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Arabic fortune telling online. Arabic fortune telling Geomancy: sand will help you choose the right path! Fortune telling in the sand with paper

Attention, all parents of babies who doubt that it's time for their children to brush their teeth and decided to postpone it for later:

According to the unanimous opinion of most dentists, it is necessary to start brushing your teeth from the moment the first tooth erupts!

Until recently, I believed that a healthy diet (an abundance of fresh fruits, vegetables, berries +, the complete absence of synthetic sugar in the diet) is a guarantee of strong and healthy teeth. I also thought that it was inappropriate to brush their teeth at an age when babies still do not know how to spit out toothpaste.
Reality has corrected my opinion - dark spots began to appear on my daughter's incisors. This is despite the fact that the summer cottage season was in full swing and I carefully monitor the variety and quality of food.

Everyone knows about the harm of sweets for the teeth, but not many about the harm of fruit and vegetable acids. It turns out that in addition to a large amount of sugars, fruits and some vegetables contain a large amount of acids, which are very destructive to the enamel of the teeth. Therefore, after each fruit and vegetable, it is imperative to at least give the child a drink of water. Read more about caries and hepatitis B.

When to start brushing your child's teeth | Using toothpaste up to 2 years

I've always really wanted to minimize the amount of chemistry that gets into my child's body. But in our case, it turned out that toothpaste is not something that can be abandoned without consequences. Of course, there are lucky ones who chew sweets and have a Hollywood smile all day long, but there is no guarantee that your child will be one of them.

After identifying the first caries, we introduced regular brushing with a soft bristle brush dipped in water. After a couple of months, our caries increased significantly. On the next trip to the dentist, we had a professional cleaning. She showed that a strong plaque formed on the teeth, which cleaning with water could not cope with. Of course, under the coating, the harmful bacteria were protected and the destruction process was in full swing, despite our cleaning.

It turns out that the effectiveness of brushing teeth without paste is very low Besides, the bristles of a toothbrush without paste can cause micro-scratches on the enamel of the teeth. Timely use of toothpaste in our case could prevent the appearance of caries, in extreme cases, slow down its course.

If you are trying to minimize the amount of chemistry, do not refuse to use toothpastes, it is better to pay attention to their compositions.

The amount of toothpaste is also very important. Many people know the dosage "the size of a pea", this high dosage is recommended for preschoolers. For babies who do not know how to fully rinse their mouth, the recommended dose of the paste is - no more than a grain of rice!

At the moment we are using "R.O.C.S. Baby for the little ones. " It is safe to swallow and does not contain: fluoride, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, dyes, antiseptics and fragrances.

When to start brushing your child's teeth | Choosing a toothbrush

In fact, the sea of ​​children's brushes is now on sale and it is quite simple to find a quality one:

  • when most of the mouth is toothless and the gums are "exposed" choose a brush with soft silicone bristles;
  • from one year old, when the mouth is already filled with teeth, we switch to a small brush with soft bristles.
  • as the child grows, choose a larger brush - so that it is convenient to clean.

As a result of the search for quality accessories for the hygiene of the first teeth, we found the following:

Let your little ones have strong teeth and beautiful smiles!

Other publications on this topic:
Fresh (2014) American Academy of Pediatrics - The Official American View of Dental Hygiene.

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The key to success when communicating with others is a healthy smile. Therefore, daily oral care is essential. And not only because healthy white teeth are beautiful. Their diseases can cause malaise and internal organs. That is why it is necessary to start caring from the very first milk tooth. It is important not only when to start brushing your baby's teeth, but also how to do it correctly.

Why should a kid brush his teeth?

Many parents when answering a question When you start brushing your child's teeth, it is still mistakenly believed that baby teeth do not need care. They will still fall out and in their place will grow permanent, which already need to be monitored to the maximum. But this misconception is very dangerous for a number of reasons:

Brushing baby teeth is especially important for children, because:

  • they not only ensure constant correct growth, but also form the correct bite;
  • they are directly involved in the formation of the bones of the skull and, therefore, the face;
  • if you do not brush your teeth, bacteria from food can enter the stomach and cause serious illness;
  • improper and inconsistent care of baby teeth can cause the development of caries and permanent ones;
  • you can instill in your baby a sense of neatness and respect for health.

