Home Flowers Icon of the virgin with the baby behind her back. Icons of the Mother of God - photos with names and descriptions. Icon of the Mother of God "Three-handed"

Icon of the virgin with the baby behind her back. Icons of the Mother of God - photos with names and descriptions. Icon of the Mother of God "Three-handed"

Orthodox converts to the faith are lost among the variety of images of the Mother of God. What image should we pray for and what should we ask for? In this article I will tell you about everything and show the icons of the Mother of God, photos and descriptions to them.

After familiarizing yourself with the various icons of the Virgin, you will no longer be perplexed to stand near the iconostasis and wonder which image to turn to. It was in this position that my newly converted friend found herself when she lit a candle in front of the first icon she saw in the church. She was so agitated that she almost burst into tears of despair. Knowledge can prevent this awkward situation.

Four types of images of the Mother of God

If you look at the Orthodox calendar, you can see many dates of veneration of the Theotokos icons. Over the millennia, the Orthodox Church has been replenished with new traditions and has seen many miracles performed by the Holy Spirit. The accumulated experience turned out to be so much that today it is quite difficult for believers to navigate in all the variety of traditions and holidays. Let's figure out what images of the Virgin exist.

Images of the Virgin:

  • odigitry;
  • eleus;
  • oranta;
  • akathist.

The type of images "odigitria" differs in that the Mother of God points to the Divine Infant with her hand. Translated from Greek "odigitria" means "guidebook". Widespread images of Odigitria are Smolensk, Gruzinskaya, Kazanskaya.

On the images of the Eleus style, the Mother of God gently hugs the Infant God, doves him. These are very soulful images of the Mother of God, which leave no one indifferent. Eleusa translated from Greek means merciful. The well-known images of Eleus are Donskaya and Vladimirskaya.

The type of images of Orant is distinguished by the hands of the Mother of God raised in a prayer impulse. The most revered image of this style is the Inexhaustible Cup. Translated from Greek, the word "oranta" means "sign". The Mother of God intercedes for the human race, begs for the sins of people before the Lord. The Divine Infant has not yet been born, he is still in the womb of the Mother. Also, the image "Yaroslavl Oranta" belongs to this style of iconography.

The Akathist type of imagery is inspired by the Gospel texts. In these icons, the Mother of God participates in the life of her Son. Widespread images of this type are Unexpected Joy, Burning Bush.

Description of icons

The icons of the Mother of God have a strong impact on believers and even atheists. The image of a woman who gave her only son to torment for the salvation of humanity cannot leave anyone indifferent. The Mother of God is revered as the intercessor of the entire human race, people turn to her in the most difficult and joyful moments in life. The news of the miracles that her images create has long reached the most remote corners of the planet.

Looking at the image of the Mother of God, every believer feels her warm love, mercy and forgiveness of sins. This meek woman was honored to be the mother of Jesus Christ himself. This means that the beauty of her soul and holiness were marked by the Creator of the universe.

Recovery of the dead

Before this image, they pray for liberation from severe mental / physical ailments, for deliverance from addiction to wine and gluttony, for deliverance from gambling and various addictions, for the confirmation of faith and apostates from Orthodoxy. You can also ask the Mother of God to strengthen the marriage if it begins to disintegrate.


The image belongs to the type of Eleus, the Divine Infant gently clung to the Mother, and she gently presses him to her body. They pray to the Mother of God for help with the birth of a child.


According to legend, this Face was written by an evangelist, even before the Assumption of the Virgin. It is easy to recognize the icon by the scroll in the hand of the Divine Infant. The icon is prayed for the health of children, restoration of vision and joint mobility. Also, with the help of it, demons are expelled.


This icon can be immediately recognized by one sign - the visible heel of little Jesus. The icon is considered the patroness of Russia, the main national shrine. To the Vladimirskaya icon they offer prayers for enemies, reconciliation of enemies, protection from heresy.


This icon belongs to the Hodegetria style and is somewhat reminiscent of the Tikhvin icon. This image is considered miraculous, and its feature is considered to be a quick response to the requests of the suffering. Prayers are raised to the icon for the healing of vision, relaxation and lameness. Also, the image helps to free yourself from captivity, from any addiction. In former times, prayers were raised to the icon for people who were shipwrecked.


This image is highly revered among Orthodox believers. 7 arrows are stuck in the breast of the Mother of God, which cause her pain. There are a lot of lists of Seven Arrows, some of them are called "Softening Evil Hearts." Prayers are raised to the icon for the reconciliation of the warring parties, for deliverance from enemies and terrible ailments.

