Home fertilizers What to do if you gave the neighbors salt. One Good Reason Why You Shouldn't Lend Salt

What to do if you gave the neighbors salt. One Good Reason Why You Shouldn't Lend Salt

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Money, as you know, has not yet been canceled by anyone, and a rare person today refuses to material well-being. Below are some folk omens money, following which will help you attract money luck.

Signs for money in debt

It is a very bad omen to lend money in the evening. If you ignore it, then the debt may not be returned, and you will no longer have money.

In order for money to flow, to repay a debt better in the morning and it is not recommended to do it in the afternoon. If circumstances force you to return the debt in the evening, then you should not give the money directly into the hands of the creditor. You should cross the threshold and put each bill separately on the edge of the table, and you need to do this right hand and say nothing about it.

Another sign for borrowing money: you should not lend and give them back on Monday, otherwise unforeseen expenses may arise all next week. And in general, to attract money ...

We so often lack something in life and most often - money. Money is the same energy, the energy of wealth, which can be attracted to you or, conversely, repelled so that it does not want to return to you for a long time.

Folk signs to help

It is enough to observe folk signs that indicate exactly what needs to be done in order to make money.


So, a significant part of the signs about money is connected with the table. If the table performs an intermediary function, then a trifle thrown on it or the keys to the house directly fall into the other world. And it is not surprising that a person who transferred to such a place “the key to the apartment where the money is” has financial difficulties.

Void Symbols

Emptiness and everything that symbolizes it are very dangerous for money and well-being. Therefore, an empty bottle is an object that is completely out of place on the table. One of the symbols of emptiness is a whistle. From here we see...

Faith in omens helps a lot in our life. After all, they were invented for a reason. Signs are needed in order for people to adhere to certain moral and spiritual rules. In every sign lies a grain of truth, because it all comes from the old times and was noticed by our grandfathers and grandmothers. This is the wisdom of our ancestors.

So that a person with malicious intent does not step over the threshold of your house, you need to put a piece of fishing net under the porch, or if you live in a private house.

When they meet with bread and salt, this is a good omen, but it is not advisable to lend salt and bread to neighbors, the person with whom you quarreled. And don't take it back. With salt and bread, they will take everything good from your house, and when they give salt and bread to your house, they can bring evil.

Some sorcerers, in order to bewitch someone, you need to take that don’t be from his house. Therefore, they come to the house and ask, under whatever pretext, for example ...

Who among us has never repeated the simple truth that there is never a lot of money? But for some reason, everyone lacks them in different ways: for someone - for the most important, and for someone - for something superfluous. But, nevertheless, from time to time we begin to save, and even follow the signs that, as they say, contribute to strengthening financial well-being. Do you know such signs?

One of them says that you should never keep your wallet empty. Let it contain at least one coin. Yes, and in the pockets of clothes hung for the season in the closet, it is better to put banknotes of small denomination. By the way, when you suddenly find them, after a while, it will be a pleasant surprise for you. And remember, money doesn't like ripped pockets and ripped buttons, so go through your clothes carefully. And worldly wisdom is also advised to keep one large bill, which, "charged" with your energy, will begin to attract money to itself.

Oddly enough, signs advise ...

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In order for the money earned to love your home, you cannot spend a single ruble on the day of your salary, the entire amount must spend the night at home. Some priests of worldly wisdom advise you to keep a large bill for a year, which, they say, "charged" with your energy, will begin to attract money. There will be no money: if you whistle indoors, clean the crumbs from the table with your hand. You can’t lend bread and salt to a neighbor - wealth can leave your house and go to another family. In order for money to start up in the house, the broom must be placed with the handle down.

The best time to ask for a raise is Wednesday afternoon. Don't borrow on Monday, don't lend on Tuesday, and don't repay on Friday. Give and lend by all means in the morning, because. any actions with money in the evening promise ruin. And in general, try not to borrow, but more often to lend, if you are programming money so that they return to you.


Very often we are approached by neighbors with a request to borrow some salt. Well, we, as good good neighbors, are always ready to help. That just begs the question, is it worth it? Maybe it's better to refuse? No, it doesn't seem convenient. The thought always arises that we live next to these people, maybe we will need something. And we, in principle, will not get poorer from a few tablespoons of salt. And this is a huge mistake.

How often do we suddenly begin to feel an acute lack of luck. But we never connect this with the fact that they gave a neighbor some salt. Salt is a symbol of life, good luck, family well-being. In witchcraft, salt can heal or kill. If you were asked for salt, then do not think that the person will be grateful to you. Very often, it is with the help of salt that well-being can be taken away from you.

