Home Natural farming Lilith (black moon), its transits. Magic of master wolf moonlight

Lilith (black moon), its transits. Magic of master wolf moonlight

Lilith tempts, provokes and seduces. Its incorporeal nature lures us in, beckons us with promises of something that we would really like to experience, experience and try. But what it inclines us to often does not exist or is impossible.
Black Moon - main significator unrealized and unfulfilled desires, temptations and false goals. Its manifestations always involve our emotions, our feelings. . But Lilith's role is always connected with her nature. Often with its transit it forces us to play the role of a donkey running after something suspended in front of it.

nose like a carrot, makes us desire what is inappropriate or forbidden. More than any other significator in astrology, it is associated with the temptation of sinfulness as such. The planet that Lilith aspects indicates the type of sin that will be provoked or observed during the transit. The fulfillment of Lilith's desires usually does not bring satisfaction, it only fuels and inflames the desire.
Lilith- a kind of trick emotional energy. And if it is strong in the horoscope, then this concentrated

the emotion becomes uncontrollable. Emotional need that successfully conflicts with common sense

meaning is a very common scenario for its manifestation. When Lilith is very strong in a horoscope, her desires can manifest themselves in a person with such force, contrary to reason and education, that to others it may even seem like a manifestation of obsession. The Black Moon also promotes the materialization of sensual ideas into actions. This is what makes her a prominent factor in the horoscopes of creative people obsessed with their art. But for this same reason, Lilith is expressed in the horoscopes of criminals and degenerates... Systematically appears in a significant position in the prognosis at the time of suicide attempts and during exacerbation of mental and emotional problems.
The energy of Black Moon transits is like a water funnel in a water park. Its transits are experienced as “dragging” or “diving” into one’s own feelings. The more strongly it is expressed in the map, the more difficult it is to “emerge”, and the less motivation to do it. Some describe its action as “sticky”, unusually stable, long-lasting and intrusive thoughts and desires that are noticeably different from our usual, fussy and fleeting mental activity.
The positive influence of Lilith appears infrequently and is mainly associated with the opportunity to realize one’s problematic aspects - unfulfilled desires, repressed needs. It promotes deep involvement in creativity and hobbies. It can also manifest itself on the positive side in mutually reminiscent ways. sexual experience. However, the effect of disappointment and dissatisfaction is always present during and often after the completion of its transit. It is believed that what to a lesser extent the passage of the Black Moon delights us and is associated with a successful and productive period in life - all the better for us. Dirt of your own (or someone else's) inner world becomes both obvious and difficult to bear. We are painfully wounded by something important in the motives and actions of people, about which we become completely intolerant. Transit is characterized by obsessive thoughts and impulses that are usually unusual for us. The temptation to do something that we really want to do, although we realize that this is unreasonable behavior. Temporary clouding occurs
consciousness, “obsession” with some idea or need, usually abnormal for our system of values ​​and ordinary behavior. The world is perceived as a place that emotionally wounds us. Typically, transit either provokes us to some unseemly thoughts and actions, or draws us into unfavorable circumstances in a passive role, as a victim or witness. The best option for passing the Black Moon is the absence of pronounced internal - and even more so external - events related to its nature. As a rule, this happens either with her weak natal position, or is a personal achievement - the result of “working out” her qualities in the horoscope.
Psychologically, Lilith transits always change our state of consciousness, our emotional background to the “low-frequency” side - either “from within”, or under the influence of circumstances. We either ourselves are attracted to situations in which the rough layer of our feelings is manifested, or we become observers of similar behavior in other people. Moreover, these “observations” do not necessarily require our personal presence. Strong emotional reaction Even a TV show, movie or book can cause it.
Lilith according to the Sun
Temptation by vanity and despair. A period of spiritual darkness in the full sense of the word. The transit is a classic indication that no new major decisions can be made at this time. They will be wrong and disappointing. Our vanity and Ego turn out to be difficult to control and very sensitive. Many people at this time experience disappointment in their abilities - they can even think about suicide. IN difficult cases the native, on the contrary, “brings” into pride: a strong desire appears to certainly throw dust in the eyes of others, to tell everyone about self-importance and indispensability. It is at this time that people often have the idea to create something “special” so that everyone will notice. Strange hobbies and interests appear. The ability to objectively evaluate oneself is usually temporarily disabled. Even if it is not expressed in outside world, a person acutely feels attention to his person, becomes painfully proud and vulnerable, interprets people’s actions towards himself incorrectly and distortedly.
Black Moon on the Moon
Temptation by whims and abuse of feelings. For most, transit is accompanied by depression, obsessive dark emotions, misanthropy, and dramatization of everything that happens.
Emotional problems can escalate to the point of paranoid or hysterical states in those who are prone to this. Even normally adequate adults are often capricious and behave completely childishly.
Transit typically manifests itself in sleep disturbances, nightmares or confusing, phantasmagoric dreams. Another common manifestation of Lilith's influence on natal moon- callousness, deafness to the feelings of others with hypertrophied sensitivity in relation to one’s own emotional fluctuations. The serious troubles of other people do not touch us, while our damaged manicure can drive us into hysterics. A frequent occurrence during this transit is the appearance of sad and always complaining people in our circle.” energy vampires».
Black Moon on Mercury.
Temptation to lie or cheat. We will have to face the problem of lies and disinformation. There is a real prospect of being deceived and no less real of being deceived yourself. Often this is accompanied by slander against us, less often (and worse) when we ourselves turn out to be sources of gossip and succumb to temptations and mirages in the mental sphere. Transit is accompanied by gossip and rumors, which we will definitely be introduced to. This does not always have to do with us personally, but always with what Mercury symbolizes in our horoscope. And if new people come into our lives during Lilith’s transit over Mercury, they can and should be studied as if under a microscope. As a rule, these are not random encounters or random thoughts, all of this somehow reflects our natal Black Moon. Usually transit is difficult for mental work - it’s as if we temporarily become dumb. More precisely, our attention switches to things that are extraneous, or even simply harmful to us. Sometimes the movement of Lilith across Mercury is accompanied by the mental mastery of fraudulent schemes or acquaintance with other types of “forbidden knowledge.”
Black Moon according to Venus
Temptation by laziness and lust. Traditionally a bad factor for male cards, it indicates susceptibility to seduction and the manifestation of bad inclinations. This transit usually makes women capricious, eccentric, and susceptible to bad influence. Sometimes during such a transit, women themselves
provoke situations from which it will be difficult for them to get out without consequences. A very unfortunate period for romantic affairs, although during transit everything may seem completely opposite. Sexual complexes and unfulfilled “Venusian” desires emerge; this aspect is often accompanied by a significant reduction in requirements for possible sexual partners. IN good option disgust (or common sense) will outweigh immediate desires. In the bad case, we will be ashamed to remember what happened after the end of the transit. Quite often, transit plays out not in the erotic sphere, but in mindless shopping. Sometimes the passage of Lilith through Venus is accompanied by funny taste changes - suddenly we begin to like something in food that we could not even imagine before. And vice versa - some foods that we used to eat almost every day are selectively ignored and not perceived.
Lilith according to Mars
Dangerous transit. Temptation by aggression, rudeness, violence, anger. On the one hand, it provokes people to commit violent and rude acts, which they later regret. On the other hand, transit can introduce reverse side such behavior, turning us into a victim. Transit is dangerous due to emotional conflicts that turn into physical aggression. Dangerous period for people who are psychologically and physically weak - you can easily find yourself in the role of a victim of abuse. But the role of the aggressor is no less dangerous - in its consequences. In both cases, the formation of a new behavior pattern is very unfavorable. When Lilith transits Mars, the desire to achieve something is typical, at any cost. The greater the thirst for action, the desire to command, and to be rude, the worse the Black Moon of the native.
Lilith according to Jupiter
Temptation by pride, envy and abuse of power. Problems arise with the need to obey and respect superiors - this applies to superiors and to any laws and moral authorities in general. Characterized by a strong (and false) conviction that in the current situation one can sacrifice ideals and beliefs for the sake of something even more tempting; a fictitious chance to rise to higher social strata, easily get rich or famous, and solve a lot of problems at once. Correct self-assessment of the adequacy and appropriateness of such aspirations is usually absent during this transit, so it is especially unpleasant for people with a position in society. Mistakes and bad PR from this period are very difficult to correct later. Often this transit brings a clash with lawlessness or injustice, arrogance and arbitrariness of people in power. A difficult period for gaining popularity and authority.
Lilith according to Saturn
Temptation by selfishness, envy, greed and vindictiveness. It manifests itself in the desire to isolate itself from other people, even loved ones. The native is suddenly overcome by the desire to control everything, to take into account all the little things in the relationship; he begins to count the money spent on loved ones and demand a detailed account from them. Often, during this transit, people stop throwing away unnecessary things, start collecting everything and hiding their property from others. The desire to protect yourself can become an idee fixe. It is believed that at this time a lack of psychological flexibility appears. We are not ready to hear and listen to anyone, but on the contrary, we are ready to step over anything and anyone in order to “protect” our interests. In the worst case, a person strives to defend his rightness, even knowing for sure that he is wrong. For a person with power, the transit manifests itself as receiving pleasure from humiliating others; he behaves like a despot and a tyrant. This is the temptation of absolute psychological power. U ordinary people This passage gives difficulties with discipline and self-discipline; in difficult cases, there may be almost complete paralysis of the will and an inability to force oneself to fulfill one’s duties.
Lilith transits Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
In most cases, it does not have a pronounced psychological content. The changes it causes are manifested in the events of the houses in which these planets are located or ruled.
Lilith by Lilith
This transit is most noticeable not in aspects to the natal position, but when the Black Moon returns to its place, which happens once every 9 years and coincides with multiples of nine ages: 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, etc.. At this time, we have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the shadow side of our “I”, with our specifically personal vices. And this is the main thing positive meaning described transit. However, there are always more adverse events. The main one is that it is at this moment that we can start a new cycle of bad habits or problematic behavior. The native becomes extremely receptive to that specific experience, which is described by the position of natal Lilith in the house and sign, and very easily learns her new tricks. This is a very bad time to buy
irrational bad habits, But good time- to get rid of them or at least passively resist them. This is especially true if we acquired them as times 9, 18, etc. years ago.
At this time, we can suffer emotionally from other people who will show us our shadow side. New characters appear in our environment, with clearly vicious inclinations or
Serious psychological problems. When Lilith returns to her natal position, situations are very dangerous when multiple transits occur together with other (and especially slow) planets.
