Home Flowers Why is it important to be able to work in a team. Being able to work in a team: why is this skill so important and how to learn it? What skills and abilities are needed in teamwork

Why is it important to be able to work in a team. Being able to work in a team: why is this skill so important and how to learn it? What skills and abilities are needed in teamwork

Most of the people who go to work every weekday in the office, factory floor, or any other organization, in one way or another, contact their colleagues. It would seem that they all work together, but not every group of colleagues can be called a team. A team is people working together on one task, going towards one goal, constantly interacting with each other. Members of one working team are well aware of each other's assignments, they constantly and openly communicate on work issues. The responsibility for achieving a common goal is equally on the shoulders of everyone. The employees of the team are more or less dependent on each other. And for representatives of some professions it is simply impossible to work alone (surgeon, tower crane operator, subway driver, etc.)

The ability to work in a team consists of several components:

  • be able to do their part of the work in a general rhythm
  • find contact with any team member, openly engage in dialogue
  • admit your mistakes
  • be able to accept someone else's point of view
  • not be afraid to criticize employees' ideas and express their
  • come to the aid of colleagues
  • manage your emotions and forget about the likes and dislikes that take place.

Teamwork, however, does not preclude independence. Sometimes you need to do your part of the work, relying only on your own strength. At the same time, you can always contact your colleagues with questions. Members of a well-coordinated work team are not afraid to voice their ideas to employees and criticize their ideas. At the same time, you need to reasonably criticize and convince you of the correctness of your decisions.

One of the main advantages of teamwork is that it reduces the number of possible mistakes. A specialist working alone may miss a moment. And when working in a team, what one member of the group has not noticed is likely to be noticed by another.

The professional skills of the team members complement each other, and the work of one depends on the work of the other. When everyone in a team works in the same rhythm, things move faster. At the same time, an even distribution of responsibilities reduces the workload and tension of each employee.

Working in a close-knit team has a positive effect on the development of the personal qualities of each of its members. The communication and creative qualities of the employee are increased. Depending on the tasks assigned to the team, each of its members sometimes has to perform the functions of a subordinate or be a leader. This, in turn, contributes to the development of leadership qualities of each member of the team.

During the interview, the potential candidate is tried to find out how well he developed the ability to work in a team. What does this concept imply? Let's try to figure it out together.

Characteristic of sociability

A sociable person easily reveals himself to his interlocutor, quickly makes contact. During the conversation, he tries to tell the listener both important and unnecessary information, without thinking about whether it will be perceived. In addition, such a person is always distinguished by many questions, the answers to which are not particularly interesting to him. The essence of the dialogue is in an active, dominant position, and sometimes in the monologue of a sociable subject. Such a person absolutely does not care that they do not want to listen to him, they dream of getting rid of him as soon as possible. Sociability is not a bad quality, but it is clearly devoid of significant benefits.

The concept of sociability

Often this quality is associated with sociability. In fact, there are many differences between these two terms. So what does it mean to work in a team, to find an approach to the interlocutor even in difficult situations, to achieve his location, to establish friendly relations - all this is characteristic of sociability. The main task of all actions is to establish mutually beneficial cooperation between team members. This requires such a quality as the ability to work in a team. What can be seen as the benefits of such cooperation? First of all, it means getting pleasure from a conversation with a tactful and intelligent interlocutor. In addition, the ability to work in a team helps to find answers to questions that could not be solved on their own.

How to identify communication skills

There are certain signs by which communication skills can be identified. Determine the interlocutor's ability to work in a team according to the following criteria:

  • Having the ability to conduct a conversation on any topic.
  • Getting real pleasure from the conversation.
  • Ability to speak at ease in front of a large audience.
  • Do not hesitate, regardless of the situation, to express your position in a competent and accessible manner.
  • Choose the stylistic coloring and tone of speech, taking into account the individual characteristics of the listeners.
  • Maintain public interest for the required period of time

Errors when lining up work

The ability to work in a team does not come by itself, you need to work quite a lot to get the desired result. Once in an unfamiliar situation, many people try to start a conversation by asking about the name of the interlocutor, forgetting to introduce themselves. An uncomfortable situation arises at the first stage of communication, the equivalence and proportionality of receiving reciprocal information is violated.

