Home Fertilizers Why Evgeny Primakov is the king of the Jews. “He lived according to his conscience…. Mikhail Saltan, Gleb Shcherbatov, ARI

Why Evgeny Primakov is the king of the Jews. “He lived according to his conscience…. Mikhail Saltan, Gleb Shcherbatov, ARI

To maintain life in the dying body of the main Zionist, the hearts of six people had to be cut out! At the end of April 2015, 99-year-old American billionaire David Rockefeller received a sixth heart transplant, according to World News Daily Report.

“Every time I get a new heart, it’s like a breath of life sweeps through my body,” Rockefeller gloated.

How many people had to be taken apart to keep one Zionist old man alive? In addition to six heart transplants, he had two kidney transplants - in 1988 and 2004. And one more thing "on little things" ...

For the first time, death came for Rockefeller in 1976, but then he paid off from her with someone else's death, for the first time taking the heart of the deceased. But for the seventh time, Death was still able to defeat the almost immortal Jew.

Some time ago, the media, drowning in plebeian ecstasy, reported that Jacob Rothschild was destroying Europe with a bet: “Rothschild, through the investment fund RIT Capital, of which he is the head of the board, took a position against the Euro” (CNBC). Rothschild promised to destroy Europe by April 2013. Everything dragged on a bit, but he seems to win the argument. Although posthumously ...

And Europe - people, countries, ancient civilizations - will lose this dispute without even knowing about it. The Zionists will simply erase the Europeans from the face of the Earth, and populate them with Africans and Arabs, with the latter in France already undergoing a civil war.

Yes, until recently, Rockefeller himself rolled out across the Soviet countries, in which later, like infections, "color revolutions" broke out, and today the old woman Nuland rolls along the paths trodden by him and distributes "cookies" - like the Bad Boys from the famous fairy tale.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition: Zionism is the most reactionary variety of Jewish nationalism; The 30th session of the UN General Assembly (November 1975) qualified Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination.

Today they are trying to whitewash Zionism, but you cannot wash a black goat white. And political scientists know that the US state ideology is militant Zionism. In particular, in her material N. Andreeva reports: “Modern Zionism is an extremely nationalist, racist ideology, it is a policy and practice that expresses the interests of the big Jewish bourgeoisie, closely connected with the monopoly bourgeoisie of the imperialist states. The main content of modern Zionism is militant chauvinism, racism, anti-communism and anti-Sovietism, the orientation towards the conquest of world domination and the establishment of the so-called. Of the New World Order ".

One of the most experienced politicians of our time, Fidel Castro, noted that at the end of the Second World War, which the peoples waged against fascism, a new government emerged that took over the world and imposed the current absolutist and harsh order.

Andreeva further deciphers: “A parallel secret government of the highest level, or real, parallel power, its“ elite core ”- these are Jewish bankers and industrialists, who are part of 60 families that govern the United States, openly located on Capitol Hill in full view of the White House, Congress USA on Downing Street 10. It is the servants of the World Government and the New World Order, it is a completely secret society, consisting of representatives of the inviolable ruling class, which also includes the Queen of England, Queen of the Netherlands, Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe. "

The Committee of 300 includes NATO, the CIA and the MOSSAD.

Why was Yevgeny Primakov buried with military honors? He was a civilian man, and these honors are not due to him. But ... Primakov was a warrior of darkness, a Rockefeller warrior, that dog through which the tail of world Zionism continued to wag the whole world. For this and military honors.

The Rothschilds' Central Bank of Russia, despite its name, does not belong to our country under the Russian Constitution. It was the Central Bank that robbed the population of Russia in December 2014. The Central Bank occupies a special place in the world, there are concentrated huge funds of the world Zionist clans plundered from the whole world, from which all military operations of the United States, the European Union and Israel are financed ...

Some believe that Russia needs to get out of the Rockefeller-Rothschild occupation and say goodbye to the Romanov clan (to which Primakov belonged). Others believe that Russia needs to terminate the agreement with the IMF. And those who signed the Washington agreements on September 8, 1977, which marked the beginning of the collapse of the USSR, should be declared state criminals and brought to justice.

Some analysts following this situation recall the words of various prophets who predicted that the cleansing of the world from the Zionist plague would begin with a series of deaths of the main pillars of Zionism.

And today three pillars have been cut down ...