It is precisely such combinations that become the initiators of dramatic events and genuine crises. The actions of other people that deeply offend us seem unmotivated and in no way provoked by our own behavior. Usually people during this transit resolutely refuse to understand that like attracts like.
Lilith according to the Lunar Nodes
Although in various “karmic” literature one can read about the extraordinary importance of this transit, it, in fact, does not have much independent significance. It is fully realized only by people who are purposefully engaged in changing the quality of their lives, self-improvement or self-observation. But even in these cases, the transit is not of a fateful nature, unless the Node in the natal chart is in conjunction with other planets. The passage of the Black Moon through Rahu attracts into our lives indicative illustrations of what the Black Moon can mean in our horoscope. We begin to see these examples in films and on television, people close to us talk about similar vices in their friends, and all this can be accompanied by a whole series of such Signs. However, this usually does not lead to serious consequences- such a transit is more of an “educational” nature. In the most difficult cases, the native suddenly becomes very interested in the activities of the Black Moon and strives to justify in himself
all its manifestations. The passage of the Black Moon through Ketu usually temporarily complicates and muffles all its effects in our lives. But there are times when during this transit we will have to help people cope with psychological problems that were characteristic of us ourselves in the relatively recent past. Lilith shows herself exceptionally reliably when transiting through houses or their rulers. It passes through the planets quite quickly - within a month the transit reaches a peak and declines. But the passage from house to house often lasts a year or more.
Lilith in the 1st house
Coming out on Asc, transit Lilith gives a person the strength and desire to realize what the Black Moon is responsible for in the natal chart. This is always an important transit. What adds additional complexity to it is that at this time we ourselves, as a rule, are not aware of the true reasons for our actions. The stronger Lilith
In the horoscope, the more palpable is the need to realize one’s vices, repressed desires, long-standing psychological complexes - and this seems completely natural. If in recent months a person has carried within himself some secret plan, a bad plan, then when Lilith passes through Asc he will have the strength to implement it. The most dangerous event is the passage of the Black Moon through Asc. Its very transit through the 1st house without aspects to planets usually does not bring noticeable problems. But it is quite typical that other people begin to see something bad in us, which causes a lot of misunderstandings. We are credited with such vices and weaknesses that we do not notice in ourselves (or even really do not possess them), and we will be outraged by such an attitude towards ourselves. In general, the transit of the Black Moon through the 1st house darkens our view of life and ourselves. For people prone to depression or other emotional disorders, this transit is a catalyst for worsening mental problems.
Lilith in the 2nd house
Money and property become the object of our doubts, torment and other irrational manifestations. Transit is often accompanied by the temptation to make money through dishonest or immoral means, and prompts thoughts of theft or appropriation of other people's property. We may encounter situations where a lot of emotional negativity will be built up around our property and/or money - envy, reproaches, manipulation.
Also typical is close acquaintance with people who live only for material incentives, dreaming only of money and things that can be bought. Less often, there are situations of loss of one’s own property due to fraud or theft in trust.
Lilith in the 3rd house
Usually spoils relationships with neighbors and close relatives.
The cause of misunderstandings is suspicion and negative projections on others. We mistrust people unreasonably in some areas and overtrust others in others. New acquaintances at this time are rarely productive at all. During the passage of the Black Moon through the 3rd house, life sometimes brings us together with people whose consciousness could well serve as an illustration for a psychiatry textbook.
Very rarely does this transit go by without having to deal with rumors, gossip or slander. We ourselves are also tempted to become sources of dissemination of defamatory or deliberately incorrect information.
Lilith in the 4th house
The most significant moment for this transit is Lilith's entrance into the IC, and not her further passage through the house. Then, in order of importance, there are connections transit Lilith with planets of the IV house, especially problematic ones. This is a reliable predictive factor that describes the deterioration of family relationships - either in the parents' or in one's own. A person’s perception changes - it seems to us that something bad is happening around. Psychological complexes associated with parents or errors in upbringing are activated. early childhood. Traditionally, transit is difficult for children and adolescents to tolerate:
Contact with parents deteriorates, the child becomes stubborn and distrustful, reacts painfully to everything related to parental authority. In difficult cases, “the walls are pressing on the native,” and it becomes impossible to stay in the house.
For adults, this transit is usually less problematic.
This is also one of the transits that promotes awareness of one’s ancestral karma, our “ancestral” inheritance received through upbringing. It is effective for tracking negative psychological attitudes common to our entire species. It is extremely rare during this passage that manifestations of poltergeists occur.
Lilith in the 5th house
A period when we are tempted by entertainment or a lifestyle free from any obligations. In the worst case, transit is accompanied by so much strong desire entertainment that the native may quit work or ignore usual responsibilities. A characteristic sign strong
The action of the Black Moon on the V house is a fixation on a new love, on a hobby, on a wild lifestyle - to the detriment of work, family and common sense. Often accompanied by the onset of gambling addiction in children and adolescents. But transit also pushes adults towards infantile behavior, as complexes are activated childhood. Adults' relationships with their own children often deteriorate, mistrust and lies appear; we think of our children worse than they are. But there may indeed be evil secrets in a child’s life, and it is at this time that they will be revealed. This is also a bad transit for romances - relationships will be built on lies or misunderstandings and, as
usually end badly and hostilely.
Lilith in the 6th house
Relationships with colleagues deteriorate. A previously normal team in our perception turns into a “flock of friends.” Typically, transit is accompanied by intrigue in the workplace and mutual intimidation among co-workers. Managers may face sabotage from subordinates, strikes, and secret hostility.
Phantom pains and all kinds of hypochondria are common occurrences during Lilith’s transit through the VI house. Diseases become a fetish around which our thoughts persistently revolve. Less commonly, this transit manifests itself in psychosomatic diseases. Outwardly, they can be very serious, painful and difficult to cure, but they always have a common feature - their physical reasons are not diagnosed.
Lilith in the 7th house
A classic factor for trouble in relationships is the danger of deception, betrayal, betrayal by people we trusted. The Black Moon transit through Dsc is a reliable sign that new promising acquaintances are not so promising, but new serious relationship not that serious. During this passage of Lilith, life will more than once bring us together with people who cannot be trusted; with dangerous people; with flawed people. The more Lilith is expressed in the natal chart, the less developed it is, the more such people will seem attractive and trustworthy to us.
In addition, a person becomes extremely sensitive to criticism and is sensitive to competition and any confrontation.
This transit often complicates marital relations mistrust. . Our perception of our life partner is greatly distorted, we tend to treat him worse than he deserves, and we will observe a similar counter
reaction. Often, during this transit, reasonable grounds for such an attitude towards each other appear - suddenly long and carefully hidden “skeletons in the closet” are revealed. Our reputation also always suffers during this transit - they speak badly about us, gossip, slander and write slander. We should be prepared for unfair condemnation of us by the public or for a dishonest trial.
Lilith in the 8th house
A person is tempted by risk, dangerous situations, crimes. Less often - sexual or magical experiments. The topic of death and everything connected with it can be fascinating. The attraction to these areas occurs unconsciously and is perceived as a completely harmless hobby, until the moment when it may be too late.
Flirting with dangerous people and situations, unconsciously “diving” into danger is the most unpleasant aspect of the manifestation of transit Lilith in this house. You may find yourself a victim of robbery or robbery. This is a dangerous aspect for women, as it increases the risk of rape. The described transit is especially dangerous when Lilith goes through the points of the natal chart in multiple transits, together with Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Pluto. During this period, many people become painfully sensitive to the topic of death and suffering - even to the point of physical intolerance to the corresponding films or television news. Also, transit often brings fears, revives old phobias, and if the overall transit situation is unfavorable, it can create new ones for a long time.
Lilith in the 9th house
The temptation of a new faith, new ideals, new philosophy or ideology. We are seduced by exotic Knowledge, which at this time seems to be the only true teaching, and its representatives are the embodiment
The best human qualities. The aspect greatly increases misunderstanding, distortion of reasonable ideas, and also means direct exposure to fraud by sects, network marketing,
Trainings personal growth, party events, etc. It may manifest itself in the fact that the native suddenly realizes the potential of a great Teacher (or Spiritual Leader) and begins to “do good and cause
mass justice." In difficult cases, even a syndrome of “messianic delirium” is possible. For believers, this is a difficult period, a test of Faith. A bad time to begin a deep study of religion, philosophy, or to begin a series of contacts with another country. At a banal, everyday level, transit is often accompanied by the idealization of a particular country or foreign culture. Communication with foreigners at this time is more problematic; there is a direct danger of encountering someone else's uncleanliness and exploitation of our naivety. This transit may also mean an attempt to recruit
Native for illegal international activities.
Lilith in the X house
Tempts to achieve position, fame or honors - at any cost. But it mainly brings notoriety and scandals. What we so fiercely strive for at this time, as a rule, we will not need or will even be harmful. A bad moment to move to a new job if the offer was received when Lilith entered the X house. A typical complication in a relationship is with a boss who becomes suspicious and tries to
deceive us or attribute their mistakes to us.
Lilith in the 11th house
Often destroys existing ones friendly relations-Some people let us down, we suspect others, and we ourselves let others down. With those who seek to make friends with us during this passage of the Black Moon, relationships will be unreliable and disappointing. A bad time to participate in collective projects, especially new ones. Aspect significantly increases our exposure psychological pressure from sects, network marketing trainings, personal growth groups, party meetings, etc. Often during this transit people become outcasts, “scapegoats” in such groups. There are also cases when transit brings with it disappointment not in specific people and subcultures, but in society and humanity as a whole. This could be the beginning of a negative revaluation of values ​​and disappointment in human nature.
Lilith in the XII house
Transit is dangerous for people who are prone to psychosis or have secret vices, as well as for those who have chronic emotional disorders. Exacerbates all the described problems, provokes relapses of already corrected mental disorders, can encourage suicide or self-harm. A reliable negative sign at this time is an interest in channeling, spiritualism, conspiracy theories or occult concepts. own composition. The native becomes suggestible, subject to the evil eye, hypnosis; Drinking alcohol can cause unusual reactions.
Less dangerous, but quite typical manifestations are sleep disturbances, as well as bizarre, phantasmagoric dreams. Heightened reaction to loneliness. For some, it becomes completely unbearable, even if we are talking about just one night of sleep. For others, the desire for self-isolation may outweigh all common sense considerations, leading to the curtailment of many personal contacts and loss of opportunities. The aspect can play out as an unconscious desire for vagrancy, in fact, an escape from oneself.

