even burn it.

Strong love spell

Black magic is not always used for harm. With the help of this plot, a sorcerer or witch can awaken reciprocal love feelings in the object of his sympathy. To do this, write the name of your loved one on a piece of paper, then put the note on a saucer and fill the plate with honey.

A lit red candle is placed in the center of the saucer. While it burns, you should chant:

"Ammet kolt kolto, mett kolt, owenid

Rpete me rappet, poum m'daid,

Swomi loy swami san omweni,

Hmean wen ape koul demma.”

The candle should burn out completely. To complete the ritual, you will need to appease. To do this, you will need to leave the house after sunset and go to an intersection (the place where two paths intersect). At the intersection you need to leave a plate with cakes or sweets.

© Zachary, 2009

© Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2009

White Mage

Our medicine lies within us, and we are looking for it in heaven.

William Shakespeare

My dear readers!

It doesn’t matter to me now in what mood you picked up my first book. Someone decided to scroll through it out of curiosity, someone turned to it out of desperation, looking for salvation from some misfortune, someone likes to find new explanations for long-known processes and phenomena, or maybe you were attracted by the bright cover? You never know the reasons that prompt a person to take a book from a book tray.

But what is much more important is what each of you will get by reading it. The idea to write a book did not arise from an excess of free time, or from a desire to become famous. I have a duty to all people. At one time I was given a very generous gift. This is a kind of Gift that I have committed to passing on. Of course, no one forced me to write a book. But it is so accepted that family values ​​are passed down in families from father to son or from mother to daughter. If there are no relatives, then the Gift goes to people who are close in spirit. I received it from a very wise but lonely woman.

Military history

My story is similar to many others. As a nineteen-year-old boy, I found myself in the thick of the war, in battles in the Pskov region, was on the brink of death, and was saved. Our artillery division was surrounded, then we managed to break through, and we began to retreat under heavy enemy fire. All I remember is a terrible roar and the face of my comrade, distorted with pain, all covered in blood; and then I don’t remember anything. As it turned out, I was severely wounded and buried in the crater. The retreat went so quickly that there was neither time nor energy to return for the dead (and I was considered killed). I woke up, as the children would say, in a “hut on chicken legs”: in a small dilapidated, but very clean and tidy house, and I was looked after by a gray-haired granny in a headscarf, the widow of a forester, who had lived away from people for many years.

Oh, how many Russian soldiers were saved by such compassionate old women! Many of them felt sorry for the soldiers, because they themselves sent their sons and husbands to the front, many lost their entire family.

And they hoped that someone would also not pass by and would lend a helping hand to their relatives who had fallen into the cruel millstones of war.

As it turned out, she carried me out of the battlefield and somehow dragged me to her forest house. I was unconscious for three weeks, just delirious. She carefully nursed me and treated me with aromatic teas and tinctures, which she prepared herself from collected herbs. With some roots she rubbed her leg, which did not want to walk, and made poultices. The state between life and death did not allow me to remember everything that happened. But I remember that at that time I did not believe that a seriously wounded and shell-shocked person could be left without medication, without help. After all, people died from such wounds in the best hospitals. And if they didn’t die, then gangrene took away their arms and legs. Now every child knows what antibiotics are. And then blood poisoning and infections killed people no worse than bombs and bullets. But my savior only grinned at all the questions and incredulous remarks: they say, I have nothing to do with it, I have no merit, it’s you who are trying, and nature helps you. I just couldn’t understand what it was about and what kind of help from nature this was.

Agrafena Ivanovna – that was the grandmother’s name – and she told me about the Gift. He passed it on to her from her father-in-law (contrary to popular belief, knowledge does not have to be passed on to blood relatives). I was bored lying around doing nothing, so I kept asking what kind of Gift it was and why it was needed. She somehow said: “Well, I use various magical herbs, I know special prayers, and spells. Just think, if you want, I’ll teach you something.” Then I, young and hot, reared up: “What, grandma, I’m a Komsomol member! What other ant herbs? What other prayers? This is obscurantism, priestly tales! This cannot be any medicine, this is not science! I won’t do this!” Agrafena Ivanovna fell silent, grinned, but did not seem offended. We didn’t return to this conversation for a long time.

It turned out that by that time Agrafena Ivanovna had already received funerals for her husband and four of her sons; she had no other relatives left. And I knew that my parents and brother were killed: a bomb hit our house. And we were, as the song says, “two solitudes.”

Time passed, I recovered, and returned to the unit. Thank God, Agrafena Ivanovna kept my documents and personal weapons safe and sound, so even though the special officer tormented me a little: “where he was, what he did, why he didn’t come to the hospital,” but then, after listening to my detailed story, he let me go in peace. I returned to the regiment, reached Warsaw, then was wounded again and celebrated victory in the hospital. As soon as demobilization was announced, I decided that I would go to my grandmother Agrafena. Not because he wanted to hear about the Gift, or believed in it, but because he just wanted to help the lonely old woman, at least partially thank her for saving her.

She accepted me as her own, and then offered to stay with her, “instead of her son,” as she said. To be honest, I was glad to find a home, but I wasn’t particularly drawn to people, so life in a hut in the middle of the forest suited me very well. Several years have passed. The country was recovering after the war. I went to work in the forestry department, although my grandmother kept insisting that this was not my job. One way or another, chance played a role here.