When parents understand the importance of the process, then they start to worry about another question - when to start? There is only one answer to this question - when does the first tooth appear?.

Although during the eruption, the child's immune system is weakened. And microcracks form in the gums, through which an infection can be injected.

But many dentists agree that it is necessary to care for the oral cavity from an early age, before teeth appear. This is due to the fact that with food, microorganisms and bacteria that accumulate there enter the child's oral cavity. In addition, the manipulations carried out will quickly accustom the child to the necessary procedure for brushing teeth. Yes, and the gums due to daily massage will be more prepared for teething. Therefore, the most suitable age is 3-4 months.

How to properly brush the teeth of a one-year-old child?

In a year, the baby can already be offered to use a baby brush with a long handle for cleaning. But parents do not all know how to brush the teeth of a one-year-old child correctly. Because of this, thin tooth enamel may suffer, and caries may begin.

The cleaning procedure must be carried out very gently so as not to damage the enamel. But at the same time carefully to prevent the accumulation of caries-causing bacteria.

A few tips for parents on how to brush their child's teeth per year:

Oral Care Products

When you have decided how to brush your children’s teeth and when to start, it’s time to find the necessary tools. When a toddler has no teeth then he doesn't need a toothbrush. But it is necessary to take care of the oral cavity, as we have already found out. Moms use different means:

Additionally, you can use a special baby paste with the brush. For babies who have not yet been introduced to complementary foods, it is necessary to choose a gel-like paste that has a light milky or neutral taste.

For kids, who have already tried the attachment m you can use a special fruit-flavored paste.

Parents are often interested in the question at what age to brush their child's teeth with a toothbrush. After all, the choice of a toothbrush depends not only from the presence of teeth, but also from age:

Electric toothbrushes are especially popular with children. This is very good, because they clean the oral cavity effectively. And children do not need to be reminded once again... But it is worth remembering that this is an electrical mechanism and requires careful handling. Therefore, children under 5-6 years old should not buy such gadgets.

When choosing a children's toothbrush, you need to pay attention not only to quality and safety, but also to convenience. Until 3-4 years old, it should be convenient to hold it not for a child, but for an adult. After all, it is the dad or mom who will clean the baby's first teeth. For training, you can buy a separate brush for your child. It is worth remembering that the child is not able to carry out the procedure efficiently.

For children, the appearance of the brush is undoubtedly important.... And when choosing, parents should pay attention to the brush head and bristles. The latter should be flat and moderately soft, take its original position when pressed. The plastic part of the brush must be free of jagged edges.

Even if the manufacturer writes otherwise, it is necessary to change the toothbrush at least once every two months. Store it open and dry.

But how to properly brush teeth for children without toothpaste? Of course, all parents want to reduce the amount of chemistry that gets into the baby's body. But toothpaste is not something to give up. After all, a brush without paste is ineffective. And it can even harm the enamel. So, if you can't be, you need to learn to choose the least dangerous one.

The most important thing when choosing a toothpaste is its composition. It should be free of sodium lauryl sulfate, phosphates, dyes, parabens, fragrances and antiseptics. It is better to choose a drug for the little ones. It is safe to swallow and does not contain harmful substances. There may be 0+ marking on the package.

The amount of toothpaste is also important. A pea quantity is suitable for preschoolers. But if the child still does not know how to rinse his mouth, then no more than a grain of rice is recommended.

How to teach a child to brush their teeth on their own?

For about a year, babies show interest and try to brush their teeth on their own. To do the procedure without assistance can already be two years old. The surest way to teach hygiene to a child is by example. Therefore, it is better to go to the bathroom with the child.

Another assistant in mastering a skill is a mirror. Children love to look at themselves in reflection. And the child will be able to control his movements on his own.