Studying the transit of Lilith
During the transit of Lilith across the planets of the birth horoscope, you need to pay attention to three different possibilities for the manifestation of the transit. First case- the worst, the manifestation of the Black Moon is completely compulsive, and we cannot (often and do not want) to resist it. We ourselves become carriers of the qualities of the Black Moon for other people. We are the subject of influence. During transits on Mars, we reflexively become rude and conflict; during transits on Mercury, we enjoy spending time and gossiping. Second option manifestations of Lilith transit are somewhat better. The potential of its action in our horoscope is no longer great enough to guide us, but still sufficient to unconsciously attract us
into life situations that hurt us. Here a person already understands the essence of the problem, often understands that he himself provokes or allows it, but has not yet found a familiar solution for himself in such situations. Therefore, he gives in, “slows down” and often finds himself in a passive role, as an object of influence. But he no longer allows openly irrational and problematic behavior, and is no longer a temporary bearer of the qualities of the Black Moon. Third case manifestations of the transit are the mildest, found in people with unexpressed Lilith in the horoscope, as well as in those who managed to work out its qualities at the second stage of manifestation. Transit may not create significant external events at all, strong emotional needs- too, but its effect on the psyche remains. We monitor its effects in a timely manner and avoid situations to which it inclines us. In most cases, at this level of implementation of the Lilith transit, everything happens to us on an intellectual, mental level. We are no longer aggressors or victims. We become witnesses. And with time and experience, we become less and less likely to feel like witnesses
something really serious.

