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Who is the hatch de vovenarg valve. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues - biography, information, personal life. Introduction to the knowledge of the human mind

God's city, former capital and the second largest metropolis in Brazil - Rio de Janeiro has long been a cult object among tourists. However, oddly enough, not everyone knows where it is located on the world map and, moreover, where it hides. most of its chic attractions.

Be that as it may, this ignorance has come to an end, because now right in front of you is an article that answers all of the above questions at once, and also reveals a number of little-known geographical features region. You can see the city of dreams by looking at the photo below:

Geographic data

Rio de Janeiro is one of largest cities South America, is located in the southern part of Brazil and is washed by the waters Atlantic Ocean. To find it on a map using a coordinate system, you need to measure 22°54″ south latitude and 43°14″ north longitude, or just look at the photo:

The relief within the city limits is very diverse. Thus, the center of the city is located on the coastal plains, the north is on the hills, and the south is separated from the other two areas by a mountain range extending to the more massive formation of the Sierra do Mar. The population of Rio de Janeiro, according to the 2004 census, is at least 6.3 million people, most of whom live in slums located on the slopes of the mountains.

Interestingly, the city is located very close to the Southern Tropic, however, the climate in it is traditionally tropical, which undoubtedly contributes to the annual influx of tourists - lovers of local exotics.

Tourist maps of Rio de Janeiro

tourist buses

Information for tourists

Among the most famous sights of Rio, the following can be distinguished:

38-meter statue of Christ the Redeemer. Rising above Mount Corcovado. Quality photo statues can be seen below:

Mario Filho stadium, better known as the Maracana. He became famous for holding the World Cup, 1950;

  • "Sugarloaf" - a mountain guarding the entrance to the bay of Guanabara, on the shore of which Rio de Janeiro is located;

Ipanema Beach, located in the southern part of the city. It is a favorite vacation spot for many tourists coming here. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to convey their beauty in words, and therefore it will be much easier to show these “oases” in the photo:

What to see in the city

Tijuca National Park, which has grown in the middle of Rio, being the smallest national park in the country, is also considered the largest forest area in the world, of all that can be found in the city;

  • National Library and National Historical Museum great amount rare literary and cultural exhibits are of incredible research interest for many inquisitive travelers.

There are not many resorts in the world that are comparable in exoticism and specificity to Rio de Janeiro, with its eternal holiday, annual carnival and traditional southern hospitality. Do not miss your opportunity and go on an unforgettable vacation now.

The city of Rio de Janeiro is located on the territory of the state (country) Brazil, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent South America.

What state is Rio de Janeiro in?

The city of Rio de Janeiro is part of the state of Rio de Janeiro.

A characteristic of a state or a subject of a country is the possession of the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements included in the state.

The State of Rio de Janeiro is an administrative unit of the State of Brazil.

The population of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

The population of the city of Rio de Janeiro is 6,453,682.

What time zone is Rio de Janeiro in?

The city of Rio de Janeiro is located in the administrative time zone: UTC-3, UTC-2 in summer. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Rio de Janeiro, relative to the time zone in your city.

Telephone code of the city of Rio de Janeiro

Telephone code Rio de Janeiro city: +55 21. To call the city of Rio de Janeiro from mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +55 21 and then directly the subscriber's number.

Official website of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Website of the city of Rio de Janeiro, official website of the city of Rio de Janeiro, or as it is also called "Official website of the administration of the city of Rio de Janeiro": http://www.rio.rj.gov.br/.

Flag of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

The flag of the city of Rio de Janeiro is the official symbol of the city and is presented on the page as an image.

Coat of arms of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

In the description of the city of Rio de Janeiro, the coat of arms of the city of Rio de Janeiro is presented, which is the hallmark of the city.

Subway in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

The metro in the city of Rio de Janeiro is called the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan and is a means of public transport.

The passenger flow of the Rio de Janeiro metro (Rio de Janeiro metro congestion) is 401.50 million people per year.

