Home Indoor flowers What does think about it mean? What are “easy” and “reel tok”? What do these words mean and why are they used?

What does think about it mean? What are “easy” and “reel tok”? What do these words mean and why are they used?

0 More and more often we began to see Anglicisms on the World Wide Web, which are very popular among schoolchildren and young people. However, not all citizens understand their origin and true meaning, simply repeating after their favorite performers and idols. On our website you can find a deeper explanation of this or that term. Therefore, do not forget to add our website, a useful resource from all sides, to your bookmarks so that you can visit us from time to time. Today we decided to talk about another popular phrase in narrow circles, Reel current, which means you can read a little below.
However, before I continue, I would like to advise you to read several of our educational publications on the topic of English slang. For example, what does Highly Likely mean, what is the translation of the abbreviation TBH, what does the word Punch mean, etc.
So, let's continue, what does Ril current mean? This expression was borrowed from in English, and consists of two words " Real" And " Talk", the first can be translated as " really", "actually", "true"", and the second, like " talk", "talk", "talk"".

Reel current- means that a person is trying to convince his interlocutor of the truth of his words

Synonym of Reel current: I’ll be damned, I’m telling the truth, I swear by my mother, here’s a cross for you, I’m telling the truth, you won’t see a century of freedom, I bet you.

Reel current- an expression used to talk about deep or meaningful things

In the West, it has become a kind of philosophy to speak openly, openly and honestly, without fear of what others might think of you. It is usually in the other's best interest to inform them of something that is usually difficult to discuss. Therefore, when starting a difficult conversation, you should say the code phrase " Reel current", then the person will be internally prepared, and what you say will not greatly affect his pride or psyche. In addition, this will mean that you speak honestly and sincerely, and that what you say is not a joke, and that you adhere only truth, and express your own thoughts and feelings.
Real Talk can be used to emphasize that it is a true statement or a valid statement and that it expresses your sincere thoughts and intentions.

This expression, like several others (easy easy, sink about it), became very popular after the relatively recent battle between the two best rappers of modern Russian reality - Gnoiny and Oksimiron. It took place in the summer of 2017, and since then has entered the annals of domestic rap culture. Many are still viewing, the most interesting points, enjoying the rhythm and rhyme.

After reading this useful article, you learned Ril current value translation, and in what cases to use this phrase.

IN modern world Social networks have a huge impact on people. Particularly popular in this moment uses YouTube. In its vastness, anyone can start creating content in the form of videos that can be monetized and earn decent money from advertising. And one of the most popular channels is Versus Battle. Videos are regularly released there in which two Russian rappers read texts, trying to morally humiliate the dignity of their opponent.

One of the latest such videos about the confrontation between Oksimiron and Gnoyny, also known as Glory to the CPSU, became so popular that it collected tens of millions of views, and also gained the attention of Russian and foreign media. The guys managed to go beyond the Internet thanks to the history of their battles on this rap platform.

Before this, they had never met each other, but they managed to defeat more than one opponent, earning themselves a name and fame. After Oksimiron humiliated Johnny Boy and became one of the main rappers in the CIS countries, he has already released several albums, the most successful of which can be considered “GorGorod”. Every teenager now knows his songs, and his performance manages to fill the Olympic Stadium in Moscow.

After Oxy managed to gain fame in the circles of hip-hop and underground fans, he does not look at the Versus site so often, but if he does, then his opponents do not have to envy him. But few people really dare to challenge the current “king of Russian rap.”

However, Gnoyny is not one of the cowardly ones. Believing that Oksimiron’s fame is exaggerated and he can personally defeat him, he challenges him on Twitter and immediately begins preparing for the battle.

No one could have imagined that the fight would become so popular, especially after the way Oksimiron behaved during his rounds. He poked his fingers at his opponent, which is not encouraged during rap fights. The Internet audience paid most attention to the words that he said to Gnoyny: “Easy, easy, Sink About It, Ril Tok.”

Users of social networks immediately took the initiative and started creating not only memes, but even individual emoticons using these two characters. Corresponding stickers are especially popular on Telegram.

But Gnoiny himself could not stay away from such hype and immediately took up the initiative during his interview for another YouTube channel - “Vdud”. When he had to give answers to certain questions, Slava CPSU answered them with phrases that he picked up from his opponent: “Easy Man”, “Pow Pow”, “Badi Back”, “Sink About It”, “Ril Tok”.

The Russian language is rich in borrowed words. We take them and adapt them to make it more convenient. Big role Social networks and computer games are played here, as well as all kinds of instant messengers. People write messages, but doing it by pressing small buttons is not so easy. Thus, many words are taken from foreign languages, they are abbreviated, acquire Russian endings and go into action. Below we want to talk about one of them, what “easy” is. Today the word is heard, but its meaning is not clear to everyone.

What does the word "easy" mean?

Now everyone is actively communicating in in social networks and, for sure, you have already heard this short word from someone in response. It is not difficult to understand. It came to us from the English language, where it looks like “ easy" Translated it means “ easily", but this does not mean weight.

A person using it wants to say:

  • No problem;
  • It was simple, easy;
  • I agree.