Venus - Trigon - Moon

Often indicates beauty, harmony, courtesy and grace. Emphasizes feminine qualities: refined taste, tenderness of expression, sympathy, interest in luxury and expensive jewelry.

Forms artistic and artistic abilities, an amiable and melodious voice. Your presence has a calming effect.

Favors the achievement of good social status; you can professionally use acting, artistic or culinary abilities.

Venus - Trigon - Mars

Inspires feelings, develops a penchant for art. You know how to please, it is easy for you to communicate with the opposite sex. A realistic approach to life, happiness in love and marriage.

You are a dynamic, attractive person, more passionate than romantic. Your desires are in harmony with your feelings. Creative talent in music and drama is possible, and energy and will help to express it.

This aspect creates good health, optimism, and a materialistic approach to business. Money is important to you, but it is easy to spend.

Venus - Trigon - Jupiter

This aspect speaks of your optimistic and sociable nature. Possible interest in the field of religious art.

Harmony in marriage and all types of partnerships. Your social affairs and collective endeavors are favored by good luck.

This aspect favors purchases, financial transactions, patronizes businessmen, teachers, publicists, culinary specialists, entrepreneurs in the field of art, promises favorable attitude towards you from your superiors.

Venus - Trigon - Saturn

This aspect speaks of a sense of order and balance. Often expressed among artists. It gives a sense of rhythm, proportion, structural relationships in time. A favorable aspect for architects, artists, designers, mathematicians.

You are characterized by practicality, intellectuality, restraint, independence, justice, nobility, and willingness to help.

You value reliability in friendship and fidelity in marriage; the desire to help your partner strengthens the marriage, but in your partnerships joy and fun may be absent.

Venus - Trigon - Uranus

You have an ebullient, cheerful, relaxed nature; you always see the beautiful side of life. Gives the spontaneity necessary for artists. You exude charm, attractiveness and satisfaction, which makes it easy for you to get married. romantic relationship. You are distinguished by your breadth of emotional views, social activity, and a tendency to help losers and those in difficult situations. You have unusual, popular and somewhat eccentric friends.

Promotes the manifestation of creative abilities, the formation of your own style in art. In financial matters, unexpected luck is possible. Your work may be related to radio, television, sound recording, or a dating service.

Venus - Trigon - Neptune

This aspect speaks of a romantic nature, musicality, and ability to fine arts and poetry. However, it may also indicate impracticality. Your artistic and artistic potential needs to be developed and supported, otherwise it will be limited only to dreams and fantasies. You often make acquaintances under strange circumstances. You are friendly to the disadvantaged and try to help them. You understand your partners with all your heart.

This aspect also points to the spiritual, emotional and aesthetic subtleties of nature, promotes private entrepreneurship and success in science. you hate hard work and rigid routine, are able to sacrifice a lot for the sake of freedom of expression.

Venus - Trigon - Pluto

Forms a love of art, idealism, emotionality, sexual temperament and the desire for higher forms love. Gives the ability to get rid of unwanted feelings, perhaps spiritual rebirth from love or the predestination of marriage. You know how to neutralize the destructive influences of the subconscious.

You are distinguished by friendliness, diplomacy, the desire for good and ideal relationships, a subtle understanding of the emotional experiences of other people, magnetism, mystery, and magical emotional influence. Artistic talent with a dramatic twist makes your life bright and full of events.

Favors trade business, matters related to associations, cultural and artistic events.

Venus - Trigon - Rahu

Refined forms of behavior in society, you intuitively know how to behave correctly, you are loved, but often you are content with superficial relationships with people.

Venus - Trigon - Lilith

May indicate artistic or acting talent, poetic skill, acting. IN male horoscope often promotes happiness in love and marriage.

Venus - Trigon - Chiron

You have a peculiar charm that ensures your success in society. You develop your own style in behavior, clothing and living habits; with a little effort, your innate abilities can reach the level of talent. By experiencing troubles, you become more serious, more holistic, and psychologically stronger. In most cases, you tend to put love above a sense of duty.

The left-sided aspect (the longitude of Venus is greater than the longitude of Chiron) is conducive to art and generates a desire to teach children and patronize them. At the same time, you can contrast your own moral principles with public ones.

The right-sided aspect (the longitude of Venus is less than the longitude of Chiron) increases interest in abstract matters in the field of ethics, aesthetics and social virtues and not in specific educational work.

Venus - Trigon - ASC

Beauty, harmony of self-expression. This aspect is especially favorable for women, as it gives them beauty and charm.

You are pleasant to deal with and know how to win over people. Popularity, happiness in love, a successful marriage, and help from others await you. Possible ability for art or just a good understanding of art.

Venus - Trigon - MC

A professional career benefits from beauty, pleasant manners; You are loved, especially by those in high places. At home there is a great atmosphere for communication, which helps your career. You can gain fame through activities in the arts.

Trigon Lilith-Sun

Indicates the presence of creative abilities, the ability to attract the attention of others, a love of innovation and innovation.

Trigon Lilith-Moon

Strong sensitivity to what is happening on the subtle planes can lead to mysticism and sensitivity. A love of wandering, travel and adventure is possible.

