Home Fertilizers Moths are moths. About butterflies - moths, species, wings, see photos of butterflies. Yellow-brown early scoop

Moths are moths. About butterflies - moths, species, wings, see photos of butterflies. Yellow-brown early scoop

In this article you will find the answer to a very popular question: what is the average lifespan of different species of animals?

Of course, the life expectancy of animals largely depends on the conditions of keeping and feeding the animals. Usually, domestic animals have a longer lifespan than stray animals of the same species. Many animals in zoos live longer than their "free" congeners, due to the fact that experts closely monitor their nutrition and the conditions for their maintenance. However, it also happens that in captivity, animals live less than in nature. This happens with exotic animals, whose owners are often not aware of the rules of caring for them.

The average life span of cats is 10-15 years. For various reasons, stray cats live much less: 3-5 years. There are also long-lived cats. So, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest known domestic cats, 34 years old, lived the spotted cat Ma from Great Britain and the cat Granpa Rex Allen from the USA.

Unlike cats, the average lifespan of dogs varies greatly depending on the breed. The shortest life expectancy in those breeds of dogs that are large, and the greatest - in "small" breeds. The following data clearly support this:

The average lifespan of an American Staffordshire Terrier is about 13 years;
English Bulldogs - 8-10 years old;
English spaniels - 10-14 years old;
Great Danes of Argentina - 13-15 years old;
Bassetts - 9-11 years old;
Boxers - 10-12 years old;
Lapdogs - 18-20 years old;
Large poodles - 15-17 years old;
Dogo de Bordeaux - 7-8 years old;
West Siberian huskies - 10-14 years old;
Yorkshire Terriers - 12-15 years old;
Caucasian Shepherd Dogs - 9-11 years old;
Pugs - 13-15 years old;
Great Danes - 7-8 years old;
German Shepherds - 10-14 years old;
Rottweilers - 9-12 years old;
Tax - 12-14 years old;
Toy Terriers - 12-13 years old;
Chi-hua-hua - 15-17 years old;
Airedale Terriers - 10-13 years old.

Rodents usually do not live as long as cats and dogs.

Mice live on average - 1-2 years, although some individuals reach 5-6 years;
Rats live 2-3 years, there are long-lived rats whose age reaches 6 years or more, at the same time, many rats die young.
Hamsters live 1.5-3 years;
Guinea pigs live 6-8 years;
Chinchillas live 15 years;
Chipmunks live 10 years or more;
Rabbits live up to 12 years on average.

Horses have an average lifespan of 20-25 years. The maximum reliably known lifespan of a horse was 62 years. For ponies, this indicator is lower. The oldest pony was 54 years old.

According to livestock breeders, the life expectancy of cows is about 20 years, some live up to 35, bulls live a little less: 15-20 years.

The total lifespan of elephants is 60-70 years;

The lifespan of bears is 30-45 years;

The average life span of foxes is 6-8 years, but in captivity they can live up to 20 years or longer;

The lifespan of beavers is usually 10-12 years, although in favorable conditions of zoos they can live up to 20 years;

The lifespan of macaques is 15 to 20 years, but in captivity they can, however, live up to 30 years;

The life span of orangutans in nature is about 35-40 years, and in captivity they can live up to 60 years of age;

Chimpanzees are about 50 years old.

Of the vertebrates, turtles live the longest. Most of the information indicating that their life expectancy is slightly more than 50 years refers to individuals kept in captivity. Some species certainly live much longer. The age of the Caroline box turtle ( Terrapene carolina), found on Rhode Island, almost certainly reached 130 years. The maximum period is considered to be about 150 years, but it is quite possible that the actual lifespan of individual individuals is much longer.

The life span of red-eared turtles, popular among animal lovers, is 30 (40-45) years, European marsh turtles - the same, some of them even reached 80 years.
The total life expectancy for small lizards does not exceed 3-4 years, and for the largest (iguanas, monitor lizards) it reaches 20 and even 50-70 years, but again, this age is achieved only under decent conditions for keeping reptiles. At home, iguanas often do not live for a year.

There is a fairly popular misconception that many parrots live for over a hundred years. In fact, this is not the case.

