Home Flowers Nathaniel bumpo. Nathaniel bumpo St. John's wort nathaniel bumpo

Nathaniel bumpo. Nathaniel bumpo St. John's wort nathaniel bumpo

“Of all the other props, he appreciated the crunching twig most of all. The sound of a crunching bitch delighted his ears, and he never denied himself this pleasure. In almost every chapter in Cooper's work, someone is sure to step on a mote and lift all the pale-faced and all the red-skinned people two hundred yards around. Whenever Cooper's hero is in mortal danger and total silence costs four dollars a minute, he is sure to step on a treacherous bitch, even if there are hundreds of objects nearby that are much more convenient to step on. They clearly do not suit Cooper, and he demands that the hero look around and find a twig or, at worst, rent it somewhere. Therefore, it would be more correct to call this cycle of novels not "Leather Stocking", but "Crunchy Twig" "
Mark Twain

“The educational value of Cooper's books is beyond doubt. For almost a hundred years they have been the favorite reading of the youth of all countries, and when reading the memoirs of, for example, Russian revolutionaries, we often come across indications that Cooper's books served as a good educator for them a sense of honor, courage, and striving for action. "
Maksim Gorky

The most, perhaps, the most popular - and at least the most beloved by the author himself - the literary hero of Fenimore Cooper, the brave hunter Nathaniel Bumpo (aka St. John's Wort, Pathfinder, Hawkeye, Long Carbine and Leather Stocking) could not help but fall into the field of vision of filmmakers. In total, Cooper wrote five novels about Bumpo (and the very first were “Pioneers” - the 4th part of the cycle, in which the hero appeared already in old age), according to which in 100 years - this is how much the short film “Leather Stocking” was celebrated on September 27 - about 4 dozen film adaptations were filmed. Some of them are presented below.

Owen Moore, the first to embody the image of the Leather Stocking on the screen - "Leather Stocking" (1909):

1920 version with Harry Lorraine:

And a German tape of the same year in which Bumpo played Emil Mamilok, and Chingachguk - Bela Lugosi:

Harry Carey (1932):

Randolph Scott (1936):

George Montgomery (1950):

John Hart (1957):

Luis Induni (1965):

Rolf Roemer(1967) - however, in this case, the central character was, of course, the main film Indian of Europe, Goiko Mitic:

Helmut Lang e, who starred in two film adaptations - the film "Ultimul Mohican" (1968) and the mini-series, which can be loved for just the title "Die Lederstrumpferzahlungen" (1969):

8-episode “The Last of the Mohicans” (1971) with Kenneth Ives:

And the 5-episode "Hawkeye, the Pathfinder" (1973) with Paul Massey:

The animated version, which was shown more than once on domestic TV (voice acting Mike Rode) (1975):

Steve Forrest (1978):

In 1987, two versions appeared at once - another cartoon (voice acting John Waters):

And the Soviet film adaptation, notable only for the fact that Andrei Mironov played his last role in "The Pathfinder" - and since the actor died before the completion of work on the film, he was voiced by Alexei Neklyudov. The Pathfinder proper played Andrey Zhagars(bonuses: Mironov as the insidious French marquis and Evgeny Evstigneev as the leader of the Senecs).

1990 brought another film adaptation from a domestic producer - "St. John's Wort". The main character played Andrey Khvorov:

In 1992, the director got down to business, who, by his own admission, did not read Cooper, and in general specialized mainly in crime stories. Nevertheless, the shot hit the top ten: “Last of the mohicans” by Michael Mann is not only the best adaptation of Fenimore's novel, but also one of the best adventure films in general, in which everything is good - acting, camera work, and mesmerizing music. ... well and Daniel Day-Lewis, of course, is the best Bumpo of all possible (see also:,):

However, this film also did not put an end to the story - two years later the 23-episode "Hawkeye" was shot with Lee Horsley starring:

And in 1996, the Pathfinder's rifle passed to Kevin Dillon(interestingly, Russell Means, who played Chingachgook in Michael Mann's version, is in one of the roles):

And the latest version to date is “The Last Of The Mohicans”, another animated series, this time made in Italy, which IMDb for some reason is silent about:

Musical Postscript:

The card template ((Name)) is not completed for this article. You can help the project by adding it. Nathaniel male name from Heb. Nathanel ... Wikipedia