  • The Ostrabrahm icon - protects the marriage bond.
  • Burning bush - protects property from fire.
  • The Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos - protects from troubles, protects children and endows them with happiness.
  • They pray to the Donskoy icon for peace, protection from enemies, healing from wounds and ailments.
  • To the image of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, prayers are raised for deliverance from the fear of death, healing, for the confirmation of faith and the acquisition of humility.
  • The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos pray for release from prison, for the successful completion of affairs, for receiving favorable news, for freedom from mental / physical ailments.
  • The image of the Iberian Mother of God is also called the "Goalkeeper". The icon is prayed for release from disease, protection from enemies, protection from heresy, to strengthen faith, protection from natural disasters and accidents.
  • The Icon of Tenderness was the favorite image of St. Seraphim of Sarov. The icon belongs to the miraculous, and even the lists from it have incredible spiritual power. They pray to the icon for obstetrics, protection from ill-wishers, for the reconciliation of quarreling, for the strengthening of marriage and many other problems.
  • The icon of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary settles family problems, the birth of babies, affirms faith, bestows patience and humility.

Meaning of icons

The icons of the Mother of God symbolize the unity of divine and human nature. An earthly woman was honored to give birth to the Divine Infant, who granted salvation to all mortals. The image of the Mother of God is intuitive to every person, because she symbolizes the mother. Each person understands that only a mother can accept and forgive a child. No matter how the child nags, no matter how guilty, he will always find consolation on the mother's breast.

The image of the Mother of God must be approached with a sincere contrite heart, avoiding indifference or disbelief. Only a sincere heart will be able to hear the Most Pure Virgin, and will certainly console the suffering, soothe the restless and grieving. The miraculous image of the Mother of God teaches humility, fear of God, obedience and virtue. It is important in all situations to remain human and to adhere to the commandment given by Christ: "Yes, love one another."

In the Russian Orthodox Church, the Mother of God has always been revered especially - as the patroness of Russia. The number of icons of the Mother of God is dozens. Some of them are better known, others less - for example, there is a copy of the Vladimir or Kazan icon in almost every church, and not every Christian knows about the Azov or Barskaya icon.

All the variety of icons of the Virgin is divided into three types - Eleusa, Hodegetria and Oranta.


The Greek word “eleusa” is translated into Russian as “affection” or “merciful”. On such icons, the Mother of God is presented in touching union with the Divine Child, whom she holds in her arms. The faces of the mother and the baby Jesus touch, and the halos are connected.

Such an image symbolizes the indissoluble unity of the Earthly and Heavenly, the Creator and the Creation, the endless love of God for man.


On icons of the Hodegetria type, the Mother of God is also depicted up to the waist and with a baby in her arms, but the image differs from emotion in greater severity.

The baby, seated on the left hand of the Mother of God, does not cling to her, but is somewhat detached from her. His left hand is raised in a blessing gesture, and his right hand rests on a scroll - the Law. The right hand of the Mother of God is directed at the baby, as if showing the faithful the way to Him. Hence the name of the icon - Odigitria, translated from Greek - Guide.


The Latin word "oranta" means "praying." On such icons, the Mother of God is depicted in full growth, with her hands raised in prayer, and most often without a baby. However, the image of the Divine baby may be present in the bosom of the Mother of God, this is called "Great Panagia (" All-Holy "). The half-length image of the Great Panagia is called the "Sign".

In this type of icons, the Mother of God appears as a patron saint, forever praying to God for leniency towards people.

This classification is only a distant look at the huge variety of the Theotokos icons. There are many images of each of these types.

On some icons, the Mother of God is depicted surrounded by other biblical heroes - "Theotokos with the prophets", "Theotokos and the holy virgins."

The names of certain icons refer to some cities, but it is not that the icons were painted there. For example, the Vladimir Icon, according to legend, was written by the evangelist Luke, in 450 was transferred from Jerusalem to Constantinople, in the 12th century a copy of it was sent to Kiev to Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, and later the son of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky took it to the north of Russia. The Mother of God herself appeared to the prince in a dream and ordered him to be left in the city of Vladimir, after which the icon was named Vladimirskaya.

The Fedorov icon is famous for the fact that it was with it that the Kostroma clergy went out to meet the embassy, ​​which brought the young Mikhail Romanov the news of his election to the kingdom. So, the icon became the patroness of the Romanovs' house, and foreign princesses, marrying Russian tsars, received not only Orthodox names, but Fedorovna.

Special prayers are dedicated to many of the Mother of God icons. It is customary to pray in front of some icons in certain life situations, their names speak about this: "Joy to all who grieve", "Seeking out the dead", "Assistant in childbirth".