Birds usually live several times longer in captivity than in freedom, but even in zoos, only a few species of parrots have an average lifespan of approaching 40 years.

In contrast to dogs, parrots with larger bodies have a higher average life span.

Budgerigars and lovebirds live 12-14 years (maximum lifespan up to 20 years)

Parrots Grays: 14-16 years (maximum 49)

Macaw parrots can live up to 40-45 years, the maximum documented age of the red macaw is 64 years. Their average life expectancy is 2 times lower than this figure.

The record-holders are cockatoo parrots, which live for about 30-40 years. There is reliable information about the cockatoo 60-70 years of age.

Crows also live long. Ravens have a maximum lifespan of 75 years in captivity. While at large, crows live on average 10 - 15 years.

The average life span of passerine birds is 20 years. owls are 15 years old, diurnal birds of prey are 21-24 years old, copepods are 20 years old, duck birds are 21 years old, herons are 19 years old, waders are 10 years old, and gulls are 17 years old. in ratites 15 years old, in pigeons 12 years old, in chickens 13 years old. For domestic chickens, a maximum life expectancy of 30 years is noted (of course, this is more the exception than the rule).

From the squad of owls, owls lived to be 34, 53 and 68 years old. For daytime predators, the following data are known: the buffoon eagle lived for 55 years, the condor for 52 and more than 65 years, the golden eagle for 46 years, and according to other, but not very reliable information, for more than 80 years, the griffon vulture for more than 38 years.

If you search on the Internet, you can find the average lifespan of almost any type of animal, however, even from the data given in this note, it can be seen that proper feeding and care significantly affects the lifespan of an animal in captivity, which means that animal owners need to pay special attention to the health of their pets. !

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Life expectancy of pets and not only animals ...

No mammal can compare in longevity with humans. And yet we make ourselves four-legged friends, knowing that their age is short-lived. Who lives how long? When does it grow older?
The longest life expectancy among domestic animals is recorded for a hamster in England - 19 years, a rabbit in Tasmania - 18 years 10 months, a guinea pig in England - 14 years 10 months, a domestic mouse - also in England - 7 years 7 months. The life expectancy of most dogs is 8-12 years, rarely any of them live up to 15 years of age.
Nature in relation to dogs, one might say, stingy. But among dogs, there are also centenarians. An Australian dog named Bluey has lived for 29 years and 5 months. For almost 20 years, she and her owner, Forest Holly, have tended cattle and sheep. There is a long-lived dog in the Nizhny Novgorod region. A husky lives in Vache, the correct age of which is 21 years.
To establish the right relationship between a person and an animal, knowledge of age correspondences sometimes comes to the rescue. So, according to the French magazine Le Dobermann, there are the following correlations between the age of a dog and a person.

7 years old - 7 - 49 years old
8 years old - 7 - 56 years old
9 years old - 7 - 63 years old
10 years old - 6.5 - 65 years old
11 years old - 6.5 - 71 years old
12 years old - 6.3 - 75 years old
13 years old - 6.2 - 80 years old
14 years old - 6 - 84 years old
15 years old - 5.8 - 87 years old
16 years old - 5.6 - 89 years old.

The American Home Guide for Cat Owners provides a table comparing cat and human ages:

The cat's longevity record is 28 years. How old was she in human terms?

The oldest domestic animal, whose age has been accurately established, was not a cat or a dog, but a cow named Modoc, who lived for 78 years. She was brought from Germany to the United States at the age of two in 1898. "Cow Age" Modoc graduated in California in 1975. Maybe, in order not to injure yourself, start a cow as a four-legged companion?

(c) Source

Life expectancy of dogs of different breeds and some aspects of feeding, maintenance and treatment of these elderly animals

Currently, the number of dog breeds exceeds 400 - from a tiny chi-hua-hua weighing up to 2 kg to a giant St. Bernard weighing 80 kg and more.

Despite the fact that dogs of any breed are one biological species (Canis familiaris), the colossal differences in the anatomical structure of animals of different breeds affect the quality of life of pets and are paramount in determining its duration. The ratio of the age of dogs to the age of a person, according to different authors, ranges from 5-7 years of a person to 1 year of a dog's life. A dog as a companion, as a protector and friend lives together with the owner for a long time. Adequate attention to your dog's naturally deteriorating health will help prolong the relationship. Below is a table of the average life expectancy of dogs of different breeds.