Trigon Lilith-Mercury

Forms literary abilities and oratorical talent, interest in geographical or scientific discoveries, big politics. May indicate intuition or the ability to obtain information using unusual methods, extraordinary intellectual abilities.

Trigon Lilith-Venus

May indicate artistic or acting talent, poetic skill, acting. In the male horoscope it often promotes happiness in love and marriage.

Trigon Lilith-Mars

A sign of courage, belligerence or success in the military field. The profession may be related to surgery, sexology, gynecology or inorganic chemistry.

Trigon Lilith-Jupiter

Generates interest in science, philosophy, and esoteric research. Innovation in these areas can gain public support.

Trigon Lilith-Saturn

Creates temptations to power, can contribute to tyranny, totalitarianism, and perversion. Suicidal tendencies are possible.

Trigon Lilith-Uranus

One of the signs of good intuition, clairvoyance, the ability to read information from subtle plan. With hard work and perseverance, you have the opportunity to create brilliant creations.

Trigon Lilith-Neptune

Forms religiosity, spirituality and creative inspiration. Possible musical talents, interest in psychology or parapsychological abilities.

Trigon Lilith-Pluto

Indicates a love of change, leading to social reforms, leadership of social movements, gaining popular recognition or the search for spiritual teaching, seeking God.

Trigon Lilith-Rahu

A sign of good material security in the previous incarnation, which was very likely a temptation.

Sextile Lilith-Sun

Allows you to creatively use your individuality and difference from others.

Sextile Lilith Moon

Allows you to use unusual mental abilities, increased sensitivity, mystical experiences for specific activities.

Sextile Lilith-Mercury

Allows you to create your own individual literary style or contributes to the unique sound of the voice, the ability to obtain the necessary information using intuition.

Sextile Lilith-Venus

Allows you to add uniqueness artistic images, unusual appearance, charm, acting skills.

Sextile Lilith-Mars

Forms unique business qualities, a non-standard approach to problem solving. Ability to find unusual solutions in a tense and stressful situation.

Sextile Lilith-Jupiter

Inclines towards innovations in the field of pedagogy, jurisprudence, religious reformation or esoteric research, which contributes to fame and support of public opinion.

Sextile Lilith-Saturn

Quite often it allows you to find the means to enter the circle of the powerful, but the final result depends entirely on spiritual level person.

Sextile Lilith-Uranus

You may differ sharply from those around you in your behavior or unusual abilities, independence, love of freedom, and sometimes genius.

Sextile Lilith-Neptune

Symbolizes unusual spiritual experiences, sometimes contributing to enlightenment or deep awareness of spiritual, religious concepts, their expression in words, music or works of art.

Sextile Lilith-Pluto

Allows you to find unusual means and ways to change the situation. This is one of the magical aspects that allows psychotherapists and healers to provide real help.

Sextile Lilith-Rahu

This aspect suggests that in your previous incarnation you were a very extraordinary person or were tempted by your own exclusivity.

Lilith-Sun Square

Strong aspect of temptation; promotes the development of pride, ambition and arrogance.

Lilith Moon Square

Excessively painful sensitivity can cause suspiciousness, fears, obsessive states and psychological instability. Strong spiritual experiences are possible.

Lilith-Mercury Square

Doubts and mistrust can cause others to misunderstand or misinterpret their intentions. Cunning and deceit can be chosen as weapons to combat the outside world.

Lilith-Venus Square

May indicate the desire for perfection, the search for an ideal and associated temptations, especially in the male horoscope.

Lilith-Mars square

A sign of a subconscious tendency towards violence, an inability to control oneself. Manifestations of reckless courage, insolence, and blocking of the instinct of self-preservation are possible. Possible professions are butcher, vivisector, pathologist, sex therapist.

Lilith-Jupiter square

Creative imagination and adventurism may push you to seek adventures, some of which can be very dangerous or lead to conflict with law enforcement.

Lilith Square Saturn

Reasoning and logic form extraordinary math skills, interest in problems of science and methodology. At the same time, this is also an aspect of “temptation by the intellect.”

Lilith-Uranus Square

Reform and revolutionary tendencies lead to risky actions and challenges to social conventions. Intuition, innovation or obsession with invention.

Lilith-Neptune Square

Anti-religious or reformist tendencies in favor of social utopias. Manifestations of fanaticism are possible as a consequence of internal spiritual doubts. Outbreaks likely creative inspiration, but they often require every effort.

Lilith-Pluto square

Self-affirmation through rebellion, violence, struggle with those in power, the source of which is often a painful feeling of social injustice, abandonment by God.

Lilith-Rahu square

Indicates that in your previous incarnation you were unable to avoid temptations, and possibly violent death.

Opposition Lilith-Sun

It can create a desire to be no different from those around you or motivate you to fight dissent and sectarianism. It can manifest itself as a painful dependence on public opinion: “what will the neighbors say to this?”

Opposition Lilith-Moon

Indicates an active rejection of everything that can harm peace, coziness and comfort. You are afraid that you may be pissed off and do everything to prevent this from happening.

Opposition Lilith-Mercury

It symbolizes the desire to be understood and accepted by others; any manifestation of misunderstanding, lies and intrigues is perceived very painfully. Many people with this aspect are overly sensitive to the conflict between fathers and children.

Opposition Lilith-Venus

May mean constant striving for perfection or inflated self-esteem. Any comments regarding taste, tact and manners are perceived as unnecessarily painful.

Opposition Lilith-Mars

It may mean a subconscious desire for approval of your actions by others, efforts to have a solid image, a prestigious job. There may be emphasized rejection, caustic criticism, or disdain for the actions of other people if they do not coincide with your plans or interests.

Opposition Lilith-Jupiter

Forms the desire to achieve a high, stable social position. Any attempts to undermine authority are perceived very painfully.

Opposition Lilith-Saturn

Indicates strengths defense mechanisms psyche, the desire to always maintain calm and composure.

Opposition Lilith-Uranus

Sometimes it provides the opportunity for intuitive insights and manifestations of paranormal abilities, but the results are usually unstable. You can challenge external circumstances, but the lack of a program of action hinders you.

Opposition Lilith-Neptune

Sometimes it forms a kind of immunity against alcoholism. The very sight of a drunk person unbalances you.

Opposition Lilith-Pluto

A way to achieve stability, self-confidence and self-affirmation can be the desire for power, control over the environment, leading to violence and conflicts with superiors.

Opposition Lilith-Rahu

Points to serious problems associated with temptations in past incarnations. Now, for spiritual development You need to refuse to use intrigue, temptation or magical methods to achieve your own goals.

02.11.2013 at 02:08 Blog

Aspects of the IV, VI and X houses

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02.11.2013 at 01:53 Blog

Correction of negative aspects part 1

Using analysis natal charts You can not only understand what is happening and its cause, but also effectively correct the influence of negative aspects.

You can order all this and more from our specialists. You don’t get a pig in a poke; our specialists are happy to help you in all life situations.