It is impossible to tell about all the icons of the Mother of God - there are many of them, and behind each there is an important part of the Christian spiritual experience.

There are icons not only in churches, but also in homes. The image of the Mother of God is considered one of the most powerful, but it is important to know what each of the images is intended for.

People turn to the icon of the Mother of God for help, protection and consolation. They pray in front of her image in order to save themselves and their loved ones from all troubles. Therefore, there is such a variety of images of the Virgin.

Those who want to save their home keep an icon. Virgin... It is known that those who pray to her are protected spiritually and physically from any evil. Since ancient times, an image has been hung over the entrance and asked for protection. There are more than 800 names of images. Those with a child in their arms relieve ailments, help to see the soul. Prayer comes only if it came from the heart and with good intentions.


Of everything exists four kinds of icons Mother of God:

1 The Omen. The Mother of God prays on these icons. They write it up to the waist or full length. On her chest is the image of the unborn Christ. This icon symbolizes the Immaculate Conception;

2 Hodegetria. Most common. The main idea is that the Mother of God directs to faith. Depicted in full growth, waist-length or shoulder-length. She has a baby in her arms. She points to him alone. Jesus blesses mother and believers;

3 Eleusa. On icons of this type, the Mother of God is always depicted with a child in her arms. A symbol of the unity of mother and son;

4 Akathist. They depict the Mother of God without a child. It is considered a collective image of mothers who care about their children.


The first image of the Virgin was found in the second century AD in the catacombs.

Her images were applied to incense vessels. In the 5th century for Mary, the right to be called the Mother of God was approved. On the images that have survived, she holds a child in her arms and sits on a throne. Her images were lined with mosaics in old temples, for example, in churches. Santa Maggiore and in the church Panagia Angeloktista... The images of Mary were created in Byzantium... One of the icons was brought to Russia. It was later named Vladimirskaya and began to be considered the standard of icon painting. A copy of the Byzantine icons is Novgorod icon.

How to pray

The icons of the Mother of God are considered truly miraculous and believers turn to them for help. The Mother of God protects. If you turn to her with pure intentions, then she will fulfill the request. Simply reading prayers does not work, only sincere faith will help. You can pray at home or in the church after the service. The most common:

  • From hunger. The harvest increases, the income increases;
  • From ailments. More often ask for sight;
  • From drunkenness. The drunkard will become a teetotaler forever;
  • From sorrow. The soul calms down;
  • For home protection. Ill-wishers will not pass.


Many images are considered miraculous. From Moscow:

  • Gracious. Located in the Conception Convent. She bestows motherhood on women;
  • Tikhvinskaya. Provides protection. Interestingly, under communism, the church with this icon was not closed;
  • Vladimirskaya from the Church of St. Nicholas. There is a legend that she saved Russia from enemies three times. This icon is honored in June-July and September.
  • Kazan Mother of God. The first miracle was her rescue from the fire - she remained intact. Heals and protects.

No one knows why the icons are streaming myrrh. This usually happens before tragic events. Interestingly, this phenomenon appears only on icons made on wood. Icons streamed myrrh before the events in Georgia, Beslan and Ukraine. The seven-shot icon has been streaming myrrh for 20 years.


The icons of the Mother of God symbolize the unity of God and man.

Her image is collective- a mother who forgives her child, understands and protects him. Therefore, there are many icons and holidays dedicated to this image. The priests teach that there is no more pain than the death of your own child. The Mother of God went through these torments and teaches the humility of the faithful. She lived in patience, became an orphan. The Mother of God married a widower, his children did not love her.

Reading prayers without faith and indifferent visits to the temple will bring nothing. The Mother of God teaches people to remain virtuous, to be humble in difficult moments of their lives and to know that everything can turn out for the better.


It is customary to draw the throne in Greece and Italy. The Mother of God on it or in full growth in Russia was usually depicted on frescoes or iconostases - on large-scale canvases. Icon painters painted it more to the waist or shoulder. She is an intercessor and protects those who ask.

In the Russian tradition, the icon - satellite... They took her with them, prayed in front of her and passed them on to their descendants. It is believed that the more years the image is, the more powerful it is. In Russia it is customary to have more than one icon at home, and also in the temples there are countless numbers of them. Many images of the Mother of God are considered miraculous.


In Orthodox icon painting for the image of the Virgin, the following are used details:

  • Blue tunic;
  • The cap is blue;
  • Maforia;

Each element in the icon has a meaning.

