Home Flowers How to wash newborn boys. How to hold a newborn while washing: caring for the baby’s genitals, practical tips and tricks. What to do, if…

How to wash newborn boys. How to hold a newborn while washing: caring for the baby’s genitals, practical tips and tricks. What to do, if…

A newborn baby, no matter what gender it is, requires careful hygienic care. In addition to bathing, daily washing is of great importance for the health of the child’s future reproductive system. This procedure has its differences in children of different sexes. Since the morphology of a girl’s reproductive organs suggests greater vulnerability to pathogens, mothers are concerned about how to properly wash a newborn girl. After all, the familiar vaginal environment will be formed much later, and since the girl’s mucous membranes are very delicate, the hygiene process is very important.

First, let's look at the general rules of intimate hygiene for newborns. To keep an infant clean, you will need to know the basics of care regarding hygiene procedures and important points related to this:

  1. Changing diapers or nappies;
  2. Daily washing;
  3. Safety conditions;
  4. Accessories for bathing and washing;
  5. Taking care of the baby's skin.

Diapers and nappies, whether they are reusable or designed for single use, should be changed at least once every 2-3 hours. At the same time, every time after emptying the intestines or bladder, the child must be washed. It is recommended to wash newborn babies with boiled warm water, especially if they have particularly sensitive skin, and also until the navel is completely healed. You can wash your child’s genitals with running water only after a month or more.
Throughout the day, along with changing clothes after the baby has pooped, it is necessary to wash him. If you peed, you can wipe it with gauze, or swabs and cotton wool pads soaked in boiled water.
The water must be made warm, not lower than the temperature of the human body; devices designed for this purpose are used for measurement. You should know that too hot, as well as very cold water, is harmful to the newborn.

Before washing, the parent is obliged to completely protect the child by carefully washing her hands with any hygiene product.

Soap is used to wash the baby extremely rarely, mainly when he poops. It is advisable to choose a hypoallergenic composition that does not contain foreign additives, fragrances, or dyes. It is better if this product is specially made for use in infants. Let the soap be personal for each child. When severe contamination is not observed, it is advisable not to use soap again.

Using gauze and cotton wool, you can carry out intimate hygiene for your baby without running water. If the baby has grown, he should be washed, holding him securely or securing him in his hands, thus protecting him from falling. The baby's head should be in contact with the crook of the parent's elbow. The baby should be securely supported by the buttocks or thighs, carefully and lightly washing the genitals.
It is extremely important to wash off the remaining foam from the baby’s body, since its skin is too thin and is susceptible to redness and rashes of an allergic nature. Even for baby hygiene products.

How to properly wash a newborn baby girl

First-time mothers, who may not know some of the physiological characteristics of the girl, should not be afraid if they find a gray or white coating on her genitals. In this way, the body creates a barrier for pathogenic bacteria to enter the skin and mucous tissues of the vagina. Subsequently, the discharge disappears on its own. It should not be removed, except in cases where the mucus is dense. It is clear that this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the child’s skin. Removal is carried out using a tampon and boiled water, and not immediately, but gradually, in several stages.
If a mother sees bloody discharge in the first week of a newborn’s life, this is not a reason to panic. This is how a small body reacts to changes in hormonal levels after birth. But irritation, redness of the skin, pus and an unpleasant odor should alert parents. You need to ask the doctor to examine the baby soon.
Doctors specializing in pediatric gynecology recommend following all the instructions when washing your little girl:

  • The baby should be washed with boiled water until 14 days from birth;
  • The procedure does not require a sponge - the available product can injure the delicate tissues of the child. The washing procedure is carried out by hand - the mother needs to cut her nails in advance and tidy up the skin of her palms and fingers so as not to scratch the girl’s organs;
  • For girls, the frequency of use of foams, gels or baby soaps is strictly limited - no more than three times every 7 days;
  • Ordinary soap will not work either, as it contains a high percentage of alkali, which is harmful to the newborn;
  • Sometimes, for minor stains, baby wipes are used that do not contain alcohol or antibacterial and antiseptic additives;
  • The girl must have her own personal soft towel, intimate gel or soap;
  • After the procedure, the girl does not need to be immediately wrapped in a diaper or put on a diaper - to avoid irritation, the child should stay in the air for 4-5 minutes until she is completely dry;
  • After 10-14 days, when washing is allowed to be done under the tap, you should not wash the child in a basin or bathtub - this increases the risk of infection due to stagnant water.
  • Mom or dad needs to carefully monitor the water temperature - at least 36 degrees.
  • It is important that foam and soap particles do not get into the baby’s vagina.

