Home Diseases and pests Love at camp and at school. Is there love at summer camp? Kids make pornography

Love at camp and at school. Is there love at summer camp? Kids make pornography

Two girls, classmates Polina and Vika, went to the Goloevka camp in the Smolensk region. There were many adventures awaiting them immediately after getting off the bus. Let's go back a week earlier... Polina will go to camp for the first time in her life. She is very happy about her trip, glad that she will go not alone, but with a classmate. One of the best friends. But Vika, when she went to the camp for the first time (This was a year before the trip to Goloevka), she went alone, and at first she was an outcast... But that’s not about that now. Let's continue the story about Polina. Polina's insides were turning over. Polina was either happy about her first trip, or afraid that she would become an outcast, but she knew that her emo friend Vika would protect her. A week before departure, Polina packed her suitcase for camp. Hundreds of T-shirts, dozens of shorts, thousands of dresses and a million ballet flats and sandals. Yes, Polina was an avid lover of shopping and fashionable clothes. But now we’ll tell you about Vika... Vika became an emo at 13... Not a poser, but an emo. She didn’t walk around stupidly in black and pink clothes and she had almost no thoughts about death. She was not with blacks, but with light ones brown hair , occasionally wore dresses, but more often in black-blue, black-red T-shirts and sweatshirts. and Wearing black or dark blue skinny jeans. She was also very happy about the trip to Goloevka. Moreover, they got it for free. For excellent academic achievements. Vika was no longer afraid to go to the camp. It was worse that year. Vika went to another camp before Goloevka... But that’s not about that now. Vika packed her things only two days before the trip. And I thought... Maybe there won’t be emo in the camp?.. Vika found her brightest things, but left the dark things in the suitcase. On the day of departure, Vika braided her bangs into her hair and braided it in a snake braid. She was very surprised, and Polina didn’t recognize her at all: V. A car came for them and the girls went to the place where the bus was supposed to be. - Wow... So many children. - Polina whispered. - They also go there by car. And 4 buses. - Vika said confidently, but with caution inside. - You changed so much, I didn’t even recognize you. - said Polya. - Yes, I didn’t recognize myself either. - Vika laughed. - Here's our bus, let's go. The girls got on the bus and began to dream of love. Well, like the girls... Polina. And later Vika noticed a guy who was sitting opposite her. It’s strange to say, but she began to like him. The bus arrived and a dialogue took place between the stranger and Vika. - Where are you from? - asked the boy. - Safonovo. - the girl answered. - Mmm, I'm Nikita. - the boy extended his hand. - I'm Vika. - Vika whispered embarrassedly. And she answered with a handshake. THE GUY WAS A CRAZY!!! LUBOFFFF! This is exactly what flashed through Vicky’s soul. But Polina hasn’t liked anyone yet. The children were placed in rooms and groups. Girls were included in the 3rd squad aged 12-14 years. And Nikita too. Their rooms were next to each other. Nikita, his friend Max. Vika and Polina. And what do you think? Naturally, Polina liked Max. No, well, so what? : In Vika, I quickly changed into emo clothes, and then the guy and Max came in. Nikita took Vika by the hand, and Max took Polina and they led them into the room. Polina screamed with happiness inside, Vika smiled. There they took out their phone and turned on the Truth or Dare application. I won’t describe the game in detail, but during the game Vika learned about Nikita’s sympathy, and Max learned about Polina’s sympathy. There was nothing interesting during the day. Evening came. And, of course, a disco. At first, half of the camp was jumping to the music. And half of them were sitting on the bench. And Polina and Vika generally sat in the house. Now, 20:00 is the time for slow people. Nikita looks for girls with her eyes, and Max asks. Found? Found? After repeated searches, the boys went back to the house with nothing. Here's a candle. Everyone enjoyed the first day. Almost. Half of the squad began to rage about the rotten music at the disco. But then everyone went to wash, and in the end they went to the houses and fell asleep. But the boys moved into the girls' houses. And they spent the night under the bed. Morning. Charger. Two girls approached Polina and Vika and wanted to get to know each other. It was Masha and Dasha. And their boys Sasha and Lyosha. Everything is “sha”, yes “sha”. It was raining and the guys were sent to the cinema. There was a horror movie on. Vika laughed at that moment when all the girls squealed and closed their eyes in fear. And the boys sat motionless. Vika wasn’t the only one laughing; Polina, Nikita and Max were also neighing like horses. So, we sat in the cinema all day and moved to the dance floor. The girls danced to cheerful music. And now it’s 20:00. Time x (x). The first slowdown in Polina’s life and not the first, but the very best slowdown in Vika’s life. Nikita ran up to the DJ and asked to play the song “You are my high.” Put. Let's dance. At all meals. And there were 5 of them. The girls sat with their boys. There were already two couples in the squad. Namely Max and Polina and two Emo))) Nikita and Vika. The days and events were very cool and fun... This is already the last day... The weeks flew by so quickly. And in this camp it was customary for the whole detachment to gather and the boys kiss their girls on the lips, and the girls their boys. And if there were no couples, then any boys kiss any girls. You know, everyone liked it... So, everyone got on buses and went home. The story is over...

