Home Diseases and pests Memos for elementary school students on subjects. Memos on subjects for elementary school students. Rules for safe work with scissors

Memos for elementary school students on subjects. Memos on subjects for elementary school students. Rules for safe work with scissors

Reminders for elementary school students

How to use the memo

1. Read the title of the memo carefully and think about why it is titled that way. The title is the essence of the memo.
2. Study the contents of the memo carefully.
3. Answer the question: “Am I doing everything as the instructions advise?”
4. If you do something differently or in a different sequence, think about why it is better to do it as the memo says. If you have any difficulties or doubts, ask your teacher for clarification.
5. Now try to complete the task as the instructions advise.
6. To do this, read point 1, say it to yourself and do it. This will be the first step. Refer to the second point of the memo and perform all the steps in the same sequence. And so on step by step.
7. After completing the exercise, refer to the memo again and check whether you have understood its content well. Don't neglect this last piece of advice: the next time you perform a similar exercise, the reminder may not be at hand.


1. Lay out everything from your briefcase.
2. Look in your diary to see what lessons will be tomorrow.
3. Remember what you need to bring to each lesson.
4. Place your notebooks in a special folder or section of your briefcase.
5. Check the contents of your pencil case (2 pens with blue ink, a pen with green ink, a pencil, colored pencils, a ruler)
6. Sharpen broken pencils.
7. Put away the necessary textbooks.
8. Check your readiness for each lesson again using your diary.

How to work on a textbook paragraph

1. Read the title of the paragraph carefully, understand what it says.
2. Read the entire paragraph. Find the main thing in it. Mark unclear places, expressions, words. Try to figure them out on your own. If necessary, refer to the previous paragraphs, to your comrades, and if necessary, to the teacher.
3. Keep track of what parts the rule consists of, what features of the material being studied are different in it. Find these signs in the examples.
4. Compare the paragraph you are studying with a paragraph that presents similar material studied earlier. Find similarities and differences in them.
5. Establish what you learned from the new paragraph.
6. Retell the content of the paragraph.
7. Try to remember the conclusion from the paragraph, and learn the rule by heart.
8. Follow the textbook to see how this rule is applied. Do the same with your example. If you completed the assignment in writing, check what you wrote.

Memo-instructions self-study

1. Homework must be started at a precise time.
2. Before you start studying, check the readiness of the workplace.
3. When starting work, concentrate, think about where you will start.
4. Try to resolve all difficulties yourself.
5. Find out about the task in your diary or from bookmarks in the textbook.
6. Forgot the rule, try to remember, test yourself in the textbook.
7. Start self-preparation in a certain order.
8. Every 35-40 minutes of work associated with visual stress, take breaks for 5-10 minutes to rest.

Work on the word (word analysis).

1. Choose related words (noun, adj., v.). Find the root in them.
2. Parse this word according to its composition.
3. Morphological analysis of this word.
4. Make a simple sentence with this word.
5. Parse the proposal by member.
6. Playing with a given word

Validation Rule

Outline the order of checking: first check for meaning, then check for spelling.

To check the meaning of a sentence:
1) Read the sentence out loud.
2) Check if the words fit together.
3) Are there any missing words in the sentence?
4) What is said in the sentence, does this happen?

To check a spelling suggestion:
1) Read each word in order, syllable by syllable, and highlight each syllable.
2) Check if the letters match the word.
3) Are there missing letters?

Memo to check spelling

1. Which letter (what letters, part of a word) are you checking?
2. Which rule? Determine the verification method (which rule should be applied, or checked in dictionaries, or another method).
3. Complete all the “steps” (stages) of the test, don’t miss it! Draw a conclusion on how to write correctly.
4. Write it correctly.

How to prepare homework In Russian

1. Start your work by working on your mistakes. Repeat the rules you forgot.
2. Learn and repeat the given rule. Come up with your own examples of this rule.
3. Read the exercise tasks.
4. Read the entire exercise. Complete the tasks for him orally.
5. Do the exercise in writing.
6. Check all the work.

Rules for copying a sentence or text

1. Read the sentence, text.
2. Think about whether you understand what you will write.
3. Read the first sentence carefully.
4. Remember how words are written in a sentence.
5. Write it, dictating each word to yourself syllable by syllable.
6. Check if you copied correctly.
Work on the following sentences in the same way.