There was a case, and I won’t be mistaken if I say that this is not an isolated case, when a neighbor constantly asked his neighbor for salt, and he did it regularly. Despite...

If you don't throw a pinch of salt into the churn, you won't churn the butter. (Lincolnshire).
Put a small pile of salt on the table on Christmas Eve. If the salt becomes damp overnight, you will die within a year. If there is no salt or if it becomes less and it remains dry, you will live to a ripe old age. (Wales).
An inhabitant of the Isle of Man (as Waldron reports in his description of the island), leaving his house on some important business(even if he just needs to go to a neighbor), he will always put a pinch of salt in his pocket. Many do not give a child to a nanny or take a nanny into the house without first exchanging salt. And even a local beggar will not take food from the hands of the donor if it is not salted. Brand ("Antiquities"), commenting on these customs, says that they all arose after a certain pilgrim told about a bewitched island that disappeared after the earth was sprinkled with salt. "Spilled salt" and the disasters associated with it are one of the most common modern ...

If you invite a widow to the wedding, then soon widowhood will await you.

Whoever cooks Easter cakes should be the first to try them.

To the one who baked Easter cakes for Easter all his life, from year to year, the Lord will forgive a lot.

When counting money, you can’t spit on your fingers - you will die in poverty.

If a bird knocks on your window - to amazing news.

If a beggar or a beggar comes to you - to loss and need.

If several people appear at once - to a rich life.

Whoever wipes his fingers on the fence will not live long.

Three crows on the fence - to the death of the hostess.

Do not twist the keys around your finger and do not throw them noisily - they will rob you.

Fall out of bed - to the disease.

The one who stole someone else's fork, spoon or knife will slurp someone else's grief.

If someone steals the forks, he will bring eternal quarrels and troubles into his house. You need to return the stolen forks. Throw it or send it by mail.

A quarrel is also promised by salt spilled into the fire. However, unlike the previous sign, things cannot be fixed here ...

Came to us from the time when the value of salt was equal to the value of gold. Such an expensive product was carefully protected, and any situation in which it became the cause of a major quarrel.

There are several ways to protect yourself from the negative that spilled salt entails. simple ways. On a hill of salt, draw a cross with your right hand, and then remove the spilled product.

Another popular method is to toss a pinch of spilled salt over left shoulder. If this is the way for you, remember that you need to take salt with your right hand.

A sure way to scare a quarrel away from home is to laugh out loud, as a reaction to a spice that has been waking up. After you collect the salt, rinse it off with running water and wipe the area with a damp cloth.

Oversalted or undersalted

Oversalted food indicates the amorousness of the hostess, undersalted - the free heart of the cook and his boundless love for himself. It is not difficult to explain the reason for this, a person in love often hovers in the clouds and thoughts about the amount of salt in a dish visit him only when a surprised expression appears on the faces of the guests, and the hand with the spoon freezes in the air.

How to give salt

Often a neighbor runs in the evening with a request to borrow salt. Well, it happens. Remember that salt cannot be borrowed, it can only be given in free use. At the same time, do not give it away from the hands of the hand, put it on the table and let the person pick it up himself. Be sure to smile kindly, then peace and good luck will not leave your home.

Salt will indicate a curse in the house

With the help of salt from time immemorial, they found out if there was a curse on the house. For this, a pan with salt was put on fire and heated. If the salt turned brownish, it means that evil has entered the house. White salt gave no cause for concern.

Salt Handling Rules

Try to use lidded salt shakers. Such salt, according to popular belief, is able to protect the house from someone else's envy and damage, and provide residents with a peaceful sleep.

"Don't leave the salt shaker open - damn it." This belief in a modern interpretation is explained as the ability of salt to “remember” emotions directed at it and transfer them to cooked dishes.

Put salt on the table first - this is the key to wealth. The roots of this belief go back to the time when salt had a high cost. Not surprisingly, only the very wealthy could afford salt.

08.01.2017 17:39

Of course, every home has salt. Regardless of the culinary preferences of the hosts, salt is always needed in one way or another, and therefore is an item of everyday life.

Therefore, it is not surprising that so many signs associated with salt were born.

Let's list the main signs about salt.

To scatter the salt

Probably everyone has heard that sprinkling salt in the house is considered a bad sign. Such a sign says that quarrels and quarrels will come to this house. But not everyone knows what should be done to prevent this from happening.