For the little ones, you can pick up a nursery rhyme, a song or a counting rhyme. You can think of a game in which the brush will act as a tooth rescuer. Or take your favorite toy with you who will also need to brush her teeth.

To practice and consolidate the skill, you can arrange an intra-family speed competition. Whoever copes with the cleaning faster will win. Needless to say, parents are better off giving in.

If the child does not allow to brush his teeth

Some children are afraid of this hygiene procedure. This can happen due to the fact that training started too late. After all, the question is when to start brushing your child's teeth, has already been decided. Or he is simply not interested in this event.

But forcing a small person is fraught with even greater complications. You need to get used to brushing your teeth correctly:

  1. turn the procedure into a game. It is even possible with competitive elements.
  2. Tell your baby about the consequences if your teeth are not brushed. You can think of a fairy tale.
  3. Organize a visit to the dentist and show sick and healthy teeth on the models.
  4. Let the child choose his own toothbrush and paste, and you will only help him with this.
  5. You can find a cartoon on this topic.

How else can you protect your child's teeth?

The main enemy for children, and not only teeth, is sugar. Once in the mouth, it begins to destroy the enamel. She can recover within a few hours.... But if the baby is constantly eating something sweet, then she does not have time.

Therefore, it is also necessary to eat sweets at a certain time. It is desirable that the break be several hours. The ideal option is to give sweetness after a meal.

For snacks, give preference to vegetables or cheese.

To maintain healthy teeth, certain rules must be followed:

  • give breast milk or formula and boiled chilled water to very young children as a drink;
  • you should not get carried away with sweet juices and carbonated drinks, since they have a lot of sugar;
  • from the age of 6 months, you can start drinking from a glass, and in a year try to wean off bottles and pacifiers;
  • from early childhood, you need to accustom yourself to a balanced healthy diet. For encouragement, it is better to choose healthy vegetables or fruits instead of sweets;
  • It is better to choose ready-made baby purees without sugar content. When preparing, also try to reduce its use;
  • sugar substitutes such as glucose and fructose are also harmful to the teeth;
  • when choosing medicines, it is better to give preference to those in which there is no sugar.

"Cleanliness is the key to health"... And especially the cleanliness of the teeth. Therefore, do not be lazy and teach your child how to properly and regularly brush your teeth. It is important to visit your dentist at least 1-2 times a year. After changing teeth, this is a must.

Proper care of the baby's milk teeth is extremely important, because it depends on how strong and healthy the permanent dentition will be. Diseases of milk teeth and their early loss can provoke speech defects, damage to the rudiments of molars and disturbances in the formation of the maxillofacial apparatus. To keep your baby's teeth healthy, you need to take care of them regularly.

At what age should a child start brushing their teeth?

How many years (or months) should the first hygienic procedures for the care of children's teeth be carried out? At what age is it necessary? Children should start cleaning their teeth from the moment they appear.

  • The newborn has no teeth, so it will be enough just to take care of the oral cavity.
  • If at least 1 tooth erupts by 6 months, it already needs hygiene procedures.
  • Looking at the information presented on numerous forums, you can see that the opinions of experts differ. The authoritative pediatrician E. Komarovsky, for example, recommends starting to teach a child to fully brush his teeth using a brush and paste when he reaches the age of two.

Rules for brushing teeth for a child under one year old

A baby has 8-9 or even 10 months in his mouth so far clearly less than 16 teeth, so use a toothbrush for cleaning, especially since no paste is required. It is best to put off these hygiene products until the child is older. In order to take care of the first baby's teeth, the use of special devices or formulations is not required. It is enough for mom to take a piece of clean gauze, dip it in warm boiled water and gently wipe the mouth cavity and milk teeth.

In case of painful teething or the development of gingivitis in an infant, instead of warm water, it is recommended to use a decoction of chamomile, lemon balm, St. John's wort or oak bark. This will be beneficial for the baby's mouth. If there are no dental problems, brushing your teeth with herbal decoctions can be done once a week for prophylaxis.