Summer thunderstorms are a state of love,
They reflect the excitement of the soul
The bitterness of a quarrel, the separation of distance,
Requests, doubts, and a voice: “Write!”

Someone will tell me: “Everything was different”
I won't answer anyone
Someone will remember everything and cry bitterly,
In memory of the past he will light his candles

Summer thunderstorms will be blown away by the wind,
Open your windows wide open,
The first tears will pass unnoticed
Open your soul like the collar of a shirt

I believe that life will smile at you more than once,
The storms will subside - love remains.

I set...
Summer rain.
Its droplets are pouring...
Right in the face.

Warm and tender...
Like a kiss.
Stop being naughty!
Better not spoil!

I got completely wet...
From your love.
Summer rain...
Kisses me...
A drop of your own.

Larisa M.

Love - what could be in that word?
Just the letters in the word, that's all.
And think a little about how much native there is,
And how much tenderness for your heart!

A child is born and is immediately loved,
He grows up, and his mothers dote on him.
Lead by the hand, inseparable from him,
Children give parents love.

Time passes, I got married or got married,
They gave birth to their children, took them to school...
With love in her heart, a mother is proud of her children,
And he loves his grandchildren, the children gave birth to happiness...

Not loving life...

Love goes where it is expected.
Love comes to those who believe in it.
Larisa Chugunova

Love goes where it is expected.
Love comes to those who believe.
Who is ready to give shelter to a feeling?
And he himself will open the doors to the soul.

Love is not a fairy tale, not a game
And it doesn’t happen by chance.
Sometimes fragile, sometimes small
And it took up a little space.

But still can't stand lies
And selfishness and cynicism.
Love is both truth and life.
Beautiful and uncompromising.

Love has no name
It was not given to her.
But between, between two
It will happen anyway.

Love has no age
And there is no deadline.
But with love everyone just
Won't be lonely.

Love has no home
And she has no enemies.
But everyone knows
From infancy.

Although there is no flesh or skin in it,
But death is not scary with her.
I know what it looks like
We all need it.

Love is like a white dove,
Has two large wings.
If there is no love, make it
So that it comes to life in every heart.

Love is wonderful and boundless,
Like a snow-white feather.
He will touch you very gently
And it will bring you good.

Love, love, she's like a bird
Like a flock of free pigeons.
Will be able to settle in consciousness
And become your protection.

Love is not a toy and you know it.
But still, you don’t know how - you play.
You crush my feelings through ice and fire,
Without appreciating their depth, without knowing.

You are still next to me every day,
Through the rain and the blizzard and the shadow of the night...
You live in my memory, in my heart.
I dream of us being together.

I honestly tried to live without you.
All my joy turned into darkness.
It's hard for me to breathe and compose songs,
There is so much I want to tell you!...

I kept silence for many months...

