Home Fertilizers Black hazel. Unique properties of black walnut. Treatment and results. Medicines based on black walnut

Black hazel. Unique properties of black walnut. Treatment and results. Medicines based on black walnut

(English: Black Walnut) is a tree from the Walnut family; its closest relative is the walnut. U black walnut more beneficial properties than its counterpart, although both are used for medicinal purposes. The birthplace of this nut North America is considered, from where it was brought to Europe in the 17th century, thanks to which it also grows in Russia.

Black walnut: wood

is a large tree reaching a height of 40 meters. Its distinctive feature is the bark is very dark, almost black, which gave the name to the whole plant. The bark is covered with deep cracks. The leaves of the plant are feathery, quite long, most often 20 cm long. Flowering occurs simultaneously with the blooming of flowers. The fruits resemble walnuts in appearance; they have the same shape and a thick, strong shell. The fruits are used as food. Leaves, shoots and unripe nuts are used for medicinal purposes. black walnut.

Black walnut: composition

Part black walnut includes vitamins, minerals and other organic substances beneficial to the body:

  • iron,
  • phosphorus,
  • tannins,
  • flavonoids,
  • organic acids,
  • Juglone is an antifungal substance that gives off the smell of iodine.

Black walnut: properties

It has many beneficial properties, and traditional medicine uses it in the treatment of various diseases.

Benefits of black walnut for a person is undeniable. Medicines made from parts of this plant actively fight helminths, destroy adult drugs from black walnut leads to activation of the immune system and the body's resistance to various diseases. The nut is very useful for various oncological diseases; in the initial stages, it is possible to reduce the growth of affected cells and normalize the general condition of a person (it works in much the same way). has a beneficial soothing effect on the skin, relieves inflammation and actively fights bacteria and fungi.

Black walnut: application

Mostly black walnut It is used in medicine; medicines are prepared from the leaves and unripe fruits. The greatest effect among them is alcohol tincture of black walnut, universal for the treatment of many diseases. But this wonderful tree is used not only for medicinal purposes; furniture, finishing materials and various accessories (for example, candlesticks) are made from its bark, which is very valuable and durable.

Black walnut: treatment

Black walnut for worms

Black Walnut: Giardia

Giardiasis is an infectious disease caused by protozoan microorganisms that affect the small intestine and liver. Externally it appears as pink spots on the skin. Children are susceptible to this infection; untreated giardiasis can develop into a chronic form and appear throughout life. effectively fights Giardia, killing these microorganisms and removing them from the body. Herbal preparations, which include, will also help against Giardia.

Black Walnut: Leaf

IN black walnut leaves there is a colossal amount of useful substances that are responsible for the healing properties of the plant. The leaves contain urgon and tannins, which kill bacteria, relieve inflammation and accelerate tissue regeneration. It is from the leaves that they make amazingly useful and healing onblack walnut rack.

Black Walnut: Juice

Black Walnut Juice also has therapeutic value. It is extracted from the pericarp. The juice is used as a hemostatic agent and a catalyst for wound healing.

Black walnut: fruit

Black walnut fruit can be eaten, although getting the kernel out of the strong shell of a ripe nut is quite problematic. Mostly green fruits are used in cooking; they are used to make salads, jams, and added to confectionery.

In unripe fruits black walnut contain a lot of vitamin C, so they simply need to be consumed for colds. For medicinal and preventive purposes, you can prepare a tincture from unripe fruits: fill a jar with young nuts and add 50% alcohol, leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. You can store this medicine for a long time, the main thing is to keep it in a cool, dark place.

Black walnut: peel

IN black walnut husk contains a lot of tannins, flavonoids, anthocyanins, so many manufacturers of dietary supplements use it as the main component. Decoction And black walnut peel tincture should be taken for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the medicine copes well with constipation and normalizes intestinal function.

Black walnut: for baby

Due to their age, children often have worms. Can be used by children for this scourge. It is better to buy dietary supplements from black walnut, since they maintain the exact dosage, and it will not be possible to overfeed the child with this medicine. It is better to give medications prepared independently (alcohol tinctures) with caution and maintain a minimum dosage of 1 drop per year of life, once a day. And of course, you must first consult with your doctor.