The number of metro lines in the city of Rio de Janeiro is 2 lines. The total number of metro stations in Rio de Janeiro is 35. The length of metro lines or metro tracks is: 41.00 km.

What does each of us imagine when it comes to Rio de Janeiro? Of course, huge sandy beaches, statue of Christ the Redeemer against the backdrop of a cloudless sky and a noisy large-scale carnival that unites people of all races.

Rio is a real holiday city, by the will of the Portuguese sailors, grew up among the evergreen jungle.

Finding yourself in this large Brazilian city, you understand that creating a mesmerizing metropolis with its beauty sometimes requires very minimal human intervention.

After all, Rio de Janeiro is one of the few densely populated points on the world map that is beautiful not due to its stunning architecture, but thanks to the natural scenery.


The city where almost all women dance samba and men play football, was founded back in 1565. Rio got its memorable name, which translates as "January River", thanks to a navigator's mistake. Gaspard de Lemouch.

At the very beginning of 1502, this Portuguese discovered Guanabara bay, on the banks of which a colonial city was formed a few years later. However, by mistake the bay was mistaken for the mouth of the river.

Of course, like many other significant cities on the planet, Rio de Janeiro experienced both bright and black pages of its history.

However, for some reason it seems that there were still much more favorable events here than catastrophes. Guarded by the statue of Christ towering on Mount Corcovado, Rio does not remember the large-scale wars that were in the history of most significant cities.

Do you want bright emotions and unforgettable impressions?

Then you have a direct road to Brazil, to its famous carnivals and fabulous beaches.

The history of the Brazilian dream city, where for some reason all travelers want to wear only white clothes, inextricably linked with Portugal.

Having received the status of the capital in the 18th century, Rio, during the emigration to the city of representatives of the Portuguese royal court, managed to visit the capital of Portugal.

Even having lost its capital status in the 20th century, this Brazilian city continues to be one of the largest and most developed metropolitan areas in South America.

How to get to Rio?

Naturally, the most convenient and fast way to get to the "January River" is air transport.

A flight from Russia and the CIS countries to Rio can take more than one day. At the same time, Russians do not have to dream of direct flights to the holiday city.

During the flight to Rio de Janeiro, travelers from Russia need to make, at least one transplant.

Often you have to fly to Brazil through the USA. At the same time, Rio is sometimes more convenient to get to. via Sao Paulo, from where there are several flights every day to the Brazilian city of carnivals.

For Russians, Rio de Janeiro is absolutely open city , for visiting which is usual Russian tourists no visas needed.

To have a great time in a dream city where summer lasts all year round, Russians when crossing the border enough to have a passport, tickets to reverse side and funds to pay for temporary housing in Rio.

What to move?

Upon arrival at international Airport Rio de Janeiro every traveler wonders how to get to the object he needs in the city. As in all major cities, in Rio it is not difficult to catch a taxi, the drivers of which, by the way, are perfectly oriented among the city streets.

Along Rio itself, as well as from the airport, convenient to travel by bus, which in the city is considered a very common transport.

Guests of the beautiful Brazilian metropolis on the Atlantic coast do not have to wait long for the next bus to arrive, because the four-wheeled public transport travels around the city at high speed.

In addition to modern and air-conditioned buses, you can get around Rio by metro. True, the subway in this Brazilian city is relatively small: there are only two subway lines.

What to watch?

In Rio de Janeiro, the most accessible attraction, where tourists can go for free, are huge city beaches, among which the most famous are Copacabana and Ipamena. For the townspeople, the picturesque beaches serve as platforms where all the most interesting things happen.

On the background ocean waters and green hills filmed bright brazilian series shows and concerts are arranged. On the beaches in Rio de Janeiro, they not only swim and sunbathe, but also play beach football and hang gliders.

It is simply impossible to visit Rio and not see the statue of Christ. It is not necessary to be a rich tourist in order to get close to this sculpture, considered one of the modern wonders Sveta.