My dedication

It so happened that a raid was announced in the forest - they decided to catch poachers, who had recently completely lost their conscience. We foresters, of course, were brought into the matter. The poachers turned out to be not timid, when it came down to it, they used their weapons, opened fire and wounded one boy. He was the youngest - there was still life to live, and then a bullet pierced his lung: the air came out with a whistle, the sea was bleeding... I saw a lot of wounded in the war, and I realized that things were bad here. Moreover, there are no doctors or ambulances nearby. What to do? And suddenly it dawned on me: I shouted to the men to quickly make a stretcher, and I ran to Agrafena Ivanovna. Here, I say, granny, save the guy, it’s really bad! There's nowhere else to run!

She agreed, but when the wounded man was brought in, she became thoughtful. He says: “Through the hole in his lung, his spirit leaves very quickly. Here you need a lot of strength and speed to save, but I’m old, I can’t handle it alone. Unless you help me." And he looks at me intently. Well, what can you do if a person is dying before your eyes? Nothing, I think, maybe communist morality does not prohibit helping the wounded in the way that is at hand? “Okay,” I say, “I’ll help. Just tell me what to do.” Granny was delighted and quickly began to explain what I needed to do. While I was putting the water to boil and brewing those herbs that she named, preparing hot brand, running for water from the spring, Agrafena Ivanovna whispered, spoke some prayers to the wound and put a few pebbles near it. The blood stopped gushing out of her like a fountain, but the wounded boy was still unconscious and showed no signs of life. I don’t remember exactly what and how I did - I was in a hurry, and I was worried too. But the result was simply stunning. Three hours later, the wounded man came to his senses and was even able to speak a little. The bleeding stopped completely, and the bullet was removed with the help of some white ointment - it came out on its own along with the pellets that are usually found in such wounds. By evening the boy had completely come to his senses, and Agrafena Ivanovna said that it was time to take him to the hospital. She gave him a jar of ointment with her so that the wound would quickly heal. And also, very quietly and unnoticed by others, she read some words over the boy and put a twig in his breast pocket. She explained that this was to bring the person to his senses and give him strength.

Then I thought about it. Before my eyes, a miraculous healing took place with the help of what I had considered all my life to be harmful and brain-clouding nonsense. The fact was, as they say, obvious, and there was no doubt: the guy would definitely have died right there, in the forest, if Agrafena Ivanovna had not been nearby with her spells and herbal ointments. It turns out that there are such remedies, and they work! At that moment I tried to forget about what official medicine said about such treatment.

About Dar

I began to ask Agrafena Ivanovna in detail about what we did with her and why. Agrafena said that she was already advanced in years, and the Gift must definitely be left “in the public eye” and passed on to a loved one. This knowledge cannot be taken to the grave, because it must be preserved on Earth and used. You can’t just hoard them and not share them, not help. Therefore, if I decide, she will pass on this knowledge to me while there is still time and a clear mind. You could say this is her last request to me. And she considers this incident in the forest a sign that I myself need witchcraft knowledge. I agreed because what I saw convinced me completely. And that’s when I learned about the Gift.

A gift is a state of soul, spirit and body that allows one to be happy, healthy, successful, and also helps to heal and give luck to other people.

The White Magician's gift is the ability to deal with the world around him. Many thousands of years ago, people still believed that there were many Gods and that every creature, not just humans, had a living soul. The universe around us is alive, the Earth, Trees, Water and so on have a soul. By the way, the fact that water can receive information and changes its structure depending on the content of this information was recently described in detail by Japanese scientists.

The gift of using natural forces was probably born with man. Previously, in almost every village there was a person who owned ancient knowledge, but now there are only a few left - healers and witches who live, like my Agrafena Ivanovna, away from people, and preserve what their ancestors passed on to them. She taught me a lot, but still every day I discover something new. So you, if you join me, will “grow” and multiply what you receive.

The owner of the Gift must learn and bring something new to the acquired knowledge. The gift must be alive and used for the benefit of people. Remember: if you have a bright, natural gift, you cannot refuse help to those who ask. Consider that you have taken the Hippocratic oath, like doctors.

There is another delicate moment: to take or not to take something in gratitude for your efforts. The question is complex and everyone solves it in their own way. I never take money from people or charge any fees. If the person who received the help feels a desire to thank me, I accept this gratitude, but I always say that it is not obligatory. If forced or demanded, it will not benefit the magician. Some gifts of gratitude, made from the heart, can become good talismans and amulets. This is especially true in relation to gifts of natural origin.

I'm starting to master the Gift

Then, when the main thing was said, Agrafena Ivanovna began to initiate me into her knowledge. She talked about the properties of various plants, how to collect and preserve them. She told me about the healing properties of rain and spring water, how to drive out diseases with smoke and use stones. I carefully wrote down everything and tried to memorize it. There was only one thing I couldn’t understand: what is the secret, where is the power that helps besides leaves and roots. This strength helped Agrafena Ivanovna drag me from the battlefield to home (a good five kilometers, while she is half my height). This same power helped a dying man right before my eyes. I asked Agrafena Ivanovna, and she kept going on and on about herbs and how to use them. But power, the old woman waved me off, said, is in each of us, we just need to understand how to use it, how to collect it at the right moment, how to give or take it. It’s not difficult, my teacher assured me, you just need to think about the nature of power, and then you’ll get the path to its source. But, apparently, at that time I was far from understanding the very essence of the Gift, so I kept pestering Agrafena with questions.