Nathaniel (Natty) Bumpo is a literary character, the protagonist of Fenimore Cooper's historical adventure pentalogy. First appears in the novel "Pioneers" (1823). Hunter, connoisseur of Indian customs. Known by the nicknames Leather Stocking, St. John's wort, ... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see St. John's wort (disambiguation). John's Wort, or The First Warpath The Deerslayer, or The First Warpath

There are articles on Wikipedia about other people with this last name, see Cooper. James Fenimore Cooper ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see The Last of the Mohicans (meanings). The Last of the Mohicans, or The Narrative of 1757 The Last of the Mohicans; A narrative of 1757 ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Pathfinder. Pathfinder, or On the Shores of Ontario The Pathfinder, or The Inland Sea ... Wikipedia

Chingachgook DVD cover of the movie "Chingachgook Big Serpent", 1967 Appearance The novel "St. John's Wort, or the First Path of War ... Wikipedia

A request for "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" is forwarded here. A separate article is needed on this topic ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Mingo. The Mingo Iroquois people who migrated west to Ohio in the mid-18th century. Received the name "Mingo" from the Anglo-American settlers; the word "mingo" is a garbled ... ... Wikipedia

Quiet, even quieter Wa ta Wa and Chingachguk Appearance Novel "St. John's wort, or the First path of war" Disappearance Novel "Pioneers, or U ist ... Wikipedia


  • Independence Day
  • Independence Day, Ford Richard. This Pulitzer Prize and Faulkner Prize winning novel is one of the most important in contemporary American and world literature. An existential chronicle, almost every minute, about a few ...
Information Nickname
  • Truthful language
  • Pigeon
  • Lop-eared
  • St. John's wort
  • Hawkeye (Hawkeye) eye
  • Long carabiner
  • Pathfinder
  • Leather stocking
  • Species (race) Date of Birth Date of death Occupation A family A family

    Mother, Sister


    Nathaniel (Natty) Bumpo- a literary character, the main character of a historical and adventure pentalogy en Fenimore Cooper. First appears in the novel "St. John's Wort".


    In America, he was adopted by the Delaware tribe, who shared their lands with the former Effingham estate, and now belonged to the Temples. Bumpo lived a long life in the Great Lakes region and was renowned as a good hunter and a brave warrior. Faithfully he was served by a wonderful gun "Oleneboy" and two dogs. The hunter entered the first warpath together with his friend, the Mohican Chingachguk, with whom he did not part for almost his entire life. He fought with the Iroquois, Hurons and the French. His adventures took place on the shores of the Great Lakes, and after each he made a couple of loyal friends. He was attentive and honest, this helped him to get out of all conflicts safe and sound.

    Contrary to his own expectations, he lived a very long life. After he found his master, Major Effingham, who soon died, and the death of the Great Serpent, he went south, away from the "clatter of axes." Although there his life was not calm, despite the fact that he turned from a hunter into a trapper. The faithful Deer Boy still served him. Deciding to help the guy who wanted to save his bride from captivity, Natty got involved in a serious struggle with the Sioux tribe and white settlers. The Pawnee Wolf tribe came to Natty's aid.

    Nathaniel died in the fall of 1805, shortly after the death of his faithful dog Hector, in the Pawnee tribe, where he was revered for the greatest wisdom.


    Create an image

    A good-natured, loyal and honest hunter. He will find a common language with everyone. Wears homemade clothes made from animal skins, lives in a homemade "wigwam". Ignorant and uneducated, but his inner world is rich and huge. He's the best border shooter.


    Title of the novel Age
    Nathanielha Bampo
    original name
    1841 year 1744 year "St. John's wort, or the First warpath" 19 years "The Deerslayer"
    1826 year 1757 year "The Last of the Mohicans, or the Narrative of 1757" 32 years "The Last of the Mohicans"
    1840 year 1759 year "Pathfinder, or On the Shores of Ontario" 34 years "The Pathfinder"
    1823 year - years "The Pioneers, or At the Beginning of Sasquihanna" 68-69 years old "The Pioneers"
    1827 year - years "Prairie", otherwise "Steppe" 79-80 years old "The Prairie"

    However, the above dating contradicts the texts of the novels.

    In the novel "Prairie" it is repeatedly indicated that Natty Bumpo is over 80 years old: "But the snows of eighty-seven winters clouded my eyes with their brilliance ...". If you believe this quote, then Natty Bumpo died at the age of 88 (one year after these events).