Before washing, you will need to prepare:

  • A diaper that has been boiled and ironed on both sides;
  • Clean diaper;
  • A soft towel that absorbs moisture well (preferably made from natural fabric);
  • Gauze towels, cotton wool accessories;
  • Talc, other preparations - creams, ointments to protect and maintain the normal condition of children's skin.

How to properly wash a newborn girl: sequence of actions:

  • The mother places the baby on a flat surface; this is best done using a changing table;
  • First, the stool is removed - this must be done carefully, since the entry of microbes between the labia is extremely dangerous;
  • After checking the temperature, the baby is placed on her own arm, fixing her by the hips;
  • Washing is carried out only in one direction - from the labia to the anus;
  • Washing begins from the perineum, lips, and ends with the butt area;
  • The child is wrapped in a thick flannel diaper and the genitals are dried with a towel;
  • You cannot rub the skin, you can only blot it;
  • After 3-5 minutes, you can dress the child in fresh diaper;
  • In case of diaper rash, the skin is first treated with powder or baby cream.

Even if it is impossible to use running water, you can wash your child by heating water in a saucepan. The baby is placed on a straight surface and the same gauze and tampons are used.

How to wash a newborn baby boy under the tap

Most newborn boys have such a physiological feature as congenital phimosis - a narrowing of the prepuce or foreskin, provided by nature as a barrier against infection and contamination on the head of the genital organ. Almost by the age of 6-7 years, this phenomenon goes away on its own and the head is freely exposed. Doctors recommend not to violate this situation, so washing the boy is done extremely carefully.

In general, the procedure is similar to that for girls. You will need the same set of accessories, disposable or reusable diaper, diaper, talcum powder for irritations. The process is not particularly difficult, but you need to try to ensure that the baby does not slip out of your hands.

How to wash a newborn boy under the tap? To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Remove the soiled diaper from the child;
  2. Lay the baby with his butt up and his face down, at the same time, hold him with your hand in the armpit area;
  3. First, the penis and scrotum are washed, but it is unacceptable to touch the prepuce;
  4. After washing, all folds of the genitals are gently blotted, the child is left naked for 3-4 minutes, after which a clean diaper is put on, or the child is swaddled.

The pediatric gynecologist advises not to touch the urethra and push back the boy’s preputial sac (foreskin) during the first 12 months, so as not to accidentally cause pathological disorders.
When it is not possible to use running water, you can carry out the event using gauze, moistening the material in a special lotion or prepared warm, boiled water.
First, attention is paid to the testicles, external organ, perineum, and then, raising the legs, the butt and anus.

Knowing how to properly wash a newborn girl or boy, new parents will prevent many troubles and health problems for their young children. Regarding how often it is necessary to treat the genitals of children of both sexes, we can answer that this is necessary during each change of diapers or nappies. The first month will be especially troublesome for mom and dad - about 10 or more times a day. But as the baby grows and matures, this amount will gradually decrease.

Almost every man looks forward to the birth of an heir. And then the boy is born, the father rejoices, the relatives rush with the best congratulations and gifts, and the mother asks the question - how should the hygiene of a newborn boy be carried out? Are there differences between caring for a boy and a girl? What should you buy for the first time, and what should you give up? In fact, the answers to all these questions lie, literally, on the surface.

Almost every mother knows about standard daily hygiene of a newborn, regardless of gender. These actions must be performed until the baby learns to perform personal hygiene independently.

This includes the following procedures:

  1. Wash the baby using a cotton swab dipped in boiled water.
  2. Wipe the eyes with a damp swab.
  3. Clean your baby's nose.
  4. Wipe the outside of the child's ear.
  5. Treat the umbilical wound with hydrogen peroxide and generously lubricate it with brilliant green or a solution of chlorophyllipt. This procedure must be done until the navel is completely healed.
  6. Trim your nails when necessary.
  7. After each bowel movement, wash the baby. At first, this can be done with the help of wet wipes, since not all new parents can safely take their child under the water tap.
  8. Treat the baby's skin in the groin area with cream and, if necessary, powder.
  9. Bath the newborn every day, using, if necessary, infusions of herbs such as chamomile, string, etc.

You should use soap (even baby soap) as little as possible. Because it dries out the delicate baby skin greatly.

What hygiene items are necessary for a newborn?