If you have such a nuisance, then you don’t need to be afraid of a bad omen about salt. Instead, you should take a pinch of spilled salt with your right hand and throw it over your left shoulder, laughing at the same time. After that, you need to wipe all the salt with a wet rag, but it is better not to throw the collected pile into a bucket, but wash it off with a stream of water over the sink. It is believed that water carries away, "washes away" all the energy in this case- negative, and therefore nothing bad will come to your home.

Salt in your home

There is a sign about salt, which says that you should only buy this product home on your own. Those. the hostess should bring salt to the apartment, so there is no need, for example, to ask a person who is going to visit you to buy salt on the way. In addition, it is undesirable to buy salt on Monday and Saturday.

At the same time, it is also undesirable to use the salt shaker that was presented to you - it would be better if you purchase such a thing yourself. By at least, you cannot use a salt shaker brought by a person you are not sure about. If it was presented by a close friend, then you should not be afraid, but if it was just an acquaintance who brought you a formal gift, then it is better to refrain from using a salt shaker. In the event that this acquaintance does not treat you very well, then the salt that you pour into the salt shaker will subsequently store negative energy and harm you.

And if suddenly a neighbor asked you for salt, then give it away just like that. If she then tries to pay you back, do not accept it.

Salt in your home is stored, of course, in a salt shaker. However, not every salt shaker is suitable for this - and there is a sign about salt among the people about this.

Namely - you can not store salt in an open jar, it must have a lid. It is believed that salt absorbs negative energy, and therefore an open container of salt will attract negativity into your home. No wonder many magicians use salt in their rituals - for example, to remove damage. Therefore, there is a sign that salt should be kept in a closed salt shaker, especially at night when you sleep. Then the bad energy will bypass your home, and nothing will disturb your peace.

By the way, if the salt in your house suddenly turned dark in color, then this indicates that it has absorbed the negative. Therefore, in this case, this salt must be immediately disposed of by washing it with water into the sink.

When you sit down to dinner with your family or guests, then, of course, there will be salt on your table. There is a sign about salt, which says that you cannot pass a salt shaker from hand to hand - by passing this item to another, you reduce your material wealth. Therefore, when you are asked to pass the salt shaker, you just need to put it on the table closer to the person so that he takes it himself.

By the way, there is a belief according to which salt scares away. Therefore, when you sit at the table, use the salt shaker and eat salty, you thereby protect yourself from bad influence.

Salt away from home

If you have to go somewhere - for example, on vacation or a business trip, then you can take a protective one with you. There is a sign according to which you need to take a pinch of salt from the house and a pinch of earth from the yard, and then mix it in a small bag. This talisman, keeping the warmth of your native hearth, will protect you on the road, protecting you from any dangers.

Nowadays, people are not very interested in signs. And they have extremely mediocre information about them. But once all human life was based on the strictest observance of all prohibitions and signs. Modern world did not lose faith in this ancient experience and the power of prediction. But not everyone knows how to correctly interpret and fulfill the ancient prescriptions. For example, such as why one should not give salt to neighbors, as reported by the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka.net

For a long time it was believed that if you give salt to your neighbors, then the borrower will soon suffer various misfortunes. When asked why not, there is a very logical explanation. People who have accepted your gift can simply annoy you. That is, intercept your luck, send illness and even death. Salt is a substance with two meanings. It protects its owner and punishes him if he shows improper respect and gets rid of such a jealous amulet. It was forbidden to give even a little salt. Because she could well provoke petty quarrels and troubles. As in the family of givers, so in the family of receivers. To avoid all these negative consequences, it was important to pay a nominal fee for this food product.

Stories are known and such facts when it was physically impossible to share salt. Not all people had this wealth in the house, which in ancient times cost absolutely unimaginable money. Whoever possessed it did not want to borrow. He considered this a humiliation of his own dignity and tied it to another sign. She, in her selfish turn, said that the giving party would literally transfer part of its family and financial well-being to the receiving party. Losing money was not part of the plans of the rich. That is why no one was in a hurry to treat even promising, noble and solvent neighbors with salt.

Other facts testified that with the help of salt one could easily conjure any troubles to those who borrowed it. Based on this seasoning, many witchcraft potions were made. They possessed the energy of the previous owners and served as something of a specific conductor. Who passed on all the necessary information to the sorcerer and the evil forces helping him.

In our very prosperous time, perhaps, no one wants to become a victim of evil spells. Therefore, always try to replenish all your salt reserves on your own. Fortunately, there are shops and supermarkets that may well provide you with this product.

As for whether or not to lend this seasoning to neighbors, then, as in the case of giving flowers and animals, charge a fee. Let it be very small. But you will warn yourself against any dangers. Remember that all your strength and luck is in your hands.

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