    In the novel "St. John's Wort" it is written that fifteen years later, Bumpo and Chingachgook with their son again found themselves on the lake, where the novel takes place: “Fifteen years passed before St. Mohoke to join their allies ... They visited all the memorial sites, and Chingachgook showed his son where the original Huron camp was ... ". Consequently, the action of the novel "The Last of the Mohicans", where Uncas dies, must be at least fifteen years behind the action of the novel "St. John's Wort".

    In The Pathfinder, Sergeant Dunham says, "The Pathfinder is nearly forty."

    In The Pioneers, Leather Stocking says, "I have known the waters of Otsego for forty-five years." Since in the novel he is sixty-ninth year old, and the action of the novel “St. However, "The Pioneers" is the first novel in the series, so Cooper was clearly forced to change the chronology further.

    see also

    Write a review on "Nathaniel Bumpo"

    Notes (edit)


    • ... Retrieved February 21, 2010.
    • ... Retrieved February 21, 2010.
    • ... Retrieved February 21, 2010.

    Excerpt from Nathaniel Bumpo

    How happy Rostov would be if he could now die for his tsar!
    - You deserve the St. George's banners and you will be worthy of them.
    "Just die, die for him!" thought Rostov.
    The Emperor also said something that Rostov did not hear, and the soldiers, pulling on their breasts, shouted: Urrah! Rostov shouted, too, bending down to the saddle, which was in his power, wishing to hurt himself with this cry, only to fully express his delight for the sovereign.
    The sovereign stood for several seconds against the hussars, as if he were indecisive.
    "How could the sovereign be in indecision?" thought Rostov, and then even this indecision seemed to Rostov majestic and charming, like everything that the sovereign did.
    The sovereign's indecision lasted for an instant. The sovereign's leg, with a narrow, sharp toe, as was worn at that time, touched the groin of the anglized chestnut mare on which he was riding; the hand of the sovereign in a white glove picked up the reins, he set off, accompanied by a chaotically fluttering sea of ​​adjutants. Further and further he rode off, stopping at other regiments, and, finally, only his white plume could be seen by Rostov from behind the retinue that surrounded the emperors.
    Among the gentlemen of the suite, Rostov noticed Bolkonsky, lazily and dissolutely sitting on a horse. Rostov remembered his yesterday's quarrel with him and the question presented itself whether he should or should not be summoned. “Of course, you shouldn't,” Rostov thought now ... “And is it worth thinking and talking about this at such a moment as now? In a moment of such a feeling of love, delight and selflessness, what do all our quarrels and insults mean !? I love everyone, I forgive everyone now, ”thought Rostov.
    When the sovereign traveled around almost all the regiments, the troops began to pass by him in a ceremonial march, and Rostov rode through the castle of his squadron in his newly purchased Bedouin from Denisov, that is, alone and completely in full view of the sovereign.
    Before reaching the sovereign, Rostov, an excellent rider, twice thrust spurs into his Bedouin and brought him happily to that frenzied gait of a trot that the heated Bedouin walked around. Tucking his foaming muzzle to his chest, separating his tail and, as if flying in the air and not touching the ground, gracefully and high raising and changing his legs, the Bedouin, who also felt the sovereign's gaze on him, walked excellently.
    Rostov himself, with his legs tucked back and his stomach tucked up and feeling like one piece with the horse, with a frowning but blissful face, damn, as Denisov said, rode past the sovereign.
    - Well done Pavlohradtsy! - said the sovereign.
    "My God! How happy I would be if he told me to throw myself into the fire now, ”thought Rostov.
    When the review was over, the officers, who had come again and the Kutuzovskys, began to converge in groups and began to talk about awards, about the Austrians and their uniforms, about their front, about Bonaparte and how badly he would be now, especially when the Essen corps came up, and Prussia will take our side.
    But most of all in all circles they talked about Tsar Alexander, conveyed his every word, movement and admired him.
    All only wanted one thing: under the leadership of the sovereign, they would rather go against the enemy. Under the command of the sovereign himself, it was impossible not to defeat anyone, so Rostov and most of the officers thought after the review.
    After the review, everyone was more confident of victory than they could be after two won battles.