A common mistake is the desire to "stick" strangers into a conversation without thinking about the subject of the conversation. Such an attempt will not only irritate the interlocutors, it will certainly leave not the most flattering opinions about you.

You should not start a conversation with strangers on a specific (narrow) topic, which only a select few people know. The person will try to communicate with you, keeping a distance, finish the conversation that is not interesting to him quickly enough.

Violation of the personal space of the interlocutor will also be a serious mistake. Hugging a stranger by the shoulders, you will get a feedback, he has a desire to get rid of you as soon as possible.

Communication recipes

The development of the ability to work in a team is carried out through collective creative projects. There are "recipes" for the development of sociability, without which the full-fledged work of the team as a single organism is impossible.

1 recipe. Try to stay calm, be confident in your abilities. Excessive fuss, ingratiating glances, raising or lowering your voice during a conversation are not permissible. You should look relaxed, speak in a low voice, in a measured tone. In this case, the interlocutor will take your words seriously.

2 recipe. The ability to work in a team does not allow for a person in terms of social status, appearance. The speed of decision making leads to the fact that you will lose a potential colleague. It is important to find positive qualities in a partner in order to tune in to a constructive and involves the ability to work in a team. The goal is to make everyone in the group feel positive.

3 recipe. You need to learn to listen to your colleague. The ability to hear and listen is a real art. Anyone will appreciate a grateful viewer. Do not interrupt the interlocutor in mid-sentence, give him a chance to express his point of view, and only after that offer personal counterarguments or arguments.


So what is teamwork? The algorithm used by the manager to create it depends on the specifics of the company. For example, in teaching collectives, small groups are created according to the profile of the subject being taught. In such methodological associations, colleagues discuss issues related to the methods of teaching academic disciplines, upbringing of the younger generation.

In a travel sales company, the ability to work in a team is of particular importance. The competence of each member of the team is clearly defined, only together they are able to provide quality and safe rest for their clients.

The benefits of communication

What does this competence give a person? First of all, it helps to gain self-confidence, forms the ability to work in a team, to independently make important decisions. When developed, even in an unfamiliar situation, a person will be easy and comfortable. With their help, you can easily capture the attention of the audience, convey your ideas and thoughts to them. Sociability helps to achieve the goals.

So what is teamwork? Focus on results? Creating a shared project? Cooperative activity? If there is a serious tender on which the well-being of the company and its team depends, the manager determines the people who will work on it. When choosing candidates, he is guided by several factors. First of all, it analyzes which the employee shows. The team needs those who are able to involve their colleagues in achieving high results. necessary for a successful completion of the work. The person who owns them is able to independently make important decisions, take responsibility.


For full-fledged teamwork, you need to be able to adapt to a changing situation, evaluate it, and use it to achieve your goal. A true professional takes into account the full range of factors when working on a long-term team project. A sociable person, tuned in to work in a team, a real find for any manager. Every large company has a HR specialist whose duties include identifying a real leader at the interview stage with a potential employee. This measure allows you to "cut off" random people, to create full-fledged and efficient teams of employees.

Details Category: Mental states / personality traits

Do you know how to work in a team.

At each point, determine which of the statements suits you best and which one suits you least; then choose from the remaining two statements the one that is closer to the most suitable and the one that is closer to the least suitable.

a. At each point, determine which of the statements suits you best and which one suits you least; then choose from the remaining two statements the one that is closer to the most suitable and the one that is closer to the least suitable.

b. Each team member must be responsible for a specific area of ​​work, and this is more important than having a person in control of the entire work process.

c. A good leader creates an environment that motivates the entire team

d. A good leader has charisma that motivates the whole team.

a. A team can work to its full potential if its goal matches the needs and desires of all team members.

b. The team can work in full force if everything is in order inside it.

c. The team can work in full force if clear goals and objectives are set

d. The team can work at full strength if the goals at first glance seem too difficult

a. I will do my best to achieve my goals and meet the needs of my team

b. I am ambitious and willing to work hard to become a leader

c. One of the strongest motives is the desire to cope with the challenge.