Chains of possession and exile

List of planetary aspects

Sextile Sun Node

Trigon Sun-South Node

Trigon Sun-Lilith

Opposition Moon-Mercury

Opposition Moon-Saturn

Moon-Node Square

Moon-Lilith square

Mercury Square Node

Square Mercury-South Node

Venus-Uranus Square

Trine Venus-Neptune

Sextile Venus-Pluto

Trigon Venus-X house

Trigon Jupiter-Node

Sextile Jupiter-South Node

Sextile Saturn-Neptune

Sextile Saturn 1st house

Sextile Neptune-Pluto

Opposition Knot-South Knot

Impact Analysis lunar day for the karmic life program

19th lunar day (Moon)

A person born on these lunar days has problems forming a happy family and a successful marriage. The waning moon of the 19th day gives a person instability in his views and an illusory perception of his partner. Endowing a person with unique creative abilities makes it difficult to objectively assess the attitude of others towards him. Generates excessive suspiciousness and distrust of loved ones.

A creatively gifted person. The opening of the mental channel gives hyper-trafficed development of the Heart and Mental chakras.


harmonization of mental energy, release of creative energy, opening of the heart center through reflection. Behavior analysis. You need to remember that the people around you are not always the way you perceive them. You should not idealize your acquaintances and friends. They may not be as good as you would like. Only those who are not enchanted are not disappointed. At the same time, there is no need to place too high demands on loved ones. Trust them. The people close to you are not your enemies. Trust your mind more, destroy any illusion before it appears and takes over your mind.

Use all creative potential your birthday. But, remember, the fantasy world is just an illusion and only you have the opportunity to bring it to life. Don’t rely on anyone, create the world yourself that will make you happier.

Sun in Virgo (analysis negative influence ruling sign)

Congenital conservatives. It’s like a built-in computer program from birth, which sometimes prevents you from moving forward. Very vulnerable to criticism, especially unfounded. They tend to take everything to heart. They have difficulty putting themselves in the place of another; everything that lies on the surface of things can escape their attention.

Analysis of significant aspects of planets

Sextile Sun Node<61°10">13Vir07 - 11Cnc57-corrected

Ability to manage crowds and coordinate the work of a large team. A positive quality for a person engaged in management activities. Innate ability to do business. High organizational skills.

(The aspect is generally positive)

Trigon Sun-South Node >117°34"< 13Vir07 - 10Cap41-скорректированно

Leader ability. Often interferes in marriage, pushes people to take the initiative.

(conditionally positive aspect)

Trigon Sun-Lilith<115°27">13Vir07 - 8Cap34-adjusted

Provokes suspicion and mistrust. Conflict with loved ones.

(Negative aspect – family, home)

Opposition Moon-Mercury<177° 3">13Ari02 - 10Lib05-corrected

Confusion in public relations. You love to chat about trifles and your friends often want to sneak away from you. Emotions often make it difficult to think clearly. Prone to nervousness and emotionality. It is difficult for you to find a middle ground.

Opposition Moon-Saturn >172°50"< 13Ari02 - 20Lib12-скорректированно

Repression, stagnation, you desire fruitful relationships and family ties. But, you tend to compare current relationships with past experiences. You try to see a problem even where there cannot be one. The development of abilities is hampered by imaginary family responsibilities.

Moon-Node Square<88°55">13Ari02 - adjusted

Feelings are in disharmony with social expectations. The course of events creates problems and difficulties in the family related to spiritual aspects.

Moon-Lilith square<94°28">13Ari02 - adjusted

Imbalance feminine energy associated with excessive emotionality.

Square Mercury Node >88° 8"< 10Lib05 - 11Cnc57-скорректированно

Perhaps you cannot be fully understood by others when it comes to personal, intimate matters. Conflicts are possible against the background of mutual misunderstanding with others.

Square Mercury-South Node<90°36">10Lib05 - 10Cap41-corrected

You are successful in communication in everything related to work and business. You can easily organize any event at the highest level in the shortest possible time.

Venus-Uranus Square >93°12"< 27Leo42 - 0Sgr54-скорректированно

Love at first sight to the point of insanity. Lability, rapid mood changes. Divorce aspect. The need for constant unusual sexual experiences. Nervous disorders when it is impossible to satisfy needs.

Trine Venus-Neptune<116°35">27Leo42 - 24Sgr16-corrected

Romanticism of nature. Talent in music or visual arts. Craving for unusual acquaintances and extreme relationships.

Sextile Venus-Pluto<57°30">27Leo42 - 25Lib12-corrected

Knowledge of the transformative power of love is much broader than the level of intuition. You can convince your partner to move to a more serious level of relationship. Often a marriage is destined for failure. Creative Power unlimited potential.

Trigon Venus-X house<117°21">27Leo42 - 0Tau21-corrected

An assertiveness that often frightens. Loneliness. It seems to a person that he is not understood and he cannot find a place for himself.

Trine Jupiter-Node >115° 1"< 6Sco58 - 11Cnc57-скорректированно

Intuitive ability to go with the flow, which brings profit and popularity

Sextile Jupiter-South Node<63°43">6Sco58 - 10Cap41-adjusted

Success at work. Development of creative abilities and organizational skills.

Sextile Saturn-Neptune >64° 5"< 20Lib12 - 24Sgr16-скорректированно

Idealists in all respects with magical inclinations. They are able to quickly master meditation and engage in collective occult practices.

Practicality in views and ideas, determination, hard work, success in a career that is associated with public relations. The ability to unravel complex knots, get to the bottom of the meaning, and reveal secrets.

Sextile Saturn 1st house >64° 5"< 20Lib12 - 16Leo06-скорректированно

A serious nature that evokes support and respect in business relationships. Organizational talent, sense of justice, loyalty to principles.

Sextile Neptune-Pluto<59° 5">24Sgr16 - 25Lib12-adjusted

Opposition Node-South Node >178°44"< 11Cnc57 - 10Cap41-скорректированно

Disappointment associated with the waste of the previous financial position.

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02.11.2013 at 01:48 Blog

Correction of negative aspects part 2

Analysis of the location of planets in the houses of the zodiac circle


Controlled aspect of life

Planets under influence


I House



Positive influence:

Strong self-awareness, entrepreneurial spirit, Willingness to work long and hard to achieve your goals. A strong sense of self that helps to make a strong impression on others.

Bad influence:

Feeling the need to control your life. You feel a constant need for guidance and mentoring.

Positive influence:

Grace. Beauty of the body, ease of communication. Have a positive attitude when meeting new people.

Easily establish love relationships.

Bad influence:

Although you are proud, you are also prone to compromise in relationships, you love to please and give warmth.

II House

Thoughts. Property. Money

III House

Mind. Intelligence. Education.





Positive influence:

Excellent intellectual abilities. An unsurpassed oratorical gift that is distinguished by originality and liveliness. Lots of different interests. Ability and desire to quickly acquire new skills and abilities

Bad influence:

They spend a lot of time on the phone.