    The day after the show, Boris, dressed in his best uniform and encouraged by the wishes of success from his comrade Berg, went to Olmutz to see Bolkonsky, wishing to take advantage of his affection and arrange for himself the best position, especially the position of adjutant in front of an important person, which seemed to him especially tempting in the army ... “It’s good for Rostov, to whom his father sends 10 thousand, to talk about how he doesn’t want to bow to anyone and will not go to anybody as a lackey; but I, who have nothing but my own head, need to make my career and not miss opportunities, but use them. "
    In Olmutz, he did not find Prince Andrew that day. But the sight of Olmutz, where the headquarters, the diplomatic corps stood, and both emperors lived with their retinues - courtiers, confidants, only strengthened his desire to belong to this supreme world.
    He did not know anyone, and, in spite of his dandy guards uniform, all these high-ranking people scurrying through the streets in dandy carriages, plumes, ribbons and orders, the courtiers and the military, seemed to stand so immeasurably higher than him, a guards officer, that they did not not only did not want to, but also could not admit its existence. In the office of Commander-in-Chief Kutuzov, where he asked Bolkonsky, all these adjutants and even orderlies looked at him as if they wanted to impress upon him that there were a lot of officers like him hanging around here and that they were all already very tired of them. Despite this, or rather because of this, on the next day, on the 15th, after dinner he again went to Olmutz and, entering the house occupied by Kutuzov, asked Bolkonsky. Prince Andrew was at home, and Boris was led into a large hall, in which, probably, they used to dance before, but now there were five beds, a variety of furniture: a table, chairs and clavichords. One adjutant, closer to the door, in a Persian robe, sat at the table and wrote. Another, a red, fat Nesvitsky, was lying on the bed with his hands under his head and laughing with the officer who had sat down to him. The third played a Viennese waltz on the clavichord, the fourth lay on these clavichords and sang along with him. Bolkonsky was not there. None of these gentlemen, noticing Boris, changed their position. The one who was writing, and to whom Boris turned, angrily turned around and told him that Bolkonsky was on duty, and that he should go to the left through the door, into the waiting room, if he needed to see him. Boris thanked him and went to the waiting room. There were about ten officers and generals in the waiting room.
    While Boris, Prince Andrey, ascended, screwing up his eyes contemptuously (with that special kind of courteous fatigue, which clearly says that if it were not for my duty, I would not talk to you for a minute), he listened to the old Russian general in orders, who was almost on tiptoe, on a hood, with a soldierly obsequious expression on his crimson face, was reporting something to Prince Andrey.
    `` Very well, if you please wait, '' he said to the general with that French reprimand in Russian, which he spoke when he wanted to speak contemptuously, and, noticing Boris, no longer turning to the general (who ran after him pleadingly, asking to hear something else) Prince Andrey with a cheerful smile, nodding to him, turned to Boris.
    Boris at that moment already clearly understood what he had foreseen before, precisely what in the army, besides the subordination and discipline that was written in the charter, and which the regiment knew, and he knew, there was another, more substantial subordination, the one who made this general, tight-lipped with a crimson face, respectfully wait, while Captain Prince Andrey, for his pleasure, found it more convenient to talk to Warrant Officer Drubetskoy. More than ever, Boris decided to continue serving not according to the one written in the charter, but according to this unwritten chain of command. He now felt that only due to the fact that he was recommended to Prince Andrey, he had already become immediately higher than the general, who in other cases, in the front, could destroy him, the warrant officer of the Guards. Prince Andrew went up to him and took his hand.
    “It’s a pity that you didn’t find me yesterday. I spent the whole day with the Germans. We went with Weyrother to check the disposition. How the Germans will undertake accuracy - there is no end!
    Boris smiled, as if he understood what Prince Andrew was hinting about as well-known. But for the first time he heard Weyrother's surname and even the word disposition.

    pentalogies ru en Fenimore Cooper. First appears in the novel "St. John's Wort".


    In America, he was adopted by the Delaware tribe, who shared their lands with the former Effingham estate, and now belonged to the Temples. Bumpo lived a long life in the Great Lakes region and was renowned as a good hunter and a brave warrior. Faithfully he was served by a wonderful gun "Oleneboy" and two dogs. The hunter entered the first warpath together with his friend, the Mohican Chingachguk, with whom he did not part for almost his entire life. He fought with the Iroquois, Hurons and the French. His adventures took place on the shores of the Great Lakes, and after each he made a couple of loyal friends. He was attentive and honest, this helped him to get out of all conflicts safe and sound.