Black walnut: dietary supplement

It is part of popular dietary supplements that are used to strengthen the immune system, raise the overall tone of the body and speed up metabolism. They are produced in several forms; it is up to the buyer to decide which one to choose. When purchasing a supplement from black walnut You need to start from the mass fraction of the active substance; the larger it is, the less drug you will need to take. It is important not to overdo it in treatment.

Black Walnut: Ground

Ground black walnut kernels sometimes added to food, again for therapeutic purposes.

Black Walnut: Tincture

Black Walnut Tincture– a universal medicine that can be used both internally and externally. You can make the tincture yourself at home. To prepare, you need to take a liter jar, fill it to the brim with semi-ripe fruits with still green skin and fill it with 40-50% alcohol, leave for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. You need to take this healing “potion” in courses: on the first day, drink 5 drops dissolved in water, each subsequent day add five drops until the amount reaches 30 (this is the maximum dose). After this, a break is taken for 2-4 weeks, and you can start again. Externally black walnut tincture used for skin diseases, it needs to wipe the affected areas.

Black Walnut: Oil

As a medicine black walnut oil has less healing effect than alcohol tincture. The oil is recommended for use by children and people for whom alcohol is contraindicated.

Black Walnut: Extract

Black Walnut Extract- This is the extraction of useful substances from the pericarp of the plant. Black Walnut Extract Sold in the form of powder, tablets, capsules or as an alcohol tincture. The concentration of the active substance in such preparations is very high, so these products must be used in accordance with the attached instructions.

Black walnut: capsules

Black Walnut Extract can be obtained in the form of dietary supplements in capsules, for example "Black Walnut Hulls" from Now Foods , in a package of 100 capsules of 500 mg. An adult can take the drug twice a day, one capsule. Drinking this dietary supplement is recommended to increase immunity and when losing weight.

Black walnut: tablets

In tablets it is a compressed powder of plant leaves. Usually there are 10 tablets in a package, the mass fraction of the active substance is about 400 mg. An adult can take 2 pieces. twice a day, but the duration of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks. Pills black walnut should be taken for flu and colds, diseases of the nasopharynx, gastritis, ulcers and dysbacteriosis, helminthiasis, giardiasis.

Black Walnut: Syrup

Black Walnut: Ointment

Black Walnut Ointment used to treat skin diseases, it reduces irritation, inflammation, resolves tumors, neoplasms and copes with eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis. It is used for mastopathy and joint diseases (as an aid).

Black Walnut: Candles

Black Walnut Candles used for various gynecological diseases. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal effect. In addition, suppositories relieve painful symptoms of hemorrhoids and accelerate the healing of rectal fissures. The composition of the drug may include black walnut extract And . Suppositories with propolis have a similar effect.

Black walnut: decoction

Black Walnut Leaf Decoction recommended for the treatment of skin lesions and diseases caused by the Candida fungus, including gynecological ones. The medicine is taken orally, applied as compresses or douched with it. To prepare the decoction you will need 1 tbsp. crushed dry or fresh black walnut leaves, they need to be poured with a glass of boiling water and left to cool completely. Children can drink up to 7 tsp. per day, adults half a glass 2 times a day.

Black walnut: instructions

Dietary supplements with black walnut used as an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and antifungal agent. They are recommended to be used for candidiasis, dysbacteriosis, in the treatment of cancer, and skin lesions. Children under 12 years of age should not take the drug; adults should not exceed the daily dose.

Black walnut: how to take

Take medications based on black walnut necessary in accordance with the instructions, usually the daily dose for an adult is 2000-2500 mg of the active substance, this is 2 or 3 capsules or tablets. Alcohol And black walnut oil tincture taken in drops, the maximum amount is 30 per day. The duration of the course should be 1-3 weeks, after which you need to take a break for a month and a half.

Black walnut: in pharmacies

Black walnut: contraindications

Contraindicated for use by people suffering from allergies, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Alcohol tincture of black walnut should not be used if you have alcoholism or cirrhosis. Long-term use of the drug can provoke chronic diseases, the symptoms of which quickly disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Black walnut: buy, price

Here is such a large assortment of forms, dosages and manufacturers black walnut:

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An amazing fruit grows in America. It contains juglone and polyphenolic substances, which have an antibacterial effect on the body and are not toxic to humans.