A newborn baby needs a whole range of hygiene products:

All these items are worth buying before you come home from the hospital. Some of them will be needed at first, and some a little later. But this set is necessary for all babies under one year old.

Intimate hygiene for boys

If everything is more or less clear with the generally accepted hygiene of all babies, then the intimate hygiene of boys under one year old raises a lot of questions for new parents. After all, every mother wants to care for her child impeccably, so that he is comfortable and not in pain. In fact, there is nothing complicated or impossible here. Intimate hygiene includes caring for the penis, foreskin and scrotum. The process itself looks like this:

This concludes the hygiene features of boys. As you can see from the list, there is nothing supernatural about caring for your baby. To better understand this topic, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the tips on caring for children that Komarovsky gives.

What to do is strictly prohibited

There is an opinion that the hygiene of a newborn boy differs from the hygiene of older boys. Therefore, many mothers begin to look for an answer to this question and try to take rash actions, which they can be pushed to do not only by friends and relatives with experience, but even by some specialists. In fact, doing this is completely unnecessary and even somewhat dangerous.

So what not to do:

  • Try to clean the space under the baby's foreskin with a cotton swab. Some mothers are convinced that the infant smegma contained there has a detrimental effect on the health of the baby and it certainly needs to be cleaned out. In fact, the smegma will come out on its own, without outside help. This happens every time the baby urinates.
  • Bury little baby products and herbal infusions under the foreskin. Thus, mothers try to disinfect those places that they cannot reach.
  • Pull back the foreskin, trying to open the head of the baby’s penis. In children under one year of age, the foreskin is fused to the head of the penis. This phenomenon is not a pathology or deviation. Almost 99 percent of boys under one year of age have phimosis of the newborn. The foreskin will move on its own over time, and the full opening of the head is sometimes completed only at the moment of puberty of the boy. Therefore, it is not worth sounding the alarm, and even more so doing something on your own, and is even prohibited!
  • Wash a newborn boy with laundry soap. Sometimes this procedure is recommended by representatives of the older generation, claiming that this is how they raised their children. In fact, even baby soap, not to mention laundry soap with a high alkali content, can dry out the delicate skin of babies under one year old.

As Dr. Komarovsky advises, love your children and feel them, and then you will not have questions about how to care for them.

The issue of intimate care for boys is very delicate and important, but it causes many difficulties, especially for young parents. Many mothers do not know how to wash their newborn correctly. This process has a number of its own rules and some nuances, and failure to comply with them can lead to various diseases in the baby and even to problems with men’s health in the future.

Modern intimate hygiene is the key to the health of a future man!

Physiological characteristics of boys

The main feature of the structure of the genital organs in newborn boys is that during intrauterine development and after birth, the head of the penis is covered by the foreskin. The baby's genital organ is thus protected from bacteria and pollution - this phenomenon is called congenital phimosis and lasts up to 3-5 years. There is no need to independently retract the foreskin of a newborn under the age of six months, otherwise you can cause microtrauma and harm the health of the baby.

Regular hygiene procedures are extremely important for the health of a little man. They help prevent infections from getting inside and inflammation.

How to wash your baby?

When answering the question of how to wash a newborn boy, many young mothers make many mistakes. They believe that it is enough to remove the dirty diaper, wash the child’s private parts under the tap and dry with a towel. This is not entirely true.

Every time after changing a diaper, the baby needs to be washed. Before doing this, you should definitely take care of the hygiene of your own hands - they must be absolutely clean. It is better to wash a newborn baby under running warm water; using boiled water is unnecessary. You should not get carried away with using soaps and foams for the intimate hygiene of newborn boys (especially under the age of 6 months), as these products can lead to redness and irritation on the baby’s delicate skin.

Doctors do not approve of washing the boy away from the anus, since germs can move to the baby’s genitals

How to wash a newborn and hold him correctly while washing (more details in the article:)? There is no consensus among pediatricians on this issue. Some believe that during the procedure a small child should not be placed on a surface or hand with his butt up (as shown in the photo), since harmful bacteria from the anus can get onto the penis, while others note that the direction of the stream does not matter.

After washing, there is no need to diligently dry the newborn’s skin; just blot the intimate areas with a towel (necessarily soft). It is allowed to use anti-diaper rash powder in moderation, as well as baby oils and moisturizing creams.

