Home Flowers SWOT - analysis of OJSC Kholod. SWOT-analysis Swot analysis the essence of the stages of the presentation

SWOT - analysis of OJSC Kholod. SWOT-analysis Swot analysis the essence of the stages of the presentation

The main directions for the development of SWOT-analysis display in the model of dynamic changes of the company and its competitive environment taking into account the results of the analysis of the company and its competitive environment using classical models of strategic planning development of SWOT-models taking into account various scenarios for the development of situations in the market

SWOT Analysis Rules 1. Carefully define the scope of each SWOT analysis 2. Understand the differences between SWOT elements: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats 3. Strengths and weaknesses can only be considered as such if buyers perceive them as such 4. Be be objective and use versatile input 5. Avoid lengthy and ambiguous wording

Stages of a SWOT analysis 1. Defining the purpose of the SWOT analysis 2. Identifying strengths and weaknesses 3. Identifying market opportunities and threats 4. Ranking and refining the wording of strengths and weaknesses 5. Ranking and refining the wording of market opportunities and threats 6. Forming a SWOT matrix 7. Formulation of criteria for choosing a strategy 8. Analysis of "rejected" strategies 9. Rough estimate of the cost of the chosen strategy 10. Approval of the strategy

Stage 2 Strengths may look like: Good reputation of the firm with loyal customers Highly qualified employees Market recognition Competence of management Availability of financial resources Protection from strong competitive pressures Technological superiority Cost advantages…

Stage 2 Example of weaknesses Presence of obsolete equipment in some areas Low profitability of the main products Poor tracking of the implementation of the strategy In-house problems Backlog in research and development Insufficient knowledge of the market and market novelties…

Stage 3 Example of Opportunities Entering new markets in two neighboring regions Expanding the product range by purchasing a number of products from partners Launching related products Deeper market segmentation and flexible pricing Use credit resources to promote a new project Early involvement in a new government program Use friendly media for the "promotion" of a new series of goods Opening a service center for the repair and updating of old models, etc.

Stage 3 Example of Threats A real possibility of new competitors from other industries Increasing sales of a replacement product Slowing market growth Unfavorable government policy for business Increasing role of suppliers due to their consolidation Changing needs and tastes of buyers Unfavorable demographic changes, difficulty in recruiting new employees, etc.

Stage Compensating measures for the main threats Threats Compensating measures Increasing role of suppliers due to their enlargement Active monitoring of foreign suppliers, search for similar raw materials Growth in sales of replacement products and their aggressive advertising Special training program for merchants and dealers, publications in friendly media about the dangers of replacing products Departure of strong specialists to other industries, the difficulty of finding new ones Development of a contract system to retain strong specialists and attract new people from the market … …

Stage SWOT matrix format OpportunitiesThreats Access to regions Service center Offer for VIP Supplier pressure Substitute products Departure of specialists StrengthsStrategic actions 1 Strategic actions 2 Reputation Cost management Financial cushion WeaknessesStrategic actions 3 Strategic actions 4 Pricing policy Aging assortment Lack of feedback

Stage The main questions for the formation of frontier strategies OpportunitiesThreats Access to regions Service center Proposal for VIP Supplier pressure Substitute products Departure of specialists StrengthsStrategic actions 1 Strategic actions 2 Reputation Cost management Financial cushion How to use strengths and opportunities? How to repel threats at the expense of strengths? WeaknessesStrategic Actions 3 Strategic Actions 4 Pricing Aging assortment Lack of feedback How to use market opportunities to neutralize weaknesses? What to do if weaknesses and threats coincide. Maybe a radical change in business?

Stage 6 An example of the formation of a field of boundary strategies OpportunitiesThreats Entering the regions Service center Offer for VIP Supplier pressure Substitute products Departure of specialists StrengthsStrategic actions 1Strategic actions 2 Reputation Cost management Financial pillow Search for partners in the regions Conducting an interregional seminar... Development of special prices for new regions Creation of a service -centers and groups for collecting information from customers ... WeaknessesStrategic actions 3Strategic actions 4 Pricing policy Aging assortment Lack of feedback Organization of a large warehouse, purchases of raw materials "for future use" Transition to a contract system with leading specialists... Search for alternative suppliers Sharp reduction in assortment, concentration on one segment market...

Stage 10 SWOT analysis allows you to test the strategy with the goals of the owner, the budget, the estimate (it is necessary to assess the feasibility at the expense of own and borrowed funds), the availability of the material and human resources necessary for the implementation of the strategy (own and newly attracted)

alternative strategic objectives

Completed by: Khrapova O. Kozhemyakina E.

In order to get a clear assessment of the strength of the enterprise and the situation on the market, there is a SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is the definition of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as the opportunities and threats coming from its immediate environment (external environment). SWOT analysis consists of:

- Strengths (Strengths) - the advantages of the organization;

Weaknesses - shortcomings of the organization;

Opportunities - environmental factors, the use of which will create an advantage for the organization in the market;

Threats - factors that can potentially worsen the position of the organization in the market.