There is another option when you, expressing emotions in capital letters or emoticons, wanted to show your indignation or indignation. To this you get the answer “Easy”, that is “ Take it easy, calm down!”

Or, for example, they sent you a logic problem, and you solved it and answered: “That was easy.” Means dealt with it easily.

Thus, the English concept has become Russified, we write it in Russian letters, but the meaning remains the same. And there are many such options; there is now a whole message language.

Modern message slang

The most popular Russified words that we have already become accustomed to as if they were our own - “ OK" or " hi" People have probably already forgotten where they came from and how they are written.

In general, with the development of technology, our language began to change a lot. We are losing beautiful ornate Slavic dialects, replacing them with foreign ones. And for ease of writing, we also shorten it by pressing small buttons.

This is how it appeared message slang, here are some concepts from it:

  • Pls (please) - Please;
  • Ths (thanks) - Thank you;
  • B4 (before) - before.

And even whole phrases:

  • IDC (I don't care) - I do not care;
  • BRB (be right back) - soon I'll be back;
  • MU (I miss you) - I miss you;
  • F2T ( free to talk) - I can speak.

Modern correspondence looks like an encrypted document. Not everyone can read it; you need to devote time to study all the abbreviations. And they appear new every day.

What does “easy easy” “ril tok” mean?

Message slang is gradually becoming a reality. The recently held battle between well-known rappers Oksimiron and Gnoiny in certain circles is direct confirmation of this. The guys were engaged in verbal “boxing” and throughout the entire time Gnoyny repeated: “ Easy, easy,real talk».

We just have to figure out how “real talk” stands for, since the rest is already clear. This is literally translated as “real conversation” (in the 90s a similar expression was popular in Russia - “ actually "). Accordingly, if you write literary text, it would be: “Easy, easy, it’s true” or “Whoa, whoa, calm down.”

Slava Gnoiny also added “think about it” at the end. This can be understood as: “Think about it,” in this case.

After the videos were released, the expressions went to the masses and are repeated today everywhere in suitable situations.

What is “easy skating rink”?

There is a version that this concept Gamers were the first to use it. In particular, fans of the team Dota games 2. In it, participants are divided into 2 teams and try to capture the enemy base. Each player controls one hero who has superpowers. At the end of the round, participants sometimes write: “Easy skating rink.” What does “skating rink” mean? This concept comes from “roll out”, that is, destroy, defeat the enemy.

Thus, at the end of the fight, people celebrate their victory and write that it was easy for them.

But it happens that losers sometimes write: “Easy skating rink.” They note that they lost quickly and admit defeat.

There is another expression " sweaty skating rink" This is how the players explain that it was not easy for them in the last match, they had to sweat and try.

Other buzzwords

Another expression in use is “ Easy peezy lemon squeezey" It comes from the English “Easy peasy lemon squeeze”. If translated, to make it clear, it will sound like this: “ as simple as squeezing a lemon" You can meet it in games, shortened messages, or even in everyday life. The phrase first appeared in an advertisement for a detergent released a long time ago on a British television channel.

Today it means that “nothing is easier, let’s do it.” Or: “It was an easy win (game).”

And there are many such examples:

  1. Hater from “hate” - to hate. This is what we now call people who openly express hatred of something on the Internet;
  2. Aggressive from “angry” - to be angry. The word came to the masses from computer games. It was inserted there when they attacked the enemy. Now they are also used in regular messages, when they ask the interlocutor not to get angry;
  3. rant from “game” - game. Or play around, play around - spend time playing.

Our language is now unrecognizable. Sometimes people stop understanding each other, while speaking, it would seem, in Russian. This is probably inevitable and you just have to get used to it.

If you remember the history of our language, you can see that it has always changed. This is a normal phenomenon, and many adverbs have appeared and disappeared this way. In order for our culture to survive, even in a modified form, which is inevitable, we need to learn to understand and accept it. To do this, we talked above about new fashionable youth concepts and what “easy” is. This is not a guide to action and it is not necessary to use it, like other words. You can simply familiarize yourself with it to better understand modern youth and their interests.

Video about the meaning of Gnoyny’s words

In this video, Ivan Shuvalov will tell you why Slava CPSU (Gnoiny) constantly says the expression “easy easy talk”, what it means:

0 Something in Lately we began to use a lot of expressions and words from the English language. This irritates some people, many lollify them, and some try to increase their heart rate in this way. Be that as it may, sometimes people hearing these terms in everyday speech they cease to understand what we are actually talking about and fall into a stupor. Therefore, our site tries to explain a variety of concepts so that you always feel at ease. Be sure to add our resource site to your bookmarks so that you don’t have to look for us in this Internet cycle. Today we will talk about a popular phrase in narrow circles Sink about it You can read the translation below.
However, before you continue, I would like to show you some of our interesting publications on the topic of foreign slang. For example, what does Senk yu mean, what is Legacy, how to understand the word Slim, the translation of Bless, etc.
So let's continue What does Sink About It mean? translation? This expression was borrowed from English " think about it", which can be translated as " think about it".