Scientists have found that the chemical composition of black and walnuts is the same, but in the former the concentration of beneficial components is much higher. That is why it helps better in treatment, unlike its brother.

The core of the unripe nut and its peel are used for cleaning. Some experts in traditional medicine also advise using leaves, which also have medicinal properties.

Uses of black walnut from the pharmacy

Tinctures, extracts and oil are prepared from the fruits. They produce capsules and tablets containing black walnut.

Any medication should not be used without a doctor's recommendation. Taking the medicine is prohibited for children under three years of age and nursing mothers.

Tablets and capsules

Capsules and tablets are a dietary supplement. They contain peeled and crushed nut peel. You can order them online.

The product is sold in capsules under the following names:

  • “Black walnut” - from 350 rubles;
  • “Black Walnut Hulls” - from 800 rub.

The dietary supplement is taken one capsule twice a day during meals. The course lasts two weeks.

Packaging of black walnut capsules

The oil is sold in pharmacies and online stores and costs from 150 rubles. It is used for massages, baths and as a dietary supplement. If you need to get rid of worms, then the drug is taken orally half an hour before the main meal, 2.5 ml (half a teaspoon) 3 times a day.

Black Walnut Oil Can Be Used as a Dietary Supplement

The oil is given to children who have already reached the age of three. Prescribe 10 drops 3 times a day before meals. Treatment lasts one month.

Tincture + triad

Take it before meals. Take 80 drops (3 ml) and dilute them with 1 tbsp. l. warm water. The course lasts 3 weeks.

You can buy the medicine at the pharmacy. It is sold in a glass jar. The label shows a photo of the plant. Price around 550 rub.

Instructions for using triad:

  1. On the first day, add 1 drop of tincture per 100 ml of water. Increase the dosage every day. On the sixth day it should be 2 tsp. for 200 ml of water.
  2. The dosage of wormwood powder is also gradually increased. On the first day - a pinch, on the fourth day - 1/2 tsp, on the fourteenth - 1/2 tbsp. l.
  3. First take 1/2 tsp of clove powder. 3 times before meals. On the second day, eat 1/4 tsp. Then for 8 days the dosage is 1/3 tsp.
The product is used as a prophylaxis. To do this, drink it in the maximum dose once a week.

Made from the peel of the fruit. The American drug costs about 1300 rubles. Domestic can be bought from 300 rubles. The medicine is easy to purchase on the Internet. Take it orally, 80 drops before meals, twice a day. The course of treatment lasts three weeks.

Bottle of black walnut extract

Black walnut juice is consumed before meals

The course of treatment is three weeks. Afterwards there is a break for seven days. The drug is taken in courses for six months.

You can order juice online for a price starting from 250 rubles.

How to cook black walnut at home

It is not necessary to buy a finished product. The healing potion can be prepared in your own kitchen. To do this, in September you need to collect unripe fruits and peel them.

Herbalists, in addition to the core, use black walnut leaves to prepare the tincture. When harvesting, pay attention to the veins: the more veins there are, the better the beneficial properties of the plant are manifested.

There are several recipes for making nut tincture:

  1. Five peeled nuts are poured with alcohol so that it completely covers them. The jar is tightly closed and put in a dark place for two weeks.
  2. Grind five kernels and pour wheat alcohol into them. Close the container and place it in a dark closet for ten days.
  3. Cut ten large leaves into pieces and mash them a little in your hands. Pour alcohol over them and put them in a dark place for ten days.

You can prepare nut tincture at home

To prepare the infusion, the container should be of such a volume that there is no layer of air left between the lid and the alcohol. It is better to use glass jars.

The dosage depends on how much the patient weighs:

  • 70 kg - 2 tsp;
  • more than 70 kg - 2.5 tsp;
  • more than 90 kg - 3 tsp.

The dosage of the drug is increased gradually, starting with one drop per 100 ml of water. There is no need to drink the product with water.

Do not dilute the infusion with hot liquid. It will destroy beneficial compounds, and the elixir will lose its healing power.

Contraindications and harm

Any product brings benefits and harm to the human body.

