Home Indoor flowers How to make a wife cheat. The best methods for calculating female infidelity. What prompted my wife to cheat

How to make a wife cheat. The best methods for calculating female infidelity. What prompted my wife to cheat

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Ilya, Novosibirsk, 22 years old

There are few spouses who have been married for a long time and have not darkened their union with treason. Much less than those who allowed someone else into their relationship. Male infidelity is more common than female infidelity. But women are increasingly looking for intimacy on the side - not only physical, but also spiritual. The spouses suspect their marriage partners of going "to the left" and try to get a confession out whether there was treason. If women try to persuade themselves that all the signs that her husband is cheating on her are illusory, then men usually conduct a whole investigation in search of the truth.

Do I need to admit to treason?

If a woman happens to be unfaithful to her husband, all measures should be taken so that the husband does not find out. A woman, tormented by pangs of conscience, wonders whether it is worth confessing to treason? She thinks that a frank explanation with her husband will remove the burden of guilt from her and help restore the lost trust. Confession of female infidelity - is it necessary? It is definitely not necessary, even if the husband has suspicions and asks his wife to confess. The question here is not at all that the husband wants to know about his wife's infidelity. He wants to know that his wife has not cheated on him. This is the only thing that interests him, the only answer that the husband is waiting for. A confession of treason can not only destroy a relationship, but also permanently change the attitude of a deceived husband towards women. He will consider all women a priori dishonest and incapable of fidelity.

Male and female infidelity - what are the differences?

For a man, cheating is a physiological process, almost never based on a spiritual background. A man who has cheated on his wife with a casual acquaintance does not consider himself connected with her. He returns to his wife and does not feel the craving for a "one-time" mistress. For a woman, cheating is most likely not just a sexual act, but sympathy for her lover. A woman gives not only her body, she gives a part of her soul to her lover. This is the difference in the attitude of men and women to treason.

Because men react sharply to female infidelity, they know: a woman almost never has physical infidelity, female infidelity is always a little in the soul and in the heart.

How to make a wife confess to treason and should I do it?

You can force a wife to confess to treason if you show her undeniable evidence: photos, videos, recordings of conversations, screenshots of her correspondence with her lover. Only the picture will turn out to be completely bleak and hopeless: the wife is cheating - the husband is violating her right to privacy. If these people stay together, then there will be no more trust between them. Such a relationship is doomed, so it is worth ending it until the spouses are mired in squabbles and squabbles. Otherwise, it will turn out to be almost a classic picture - each former spouse throws mud at the other, but it is just not clear how and why they were married to such bad people.

But is it necessary to do this? Will a man be able to live with the knowledge that his beloved woman, even for a moment, has preferred another to him? After all, if he has not yet collected his or her things and has not filed for divorce, it means that she is dear to him and he does not want to break up with her. If so, then there is no need to get to the bottom of the truth about treason. But it will be useful to talk to your wife, to indicate your concern with the cooling that has occurred (and it certainly is, since the wife has decided to commit adultery).

If you do forgive ...

If you manage to squeeze an insulted dignity into a fist, a feeling of jealousy that will devour more than ever, and try to improve life with a cheating wife, you should find out the motives of her betrayal. Is it important why the betrayal happened? In fact, it is important, even very important. After all, understanding the reasons for the betrayal of his wife will avoid repetition in the future.

The main reasons for women cheating are as follows:

  • She thinks she deserves the best. This is usually the opinion of women in trial marriages or in cohabitation relationships. They are in search of the ideal partner and see the current roommate as another instance to evaluate. If a man wants a strong relationship, he should not rely on such a fragile social institution as an unregistered marriage. Women in it feel free, just like men.
  • Relationship problems. If a woman does not receive care, attention, compliments, they do not put her into anything, they do not reckon with her, she will not cry in the corner by the stove, as the representatives of her sex have done for thousands of years in a row. She will find what she needs outside of marriage.
  • The need to improve self-esteem. If a wife ceases to be attractive to her husband, then she either becomes depressed and begins to harass herself and him, or she is looking for a man who finds her attractive.
  • Feeling of revenge. If a man does not deny himself entertainment on the side with other people's women, the wife can also find a lover for herself. And how her experiment will end, it is not known: either she will be satisfied by instructing her husband "horns", or she will understand that it is better for her with her lover and will file for divorce.
  • Sexual dissatisfaction. A modern woman knows that sex brings pleasure not only to a man, she is not shy about her desires and wants them to be satisfied. If the husband does not care about her pleasure in the intimate sphere, the woman can seek satisfaction in the arms of another man.
  • Emotional hunger. Women are more emotional and sensual, while men are rational and rational. When a man does not satisfy a woman's need for warmth, understanding, participation, she is emotionally hungry. At first, she is overwhelmed by resentment. But then she begins to respond to her husband in the same way - alienation and coldness. In such a situation, it is not far from betrayal, especially if there is an emotional temperamental man in the woman's circle of communication.
  • Love. A married woman can love another man. It happens and not to say that rarely. In this case, she almost always breaks up with her husband. Even if she fails to be with her lover, she will simply cease to be with her husband. A loving woman does not need an outside man, and it is her husband who becomes an outsider in this case.