The stars on the maforia represent the stages of life: conception, birth and death. Border- glorification. Handkerchief symbolizes motherhood, divine belonging. Blue- a symbol of virginity, purity. Sometimes tradition is broken to highlight a specific detail. Mother of God without mafori I am also considered a waste from the church canons. In Orthodoxy, a crown is written over a scarf. The very image of the crown came from the west. In the early icons, the Mother of God was only in maforia.


More than two hundred images are recorded in the religious calendar.

One of the important holidays - Protection of the Virgin. It is named after the icon of the same name. It depicts the Mother of God in full growth. In her hands is a matter with the image of Jesus, sometimes she is depicted without it. One of the most revered icons - Solemnity of the Most Holy Theotokos.


This image is distinguished from others by a detail: it is pierced by 7 arrows, sometimes swords in their place.

What does this mean? Usually at the right shoulder three arrows, and the left has four... There is an image with symmetry - three on each side and one below.


When on the fortieth day of Jesus' life they brought him to the Jerusalem temple, the sage Simeon blessed him and told the Mother of God that "the weapon will pass the soul." He foretold the suffering of a mother for her son. It is believed that seven arrows are a symbol of sins. In addition, the number seven signifies completeness, in this case the completeness of maternal grief. The date of its origin is unknown. Some believe that it is five centuries old, others believe that it is more. According to legend, the image was found in the first half of the 19th century on an ordinary wooden board.

The Mother of God appeals to her son to intercede for those who sincerely ask. However, she sees the sins of each of the worshipers and it pierces her like arrows.


This image is one of the strongest. The prayers of this icon help those who have evil people around them: envious and ill-wishers. It helps to soften hearts, awaken compassion in people and a desire to do good. The one who is sick will receive the help of the Mother of God.

Miracles have been witnessed:

  • The lame man who found the icon on the staircase of the bell tower was cured;
  • Ridding the Vologda province from the cholera epidemic.

It is believed that if you put an icon of the Mother of God at home, then he will be protected from evil influences, and the inhabitants will find physical and spiritual harmony.

Whom does it help:

  • To those who are at war. She protects their lives;
  • Those who have envious people or enemies;
  • Sick with any ailment.

Those who hang this icon at home or in the office need not worry about safety, since it removes evil and protects from conflict. You can hang a small image above your door at home or on your desktop.

Where can I buy

Many people ask the question: where to buy an icon? This image is quite common, so it's easy to find. Can buy in the church shop. They can be found in almost any shopping center. However, before being placed at home, it must be consecrated in the church. Some sellers may argue that nothing is tampered with and the products are blessed, but it's best not to risk it.

Why is it preferable to buy icons in the temple:

  • All icons are consecrated;
  • No fakes;
  • By buying from the temple, you support it and allow it to grow.

Some people who are fond of needlework embroider an icon. threads or beads, and also draw.

Where to hang

The owners of this icon say that household members are becoming softer in character, calmer.

The house itself is becoming more prosperous, so all believers want to buy it. It is best to place the icon there, where it will be convenient to pray.

Icons are not decor, so here are some helpful tips:

  • There should be no such items as cosmetics, figurines, jewelry and other non-religious attributes near the icons;
  • It is not allowed to put icons together with non-iconographic images and non-canonical attributes: paintings on biblical subjects, calendars, books;
  • Do not put images of modern idols near the icon: fan posters of various content or photographs;
  • Icons are usually hung on the east side to bring in positive energy. Please note that there is free space in front of it;
  • It is allowed to keep religious literature, candles and other religious attributes near the icon;
  • To make an iconostasis at home, it is appropriate to use a shelf, a special structure or an icon case. They are usually not hung on nails;
  • If several faces are put, then you need to follow the hierarchy: in the center there are two senior faces, and on the left and right next to the lower ones;
  • Often hung over the door;
  • The place where the icon stands is kept clean.

How to pray

The clergy say that if a person does not know prayers, but believes, then he can pray to the Mother of God, and she will accept his requests.

It is worth praying every day, especially before leaving the house. Thoughts must be the most sincere, otherwise she will not hear someone begging for help. Requests for healing, for the end of quarrels and conflicts are what can help Seven-shot.

Days of celebrations

The icons are different, but since they belong to the same type, it was decided to honor them on the same days. It happens:

  • August 13;
  • After Easter on Sunday 9th;
  • After the day of the Holy Trinity, the first Sunday.

Notable Lists

There are two icons in Moscow that stream myrrh. One is in the temple of the Archangel Michael, and the other is in the village of Bachurino.

It was made to order, but when the hostess noticed that the icon was streaming myrrh, immediately gave it to the church. After that, the icon was recognized as miraculous and it was taken abroad and shown in the cities of Russia. Another icon is located in the church of Saint Lazarus, which is located in Vologda. It was brought after the war. Pilgrims visit her twice a year.