From the above data it can be seen that the larger the dog, the less it lives, and a small genetic material of new exotic breeds, along with a certain "fashion" for some breeds (for example, a Rottweiler 11 years ago) affects the number and severity of diseases of these animals and, consequently , on their lifespan.
A feature of feeding dogs after 5 years of age is a properly selected diet in terms of calorie content in the direction of decreasing the latter. Dogs of large breeds (St. Bernards, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs), in order to prevent stomach expansion and volvulus, reduce the amount of bulky feeds (porridge, vegetables) and increase the number of feedings to 3 per day with a uniform decrease in the volume of each portion. In order to prevent a number of stagnant phenomena in the large intestine from 5-7 years of age, 5-15 ml of vegetable oil is added daily to the feed. Bones are completely excluded from the diet. Vitamins and minerals should be given to dogs after 8 years on a regular basis, and the complex of vitamins and minerals is close in composition to that for dogs under 1 year. Watering of animals is carried out in the usual way, however, prolonged intense thirst should be the reason for the owner of an elderly dog ​​to consult a veterinarian in order to avoid possible diseases.

Keeping dogs of middle and old age does not present any difficulties for the owner, but there is some attention to the condition of the coat (vitamin deficiencies, eczema are possible), systematic cutting of claws (anatomically abnormally growing and in light breeds of dogs) will save the animal from growing the claw into the pad of the paw ... Dogs rarely turn gray completely, more often the muzzle turns gray, in aged Schnauzers the coat on the back becomes red. Brown poodles turn gray in their second year.

There are a number of diseases inherent in this or that breed, which often manifests itself in the second half of life. Let's pay attention to the main points. First, the problems of the digestive tract: loss of teeth and the formation of tartar (typical for lapdogs, chi-hua-hua, dachshunds, etc.); expansion of the stomach (common to all giant dog breeds); violation of the enzymatic activity of the pancreas, liver (typical for Shar-Pei, Airedale Terriers); chronic inflammation of the paraanal glands (typical for lapdogs, Pekingese). Secondly, problems of the sense organs: chronic purulent inflammation of the ears (typical for all spaniels); age-related deterioration of the blood supply to the lens of the eye and the occurrence of cataracts (typical for East European shepherds, poodles). Thirdly, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system (which is associated with a long spine and fusion at the end of life of the vertebrae into a single whole, pinching the nerves, is typical for dachshunds and dogs); violation of the innervation of the sacral spine and the resulting deteriorating strength of the hind legs (typical for all large dogs, especially Caucasian shepherd dogs, Giant Schnauzers, Dobermans). Fourthly, the appearance of benign and malignant neoplasms - tumors - of bones (typical for Great Danes, Rottweilers), skin and subcutaneous tissue (typical for boxers), mammary gland (typical for Dobermans, boxers, mongrel dogs). Fifth, skin problems of both avitaminous and eczematous nature (typical for Sharpei, Dogue de Bordeaux, Napoletano mastino). According to our data, in 90% of dogs of age, eczematous processes develop on the back in the lumbar region and at the root of the tail.

Diseases such as hemorrhoids, enlargement of the prostate gland in males, purulent inflammation of the uterus in females, cardiovascular insufficiency are also often diagnosed in older dogs.

The life expectancy and health of a dog depends not only on the breed, but above all on the owner's attention to his pet.

(c) SourceTaken:

Life span of animals

Of course, the life expectancy of animals largely depends on the conditions of keeping and feeding the animals. Usually, domestic animals have a longer lifespan than stray animals of the same species. Many animals in zoos live longer than their "free" congeners, due to the fact that experts closely monitor their nutrition and the conditions for their maintenance. However, it also happens that in captivity, animals live less than in nature. This happens with exotic animals, whose owners are often not aware of the rules of caring for them.