There can be as many reasons for female infidelity as there are women. Therefore, you need to find out the reason in each specific case. If the husband is able to make adjustments and rectify the situation, and he is ready to forgive the betrayal, then it is worth trying a renewed relationship - without lies, betrayal and jealousy.

How to get your wife to confess to cheating? There is no direct evidence of her betrayal, and to questions about where and with whom she was, you often get such subtle answers that "there is even nothing to complain about." There are always reasons for her adventures: either her friend's birthday, or late planning meetings at work, or something else. I would like to express everything in her face, start sorting things out, and the only thing holding you back is the lack of "evidence". However, you can find a way out of any situation if you put pressure on the right levers. There are several ways to do it →

How can you bring her to clean water

Method number 1. "Double life" Try to make sure that she doesn't have time to cheat.

  • Don't let it go for walks if possible
  • Keep asking where she was and why it took so long
  • Ask her to help you with something, actively involving you in household chores

If until now she lived a double life, but understood it not so well, then using these tips, you will make her realize this quite vividly. Over time, her tension will grow. She will understand that she does not have enough time to meet with her lover, and she will begin to miss him even more. Soon it will become so unbearable that she will tell you everything herself. Or break up with him - everything will depend on how serious their relationship is. Method number 2. Excessive politeness and concern Do you know how to get your wife to confess to treason? Make a cunning move with your knight, starting to behave with her extremely politely and caringly. When she sees this, she will feel very ashamed in front of you. Finally, when the feeling of shame is unbearable, she herself confesses everything to you with tears in her eyes. The method almost always works. But sometimes it happens that she does not have the strength to confess to treason. But you will notice that she became even more depressed, began to go into another room and cry softly. Seeing these signs, you no longer need any proof. It will be enough just to use à Method number 3. Just talk about it The way that takes place. True, there is one small subtlety here that needs to be taken into account. Directly asking a person whether he is bad or not is likely to give a negative answer. Therefore, instead of asking your beloved questions: "Do you have someone?" or "Are you cheating on me?" you need to start bluffing right away... Present her with a fact by saying the following:

“We need to talk to you. I know you have another man. The news, of course, was not very pleasant for me. Tell me why?".

It is important not to let her find room for maneuver so that she refutes your words. She may start asking how you learned, and instead of inventing legends, it is important to say: “ It doesn't matter now!", As well as" extinguish "other attempts to justify themselves in the style of" No, it does!". The disadvantage of this method is that if she did not cheat on you, then such a bluff will greatly ruin your relationship.

Do I need to try to bring her to clean water

Of course, you can try to get your wife to confess to cheating in one of 3 ways. But before you make the right decision, come on let's try to look at the situation from a different point of view... If she has a man, then you made mistakes. Your attractiveness to her is nil. In addition, it is important to consider that she respects and loves him more than you. Well, since she cannot tell you about it directly, she prefers to meet with him in secret. On the one hand, she does not consider you as her man, and all that keeps you together is a stamp in your passport. On the other hand, there is a man she wants to be with.

What happens if the fact of treason is revealed?

Realizing that she has nothing more to hide from you, she will have a reason to leave. Of course, one can hope that her joint child will stop her. But as practice shows, this does not stop some women.

How to properly react to her betrayal

You need to understand what mistakes you made and change your behavior to a more attractive one. By showing her new facets of your personality, you are already halfway through. When she begins to see new attractive qualities in you, the image of her lover will begin to fade next to you. It is at this moment that she thinks that she was in vain to go to the left, and this will push her to the right decision. In addition, you need to perform one of the most important actions - relieve emotional resentment to your faithful.