    Contrary to his own expectations, he lived a very long life. After he found his master, Major Effingham, who soon died, and the death of the Great Serpent, he went south, away from the "clatter of axes." Although there his life was not calm, despite the fact that he turned from a hunter into a trapper. The faithful Deer Boy still served him. Deciding to help the guy who wanted to save his bride from captivity, Natty got involved in a serious struggle with the Sioux tribe and white settlers. The Pawnee Wolf tribe came to Natty's aid.

    Nathaniel died in the fall of 1805, shortly after the death of his faithful dog Hector, in the Pawnee tribe, where he was revered for the greatest wisdom.


    Create an image

    A good-natured, loyal and honest hunter. He will find a common language with everyone. Wears homemade clothes made from animal skins, lives in a homemade "wigwam". Ignorant and uneducated, but his inner world is rich and huge. He's the best border shooter.


    Title of the novel Age
    Nathaniel Bumpo
    original name
    1841 year 1744 year "St. John's wort, or the First warpath" 19 years "The Deerslayer"
    1826 year 1757 year "The Last of the Mohicans, or the Narrative of 1757" 32 years "The Last of the Mohicans"
    1840 year 1759 year "Pathfinder, or On the Shores of Ontario" 34 years "The Pathfinder"
    1823 year - years "The Pioneers, or At the Beginning of Sasquihanna" 68-69 years old "The Pioneers"
    1827 year - years "Prairie", otherwise "Steppe" 79-80 years old "The Prairie"

    However, the above dating contradicts the texts of the novels.

    In the novel "Prairie" it is repeatedly indicated that Natty Bumpo is over 80 years old: "But the snows of eighty-seven winters clouded my eyes with their brilliance ...". If you believe this quote, then Natty Bumpo died at the age of 88 (one year after these events).

    In the novel "St. John's Wort" it is written that fifteen years later, Bumpo and Chingachgook with their son again found themselves on the lake, where the novel takes place: “Fifteen years passed before St. Mohoke to join their allies ... They visited all the memorial sites, and Chingachgook showed his son where the original Huron camp was ... ". Consequently, the action of the novel "The Last of the Mohicans", where Uncas dies, must be at least fifteen years behind the action of the novel "St. John's Wort".

    In The Pathfinder, Sergeant Dunham says, "The Pathfinder is nearly forty."

    In The Pioneers, Leather Stocking says, "I have known the waters of Otsego for forty-five years." Since in the novel he is sixty-ninth year old, and the action of the novel “St. However, "The Pioneers" is the first novel in the series, so Cooper was clearly forced to change the chronology further.


    Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

    Information Nickname
  • Truthful language
  • Pigeon
  • Lop-eared
  • St. John's wort
  • Hawkeye (Hawkeye) eye
  • Long carabiner
  • Pathfinder
  • Leather stocking
  • Species (race) Age

    Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

    Date of Birth Date of death Occupation Rank

    Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).


    Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

    Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

    A family A family

    Mother, Sister


    Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).


    Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).


    Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).


    Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

    IMDb Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

    Nathaniel (Natty) Bumpo- a literary character, the main character of a historical and adventure pentalogy en Fenimore Cooper. First appears in the novel "St. John's Wort".


    In America, he was adopted by the Delaware tribe, who shared their lands with the former Effingham estate, and now belonged to the Temples. Bumpo lived a long life in the Great Lakes region and was renowned as a good hunter and a brave warrior. Faithfully he was served by a wonderful gun "Oleneboy" and two dogs. The hunter entered the first warpath together with his friend, the Mohican Chingachguk, with whom he did not part for almost his entire life. He fought with the Iroquois, Hurons and the French. His adventures took place on the shores of the Great Lakes, and after each he made a couple of loyal friends. He was attentive and honest, this helped him to get out of all conflicts safe and sound.

    Contrary to his own expectations, he lived a very long life. After he found his master, Major Effingham, who soon died, and the death of the Great Serpent, he went south, away from the "clatter of axes." Although there his life was not calm, despite the fact that he turned from a hunter into a trapper. The faithful Deer Boy still served him. Deciding to help the guy who wanted to save his bride from captivity, Natty got involved in a serious struggle with the Sioux tribe and white settlers. The Pawnee Wolf tribe came to Natty's aid.