Rule-advice for the reader

1. Try to read aloud, take your time, delve deeper into the meaning of what you read.
2. Pay attention to how the characters in books behave and learn good things from them.
3. When closing the book, think about what it taught you.
4. Know how to take care of your book!

Basic reminder for memorizing

1. Read the poem out loud.
2. Think and say in one sentence what it is about?
3. Did you like the poem? Why?
4. Read it out loud again. If you read strange or not very clear words, try to remember them.
5. Find out what unknown words mean and learn to pronounce them correctly.
6. Read the poem again. Is everything clear now?
7. What (who) is said at the beginning of the poem?
8. Read the beginning of the poem. Try to repeat it from memory.
9. Start reading the poem by heart.
10. Try to repeat those lines that you have already memorized (4-8 lines).
11. Repeat the first quatrain in its entirety.

Introducing a new book

1. Look at the cover of the book.
2. Read the author’s name and the title of the work.
3. Look carefully at the illustrations as you leaf through the book.
4. Determine the approximate content of the book.
5. read the story (poem, fairy tale, etc.) yourself

Working with a fairy tale

1. What is the name of the fairy tale, who wrote it?
2. Re-read the fairy tale. What do you think it is like (everyday, magical, about animals)?
3. Who acts in the fairy tale? What heroes are these?
4. what events are described in the fairy tale?
5. Does anyone win in a fairy tale and why?
6. Find words and expressions in the fairy tale that you want to remember?
7. How does the author relate to his characters?
8. What do you remember most from this fairy tale?

How to work on a brief retelling according to plan?

1. Divide the story into meaningful parts.
2. Re-read the story in parts, make mental pictures based on its content.
3. In each part of the story, highlight important thoughts (2-3 sentences)
4. Retell each part according to plan (if you have difficulty, you can look in the book)

How to plan a story?

    Read the entire story, paying attention to how the text is structured.

1). What is said at the beginning of the story?
2). What events are described next?
3).How does the text end?
2. Divide the story into semantic parts (one part differs from the other in content)
3. Determine the main thing in each part, marking the main sentences in the text.
4. Re-read them, tell in your own words what is said in this part. Choose a title for it.
5. Write your title for each part.
6. Test yourself against the book, determine whether the title reflects the main thing. Is the title repeated or is anything important missing?

How to solve problems

1. Read the problem and imagine what the problem says.
2. Write down the task briefly or make a drawing.
3. Explain what each number shows, repeat the question in the problem.
4. Think about whether it is possible to immediately answer the question in the problem. If not, why not? What do you need to know first, what then?
5. Make a solution plan.
6. Execute the solution.
7. Check the solution and answer the question of the problem.

Useful information for the student

Memo “How to prepare homework”

1. Work actively in class: listen carefully and answer questions.

2. If something is unclear, do not hesitate to ask a question.

3. Carefully and in detail write down assignments for each subject.

4. Learn to use reference books and dictionaries in order to be able to find out the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions.

5. Learn to find the information you need using a computer.

6. Difficult lesson material must be repeated on the same day in order to immediately consolidate it and remember it.

7. When doing homework, you need to not only think about what needs to be done, but also decide by what means and techniques this can be achieved.

8. Don’t be shy to ask adults and classmates for help.

9. Before doing homework, you need to make sure that all tasks are written down in your diary.

10. You need to decide in what order it is best to complete the tasks and how much time each of them will take.

11. On the desk there should be only what is necessary to complete one task. After its completion, the already used materials are removed from the table and those educational supplies that are necessary to complete the assignment in the next subject are placed.

12. Take breaks while preparing homework.

13. When studying a given material, you first need to understand it, and only then remember it.

14. Before doing written work, you must learn all the rules that may be useful.

15. When reading a textbook, you need to ask yourself questions about the text.

16. When learning new concepts and phenomena, it is necessary to connect them in meaning to those already known earlier.

17. A large task must be broken down into parts and worked on each of them separately.

18. You need to prepare for essays and reports in advance, evenly distributing the load, and not leaving such important work for the last day.

19. It is necessary to be able to use maps and diagrams and use them when preparing oral lessons.

20. You need to make a plan for your oral answer and test yourself.

Keyword method

This method can help a child when studying a large text. Keywords are the most important words in a paragraph. When you remember key words, you immediately remember what is said in the right part of the text.