d. I strive to be a leader in a team

a. The best leaders know how to help others maximize their abilities.

b. The most successful leaders are the ones who stay aloof and calmly observe the team's work while things are going well, and only intervene when problems arise.

c. A good leader should foster a sense of camaraderie among team members.

d. A good leader motivates the team

a. The team and all team members are stimulated by the responsibility for the case

b. Team members must understand the consequences of their mistakes.

c. Teams should never be afraid of change

d. Team members must constantly analyze and evaluate each other's work

a. I am confident the team will perform better thanks to my participation.

b. Team members must be equally good at performing all functions within the team

c. It is important that I am ready to support all my teammates at any time.

d. Regular meetings of team members are necessary in order to evaluate the work as a whole and set new tasks


The key concept in the formation of any team is motivation, and the key question that all members of the future team should ask themselves: "What makes us do this business?" There are several factors we need to consider when talking about how a good team is formed and who is able to become a good team member. Here is some of them.

What is the purpose of the team

Motivation will not develop if the goal of the team is not clearly defined and if this goal does not match the needs of the team members. It is often said that the strength of a team can be judged by the strength of its weakest link.

Who will be my teammate

Partnership is a key factor in building a successful team. Openness, mutual assistance and trust in a team are possible only if all its members get along well with each other. A team works in full force when its members move in the same direction and at the same time support each other. The team should unite people with different abilities necessary for the day to complete a common cause.

Will the work be especially important and interesting for me?

Team members need to feel that their work is important and understand what they are trying to achieve. Their interest and motivation will be weakened if the goals of the team do not align with their own aspirations.

What challenges will the team face?

People either accept difficult tasks positively or prefer to move away from them. A difficult task should motivate the team, help it get together and express itself as much as possible. The more difficult the task, the more effort is required. Thus, difficult tasks are in themselves a motivating factor.

In any team, problems arise from time to time, the needs and needs of team members change, and the composition of the team changes from time to time, but if team members work towards common goals, motivation will remain strong for a long time.


Check the appropriate boxes:


Most suitable

Closer to the most suitable

Closer to the least suitable

Least suitable


Give 3 points for each answer "a" in the column "Most Suitable", 2 points for each answer "a" in the column "Closer to the most appropriate", 1 point for each answer "a" in the column "Closer to the least appropriate" "And 0 points for each answer" a "in the" Least Suitable "column.

Give 0 points for each “b” answer in the “Most Suitable” column, 1 point for each “b” answer in the “Nearest Best” column, 2 points for each “b” answer in the “Nearest” column. "And 3 points for each answer" b "in the" Least Suitable "column.

Give 2 points for each “c” answer in the “Most Suitable” column, 3 points for each “c” answer in the “Closer to Most Suitable” column, 1 point for each “c” answer in the “Closer to Least Suitable” column ”And 0 points for each“ c ”answer in the“ Least Suitable ”column.

Give 0 points for each answer "d" in the column "Most Suitable", 1 point for each answer "d" in the column "Closer to the Most Suitable" 3 points - for each answer "d" in the column "Closer to the least suited" , and 2 points for each “d” answer in the “Least Suitable” column.

48-72 points

You are a good team player, and besides that, you perfectly understand what qualities team members should have and how to make the team achieve the best results. So you have everything to be a good leader if you are not already.

A good leader must understand and correctly assess the goals of the team and the difficulties that it has to face; he is also obliged to maintain a sense of responsibility and camaraderie within the team, to stimulate the development of all team members. If you are currently a member of the team, but have not yet become its leader, then perhaps you should set higher goals for yourself, if only this is what you really want out of life.

24-47 points

You are, in all likelihood, a good team member with the makings of a leader. Responsibility is an incentive both for the team as a whole and for each individual person, and you are just ready to take responsibility and treat it correctly. You understand that all team members need to work together to get good results. Any team consists of different people, but only if they unite and go together towards their goal, the team's work can become truly effective.