    Nathaniel died in the fall of 1805, shortly after the death of his faithful dog Hector, in the Pawnee tribe, where he was revered for the greatest wisdom.


    Create an image

    A good-natured, loyal and honest hunter. He will find a common language with everyone. Wears homemade clothes made from animal skins, lives in a homemade "wigwam". Ignorant and uneducated, but his inner world is rich and huge. He's the best border shooter.


    [[K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] [[K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]]
    Title of the novel Age
    Nathanielha Bampo
    original name
    1841 year 1744 year "St. John's wort, or the First warpath" 19 years "The Deerslayer"
    1826 year 1757 year "The Last of the Mohicans, or the Narrative of 1757" 32 years "The Last of the Mohicans"
    1840 year 1759 year "Pathfinder, or On the Shores of Ontario" 34 years "The Pathfinder"
    1823 year - years "The Pioneers, or At the Beginning of Sasquihanna" 68-69 years old "The Pioneers"
    1827 year - years "Prairie", otherwise "Steppe" 79-80 years old "The Prairie"

    However, the above dating contradicts the texts of the novels.

    In the novel "Prairie" it is repeatedly indicated that Natty Bumpo is over 80 years old: "But the snows of eighty-seven winters clouded my eyes with their brilliance ...". If you believe this quote, then Natty Bumpo died at the age of 88 (one year after these events).

    In the novel "St. John's Wort" it is written that fifteen years later, Bumpo and Chingachgook with their son again found themselves on the lake, where the novel takes place: “Fifteen years passed before St. Mohoke to join their allies ... They visited all the memorial sites, and Chingachgook showed his son where the original Huron camp was ... ". Consequently, the action of the novel "The Last of the Mohicans", where Uncas dies, must be at least fifteen years behind the action of the novel "St. John's Wort".

    In The Pathfinder, Sergeant Dunham says, "The Pathfinder is nearly forty."

    In The Pioneers, Leather Stocking says, "I have known the waters of Otsego for forty-five years." Since in the novel he is sixty-ninth year old, and the action of the novel “St. However, "The Pioneers" is the first novel in the series, so Cooper was clearly forced to change the chronology further.

    see also

    Write a review on "Nathaniel Bumpo"

    Notes (edit)


    • ... Retrieved February 21, 2010.
    • ... Retrieved February 21, 2010.
    • ... Retrieved February 21, 2010.