When reading a paragraph, one or two key (most important) words are selected. After this, the selected words are written down in the required sequence, each word is posed with a question that connects it with the corresponding part of the text. Then two keywords must be connected using questions, resulting in a chain. It needs to be written down and learned. When retelling a given text, they rely on this chain.

"5P" method

This method was developed by American psychologists. In their opinion, the “5P” method allows you to focus on the most important things in the text you are studying and helps you remember it better. This method is recommended for use when preparing oral tasks.

1 P - look through the text (quickly).

2 P - come up with questions for him.

3 P - mark the most important places with a pencil.

4 P - retell the text (using keywords).

5 P - look at the text again.

Basic reminder

for s
learning by heart

1. Read the poem out loud.

2. Think and say in one sentence what it is about?

3. Did you like the poem? Why?

4. Read it out loud again. If you read strange or not very clear words, try to remember them.

5. Find out what unknown words mean and learn to pronounce them correctly.

6. Read the poem again. Is everything clear now?

7. What (who) is said at the beginning of the poem?

8. Read the beginning of the poem. Try to repeat it from memory.

10. Try to repeat those lines that you have already memorized (4-8 lines).

11. Repeat the first quatrain in its entirety.

Working with a fairy tale

1. What is the name of the fairy tale, who composed it?

2. Re-read the fairy tale. What do you think it is like (everyday, magical, about animals)?

3. Who acts in the fairy tale? What heroes are these?

4. what events are described in the fairy tale?

5. Does anyone win in a fairy tale and why?

6. Find words and expressions in the fairy tale that you want to remember?

8. What do you remember most from this fairy tale?

How to work

over a brief retelling according to plan?

1. Divide the story into meaningful parts.

2. Re-read the story in parts, make mental pictures based on its content.

3. In each part of the story, highlight important thoughts (2-3 sentences)

4. Retell each part according to plan (if you have difficulty, you can look in the book)

How to plan a story?

1. Read the entire story, paying attention to how the text is structured.

 What is said at the beginning of the story?

 How does the text end?

2. Divide the story into semantic parts (one part differs from the other in content)

3. Determine the main thing in each part, marking the main sentences in the text.

4. Re-read them, tell in your own words what is said in this part. Choose a title for it.

5. Write your title for each part.

6. Test yourself against the book, determine whether the title reflects the main thing. Is the title repeated or is anything important missing?

about the book you read

The review can be written in the form of a discussion, which usually contains:

Thesis (reader's opinion about the book);

Evidence of the validity of this thesis;

Conclusion (general assessment of the book).

In the review you can talk about where, when and under what circumstances the author of the review learned about the book, how his impression of it developed.

In addition, the review may contain a description of the appearance of the book and its illustrations.

The following questions will help you when working on your review:

1. What is the theme and main idea of ​​the work?

2. Where and when do the events depicted in the work take place?

3. Which places in the book made the strongest impression on you?

4. Which of the characters did you like the most? Why?

5. What do you remember that seemed unusual?

6. How did the book enrich you? What questions did it make you think about?

7. Did the illustrations, preface, and afterword in it help you better understand the book?

How to prepare homework

In Russian

1. Start your work by working on your mistakes. Repeat the rules you forgot.

2. Learn and repeat the given rule. Come up with your own examples of this rule.

3. Read the exercises.

4. Read the entire exercise. Complete the tasks for him orally.

5. Do the exercise in writing.

6. Check all the work.

Rules for copying a sentence or text

1. Read the sentence, text.

2. Think about whether you understand what you will write.

3. Read the first sentence carefully.

4. Remember how words are written in a sentence.

5. Write it, dictating each word to yourself syllable by syllable.

6. Check if you copied correctly.

Work on the following sentences in the same way.

Nine rules of spelling

Reminder - hint(essay based on the painting)

1. Before writing an essay on a painting, look at it carefully,

2. First of all, try to catch and understand the mood that the artist conveyed.

3. Listen to yourself: what are your feelings? does the picture resonate with you?

4. Determine the topic and main idea of ​​your essay. Give it a title. Make a plan.

5.Collect material from the picture. Use the Educational Dictionary

6. If you find it difficult to start an essay, you can pick up a quote from the poems of A.S. Pushkin, I.A. Bunin, F.I. Tyutchev, A.A. Fet and others. This will be the beginning of your essay.