23 points or less

You get the impression that you are more a loner than a team player, and therefore prefer to do work in which you have the opportunity to act independently. Also, you probably prefer individual sports over team sports.

You may not like it when other people interfere in your affairs, or you do not like working under someone else's control, or you are annoyed that leaders who have been entrusted with such responsible positions are not doing the job as well as you could. ... Or maybe you don't really like people in positions of power. The number of points you scored on this test indicates that you are better off choosing a profession or occupation in life so that you can work independently, with the least interference from other people. But at the same time, you should not forget that a person's whole life is, in fact, a team game, and cooperation will always be more productive than confrontation with the outside world or isolation. The growth of the team leads to the growth of its individual players, and so we are all gradually moving forward, gaining new knowledge, improving skills, broadening our horizons and strengthening our position.

Teamwork is a valuable asset that attracts employers. It is impossible to implement a large project without the coordinated actions of many employees. Therefore, the ability to build relationships with colleagues is highly valued.

As you know, one is not a warrior in the field. In many areas of activity, success can only be achieved through the well-coordinated work of the entire team. This is why the demand for people with the ability to work in a team is so high today. Indeed, is it possible to single-handedly prepare the Olympic Games, create an ultra-modern product or establish uninterrupted production?

Large projects are becoming a reality thanks to the attraction of significant labor resources and their coordinated joint actions.

What does it mean

We ourselves often write the phrase about the ability to work in a team in our resumes and we constantly see it in vacancy announcements. But do we know what this very skill means? As psychologists explain, this is the ability to build relationships with colleagues in such a way as to jointly achieve the set goals. And what qualities are necessary in order to behave in a team in this way?

According to one Canadian company that surveyed a group of senior executives, the most important qualities an employee must have to be productive are:

  1. Ability to meet deadlines;
  2. Personal charm;
  3. Loyalty to the leader;
  4. Ability to avoid intrigue.

The benefits of working in a team

  1. An opportunity to participate in an interesting project and learn new things.
  2. One of the most famous and effective forms of teamwork is the so-called brainstorming, when all members of the group collectively solve one of the problems, expressing various ideas and choosing the most successful ones. Participating in brainstorming develops creative thinking.
  3. In a team, a person learns to hear someone else's opinion, be objective and constantly develop.
  4. For a leader, teamwork is a valuable experience that allows him to successfully pursue a career.

Teamwork rules

1. Make decisions together

If your opinion differs from the general opinion of the majority, get a meeting where you try to prove the advantages of your position and find a compromise solution. If opinions are divided, a vote must be taken. And then follow the path chosen by the team impeccably.

2. Don't put pressure on your authority

Even if you are the leader of this team or the most experienced and honored member of it, do not impose your point of view in an authoritarian way. You work in a team, which means that all its members have the same rights to defend their approach to solving a particular problem. Teamwork involves not a boss and subordinates, but equal players. Respect your employees, even if you disagree with them. Be objective with them, do not be afraid to point out mistakes, but do it in a tactful manner. Criticize methods, positions, results, but never get personal. Then no one will feel offended and the discussions will be constructive.

3. Think of teamwork as a school of professionalism.

Working together for a common result gives you a rare opportunity to look closely and listen to more experienced colleagues, learn from them, learn useful skills, become more knowledgeable, and grow professionally. Watch how they work, how they think, how they defend their position - all this will be useful to you both in the future and now.

4. Write down all ideas

During a brainstorming session or just an ordinary discussion of a problem, be sure to write down all the ideas that you and your employees express. At times, some suggestions can sound fantastic, if not insane. But who knows, perhaps after a while they will turn out to be quite robust and progressive.

5. Control your emotions

You may not like some employees, but you should not be open about your feelings. Remember: your attitude towards this or that person should not interfere with your work. You cannot rid yourself of his presence, but you can convince yourself of the need to be objective in relation to him and evaluate him solely from the position of the benefit that he brings to the common cause.

6. Accept criticism

Nobody likes to be criticized. But if you work in a team, you need to learn to take criticism calmly. You, just like the rest, are not immune from mistakes, moreover, you have the right to make a mistake, and your employees have the right to point you out to you.