The average life span of cats is 10-15 years (in fact, with good care, cats can easily live up to 20-22 years, so the figures of 10-15 years are objective only for free-range cats, not sterilized, not vaccinated). For various reasons, stray cats live much shorter: 3-5 years. There are also long-lived cats. So, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest known domestic cats, 34 years old, lived the spotted cat Ma from Great Britain and the cat Granpa Rex Allen from the USA.

Unlike cats, the average lifespan of dogs varies greatly depending on the breed. The shortest life expectancy in those breeds of dogs that are large, and the greatest - in "small" breeds. The following data clearly support this:

The average lifespan of an American Staffordshire Terrier is about 13 years;
English Bulldogs - 8-10 years old;
English spaniels - 10-14 years old;
Great Danes of Argentina - 13-15 years old;
Bassetts - 9-11 years old;
Boxers - 10-12 years old;
Lapdogs - 18-20 years old;
Large poodles - 15-17 years old;
Dogo de Bordeaux - 7-8 years old;
West Siberian huskies - 10-14 years old;
Yorkshire Terriers - 12-15 years old;
Caucasian Shepherd Dogs - 9-11 years old;
Pugs - 13-15 years old;
Great Danes - 7-8 years old;
German Shepherds - 10-14 years old;
Rottweilers - 9-12 years old;
Tax - 12-14 years old;
Toy Terriers - 12-13 years old;
Chi-hua-hua - 15-17 years old;
Airedale Terriers - 10-13 years old.

Rodents usually do not live as long as cats and dogs.

Mice live on average - 1-2 years, although some individuals reach 5-6 years;
Rats live 2-3 years, there are long-lived rats whose age reaches 6 years or more, at the same time, many rats die young.
Hamsters live 1.5-3 years;
Guinea pigs live 6-8 years;
Chinchillas live 15 years;
Chipmunks live 10 years or more;
Rabbits live up to 12 years on average.

The average lifespan of horses is 20-25 years. The maximum reliably known lifespan of a horse was 62 years. For ponies, this indicator is lower. The oldest pony was 54 years old.

According to livestock breeders, the life expectancy of cows is about 20 years, some live up to 35, bulls live a little less: 15-20 years.
The total lifespan of elephants is 60-70 years;
The lifespan of bears is 30-45 years;
The average life span of foxes is 6-8 years, but in captivity they can live up to 20 years or longer;
The lifespan of beavers is usually 10-12 years, although in favorable conditions of zoos they can live up to 20 years;
The lifespan of macaques is 15 to 20 years, but in captivity they can, however, live up to 30 years;
The life span of orangutans in nature is about 35-40 years, and in captivity they can live up to 60 years of age;
Chimpanzees are about 50 years old.

Of the vertebrates, turtles live the longest. Most of the information indicating that their life expectancy is slightly more than 50 years refers to individuals kept in captivity. Some species certainly live much longer. Found in Rhode Island, the Caroline box turtle (Terrapene carolina) was almost certainly 130 years old. The maximum period is considered to be about 150 years, but it is quite possible that the real life span of individual individuals is much longer.
The life span of red-eared turtles, popular among animal lovers, is 30 (40-45) years, European marsh turtles - the same, some of them even reached 80 years.
The total life expectancy for small lizards does not exceed 3-4 years, and for the largest (iguanas, monitor lizards) it reaches 20 and even 50-70 years, but, again, this age is achieved only under decent conditions for keeping reptiles. At home, iguanas often do not live for a year.

There is a fairly popular misconception that many parrots live for over a hundred years. In fact, this is not the case.

Birds usually live several times longer in captivity than in freedom, but even in zoos, only a few species of parrots have an average lifespan of approaching 40 years.
In contrast to dogs, parrots with larger bodies have a higher average life span.
Budgerigars and lovebirds live 12-14 years (maximum life expectancy up to 20 years).
Parrots Grays: 14-16 years old (maximum 49).
Macaw parrots can live up to 40-45 years, the maximum documented age of the red macaw is 64 years. Their average life expectancy is 2 times lower than this figure.

The record-holders are cockatoo parrots, which live for about 30-40 years. There is reliable information about the cockatoo 60-70 years of age.

Crows also live long. Ravens have a maximum lifespan of 75 years in captivity. While at large, crows live on average 10 - 15 years.