7. remember, the main thing is to convey your attitude to the picture, to find your own words: bright, emotional, helping to visually imagine what the artist depicted.

8. Avoid unnecessary repetitions, use synonyms, for example: artist, author of the picture, painter; depicted, showed, conveyed; painting, reproduction of a painting, work of art.

"March" "Rye"

, . , .

1. Read the problem and imagine what the problem says.

2. Write down the task briefly or make a drawing.

3. Explain what each number shows, repeat the question in the problem.

4. Think about whether you can immediately answer the question in the problem. If not, why not? What do you need to know first, what then?

5. Make a solution plan.

6. Execute the solution.

7. Check the solution and answer the problem question.

How to cook

homework on the world around us

1. Remember, do not openReading the textbook, what I learned in the last lesson:

What was the teacher talking about?

Which ones did they install? are you?

What tables, pictures, maps did you look at?

2. Read the questions for the lesson in the textbook and answer them.

3. Read the text of the textbook.

4. Prepare to answer on the topic of the lesson:

Think about your response plan;

Tell us the material on this plan;

Try not just to tell, but to prove your knowledge with examples from observations, experiences, from your life, from books you read, from TV shows, from the Internet;

Draw conclusions;

Open the textbook, use pictures, text and conclusions from the textbook to check how you have mastered the material.

5. Complete the tasks in the textbook.

1. Read the name of the card.

    Consider the symbols of the map. You need to know what the different colors mean. Blue color is a sign of water. Green, yellow, brown - a sign of sushi. Green and yellow indicate plains, and brown indicate mountains. The sign is pale lilac or white - these are glaciers.

4.The scale is always indicated on the map. It shows what distance is

area corresponds to one centimeter on the map.

I know the treasure. There are chests
You can't count the riches!
From all countries, from all centuries
They have all the best in them.
The treasure is in plain sight, just take it
Not just everything - look:
Rows of locks hang everywhere
Outside and inside.
And jingling bunches of keys,
There's no way to help the dream,
There's only one key that I have
They will open the locks.
Take my key! With him you can
Consider the entire treasure to be yours,
After all, those chests are rows of books,
My key is be able to read.
E. Fedorin.

Book request: learn to read me

    Flip through me, look at all the illustrations.

    Guess what I'm going to tell you about.

    Read the text yourself in small parts, check and clarify your assumptions.

    Think about why I have this name.

    Work on the features of speech: voice color, volume, tempo.

Introducing a new book

1. Look at the cover of the book.

3. Look carefully at the illustrations as you leaf through the book.

4. Determine the approximate content of the book.

5. Read the story (poem, fairy tale, etc.) on your own.

Rule-advice for the reader

2. Pay attention to how the characters in books behave and learn good things from them.

3. When closing the book, think about what it taught you.

4. Know how to take care of your book!



    Make sure that eyes moved line by line.

    Try hard don't come back to reading the word read, if you understand it.

    While reading Pay attention to every word.

    Try to understand about what you are reading.

    Read daily:

· aloud

· "About myself"

TO How to prepare a story about a book?

    Highlight the most interesting, in your opinion, what you liked.

    Now think about your story

Without memorizing phrases.
And think about it:
What told? About what?
What why happened
AND for what did everything lead?
Read it again -
And remember your story.

    Start your story by introducing the author and the title of the book.


Solving puzzles is a fascinating activity. But it’s even more interesting to make them yourself. If the book is very liked:

create drawings based on what you read (comics);

    you can draw the hero you like;

How to use the memo

    Read the title of the memo carefully and think about why it is titled that way. The title is the essence of the memo.

    Please read the contents of the memo carefully.

    Answer the question: “Am I doing everything as the instructions advise?”

    If you do something differently or in a different sequence, think about why it is better to do it as the instructions say. If you have any difficulties or doubts, ask your teacher for clarification.

    Now try to complete the task as the memo advises.

    To do this, read point 1, say it to yourself and do it. This will be the first step. Refer to the second point of the memo and perform all the steps in the same sequence. And so on step by step.