Andrey Tyunyaev, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "President"

World Zionism is in shock: on June 24, David Rockefeller died, on June 25, Jacob Rothschild fell into a "coma", and on June 26, the "king of the Jews" Yevgeny Primakov died. The first two were marked by millions of deaths on Earth. The latter, until recently, demanded that the President of Russia "return" Crimea and forbade him to help Donbass. Such messages come in the last hours and days. Some observers call this the death of the "serpentine". But death is still far away, and it would be more correct to consider these "philanthropists" as parasites that feed on the body of civilization. To maintain life in the dying body of the main Zionist, the hearts of six people had to be cut out! At the end of April 2015, 99-year-old American billionaire David Rockefeller received a sixth heart transplant, according to World News Daily Report. “Every time I get a new heart, it’s like a breath of life sweeps through my body,” Rockefeller gloated. How many people had to be taken apart to keep one Zionist old man alive? In addition to six heart transplants, he had two kidney transplants - in 1988 and 2004. And one more thing "on little things" ... For the first time, death came for Rockefeller in 1976, but then he paid off from it by someone else's death, for the first time taking the heart of the deceased. But for the seventh time, Death was still able to defeat the almost immortal Jew. Some time ago, the media, drowning in plebeian ecstasy, reported that Jacob Rothschild was destroying Europe with a bet: “Rothschild, through the investment fund RIT Capital, of which he is the head of the board, took a position against the Euro” (CNBC). Rothschild promised to destroy Europe by April 2013. Everything dragged on a bit, but he seems to win the argument. Although posthumously ... And Europe - people, countries, ancient civilizations - will lose this dispute without even knowing about it. The Zionists will simply wipe the Europeans off the face of the earth, and populate them with Africans and Arabs, with the latter in France already undergoing a civil war. From the hand of the late Rothschild, the main Hitler of our time, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, is also feeding. So, a year ago Poroshenko sold his assets through the Rothschild investment company (ITAR-TASS). How did he respond to Rothschild for such a grace of Poroshenko? The fact that Ukraine today is a concentration camp and a leader in the supply of "donor" organs. But what about without Donbass? Indeed, to maintain the life of Rothschild alone, it was required to disassemble 8 people! The luminaries of politics and intelligence services remember the Dartmouth meetings (conferences) of the 70s - 80s. Only two countries participated. At these Russian-American trainings, the American military of the "hybrid" war gave direct instructions to the Russian fifth column on how to build a "civil society" in the USSR and, in fact, destroy the USSR. The meetings were financed by the Ford and Ketterling Foundations (USA) and the Soviet Peace Foundation and the USA Institute (later the USA and Canada Institute) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Among the participants were the main Russophobe of our time and the person personally responsible for the collapse of the USSR. Zbigniew Brzezinski, the main Zionist David Rockefeller, and the "Jewish king" Yevgeny Primakov. “As for the Dartmouth meetings, they were regularly held in order to negotiate and bring the approaches of the two superpowers closer to the issues of arms reduction, the search for a way out of various international conflicts, and the creation of conditions for economic cooperation. A special role in organizing such meetings was played by two institutes - IMEMO and ISKAN from our side, for the Americans - a group of political scientists, retired leaders from the State Department, the Pentagon, the administration, the CIA, current bankers, businessmen. For a long time, the American group was headed by David Rockefeller, with whom I have developed a very warm relationship, "Primakov confessed. Here is a list of Dartmouth conferences: Dartmouth I - Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, October 29-November 4 1960 Dartmouth II - Lower Oreanda, Crimea, USSR, May 21-28, 1961 May 21-28, 1961 Dartmouth III - Andover, Massachusetts, USA, October 21-27, 1962 Dartmouth IV - Leningrad, USSR, July 21-31, 1964 Dartmouth V - Rye, New York, USA January 13-18, 1969 Dartmouth VI - Kiev, Ukraine, USSR, July 12-16, 1971 Dartmouth VII - Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, December 2-7, 1972 Dartmouth VIII - Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR, April 21-24, 1974 Dartmouth IX - Moscow, USSR, June 3-5, 1975 Dartmouth X - Rio Rico , Arizona, USA, April 30-May 2, 1976 Dartmouth XI - Jurmala, Latvia, USSR, July 8-13, 1977 Dartmouth XII - Williamsburgh, Virginia, USA, May 3-7, 1979 Dartmouth Leadership Conference - Bellagio, Italy, May 22-26, 1980 Dartmouth XIII - Moscow, USSR, November 16-19, 1981 Dartmouth XIV - Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, May 14-17, 1984 Dartmouth XV - Baku, Azerbaijan, USSR, May 13-17, 1986 Dartmouth XVI - Austin, Texas, USA, April 25-29, 1989 Dartmouth XVII - Leningrad, USSR, July 22-27, 1990 The conferences ended right before the democratic coup d'état, and today we are reaping the fruits of such rapprochement and such warm relations. “Rockefeller was especially popular in Tbilisi. Ted Kennedy, who was in the capital of Georgia at the same time with our group, complained that as soon as he appeared on the street, everyone around shouted: "Hi Rockefeller!" "Primakov recalls. Yes, until recently, Rockefeller himself rolled out across the Soviet countries, in which later, like infections, "color revolutions" broke out, and today the old woman Nuland rolls along the paths trodden by him and distributes "cookies" - like the Bad Boys from the famous fairy tale. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition: Zionism is the most reactionary variety of Jewish nationalism; The 30th session of the UN General Assembly (November 1975) qualified Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination. Today they are trying to whitewash Zionism, but you cannot wash a black goat white. And political scientists know that the US state ideology is militant Zionism. In particular, in her material N. Andreeva reports: “Modern Zionism is an extremely nationalist, racist ideology, it is a policy and practice that expresses the interests of the big Jewish bourgeoisie, closely connected with the monopoly bourgeoisie of the imperialist states. The main content of modern Zionism is militant chauvinism, racism, anti-communism and anti-Sovietism, the orientation towards the conquest of world domination and the establishment of the so-called. Of the New World Order ". One of the most experienced politicians of our time, Fidel Castro, noted that at the end of the Second World War, which the peoples waged against fascism, a new government emerged that took over the world and imposed the current absolutist and harsh order. Andreeva further deciphers: “A parallel secret government of the highest level, or real, parallel power, its“ elite core ”- these are Jewish bankers and industrialists, who are part of 60 families that govern the United States, openly located on Capitol Hill in full view of the White House, Congress USA on Downing Street 10. It is the servants of the World Government and the New World Order, it is a completely secret society, consisting of representatives of the inviolable ruling class, which also includes the Queen of England, Queen of the Netherlands, Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe. " This is the battle for the World Throne. And, as an illustration of the participation of the Queen of Denmark: the explosives for the terrorist attack at the Domodedovo airport were delivered in two cars of the Danish embassy - a Volkswagen Golf with number plate 010 D 130 77 and Volvo XC70 with number 010 D 111 77. The President newspaper reported about this winter 2011. Representatives of this parallel government in various combinations are members of the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, and the Bilderberg Club. And before the massacre in Ukraine, the European Jewish Parliament was also created - a structure that replaces the Parliament of Europe, and unleashed and financed the genocide in Ukraine. The well-known criminal Igor Kolomoisky is the chairman of the European Jewish Parliament. The Committee of 300 includes NATO, the CIA and the MOSSAD. Why was Yevgeny Primakov buried with military honors? He was a civilian man, and these honors are not due to him. But ... Primakov was a warrior of darkness, a Rockefeller warrior, that dog through which the tail of world Zionism continued to wag the whole world. For this and military honors. The Rothschilds' Central Bank of Russia, despite its name, does not belong to our country under the Russian Constitution. It was the Central Bank that robbed the population of Russia in December 2014. The Central Bank occupies a special place in the world, there are concentrated huge funds of the world Zionist clans, plundered from the whole world, from which all the military operations of the United States, the European Union and Israel are financed ... Some believe that Russia needs to get out of the Rockefeller-Rothschild occupation and say goodbye with the Romanov clan (to which Primakov also belonged). Others believe that Russia needs to terminate the agreement with the IMF. And those who signed the Washington agreements on September 8, 1977, which marked the beginning of the collapse of the USSR, should be declared state criminals and brought to justice. It is not known exactly what measures should be taken, but today the fate of civilization is being decided. With such stakes, the world can no longer allow the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Romanovs to parasitize entire countries, play off their peoples, devastating their economies. Some analysts following this situation recall the words of various prophets who predicted that the cleansing of the world from the Zionist plague would begin with a series of deaths of the main pillars of Zionism. And today three pillars have been cut down ... Andrey Tyunyaev, editor-in-chief of the President newspaper Source