When the boy grows up, the number of washings can be reduced to once a day (before bed), but in hot weather this will need to be done more often - 3-4 times a day. Upon reaching 3 years of age, a child should be taught to take care of himself independently; he should wash himself regularly without the help of parents.

Foreskin hygiene

Often parents of boys do not know what to do with the foreskin while washing, whether it can be retracted. The famous doctor Komarovsky, in his video lessons, claims that this should never be done; his opinion is shared by many other pediatricians.

In general, young mothers and fathers often commit a number of errors:

  • they try to push back the foreskin on the penis of a newborn child, in fact, the covered head is an absolutely normal phenomenon, and the fold itself will move over time, this happens for everyone at different ages;
  • they try to remove infant smegma under the foreskin using cotton swabs, but this should not be done, since this substance is gradually removed on its own during urination;
  • trying to drip oil under the foreskin for children;
  • wash the foreskin with soap, which often leads to irritation of the delicate skin.

Use of diapers and underwear

The issue of the correct use of diapers has remained controversial for many years. Of course, they make life much easier for young mothers, since women do not have to spend a lot of time washing and ironing piles of diapers and baby clothes. At the same time, overly suspicious and restless parents are afraid to put diapers on their children, as they consider them harmful. They use these means only in extreme cases - for example, during long trips or long walks.

Modern manufacturers produce special hygiene products for boys; in their production, all the features of the anatomical structure of the genital organs of a small man are taken into account. In such diapers, the baby will not feel discomfort, since the special hygroscopic coating perfectly absorbs all moisture. New generation products do not have a negative impact on the sexual health of future men, since the testicles do not overheat in them.

Also, the topic of diaper dermatitis in babies still remains controversial. An excellent prevention of its occurrence is regular changing of diapers and careful intimate hygiene of the baby. To prevent any redness or irritation on your child’s skin, it is necessary to change his diaper at least once every 3-4 hours.

Children's doctors warn about the possible negative consequences of using diapers with fragrances. The baby's skin is very sensitive and delicate - it is not clear what reaction all kinds of fragrances can cause.

To make the boy comfortable and comfortable, it is recommended to change the diaper at least once every 4 hours

When the child turns one year old, it is advisable to wear panties instead of diapers (see also:). With their help, it will be easier to teach your baby to go potty on his own.

Reasons for concern

All parents need to approach the issue of the sexual health of their little sons with full responsibility.

If you notice redness or rashes in the area of ​​the intimate organs, as well as swelling of the foreskin, you should definitely contact a specialist - a pediatric urologist or andrologist, or, in extreme cases, a pediatrician.

Neglecting the rules of intimate hygiene often leads to serious health problems in boys. In this case, the following may occur:

  • fungal infections;
  • allergic irritations;
  • infection;
  • pathological phimosis - it differs from congenital, is usually accompanied by discomfort and pain, and can appear after suffering inflammation, causing the formation of adhesions and scars (we recommend reading:);
  • Balanoposthitis is an inflammatory disease that can be caused by violation of intimate hygiene rules.

Pain, pain and difficulty urinating, redness or rash in the intimate organs, swelling of the penis are dangerous symptoms indicating a possible disease. In this case, parents must visit a doctor - only a specialist will be able to identify the problem and prescribe the correct treatment.

After the birth of a child, every day is filled with worries about him. Regular hygiene procedures appear in the daily routine, requiring a delicate approach and caution. Therefore, after being discharged from the maternity hospital, many women have a fear of doing something wrong. With the birth of their son, mothers start thinking about how to wash their newborn boy under the tap correctly? The anatomical features of boys are such that the hygiene of their genital organs differs from that of girls. Therefore, it is also important for mothers of daughters to know how to wash a newborn girl under the tap safely for her health.

How to wash a newborn baby. Basic recommendations

Proper care of a newborn's tender places is the key to his health. This determines the subsequent reproductive abilities of the child. Despite the anatomical features of different sexes, there are general principles for washing babies.

Important to remember! When washing newborns, you should not use special soap or other cosmetics, which can dry out the skin and destroy its natural layer. The use of children's cosmetics is allowed when bathing babies no more than once a week.

In addition, soap and shampoos used for newborns must be of a special children's series, without fragrances and additional additives with hypoallergenic properties. Often, specialized stores sell baby sponges for washing, which can be used from birth. Until one year of age, it is not recommended to overdo it with washing babies not only with soap and shampoos, but also with washcloths intended for rubbing the skin. This does not have any benefit and can cause harm due to aggressive effects. Children's clothes for changing after hygiene procedures should be washed separately from adults and stored in a specially designated place.