    After completing the exercise, refer to the memo again and check whether you have understood its content well. Don't neglect this last piece of advice: the next time you perform a similar exercise, the reminder may not be at hand.

How to work in pairs in a lesson

    Read the assignment carefully.

    If you are completing a task with a friend who is approximately equal in strength to you, then try to divide all the work equally. Help each other in case of difficulties, tactfully correct each other's mistakes.

    If your friend is doing better than you, do not hesitate to ask him for help, ask him to explain something. But don't abuse it. Don’t be offended by your friend if he corrects this or that mistake.

    If you see that your friend is doing worse than you, help him, but try to do it in such a way that he himself works with full effort. Watch to see if he makes mistakes; if he does, correct them tactfully and kindly.

    Remember the main rule: in any collective endeavor you need coordination of actions and a willingness to help your friend. You are responsible for him. He is for you.

How to work on a textbook paragraph

    Read the title of the paragraph carefully and understand what it says.

    Read the entire paragraph. Find the main thing in it. Mark unclear places, expressions, words. Try to figure them out on your own. If necessary, refer to the previous paragraphs, to your comrades, and if necessary, to the teacher.

    Keep track of what parts the rule consists of, what features of the material being studied are different in it. Find these signs in the examples.

    Compare the paragraph you are studying with a paragraph that presents similar material studied earlier. Find similarities and differences in them.

    State what you learned from the new paragraph.

    Try to remember the conclusion from the paragraph and learn the rule by heart.

    Follow the textbook to see how this rule is applied. Do the same with your example. If you completed the assignment in writing, check what you wrote.


    You need to start doing your homework at the exact time.

    Before you start working out, check the readiness of the workplace.

    When starting work, concentrate, think about where you will start.

    Try to resolve all difficulties yourself.

    Find out about the task in your diary or from bookmarks in the textbook.

    I forgot the rule, try to remember, check yourself in the textbook.

    Start self-training in a certain order.

    Every 35-40 minutes of work associated with visual stress, take breaks for 5-10 minutes to rest.

Work on the word (word analysis).

    Choose related words (noun, adj., v.). Find the root in them.

    Break down this word according to its composition.

    Morphological analysis of this word.

    Make up a simple sentence using this word.

    Parse the proposal by member.

    Game with this word

Validation Rule

Outline the order of checking: first check for meaning, then check for spelling.

To check the meaning of a sentence:

    Read the sentence out loud.

    Check if the words fit together.

    Are there missing words in the sentence?

    What is said in the sentence, does this happen?

To check a spelling suggestion:

    Read each word in syllable order and highlight each syllable.

    Check if the letters match the word.

    Are there missing letters?

to check spelling

          Which letter (letters, part of a word) are you checking?

          What rule? Determine the verification method (which rule should be applied, or checked in dictionaries, or another method).

          Complete all the “steps” (stages) of the test, don’t miss it! Draw a conclusion on how to write correctly.

          Write it correctly.

How to prepare homework in Russian

    Start your work by working on your mistakes. Repeat the rules you forgot.

    Learn and repeat the given rule. Come up with your own examples of this rule.

    Read the exercises.

    Read the entire exercise. Complete the tasks for him orally.

    Do the exercise in writing.

    Check all the work.

Rules for copying a sentence or text

    Read the sentence, the text.

    Think about whether you understand what you will write.

    Read the first sentence carefully.

    Remember how words are written in a sentence.

    Write it, dictating each word to yourself syllable by syllable.

    Check if you wrote it down correctly.

Work on the following sentences in the same way.

Rule-advice for the reader

    Pay attention to how the characters in books behave and learn good things from them.

    As you close the book, think about what it taught you.

    Know how to take care of your book!

Basic reminder for memorizing

    Read the poem out loud.

    Think about it and tell me in one sentence what it is about?

    Did you like the poem? Why?

    Read it out loud again. If you read strange or not very clear words, try to remember them.

    Find out what unknown words mean and learn to pronounce them correctly.

    Read the poem again. Is everything clear now?

    What (who) is being said at the beginning of the poem?

    Read the beginning of the poem. Try to repeat it from memory.

    Try to repeat those lines that you have already memorized (4-8 lines).

    Repeat the first quatrain in its entirety.

Introducing a new book

    Look at the cover of the book.

