Home Diseases and pests View hidden folders in windows 7. How to set the visibility of hidden files and folders in Windows

View hidden folders in windows 7. How to set the visibility of hidden files and folders in Windows

Sometimes, when setting up the system, you need to have access to hidden system folders that are hidden from inexperienced users. Namely, they hide them so that they are not accidentally deleted or moved, because this can affect the operation of the system.

But every day there are various viruses that can hide your files and folders, which you can only see in by turning on the display of hidden folders and files. But, virus removal is not the only situation in which you need to open access to displaying such folders. Just recently, I described solutions to a problem where it was necessary to copy a file to a folder that is system and was invisible to a simple user.

Of course, it’s better not to go into these folders, but sometimes you can’t do without it, so now you will find out how to open hidden folders and files.

How to open hidden folders in Windows XP

Let's start with Windows XP. We open " Start» and click on « Control Panel».

So, as we will open invisible files, we need to go to " Folder properties»

Also, you can use alternative way folder settings. To do this, go to any window and select " Properties» –> « Folder properties».

Either way, the settings window will open. Here we go to the tab " View"And in the additional parameters we go down to the very bottom to the item" Hidden files and folders". We celebrate " Show hidden files and folders» and press « Apply».

In some cases, even after setting the display of hidden folders, some still remain inaccessible. To display them, you can use another item in the settings: " Hide protected system files s". By simply unchecking and saving, some more folders will appear that are considered system folders, perhaps among them there will be the folder that you needed. But, I want to immediately warn you, if you come across some unfamiliar folder, then do not write it off to delete it, perhaps this is one of the system ones that is needed for correct operation OS or Applications.

How to show hidden folders in Windows 7

In Windows 7, to enter the folder settings, we also go to "Control Panel" and then "Folder Options"

To enter the settings through the window of any folder, click on "Organize", and there we already select "Folder and Search Options".

In the window itself, check "Show hidden files, folders and drives" and save the settings.

How to show hidden folders in Windows 8

In the new Windows 8 operating system, going into any folder, click on "View", then select "Options" and then "Change folder and search options".

In the folder settings menu, as in the examples described above, we simply mark the same item as on other operating systems, and then click "OK"

I repeat once again, you will meet a hidden folder with an unknown name, you should not delete it, and after you finish working with hidden files, do not forget to return everything back, this is done in the same order, just check the item, do not show hidden files and folders. You might also be interested in the article on configuring the extension for registered file types.

On the computer. They are there, but they are not visible.

one . Right-click on the file or folder and select "Properties".

2. A window will open. Check the Hidden box and click OK.

The file (folder) will disappear. In fact, it will remain in the computer, we just hide it in this way.

By the way, many users are able to open hidden files and folders. So consider whether something is worth hiding in this way.

How to open (show) hidden files and folders

If there is no such item, then click on the Start button and open the Control Panel. Among the icons, find and open "Folder Options" (Appearance and Personalization → Folder Options).

In Windows 10, you need to click on "View" at the top of the window and select "Options".

Put a dot on the item "Show hidden files, folders and drives" (below) and click "OK".

Files and folders that are hidden will be lighter than normal files and folders.

Normal folder:

How to make a hidden folder normal

  1. Right-click on the file or folder you want to make normal and select Properties.
  2. Uncheck the Hidden box and click OK.

How to disable showing hidden files and folders

Open any folder on your computer. Click on the word "Organize" (at the top of the window) and select "Folder and Search Options".

If there is no such item at the top of the window, click on the Start button and open the Control Panel. Among the icons, find and open "Folder Options" (Appearance and Personalization → Folder Options).

In Windows 10, to do this, click on "View" and select "Options".

A window will open. Click on the "View" tab (top).

Put a dot on the item "Do not show hidden files, folders and drives" (below) and click "OK".

On a note . In Windows 10, you can make it easier: View → Show or hide → Hidden items.

There are many in the computer hidden files and folders in the Local Disk where the operating system is located (usually it is Local Disk C). This is necessary so that you do not accidentally spoil something.

If you delete any of these files or any folder, even if you just change the name, then the computer may stop working or start to freeze seriously. So be careful with system hidden files and folders!

Hidden files in windows are updated and used by the system and programs. You cannot find them easily. This prevents deleting or moving a folder or file that should be where it is. If you delete a hidden folder, file, then be aware that this is important information for your requirements. software and systems to make it work. Knowing how to enable hidden folders in Windows will help you troubleshoot and troubleshoot other issues that may occur on the system. Sometimes you need to open hidden folders and files in windows to clean "Temp" and all sorts of temporary files that clog up on the system drive. Not all optimizers with default settings clean the computer from clogged files. Sometimes you need to enable hidden folders and clean manually clogged folders with temporary files. There are times when you need to hide folders.