Before washing your baby, you should prepare all the necessary personal hygiene items: a fresh diaper, wet wipes, sterile cotton wool, a separate towel if the procedure will be carried out under a tap, baby oil, diaper cream or powder. There are certain differences in the procedure for washing babies due to gender differences.

How to wash a newborn boy correctly?

Intimate care for a newborn boy involves initially washing the penis without pulling back the skin of the foreskin and exposing the head. In boys of the first year of life, the head of the penis is not yet fully formed and is tightly covered with the foreskin to protect it from external influences. Therefore, forced pulling of the skin can be not only dangerous, but also painful for the baby. It is better to carry out the washing procedure with plain water in the bathtub or under the tap in the sink. Before washing a newborn boy under the tap, an adult should wash his hands with soap and prepare clean hygiene items.

  1. Your son should be carefully placed on the bed with a clean diaper or on a changing table and the used diaper should be removed. The baby may pee after removing the diaper, so you can place a disposable absorbent diaper under the bottom;
  2. If there are fecal residues on the baby’s skin, you can remove them with wet wipes or a sterile cotton ball soaked in baby cosmetic oil;
  3. Having completely undressed the baby and wiped the delicate organs with a napkin from the remains of feces, you need to carefully turn him over on his tummy and place him on his hand so that his head is located on the elbow, his body is on the extension of his mother’s arm, and his legs hang down. You can conveniently place your baby’s bottom under the water and start washing your baby. The movement of the second hand should be directed from the perineum upward - towards the sacrum. This will prevent feces from getting on the genitals;
  4. To wash the intimate organs, the boy should be carefully turned onto his back, holding his shoulders and butt firmly close to his mother. The lower part of the body can be washed under running water, gently washing first the penis, without removing the skin of the foreskin, and then the testicles;
  5. If it is not possible to wash the child after a bowel movement, then you should carefully treat the baby’s skin with wet wipes for children. Clean napkins wipe the child's bottom in the direction from the perineum to the tailbone, the anus, and the perineum. Then, with a new set of clean sanitary napkins, the child’s genitals and folds on the legs are wiped;
  6. After all procedures, it is necessary to allow the baby’s skin to dry, after drying it with a towel using blotting movements. If washing was done with wet wipes, then the child should be left for 5 - 10 minutes without a diaper;
  7. After drying, delicate areas should be treated with powder or special diaper creams if the child is not allergic or irritated to them;
  8. When the baby's skin has been treated, you can put on a clean diaper and a set of fresh underwear.

Compliance with all the rules for washing newborn boys will avoid the occurrence of inflammation or infections in the baby’s intimate area and will ensure the healthy development of delicate organs.

How to wash a newborn boy - video

How to wash a newborn girl. Basic recommendations.

It is necessary to protect a girl from most problems associated with women’s health from the first days of life, observing the rules of personal hygiene for newborns. The genital area of ​​a newborn girl has fragile protection and, with inappropriate care, can be exposed to the penetration of various bacteria. The natural lubrication of the baby’s genitals after birth reliably protects her from the occurrence of infectious and inflammatory processes, therefore, before washing a newborn girl under the tap, you should avoid using soap and shampoos to avoid the destructive effects of an alkaline environment on the natural lubrication of the genitals.

Since urination in newborn babies occurs more often than defecation, it is not worth washing babies with every diaper change. Besides the fact that it will take a lot of time and effort, it will not bring significant benefits. After urination, it is enough to wipe the baby's skin with a damp cloth. If the child has had a lot of stool, then he must be washed with plain water and the diaper changed. You need to change the diaper at least once every three to four hours.

The rules of personal hygiene are instilled in the child from birth. Pediatricians recommend carrying out hygiene procedures under regular running water without excessive use of soap and shampoos. There are many subtleties and nuances in this issue, so in order to know how to wash a newborn boy or girl under the tap correctly, you should take into account the anatomical features of different sexes.

How to wash a newborn girl - video

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One of the important aspects of caring for a newborn is daily bathing, which should be done immediately after the baby is discharged from the maternity hospital. How to properly wash an infant, read. The hygiene of the intimate area requires special attention. You need to wash your baby much more often than bathe him.

The skin of infants is much more sensitive and thinner, exposed to friction and exposure to the alkaline environment of urine and fecal enzymes due to wearing a diaper, which makes the skin in this area even more vulnerable. Therefore, the baby’s skin in the intimate area requires the most careful and careful care. Maintaining good hygiene will help maintain the protective properties of the skin and protect the child’s immature immune system.