Love seems to have nothing to do with it,
this also happens.
And my heart beats hot
and life is torn apart...

But there is one premonition
that he will certainly meet the prince.
Whatever you say, it’s all the same -
Becoming a princess, apparently, is shining.

Perhaps he was tempted,
but no one touches its color.
The issue of marriage has been resolved,
in love, it seemed that both were drowning.

The people rejoice and celebrate -
the bride is pretty.
The prince leads her down the aisle,
she was destined to do so.

And here is the legal wife,
or maybe...

A story about (first) love. About summer love.

And I also remembered my time as a coach. I was 15 years old and in the summer, together with my friend Max, our real coach, Vladimir Ivanovich Sokolov, who replaced my father /every day we discussed everything with him, including anti-Soviet “voices” on the way home from school/, arranged for us to be “sports instructors" to the pioneer camp. The camp stood on the banks of a northern Russian river a couple of kilometers wide - the Sukhona. On a high sandy bank, in a pine grove.

Students worked as “pioneer leaders” pedagogical institute. They were incredibly beautiful and so nice, but they seemed almost pensioners to Max and me - they were 20 /!/ years old. And in general, they were grown ladies, and we were just boys, children. You can imagine my shock when one of them, which I liked the most, was like after the evening “line-up”, when the “pioneers” went to bed... In a word, we had absolute, serene, one hundred percent love. For the entire month, this love was never overshadowed by a disagreement, misunderstanding, or the slightest quarrel. She was such a strong Russian girl with a clear face and incredibly simple, in the sense of natural. I was then almost a professional athlete, pumped up and taller than her, so when we walked in the neighboring village or in the forest outside the camp, we could easily pass for a “normal” couple, although I perceived our connection as almost criminal! Of course, this was an absolute secret. We just spent the whole day looking for a reason to “legally” be together. Since Vladimir Ivanovich gave us complete freedom of choice, it always turned out that it was I who had to “instruct” the detachment that Sasha (that was her name) raised. She was a 3rd year student in the French department and taught me my first French phrase /guess what?/.

Well, at night we walked along the river bank, through meadows, forests and groves. The nights were light and the weather was excellent and dry. It was especially chic to steal the receiver and listen to how Demis Rousos tore your soul with his “Good by my love, good by”. If I applied the words “happiness,” “joy,” “delight” to the state in which I was, they would seem dull to me and did not convey even a small fraction of this endless intoxication. I wasn’t tired at all, although I went to bed at three or four in the morning and got up at six. I did not feel the weight of earth's gravity. I was smiling or laughing all the time. I didn’t walk, but, as they say, “floated” above the ground.

My friend Max knew about my condition and about Sasha and was very joyfully jealous of me. He was a great guy, endlessly devoted friend and a terrible strongman.

He really liked Ida. She was even older than Sasha (horror, by a whole year - Ida was 21!/. Ida was very strange. Incredibly smart, quiet, thoughtful, she studied with straight A's, and her dad was the dean of the faculty, which only made life more difficult for the poor girl. She was thin and pale; only sometimes a faint blush colored her cheeks, and then she was charming. Her huge almond-shaped eyes then lit up with mysterious sparks... She was shy, “complicated” and a little prim / like a girl “from a good family”/. Several times I caught her looking at me and even began to think about her... But you know, I was already “married” and also “criminally married.” Moreover, my Sasha so crowded out Ida from all my thoughts at the mere memory that...

One evening Ida and I sat over some “plans.” When we left the hall with the desks into the gloomy corridor, Ida warmly pressed herself against me and wrapped her arms around me / she was so fragile and small /. She was trembling all over. Without raising her head, which she laid on my chest, she quietly but very clearly said, “Seryozha, I love you. Very much.” She began to kiss me on the neck... I felt so sorry for her, because I was a happy lover, who was loved just as much as I was, and I understood her feelings so much, and I knew that in a second she would understand everything, and a subtle, sharp the glass would seem to enter her madly beating heart... I began to stroke her hair and shoulders, silently comforting her, trying to delay the onset of her grief... She understood this differently, and closing her eyes, began to look for my lips. I kissed her huge closed eyes and I felt more and more sorry for her... When she realized everything, she became completely weak and tears slowly flowed from her eyes, from under her eyelids. I was afraid that she would faint and wanted to catch her. But she pulled my hands away and, swaying a little, quickly went into the doorway moonlight, formed by an open corridor door.