7. Do not work to wear.

Otherwise, at some point you will feel that you have lost all your ardor and passion for work and experience impenetrable laziness. Yes, it happens when you irrationally organize your work, have little rest, are overworked. In this case, your body begins to protest against the harsh regime and is lazy. To prevent this from happening, do not drive yourself to exhaustion, even if the work is a lot of pleasure and you do not notice how quickly the day goes by. Do not stay up late in the office, do not forget to eat well and on time, go for a walk, do sports. A healthy lifestyle will increase your strength and creativity. And if you see that one of your subordinates begins to lose motivation, send him home - let him rest for a couple of days and return to duty, again full of enthusiasm.

8. Assign responsibilities

Teamwork involves a skillful division of responsibilities in connection with a project. This means that you need to avoid petty tutelage in relation to subordinates, endless checks and indications of shortcomings. If you entrusted an employee with a work site, it means that you know his capabilities, and now you do not need to stand above his soul. He, like you, works for a common result and is interested in the success of the business. Do not be anxious and petty, do not consider yourself the smartest and most responsible, otherwise you will quickly fizzle out.

9. Stick to the plan

Be sure to make as detailed an action plan as possible, break the work into stages, set deadlines and assign responsibility. Then you will clearly know with whom you can ask in case of violation of the deadlines, and not look for the guilty and sort things out. Planning and meeting deadlines is central to your job. If you understand that the plan needs adjustment, get people together and discuss possible changes.

10. Stop intrigue

These destructive actions can ultimately ruin the most promising project. Remember this yourself and, whenever possible, tell your subordinates that you have common goals, which are higher than personal goals in teamwork. However, in any team there is a person who seeks to achieve more through intrigue. He can dissolve gossip, plot intrigues, and if you are a leader, and spread fables about others. Strictly put him in his place, and if he does not calm down, dismiss.

11. Be humble

You and the team are one whole, which means that success does not belong to you personally - it is the merit of the entire team. If your team has achieved a high result, it means that it is truly strong, united and competitive, but thanks to each of you. Appreciate your employees and feel free to tell them about it.

12. Relax together

After stressful weeks and months, it is very useful to raise the corporate spirit to go with the whole team out of town for a barbecue. Or go to a concert of your favorite rock band, and then continue communication in a pizzeria or pub. Then you will feel how charged your batteries are. But most importantly, don't talk about work while on holiday.

It is not enough to group people, you need to competently organize teamwork. Read about the problems of relationships in the team in the article.

From the article you will learn:

What does teamwork and teamwork mean?

A team is a circle of people differing in criteria: gender, age, professions, goals, and more. But their main task lies in one thing - the timely implementation of the project with joint efforts.

The decisions made by the participants are traditional. Non-standard approaches to work are suppressed by individuals or rejected by a group. Innovative technologies are well received by young and active employees looking to redefine outdated ways of working.

Participants do not always work harmoniously, as they may pursue different interests. Consider this even at the stage of team formation, otherwise you cannot avoid constant conflicts that can turn into real corporate wars. To prevent this from happening, each person must know the algorithm for working in a team.

Teamwork algorithm

Don't think of groups as teams. They are formed spontaneously, so it is impossible to predict how the next project will end. Take the time to create a close-knit team in which roles, rights and responsibilities will be divided, and responsibility will be perceived by each participant.

Differences between a working group and a team

Effective teamwork is possible only if the participants perceive each other positively, try to find a compromise on difficult issues. When uniting people, consider not so much the professional as the personal qualities of the employees. Do not try to reconcile warring parties by entrusting them to work on the same project.

Organization of teamwork

Team building is a lengthy process. Start with it in advance, not just before the start of the project. Managers who have a close-knit team of employees who have previously completed more than one project value them. This is due to the fact that it is easier to retain professionals who have gone through all the stages of building relationships than to create a new team.

If you are just forming a team, the participants have to go through several stages until they become one: addiction, grouping, uniting, creating norms, observing and evaluating. When selecting employees, consider the skills that are needed.