At that time, all her reasoning was more in the realm of riddles and village fairy tales. Everyone has heard about the goblin and the brownie, about witches and other evil spirits. Only in our Soviet society it was impossible to even think about this seriously. We were taught that there are no powers of the forest, water, or earth. There is only man - the king of nature, whose gifts he uses.

And I waited for understanding and a source of strength to suddenly open up to me, but one fine day Agrafena Ivanovna said that the training was completed. I was confused, I didn’t know what to say. And the next day there was no one to ask. Agrafena Ivanovna disappeared. Early in the morning I collected some things and went into the forest. She said for berries. She never returned. Evaporated. No matter how much they searched and called, they never found her or her things.

I, of course, felt orphaned, because over the years we had become family to each other. To be honest, I didn’t want to stay in the forest completely alone. Therefore, thinking about what to do now and where to go, and even natural curiosity about the newly acquired knowledge led me to the idea that it would be good to make sure how much this knowledge can really help the health and life of people. And I decided to go to medical school.

My medical career

After working for a year as an ambulance nurse, as was then expected, I entered college. And already in the very first year I began to slowly try what my grandmother taught me. It’s strange, but all the remedies worked, although the rituals were performed by me, and not by Agrafena Ivanovna. It was then that I gradually began to think about the nature of power, that everyone can learn to control it, to attract it to their side.

Having successfully graduated, during my internship I wanted to choose one of the then little-known specializations - herbal medicine and homeopathy. Now if you ask anyone, everyone will tell you what it is. And before, even scientific minds did not recognize this direction.

Herbal medicine is treatment using herbs and medicinal plants.

Actually, this is the most ancient treatment on earth. It was from him that all modern medicine came. The first recipes known to us are in the works of Hippocrates, Galen and many ancient doctors.

In Russia, herbal treatment was very popular. One of the earliest monuments of ancient Russian culture, “Selection of the Grand Duke Svyatoslav Yaroslavovich,” dated 1073, provides a description of medicinal plants. During the time of Peter the Great, the experience of Russian doctors was combined with the knowledge of the best European doctors. By order of the sovereign, apothecary gardens were created in all major cities, where medicinal plants were specially grown.

Herbal medicine flourished until the 30s of the 20th century. In 1931, the All-Union Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants was even founded near Moscow. However, the repressions of the late thirties did their job: there were practically no herbal specialists left; this direction was “abandoned” in favor of the then developing chemical medicinal production. They believed in recently discovered antibiotics (certainly useful for certain purposes), but forgot what had helped for centuries. Therefore, in the post-war period, domestic herbal medicine, unlike European countries and the United States, found itself “on the margins” of medicine.

Homeopathy - the study of the medicinal effect of natural substances used according to a scheme in very small doses - appeared in Russia back in the 20s of the 19th century. Before the revolution, it was recognized as a method for home medicine, but was not used in medical institutions and hospitals. Apparently, this is due not so much to the reactionary attitude of some doctors, but to the duration required for treatment with homeopathic methods. However, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a society of homeopathic doctors was created. Homeopathic schools in St. Petersburg and Moscow, Kyiv and Riga have their own long-standing traditions. Before the revolution, there were five homeopathic hospitals in St. Petersburg.

But since the beginning of the 50s of the 20th century, homeopathy in the USSR was in a semi-legal position and experienced serious persecution from representatives of official medicine.

They tried to dissuade me for a long time, but I was stubborn. Ultimately, he encountered such opposition from official medicine that after several attempts to defend himself on this topic, he was forced to leave science. I didn’t want to defend myself on another topic, no matter how much I was persuaded. After all, I made a promise to Agrafena Ivanovna that I would preserve and, most importantly, increase her Gift, and I would bring it to people to help.

I return to Agrafena's house and accept the name

Without thinking twice, I decided to continue studying the interaction between man and the forces of nature on my own. There was no official path for me at that time, and therefore I returned to my former forest house and took the name Zacharias. Of course, in my past life, I had a name that was common for a Russian person, but the new life required me to change myself, to be born again, which means I needed a new name.

Agrafena's house was the most suitable place for studying natural phenomena and the world of plants: there was a forest, a lake and a small river around, and nearby an abandoned ancient mine. It was a completely closed microcosm, a real system, which became my goal to study. I brought with me a large number of books and textbooks not only on medicine, but also on botany, metallurgy, geology, physics and, of course, philosophy. I couldn’t get the words out of my head that all the power is within us, everyone can use an inexhaustible source, but for this you need to understand its nature.

Many years of research led me not only to a philosophical or mystical, but also to a materialistic understanding of the nature of force. Agrafena’s words, that there is power in everyone, you just need to get to it, became simple and understandable to me. I think I have the right to say: “I understand the nature of power.” And the deeper I delved into the materials of magical practices, the more I communicated with those who are popularly called “healers” and “sorcerers,” the clearer it became that the presence of enormous inner strength in a person is quite understandable from the point of view of official science. I will tell you about all this in my book and, of course, I will teach you how to use power for different purposes.

I'm writing a book

I collected the knowledge of my donor, Agrafena Ivanovna, summarized the information of other masters of magic recognized in their field, and added what I learned from scientific works and books. I would really like that what you find here will benefit you, as if you yourself had come to me for help. Don’t be afraid to use the collected recipes, rituals and reasoning to help other people, if they are ready for it. But remember, all knowledge can be given in its entirety only once in a lifetime and only to a person with whom you feel a spiritual kinship. Therefore, do not give my book to anyone, you can only use the recipes and tips from it.