I was pounding myself. I felt some kind of guilt. It was clearly clear to me what it meant for proud Ida to confess her feelings to some schoolboy and be rejected. It was precisely because I was infinitely loved that I realized the abyss of misfortune in which Ida now found herself. Exhausted, I sat down on the floor and burst into tears. "Your songs are like the first tears of love to me..."

Ida didn’t go out the whole next day / she wasn’t sick, but she just came in the morning and slept all day /. This was very strange to everyone, since she was a senior pioneer leader and an exemplary Komsomol member. Only Max and I sat dejected, sad and knowing everything... Max, having lost all, even theoretical, hopes for Ida (I didn’t tell him anything, but he guessed), “had an affair” with the young cook. Thanks to which we always got three servings - which on fresh air, with constant sports and endless night vigils, it was very useful. Sometimes, at night, Sasha and I met Max with his sweetheart, which was always awkward, as if married couple I caught a friend at home with his mistress...

Meanwhile, summer was “in full swing” - we swam a lot, dived all day and did everything with our pioneers possible types sports, so they even composed a song for the final KVN: “In Neptune we live like in a sports camp. After afternoon tea we have all the competitions.” Not very well, but from the heart. And sports activities began not “after afternoon tea,” but immediately after breakfast. Our love with Sasha reached the richness of a Dutch tulip and absolutely nothing darkened my spiritual horizon.

Half-running back from the meeting, I went down the hill under which the camp building stood. Through the glass I saw two figures. Vladimir Ivanovich was sitting with his back to me. Sitting facing me... Ida! I realized that Vladimir Ivanovich was trying to kiss her, she did not resist... Suddenly our eyes met. She immediately blushed and covered her eyes with her hands.

For the first time in my life, I thought badly about my beloved coach: “Wow, an old man /he was about 35/, a married man, children, and there he was, looking after students, and even Ida, this heavenly, pure soul!” It seemed to me something vulgar, unnatural, disgusting, until finally I realized that I was simply torn apart by furious jealousy! If I had the opportunity, I would simply strangle this... this... I did not find the right word and deep respect for Vladimir Ivanovich slowly began to take over. I remembered how a couple of times he discussed some matters with the “senior pioneer leader” for too long, how he constantly made fun of her in our conversations before going to bed... Everything became clear to me. I was even filled with some kind of proud feeling - a feeling of belonging to “adult” men, who, however, as it turned out, remained fifteen-year-old boys.

The “shift” in the camp has come to an end. I couldn’t imagine how my life would go without Sasha, but I pushed these thoughts away. If I could, I would marry her immediately. But as “real” city life approached, it became increasingly clear that we were creatures from different planets. I realized with horror that Sasha probably has suitors, old unpleasant student men who are over twenty! I even imagined that already outspoken grandfathers like Vladimir Ivanovich could hug and kiss my Sasha! Nightmarish scenes appeared before me. In the end, I somehow repressed all this, but I could not accept the fact that we would never, never be together again.

I won’t describe the last night, the burning sweetness of her lips and the endless bitterness of long mutual tears / I was just holding on /. Night without a pause turned into day for us and she was taken away by bus. We stayed to break up camp.

Three days have passed. I was already in the city. I lived on, my heart didn’t burst, the world didn’t go to hell, and I was calm and even in my communication.