Why is this needed?

You will always remember that she did wrong to you. And even if you manage to restore the relationship and bring her back to the family, you will feel resentment. This resentment will eat you up from the inside and constantly provoke new conflicts. Accordingly, you will no longer feel any harmony in a relationship. And living every day with the feeling that you love her, but cannot forgive, is unbearable. Often there is only one way to take off the grudge against your wife - to find a mistress and yourself, thereby psychologically taking revenge on her. Moreover, you can afford such revenge.

And how exactly to do this, I told in the free course for men "Right to Left".

Getting your partner to confess to cheating can be tricky. Listen carefully to his speech and look for inconsistencies in his excuses. If a person uses banal and too general phrases, this indicates a high probability of cheating. When you're ready to convict your partner of infidelity, ask him simple, open-ended questions to bring him to clean water. Show empathy and let your partner feel like they can confess. If your partner confessed, then your goal has been achieved. However, it is very important to remain calm and not go over to aggression and cruelty.


Listen to your partner

    Listen to what your partner is saying. Usually, liars use different words to deceive than when they tell the truth. More specifically, words are simplified, become more generalized, and often lend more negative emotion to speech.

    • Complex language includes “exceptional” words (“except”, “but” and “without”), as well as compound sentences. If your partner is cheating, they will most likely avoid sentences with a lot of information, and they will also not speak in difficult language when coming up with excuses.
    • Non-generalized words are “I”, “me” and “mine”. They point to the identity and personal responsibility of the liar for the story being told. Therefore, cheaters who lie about where they went or who they were with usually exclude those words when using a false alibi.
    • Words that express negativity or negative emotions include hate, sadness, worthlessness, or hostility. They tend to pop up very often in untrue stories because the cheater experiences temporary guilt and discomfort for lying (unless he is a true sociopath).
  1. Nod when your partner speaks. This is a sign of encouragement and agreement. If you nod your head as your partner speaks, they will relax and want to keep talking. And if he's lucky, he can blabber about the betrayal.

    • At the very least, you should get him to give out more information about his whereabouts and recent activities.
  2. Take your time to speak. Many people believe that the best way to get a confession of cheating is to bombard your partner with endless questions. However, this way you will only drive him into a corner and are unlikely to fish out something. When raising the issue of cheating, give the person time to speak up. Do not try to instantly respond to each statement with your own statement, another question, or accusation.

    Ask questions

    1. Use a technique called priming. Priming is a psychological technique by which you adapt a person's thoughts or behavior to specific actions, using specific words or phrases. Your partner is more likely to meet you if you challenge him to be honest. Just casually ask, "How honest do you think you are?"

      • Most likely, he will answer that he considers himself to be very honest (especially in relation to you).
      • Most people want to see themselves as a decent person. Help your partner remember that he or she is honest (or sees himself that way) so that he or she wants to confess to cheating.
    2. Ask your partner to retell the story. If he tries to hide the act of infidelity, he will lie a lot about where he is going, where he was, what he did and with whom. To get the person to confess or to gather more evidence of cheating, ask them to retell their “alibi” in a different way.

      Tell your partner's story in a knowingly wrong way. If he told you where he was and what he was doing, repeat the story incorrectly, adding a couple of facts that incriminate cheating. For example, you might imagine that he was having an affair with a work colleague. And when you ask him where he was, he may reply that he went to a bar with friends. In response, you can say: "Oh, did you go bowling with friends and that colleague?", And he can answer: "I did not go bowling with friends."

      • In this case, your partner partially recognizes the second part of the statement: the fact that he went somewhere with a colleague is true.
      • Perhaps he will realize that he forgot to correct the second part of your statement, and will try to quickly justify himself.
      • This technique works best if you pretend to be deeply involved in other activities, such as reading a book or watching a movie, as you ask.
    3. Use open-ended questions. These are the kind of questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. They make a person talk, and the more information he gives out, the more evidence you will get later when you try to bring him to clean water.

      • Open-ended questions can also relax a person by provoking direct or indirect confessions of infidelity.
      • Listen for small details that can be confirmed later. Check them for authenticity. For example, talk to people your partner allegedly was with and check their stories.
    4. Don't push your partner too hard. If you ask too many direct and incriminating questions, most likely, he will withdraw and once again prove his unwillingness to admit to cheating. It's natural to ask a couple of questions in the evening about how your day went, such as "What were you doing?" or "Why did you come so late today?" But if you demonstrate your suspicions even before the person is ready to "split", you will only fill him with a sense of alienation, and everything will end with sarcastic or obviously false responses.