I hope that this book will fall into the hands of an interested person who wants to study and continue the tradition of folk healing.

Practical Book of White Magic. How to manage people and money Zachary

Magic white and black

Magic white and black

Before we begin the magical practices contained in this book, you and I need to agree on what type of magic - white or black - we will use. It may seem strange to you that a white magician suddenly started talking about black magic. Since the title of the book contains the word “white,” it means that all the magical methods in it are also white. However, everything is far from being as simple as it seems at first glance. Magic itself is neither white nor black. It is a person who makes it white or black, and most often – unconsciously. He may be sure that he is resorting to the help of light forces, but in fact he is in captivity of the dark force, which deceives him, creating the illusion of power over himself.

By the way, many magicians and sorcerers, those who call themselves “white,” actually practice real black magic. True, they do not suspect this, and are very offended if someone calls them black magicians. These grievances only prove that a person does not know what dangerous path he has stepped on, or with what forces he is playing. A true magician will never be offended by such an accusation. On the contrary, he will thank the one who said it. After all, such words are a reason to think about whether he is doing the right thing, whether he is engaged in the right type of magic? The magician must constantly check himself: after all, magic is a slippery slope on which it is very easy to stumble. The magician needs continuous self-control, only in this case his magic will be white.

The problem is that the very concept of “magic” has many interpretations, most of which are completely wrong. People always judge by what lies on the surface. It seems to them that magic is what is described in fairy tales: they waved a magic wand, pulled out a hair from their beard, read a spell - and a miracle happened. But this is only an appearance. If you dig deeper, it becomes clear that magic is a very complex concept. This is an entire science, or even a complex of several sciences, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics... However, magic is the ancestor of modern science (although scientists have long ago banished magic to the area of ​​superstition and obscurantism). Think about it, what does science do? She studies the laws in force in the world and puts them at the service of man. Magic does everything the same! Only magicians, unlike scientists, know that the range of these laws is limitless, because the world itself is limitless. However, the understanding of the boundlessness of the world and its laws little by little comes to secular science. Much of what used to be the domain of magic has now passed into science. Weather prediction, disease diagnosis, rejuvenation, life extension, moving a person over long distances in a short time - previously only magic did all this. And now much of the above is considered to be in the order of things.

And science, like magic, can be white or black! When nuclear energy is used to generate electricity in power plants or to break ice in icebreakers, this is white science. And when the same energy destroys hundreds of thousands of lives, this is black science. As you can see, everything depends only on the purpose for which science is used. I’ll add on my own – and magic.

So first decide on your goals. Think about this carefully. After all, it often seems to people that they are pursuing only noble and pure goals, although in reality they are striving for evil. For example: an abandoned wife tries to use magic to return her husband to the family. Is it a good goal? Undoubtedly. But at the same time she... casts a spell on her rival, as a result of which she falls ill and dies. It turns out that the woman who resorted to magic did not so much want to restore the family as to harm the homewrecker. And harm, no matter who it is caused, is always evil. So, when using magical recipes, carefully analyze your true goals and intentions. I, of course, cannot monitor each of my readers and control your magical practices. But I want to warn you: this book is charged with achieving only good goals. If you try to use my magic for evil, it will immediately come back to you. And only you will be to blame for this!

This text is an introductory fragment.

BLACK MAGIC OF THE ATLANTS Just as a bride prepares for marriage, weaves and sews a dowry in order to live happily in her husband’s family, so the human soul prepares a dowry throughout her earthly life for her beloved Creator. At a time when the astral body was completely focused on the physical,

03. Recessive genes - dominant, white race - black, women - men And now I want to bring to your attention an article in which several topics will be simultaneously intertwined: 1) The reasons for the division of species into two sexes, the priority of the appearance of sexes,

BLACK AND WHITE MAGIC I was then in my early twenties. I was preparing for an expedition to the Amazon when suddenly I received a call from the foundation that was subsidizing my research. They urgently needed an anthropologist who could help complete the study of voodoo in Haiti. I didn't want to

White and black energy Your thoughts and feelings, such as love, kindness, mercy, compassion, understanding, etc., have white life-giving energy. When you think about someone with love, you yourself feel good, the body seems to be spreading something incomprehensible

Black magic Everything connected with black magic in one way or another has powerful negative energy. People who have somehow touched this dark, gloomy colossus forever ruin the lives of themselves and their descendants. With the help of black magic it is impossible to bring

White and black magic Before we begin the magical practices contained in this book, you and I need to agree on what type of magic - white or black - we will use. It may seem strange to you that a white magician suddenly started talking about black magic. Once every

WHITE AND BLACK MAGIC AND MAGIC Lesson 125 You ask me to tell you “who or what I am referring to when I use the terms “white” and “black” magic.” The term "black magician", as opposed to the term "white magician", now refers to any adherent of a negative or vicious principle

15. Samech. ABOUT BLACK MAGIC SamaelAuxiliatorI begin black magic. We will attack the black god of the Sabbat, the terrible goat Mendes, in his very sanctuary. Here the fearful reader must close the book, and nervously impressionable persons will do well to refrain from reading; but I

Alexandra David-Neel Magic of Love and Black Magic Preface I hesitated for a long time, or rather did not dare for several years, to publish this book because of some inherently monstrous facts described in its fifth and, especially, sixth chapters. Once again in Asia,