Until, in the middle of the night, it seemed to me that we were talking with Sasha. I woke up. I realized that she was not there. I realized that I would never see her. Never! I was so painful and scared, as if I found myself alone on the Moon with broken arms, and the ship would never come for me. I didn't say anything, I looked at the ceiling. I wanted not to exist. The bus passed. What for? What kind of buses, because we will never again... Well, of course, a bus! We need to go to her dorm, see each other, make an agreement! Realizing well that I was simply not yet in this adult world, that even if I found her, all this could not develop in any way, terribly worried, I went to the dorm. I found the right building, I decided to enter, I decided to ask / it seemed to me that everyone knew me, that everyone was laughing at me: “Look, boy, I came for a real girl! Yes, she’s good enough to be your mother!”/. Her group went to practice in some remote corner of the region for six months. For six. Months. For. Six. Months. The universe collapsed under my feet. I was inconsolable. I couldn’t I didn’t go out anywhere. The food was tasteless and unnecessary. I lay on the bed all day and my mother was seriously afraid for my health - she thought that I had some kind of “stomach infection” in the camp. A week later she told me: “You’ve been calling some Sasha all night. Whom? Shura Maksimovsky?" That was Max’s name. I burst into tears so bitterly and without any transition that she guessed everything. By that time, my mother and I no longer had any warm relations.

Then I heard her say to her friend in the next room: “He’s suffering because of the woman. What a fool! How many more of them will he have! Oh!” The incredible rudeness and injustice of what was said fell on me like a dark concrete slab...

This phrase remained the last memory of this whole story. The holidays are over. School has arrived. I came to my senses. On the first day of school, many children talked about their summer successes, proud of the adult experience they had gained. Only Max and I were silent, sighing absentmindedly sometimes.

When we have gone through a significant part of our life path Having overcome adversity and experienced possible disappointments, we sometimes so want to return to our youth and again plunge into that youthful naivety.

Then pioneer camps were a mandatory attribute summer holiday teenagers Marina and Alik went to one such camp to rest together with the rest of their classmates. The weather was excellent. During the day the children played sports and other exciting and useful activities, and in the evenings they gathered around the fire. This was real romance! Guitar songs, stories and tales that are especially interesting to listen to in such an environment. Alik always sat next to Marina. She also felt sympathy for the young man, and therefore on such evenings Marina’s heart sank when they were so close to each other. The guys guessed about the sympathies that arose between Alik and Marina, but did not dare to focus on this. Alik was a leader and enjoyed authority among his peers.

On one of these evenings around the fire, to the sound of the song “The Bend of the Yellow Guitar,” Alik quietly whispered to Marina: “Marinka, on the lake in the bushes I found a hidden boat, I suggest we get away from here unnoticed, how do you look at that?” She smiled and nodded in response. When the guys began to sing another patriotic ode, the guys left the campaign unnoticed by everyone.

It was quite light outside, despite the late hour. The night sky was dotted with thousands of twinkling stars. The guys walked to the songs of crickets, the sounds coming from the fire gradually died down in the distance. Having reached the shore, Marina looked around, there was not a soul around. The lake was like a mirror in which the new moon was reflected. Puffing, Alik pulled the boat ashore. There, in the bushes, lay two wooden oars. Throwing the oars into the boat, Alik said to Marina: “Madam, please come on board.” Following the kindly extended hand of the gentleman, Marina sat down on the seat in the boat with ostentatious grace. Alik shouted to an imaginary command, “Give up the mooring lines!”, and, armed with two oars, pushed the boat away from the shore.

The young man tried to row with all his might. When they managed to sail a sufficient distance from the shore, Alik laid down his oars. The boat continued to float by inertia, swaying slowly. Everything around was calm and beautiful, only somewhere in the bushes the breeze was barely audible. Marina looked at Alik. At that moment he seemed especially courageous and handsome to her. Alik, looking at the girl, said: “Marinka, you are very beautiful, I...”, “I know!” The girl answered, smiling confidently, trying not to show how pleased she was to hear these words. “Are you probably cold?” - Alik asked, seeing how Marinka was “shivering”, and without waiting for an answer, he moved to her seat. His movements caused the boat to sway violently. Frightened, Marina screamed: “Careful! We will turn over!