How to wash a newborn

Daily baby hygiene includes changing diapers and regular washing under running water, applying baby cosmetics - powder or protective diaper cream.

The simultaneous use of powder and protective cream is not recommended. This can cause irritation, redness and rashes.

Pediatricians recommend special products for bathing infants. Conventional cosmetics used by adults are prohibited. Gel or soap for washing babies has a gentle pH formula and contains moisturizing components and herbal extracts. The hypoallergenic composition without dyes and fragrances is suitable from the first days of life.

How to properly wash a newborn under the tap

Every time you change a diaper and after defecation, it is mandatory to wash the baby using a baby intimate hygiene product. If the baby has just passed a little, you can get by by washing it with running water.

In any case, prolonged washing of the baby in a bath or basin is not required. All you need to do is use the faucet in the bathroom. Washing a child's bottom under the tap should be done in the direction from the perineum to the sacrum, regardless of the gender of the baby. This will prevent feces from coming into contact with the genitals. You need to dry your baby after the water procedure with a soft, ironed towel.

Washing a newborn under the tap is best done together. If this is not possible, the parent should be as attentive as possible and ensure that the child is positioned in such a way that he is comfortable and the adult can freely perform all the necessary manipulations. The baby should not be in pain, and the possibility of the baby falling from the arm should be excluded. Not everyone succeeds the first time - the skill needs to be trained. If it doesn’t work out well yet, be sure to involve another adult in the procedure.

To avoid burning or overcooling the baby, you need to use a thermometer. If the device is missing, the folk method will help. To do this, you need to open the tap, adjust the water and place your elbow under the stream of water. If the sensations are comfortable and pleasant, you can wash the baby.

Even the smallest particles of contaminants should not remain on the skin. If fecal residues dry out, you must carefully remove them using a sterile cotton ball soaked in baby oil.

There are sponges on sale for washing babies that are recommended from birth. But don’t rush to buy them - you shouldn’t bother with washcloths for up to a year. Rubbing the thin skin of a baby does not have any benefit and can even cause harm due to aggressive effects.

Also be sure to wash your child every time before going to bed. Wet wipes should be used in exceptional cases - if there is no water nearby. For example, while walking, on the road. In all other cases, wiping should not replace proper washing.

Before the procedure, you should prepare all the required items: a new diaper, sterile cotton wool, cleaning products, wet wipes, a fresh towel, powder or cream. An adult must wash their hands thoroughly with soap.

Washing babies of both sexes has some peculiarities.

How to properly wash a boy

The nuances of boys’ intimate hygiene are related to the structural features of the body.

The washing technique is as follows.

  1. Place the baby on your arm, tummy down, with your back to the tap. The correct position of the child: the head is located on the elbow, the body lies on the mother’s hand, the legs hang down.
  2. Wash the butt and then the intimate area without pulling back the skin of the foreskin. In boys of the first year of life, the head of the penis is not yet fully formed. Forced exposure of the head can be painful and dangerous. As the child grows, the foreskin becomes mobile. You need to brush off dirt with soft stroking movements. More intense effects are not recommended. Rubbing can cause redness and microcracks on the skin.
  3. Dry the baby's clean skin with a towel.
  4. Leave the baby without a diaper for 5-10 minutes to allow any remaining moisture to dry naturally.
  5. Apply diaper cream or powder, put on a diaper and a fresh set of underwear.

How to properly wash a girl

The intimate area of ​​girls is designed to create maximum protection from external influences and bacteria. Therefore, the parent’s task is only to wash away the dirt from the labia.

The washing technique is as follows.

  1. Place the baby with her back on her arm, facing the tap. The correct position of the child: the head and torso lie along the adult’s arm, the butt is firmly fixed on the palm, the legs hang down.
  2. Remove dirt with light movements from front to back. Dirt should be brushed off rather than scrubbed.
  3. Dry clean skin with a towel.
  4. Leave the newborn to breathe for 5-10 minutes without a diaper.
  5. Apply the cream, put on a diaper, dress the baby.

Immediately before bathing, the baby should be carefully placed on a changing table, bed or other horizontal surface, undressed, and the used diaper removed. If there is excess feces on the skin, they can be removed with a napkin or cotton wool, the remnants will be washed off with water. It is recommended to first place a disposable diaper on the bed or table.

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