Teamwork skills, without which you cannot achieve a positive result:

  • professional qualities required to complete tasks;
  • ability to solve problems, make decisions;
  • developed analytical activity;
  • sociability.

Teamwork skills are affected by:

  • understanding of the general goals, objectives of the organization, department;
  • pursuit to work together;
  • lack of personal goals not declared to the manager and colleagues;
  • the ability to integrate knowledge, skills with the potential of the team;
  • willingness to learn, change behavior, if it contradicts the rules;
  • desire for communication.

To organize teamwork quickly and successfully, be directly involved in all processes. Guide the team, help take positions, assign roles, but do not suppress employees. The psychological climate depends on your behavior. If the manager is tense, the participants get nervous and swear. They are trying to win the favor of the leader, to take a leading position, which is fundamentally wrong.

Work in a project team is successful if the participants have equal rights, clearly know their responsibilities, and know how to redistribute work. Coordinate their actions. Make sure that an informal leader does not appear who can spoil relations within the team, turn employees against you.

Do not challenge employees with impossible tasks, or they will not appreciate the benefits of teamwork. In case of failures, even in a close-knit and strong team disagreements are not excluded - employees spend a lot of effort, but do not see the result. General discontent builds up as everyone blames the other. If the project is not completed in a month, do not limit the time frame to this period. Adequately assess the strength of employees to avoid negativity.

Oksana Vilinskaya answers,
expert in personnel management, deputy editor-in-chief of the journal "Personnel business".

We are luring a top manager from another company. He is ready to accept the offer, but only if he is allowed to bring the team with him from the previous place of work. How to proceed?

Teamwork technology

Stick to simple technology teamwork, which will allow you to quickly cope with the task. Do not use complex techniques if the team is only recently formed. Otherwise, there will be misunderstandings, employees will be disoriented. The easier the interaction principle, the fewer problems will arise.

Teamwork technology:

  • setting the task for the participants;
  • collecting opinions of employees, including leaders;
  • discussion of possible ways of working, finding a compromise;
  • drawing up an action plan;
  • work according to plan;
  • identification of shortcomings, their elimination;
  • completion of work;
  • Feedback.

Be sure to discuss each project. If you don't, teamwork efficiency will decrease. Highlight the outstanding employees, tell them what they did right. Do not scold those who failed to achieve a good result. Deal with mistakes, refer participants.

Leonid Mazurik answers,
editor-in-chief of action-media.ru.

“It seemed that this craziness with team building was a thing of the past. But no, during the crisis they again started talking about the need to turn employees into a team, ”a familiar coach wondered. He is convinced that the best ideas come not from groups, but from individuals. And only a few individuals achieve the highest results. There is no need to create a team, and it is an empty invention. But I could not agree with this statement ...

How to improve the efficiency of employees when working in a team?

Regulate the rules for working in a team, familiarize employees with them. Explain the norms of behavior, communication, style of dress, way of interacting with customers. Stop conflicts, gossip. Develop a system of penalties that participants can understand. Don't forget about the promotion.

Explain to employees the essence of teamwork, the purpose. When changing a project, view the results of the previous one. If there were flaws in it, identify problems and fix them. Negotiate with colleagues, ask about the difficulties they faced.

Keep the following points in mind when assigning responsibilities and tasks:

  • whether the task is combined with the roles of the executors;
  • which of the team members has the necessary knowledge and experience to effectively perform the work;
  • what kind of employee can develop skills, benefit.

If the task is urgent, important, trust it to the most experienced specialist. To other employees developed, appoint them as assistants. Make sure that experienced team members do not shift work to newcomers. Otherwise, the outcome of the project is unpredictable. Teach people to assign roles.

Create a trusting environment, without which effective teamwork is impossible. Employees should share best practices, valuable ideas, new approaches to tasks. If there is an oversight, the team members are tense. They cannot unleash creativity.

Conduct the training "Teamwork". Invite an expert if you don't know what to focus on. By properly organizing the interaction of participants, you will be able to complete large projects in a short time. Remember that without your support, team members will not be able to achieve good results.

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