The average life expectancy in passerines is 20 years, in owls 15 years, in diurnal birds of prey 21-24 years, in copepods 20 years, in ducks 21 years, in herons 19 years, in waders 10 years, in gulls 17 years, in ratites 15 years old, pigeons 12 years old, chickens 13 years old. For domestic chickens, a maximum life expectancy of 30 years is noted (of course, this is more the exception than the rule).

From the squad of owls, owls lived to be 34, 53 and 68 years old. For daytime predators, the following data are known: the buffoon eagle lived for 55 years, the condor for 52 and more than 65 years, the golden eagle for 46 years, and according to other, but not very reliable information, for more than 80 years, the griffon vulture for more than 38 years.

If you search the Internet, you can find the average lifespan of almost any type of animal, however, even from the data given in this note, it can be seen that proper feeding and care significantly affects the lifespan of an animal in captivity, which means that animal owners need to pay special attention to the health of their pets. !

Many people have pets. They delight us with their disinterested love and devotion, natural grace, and funny behavior. Therefore, interest in the topic, how many pets live is absolutely explainable. Everyone wants their pet to stay close as long as possible.

How long do animals live at home

There is no definite answer to this question. The lifespan of pets depends on many different factors. Among the main ones are:

  • breed;
  • conditions of detention and care;
  • feeding;
  • the presence or absence of hereditary diseases, and so on.

Generally speaking, in any case, pets live a little longer than their wild or stray relatives. The reason is in the absence of risks that exist in nature. This statement does not apply unless exotic animals that are not adapted to life in unusual conditions for them.

How many cats live and dogs

The average life span of cats is 10 to 15 years. With proper nutrition, good care, these animals can live longer - up to 19-20 years. There are also real centenarians - the spotted cat Mia from England and the cat from the USA Rex, who have reached 34 years old, are included in the Guinness Book of Records. But stray cats, as a rule, live only up to five years.

How long do dogs live?, largely depends on their breed. According to experts, representatives of large breeds will delight you with their presence longer. In general, the life span of dogs varies from 7 to 20 years.

How many rodents live

Rodents cannot be called centenarians. For example, mice at home live on average from 1 to 2 years, although there are cases when they lived up to 6 years. The average lifespan of domestic rats is 2 to 3 years. The same goes for hamsters. The record holders among rodents are rabbits. They live longer than small breed dogs - about 12 years.

Long-lived animals

If you want your pet to meet old age with you, give preference to reptiles. 50 to 150 years old - here how many turtles live captive. If you have such an animal at home, it is highly likely that it will outlive the owner.

But it should be borne in mind that in this case we are talking only about the Central Asian land turtles. Red-eared, as well as marsh European species of these reptiles live for about 30-40 years. With proper care, iguanas can live about the same.

But the opinion that a parrot can last more than a hundred years is just a myth. The maximum age for budgerigars is 20 years, the macaw is 40-45 years old, and the cockatoo is 60-70 years old.

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Life Expectancy There are not many species among which the life of individual individuals is surprisingly fleeting (just over a year). Usually small lizards live in nature for 2-3 years, larger ones, as well as snakes for several years. Turtles, especially large ones, reach even

LIFE LENGTH OF PETS AND NOT ONLY ANIMALS ... No mammal can compare in longevity to humans. And yet we make ourselves four-legged friends, knowing that their age is short-lived. Who lives how long? When does it grow older? Records The longest life expectancy among pets was recorded for a hamster in England - 19 years, a rabbit in Tasmania - 18 years 10 months, a guinea pig in England - 14 years 10 months, a domestic mouse - also in England - 7 years 7 months. The life expectancy of most dogs is 8-12 years, rarely any of them live up to 15 years of age. Nature in relation to dogs, one might say, stingy. But among dogs, there are also centenarians. An Australian dog named Bluey has lived for 29 years and 5 months. For almost 20 years, she and her owner, Forest Holly, have tended cattle and sheep. There is a long-lived dog in the Nizhny Novgorod region. A husky lives in Vache, the correct age of which is 21 years. To establish the right relationship between a person and an animal, knowledge of age correspondences sometimes comes to the rescue. So, according to the French magazine Le Dobermann, there are the following correlations between the age of a dog and a person.