World Zionism is in shock: on June 24, David Rockefeller died, on June 25, Jacob Rothschild fell into a "coma", and on June 26, the "king of the Jews" Yevgeny Primakov died. The first two were marked by millions of deaths on Earth. The latter, until recently, demanded that the President of Russia "return" Crimea and forbade him to help Donbass.

Such messages come in the last hours and days.

To maintain life in the dying body of the main Zionist, the hearts of six people had to be cut out! At the end of April 2015, 99-year-old American billionaire David Rockefeller received a sixth heart transplant, according to World News Daily Report.

“Every time I get a new heart, it’s like a breath of life sweeps through my body,” Rockefeller gloated.

How many people had to be taken apart to keep one Zionist old man alive? In addition to six heart transplants, he had two kidney transplants - in 1988 and 2004. And one more thing "on little things" ...

For the first time, death came for Rockefeller in 1976, but then he paid off from her with someone else's death, for the first time taking the heart of the deceased. But for the seventh time, Death was still able to defeat the almost immortal Jew.

Some time ago, the media, drowning in plebeian ecstasy, reported that Jacob Rothschild was destroying Europe with a bet: “Rothschild, through the investment fund RIT Capital, of which he is the head of the board, took a position against the Euro” (CNBC). Rothschild promised to destroy Europe by April 2013. Everything dragged on a bit, but he seems to win the argument. Although posthumously ...

And Europe - people, countries, ancient civilizations - will lose this dispute without even knowing about it. The Zionists will simply wipe the Europeans off the face of the earth, and populate them with Africans and Arabs, with the latter in France already undergoing a civil war.

From the hand of the late Rothschild, the main Hitler of our time, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, also feeds. So, a year ago Poroshenko sold his assets through the investment company Rothschild (ITAR-TASS).

How did he respond to Rothschild for such a grace of Poroshenko? The fact that Ukraine today is a concentration camp and a leader in the supply of "donor" organs. But what about without Donbass? Indeed, to maintain the life of Rothschild alone, it was required to disassemble 8 people!

The luminaries of politics and intelligence services remember the Dartmouth meetings (conferences) of the 70s - 80s. Only two countries participated. At these Russian-American trainings, the American military of the "hybrid" war gave direct instructions to the Russian fifth column on how to build a "civil society" in the USSR and, in fact, destroy the USSR.

The meetings were financed by the Ford and Ketterling Foundations (USA) and the Soviet Peace Foundation and the USA Institute (later the USA and Canada Institute) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Among the participants were the main Russophobe of our time and the person personally responsible for the collapse of the USSR. Zbigniew Brzezinski, the main Zionist David Rockefeller, and the "Jewish king" Yevgeny Primakov.

« As for the Dartmouth meetings, they were regularly held in order to negotiate and bring the approaches of the two superpowers closer to the issues of arms reduction, the search for a way out of various international conflicts, and the creation of conditions for economic cooperation. A special role in organizing such meetings was played by two institutes - IMEMO and ISKAN from our side, for the Americans - a group of political scientists, retired leaders from the State Department, the Pentagon, the administration, the CIA, current bankers, businessmen. For a long time, the American group was headed by David Rockefeller, with whom I developed a very warm relationship.", Primakov confessed.

Here is a list of Dartmouth conferences:

    Dartmouth III - Andover, Massachusetts, USA, October 21-27, 1962

    Dartmouth V - Rye, New York, USA January 13-18, 1969

    Dartmouth VII - Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, December 2-7, 1972

    Dartmouth XII - Williamsburgh, Virginia, USA, May 3-7, 1979

    Dartmouth Leadership Conference - Bellagio, Italy, May 22-26, 1980

    Dartmouth XIV - Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, May 14-17, 1984

    Dartmouth XVI - Austin, Texas, USA, April 25-29, 1989

The conferences ended exactly before the democratic coup d'état, and today we are reaping the fruits of such rapprochement and such warm relations.

« In Tbilisi, Rockefeller was especially popular. Ted Kennedy, who was in the capital of Georgia with our group, complained that as soon as he appeared on the street, everyone around shouted: "Hi Rockefeller!"", Primakov recalls.

Yes, until recently, Rockefeller himself rolled out across the Soviet countries, in which later, like infections, "color revolutions" broke out, and today the old woman Nuland rolls along the paths trodden by him and distributes "cookies" - like the Bad Boys from the famous fairy tale.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition: Zionism is the most reactionary variety of Jewish nationalism; The 30th session of the UN General Assembly (November 1975) qualified Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination.