Another icon is in the Venetian chapel. It was found by Italian soldiers during World War II. The icon was found in a ruined house and given to the priest. The Italian forces were defeated, and the priest escaped. Then in Venice built a chapel for the icon. It is said that before the war this icon belonged to a men's monastery.


It is believed that Our Lady of Kazan protects from enemies and heals ailments.

Those in trouble may ask her for help and protection. This icon can be placed at home or donated. This image belongs to the type "Hodegetria", that is, its purpose is direct a person to the true path.


In the 16th century, a fire broke out in Kazan. The holy face was discovered by the merchant's little daughter Matrona. In a dream, the Mother of God appeared to her and told her to get the icon out of the conflagration. Surprisingly the image was unharmed and looked new. At the place where the icon was discovered, a nunnery was erected. The icon was deposited in the Assumption Cathedral. However, in the 20th century, the icon was stolen and then destroyed. Only copies of the image have survived. After the founding of the temple, Matrona and her mother became abbess.

Celebration dates

In honor of this face, it is customary to celebrate twice a year:

  • 21st of June. On this day, the girl saw a vision of the Virgin. Celebrated since the 16th century;
  • November 4th. Moscow was liberated by Minin and Pozharsky in the fall of 1612.

Before the decisive battle, people prayed and asked for intercession. After the revolution November 4th ceased to be a holiday, in 2005 it became Day of National Unity. The same service is held on these days.

Location of the icon

In the early years, it was located in Tretyakov Gallery. A copy of it is kept in the home church of the Moscow Patriarch. This copy - a gift to the Roman Catholic Church to celebrate the end of the rivalry between the churches. The closest copy to the original is kept in Prince Vladimir Cathedral that in St. Petersburg.


Our Lady of Kazan helps people to realize and find their true path through life.

They prayed to her during the Time of Troubles and thanks to her protection, the troops recaptured Moscow from the Polish invaders. Peter I prayed to her before the Battle of Poltava. During the Patriotic War of 1812, she helped the soldiers gain several victories. Kutuzov prayed to the Mother of God before going into the army.

Miracles that happened during religious processions are associated with it:

  • An unknown pilgrim recovered from his illness;
  • The daughter-in-law of a noble person got rid of the disease of the legs;
  • The newborn has received his sight;
  • Demons came out of several women.

After that, all the suffering ones hurried to the icon.

Not only military or political figures, but also ordinary people can rely on the protection of Our Lady of Kazan. If you ask from a pure heart, then she bestows her patronage on everyone who asks.

How does it help

Kazan Mother of God helps everyone who believe and ask for help:

  • They ask the Kazan Mother of God to bless the marriage of the young;
  • Married couples turn to her with a request to find harmony in their relationship and get rid of misfortunes.
  • Most of all, she is supportive of children: she protects them from misfortune, evil people and helps on the path of life;
  • They pray to her for help to the soldiers and protection of their native land;
  • It helps to find the right solution and avoid failure. Witnesses say that she came to them in dreams and said what and how to do, and what to refuse. In this way, a person avoids trouble;
  • They pray to her in difficult times, when there is not enough strength to fight. In grief, she will comfort the one asking and give him instructions;
  • She helps with waning faith in the soul, heals ailments. She is asked to regain her sight. Helps to spiritually gain insight.
  • The original icon was small - about 26x22 centimeters;
  • There were two vestments - for the holidays and everyday. The festive one was made of gold, and a salary with precious stones was worn on top. Everyday pearl;
  • Most often, she is asked to get rid of eye ailments, attacks, or help in difficult times;
  • In honor of the Kazan Mother of God, the Kazan Cathedral was erected at the expense of Pozharsky;
  • In the 17th century, the icon became a shrine of the state level;
  • Empress Anna Ioannovna ordered to make the first set of jewels. She also ordered to build a church and transfer the icon there;
  • A cathedral was built in her honor in St. Petersburg;
  • During the terrorist attack in the Winter Palace, the icon was not damaged, although the room where it was located was completely destroyed;
  • The icon is credited with helping in the victory in the Great Patriotic War. They say that Zhukov himself drove her along the fronts;
  • The most famous Kazan icons are: Moscow / St. Petersburg lists and the revealed icon. However, the Moscow copy and the revealed icon were lost;
  • At the beginning of the 20th century, the revealed icon was stolen, later burnt icons were found in the thief's stove, presumably, it was also destroyed;
  • There is a legend that the abbess of the monastery changed the icon for an exact list before going to bed in order to protect the shrine from thieves. Therefore, it is believed that the real icon was not stolen;
  • The list of Moscow was stolen at the beginning of the last century, where it is now is unknown;
  • The list of Petersburg survived because the abbot told the Bolsheviks that this list was of no value;
  • One of the lists was taken out of Russia to save it from the Bolsheviks. It was kept by the Pope, many years later the list returned to Kazan;
  • This icon is considered a wedding icon;
  • The icon list went to the ISS in 2011;
  • Monasteries and temples are dedicated to her not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Finland and Cuba.
  • VIDEO: Intercessor. Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

    Intercessor / Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

    In the center of the plot of the picture is the Vatican copy of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - the main Orthodox shrine of Kazan.