When the child celebrates his first birthday, you can pick up a special baby brush for him. It is a small cap with small flexible silicone bristles. With its help, you can not only brush your teeth, but also massage itchy gums. In order to carry out the procedure, it is enough to put a brush-cap on the finger of one of the parents and moisten the bristles with warm water.

When to start using toothpaste?

You do not need to use toothpaste to brush the teeth of a one-year-old or even one and a half-year-old baby. Experts recommend starting the use of such a hygiene product no earlier than the child turns two years old. The scheme of caring for milk teeth, depending on the age of the child, recommended by pediatric dentists, is as follows:

How to teach a kid to brush his teeth himself?

Correct and regular dental care significantly reduces the likelihood of developing dental diseases. In order for a son or daughter to not have to become a regular client of a dentist in the future and to get acquainted with the procedures for removing or filling teeth at an early age, it is important to teach him how to thoroughly brush his teeth - and do it on his own.

Experts agree that in no case should you force children to brush their teeth by force. This leads to the development of rejection of the hygiene procedure at a subconscious level. For this reason, many young mothers and fathers (sometimes also grandparents) are concerned about the question of how to teach a baby to brush his teeth - maybe a personal example will help or special techniques and watching videos will be required?

By example

It is imperative that you set a good example for your child, regardless of whether you plan to use any techniques and videos. Kids carefully observe their parents and strive to imitate them in almost everything. If both mom and dad go to the bathroom twice a day and thoroughly (with visible pleasure) brush their teeth, then one day the child will want to join in and ask for a toothbrush.

If a child sees how his parents openly neglect hygiene procedures, then no technique will make him believe that they are important and even necessary. In such a situation, it will be very difficult to teach your baby to brush his teeth.

Using a special technique: video

There is no universal technique that would help to quickly teach any child how to brush teeth. To persuade the baby to brush his teeth, if he does not want, using only words and logical arguments will not work. In most cases, teaching methods based on joint procedures are effective (when the child goes to the bathroom with the parents, observes and repeats their actions), it is better to supplement them with a useful game or watching a video:

It is better to conduct training in a playful way. You can think of an entertaining story about harmful microbes that try to harm the teeth, and their battles with the "army" of toothbrush bristles. Or involve the kid's favorite toys in the process - he can try to brush his teeth, and then help carry out a useful procedure for his favorite doll or teddy bear. In addition to these methods, there are others, examples of which are given in the table.

Method nameShort descriptionNote
Special brushYou need to choose a hygiene product with your baby. Perhaps he does not allow brushing his teeth simply because he is not interested in the process. A brush with the image of your favorite cartoon character or in the shape of a funny animal will turn a boring ritual into useful entertainment.When choosing a brush, you need to pay attention to the stiffness of the bristles (soft is recommended) and the material of manufacture (better - synthetics).
Instructional videosDoes the child enjoy watching cartoons and seeks to imitate the characters? Then this way is for him.Before showing the video to a child, you need to watch it yourself.
MotivationFor a purposeful kid, there will be an effective reward system. You can come up with it yourself or use one of the existing ones. Suitable for older preschool children.For each timely brushing of his teeth, the baby receives an asterisk sticker from his mother, which he attaches to a special notebook. 14 stars can be exchanged for ice cream (chocolate or other "goodies" that the child loves), and 28 are equal to a new toy. For each missed procedure, the mother removes the asterisk from the notebook. The technique not only teaches you how to brush your teeth, but also improves the skills of counting and long-term planning.
Free choiceAnother reason why the child does not allow the procedure to be carried out may be boring monotony. Yesterday a brush with a typewriter, today a brush with a typewriter. Strawberry paste yesterday, the same today. You can buy 2 - 3 brushes for your baby and the same number of options for baby paste. Have the child brush their teeth every day with a new “kit” of their choice.A similar strategy can be applied when teaching your child other useful skills.

It should be remembered that up to 3.5 - 4 years old, the child is not yet able to independently clean the teeth from the deposits accumulated during the day, simply because he is still small. When the baby has finished "wielding" a toothbrush in his mouth, you should definitely offer him assistance in completing the procedure for cleaning teeth.