    Excerpt from Nathaniel Bumpo

    - Well, I look, I look and I don't remember ... How is it, I love him very much? Maybe he really isn't there anymore? ..
    - Excuse me, but can you see him? I asked my mother cautiously.
    The woman nodded confidently, but suddenly something in her face changed and it was clear that she was very confused.
    - No ... I can't remember him ... Is this really possible? - already almost frightened she said.
    - And your son? Can you remember? Or brother? Can you remember your brother? - Addressing both of them at once, asked Stella.
    Mom and daughter shook their heads.
    Usually such a cheerful, Stella's face looked very preoccupied, probably could not understand what was happening here. I literally felt the hard work of her living and such an unusual brain.
    - Invented! I came up with it! - Stella suddenly squealed happily. - We will "dress" your images and go for a walk. If they are somewhere, they will see us. It's true?
    I liked the idea, and all that remained was to mentally “change clothes” and go in search.
    - Oh, please, can I stay with him until you return? - the baby stubbornly did not forget her desire. - And what is his name?
    - Not yet, - Stella smiled at her. - and you?
    - Leah. - Answered the baby. - Why do you glow? We saw such people once, but everyone said that they were angels ... And who are you then?
    - We are the same girls as you, only we live “upstairs”.
    - And where is the top? - did not appease little Leah.
    “Unfortunately, you cannot go there,” Stella, who was in difficulty, tried to explain somehow. - Do you want me to show you?
    The little girl jumped for joy. Stella took her by the handle and opened her stunning fantasy world to her, where everything seemed so bright and happy that she didn't want to believe it.
    Leah's eyes became like two huge round saucers:
    - Oh, beauty, but what ah! .... And what is this - paradise? Oh mothers! .. - the little girl squeaked enthusiastically, but very quietly, as if afraid to frighten off this incredible vision. - And who lives there? Oh, look what a cloud! .. And golden rain! Does this happen? ..
    - Have you ever seen a red dragon? Leah shook her head. - Well, you see, it happens to me, because this is my world.
    - And you then, what - God ??? “But God cannot be a girl, can he? And then, who are you? ..
    Questions poured from her like an avalanche and Stella, not having time to answer them, laughed.
    Not busy with "questions-answers", I began to slowly look around and was completely amazed by the extraordinary world that was opening up to me ... It was, in truth, a very real "transparent" world. Everything around sparkled and shimmered with some kind of blue, ghostly light, from which (as it should) for some reason did not become cold, but on the contrary - it warmed with some unusually deep, penetrating the soul with warmth. From time to time, transparent human figures floated around me, now condensing, now becoming transparent, like a luminous fog ... This world was very beautiful, but somehow fickle. It seemed that he was changing all the time, not knowing exactly how to stay forever ...
    - Well, are you ready to "walk"? - A cheerful Stellin's voice pulled me out of my dreams.
    - Where are we going? - Waking up, I asked.
    - Let's go look for the missing! - the baby smiled cheerfully.
    - Dear girls, will you still allow me to watch your dragon while you walk? - not wishing to forget him for anything, with downcast eyes, asked little Leah.
    - Well, keep watch. Stella said graciously. - Just don't give it to anyone, otherwise he is still a baby and may be frightened.
    - Oh, well, oh you, how can you! .. I will love him very much until you return ...
    The girl was ready to just flatter out of her skin, just to get her incredible "miracle dragon", and this "miracle" puffed and puffed, apparently trying her best to please, as if she felt that it was about him ...
    - And when will you come again? Are you coming very soon, dear girls? - secretly dreaming that we will come very soon, asked the baby.
    Stella and I were separated from them by a shimmering transparent wall ...
    - Where do we start? - seriously anxious girl asked seriously. - I have never met such a thing, but I’m here not so long ago ... Now we have to do something, right? .. We did promise!
    - Well, let's try to "put on" their images, as you suggested? - I said without thinking for a long time.
    Stella quietly "conjured" something, and a second later she looked like a round Leah, well, of course, I got Mom, which made me laugh ... whom we hoped to find the missing people we needed.
    - This is the positive side of using other people's images. And there is also a negative one - when someone uses it for bad purposes, like the entity that put on the grandmother's "key" so that she could beat me. Grandma explained everything to me ...
    It was funny to hear how this tiny little girl, in a professorial voice, expounded such serious truths ... But she really took everything very seriously, despite her sunny, happy nature.
    - Well, let's go, "girl Leah"? I asked with great impatience.
    I really wanted to see these, other, "floors" while I still had enough strength for it. I already managed to notice what a big difference there was between this, in which we were now, and the "upper", Stellin "floor". Therefore, it was very interesting to quickly "plunge" into another unfamiliar world and learn about it, if possible, as much as possible, because I was not at all sure whether I would return here someday.
    - Why is this “floor” much denser than the previous one, and more filled with entities? I asked.
    “I don’t know ...” Stella shrugged her fragile shoulders. - Maybe because only good people live here, who did no harm to anyone while they lived in their last life. Therefore, there are more of them here. And above there are beings that are "special" and very strong ... - then she laughed. - But I'm not talking about myself, if you thought that! Although my grandmother says that my essence is very old, more than a million years ... It's horrible, how much, isn't it? Who knows what happened a million years ago on Earth? .. - said the girl thoughtfully.
    - Maybe you were not on Earth at all then?
    - And where?! .. - Stella asked dumbfounded.
    - Well I do not know. Can't you take a look? ”I wondered.
    It seemed to me then that with her abilities EVERYTHING is possible! .. But, to my great surprise, Stella shook her head.
    - I still know very little, only what my grandmother taught. - As if regretting, she answered.
    - Do you want me to show you my friends? - I suddenly asked.
    And without letting her think, she unfolded in her memory our meetings, when my wonderful "star friends" came to me so often, and when it seemed to me that nothing more interesting could be ...
    - Oh, this is some kind of beauty! ... - Stella breathed out with delight. And suddenly, seeing the same strange signs that they showed me many times, she exclaimed: - Look, it was they who taught you! .. Oh, how interesting it is!
    I stood in a completely frozen state and could not utter a word ... Did they teach ??? ... Really all these years I had some important information in my own brain, and instead of somehow understanding it, I , like a blind kitten, floundering in her petty attempts and guesses, trying to find some truth in them?! ... And all this was “ready-made” for me a long time ago?

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