Someone gets to the tall statue on foot or on a special train. Often Helicopters can be seen circling near Christ the Redeemer- These are rich tourists from the air inspecting one of the wonders of the world.

In addition to Christ, one of the main symbols of the city is the mountain. sugar loaf. The shape of this peak, rising above the bay, resembles a lump of sugar.

Tourists on a cable car climb this mountain in order to enjoy breathtaking panorama of Rio and its surroundings.

At the top of the sugar loaf you can linger for a while in order to enjoy a cup of Brazilian coffee or a snack.

As in any developed city, Rio has its own cultural institutions. In search of theaters and museums, you need to go to Old city .

As for architectural sights, many buildings in the colonial style have been preserved here. Architecture lovers should see it with their own eyes. Monasteries of San Bento and San Antonio. Walking around Rio, even in extreme heat, is a real pleasure.

All tourists note that this Brazilian city is literally immersed in greenery. Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro considered one of the best in the world.

There are many beautiful parks. It is in Rio that the largest urban forest area in the world.

Speech in this case it's about the forest national park Tijuca where you can see monkeys and rare exotic birds.

Travel guides, colorful travel magazines, along with Brazilian TV series form in our minds very vivid image of Rio de Janeiro.

It seems that in this Brazilian city, people dance endlessly, have fun on the beaches and participate in carnivals.

Of course, not all the citizens of Rio is a holiday city. However, it is quite possible for tourists to turn their stay in one of the most beautiful cities on the planet into a carnival extravaganza.

Video tour of Rio de Janeiro

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On the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, there is a beautiful city called Rio de Janeiro, which welcomes us with a huge statue of Jesus. Christ. The monument is located on the top of Mount Corcovado, its height is 38 meters, and its weight is 1145 tons. The statue of Christ is rightfully a symbol of the city, and is also recognized as one of the seven wonders of the world.

The city itself is a kind of bay with big amount huge and famous beaches such as: Leblon, Ipanema, Copacabana. Their white sand clear water and the local flavor will not leave anyone indifferent. Same way calling card Rio are the mountain "Sugarloaf". There are no majestic and unique monuments on the mountain, but the view of the city is truly amazing. On the lower hill there is a restaurant where you can enjoy national dishes.

In Brazil, most of all they love samba and football. Therefore, it is quite expected that the Maracana stadium, unique in its architecture and area, is located on the territory of the city. It can accommodate up to 200,000 fans. Stadium long time ranked first in the world in terms of size and spaciousness. The construction of the arena was associated with the preparation of Brazil for the World Cup in 1950. The stadium was also involved in the 2014 World Cup. P.s.: Do you like the Black Sea? Go to Odessa! Do not spend money on expensive hotels - http://odessastay.com/ru/, just what you need! Low cost, convenient location, quality repair.

Remembering Rio de Janeiro, it is impossible not to touch on the theme of the carnival. It begins forty days before the celebration of Easter and is truly a spectacular event. The essence of the carnival is that various samba schools compete with each other. They prepare for this event almost a year in advance. Dancers in very beautiful, colorful costumes compete for the title on huge moving platforms. best school sambo. At the same time, the procession of one school can take several hours.

Another invariable tradition of the holiday is that at exactly seven in the evening, at the time of the beginning, the mayor of Rio de Janeiro symbolically, for four days, hands over the reins of the city to the king of the carnival. The winner is chosen by a vote of forty members of the jury, in live, on one of the central TV channels. Preparations for the next carnival begin immediately after the end of the previous one. Carnival in Rio takes place during the week and is truly a spectacular show.

In addition to the above, Rio is also famous for its unique botanical garden with over 7,000 plant species. You can also visit in the city National Museum, national park"Tijuca", museum contemporary art. Brazil is a country of contrasts and Rio de Janeiro is the main confirmation of this. The city is bright, colorful and unique, like Brazil itself. He is her pearl and cultural capital. Remembering Brazil, you involuntarily associate it with Rio.

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