Home Indoor flowers Build an ender portal version 1.9. We open the portal to the end, without any problems. How to open a portal to the world of Ender

Build an ender portal version 1.9. We open the portal to the end, without any problems. How to open a portal to the world of Ender

A gloomy and desolate dimension in which a Minecraft player spends the least amount of time. All this is about the world of Ender or the world of the Edge, which appeared in Minecraft 1.0.0 for Android.

The player enters it at the very end of the game, it is in it that the player will have to kill the Ender Dragon (Ender Dragon), thereby completing the passage of Minecraft. On my own Ender World is a deserted island, no more than 300 blocks in diameter.. But in latest updates this world has been significantly updated. So now, at a distance of 700-900 blocks from the main island, additional islands will appear on which the Edge Fortresses will be located, but let's talk about everything in more detail.

Traveling to the Ender World is no easy task, especially when it comes to survival.

First we need to collect 12 Ender Pearls. They drop from , but the chance of dropping is extremely low, so it is worth enchanting the sword for luck 3 (Looting III), this way you will collect these pearls much faster.

After you have collected 12 pearls, you will need to go to hell, where you will need to find a fortress. In the fortress there is an Ifrit spawner, which we have to find.

They do not spawn in every fortress, so you may need to find several fortresses. We will need to knock out 6 fire rods from the efreets, which we convert into 12 fire powders. Now we combine the edge pearls with fire powders and get the Eye of Ender. The most the hard part the cooking process has completed successfully.
Now we need to prepare for slaying the dragon. Remember: after you get to the world of End, you can only get back by dying or killing a dragon.

Take diamond armor, diamond sword, enchanted by pungency, onions, food, snowballs. A useful addition there will be a bucket of water and a pumpkin. They will help you in the fight against endermen, which the Ender World is simply teeming with. After all this preparation, we have to head to the fortress where it is located.

Hint: if you don't know where the fortress is, the eye of ender will help you. Just throw it into the air and it will fly towards the nearest fortress, thus finding the nearest portal to the ender world behind a short time. Now let's figure out what to do in the Ender World and how to kill the Ender Dragon.


Slaying a dragon is a unique process that marks the logical end of the game in Minecraft. But for this you will still need to defeat the dragon. First you will need to destroy the edge crystals that are located on the obsidian towers. We can destroy some of them that are not protected by bars with the snowballs that we took earlier, and those that are protected by bars can only be broken with a pickaxe or sword by climbing the tower.

But you need to be careful; when destroyed, the edge crystal explodes and throws the player back. Be careful and don't fall down, otherwise it will be the stupidest death of your life.

After you have destroyed all the crystals, you can start killing the dragon itself. He has 100HP, which is quite a lot for a vanilla one, but you won’t have too many problems with him, he is easily killed both by shooting with a bow and by hitting with a sword in those moments when he attacks you at close range.

Thus, killing a dragon is not a particularly difficult process, which will end very easily. As a reward you will receive such a souvenir as a dragon egg and great amount experience. Personally, when I was writing this article, I decided to check how much experience you can get from experience and leveled up from 0 LVL to 102.

Not a bad boost, would you agree? These are 3 things enchanted for 30 LVL. Roughly speaking, killing a dragon will allow you to make your armor as enchanted and indestructible as possible. In this you will be able to survive an explosion at point-blank range, not to mention other mobs.

But is this really where the full potential of the Ender World ends? Yes, that was the case a few years ago, but now Ender World has a sequel. Start building in either direction and at a distance of about 800 blocks you can find several other Islands containing unusual plants, as well as Dungeons inhabited by Shulkers.

Shulkers in Minecraft

Shulker is a unique and interesting in its mechanics mob that shoots unique balls that, when they hit you, will give the effect of levitation. You will start flying up and will not be able to stop, and after the effect passes you will fall down and die.

However, when you kill a shulker, it will drop a unique drop. This is a kind of analogue of a chest, with the exception that if you break this one, then all the things will remain in it. This is a cross between a regular chest and.

