Home Indoor flowers Go to the panel what. An example from life: how a girl, by the will of circumstances, was forced to go to the panel. and what happened to her next. What does it mean - Go to the panel

Go to the panel what. An example from life: how a girl, by the will of circumstances, was forced to go to the panel. and what happened to her next. What does it mean - Go to the panel

Panel- an element of various designs that has a flat shape.

  • Dashboard, control panel, console - a group of instruments and controls, combined in one design.
    • False panel - an external applied decorative plate on the dashboard, covering structural elements and bearing inscriptions and designations.
  • The patch panel is an integral part of a structured cabling system.
  • Plasma panel is one of the types of information display devices.
  • A panel in construction is a large flat piece. Panel house building is a type of construction based on the use of large factory-made panels.
  • The panel is a sidewalk, a paved road only for pedestrians (also a stable phraseological unit “go to the panel”).
  • Control panel - in hosting it is software for remote administration of a web server through a browser.
  • The Control Panel is part of the Microsoft Windows user interface used to configure the system.
  • A toolbar is a graphical user interface element designed to accommodate several other elements on it.
  • Panel computer - a computer, the functionality of which is entirely enclosed in a single case, in this case in a monitor case.
  • Panel discussion or discussion panel is one of the methods of group discussion. In contrast to the round table format, where all or most of the participants are expected to speak, in the panel discussion format, several experts speak, as a rule, expressing different points of view on the subject under discussion, after which the moderator invites the rest of those present to ask the speakers questions.


PANEL PANEL PANEL, panels, wives. (German Paneel). 1. Stone, wood or asphalt paving on the side of the street for pedestrians, sidewalk. 2. (pronounced ne). Wood paneling or pasting, wood-like painting of the lower part of the walls of a room, room (special). Walnut panel. 3. Radio receiver board, on which all its parts (radio) are mounted. 4. A square or rectangular area allocated during the development in mines of horizontal or shallow layers of a fossil (min.).

Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

The panel is:

Panel ( a. panel; n. Paneel, Abbaupaneel, Baufeldteil; f. panneau; and. panel) -
1) in underground mining of mineral deposits - part of the stage of the mine field of a shallow layer (deposit), limited by the fall or uprising of Ch. drifts (haulage and ventilation) or one ch. by a drift and one of the boundaries of the mine field along the dip (uprising), and along the strike - by the boundaries with neighboring ponds or one of these boundaries and the boundary of the mine field along the strike; part of the mine field of the horizontal layer (deposit), adjacent to the panel drifts serving it (haulage and ventilation). The item is formed by the panel method of preparing a mine field.
On shallow strata (deposits), P. are divided into tiers. Served by P. panel Bremsberg or slopes, carried out from Ch. drifts (Fig. 1).

In contrast to the floors, in these conditions, the floor is worked out along the strike (the tiers within the panel - along the fall or uprising).
On horizontal seams (deposits), the rock is subdivided into excavation areas (pillars) by excavation drifts, which are carried out at right angles to the panel drifts to the panel borders (Fig. 2).

P. can be one - or two-winged. The dimensions of the mine depend on the size of the mine field, the capabilities of the used cleaning equipment. The length of the P. along strike is usually 1500-2500 m, along the dip, 800-1200 m.
2) In open-pit mining, p. And. - part of the working horizon in the open pit, limited by longitudinal and transverse cut trenches. Panels are formed with the panel method of mining horizons (Fig. 3).

The width of the panel in the development of inclined and steeply dipping deposits is taken equal to the value of the advancement of the work front required to open the underlying horizon, and on steeply dipping deposits it means. the length with the transverse development of the work front - the width of the horizon within the stage (Fig. 4).

When developing horizontal and gently dipping deposits, the width of the panel is equated to the annual advance of the work front. The length of the panel is when car. transport in rocks 300-500 m, with conveyor transport - 800-1000 m Yu. I. Zavedetskiy, Yu. I. Anistratov.

Mining encyclopedia. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia. Edited by E. A. Kozlovsky. 1984-1991.

What does it mean to go to the panel?

Victor kotov

Well, what can be not clear here?