How to show hidden folders in windows 10

Open File Explorer, aka This PC. Click the View tab and check the Hidden Items box. If you don't have a "View" tab, then expand the window wider and it will appear.

How to show hidden folders in windows 7

Open the "Start" menu in the search, write the word "folders" and in the search results, click "Show hidden files". Click the "View" tab, scroll to the very bottom and "Show hidden files, folders and drives".

How to show hidden folders and files in windows XP

Open "My Computer", click the "Tools" tab and drop down the "Folder Options" menu. Then scroll to the end and turn on the display of files.

operating room Windows system allows a huge variety of actions related to technical processes. Today we will talk about hiding folders and files on your computer. About why this is done and how to find them.

Let's start with the fact that in some cases the hiding of certain documents is provided by the developers of this system. By default, some important elements are hidden so that the user cannot accidentally delete them and damage the normal functioning of the system. Sometimes users hide them to hide personal data from prying eyes or simply important information. In any case, sometimes it becomes necessary to find them, let's look at how to do this.

First you need to find the label " My computer", in the window that opens, select the menu item" streamline«, having opened this menu, click on the section « Folder and search options» and click the left mouse button.

Then a new window will open Folders settings". You need to go to the section View", scroll through the menu to the very bottom, where to find the item" Hidden files and folders". Then just switch to the item where the hidden files will be shown, apply and click " OK«.

All non-displayed documents will be displayed after this operation. They will stand out in a slightly dimmer color.

A similar operation must be repeated in Windows 8. First, you should open the same shortcut " My computer“, and then find the checkmark at the top and open the additional section if it is not open by default.

In the menu that opens, select " View» and click on the icon « Options«

In the window that appears, repeat the same steps as in the previous algorithm, and you can also uncheck the box “ Hide protected system files"if you need it for a specific purpose. After that, all undisplayed folders will become visible, but differ in color.

Display in Windows 10

The actions are exactly the same as in Windows 8, all sections and items are saved in their places, so it is unnecessary to paint.

Much easier, in my opinion, to display hidden documents with third party program, for example, Total Commander. In the program, find the section " Configuration". In it, select the item " Setting«.

In the menu that opens, select the subsection " Panel content"and then just check the boxes" Show hidden files' and, if necessary, ' Show system files«.

Apply and click OK". All documents are displayed, which is what we wanted.

It is worth mentioning that the developers do not just hide system elements. Their removal, modification and damage can lead to failure and errors in the system, so they should be treated with particular care and caution. If you are trying to find hidden files on someone else's computer, there is a question of morality. The user hid these files for a reason, which means that it is wrong to watch them - respect the privacy of everyone.

Sometimes you need to turn on show hidden files and folders in order to open hidden files in Windows. AT operating systems Windows 7 and Windows 10 have many hidden files that are thus made inaccessible to the average user. Both individual files and entire folders with all their contents can be hidden. Thus, a primitive protection of the system is performed by hiding system files, because their removal will mean the inoperability of Windows as a whole.

3 ways to open hidden files in Windows 10

  • Setting through the "Control Panel", as in Windows 7
  • Navigating to "Folder Options" via the Explorer menu
  • Opening (Showing) Hidden Files Using the File Explorer Menu

Method I - Open hidden files in Windows 10 through the "Control Panel"

The Windows 10 operating system, although at first glance, is very different from Windows 7, some functionality has remained practically unchanged there. For example, the "Control Panel", which everyone is so used to, can also be called up in Windows 10. The easiest way to find it is through the Windows search by typing "Control Panel" in the search box.

Further steps for opening hidden files are exactly the same as described above for Windows 7:

Method II - Go to "Folder Options" through the Explorer menu and open the display of hidden files

In Windows 10, Explorer has changed significantly and much more settings have become available there. To enable showing hidden files, now you need to do a little less manipulation.
Open Windows 10 Explorer and go to the "View" tab, where we find the "Options" item and select "Change folder and search options".

In the "Folder Options" settings, go to the "View" tab and scroll down the window to the very bottom, where we uncheck the "Hide protected operating system files" checkbox and select the "Show hidden files, folders and drives" option. This will bring up a warning window.

Method III - Open hidden files by enabling their display directly in the explorer

In Windows 10, File Explorer itself has the ability to open hidden files for viewing. To do this, go to the "View" tab in the explorer, and in the "Show or hide" section, check the box next to the "Hidden items" item.

Now let's look at an example. During installation Windows 7 for the needs of the system, a whole disk is allocated with a size of 100 MB. At first glance, it may seem that there are absolutely no files on this disk.

After the manipulations we have performed, it is clear that this disk contains not only hidden files, but also hidden folders.

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