BLACK MAGIC OF THE ATLANTS There are bushes, crosses, leaves and perfumes all around. The moon splashed a potion of witchcraft: Devils and old women fly to the Sabbath, And the owl bursts into laughter. A vampire screams - his dead man swallows him, Skeletons drag someone's body into the forest. I see Viy, witches, a flock of kikimors, meowing from the wet grave

WHITE AND BLACK MAGIC AND MAGIES You ask Me what meaning I put into the expressions “White” and “Black Magic”. The name "white magician" is used as a contrast to the name "black magician", which means any adherent of the negative, or vicious,

BLACK MAGIC OF THE ATLANTS Just as a bride prepares for marriage, weaves and sews a dowry in order to live happily in her husband’s family, so the human soul prepares a dowry throughout her earthly life for her beloved Creator. At a time when the astral body was completely centered on the physical,

Letter 49 Black Magic in America July 25, 1915 Now you have a clear enough idea of ​​what methods the forces of Evil use to hinder progress, to destroy what has been created over the centuries, to destroy those who work for the future, and to intimidate those who strive

BLACK AND WHITE MAGIC OF CEYLON 70% of the island's population are Sinhalese. The state religion is Buddhism, which came there in the 3rd century BC. e. However, Sinhalese Buddhism is very superficial: they observe rituals, but do not show much interest in the essence of complex Buddhist tenets.

Even ancient people wanted to know the future and tried to change it using higher powers. The Egyptians and Greeks were the first to begin to build the canons of white magic, understanding the forces of nature, creating legends, written treatises and magical monuments.

They served as the basis for the knowledge acquired by subsequent generations of sorcerers. You can read their ancient words in the oldest historical sources.

How can magic help?

White magic spells are a huge list of magical rituals aimed at gaining information, connecting with nature, and also finding harmony with the environment. White magic is famous for good deeds that benefit people. It is divided into several types:

  • Love - love spells and lapels;
  • Witchcraft - healing spells for physical and mental illnesses;
  • For business - attracting profit, clients, etc.;
  • Amulets - amulets and talismans, prayer shields;
  • Fortune telling and diagnosis - detection of medical and medically unknown diseases, knowledge of the future.

Today White magic plays a vital role. A huge number of people are looking for salvation from misfortune, relying on the magical powers of white magicians.

Particularly popular are conspiracies for good luck and love, knowledge of the future, and the treatment of various mental and physical illnesses.

A book in which you can read words that can influence your destiny will help you in studying ancient rituals. Many spell words are in Latin.

Learning white magic is easy!

White magic is the most accessible type of witchcraft. In order to create a real miracle, you don’t need the power of a magic wand or the magic of a black cat; you also don’t need to know Latin or turn to the knowledge of witches. White magic is a miraculous power that is inherent in every person by nature. You may only need to awaken this force using special words, forcing the energy to work for yourself.

With the help of White magic, it is possible to resolve various problems that arise in your life and those of your loved ones. You can also achieve unprecedented success with its help.

However, before you start creating and studying words, keep in mind that spells must be cast for the purpose of creation, excluding any destruction.

White magic should help, only the Black magic of witches destroys. Even love spells cast using white magic do not enslave a person’s will. By resorting to its power for such purposes, you will only “turn” an unmarried man who is not bound by any obligations or who does not yet have true love in his heart. But you still have to win a sincere feeling.

One of the most important sections of white magic is healing. With its help, it becomes possible to heal even the most hopeless diseases, as well as remove the evil eye and damage that are their cause.

A special force field spreads around the white magician performing the healing, helping the people in it gain strength to cope with the disease. A subsection of healing is herbalism. This type of magic implies not only knowledge of the healing properties of various herbs, but also the ability to release the energy embedded in them.

White magic also gives its adept the ability to make predictions. Of course, some believe that fortune telling is exclusively an attribute of witches, but such people do not distinguish fortune telling from divination.

A special book can help you to learn White magic. In such sources you can find many spells in Latin.

The Power of Visualization and Thought

Magicians who begin to practice white magic should be warned that there are several conditions for successful spells. For a spell to work, you must believe in it and visualize the result.

Experienced magicians may not pay much attention to the process of meditation. However, for beginners this is extremely important. During relaxation, any tension is relieved and “extra” thoughts are eliminated. It allows you to concentrate your own magical energy, without which it becomes impossible to cast spells.

To properly concentrate on meditation, many novice magicians practice the following:

  • Close your eyes;
  • Visualize a small ball of light wrapping around the body;
  • Imagine how light absorbs negativity and tension;
  • The ball should spin, starting from the feet and ending with the head;
  • Then they mentally “fly away” into space.

Concentration may need to be learned. Discard unnecessary thoughts and fully concentrate on your condition. Train daily to achieve results. Even an ordinary watch can help with the exercise - just watch the movement of the clock hand, not allowing extraneous thoughts into your head. Each time, the observation time must be increased.

Be sure to visualize the result, because thought is material.

Visualization can activate willpower, and it is this that allows you to achieve results. Many novice magicians use special objects to enhance concentration. Simply use any item that has natural energy. You will begin to draw energy from it, using it to perform visualization. Any item can become your assistant - just choose what you like.

The energy of nature is the main assistant

White magic makes it easy to achieve what you want using the energy of the light forces of nature. It is used by real healers, whose power is aimed at improving the physical and mental health of people. Herbalism is considered a separate subsection of healing. It involves not just preparing various potions, but also releasing the energy of every blade of grass that grows on Earth.