    The icon got its name from the monastery in which it is located. It stands on the sacred Mount Athos. People call her the Gatekeeper.

    Basically, it helps in getting rid of diseases, protecting the house from unwanted guests. The monks said that she warns of negative events that will happen in the world in the near future.

    Where is stored

    It was first mentioned in the 9th century. During that period, the images of the saints were mocked, and they were subject to destruction. According to legend, the image was saved by a widow, but they found out about it. The warriors broke into the woman's house and pierced the image, it bleed. The woman prayed to the Mother of God and went to the water. When the icon touched the water, it floated vertically. Rumors about this reached Mount Athos. The widow's son became a monk on the mountain.

    Not far from her hundreds of years ago, a ship with Maria moored. The monastery was established in the 5th century. Once the monks saw a column of fire from the water. They tried to get closer to the image, but it swam away as they approached. The monks prayed to God that he would give the icon to them. After some time, the Mother of God dreamed of the elder and said, that he would give them the icon. But for this he must come to her by sea.

    The brothers settled on the shore and began to pray while the elder walked on the water. After receiving her, they kept her in the chapel for three days and prayed. After that, she was moved to the temple, and at the place where she was, a source appeared. Then she appeared above the gate, she was removed and returned to its place, but the image again appeared above the gate.

    The Mother of God again appeared to the elder and said that there was no need to protect her, she herself would be the keeper of the monastery. The monks built a church over the gates and the image is still there. It is honored on the Tuesday of Bright Week. Then a procession is made to the place where the elder received the shrine.

    Praying in front of icons, people worship not the object itself, but what it symbolizes: great saints or religiously significant events. Amazing in this respect, the Mother of God - icons, all images with her are very different. They differ so much as if we are talking not about one Mother of God, but about many, each of whom infinitely loves people and wants to help them, but does it in their own way, in a special way.

    Among the huge number of images of the Mother of God, several can be singled out especially. Each of them is endowed with its own history, and they are approached with different questions, but they are all equally significant for a believer.

    Icon of the Mother of God "Iverskaya"

    The Iberian icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is also called the Goalkeeper or the Gatekeeper, since several times it appeared in an unknown way in the icon case above the entrance to the monastery, from where it was not removed afterwards. Later, on the site of its location, a temple was rebuilt, where it is now located.

    The icon is easily recognizable, since on it the right cheek of the Mother of God is marked with a bleeding wound. The rest of the plot is more familiar: with her left hand she holds the baby, while her right palm is stretched out towards him in a prayer gesture.

    It is customary for the Iberian Mother of God to pray for deliverance from all evils and consolation in trouble, salvation from fire, and a good harvest.

    Days of veneration for the Goalkeeper - February 25/12, October 26/13, the second day of Easter week (weeks).

    Icon of the Mother of God "Vladimirskaya"

    According to one of the legends, the apostle and evangelist Luke was the author of the icon. Upon completion of the work, he showed the handiwork of his Mother of God and she herself blessed the icon. The image shows the Mother of God holding the baby with her right hand, and her left palm only slightly touches the robes of little Jesus, who hugs his mother by the neck. The "sign" of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is considered the visible "heel" (foot) of the Savior.

    The image is considered miraculous. It was used during the decree of the Russian Metropolitans and Patriarchs, and acquired the status of the main national shrine. They pray to Vladimirskaya for protection from outside attacks, for unity and deliverance from false teachings, reconciliation of enemies.

    Days of veneration - 3.06 / 21.05, 6.07 / 23.06 and 8.09 / 26.08.

    Icon of the Mother of God "Seven-shot"

    According to its name, the icon depicts the Mother of God pierced by seven arrows. It is believed that a peasant in the Kadnikovsky district discovered it on the church bell tower, where they stepped on it, believing that it was an ordinary board. The seven-shot Mother of God, icons, all images of which are difficult to count, has a better known variety, called "Softening Evil Hearts."

    According to some sources, the age of Semistrelnaya is at least 500 years. In 1917, it was located in the St. John the Theological Church, but was lost and today its location is unknown.