Do not know))
Hello again:)))

Olga Kostenko

Panel - I mean the sidewalk along the road, lined with slabs) Yes, the same panel. So we all go there)

Nikolay morozov

To go to the panel means to engage in street prostitution. In this case, the panel is the sidewalk; part of the street intended for pedestrians. "Go to the panel" - to engage in the most despicable street prostitution.

What is a VDO panel?

What other differences exist, what are the differences?

Hello everyone =)

Ivan weaver

Siemens VDO Automotive
Information about the company:
VDO is one of the brands under which the products of the division of the German concern Siemens Siemens VDO Automotive AG are manufactured. This production was formed thanks to the combination of efforts of two large companies: Siemens AG and Mannesmann VDO, one of the areas of activity of which, among other things, was the production of auto electrics. Later, a subsidiary company Siemens VDO Trading was formed, presenting on the market products manufactured under the brands Siemens VDO, VDO, VDO Dayton. Parts and assemblies for cars are produced under the VDO brand, namely: components of fuel systems, engine management systems (ESB), glass and headlight cleaning systems, sensors. In addition, the components of the dashboard (ammeter, tachometer, speed sensor, oil level, fuel, etc.), temperature sensor in the cabin and outside, remote sensors, security systems, "central locking", a recorder of some parameters of the UDS vehicle units , allowing to take their last indicators in the event of an accident, constant speed support systems (VDO-tempostat). A separate position in the range of the company's products is occupied by the dashboard components for some models of Mercedes Benz cars: instrument cluster, tachometer + quartz clock set, gear shift indicator, speedometer (electronic / mechanical), "central locking" activation systems.

Honestly, I'm fed up with this topic. But I will still try to answer you and summarize the pre-o-olg conversation about prostitutes.
1. For almost 20 pages, everyone said the same thing - they say, the girl could not be left to fend for themselves with the children, the state or acquaintances would take care of them. Or finally they said that history is a myth, “this cannot be, because it can never be”. So what? I call this ostrich politics, we do not want to see that there are unfortunate people around us who need help.
2. No one answered the directly posed question - are they ready to support other people's children? Not just throw a handout, but really, every day to provide some kind of help. Only ONE lady said that she helped the gypsy woman find a job and learn something useful.
3. No one answered the next question, if there was a choice between a child's life and moral principles, what would you choose? There were only TWO options, but everyone again hid their heads in the sand and said that options could be found.
4. Only a few felt sorry for the girl, sympathized that she had to plunge into the mud, were glad that the intermediate happy end was happy and that she still managed to raise her brothers.
5. If someone spoke more correctly about the unfortunate girl, then they were older women, with some experience, and younger or more stupid ones made some wild arguments like: “You can live on 2 thousand a month”. Moreover, HOW, no one said. And they also do not know how much drugs or textbooks cost, but they themselves love a beautiful life. I think this is hypocrisy. Like, I can, but he will be interrupted on bread and water.
6. Unfortunately, we do not know how to communicate, everyone listened only to himself and did not hesitate to accuse the author and opponents of being representatives of an ancient profession, morally decayed elements, etc.
7. Naturally, I do not justify drug addicts and pedophiles, the difference is that the girl did not indulge her base instincts and lust, but tried to feed her family. Can't you feel the difference ?! And she fought not for herself, but for those close to her. Nobody noticed that the girl was not looking for easy ways - it really would have been easier for her to put the kids in an orphanage or find a rich peasant and live happily with him, and beat her brothers up.
8. I am outraged by the comments: “Spreading your legs is the simplest thing.” Have they ever read a criminal chronicle and imagined that prostitution is not only dirty, but also dangerous occupation? How many of them are beaten, killed, robbed - this is not at all like “spreading your legs” in front of your MCH. And again - no sympathy for the child.
9. I fully support one opponent who suggested that some people here, despite the fact that they work in high-paying positions, are not worth the nail of this girl. You read the topics on "Gala"! “My MCH does not give gifts, does not give money.” All unanimously condemn "this goat" and advise to abandon him. That is, there is no relationship for love, there is only commodity-money? Isn't this prostitution ?! And if the conversation comes about the number of partners, then everyone here is just getters - geisha and courtesans in one bottle! Many do not consider it shameful to sleep with a partner 1-2 times and change him to the next one, sleep with brothers, with the husbands of friends, with the girlfriends themselves ... And these people are throwing stones at a 16-year-old child ?!
In short, these showdowns bored me! Let everyone remain unconvinced. If you have any questions, I will answer.