Girls who want to find love often resort to the services of White magic. They may not worry about possible consequences if they are not going to take their husband away from the family or their father away from their children.

Even successful businessmen believed in the effectiveness of White magic, using it to make a profit, sign a successful agreement or contract.

White magic can be applied in all areas of life that are not associated with harming a living being. By letting goodness into your heart, you can also find what you want - the main thing is to believe.

Video: White magic spells

Jacqueline Reading

White magic

Lord Noah Edenhall did not change his relaxed posture one iota. He sat in a deep armchair in front of a brightly blazing fireplace, stretching out his long, booted legs. His chin rested on his fist, and the cuff of his naval uniform foamed slightly around his wrist, while Edenhall himself gazed over the top of his brandy glass at his best friend.

A few more seconds passed, and he continued to look at it. Finally, Noah rumbled incredulously, with a grim expression on his face:

Looks like you're even crazier than the old king, Tony.

Anthony Prescott, Viscount Killey, seemed completely unaffected by his friend's harsh words. Apparently, he didn’t count on anything else, and the absurdly stupid grin never left his face. With this expression, he was somewhat like a dog begging for a piece of sausage from the master's table, and he looked like that from the very moment the men met in the early evening. That grin stayed with him during dinner at White's, after the game, and even on the way to Tony's town house on King Street, which the friends decided to walk. Noah's house was on the other side of the square, on Charles Street.

Only now, illuminated only by the glow from the fireplace, his grin looked even more stupid.

Crazy? - Tony laughed briefly and saluted Noah with his glass. He took another sip. “Maybe this is madness, but in this case it is the sweetest madness that I have ever experienced, suffering that I would like to endure all my life.”

Noah stared at the stranger across from him and wondered what happened to the old Tony he had known for the past twenty years. He looked with misty eyes. Why didn't he think of this before? Tony was always frivolous and seemed to live by the motto: “Damn it!”, which was so contrary to his blond hair and angelic appearance. But people who knew Tony better saw that behind his sky-blue laughing eyes there was a truly unbridled nature. This trait of his was the reason why the two of them became friends when they were boys.

Maybe a couple of buckets of cold water will save you from this suffering and madness, and at the same time return you to the right path? - Noah asked. - As soon as I left the city for some four months to visit my brother and family in Scotland, on the day of my arrival, and to be precise, just a couple of hours after my return, I was already faced with the fact that my best friend had become a candidate to Bedlam.

Tony chuckled, as if he didn't understand how serious his friend considered the situation.

You can say and think whatever you want, my tired friend. You can call me crazy, but I assure you that my mind is in perfect health.

Tony stood up, stretched gracefully, like a predator about to pounce, and moved towards the bar to refill the glasses. Noah watched him with a wrinkled brow.

He was familiar with this type of idiocy; he himself had been susceptible to it in the not very distant past. And Noah remembered very well how foolishly he had ignored the warning words of his brother Robert. At that time, that stupid dog-like grin didn’t leave his face either. But it all ended in a vile betrayal, and that is why Noah felt it necessary to convince Tony, whom he loved like a brother, not to make the same mistake as the one he almost made himself.

“Well, okay,” Noah said, accepting a glass of brandy from his friend’s hands. - Since you are of sound mind, then I probably misinterpreted your words. Didn't you say you were going to leave London this very night to marry a woman you barely know?

Tony leaned back in his chair, smiled even wider, and took a large sip of brandy.

Ah, my friend, she is a stranger to you, but not to me. Believe me, sometimes I feel like I've known her my whole life.

“Lord God!” thought Noah, remembering that he then answered Robert with the same words. And how do women manage to turn men from sane people into stupidly smiling creatures with jelly for a brain?

And how long have you known her? I mean for real.

She is a beautiful vision, a truly incomparable example of femininity. - Tony seemed to be becoming a poet. “She is a goddess that mortals are not worthy to even look at, a real angel sent by heaven.”

Noah had to fight with himself not to let the rushing words slip from his tongue. “What kind of idiocy?”

How long ago, Tony?

Tony looked at him, clearly not wanting to answer, until he finally admitted:

Noah managed to swallow back a groan with another sip of brandy. Just one month of batting her eyelashes, throwing a few languid glances, and his friend was ready to spend the rest of his life with her. What the hell is going on with him? Or maybe...

Tell me it's not the baby.

Tony shook his head.

She's a lady, Noah. Clean as the day you were born. I would never allow myself to dishonor her.

All clear. A trick as old as time. She lured him with a dream of her innocence, with an offer to take what was inaccessible to anyone before. A real temptation for every man. Tony is far from the first man in the history of mankind to fall for this feminine trick. They promised heavenly happiness, but the result was disappointment and emptiness. That's why Noah had to find a way to stop Tony before it was too late.

One month? Have you only known her for a month? God, Tony, you don't know her any better than I do. Understand? Haven't my mistakes taught you anything?

But Tony, staring blankly into space, and still with the same stupid dog grin on his face, was turning the glass in his hand. Realizing that he had achieved nothing, Noah decided to change his tone:

And what is the name of this paragon of virtue? Or have you not gotten to that point yet?

Tony ignored his friend's sarcasm.

She has a name, of course, and although I doubt you've ever heard it, it will remain a secret, at least until the moment I call her my wife.