    Look carefully at the illustrations as you leaf through the book.

    Determine the approximate content of the book.

    read the story (poem, fairy tale, etc.) yourself

Working with a fairy tale

    What is the name of the fairy tale, who wrote it?

    Re-read the fairy tale. What do you think it is like (everyday, magical, about animals)?

    Who acts in the fairy tale? What heroes are these?

    what events are described in the fairy tale?

    Does anyone win in a fairy tale and why?

    Find words and expressions in the fairy tale that you want to remember?

    What do you remember most from this fairy tale?

How to work on a brief retelling according to plan?

      Divide the story into meaningful parts.

      Re-read the story in parts, make mental pictures based on its content.

      In each part of the story, highlight important thoughts (2-3 sentences)

      Retell each part according to plan (if you have difficulty, you can look in the book)

How to plan a story?

          Read the entire story, paying attention to how the text is structured.

          • What is said at the beginning of the story?

            How does the text end?

          Divide the story into semantic parts (one part differs from the other in content)

          Determine the main thing in each part, marking the main sentences in the text.

          Re-read them, tell in your own words what is said in this part. Choose a title for it.

          Write your own title for each part.

          Test yourself on the book, determine whether the title reflects the main thing. Is the title repeated or is anything important missing?

How to solve problems

    Read the problem and imagine what the problem says.

    Write down the task briefly or make a drawing.

    Explain what each number shows, repeat the question in the problem.

    Think about whether you can immediately answer the question in the problem. If not, why not? What do you need to know first, what then?

    Make a solution plan.

    Execute the solution.

    Check the solution and answer the problem question.

Rules for safe work with scissors

    Keep your workplace tidy.

    Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.

    Do not use loose scissors.

    Work only with serviceable tools: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

    Use scissors only in your own workplace.

    Watch the movement of the blades while working.

    Place the scissors with the rings facing you.

    Feed the scissors rings forward.

    Don't leave scissors open.

    Store scissors in a case with the blades facing down.

    Don't play with scissors, don't put scissors near your face.

    Use scissors as intended.

Rules for safe work with glue.

    When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

    Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the job at this stage.

    Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.

    Wash your brush and hands well with soap after use.

Rules for safe work with plasticine.

    Choose the desired color of plasticine for the job.

    Cut the required amount of plasticine into a stack.

    Warm a piece of plasticine with the warmth of your hands so that it becomes soft.

    At the end of the work, dry your hands well with a dry soft cloth and only then wash them with soap.

Rules for safe work with a sewing needle.

    Always keep your needle in a pincushion.

    Don't leave a needle on your workbench without thread.

    Pass the needle only in a pincushion and with thread.

    Do not put the needle in your mouth or play with the needle.

    Don't stick the needle into your clothing.

    Before and after work, check the number of needles.

    Store a pincushion with needles only in the same place.

    Don't be distracted while working with the needle.

How to prepare homework

Memo For students

General rules

Work actively in class: listen carefully, answer questions.

Ask questions if you don’t understand something or don’t agree with something.

Write down exactly and in as much detail as possible what is asked for each subject.

Learn to use a dictionary and reference books. Find out the meaning unfamiliar words, find the necessary facts and explanations, rules, formulas in reference books.

If you have a computer, learn to use it to find what you need information, make the necessary calculations using spreadsheets, etc.

If what was explained in the lesson seemed difficult to you, repeat the material on the same day, even if the next lesson is a few days later.

When starting each task, think not only about what you need to do (i.e. about the content of the task), but also about how (using what techniques, means) this can be done.

If necessary, seek help from an adult or classmates.

When starting to complete your homework, open your diary and see if all the tasks are complete. recorded.

Think about the sequence of completing tasks in individual subjects and the approximate time you need to complete each task.

Remove everything unnecessary from the table, everything that can distract. Prepare what you need to complete the first task (textbook, notebooks, maps, pencils, dictionaries, reference books, etc.). After you prepare for the first lesson, put everything away and prepare what you need for the next lesson, etc.

Take breaks between lessons.

Try to understand the material first and then remember it.

Before completing written assignments, understand and learn the rules on which it is directed to.

When reading the text of a textbook paragraph, ask yourself questions: about what or about whom This text says that this is what it says.