Today they are trying to whitewash Zionism, but you cannot wash a black goat white. And political scientists know that the US state ideology is militant Zionism. In particular, in her material N. Andreeva reports: “ Modern Zionism is an extremely nationalist, racist ideology; it is a policy and practice that expresses the interests of the big Jewish bourgeoisie, closely associated with the monopoly bourgeoisie of the imperialist states. The main content of modern Zionism is militant chauvinism, racism, anti-communism and anti-Sovietism, the orientation towards the conquest of world domination and the establishment of the so-called. New World Order».

One of the most experienced politicians of our time, Fidel Castro, noted that at the end of the Second World War, which the peoples waged against fascism, a new government emerged that took over the world and imposed the current absolutist and harsh order.

Andreeva further deciphers: “ A top-level parallel secret government, or real, parallel power, its "elite core" - these are Jewish bankers and industrialists who are part of 60 families that govern the United States, openly located on Capitol Hill in full view of the White House, the US Congress at 10 Downing Street They are the servants of the World Government and the New World Order, an absolutely secret society made up of representatives of the inviolable ruling class, including the Queen of England, Queen of the Netherlands, Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe.».

This is the battle for the World Throne. And, as an illustration of the participation of the Queen of Denmark: the explosives for the terrorist attack at the Domodedovo airport were delivered in two cars of the Danish embassy - a Volkswagen Golf with number plate 010 D 130 77 and Volvo XC70 with number 010 D 111 77. The President newspaper reported about this winter 2011.

Representatives of this parallel government in various combinations are members of the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, and the Bilderberg Club. And before the massacre in Ukraine, the European Jewish Parliament was also created - a structure that replaces the Parliament of Europe, and unleashed and financed the genocide in Ukraine. The well-known criminal Igor Kolomoisky is the chairman of the European Jewish Parliament.

The Committee of 300 includes NATO, the CIA and the MOSSAD.

Why was Yevgeny Primakov buried with military honors? He was a civilian man, and these honors are not due to him. But ... Primakov was a warrior of darkness, a Rockefeller warrior, that dog through which the tail of world Zionism continued to wag the whole world. For this and military honors.

The Rothschilds' Central Bank of Russia, despite its name, does not belong to our country under the Russian Constitution. It was the Central Bank that robbed the population of Russia in December 2014. The Central Bank occupies a special place in the world, there are concentrated huge funds of the world Zionist clans plundered from the whole world, from which all military operations of the United States, the European Union and Israel are financed ...

Some believe that Russia needs to get out of the Rockefeller-Rothschild occupation and say goodbye to the Romanov clan (to which Primakov belonged). Others believe that Russia needs to terminate the agreement with the IMF. And those who signed the Washington agreements on September 8, 1977, which marked the beginning of the collapse of the USSR, should be declared state criminals and brought to justice.

World Zionism in shock: David Rockefeller died on June 24, fell on June 25 "In a coma" Jacob Rothschild and died on June 26 "King of the Jews" Yevgeny Primakov, the President writes. The first two were marked by millions of deaths on Earth. The latter, until recently, demanded from the President of Russia "return" Crimea and forbidden to help Donbass.

Such messages come in the last hours and days.

To maintain life in the dying body of the main Zionist, the hearts of six people had to be cut out! At the end of April 2015, 99-year-old American billionaire David Rockefeller received a sixth heart transplant, according to World News Daily Report.

"Every time I get a new heart, it's like a breath of life sweeps through my body." Rockefeller gloated.

How many people had to be taken apart to keep one Zionist old man alive? In addition to six heart transplants, he had two kidney transplants - in 1988 and 2004. And something else "On the little things"

For the first time, death came for Rockefeller in 1976, but then he paid off from her with someone else's death, for the first time taking the heart of the deceased. But for the seventh time, Death was still able to defeat the almost immortal Jew.

Some time ago, the media, choking on plebeian ecstasy, reported that Jacob Rothschild was destroying Europe on a bet: "Rothschild, through the investment fund RIT Capital, of which he is the chairman of the board, took a position against the Euro"(CTBC). Rothschild promised to destroy Europe by April 2013. Everything dragged on a bit, but he seems to win the argument. Although posthumously ...

And Europe - people, countries, ancient civilizations - will lose this dispute without even knowing about it. The Zionists will simply erase the Europeans from the face of the Earth, and their lands will be populated by Africans and Arabs, with the latter in France there is already a civil war.

From the hand of the late Rothschild, the main Hitler of our time, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, is also feeding. So, a year ago Poroshenko sold his assets through an investment company Rothschild(ITAR-TASS).

How did he respond to Rothschild for such a grace of Poroshenko? The fact that Ukraine today is a concentration camp and a leader in the supply of "Donor" organs. But what about without Donbass? Indeed, to maintain the life of Rothschild alone, it was required to disassemble 8 people!