Black walnut also has its contraindications:

  1. Pregnant women, mothers who are breastfeeding, and children are prohibited from drinking drugs based on it.
  2. People suffering from alcoholism or cirrhosis of the liver should not take alcohol tincture.
  3. The medicine should not be used by those who suffer from thrombophlebitis or have intestinal and stomach diseases.

Overdose may cause nausea, dizziness and stomach cramps. In this case, stop taking the drug until all symptoms go away. Then the course is resumed, but with a lower dosage.

An overdose of black walnut may cause stomach cramps.

If a person is obese or on a diet, then he should exclude this product from his diet, as it is quite high in calories.

Children are not allowed to eat more than ten kernels per day. Adults - more than one handful.

Despite all the benefits of drugs based on black walnut, one should not forget about its possible harm. If you are diagnosed with parasites, consult your doctor about the use of the remedy, make sure there are no contraindications and agree on a treatment regimen with a specialist.

Nut crops are often used in traditional medicine recipes. One of the interesting members of the family, growing in North America and Europe, is black walnut. It appeared on our continent only in the 17th century, but did not become widespread as a food product, despite the pleasant taste of the fat-rich kernels. It's all about the thick and durable shell covering the edible pulp. But plant materials: leaves, shells and the fruits themselves have become widely used as the basis for medicinal recipes. Let's talk about black walnut, its beneficial properties and contraindications.

Why is walnut black?

The tree, which can grow to a height of almost 40 m, is covered with black bark cut by deep cracks. The ripe fruit looks almost the same: large, wrinkled in appearance, with a black-brown shell.

The dark brown wood with a beautiful texture is used for the production of furniture and finishing materials. For traditional medicine, the fruits and leaves of the plant are interesting.


The benefits and harms of black walnut are determined by its complex chemical composition. It also allows us to say that culture has no natural analogues. Plant parts contain:

Indications for use:

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Fungal, viral infections;
  • Arthritis, arthrosis;
  • Headache, chronic fatigue;
  • Worm infestation;
  • Intoxication of the body, poisoning;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Neoplasms are benign and malignant.


The biological activity of some components imposes restrictions on the use of black walnut preparations for the following categories of people:

  • Young children;
  • Pregnant women, nursing mothers;
  • Patients with peptic ulcer in the acute phase;
  • In case of individual intolerance.

In what form should I use it?

The raw materials for preparing preparations based on black walnut are young leaves, fruits, and pericarp. Various dosage forms are prepared:

For the oral mucosa

Grind dry leaves. Pour a spoonful of raw materials into a glass of boiling water. Let it sit until the liquid turns dark. Rinse 3-4 times a day until the symptoms of inflammation disappear. The same recipe is effective for gynecological problems. Douching is done with a warm infusion.

For helminthiasis

Pour boiling water over the crushed nut peel and place in a water bath. Leave for 20 minutes, let cool. Take a tablespoon of nut decoction 2-3 times a day with water.

For anemia

Pour a liter of boiling water over a spoonful of crushed pericarp, boil for 5-10 minutes, cool slightly. Take a whole glass 2 times a day, adding a spoonful of honey for a pleasant taste. The course should not exceed 1 month.

Irina Smolentseva, 28 years old:

The child spent the summer with relatives in the village. Before school we took tests and found helminths. The neighbor recommended not to use chemicals, but gave him some dried black walnut leaves and told him to brew it and give his son something to drink. She gave me just a spoon twice a day. After 10 days we took the tests again, everything was clear.

Vera Ibragimova, 36 years old:

After colds, herpes rashes often occur. Lately there have been more ulcers (on the lips, under the nose, on the chin). The doctor advised to strengthen the immune system with folk remedies. I chose black walnut extract. I took it internally and made lotions. The ulcers dried up three times faster than usual, and I suffered the last cold quite easily, there were no rashes. I noticed that the extract calms the nervous system. It became much easier to relate to problematic situations.

Evgenia Kant, 33 years old:

I cured my stomach with the help of black walnut. After examination, small ulcers were found, the cause was called the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. I took a course in a hospital, and at home I took a decoction of the leaves for a whole month. The pain disappeared, and no bacteria were found during a new examination.