Look for the connection between each new concept and phenomenon that you learn about with what you already know. Relate the new to the already known. Make sure these are not random, external connections, but main connections, connections in meaning.

Remember: we remember best:

something we use all the time;

something to which we will need to return (interrupted actions)

what we need;

what we can connect with our other knowledge and skills;

what is associated with our experiences (both pleasant and unpleasant).

17. If the material you need to learn is very large or difficult, break it down

into separate parts and work through each part separately. Use keyword method.

Keyword method

Keywords are the most important words in each paragraph.

The keyword should help reproduce the corresponding paragraph. When we remember key words, we immediately remember the entire paragraph.

How to use the memo

1. Read the title of the memo carefully and think about why it is titled like that. The title is the essence of the memo.

2. Please read the contents of the memo carefully.
Answer the question: “Am I doing everything as the instructions advise?”

4. If you do something differently or in a different sequence, think about
why is it better to do as the instructions say? In case of difficulty or
If you have any doubts, ask your teacher for clarification.

5. Now try to complete the task as the memo advises.

6. To do this, read point 1, say it to yourself and do it.
This will be the first step. Refer to the second point of the memo and complete everything
actions in the same sequence. And so on step by step.

7. After completing the exercise, refer to the memo again and check that
Have you understood its content well? Don't neglect this last tip:
next time you perform a similar exercise, the reminder may
not to be at hand.

How to work in pairs in a lesson

1. Read the assignment carefully.

2. If you are completing a task with a friend who is approximately equal
If you can do it, then try to divide all the work equally. Help friend
In case of difficulties, tactfully correct each other’s mistakes.

3. If your friend is doing better than you, don’t hesitate to convert
to him for help, to ask him to explain something. But don't overuse
this. Don’t be offended by your friend if he corrects this or that mistake.

4. If you see that your friend is doing worse than you, help him,
however, try to do it in such a way that he himself works with full effort. Watch whether he makes mistakes; if he does, do so tactfully and
kindly correct them.

5. Remember the main rule: in any collective business you need
coordination of actions and willingness to help one’s friend. You are responsible for him.
He is for you.

How to work on a textbook paragraph

1. Read the title of the paragraph carefully and understand what it says.

2. Read the entire paragraph. Find the main thing in it. Mark unclear places
expressions, words. Try to figure them out on your own. If necessary, refer to the previous paragraphs, to your comrades,
and if necessary, to the teacher.

3. Keep track of what parts the rule consists of, what features of the material being studied are different in it. Find these signs in the examples.

4. Compare the paragraph you are studying with a paragraph that presents similar material studied earlier. Find similarities and differences in them.

5. State what you learned from the new paragraph.

6. Retell the content of the paragraph.

7. Try to remember the conclusion from the paragraph and learn the rule by heart.

8. Follow the textbook to see how this rule is applied. Do the same
by your example. If you completed the assignment in writing, check what you wrote.


1. You need to start doing your homework at the exact time.

2. Before you start working out, check the readiness of the workplace.

3. When starting work, concentrate, think about where you will start.

4. Try to resolve all difficulties yourself.

5. Find out about the task in your diary or from bookmarks in the textbook.

6. I forgot the rule, try to remember, check yourself in the textbook.

7. Start self-training in a certain order.

8. Every 35-40 minutes of work associated with visual load,
take breaks for 5-10 minutes to rest.

Work on the word (word analysis).

1. Choose related words (noun, adj., v.). Find the root in them.

2. Break down this word according to its composition.

3. Morphological analysis of this word.

4. Make up a simple sentence using this word.

5. Parse the proposal by member.

6. Game with this word

Validation Rule

Outline the order of checking: first check for meaning, then check for spelling.

To check the meaning of a sentence:

1) Read the sentence out loud.

2) Check if the words fit together.

3) Are there missing words in the sentence?

4) What is said in the sentence, does this happen?

To check a spelling suggestion:

1) Read each word in syllable order and highlight each syllable.

2) Check if the letters match the word.

3) Are there missing letters?

to check spelling

1. Which letter (letters, part of a word) are you checking?

2. What rule? Determine the verification method

(which rule should be applied, or checked in dictionaries, or another method).

3. Complete all the “steps” (stages) of the test, don’t miss it!

Draw a conclusion on how to write correctly.

4. Write it correctly.

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