The luminaries of politics and intelligence services remember the Dartmouth meetings (conferences) of the 70s and 80s. Only two countries participated. At these Russian-American trainings, the American military "Hybrid" wars gave direct instructions to the Russian fifth column, how to build in the USSR "civil society" and, in fact, destroy the USSR.

The meetings were financed by the Ford and Ketterling Foundations (USA) and the Soviet Peace Foundation and the USA Institute (later the USA and Canada Institute) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Among the participants were the main Russophobe of our time and the person personally responsible for the collapse of the USSR. Zbigniew Brzezinski, chief Zionist David Rockefeller, and "King of the Jews" Evgeny Primakov.

“As for the Dartmouth meetings, they were regularly held in order to negotiate and bring the approaches of the two superpowers closer to the issues of arms reduction, the search for a way out of various international conflicts, and the creation of conditions for economic cooperation. A special role in organizing such meetings was played by two institutes - IMEMO and ISKAN from our side, for the Americans - a group of political scientists, retired leaders from the State Department, the Pentagon, the administration, the CIA, current bankers, businessmen. For a long time, the American group was headed by David Rockefeller, with whom I have developed a very warm relationship. " Primakov confessed.

Here is a list of Dartmouth conferences:

  • Dartmouth I - Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, October 29-November 4 1960
  • Dartmouth II - Lower Oreanda, Crimea, USSR, May 21-28, 1961 May 21-28, 1961
  • Dartmouth III - Andover, Massachusetts, USA, October 21-27, 1962
  • Dartmouth IV - Leningrad, USSR, July 21-31, 1964
  • Dartmouth V - Rye, New York, USA January 13-18, 1969
  • Dartmouth VI - Kiev, Ukraine, USSR, July 12-16, 1971
  • Dartmouth VII - Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, December 2-7, 1972
  • Dartmouth VIII - Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR, April 21-24, 1974
  • Dartmouth IX - Moscow, USSR, 3-5 June 1975
  • Dartmouth X - Rio Rico, Arizona, USA, April 30-May 2, 1976
  • Dartmouth XI - Jurmala, Latvia, USSR, July 8-13, 1977
  • Dartmouth XII - Williamsburgh, Virginia, USA, May 3-7, 1979
  • Dartmouth Leadership Conference - Bellagio, Italy, May 22-26, 1980
  • Dartmouth XIII - Moscow, USSR, November 16-19, 1981
  • Dartmouth XIV - Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, May 14-17, 1984
  • Dartmouth XV - Baku, Azerbaijan, USSR, May 13-17, 1986
  • Dartmouth XVI - Austin, Texas, USA, April 25-29, 1989
  • Dartmouth XVII - Leningrad, USSR, July 22-27, 1990

The conferences ended exactly before the democratic coup d'état, and today we are reaping the fruits of such rapprochement and such warm relations.

“Rockefeller was especially popular in Tbilisi. Ted Kennedy, who was in the capital of Georgia at the same time with our group, complained that as soon as he appeared on the street, everyone around shouted: "Hi Rockefeller!"- recalls Primakov.

Yes, until recently, Rockefeller himself rolled out across the Soviet countries, in which later, like infections, broke out "Color revolutions", and today the old woman Nuland rolls along the paths trodden by him and distributes "Cookies"- like the Bad Boys from the famous fairy tale.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition: Zionism is the most reactionary variety of Jewish nationalism; The 30th session of the UN General Assembly (November 1975) qualified Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination.

Today they are trying to whitewash Zionism, but you cannot wash a black goat white. And political scientists know that the US state ideology is militant Zionism. In particular, in her material N. Andreeva reports: “Modern Zionism is an extremely nationalist, racist ideology, it is a policy and practice that expresses the interests of the big Jewish bourgeoisie, closely associated with the monopoly bourgeoisie of the imperialist states. The main content of modern Zionism is militant chauvinism, racism, anti-communism and anti-Sovietism, the orientation towards the conquest of world domination and the establishment of the so-called. New World Order ".

One of the most experienced politicians of our time, Fidel Castro, noted that at the end of the Second World War, which the peoples waged against fascism, a new government emerged that took over the world and imposed the current absolutist and harsh order.