But Alik, not paying attention to the exclamation, sat down and hugged Marina, who was chilled from the cool of the night, with his warmth. In those moments, Marina felt that next to her was the man who should always be there. She thought it was the strongest and handsome guy of those that she has ever met, and with him she is not afraid of anything. Their gazes met, Marina had just closed her eyes in anticipation of a kiss, when she heard some screams coming from the shore. After listening, they recognized their pioneer counselor, who, knocked off her feet, was looking for them throughout the camp. “Come on, quickly to the shore!” The girl screamed, waving a lantern, gasping for breath. “I told someone to quickly go ashore! Moger, Fedorova!

The guys had no choice but to swim to the shore. The next day, Marina and Alik were the heroes of the day. The whole camp was buzzing, discussing their daring act. After lunch, all the guys were gathered in the assembly hall to publicly condemn the escape of the pioneers. When the “Hearing” began, Marina and Alik were sitting next to the counselors, for the rest of the guys to see. The discussion of their “ugly act” lasted for two hours.

A proposal was put forward to send the guys out of the camp in disgrace. One counselor said that this was too severe a punishment and it would be enough if the perpetrators were forced to do some kind of community service, while the rest will swim in the lake. When the camp elder took the floor, he asked, turning to Marina: “Do you understand that your action is an unacceptable violation of the camp’s regulations?! For this I can send you home in disgrace!” Marina, lowering her head, muttered: “I understand.” But the “judge” did not let up: “Are you ready to ask for forgiveness from the entire team and promise that you will never do something like this again?” Marina, barely holding back tears and not understanding her head, answered: “Yes.., I’m ready...”

Suddenly Alik, jumping up from his seat, exclaimed, interrupting Marina: “What did we do that was so terrible? Our only fault is that we didn’t warn anyone that we were leaving. They held such a trial as if we had done something deadly! I’m not going to ask anyone for forgiveness, and Marina won’t either!” The hall began to buzz, even the fat man in the last row stopped chewing his sandwich in surprise. The leader of the camp, indignant at this behavior, jumped up from his seat and, turning purple, exclaimed: “Come on, stop the arbitrariness!” Then they discussed Alik’s audacity for a long time. But thank God, everything ended peacefully and the guys were punished with three days of forced labor in the kitchen. Marina didn’t say another word at that meeting.

Alik and Marina no longer played tricks and together with everyone spent last days summer, swimming and sunbathing under the last rays of the summer sun. The camp weekend came to an end and the guys were taken home.

I remember when I heard this story, I also wanted to experience the romance that the guys did and even if I later got hit in the neck because of this act. Still, it’s so wonderful when there are moments in life that you remember with a smile and with special trepidation throughout your life. By the way, that Marina was my mother, and Alik Moger became her first love.

Another story of love, which was lost in youth and found through the years, was told by a participant in the women's victories club.

It was last summer Soviet Union. In a summer camp on the seashore, 2,500 young 15-16 year olds were driven from all over the country.…
From the Sun, regular nutrition and complete lack of control, everyone’s head was completely torn off. This was a shift in Orlenka, which, according to the plans of the organizers, was supposed to gather active youth from all over the USSR in the camp to resuscitate the dying Komsomol.. Everyone did their best to resuscitate it.

On the fifth day, or rather night, while stomping into the toilet, I was surprised to discover that of the sleepers, I was the only one; all the rest spent their night time more fruitfully.
In the hall of the floor, ottomans were moved together in such a way that a solid sofa was formed, then everyone called it a sexodrome, there were about two dozen people lying around, sitting and fidgeting around. Since there were no “acquaintances” in this pile, I went through the floors of the building to look for my own. I found some in the women’s rooms of the Saratov delegation, some on the roof of a building with guitars and screaming ridiculous songs, some kissing on the street.
In a word night life turned out to be more interesting than the daytime one. In the morning, people around me already recognized me.. It turns out that the main acquaintance of people took place at night.. especially since during the day many simply slept off. Over the course of a couple of nights, I became acquainted with all the neighboring delegations. To the left of my room was Volgogradskaya, to the right was Dnepropetrovskaya. What kind of girls were in this delegation? There were a lot of them, and they all looked like something out of a picture.. I even confused some of them, especially since the main clothing in the camp was a bikini.. Naturally, you could only look at the face on the 3-4th day of acquaintance..