» Walnut

There are a huge number of different types of nuts in the world. Black walnut is considered one of the most unusual and rare representatives., which got its name due to the rich color of the root system. Such kernels have a rich chemical composition and, accordingly, many useful properties. Let's learn more about the benefits of this plant and its areas of application.

North America is considered the birthplace of black walnut, where it grows from Massachusetts to Texas, which is why the second name for black walnut is American. It was introduced to Russia and Europe only in the 18th century and grows only in warm countries. In Russia, black walnut can be found in the Krasnodar and Stavropol regions.

The natural habitat of the black walnut begins and ends in North America; in other countries this plant has been introduced and planted artificially.

In appearance and taste, black walnut is very similar to walnut, but in the American representative the concentration of active substances is much higher, which makes it much more useful.

In appearance, American walnut is also very similar to walnut, but knowing a few features you can easily distinguish them:

  1. The tree can grow up to 40-50 meters;
  2. Dark brown trunk with deep furrows;
  3. The wood is very durable and strong, has an excellent appearance and that is why black walnut is very often used in the manufacture of furniture;
  4. The crown is very large and powerful, usually its diameter is no less than the height of the tree trunk, and sometimes even greater. Characteristic is the presence of a downward inclination of the branches;
  5. The roots are very powerful and grow deep down. The main feature is the rich black color.

The leaves are arranged alternately and reach a length of 25 centimeters. They consist of several small oval, oblong leaves up to 10 centimeters long with jagged edges and a width of 3 centimeters. The leaves bloom in late April-early May.

The first flowering occurs in April or May at 7-10 years of tree life. Staminate flowers are earrings up to 15 centimeters long, but pistillate flowers are collected in small inflorescences of 3-5 pieces.

Black walnut is a spreading tree, 40-50 m high

The diameter of the fruit is 3-5 centimeters, the shape can be round, ovoid or obovate. The shell of such nuts is covered with small grooves and is particularly durable.

Chemical composition

Black walnut has a very high nutritional value, so it is not recommended for people who want to lose weight. 100 grams of product contains 618 kilocalories, and the table of the percentage of components is as follows:

The product contains a large number of useful substances, the use of which has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloid jugladine;
  • juglone;
  • carotene;
  • tannins;
  • phytocides;
  • glycosides;
  • vitamins C, B1, B6, P, E, B, PP, A, F;
  • a huge amount of microelements (magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, cobalt, manganese, selenium, silicon);
  • essential oils;
  • various acids;
  • quinones;
  • beneficial enzymes;
  • tannins;
  • sugar.

The concentration of all useful substances is at the highest level; American walnut is considered one of the most common components of traditional medicine.

Beneficial features

Black walnut has many beneficial properties:

But in addition to a large number of useful properties in some cases American walnut can harm human health:

  • Eat no more than a handful of shelled nuts per day, otherwise it can cause inflammation of the tonsils and vasospasm on the head;
  • black walnut belongs to the list allergenic products, therefore it must be used with extreme caution;
  • in no case Don't eat spoiled nuts, they can cause severe poisoning;
  • mold, formed on nuts, provokes the formation of cancer cells;
  • It's also worth noting that during heat treatment a certain amount of nutrients is lost, and heavily consumed nuts can adversely affect liver health;
  • black walnut is contraindicated with dietary nutrition.

Also, in addition to the harm that black walnut can cause, experts identify specific contraindications, in the presence of which the use of such a product is prohibited:

  1. Individual intolerance to American nuts;
  2. Stomach or intestinal ulcer;
  3. Cirrhosis of the liver;
  4. Thrombophlebitis;
  5. Gastritis;
  6. Pregnancy and lactation period.

All harm from nuts is mostly the consequences of improper use, so the beneficial properties far outweigh the contraindications.

Use of Black Walnut in medicine, instructions for its use

Thanks to the huge amount of beneficial microelements, American nuts can often be found in traditional medicine recipes or as part of various medications.