Noah stared at Tony in disbelief. He had no words. He refuses to say her name? To him, his best friend, who more than once paid off his gambling debts. Who followed him even to the war in Spain and left only when he was seriously wounded. They were friends and they never had secrets from each other... until now. Noah felt almost betrayed.

Are you saying you don't trust me?

Tony's gaze became serious.

Of course not! You know that I trust you completely, Noah. But this is a completely different matter. I have to be very careful. And I promised her that I would not tell anyone her name until the moment we got married. And he intends to keep his promise. Understand, I cannot betray her trust, especially now, when we are standing at the very beginning of our future together. Even for you, my friend. But I promise, when we get married, you will be the first one to whom I introduce her and I will even shout the name of my beloved in the square if you want it.

Edenhall had to admit to himself that he had achieved nothing. The only achievement of this evening was the bitter taste of disappointment in his mouth, which he once again tried to wash away with a large sip of excellent brandy. It was a beautiful drink - clear, rich amber, glowing in the crystal glass. This was all Tony: only the best, be it brandy, clothes or, now, a woman.

An unexpected thought struck Noah. To lead a lifestyle befitting a viscount, Anthony stayed in debt. But the suit he was wearing today was not only completely new, but also noticeably more expensive than usual. And in the evening, at White's, Tony made even more risky bets than before. The girl must have a large dowry.

Heiress? - Noah expressed his guess.

You could say so,” Tony smiled proudly, “And the best thing about this whole thing is that her father is traveling around Europe and will not return soon.” And by the time he returns, his daughter will already be carrying under her heart the next heir to the Killi family. This will be enough to nullify all his objections to our alliance.

And Lady Ideal agrees with this plan?

Tony nodded twice and took another sip of brandy.

In fact, she was the one who encouraged me to court her. Her mother is too strict and simply does not allow her to breathe freely. And she is looking for freedom and the opportunity to escape from constant surveillance. And I, like a knight, which I, in general, am, offered myself to her as a savior.

To get rid of her mother's supervision, is she ready to sacrifice her innocence and her father's fortune? This match will truly be made in heaven!

Tony looked closely at his friend and, lowering his voice, said:

Regardless of what you think of her, Noah, I love her. And she loves me. I don't understand what you have against? She is untarnished, her reputation as a lady is not questioned. She is an aristocrat and will make a wonderful wife and viscountess for me. I know this is hard for you to believe, but not all women are like Lady Julia Gray.

At the mention of this name, Noah glanced at his friend, which instantly reminded him that it was better not to touch on this topic. And not being a fool, Tony immediately changed his defense tactics:

Okay, what about your brother?

What does Robert have to do with this?

He made a good match and simply idolizes his wife.

Yes, but Catriona is different. She was not raised in a society that promotes choosing a husband based on the size of his title or the size of his wallet. A society in which they compare candidates for spouses and choose the more prestigious or profitable one, rather than the one they love. Catriona loved Robert even when everyone thought the worst about him.

My lady is no worse. You can believe me, considering who her father is, she could make an incomparably better match than becoming the wife of a viscount prone to extravagance.

“Why didn’t you do it?” - Noah thought, but decided to keep this remark to himself. He decided to stop his doomed attempts to open Anthony's eyes to the character of his lady. It won't do anything. Or it will lead to Tony even more eager to marry her, because it is clear that he is bewitched by this woman.

And Sarah? What does she say about this?

Tony quickly looked away and stared at the fire, but still muttered:

I haven't told her anything yet.

This statement encouraged Noah.

But she is your sister, your only living relative! Wouldn't it be fairer to warn her that the house she's been running since your parents died will soon have a new owner?

The stupid grin finally completely disappeared from the Viscount’s face, and his gaze darkened with guilt:

Of course, you're right,” he agreed. “I know what I have to tell Sarah.” And I'll tell you. I promise you, as soon as we get married, I will write Sarah a letter so that she can prepare Killy Cross for our arrival.

Noah shook his head in disappointment.

I think your sister deserves to hear about your upcoming wedding from you personally, Tony.

And I would love to do it, but I don't have time. Tonight we are going to Scotland. While we are talking here, my carriage is already standing, ready for the trip. All I'm waiting for is a note from my sweetheart telling me what time I can pick her up at the agreed-upon location, and we'll be off to Gretna Green right away before anyone knows what's going on. I know that I am being unfair to my sister, but I have no other choice. And when Sarah meets my fiancée, gets to know her and falls in love with her, just like me, she will understand everything. Sarah always understands everything.

Noah had nothing to object to here. Sarah Prescott was the most reasonable and non-conflict girl he knew. And not for the first time, her brother had to become a victim of his own thoughtless impetuosity. But Sarah always met and endured the blows of fate with dignity. Even when Tony, completely unexpectedly, acquired the patent of the captain of a cavalry regiment and decided to defeat that damn Napoleon alone. Sarah reacted with surprising calm. She never showed her fear, and quite justified, of losing her only relative, the successor of the Killi family, who voluntarily exposed his and her future to danger. And Edenhall shared her concern.

Noah would never forget the look of relief on her face when she learned that he had, through his father's influence, secured permission to accompany Tony to the mainland. “Look after him,” Sarah asked, “he’s all I have left.” And Noah took her words seriously, fighting alongside Tony at Talavera, Albuera and Badajoz. But in the end it was he, Noah, who was wounded. One accurate shot and he was forced to return to England, leaving his friend alone in the ongoing bloody battle. He didn't forget the look on Tony's face and words on the day he left Spain: “Promise me you'll take care of Sarah if anything happens to me. You're the only one she can count on if I'm gone."