7 years old - 7 - 49 years old 8 years old - 7 - 56 years old 9 years old - 7 - 63 years old 10 years old - 6.5 - 65 years old 11 years old - 6.5 - 71 years old 12 years old - 6.3 - 75 years old 13 years old - 6.2 - 80 years old 14 years old - 6 - 84 years old 15 years old - 5.8 - 87 years old 16 years old - 5.6 - 89 years old. The American Home Guide for Cat Owners provides a table comparing cat and human ages:

The cat's longevity record is 28 years. How old was she in human terms? The oldest domestic animal, whose age has been accurately established, was not a cat or a dog, but a cow named Modoc, who lived for 78 years. She was brought from Germany to the United States at the age of two in 1898. "Cow Age" Modoc graduated in California in 1975. Maybe, in order not to injure yourself, start a cow as a four-legged companion? Life expectancy of dogs of different breeds and some aspects of feeding, maintenance and treatment of these elderly animals Currently, the number of dog breeds exceeds 400 - from a tiny chi-hua-hua weighing up to 2 kg to a giant St. Bernard weighing 80 kg and more. Despite the fact that dogs of any breed are one biological species (Canis familiaris), the colossal differences in the anatomical structure of animals of different breeds affect the quality of life of pets and are paramount in determining its duration. The ratio of the age of dogs to the age of a person, according to different authors, ranges from 5-7 years of a person to 1 year of a dog's life. A dog as a companion, as a protector and friend lives together with the owner for a long time. Adequate attention to your dog's naturally deteriorating health will help prolong the relationship. Below is a table of the average life expectancy of dogs of different breeds.