The oil extracted from the kernels of such a nut is used to achieve the following effect:

  • prevention colds;
  • restoration of work immune system;
  • assistance in treatment skin diseases, such as dermatitis or warts;
  • This product also helps a lot in case of malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • helps fill the body with vitamins, and therefore used for vitamin deficiency;
  • used for various inflammation of the female genital organs;
  • helps with problems with bladder and kidneys;
  • also used for hemorrhoids;
  • used to solve various skin problems For example, rubbing with oil 2-3 times a day helps against psoriasis, lichen, burns, abscesses and boils;
  • oil is used for mouth rinse for preventive purposes;
  • can also be done steam inhalations to treat colds.


The extract is made from both the skin and the kernels of black walnuts themselves. This product helps a lot with:

Most often, the extract is used to remove worms from the body; for this, according to the instructions, Take 80 drops of the product once a day along with 2 tablespoons of water, after which you need to take medications with the same effect. The duration of such therapy is 2-3 weeks.

American walnut extract can only be consumed by adults.

Black walnut can also be found in the following forms:

  1. Juice- helps stop bleeding and promotes rapid restoration of the skin;
  2. Pills— black walnut leaves are used in their production. The product is good for colds.
  3. Dietary supplements help strengthen the body;
  4. Ointments- used for various skin diseases;
  5. Candles- used in gynecology to restore microflora, also effective for hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
  6. Decoction prepared from 5 grams of finely chopped dried leaf, which is poured with 200 milliliters of water until the liquid darkens. This product can be used as a compress for diathesis, gargle with it for infectious diseases and rinse hair to strengthen it.

Use in cooking

Black walnut kernels can be eaten raw or as an ingredient in various desserts. American nuts can be added to baked goods, salads and ice cream. Black walnut kernel oil is also especially popular.

Many people love black walnut kernel jam, the preparation process of which consists of the following steps:

  1. 100 pieces of still green nuts are peeled and soaked for a month, and the water must be changed daily;
  2. Then each nut is pierced, covered with 500 grams of slaked lime and filled with water for 2 days;
  3. After this time, the nuts are thoroughly washed and filled with clean water for 4 days, while the liquid is replaced 2-3 times a day;
  4. As soon as the nuts are completely ready, pour hot water over them, add a tablespoon of alum and simmer for 20-30 minutes;
  5. Then you need to change the water and cook for another 5-10 minutes;
  6. Then the nuts are transferred to a colander and the preparation of syrup begins;
  7. 2 kilograms of sugar are mixed with water and brought to a boil;
  8. Add nuts to the resulting mass and continue to cook until they turn black.

You can add cardamom, cloves or cinnamon to the finished jam.

Black walnut kernels have a large amount of beneficial substances. They are often used in cooking to create desserts., and its beneficial effects on the body are recognized by traditional medicine. The main rule is moderate consumption of black walnut.

Black walnut has been very popular for a long time. The beneficial properties and contraindications of which are quite wide and varied. The main area of ​​its use is medicine

The plant looks like a regular walnut tree. At the same time, there are several features that are inherent in this particular tree:

  1. The tree trunk is dark in color, with deep grooves. Can grow up to 40 -50 meters in height.
  2. The wide crown, lowered downwards, has a vaulted shape. Its size is equal to the height of the tree itself, but can often be larger.
  3. The roots go deep into the ground, strewn with deep cracks. The main root is well defined and has the shape of a rod.
  4. The light green leaves are large, 25 - 50 centimeters long.
  5. Flowering and leafing occur during the same period
  6. The first fruits appear when the plant reaches 7–10 years of age.
  7. The shell of the fruit is quite hard; it is not always possible to crack it even with a hammer.

This plant is native to North America. It grows in deciduous forests and covers a large growing area. Quite well distributed in Europe. The plant is little known in Russia. Can be found in botanical gardens or southern regions where there are plantings for industrial harvesting. And in Sochi you can see adult specimens that regularly bear fruit.

In appearance, the tree resembles an ordinary one. There is nothing surprising here, because they are close relatives. They are similar both in appearance and internal filling. They are similar in composition, the only difference is in the amount of substances they contain. But black walnut contains many times more active substances than .

Black walnut: composition

Many scientists have come to the conclusion that this nut has no analogue in nature in terms of the complexity and integrity of its healing effects on the body. The composition amazes and impresses with its components, which have a positive effect on human health. This unique plant contains a huge range of beneficial substances.