The use of SWOT analysis allows you to systematize all available information and, seeing a clear picture, make informed decisions regarding the development of the enterprise. The SWOT analysis table and the identified alternative strategic objectives are necessary for further analysis, the choice of an enterprise development strategy and the choice of a preferred marketing strategy. SWOT - analysis emphasizes that the strategy should combine the internal capabilities of the enterprise and the external situation as best as possible.

We will conduct a SWOT analysis of the LLC enterprise

"Coca Cola"

Based on the above analysis, conclusions can be drawn about the development potential of the Coca-Cola Company distributor, which lies in the elimination of weaknesses, the skillful use of opportunities and the consideration of threats. Thus, in order to attract new customers from the retail stores segment, the following recommendations are possible:

1) Strengthen weaknesses:

Apply new methods to promote our services, that is, find new distribution channels, having previously eliminated failures in the supply of commercial equipment;

Employees of the enterprise should be directed to advanced training.

2) Use the opportunities:

It is better to use the possibility of installing commercial equipment to attract new customers and thereby exterminate competing manufacturers from the distribution channels;

Reduce the number of unemployed.

3) Eliminate threats:

Goods - more carefully prepare distributor personnel and offers for customers, in the future it is possible to search for new product groups on the market that do not intersect with the present one, in order to avoid dependence on a single supplier.

Eliminate competition in the production of mineral water, produce our own mineral water.

Based on the SWOT analysis,

conclude that the company

Coca-Cola occupies a high position in this market, has strengths and strives to eliminate all types of threats. To select the current marketing strategy of the enterprise, you must first determine the overall strategy of the enterprise

Description of the economic activity of the organization The company "Key" is a leading retailer of computer equipment and components in the market of St. Petersburg. A bit of history: it was founded on December 1, 1991 in 1992, the Kay store was opened on Liteiny Prospekt, which became the first full-fledged computer store in St. Petersburg, retailing a wide range of computer equipment and consumables today in the Kay retail network » operates 20 stores «Key» is the leading official partner in the North-West region of such leaders of the computer industry as Intel, Microsoft, Canon, HP, Xerox, Epson and others.

General information about the company: 1. Uniform corporate trade style: assortment, prices, recognizable signs, customer service policy. 2. At KEE, quality control is carried out, based on the experience and professionalism of many specialists. 3. In terms of the number of discount cards in circulation among customers, KEY is one of the first places in St. Petersburg. 4. LLC "Key" operates on the basis of self-financing and self-sufficiency, is a legal entity, owns separate property. 5. The main consumers of Kay LLC are corporate customers.

Opportunities 1: 1. Improving the standard of living of the population 2. Bankruptcy and exit of sales firms 3. Emergence of new suppliers 4. Improvement of management 5. Reduction of taxes and duties 6. Offers of cooperation from third-party entrepreneurs 1 - according to a study of the PC market conducted by DISCOVERY Research Group in 2007

List of threats to the organization: 1. Disruptions in the supply of products 2. Rise in inflation 3. Decrease in the standard of living of the population 4. Increase in taxes and duties 5. Emergence of new firms in the market 6. Increase in competitive advantages from competitors 7. Change in the rules for importing products 8. Tougher legislation

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The completion of the SWOT analysis is the correct presentation of its results, the formation of conclusions and the vector of development of the analyzed product, service or company. The presentation of the SWOT analysis should contain a detailed report in order to avoid errors in the interpretation of the prepared information.

Presentation plan

The presentation of the results and conclusions on the SWOT analysis has clear semantic blocks, described below.


The first section is Summary. It is a summary of all the key proposals and conclusions that were born as a result of the SWOT analysis. This format of data provision is the most efficient and generally accepted in the world practice. It allows you to understand the vector of your presentation.


The second section is an introductory section. In this paragraph of the presentation, tell us about the main goals of the SWOT analysis and what factors of the external and internal environment were analyzed and considered.

Basic SWOT Form

In the third section, show the basic form of SWOT as a simple matrix of four quadrants: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This form has historically been a convenient format for providing all the results on 1 page. It is advisable to immediately arrange the factors in the SWOT form in order of importance and priority (from the most important to the least important). Importance and high priority are easy to define: the higher the impact on sales and profits, the higher the priority.

You don't need to include many factors. It is enough to focus on 6-8 key factors for each category (maximum). Too many confuses the audience and also prevents them from properly prioritizing and focusing on important elements. Factors that have now receded into the background due to their insignificance can be used in the next wave of analysis.


Data speaks first is the key slogan of all presentations. Prepare an illustration of the evidence for each factor in the SWOT analysis. This will help with the justification of the selected factors and their priority.


The fifth section is the key findings of the SWOT analysis. One convenient presentation format is the .

Tactical action plan

The final section of the presentation should always go - an action plan with estimated deadlines and required resources. Without such a plan, all of the above were just words. In a SWOT analysis, you are expected to provide specific guidance for action.

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