Sink about it- this thoughtful phrase invites you to think about the words spoken earlier

This expression became very popular among shkololo thanks to the battle between Oksimiron and Gnoyny. Since Oxy knows the Pindos dialect very well, during this " verbal battle"gave out profound" pearls"in English, leading everyone to admiration. Soon all these phrases that came out of the mouth of the new Pushkin Oxy became popular and acquired memes.
Perhaps this famous rap battle will have an impact on your future fate, and you want to learn the Yusov language? In short, sync about it, it can’t get any worse! Of course, the spelling of this phrase is not entirely correct, because English sounds vaguely like a chorus of frogs in the Amazonian jungle. Perhaps that’s why Pindos are so drawn to bombing warm countries (feel an inner kinship), and they want to save local wildlife from savages... yig.

In addition, several more could be heard in this battle English phrases, which made many teenagers violently orgasm. I mean - real talk, easy easy, and of course think about it, how can you do without this crown. Now about decoding, " reel current"means" actually", "really", "really", easy, easy - " take it easy", well and " sync about it"We already wrote the translation - this" think about it".

Glory to the CPSU, apparently, the situation with foreign phrases during the battle was noticeably amusing, because during an interview with Yu. Dudu, he repeated them all with special gusto, and grinned maliciously.
With his help, these phrases became popular and went viral among the people.

After reading this article, you will now be aware of What does Sink About It mean? translation, and where the popularity of this phrase came from.

You can purchase the liquid from the official distributor - VapeLiga.

Appearance and information

The liquid arrives in transparent plastic bottles with a pipette. Protection from the first opening is provided by heat shrink on the lid. Child protection is present. The color scheme and design of the glossy label depend on the chosen flavor. In the center are the names of the line and flavor, indications of volume and nicotine content. To the right are the ingredients, warnings, expiration date and balance sheet. On the opposite side there are legal information, short description, markings and voluntary certification mark. Also, the name of the ruler is written on the glass part of the pipette.

Tests and sensations

The line arrived to us with a strength of 3 mg/ml. There is also an option with 0 mg nicotine. Volume - 60 ml. Balance - 70/30.

SUNSET- description from the manufacturer:

Ripe orange + strawberry sea

  • Sergey Semenov: I don’t remember the name of the banal cocktail with acidic orange juice and strawberry syrup, but the smell is the same. On the inhale a nice ripe orange appears. The berry appears on the exhale and gives a rather creamy flavor. I love.
  • Stanislav Nazarov: I was disappointed because the taste was too “candy”: I expected more “live” ingredients. But it’s still delicious: the flavors don’t overwhelm each other and go well with the cooler. For lovers of sweets, take it.
  • Alexei: It’s original - it’s amazing. Fresh tropical smoothie made with blood orange and fresh strawberries. It’s somewhat reminiscent of a Tequila Sunrise cocktail, only instead of alcohol it’s a nuclear cooler.

GIMMICK- description from the manufacturer:

Ripe mango with pineapple

  • Sergey Semenov: Everything is probably fine here. Both fruits go well together. Cold, sweet, cool.
  • Stanislav Nazarov: Mango does not dominate over pineapple. And with an excellent cooler the combination is absolutely excellent. The taste seemed very familiar: it is a mix from the Nasty Juice line.
  • Alexei: Sweet and fresh mango with a soft pineapple aftertaste. No extra notes. Everything is super natural!

EXPLOSIVE- description from the manufacturer:

Pineapple explosion based on melons

  • Sergey Semenov: The smell of the liquid is reminiscent of Frou-Frou marmalade. The pineapple here is cool: somewhat similar to the one used in ice cream. The melon plays in the background and never disappears from the overall composition. The taste has a slight sourness and some creaminess. Like.
  • Stanislav Nazarov: Gorgeous pineapple. This is my first time trying such an authentic mix. The melon can be felt in the background. The cooler rather complements the mix: it doesn’t stand out too much, but it gets the job done.
  • Alexei: Honey melon with a soft cooler and an unobtrusive milky aftertaste. Simply fresh and tasty.

ICE COLA- description from the manufacturer:

Cooler flavored cola taste

  • Sergey Semenov: Great cola. This is not a feeble attempt to imitate the original, but really good analogue famous drink. The cooler emphasizes the taste very favorably. Like.
  • Stanislav Nazarov: What I value most in Coke is Gaziki. And here they seem to be there, but the cooler completely interrupts them. The taste is good and I can recommend it to soda lovers.
  • Alexei: Really "cola". The ice comes through perfectly from behind the cooler. The best part is that they managed not to oversweet the drink. Even the echoes of lemon are felt. A good mix.


Flavor palette

  • Sergey Semenov: All flavors deserve attention. Especially if you like cooler. It's hard for me to choose best taste, so I give first place to all mixes at once.
  • Stanislav Nazarov: Super line! I liked all the flavors and can’t pick just one.
  • Alexei: Want the secret to a successful liquid? Make natural flavors, add a quality cooler, and keep the price low. It will turn out great. The line was definitely a success.

Appearance and presentation

Appearance bottles leaves an extremely pleasant impression. The laconic and minimalistic label does not hurt the eyes and looks great. What’s especially pleasing is that they never lose their information content.

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