This was the shortest acquaintance. She was from Novorossiysk. We met on the roof, consisting of 5-6 people throwing gondons filled with water, kissing on the heads below...
The common task brought us together. Unnoticed, we wandered off to a quiet place. I don’t remember her face at all.. More precisely, I don’t remember her at all. I only remember her hoarse low voice, whispering something in my ear and size 4 breasts. We kissed for a couple of hours straight. This was probably the first serious kiss in my life. And I was completely unprepared for it. What exactly to do next?!?!?! Moreover, it seems to me that she herself had no idea what actually needed to be done.

Irene + Lena.

(I will write later)

I noticed her on the very first day of her arrival at the camp. More precisely, everyone paid attention to her. Tanned skin, ideal figure, Magazine cover face, and piercing green eyes. Moreover, she had the conscience to wear swimsuits of such sizes that sometimes doubts about their presence crept in.
I didn’t make any plans to conquer her, or rather, I didn’t make plans for anyone at all, everything always happened by itself.. After two days of joint trips to the beach and evening walks, our next walk slowly turned into a night one.. The door of my room It was not possible to open it; the sleeping people barricaded themselves because... It was fashionable in the camp to carry out the sleeping people at night along with their beds and take them to the mountains! Like, it’s very funny when a person wakes up and freaks out about where he is, and then freaks out when the bed drags him back. Natasha took her to her room to sleep. To say that I was excited would be an understatement. Everything was ruined by two nuances...
Firstly I rang like Christmas tree.. In the camp there was a stupid fashion for exchanging badges and hanging them on oneself, like whoever has more of them is the most fashionable. And how these infections rang and pricked.....
Secondly, out of excitement, I asked the stupidest question in the world.. “Can I kiss you..”

What a cretin I was...
The girl brought you by the hand to her, put you in bed with her... What is there to ask?!?!?! In a word, my nervousness and ringing with intensity prevented us that night..
Natasha was not a stupid girl, and the next evening she took me to the mountains. When we climbed a certain mountain of DRUMMERS,

(there was a tradition in the camp for all the drummers to bicker there and drum every morning, hence the name. INSANE.)

Everything almost happened... Half dressed, we hugged, and hot kisses completely blew our minds away. The kisses were too hot, Natalya's temperature rose, and therefore she had to go back..
In the morning, the girls came running to me from her room with the joyful news that Levitskaya (Natasha) was diagnosed with hepatitis, that she had been taken to the hospital at night, that they had already filled the entire room with bleach and were now disinfecting everything, and the entire squad had already been taken to the first aid station and everyone was vaccinated.
Naturally, I’m in shock, I don’t understand anything, in fact, I was the only one who had to get the vaccine. I pestered the girls to take me to the first aid station and arrange a vaccination. I managed to persuade Yulia, my friend’s friend.

We rushed to the hospital.
- Here! I brought you another contact! Take it! - Julia declared and left!

The nurses were a little older than me and pretty, which put me in a complete stupor. With an impudent grin in their eyes, they silently and appraisingly looked me up and down, for some reason they ordered me to undress and conducted a fucking palpation session.

So how did you contact her?
- Well, how..., we were walking, that means... we were kissing.. - I was red as a lobster.
- Did you fuck?
- We didn’t have time.. - I looked down at the floor..

When the girls turned away, they told me that the medicine had run out, that they wouldn’t treat me since they didn’t fuck, but if the urine turns red and the feces turn white, you’re welcome..

Actually, Ksenia was the final song of my first sexual self-education.
24 days spent in this camp concentrated all the first sexual experiences young man, which under normal conditions could last more than one year.