Positive influence:

The desire to understand the secret meanings of existence, philosophy. The attitude towards culture is traditional, conservative.

The activity will be successful in any area of ​​public relations. A set of communication skills. Integrity, responsiveness, communication skills.

You can stay in a “Teacher-Student” relationship for a long time and remain faithful to your school.

Craving for travel.

Bad influence:

It doesn't.

Positive influence:

Disciplined mind, methodical in work. Perseverance in achieving your goal. A penchant for science and a broad outlook. Great intellectual potential.

Bad influence:

The mind is predisposed to concentration, which may result in a lack of potential breadth of perception.

Positive influence:

Your mental acuity amazes your friends and acquaintances. You have a developed intellect and are capable of learning the truth.

Bad influence:

IV House


Positive influence:

Unusual home conditions. Perhaps one of the trees will give birth to an extraordinary personality. You feel the need for a home, a homely spirit.

Bad influence:

It doesn't.

V House


Positive influence:

Strong need for love and recognition. The need for care from loved ones.

Bad influence:

You live in a fantasy world that is rarely connected to reality.

VI House

Speech. Gossip. Diseases.

VII House

Marriage and partners.

VIII House

IX House


Positive influence:

Commitment to social and ethical values ​​from childhood.

Love of travel. There should always be a lot of you everywhere.

Bad influence:

With age, when moving away from value norms, condemnation and conflicts with relatives are inevitable. Beliefs and behavior are more emotional than rational. Emotionally very restless.

X House

Profession. Job. Business.

XI House

Desires. Soul and mind. Friends.

XII House

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02.11.2013 at 01:46 Blog

Correction of planetary aspects part 3

Correction of the influence of chains of possession and expulsion.

The Moon in opposition to Mars visiting Venus creates big troubles in your personal life. This combination of planets provokes a violent reaction and the same violent and impetuous depletion of fluid energy.

The Sun visiting Mercury allows you to engage in any kind of activity that is related to social activities. An independent small business will suit you very well.

Uranus in opposition to Jupiter visiting Mars causes extreme distrust and high demands on loved ones. Goal setting is not always in resonance with objective reality. You can trust people who in no way deserve it, but you do not trust people at all who need to be trusted.

The Moon visiting Mars determines your courageous character, the ability to get to the bottom of the truth, persistently pursue your goal, sometimes going too far. You are able to fill the entire surrounding space with yourself.

The Sun is visiting Pluto. You have extraordinary abilities, are endowed with many talents, show an aptitude for science, and are ready to learn new things. But, as often happens, you don’t know exactly how to realize your potential; it’s all because of the configuration of Lilith’s position with Mercury.

Summary correction table

Controlled aspect of life

Negative aspect

Adjusted Aspect

Character and disposition. Usually outgoing energies and intuitions.

Moon in IX house

Opposition Moon - Mercury;

Remember, you must always follow the principle of the “golden mean” both in desires and in communication. Try to focus your interlocutor’s attention less on your problems and transfer it to the interlocutor’s experiences.

You should avoid jumping to conclusions about your new acquaintances. Be more careful about those you trust. An old friend is better than two new ones. Your loved ones are not always hostile towards you, and new acquaintances are not always as friendly as they might seem at first glance.

Learn to trust only trusted people.

The negative influence of aspects will help to correct copper products and stones such as jadeite, garnet, amethyst.

Thoughts. Property. Money

Saturn in III house;

In business relationships, you should pay more attention to general concepts, provisions, and principles that will help you see the full picture of what is happening. This will give you the opportunity to avoid many mistakes and notice the cause-and-effect relationship of the final result of an action before committing any actions that could lead to irreparable mistakes.

The aspect will help to adjust the bouquet of spicy aromas of perfume, wearing jet and rock crystal

Mind. Intelligence. Education.

Venus Node;

Saturn in III house;

You are quite intelligent and practical, fully gifted and have unique abilities that are observed from birth. But you often become a hostage to your excessive emotionality. Don't pay attention to current problems. They have always been, are and will be. Try to direct all your efforts towards revealing your creative potential 100%, and this can only become possible with complete harmony of body, spirit and soul.

Surround yourself with beauty and create brighter moments in your life.

Pay more attention to the treasures of nature; a walk near willows and birches will help you make your creative energy brighter and unite your talent and will into a single stream.

The following minerals may help you:




Susceptibility. The end of physical and the beginning of spiritual life.

Opposition Moon-Lilith;

Since childhood, you have felt yourself involved not only in this world of material forms, but in another, more subtle state of being. You are drawn to the mysterious and unknown, and you should not deny yourself the development of mental abilities.

You feel the need to develop under the patronage of a mentor who can give answers to all your questions. It's not a bad idea. Meditation and group practices will also be useful to you.

You have developed intuition. In spiritual development, when choosing a path, you need to completely rely on your inner feeling.

These stones will help you:





Offspring. Art. Love affairs.

Opposition Moon-Lilith;

Venus in I house;

Venus Square Node;

You are able to bring a very gifted spiritual being into the world.

Venus in the first house speaks of your amorousness and pathological inability to get married. This is due to the fact that your character does not allow you to sit in one place. You need constant emotional experience. Routine is not for you. You are a very caring person, ready for seriousness and demanding seriousness. You can achieve your goal, but having achieved your goal, you are often disappointed in everything and everyone.

You tend to compare today's experiences with past experiences; this prevents you from moving on and crossing the barrier of misunderstanding.

You shouldn’t think that the whole world is against you, you need to learn to trust and not notice minor troubles. Don’t try to change your partner, change yourself so that he simply does not have the opportunity to act in a way that categorically does not suit you.

Silver products will help you.

Speech. Gossip. Diseases.

Moon Day;

Diseases of the urinary system;

Will help you: jasper, rock crystal.

Marriage and family.

Trigon Sun – Lilith;

Moon in IX house;

Square Moon – Node;

Opposition Moon - Mercury;

You are a very amorous person. You are prone to fantasies about the further development of relationships, but it is always worth reminding yourself of solid ground under your feet.

There is no need to seek thrills, there is no need to demand beyond measure. Be more cunning and more cunning as a woman. Make your chosen one pursue you, become both his friend and his love. Enter his life so that he can’t live without you for a minute. But do it softly, unobtrusively.

The man is a hunter. There is no need to conquer him. Let him win your heart.

Don’t look for profitable relationships, run away from fuss and suspicion, beware of distrust in your partner.

The aspect is very bright and difficult to correct magically. Only working on your past mistakes will help you correct the situation.

The same work can kill the sprouts of relationships, preventing them from moving into the maturity phase. There is no need to carry the failures of past experiences into the present.

Variable consciousness. Birth and rebirth.

Opposition Moon - Mercury;

Try to remember your childhood talents again and, sometimes, allow yourself to give joy to your soul.

Get creative, the benefits of civilization in the modern world have a very detrimental effect on you.

Turquoise will help you.

Future, religion, philosophy, judgments.