This was the only time during their entire acquaintance that Tony spoke absolutely seriously, which was the first time Noah showed that he, too, was afraid. Noah solemnly promised to carry out his will if such a need arises.

Thank God Tony returned from the Battle of Waterloo, wounded but alive. And his wounds healed so quickly that many simply did not even think about how much death and suffering passed right before his eyes. And suddenly this? Run away to Gretna Green with a girl he didn't really know! Noah thought that perhaps this idea was even more dangerous than confronting Napoleon’s army alone.

But I agree with you,” Tony interrupted his thoughts, “the letter in this case is not very appropriate.” Someone needs to talk to Sarah,” he looked Noah in the eyes, “and I think you are the best person for this purpose.”

Noah stared at his friend with growing concern.

You're the only one who can do this, Noah. You know, Sarah has always felt a special affection for you. Besides, you are much more eloquent than me. Who always managed to get out of any troubles that we caused on our heads? You! And you can find the right words for Sarah.

I won't...

I even admit that you will carry out this mission with much more dignity than me.

I'm serious, Tony. I won't...

Tony cleared his throat.

By the way, I remember that it was I who took the blame, and let me add, the punishment, for the fact that you let a pig into Mr. Bleakley's chambers at Eton.

Noah stared at his friend in surprise:

It happened twenty years ago, Tony. We were boys, twelve years old.

So, the time has come to repay the debt.

Noah continued to stare at Tony, but his resistance began to crumble. Indeed, their friendship began precisely from the day when Noah, without hesitation, accepted the challenge of an older student, which almost ended for him with an acquaintance with the rector’s cane. It was none other than Tony who distracted the evil Mr. Bleakley from using his infamous training methods on Noah by shooting an arrow not at a target on the wall, but into the rector's ass, and receiving a much harsher punishment for it than what Noah was expecting.

Noah really owed Tony for his days at Eton, and not only for the mentioned incident, but also for many others that followed it. From that day forward, Tony's commitment to their friendship was unwavering. It was Tony who helped him survive the death of several relatives who died in a fire two years ago. Last year, Tony was his second in that idiotic duel caused by a meaningless affair that should have had no place in Noah's life, but completely changed it.

Remembering all this, Noah understood that he could not now refuse to help his friend - although he felt that Tony was making a huge mistake, for which he would have to pay for the rest of his life.

“I knew I could rely on you,” Tony said, realizing that he had won, and not even waiting for his friend’s answer. - By the time you get to Killy Cross and Sarah, I may already be a married man. - He raised his glass. - Let's drink to my future wife and to the fact that I was lucky enough to meet her!

Noah raised his glass and touched it to Tony's, unsure what he would rather do - congratulate or sympathize with his friend. At that moment, his gaze fell on the crystal decanter on the table, and he wondered: wouldn’t a good blow to the head help sober up Tony and rid him of this madness?

There was a knock on the door.

Ah-ah,” Tony drawled, and the stupid grin returned to his face, “my beloved is finally making herself known.”

Tony's butler, Westman, entered the library. Even at this late hour he looked impeccable in a tailcoat, white waistcoat and trousers, and his old-fashioned powdered wig was tied back with a ribbon in a ponytail. He looked, as always, emotionless, and on a silver tray in his hands lay the letter Tony was waiting for.

“It has just been delivered, my lord,” Westman said reservedly. “The letter was brought by a messenger and said that no response was required.”

Tony crossed the room and grabbed the letter with the greed of a hungry dog ​​begging for table scraps. “If he had a tail,” Noah thought, watching his friend, “he would probably wag it with joy.”

Thank you, Westman. - Tony turned to Noah. - I hope you don't mind if I leave you for a while, I need to make sure that everything is ready to leave...

Noah just waved his hand and turned his gaze to the fire and the remains of the brandy.

“That’s all,” he thought, looking after his quickly retreating friend. Now there was no hope that Tony would change his mind. Having made his decision, Killy followed it with determination, and no one could dissuade the Viscount from his goal, no matter what the result. So Noah focused on the unpleasant task ahead of him tomorrow of breaking the news to Sarah.

Miss Sarah Prescott was eighteen, more than ten years younger than Tony, pretty, with her brother's blonde curls framing her thin, sweet face. She was Tony's only relative, other than his uncle, who wanted nothing to do with them, and Tony simply adored her. In fact, Noah's first thought when Tony invited him to dinner at White's and told him he had something important to discuss with him was that Sarah had been proposed to. He was even prepared for Tony to make another desperate attempt to convince him that he should be the one to marry Sarah. Tony himself has long come to the conclusion that his friend is the only man worthy of his beloved sister. And for the last eighteen years, since her birth, he had been trying to convince Noah of this.

But after the events of the last season, marriage was the last thing on Noah's mind. Now he was determined to live the rest of his life remaining a bachelor. Even four months spent in the company of his brother Robert, his wife Catriona and their young son James did not change his decision. And today, when Noah looked at Tony, memories of his own stupidity came to life in his memory, confirming his desire to remain a bachelor. He must pull himself together and not reveal his true feelings when he tells Sarah the news about her brother. He must convince her that Tony is truly happy, which means they should be happy for him.

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