Less than a day passed since Natasha was taken to the hospital, her best friend began to look at me with moist eyes... every night, when the whole crowd of us rushed into the mountains to light fires, then swim in the night sea naked, then again indulge in the good fun of throwing condoms with water on the heads of those sitting below, she was always nearby. Since I was a positive young man, and my head was occupied with thoughts about the sick Natalya, red urine, and white feces, I special attention didn't pay. I looked at her seriously when, the next night, we were lying in a heap at the sexodrome, telling stories. She, probably tired of waiting for attention from me, unbuttoned my shorts and grabbed me by the penis with a death grip. I instantly forgot about the colors of urine and feces that worried me and fell in love again.

We crawled around the camp for three nights, looking for a secluded place to kiss. It was very difficult to find such a place... By this time, love fever had gripped the entire camp, and everything cozy places were busy.

(The camp is located in a gorgeous place, a small lagoon, sandwiched on all sides by the sea by mountains. There were several squads (corps) in the camp. Some were located right on the beach, others in the mountains, one was built right in the sea on stilts. Go through the entire territory of the camp in one day it was impossible.)

We climbed the mountains... but there were already fires burning in all the clearings, around which people stood hugging each other and singing songs. We headed to the beach... but there the entire shore was already occupied by kissing couples at a distance of 5-6 meters from each other. There was food in the buildings and on the roofs of the buildings, but there were no places either. The last option remained. There was one mountain called “Mountain of Lovers.” At its top stood the Camp Observatory, and accordingly it was the most high point camps. An incredible length of stairs was laid there... Either 800 or 900 steps. On the last step, some asshole wrote “I love you,” and now it’s like a tradition in the camp at midnight for all lovers to climb onto this mountain, stand on this rather cramped step, and scream at the top of their lungs

- « I-I-I-I-I you-I-I-I-I-I love-you-y-y-y.”

We climbed up... I mentally swore at the bastard who came up with this tradition... But I didn’t even imagine what beauty opens up from there... the sea, the clouds, the camp at our feet... The feelings that overwhelmed us burst out in the traditional cry of lovers, and with multiple echoes increased the knock-down effect.
By the way, there is a specific echo there... True, it’s like any echo in the mountains below, except that some idiot climbed up and yells something down, it’s still inaudible... But at the top it really stuffs up your ears.
Without stopping there, we climbed right onto the dome of the observatory and began to caress each other. I was blown away.
I was 15 years old. I read all the manuals on sex, including the Kama Sutra, I read some porn stories, and no matter how theoretically I was ready, I was sure that on this front everything would be okay, and that there was very little left until that time... but I was completely I didn’t imagine that this time had already come, and something needed to be done now.
Everything that was happening blew my mind. For the first time I held and kissed female breast. Words are completely unable to convey these sensations that gripped me, and when I felt the trembling of the body and the moan of the girl at the moment when I captured the nipple with my lips, a wave simply covered me and the blood was ticking in my temples.

Ultimately, after several hours of petting, Ksyusha switched off.. Suddenly, at some point, I felt her wrap her arms around me, her body twitched in convulsions, and she went limp, lifelessly spreading her arms on the roof.

Fuck-I-I-I-I.. She died!?!?!?!

(We didn’t actually fuck... I didn’t even count on such happiness, and we only caressed each other, so the very option of orgasm didn’t occur to me.)

Ksenia lay in a deep faint, caused by the first orgasm in her life. These were truly some of the best moments of my life, but at that moment I had no idea what was happening and was really scared.

“Fucked up.. What to do?!?! Quit? No, you can’t, you have to drag her to people.. Fuck.. it’s unrealistic, how to drag her off the roof and then this fucking staircase... Call people.. heh heh, and how to explain what the fuck were we doing here?!?!? And then she needs to be dressed, she’s completely naked... how can she put on this bra? Fuck.. it’s unrealistic, on a limp body, let alone a pantser, you can’t even put a cap on... That’s it! We need to resuscitate the person...”

And I began to whip her on the cheeks, bringing her to her senses!
What an asshole I was at that moment... Ksenia woke up, tears flowed from her eyes, she hugged me and whispered in my ear

As it was in Soviet times.

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