Opposition Moon - Mercury;

You should not limit your freedom by saddled with imaginary priority concerns about your loved ones. Sometimes the best solution is to leave it alone

Profession. Job. Business.

Opposition Moon-Saturn;

You are talented, but you don’t need to sit still and endlessly exploit your innate gift of communication. Try to develop yourself comprehensively and devote yourself to science.

Your financial well-being is in independent sailing. Running a private business will bring success, and the enterprise will bring you only joy.

Desires. Soul and mind. Friends.

Opposition Moon - Mercury;

There are too many of you. You should always give someone the opportunity to miss you, and you will immediately see how appreciated and loved you are.

Emotions and invisible struggle. Spiritual Plan.

Square Moon-Node;

Opposition Moon-Lilith;

You should try to find a middle ground between soul-tearing desires and objective possibilities. Not

one must neither force the pursuit of the event horizon nor stand still. First of all, work on your emotionality, rethink the requirements and attitudes towards the people around you.

Amethyst will help you with this.

Where to go, where to go?

Closer to sunny May, a wonderful time begins for all high school graduates to choose their future path in life. Many young people are completely confused, because the educational services market is simply overflowing with all kinds of offers to acquire a seemingly relevant and necessary specialty. Ambitions are great; a lot, and sometimes the entire future, depends on today’s choice. How can you focus your attention on a profession that can not only provide a decent living and public recognition, but will also bring real pleasure from your work for many years?

Methods of career guidance analysis of the natal chart are ready to help everyone, which you can also order from our specialists.


Thematic almuten. Almuten professions








18°38' 09"

18°00 ' 28 "

13°07 ' 43 "

28°16' 15"

2°46' 57"





List of aspects

1°29"39"Conjunction Sun - Mercury

54°46"39" Sun sextile Uranus

65° 8"31"Sextile Moon - Saturn

173°15" 7"Opposition Moon - Lilith

1°19"34"Venus - Mars conjunction

6°26"51" Venus - Jupiter conjunction

61°41"50" Venus Sextile Node

118°33"33"Trigon Venus - South Node

5° 7"21"Conjunction Mars - Jupiter

60°23"55"Sextile Mars Node

119°52" 1"Trigon Mars - South Node

86°47"57" Square Jupiter - Saturn

55°26"46" Sextile Jupiter Node

124°51"59"Trigon Jupiter - South Node

12" 1" Uranus - Neptune conjunction

58° 2"28" Sextile Uranus - Pluto

91°45"34" Square Uranus Node

88°31"21" Square Uranus - South Node

87°42"31" Square Neptune Node

92°36"27" Square Neptune - South Node

180° 0" 0" Opposition Knot - South Knot

Analysis of significant aspects

1 Moon in the X house

Gives a person phenomenal intuition, the ability to influence the subconscious. The negative side of the aspect is the inability to concentrate on one thing, often the inability to complete what has been started, provokes a lack of faith in one’s strengths and disappointment in oneself.

2 Neptune in the X house

Gives high abilities in the arts, imagination and talent for writing, and also helps to use other talents for advancement in the social sphere.

3 Pluto in the X house

Collective activity, manifestations of creativity through the team. A person has enormous life potential and is able to realize it in any area of ​​life.

Analysis of aspect configurations (by significant planet)

Square Jupiter – Saturn

Aspect for any socially oriented profession:

Educator, social worker, lawyer.

Sun sextile Uranus

The aspect is related to the socio-political orientation of the activity.

Chain Analysis by Ownership

The Sun is visiting Jupiter. The final range is Jupiter.

A desire to teach, a desire for social recognition, and a desire to influence others.

The activity must be related to education or government authority. Social scientist – philosopher, sociologist, economist. High school teacher. Lawyer. Diplomat, politician.

Trigon Lilith-Sun

Indicates the presence of creative abilities, the ability to attract the attention of others, a love of innovation and innovation.

Trigon Lilith-Moon

Strong sensitivity to what is happening on the subtle planes can lead to mysticism and sensitivity. A love of wandering, travel and adventure is possible.

Trigon Lilith-Mercury

Forms literary abilities and oratorical talent, interest in geographical or scientific discoveries, and big politics. May indicate intuition or the ability to obtain information using unusual methods, extraordinary intellectual abilities.

Trigon Lilith-Venus

May indicate artistic or acting talent, poetic skill, acting. In the male horoscope it often promotes happiness in love and marriage.

Trigon Lilith-Mars

A sign of courage, belligerence or success in the military field. The profession may be related to surgery, sexology, gynecology or inorganic chemistry.

Trigon Lilith-Jupiter

Generates interest in science, philosophy, and esoteric research. Innovation in these areas can gain public support.

Trigon Lilith-Saturn

Creates temptations to power, can contribute to tyranny, totalitarianism, and perversion. Suicidal tendencies are possible.

Trigon Lilith-Uranus

One of the signs of good intuition, clairvoyance, and the ability to read information from the subtle plane. With hard work and perseverance, you have the opportunity to create brilliant creations.

Trigon Lilith-Neptune

Forms religiosity, spirituality and creative inspiration. Possible musical talents, interest in psychology or parapsychological abilities.

Trigon Lilith-Pluto

Indicates a love of change, leading to social reforms, leadership of social movements, gaining popular recognition or the search for spiritual teaching, seeking God.

Trigon Lilith-Rahu

A sign of good material security in the previous incarnation, which was very likely a temptation.

Sextile Lilith-Sun

Allows you to creatively use your individuality and difference from others.

Sextile Lilith Moon

Allows you to use unusual mental abilities, increased sensitivity, mystical experiences for specific activities.

Sextile Lilith-Mercury

Allows you to create your own individual literary style or contributes to the unique sound of your voice, the ability to obtain the necessary information using intuition.

Sextile Lilith-Venus

Allows you to add uniqueness to artistic images, unusual appearance, charm, and acting abilities.

Sextile Lilith-Mars

Forms unique business qualities and a non-standard approach to solving problems. Ability to find unusual solutions in tense and stressful situations.

Sextile Lilith-Jupiter

Inclines towards innovations in the field of pedagogy, jurisprudence, religious reformation or esoteric research, which contributes to fame and support of public opinion.

Sextile Lilith-Saturn

Quite often it allows you to find the means to enter the circle of the powerful, but the final result depends entirely on the spiritual level of the person.

Sextile Lilith-Uranus

You may differ sharply from those around you in your behavior or unusual abilities, independence, love of freedom, and sometimes genius.

Sextile Lilith-Neptune

Symbolizes unusual spiritual experiences, sometimes contributing to enlightenment or deep awareness of spiritual, religious concepts, their expression in words, music or works of art.

Sextile Lilith-Pluto

Allows you to find unusual means and ways to change the situation. This is one of the magical aspects that allows psychotherapists and healers to provide real help.

Sextile Lilith-Rahu

This aspect suggests that in your previous incarnation you were a very extraordinary person or were tempted by your own exclusivity.

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