Andreeva further decrypts: "A parallel secret government of the highest level, or real, parallel power, its" elite core "- these are Jewish bankers and industrialists who are part of 60 families that govern the United States, openly located on Capitol Hill in full view of the White House, the US Congress on Downing Street 10. They are the servants of the World Government and the New World Order, this is an absolutely secret society, consisting of representatives of the inviolable ruling class, which also includes the Queen of England, the Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe ".

This is the battle for the world throne. And, as an illustration of the involvement of the Queen of Denmark: explosives for the terrorist attack at the airport Domodedovo was delivered in two cars of the Danish Embassy - Volkswagen Golf with number plate 010 D 130 77 and Volvo XC70 with number 010 D 111 77. About this newspaper "The president" reported in the winter of 2011.

Representatives of this parallel government in various combinations are members of the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, and the Bilderbeg Club. And before the massacre in Ukraine, the European Jewish Parliament was also created - a structure that replaces the Parliament of Europe, and unleashed and financed the genocide in Ukraine. The well-known criminal Igor Kolomoisky is the chairman of the European Jewish Parliament.

The Committee of 300 includes NATO, the CIA and the MOSSAD.

Why was Yevgeny Primakov buried with military honors? He was a civilian man, and these honors are not due to him. But ... Primakov was a warrior of darkness, a Rockefeller warrior, that dog through which the tail of world Zionism continued to wag the whole world. For this and military honors.

The Rothschilds' Central Bank of Russia, despite its name, does not belong to our country under the Russian Constitution. It was the Central Bank that robbed the population of Russia in December 2014. The Central Bank occupies a special place in the world, there are concentrated huge funds of the world Zionist clans plundered from the whole world, from which all military operations of the United States, the European Union and Israel are financed ...

Some believe that Russia needs to get out of the Rockefeller-Rothschild occupation and say goodbye to the Romanov clan (to which Primakov belonged). Others believe that Russia needs to terminate the agreement with the IMF. And those who signed the Washington agreements on September 8, 1977, which marked the beginning of the collapse of the USSR, should be declared state criminals and brought to justice.

Some analysts following this situation recall the words of various prophets who predicted that the cleansing of the world from the Zionist plague would begin with a series of deaths of the main pillars of Zionism.

And today three pillars have been cut down ...

World Zionism is in shock: on June 24, David Rockefeller died, on June 25, Jacob Rothschild fell into a "coma", and on June 26, the "king of the Jews" Yevgeny Primakov died. The first two were marked by millions of deaths on Earth. The latter, until recently, demanded that the President of Russia "return" Crimea and forbade him to help Donbass.

Such messages come in the last hours and days.

To maintain life in the dying body of the main Zionist, the hearts of six people had to be cut out! At the end of April 2015, 99-year-old American billionaire David Rockefeller received a sixth heart transplant, according to World News Daily Report.

“Every time I get a new heart, it’s like a breath of life sweeps through my body,” Rockefeller gloated.

How many people had to be taken apart to keep one Zionist old man alive? In addition to six heart transplants, he had two kidney transplants - in 1988 and 2004. And one more thing "on little things" ...

For the first time, death came for Rockefeller in 1976, but then he paid off from her with someone else's death, for the first time taking the heart of the deceased. But for the seventh time, Death was still able to defeat the almost immortal Jew.

Some time ago, the media, drowning in plebeian ecstasy, reported that Jacob Rothschild was destroying Europe with a bet: “Rothschild, through the investment fund RIT Capital, of which he is the head of the board, took a position against the Euro” (CNBC). Rothschild promised to destroy Europe by April 2013. Everything dragged on a bit, but he seems to win the argument. Although posthumously ...

And Europe - people, countries, ancient civilizations - will lose this dispute without even knowing about it. The Zionists will simply erase the Europeans from the face of the Earth, and populate them with Africans and Arabs, with the latter in France already undergoing a civil war.

How did he respond to Rothschild for such a grace of Poroshenko? The fact that Ukraine today is a concentration camp and a leader in the supply of "donor" organs. But what about without Donbass? Indeed, to maintain the life of Rothschild alone, it was required to disassemble 8 people!

The luminaries of politics and intelligence services remember the Dartmouth meetings (conferences) of the 70s - 80s. Only two countries participated. At these Russian-American trainings, the American military of the "hybrid" war gave direct instructions to the Russian fifth column on how to build a "civil society" in the USSR and, in fact, destroy the USSR.

The meetings were financed by the Ford and Ketterling Foundations (USA) and the Soviet Peace Foundation and the USA Institute (later the USA and Canada Institute) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Among the participants were the main Russophobe of our time and the person personally responsible for the collapse of the USSR. Zbigniew Brzezinski, the main Zionist David Rockefeller, and the "Jewish king" Yevgeny Primakov.