Experts recommend that you regularly visit a pediatric dentist from the moment your baby is two years old - just to get a consultation without waiting for dental problems. In order to completely clean the surface of the child's teeth from deposits that can provoke the development of dental diseases, the following rules should be observed during the procedure:

Teeth are necessary for a person to grind food, they participate in the correct formation of sounds, provide intelligibility of speech, and form the oval of the face.

Healthy temporary baby teeth are the guarantor of the natural development of permanent teeth. Therefore, there is no doubt about when to start brushing a child's teeth: as soon as they cut through, they immediately organize regular care for them.

The appearance of the first incisors signals the need to start preventive measures against caries, accustom and gradually teach the child the basics of oral hygiene.

When to start brushing your child's teeth with toothpaste?

Manufacturers of hygiene products develop toothpastes for babies from the first year of life, offering consumers to use them for babies from birth.

The first toothpaste should be gentle: gel-like, without fluoride, harmful ballast substances, pronounced flavoring additives, safe if swallowed.

After delaying the use of pastes, dentists recommend that parents start taking care of their baby's oral cavity much earlier.

How to properly care for the oral cavity of a small child?

Dentists believe that one should start from the moment the first tooth appears, or even 1-2 months earlier - from the third to fifth month of life.

The absence of teeth in an infant does not guarantee the health of the oral mucosa, on the surface of which colonies of pathogenic microorganisms are formed, capable of provoking bacterial or fungal diseases under unfavorable conditions.

A positive aspect of the early start of hygiene procedures is that the child gets used to manipulations in the oral cavity, and the subsequent use of a brush with paste does not cause hostility or protest on his part.

The purpose of treating the oral cavity before the appearance of teeth is to remove residual milk or mixture from the mucous membrane of the gums, uvula, cheeks of the child, which will not allow the development of a breeding ground for pathogenic microbes.

A delicate massage effect activates blood circulation in the oral mucosa, improves its trophism, and increases local immunity. During teething, such a gentle massage of the gums relieves the itching sensation and soothes the child.

The hygienic procedure is carried out twice a day, forty minutes after feeding, so as not to provoke the gag reflex.

Home and industrial remedies are used to cleanse the baby's mouth.

  • A gauze pad moistened with lightly salted water. Cotton wool and cotton pads are not used: they are too smooth in texture, in addition, they leave behind small fibers.
  • Toothpicks With Xylitol are disposable wet finger-napkins with a neutral taste, recommended for use by children from birth to 6 years old.
  • Disposable dental hygienic napkins Spiffies - impregnated with xylitol, allowed for use by babies in the first year of life.

At first, such a gentle cleaning is recommended due to the characteristics of the infant's oral-motor development. Up to six months, his sucking reflex is actively working, allowing him to swallow only liquid food. When a foreign solid object (for example, a spoon) enters the oral cavity, the child reflexively begins to suck, pushing it out.

Subsequently, the innate reflex fades away, chewing develops, and pushing no longer occurs. From this period, you can teach your child to use a toothbrush.

  • From six months to one year, it is recommended to use a silicone fingertip brush. An adult puts it on his finger and delicately carries out a cleansing procedure for the child, along the way, gently massaging the gums.
  • Teethering toothbrushes can be an alternative option during this period. They are equipped with rubber bristles and stops to prevent the brush from pushing through, mouth and throat injuries.
  • recommended are brushes with an attractively designed ergonomic handle and a small, rounded working part (head) that overlaps no more than two teeth.

Toothbrushes for children with temporary and removable bite are chosen with very soft (marking: extra soft) or soft (soft), preferably artificial, bristles.

Toothbrushes are changed every two to three months or after each illness of the child.

Manufacturers of electric toothbrushes theoretically allow children from two to three years old to use their products under the supervision of an adult. However, most dentists agree that the optimal age for their use is from 6 years old, the procedure is also carried out in the presence of elders.