      • Stick to your usual conversation pattern. Communicate in the same manner as before you suspected your partner of cheating.
      • In general, avoid direct questions like “What did you do?” “Who were you with?” and where were you?".
    5. Don't use an accusatory, cold tone. By being mischievous or behaving in a passive-aggressive (or just aggressive) manner, your partner will clearly not be tempted to open up. Instead, ask questions in a light, casual, and slightly curious tone. This does not make it seem like you are suspicious. If he begins to guess about your suspicions, he will take additional steps to hide his actions and prevent you from investigating.

      • Remain calm and judicious when asking questions.

    Get recognition

    1. Express your empathy. If he decides that you understand his behavior and can put yourself in his place, he is more likely to admit to cheating.

      Enter his space. A gentle and reassuring method is usually best, but some people will not admit it until you’ve heated up the atmosphere a little and take control of the situation. But don't be aggressive or dominant, just make him feel mildly uncomfortable. Enter his personal space.

      • Move your chair closer to him than usual.
      • If you are standing, take a small step towards him.
      • Lean on the table as you talk.
      • This subtle behavior will turn the situation in your favor and may push your partner towards an unconscious admission.
    2. Don't share all the information you have. If you know your partner wasn’t at the bar last night, don’t start by asking, “I know you weren’t at the bar yesterday.” Thus, you reveal your cards and make it easier for him to deny his betrayal.

      • Instead, wait for him to fall into the trap of making excuses. Compare his words with reliable information about where he was not seen and with whom he was not. This will allow you to expose him.
    3. Pretend you know exactly what is going on. If you think you have substantial evidence of cheating, but you are not 100% sure, you can attempt a direct accusation with the expectation that the person will confess. Take a calm moment when you are both at home. Set up a confrontation by saying, “I know everything” or “I think we should talk about [the name of the person with whom he is cheating on you].”

      • You can arrange some kind of introductory part, giving your partner a chance to confess. Say: “You don’t want to tell me about anything?”.
      • Bluffing can be effective in trying to get your partner to confess to cheating, but if he doesn't buy it, he won't admit anything. In addition, after that, he will have more confidence that you do not know anything about his "tricks".
      • If you bluff and the person really hasn't cheated on you, you will look stupid.
    4. Let your partner fill in the blanks. Bluffing, lead him to the story of what he did. To do this, supplement the story with details in which you are ironically confident. For example: “You came home late every night this week. You said you were with friends, but you weren't. Is not it?". Then back up everything with the thought of what you think (or know) happened. Chances are, your partner will start making adjustments and gradually paint a complete picture of what happened.

So, you are faced with a dilemma: how can you force your wife to confess to infidelity, and whether you need to do this, because this will inevitably follow a collapse. The fact that the wife has cooled down and got a lover on the side, there is a fault and a husband. It means that he made some mistakes and did something that gave impetus to the destruction of the relationship. But if the desire to find out everything is too great, you can go one of three ways.

How to make your wife confess to treason?

Just increase the degree of stress. It is clear that she is already having a hard time, because she is forced to “walk on the edge of a knife” and live a double life, trying not to deprive her lover of attention and at the same time spend enough time with her family so that the faithful would not have any suspicions. It is worth playing on this, increasing the "pressure": constantly call and monitor her actions, if possible, do not leave one for a long time and look for a way to spend time together. It will be more and more difficult for her to lie and dodge, which means there is a great chance that she will admit everything.

The second way is just the opposite. It is necessary to give the wife complete freedom of action, but at the same time, surrounding her with attention and care to the maximum. Imagine this is your honeymoon. Give flowers to the faithful, take care of her, arrange a romantic dinner by candlelight. Of course, she cannot fail to notice such a change and she will be tormented by remorse. This method is suitable for those men who want to keep their beloved close to them. There is a great chance that she will repent, understand how important her husband is to her and curtail the relationship on the side.

If the wife is cheating and does not confess, then those who are interested in how you can get her to confess when time passes and playing the role of a loving spouse with horns on her head becomes unbearable, then you can simply call the faithful for a frank conversation, immediately saying that you are all you know. It is unlikely that she will deny and admit everything.

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