The nut contains substances such as:

  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids jugladine;
  • polyphenolic substance;
  • tannin;
  • carotene;
  • phytocide and glycoside;
  • organic iodine;
  • vitamins (C, B1, B6, P, E, B, PP, provitamin A and vitamin F);
  • trace elements (magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, selenium, manganese, silicon);
  • essential oils;
  • oleic acid, as well as palmentic, linoleic, lauric, myristic, arachidic and stearic;
  • quinone;
  • enzymes and sugar;
  • tannins and many other substances.

The peel of an unripe nut contains 50 times more vitamin C than one of the leaders in the content of this vitamin - orange. Not only the fruits are useful to eat, but also the green mass of the plant, which contains calcium phosphate, cellulose, vegetable oil, Arabic gum, magnesium stearate and zein.

Black walnut: properties

This plant has a whole range of useful and necessary properties for the body:

Black walnut: benefits

The plant is used to treat diseases such as:

  • Skin and venereal diseases;
  • Gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontal disease;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Migraine;
  • Dysbacteriosis, intestinal irritation;
  • Diabetes;
  • Fungal diseases;
  • Rheumatism, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, arthrosis;
  • Lymphadenitis;
  • Breast diseases;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Colds and flu;
  • Worms.

Black walnut extract is prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis, muscle and joint pain. It significantly improves immunity and strengthens the general condition of the human body.

Due to the huge number of beneficial properties, it has become widespread in folk medicine.

Black Walnut: Uses

Unripe nuts, leaves, young shoots and pericarps are used as raw materials for the manufacture of medicinal products. A variety of medicines are prepared from them. Drugs may differ in release form, dosage and amount of impurities.

Let's look at the most popular of them:

  1. Black walnut extract is a natural plant complex that contains peel extract. It is best used to treat the gastrointestinal tract and subsequently consolidate its beneficial effects. It is more effective to start with a small dose and gradually increase it over two weeks.
  2. Tablets and capsules. Made from natural leaf and excipients such as calcium carbonate, stearin, cellulose and magnesium stearate. Helps in the fight against colds, respiratory and skin diseases. The course of treatment lasts no more than a month.
  3. Oil. This form of the drug is obtained by extraction. Used for ulcers, dysbiosis, colitis and gastritis. It is also quite widely used for skin diseases, diabetes, hemorrhoids, diseases of the thyroid gland and female genital organs.
  4. Dietary supplement Biological supplements are made from pericarp extract, leaf and excipients. Used as a food additive, the action is aimed at overall strengthening of the body. The course of application usually lasts about a month.
  5. Healing ointments. Used for external use for skin diseases.
  6. Syrup. Syrup is made by boiling raw materials and sugar. The syrup is not positioned as a medicine. The resulting substance is more like jam, as it has undergone temperature pasteurilization.
  7. Balms and tinctures. These forms of the drug are made with alcohol, often with the addition of other beneficial herbs and plants. Alcohol calls into question the healing properties of the substance, as it can have a detrimental effect on the main components.
  8. Candles. They have extraordinary absorption capacity, are absolutely hypoallergenic, non-toxic and have no side effects. Widely used in gynecology, in the treatment of hemorrhoids, ulcers and anal fissures.
  9. Decoction. Made from dry crushed leaf and boiling water, in a proportion of 5 grams per glass. This liquid is infused until the liquid acquires a dark color. Compresses from the decoction help children get rid of diathesis. You can rinse your mouth and throat for infections. To strengthen hair, use it as a hair rinse.

It is always necessary to study in detail how black walnut can affect the body in each specific case. Instructions for using the above forms should always be at your fingertips.

Black walnut: contraindications

Due to the enormous biological activity of the substances, preparations from this plant are contraindicated:

  • small children under two years old;
  • for allergy sufferers;
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • losing weight;
  • overweight people;
  • people with individual intolerance to the substances included in the drug.

Excessive consumption of nuts can also cause harm to the body. A child’s consumption of more than 10 pieces at a time can lead to spasm of cerebral vessels and inflammation of the tonsils. Abuse of them can lead to unpleasant consequences: dizziness, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting and constipation.

You should strictly adhere to the dosage of taking medications that contain black walnut. Benefit and harm can be equal.

Watch an interesting video about black walnut - a powerful product with complex health benefits!

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