    This image of the icon of the Mother of God pray for the cure of cholera, deliverance from lameness and relaxation, reconciliation of enemies. The day of veneration is August 13/26.

    Icon of the Mother of God "Reigning"

    The image was discovered in one of the churches near Moscow in 1917, on the day when Nicholas II abdicated the throne. Everyone saw in this a certain sign, although the specific interpretation of the event could be very different depending on who undertook to reason about it.

    On the icon, the Mother of God is depicted as the Heavenly Queen: dressed in red robes, majestically seated on the royal throne, crowned with a crown and a halo. The orb and the scepter rest in her palms, and the baby Jesus is sitting on her knees. Today the icon is in Kolomenskoye, in the temple of the "Kazan" icon of the Mother of God.

    The main theme of the prayers dedicated to the Sovereign Mother of God is truth. She is asked for honesty in words, deeds, love and for saving Russia. Honoring Day - March 2/15.

    Some believe that Tikhvin was written during the life of the Mother of God herself. Its distinctive feature can be considered a scroll that the baby holds in one hand. The fingers of the Savior's other hand are folded in a blessing gesture.

    Now the image is placed in the Moscow Tikhvin Church. Lists from it are posted in many other churches, monasteries and temples.

    Tikhvin pray for the return of sight, the expulsion of demons, the healing of children and relief from the relaxation of the joints in case of paralysis. The day of veneration is June 26/9.

    The first mention of the image is associated with the 12th century. The story goes that after Batu attacked the Gorodets monastery, everything turned to ashes, but the icon remained completely unharmed. Later, Vasily Kostroma, who saw the appearance of the Mother of God, transported the icon to Kostroma, to the Cathedral of Theodore Strastilat. This gave it its now known name.

    In the icon, the Savior is on the right hand of the Mother of God. With her right palm, the Mother of God supports his leg. The baby himself presses his face to the Mother and embraces her neck with his left hand.

    It is necessary to pray to Theodorovskaya Mother of God for the safe resolution of difficult childbirth. Days of veneration: March 27/14 and August 29/16.

    The quick-to-hearted woman is somewhat reminiscent of the Tikhvin Mother of God (she is also an image of the Hodegetria - Guidebook type). She is considered to be one of the miraculous icons. The place of creation of the Quick-To-Hearn is the holy Mount Athos, and now it resides within the walls of the Dochiar Monastery.

    The story associated with this image tells of a monk, out of stupid interest, who smoked the face of the Virgin. For this he was deprived of his sight. Through prolonged prayers, the monk was able to bring him back and since then the icon “hears” the requests of all those in need and helps them.

    It is necessary to pray to the Quick-To-Hearder, first of all, for the cure of blindness, lameness and relaxation, as well as for deliverance from captivity and the salvation of people who have been shipwrecked. The day of veneration is November 9/22.

    The icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered icon-painting images among the Orthodox world. It is the image of the Most Holy Theotokos that has always been, is and will be a symbol of the intercessor and guardian of the Russian people. Is it enough to remember the fact how the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, according to historical information, helped the Russian people to win the Great Patriotic War. The troops entered the war with a highly raised icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, namely the Kazan Mother of God. It was the same during the Patriotic War of 1812. Since then, it has become a tradition that the image of the Mother of God began to be the protector and patroness of the Russian land, and her icon - a symbol of faith and hope for the salvation of all Orthodox people.

    But, despite the indicated general meaning, there are several varieties of icons of the Virgin Mary and variations of their icon painting, and each type has its own special meaning for the Orthodox believer. Below we give the iconographic types of images of the Most Holy Theotokos and their dogmatic meaning.

    There are five types of images of the Mother of God visualized in iconography:


    2. Eleusa(Tenderness);

    3.Oranta, Panagia and the Sign(Praying);

    4. Panahranta and the All-Tsaritsa(All-merciful);

    5. Agiosoritissa(Intercessor).

    First type - Guidebook

    Odigtria- the most common type of icon painting of the Mother of God, according to some information, for the first time written by the Evangelist Luke. This type is usually depicted as follows: The Most Holy Theotokos is shown up to the waist or, in the case of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, up to the shoulders, less often - in full height. A characteristic sign of its location is considered to be a slight tilt of the head towards his son Jesus Christ. The Mother of God holds him on her left hand, and points to him with her right hand. Jesus Christ, in his left hand, holds a scroll, less often a book, which symbolizes the image of Christ the Almighty.