« As for the Dartmouth meetings, they were regularly held in order to negotiate and bring the approaches of the two superpowers closer to the issues of arms reduction, the search for a way out of various international conflicts, and the creation of conditions for economic cooperation. A special role in organizing such meetings was played by two institutes - IMEMO and ISKAN on our side, for the Americans - a group of political scientists, retired leaders from the State Department, the Pentagon, the administration, the CIA, current bankers, businessmen. For a long time, the American group was headed by David Rockefeller, with whom I developed a very warm relationship.", Primakov confessed.

Here is a list of Dartmouth conferences:

    Dartmouth III - Andover, Massachusetts, USA, October 21-27, 1962

    Dartmouth V - Rye, New York, USA January 13-18, 1969

    Dartmouth VII - Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, December 2-7, 1972

    Dartmouth XII - Williamsburgh, Virginia, USA, May 3-7, 1979

    Dartmouth Leadership Conference - Bellagio, Italy, May 22-26, 1980

    Dartmouth XIV - Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, May 14-17, 1984

    Dartmouth XVI - Austin, Texas, USA, April 25-29, 1989

The conferences ended exactly before the democratic coup d'état, and today we are reaping the fruits of such rapprochement and such warm relations.

« In Tbilisi, Rockefeller was especially popular. Ted Kennedy, who was in the capital of Georgia with our group, complained that as soon as he appeared on the street, everyone around shouted: "Hi Rockefeller!"", Primakov recalls.

Yes, until recently, Rockefeller himself rolled out across the Soviet countries, in which later, like infections, "color revolutions" broke out, and today the old woman Nuland rolls along the paths trodden by him and distributes "cookies" - like the Bad Boys from the famous fairy tale.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition: Zionism is the most reactionary variety of Jewish nationalism; The 30th session of the UN General Assembly (November 1975) qualified Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination.

Today they are trying to whitewash Zionism, but you cannot wash a black goat white. And political scientists know that the US state ideology is militant Zionism. In particular, in her material N. Andreeva reports: “ Modern Zionism is an extremely nationalist, racist ideology; it is a policy and practice that expresses the interests of the big Jewish bourgeoisie, closely associated with the monopoly bourgeoisie of the imperialist states. The main content of modern Zionism is militant chauvinism, racism, anti-communism and anti-Sovietism, the orientation towards the conquest of world domination and the establishment of the so-called. New World Order».

One of the most experienced politicians of our time, Fidel Castro, noted that at the end of the Second World War, which was waged by the peoples against fascism, a new government emerged that took over the world and imposed the current absolutist and harsh order.

Andreeva further deciphers: “ A top-level parallel secret government, or real, parallel power, its "elite core" - these are Jewish bankers and industrialists who are part of 60 families that govern the United States, openly located on Capitol Hill in full view of the White House, the US Congress at 10 Downing Street They are the servants of the World Government and the New World Order, an absolutely secret society made up of representatives of the inviolable ruling class, including the Queen of England, Queen of the Netherlands, Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe.».

The Committee of 300 includes NATO, the CIA and the MOSSAD.

Why was Yevgeny Primakov buried with military honors? He was a civilian man, and these honors are not due to him. But ... Primakov was a warrior of darkness, a Rockefeller warrior, that dog through which the tail of world Zionism continued to wag the whole world. For this and military honors.

The Rothschilds' Central Bank of Russia, despite its name, does not belong to our country under the Russian Constitution. It was the Central Bank that robbed the population of Russia in December 2014. The Central Bank occupies a special place in the world, there are concentrated huge funds of the world Zionist clans plundered from the whole world, from which all military operations of the United States, the European Union and Israel are financed ...

Some believe that Russia needs to get out of the Rockefeller-Rothschild occupation and say goodbye to the Romanov clan (to which Primakov belonged). Others believe that Russia needs to terminate the agreement with the IMF. And those who signed the Washington agreements on September 8, 1977, which marked the beginning of the collapse of the USSR, should be declared state criminals and brought to justice.

Some analysts following this situation recall the words of various prophets who predicted that the cleansing of the world from the Zionist plague would begin with a series of deaths of the main pillars of Zionism.

And today three pillars have been cut down ...

Andrey Tyunyaev, editor-in-chief of the President newspaper

D.M. There are no such accidents in this world ... So the rest of the "chosen ones of Yahweh" have a serious reason to think ...

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