At what age do you need to teach your kid to brush their teeth on their own?

In infants and toddlers in the first two to three years of life, motor skills, including fine ones, are still imperfect, therefore they are not yet able to properly manipulate a toothbrush in their mouths.

This function is taken over by the parents: twice a day they brush the child's teeth, gradually teaching the rules and involving him in the process.

The development of motor activity by the age of four to five reaches the necessary coordination, children already remember the sequence of brush movements and independently carry out a hygienic procedure. An adult observes the child's manipulations, makes adjustments, conducts a final cleaning to completely remove soft plaque.

Active assistance in brushing teeth from the elders lasts for one to two years, and according to some experts, it should be provided to a child up to eight or nine years old.

In adolescence, parental control consists only in initiating the child to carry out the procedure, reminding about it. This can last until the teenager develops an internal need to brush his teeth.

Rules for choosing children's oral care products

Temporary (milk) teeth are significantly different from permanent ones, therefore hygiene products for caring for them have significant differences.

High-quality children's oral hygiene products should not include:

  • carcinogenic and toxic compounds:
    • Na benzoate, propylene glycol (PEG or PEG) - preservatives, are present in products with a long (more than a year) shelf life;
    • Na lauryl sulfate (SLS, E-487) - foaming agent;
    • parabens;
    • benzyl alcohol;
  • antiseptic substances - chlorhexidine, metronidazole, triclosan - destroying not only pathogenic, but also natural microorganisms in the oral cavity;
  • chemical thickeners - derivatives of acrylic acid, cellulose;
  • artificial flavoring ingredients, even identical to natural ones;
  • sugars - glucose, sorbitol, sucrose - creating favorable conditions for the development of caries.

Ingredients present in both children's and adult toothpastes differ significantly in concentration and intensity of exposure.

  • Abrasive substances- provide a cleansing and polishing effect, there are two groups:
    • aggressive - chalk (Ca carbonate), soda (Na bicarbonate), their abrasiveness index (RDA) is high: more than 70;
    • sparing - silicon or titanium dioxide, have a low RDA.
  • Fluorine- an element that prevents the formation of carious cavities, strengthening the enamel of growing and already formed teeth. However, it is highly toxic if it enters the gastrointestinal tract.
    • fluoride-free pastes are intended for children under three years old: children swallow a large amount of paste, there is a high risk of intoxication;
    • pastes containing aminofluoride (olafluor) - the organic form of the element - are recommended for older children, especially indicated for use by residents of areas with a low level of water fluoridation.

Within their group, children's toothpastes are divided into segments for different ages, with their own characteristics.

  • Pastes intended for children under three years old - for temporary teeth, low abrasive: RDA within 20, without fluoride or fluorinated, not more than 200 ppm.
  • From three to seven years - the period of changing milk teeth to permanent, low abrasive aggression of pastes: RDA< 50, содержание фтора ≤ 500 ppm.
  • From 7 to 14 years old - permanent teeth predominate in children, in pastes the abrasiveness is low: RDA up to 50, but fluorine ≤ 1200 ppm.

Beneficial toothpastes can be further enriched with:

  • natural thickeners - vegetable pectins (for example, algae extract), resins, permitted food additives (xanthan gum);
  • trace elements - calcium, aminophosphates, fluorides - they are actively involved in the formation of healthy and strong enamel;
  • lactic enzymes - lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme - stimulating local immunity, increasing the protective properties of saliva;
  • natural protein - casein - contributing to the accumulation of calcium in the enamel.

In cases when there is no child's toothpaste at hand, they do not use an adult remedy: the child's teeth are simply brushed with a brush dipped in water.

He emphasizes that the choice of toothpaste is a secondary issue: high-quality cleansing is achieved not so much by the use of some special paste, but by the competent implementation of the cleaning technique. He recognizes the insufficient amount of time a child spends on a hygienic procedure as a common mistake.

The doctor advises to stop your choice on pastes with a small amount of ingredients, mostly natural, to purchase hygiene products for children - in pharmacies or specialized stores.

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