Spread. Become a prostitute. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 241; BTS, 778.

  • - Peter. sidewalk Pedestrian part of the street ...

    Universal Additional Practical Explanatory Dictionary of I. Mostitsky

  • - 1) a part of the control panel, made in the form of a steel sheet, a thin marble or textolite slab, on which measuring and signaling devices, relays, control equipment for oil switches are installed ...

    Technical Railway Dictionary

  • - a group of trading companies, stores selected to conduct a study of the dynamics of sales of certain goods, study the demand for ...

    Business glossary

  • - panel - ...

    Molecular biology and genetics. Explanatory dictionary

  • - - 1) in underground mining of mineral deposits - part of the step of the mine field of a shallow layer, limited by the fall or uprising of Ch. drifts or one ch. drift and one of the boundaries ...

    Geological encyclopedia

  • - a specially selected group of persons or businesses considered representative to be interviewed or observed over an extended period of time. Accordingly, a distinction is made between "consumer" and "trade" panels ...

    Big Dictionary of Economics

  • - I Panel 1) a large-sized prefabricated planar element of a building structure ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - 1) a large-sized flat element of a prefabricated building structure. 2) Decorative coating of the surface of walls, etc. 3) Heating element of a panel heating ...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - Borrowed from German, which came from Old French, where panel goes back to the Latin pannus - "a piece of cloth, a rag". The primary meaning is "sheathing, cladding" ...

    Etymological dictionary of the Russian language Krylov

  • - Borrowing. in the XIX century. out of it. lang. where it is gallicism. Franz. pannel nar.-lat. pannellus, suf. derived from pannus "a piece of cloth, a rag". The panel is literally "cladding of rags" ...

    Etymological dictionary of the Russian language

  • - Take / take someone from the panel. 1. Spread. Use the services of a prostitute. 2. Zharg. injection. Deal with a stranger, a random person. Baldaev 1, 64. Work on the panel. Spread. Prostitute...
  • - Wood paneling of the lower part of the interior walls, or wallpaper, which is pasted over the lower parts of the walls. 2) sidewalk or flooring near houses ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

  • - wives., it. latvina, a gorge sewn along the walls, down to the floor, to close the gap with it. | Sidewalk, flagstone, flak along the houses ...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - PANEL, -and, wives. 1. Walkway for pedestrians on both sides of the street, sidewalk. 2. transfer. In some expressions: about engaging in prostitution. Go to p. 3. Wood paneling or painting of the lower part of the walls of the room ...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - Arch., Psk. Reach adulthood, coming of age. SRNG 6, 52, 266 ...

    A large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Kar. Getting married without getting married. SRGK 5, 632 ...

    A large dictionary of Russian sayings

"Go / Exit to panel" in books

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Access panel

From the book Modern Apartment Plumber author Baker Glenn I.

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Task bar

author Klimov A

Control Panel

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2.2. Task bar

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Values ​​panel

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35. At this the Jews said among themselves: Where does He want to go, so that we will not find Him? Doesn't He want to go into the Greek dispersion and teach the Greeks? 36. What do these words, which He said: you will seek me, and you will not find; and where will I be, there you cannot come? Christ's words about

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PANEL-, and, well. 1. The same as the sidewalk. Exit, go to the panel - start prostitution. 2. Wooden paneling or painting (initially - wood-like) of the lower part of the walls of the room. 3. In prefabricated construction: a large slab, which is a ready-made element of the structure. House of panels. 4.those. Part of the installation, unit, device, on which the constituent elements and parts are mounted. 5.forge. A part of a mine field located on one side of the main transport roadway and served by an independent transport tunnel. Panel - related to the panel, panels.


And, well. 1. The same as the sidewalk. Exit, go to the panel - start prostitution. 2. Wooden paneling or painting (initially - wood-like) of the lower part of the walls of the room. 3. In prefabricated construction: a large slab, which is a ready-made element of the structure. House of panels. 4.those. Part of the installation, unit, device, on which the constituent elements and parts are mounted. 5.forge. A part of a mine field located on one side of the main transport roadway and served by an independent transport tunnel. Panel - related to the panel, panels.

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