In addition, in such dungeons you can find Elitras. Elitras are extremely quick way movement. You put them on your back and you can fly safely. So you can see that the Ender World is not as empty as it was before.


If for some reason you wanted to kill another edge dragon, then you can do it easily. To do this you will need to make 4 Ender crystals. They are crafted quite simply: each requires seven glasses, an eye of Ender and a tear. After this, simply place them on the sides of the portal in the Ender World and the process of restoring the remaining crystals and resurrecting the dragon will begin.

Attention: do not forget to pick up the dragon egg, as it will disappear from its place on the portal as soon as you begin the process of summoning a new dragon.

Also, after summoning a new dragon, the portal to the ordinary world will not work until you kill the new one. However, this dragon, unlike the previous one, will give much less experience. So on GamePedia it is said that it will drop only 500 experience points, while the first dragon dropped 12 thousand experience points.

Thus, we have sorted out everything related to the world of Ender, which is otherwise called the World of End. Now you know how to make a portal to the ender world and you can easily find, activate it and destroy the dragon, thereby ending story walkthrough Minecraft.

Why did I think this was the end of the game? Because after killing the dragon and returning to the ordinary world, the credits will turn on! However, the ender dragon is the first, but not the only boss. There is more, but more about that another time!

The game world of Minecraft is incredibly large and there are several dimensions here, including the Ender world, where the main boss and endermen live. There is nothing useful here besides obsidian and Endstone. Many will ask a completely reasonable question: “What then should we do in this dimension, which is poor in resources?” Everything is very simple.

The fact is that to complete the Minecraft game you need to destroy the main boss - the Ender Dragon. However, in order to kill him, you must first penetrate the End, and this can only be done through a special passage, which can only be found in the fortress. To find the portal you will have to create the Eye of the End, and for this you will need efreet powder, which falls from efreets, and Ender pearls, which fall from endermen.

These ingredients need to be thrown into the air and moved in the direction of their flight. As soon as the Eye begins to descend on you, start excavating underneath you - this is where the entrance to the “End” will be. However, you should be careful when digging the passage, as there is a high chance of falling into the lava directly below the passage.

If you don’t want to waste time looking for a passage to the Ender World, then you can build it yourself. This is only possible with the TooManyItems mod or using administrative commands. The passage to the End can be made using 12 portal blocks and 12 enderman eyes, which are obtained in two ways.

Creating a portal using commands

Portal blocks, without which it is impossible to create a passage to Ender, can be obtained using a special command. To do this, open the panel by pressing (T) and enter /give 120 12, where the first number is the item ID, and the second is the quantity.

If you have not yet managed to make a sufficient amount of “Eye of the End” and you do not have the required resources - 12 endermen pearls and 12 powders, then all this can also be collected through command line. To do this, enter /give 381 12.


This mod for Minecraft makes it much easier game process and reduces the time required to achieve various goals in the game. TooManyItems allows you to choose the required items for yourself in one click, enchant without restrictions, change the weather and much more. So, download the mod and get everything you need.

Once you have all the components, you can finally make a portal to the End. To do this, you need to install 12 portal blocks so that a frame is formed. To activate the portal, you need to place one “Eye of the Edge” on each block. Now the passage is ready.

What to do in the Region

Once in Ender, you will have to fight the Ender Dragon, which attacks immediately after the player enters this world. You will need to destroy the crystals on the obsidian towers that heal the main boss and only then deal with the dragon. After destruction, the boss will drop dragon egg, which, without installing mods, plays only a decorative role. A passage will also appear, allowing you to return to the familiar world.

After the death of the main boss, the Edge will be useful only because there are many endermen living here, from whom the ender pearls fall out.

Return to the familiar world

So, you found yourself in the Land and destroyed the main boss, but how to return back to the familiar world? There are two options: die or exit through a special portal that will appear where the Ender dragon died. It is better to use the portal, because then all trophies and valuables will remain completely safe with you.