From the above data it can be seen that the larger the dog, the less it lives, and a small genetic material of new exotic breeds, along with a certain "fashion" for some breeds (for example, a Rottweiler 11 years ago) affects the number and severity of diseases of these animals and, consequently , on their lifespan. A feature of feeding dogs after 5 years of age is a properly selected diet in terms of calorie content in the direction of decreasing the latter. Dogs of large breeds (St. Bernards, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs), in order to prevent stomach expansion and volvulus, reduce the amount of bulky feeds (porridge, vegetables) and increase the number of feedings to 3 per day with a uniform decrease in the volume of each portion. In order to prevent a number of stagnant phenomena in the large intestine from 5-7 years of age, 5-15 ml of vegetable oil is added daily to the feed. Bones are completely excluded from the diet. Vitamins and minerals should be given to dogs after 8 years on a regular basis, and the complex of vitamins and minerals is close in composition to that for dogs under 1 year. Watering of animals is carried out in the usual way, however, prolonged intense thirst should be the reason for the owner of an elderly dog ​​to consult a veterinarian in order to avoid possible diseases. Of course, the life expectancy of animals largely depends on the conditions of keeping and feeding the animals. Usually, domestic animals have a longer lifespan than stray animals of the same species. Many animals in zoos live longer than their "free" congeners, due to the fact that experts closely monitor their nutrition and the conditions for their maintenance. However, it also happens that in captivity, animals live less than in nature. This happens with exotic animals, whose owners are often not aware of the rules of caring for them. The average life span of cats is 10-15 years (in fact, with good care, cats can easily live up to 20-22 years, so the figures of 10-15 years are objective only for free-range cats, not sterilized, not vaccinated). For various reasons, stray cats live much shorter: 3-5 years. There are also long-lived cats. So, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest known domestic cats, 34 years old, lived the spotted cat Ma from Great Britain and the cat Granpa Rex Allen from the USA. Unlike cats, the average lifespan of dogs varies greatly depending on the breed. The shortest life expectancy in those breeds of dogs that are large, and the greatest - in "small" breeds. The following data clearly support this: The average lifespan of the American Staffordshire Terrier is about 13 years; English Bulldogs - 8-10 years old; English spaniels - 10-14 years old; Great Danes of Argentina - 13-15 years old; Bassetts - 9-11 years old; Boxers - 10-12 years old; Lapdogs - 18-20 years old; Large poodles - 15-17 years old; Dogo de Bordeaux - 7-8 years old; West Siberian huskies - 10-14 years old; Yorkshire Terriers - 12-15 years old; Caucasian Shepherd Dogs - 9-11 years old; Pugs - 13-15 years old; Great Danes - 7-8 years old; German Shepherds - 10-14 years old; Rottweilers - 9-12 years old; Dachshund - 12-14 years old; Toy Terriers - 12-13 years old; Chi-hua-hua - 15-17 years old; Airedale Terriers - 10-13 years old. Rodents usually do not live as long as cats and dogs. Mice live on average - 1-2 years, although some individuals reach 5-6 years; Rats live 2-3 years, there are long-lived rats whose age reaches 6 years or more, at the same time, many rats die young. Hamsters live 1.5-3 years; Guinea pigs live 6-8 years; Chinchillas live 15 years; Chipmunks live 10 years or more; Rabbits live up to 12 years on average. Horses have an average lifespan of 20-25 years. The maximum reliably known lifespan of a horse was 62 years. For ponies, this indicator is lower. The oldest pony was 54 years old. According to livestock breeders, the life expectancy of cows is about 20 years, some live up to 35, bulls live a little less: 15-20 years. The total lifespan of elephants is 60-70 years; The lifespan of bears is 30-45 years; The average life span of foxes is 6-8 years, but in captivity they can live up to 20 years or longer; The lifespan of beavers is usually 10-12 years, although in favorable conditions of zoos they can live up to 20 years; The lifespan of macaques is 15 to 20 years, but in captivity they can, however, live up to 30 years; The life span of orangutans in nature is about 35-40 years, and in captivity they can live up to 60 years of age; Chimpanzees are about 50 years old. Of the vertebrates, turtles live the longest. Most of the information indicating that their life expectancy is slightly more than 50 years refers to individuals kept in captivity. Some species certainly live much longer. Found in Rhode Island, the Caroline box turtle (Terrapene carolina) was almost certainly 130 years old. The maximum period is considered to be about 150 years, but it is quite possible that the real life span of individual individuals is much longer. The life span of red-eared turtles, popular among animal lovers, is 30 (40-45) years, European marsh turtles - the same, some of them even reached 80 years. The total life expectancy for small lizards does not exceed 3-4 years, and for the largest (iguanas, monitor lizards) it reaches 20 and even 50-70 years, but, again, this age is achieved only under decent conditions for keeping reptiles. At home, iguanas often do not live for a year. There is a fairly popular misconception that many parrots live for over a hundred years. In fact, this is not the case. Birds usually live several times longer in captivity than in freedom, but even in zoos, only a few species of parrots have an average lifespan of approaching 40 years. In contrast to dogs, parrots with larger bodies have a higher average life span. Budgerigars and lovebirds live 12-14 years (maximum life expectancy up to 20 years). Parrots Grays: 14-16 years old (maximum 49). Macaw parrots can live up to 40-45 years, the maximum documented age of the red macaw is 64 years. Their average life expectancy is 2 times lower than this figure. The record-holders are cockatoo parrots, which live for about 30-40 years. There is reliable information about the cockatoo 60-70 years of age. Crows also live long. Ravens have a maximum lifespan of 75 years in captivity. While at large, crows live on average 10 - 15 years. The average life expectancy in passerines is 20 years, in owls 15 years, in diurnal birds of prey 21-24 years, in copepods 20 years, in ducks 21 years, in herons 19 years, in waders 10 years, in gulls 17 years, in ratites 15 years old, pigeons 12 years old, chickens 13 years old. For domestic chickens, a maximum life expectancy of 30 years is noted (of course, this is more the exception than the rule). From the squad of owls, owls lived to be 34, 53 and 68 years old. For daytime predators, the following data are known: the buffoon eagle lived for 55 years, the condor for 52 and more than 65 years, the golden eagle for 46 years, and according to other, but not very reliable information, for more than 80 years, the griffon vulture for more than 38 years. If you search the Internet, you can find the average lifespan of almost any type of animal, however, even from the data given in this note, it can be seen that proper feeding and care significantly affects the lifespan of an animal in captivity, which means that animal owners need to pay special attention to the health of their pets. !

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