    Meaning this type of icons is the mutual relationship between mother and son. But the semantic load in this case is not an expression of boundless love, as in other icons of saints, but an indication of Jesus Christ as the Almighty Tsar. From a dogmatic point of view, this is the meaning of the appearance of the Heavenly King and Judge in the world and the indication of it by the Virgin Mary as the true Path for every believer. Therefore, this type of iconography is called the Guidebook.

    The second type - Affection

    Eleusa is always portrayed like this: the Virgin Mary presses Jesus Christ to her cheek, thereby showing her love, tenderness and compassion to him. In this type of image, there is no distance between the son and the mother, which symbolizes boundless love and unity. And since the image of the Mother of God is a symbol and ideal of the human race (the earthly Church), and Jesus is a symbol of the Heavenly Church, this type of icon painting of the Most Holy Theotokosthe unity of heavenly and earthly, divine and human matters. Also, one of the main meanings is the expression of God's boundless love for people, since the love and compassion of the Virgin Mary depicted on the icon reminds us of his great sacrifice for the salvation of all mankind.

    Third type - Praying

    There are three subspecies of this type of image of the Mother of God in icon painting -Oranta, Panagia and the Sign. The most popular is the Omen. The Virgin Mary is depicted waist-deep or full-length with arms raised up, and Jesus Christ is depicted in the middle at the level of his mother's chest and his head is in a holy halo (medallion). The meaning of this subtype of icons is the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary of the birth of Jesus Christ, the foreshadowing of the Nativity of Christ and subsequent events that occur after it. This type of iconography of the Virgin Mary distinguishes it from other icons by its monumentality and symmetry in the image.

    Fourth type - All-merciful

    In this type of image, the Mother of God sits on a throne or throne, which symbolizes her royal majesty, and on her knees she holds the son of Jesus Christ. The meaning of this icon is the greatness of the Virgin Mary, as the all-merciful queen and intercessor of the earth.

    Fifth type - Intercessor

    In the fifth type of Agiosoritissa, the Mother of God is depicted without her son Jesus Christ. Her image is executed in full growth and turned to the right, and her hands are given to God, in one of which there may be a scroll with a prayer. The meaning of the icon is a prayer for the intercession of mankind by the Most Holy Theotokos before Jesus Christ.

    So, we examined 5 types of icon painting of the Mother of God in the Orthodox tradition and their dogmatic meaning. But the people also have their own meanings ascribed to each of them. We have already written about strength and action of miraculous icons, and the icons of the Mother of God are not an exception here, but rather the opposite - an indicator. Each of the types of icons presented has its own miraculous properties.

    One of the few who is able to pray for icons is Marfa Ivanovna... Her ability to endow icons with great powers has long been beyond doubt. Perhaps no one can boast of such a huge number of saved destinies. It was she who was the first to understand that each person needs an individual approach, which means that the prayer of the icon must be done individually for each person. The icons prayed by Martha Ivanovna will serve as protection for very long years.

    Consider the prayers to the icon of the Mother of God, as well as the most popular icons and signs associated with them.

    Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

    The most revered icon of the saints. It is believed to assist in blessing marriage and family well-being. She also helps in work and intercession from enemies. But it is especially strong as a talisman for babies and newborns.

    Before the icon Vladimir Mother of God pray for the humility of those at war, the pacification of evil hearts and the healing of the possessed. This icon is especially useful for women, as it helps them get rid of infertility and other diseases of the female genital organs, accompanies easy childbirth and the health of newborns. It also helps to get rid of any sadness.

    "Quick Listener"

    People resort to this icon with prayer at the hour when an ambulance is needed. They ask her to get rid of mental and physical ailments, in particular, such as paralysis, blindness and cancer. More than once, the "Quick to Hearken" showed her miraculous power in the release of prisoners.

    Iberian icon of God mothers - the keeper of the family hearth and the guardian of all women. The icon helps to remove the celibacy crown, to meet your betrothed or betrothed. They also ask the icon for consolation in sickness and sorrow.

    Everlasting color. People pray to this icon only with pure thoughts and desires, as it symbolizes purity and innocence. Therefore, often, prayers are offered to her for the preservation of a righteous life, for protection from slander and evil enemies. They also ask this icon for a good and faithful spouse.

    In this article, we examined the meanings of various types of icons depicting the Blessed Virgin Mary, and also noted the miraculous properties of the most popular of them. But no matter what kind the icon of the saint is, thanks to faith, sincere prayer and repentance, the image of the Mother of God will never leave any true believer in trouble and sorrow. Even if you do not know the canonical prayers, you can just talk to the icon. It is important that your independent prayer sighing is frank and you trust in the power of this or that icon. And in a simple life and in addressing an icon, say more often:"Mother of God, help and have mercy on me, a sinner."

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