A gloomy and desolate dimension in which a Minecraft player spends the least amount of time. All this is about the world of Ender or the world of the Edge, which appeared in Minecraft 1.0.0 for Android.

The player enters it at the very end of the game, it is in it that the player will have to kill the Ender Dragon (Ender Dragon), thereby completing the passage of Minecraft. On my own Ender World is a deserted island, no more than 300 blocks in diameter.. But in the latest updates, this world has been significantly updated. So now, at a distance of 700-900 blocks from the main island, additional islands will appear on which the Edge Fortresses will be located, but let's talk about everything in more detail.

Traveling to the Ender World is no easy task, especially when it comes to survival.

First we need to collect 12 Ender Pearls. They drop from , but the chance of dropping is extremely low, so it is worth enchanting the sword for luck 3 (Looting III), this way you will collect these pearls much faster.

After you have collected 12 pearls, you will need to go to hell, where you will need to find a fortress. In the fortress there is an Ifrit spawner, which we have to find.

They do not spawn in every fortress, so you may need to find several fortresses. We will need to knock out 6 fire rods from the efreets, which we convert into 12 fire powders. Now we combine the edge pearls with fire powders and get the Eye of Ender. The most difficult part of the cooking process was successfully completed.
Now we need to prepare for slaying the dragon. Remember: after you get to the world of End, you can only get back by dying or killing a dragon.

Take diamond armor, a diamond sword enchanted with sharpness, a bow, food, snowballs. A bucket of water and a pumpkin will be a useful addition. They will help you in the fight against endermen, which the Ender World is simply teeming with. After all this preparation, we have to head to the fortress where it is located.

Hint: if you don't know where the fortress is, the eye of ender will help you. Just throw it in the air and it will fly towards the nearest fortress, thus finding the nearest portal to the ender world in a short time. Now let's figure out what to do in the Ender World and how to kill the Ender Dragon.


Slaying a dragon is a unique process that marks the logical end of the game in Minecraft. But for this you will still need to defeat the dragon. First you will need to destroy the edge crystals that are located on the obsidian towers. We can destroy some of them that are not protected by bars with the snowballs that we took earlier, and those that are protected by bars can only be broken with a pickaxe or sword by climbing the tower.

But you need to be careful; when destroyed, the edge crystal explodes and throws the player back. Be careful and don't fall down, otherwise it will be the stupidest death of your life.

After you have destroyed all the crystals, you can start killing the dragon itself. He has 100HP, which is quite a lot for a vanilla one, but you won’t have too many problems with him, he is easily killed both by shooting with a bow and by hitting with a sword in those moments when he attacks you at close range.

Thus, killing a dragon is not a particularly difficult process, which will end very easily. As a reward, you will receive such a souvenir as a dragon egg and a huge amount of experience. Personally, when I was writing this article, I decided to check how much experience you can get from experience and leveled up from 0 LVL to 102.

Not a bad boost, would you agree? These are 3 things enchanted for 30 LVL. Roughly speaking, killing a dragon will allow you to make your armor as enchanted and indestructible as possible. In this you will be able to survive an explosion at point-blank range, not to mention other mobs.

But is this really where the full potential of the Ender World ends? Yes, that was the case a few years ago, but now Ender World has a sequel. Start building in either direction and at a distance of about 800 blocks you can find several other Islands containing unusual plants, as well as Dungeons inhabited by Shulkers.

Shulkers in Minecraft

Shulker is a unique and interesting in its mechanics mob that shoots unique balls that, when they hit you, will give the effect of levitation. You will start flying up and will not be able to stop, and after the effect passes you will fall down and die.

However, when you kill a shulker, it will drop a unique drop. This is a kind of analogue of a chest, with the exception that if you break this one, then all the things will remain in it. This is a cross between a regular chest and.

In addition, in such dungeons you can find Elitras. Elytras are an extremely fast method of transportation. You put them on your back and you can fly safely. So you can see that the Ender World is not as empty as it was before.


If for some reason you wanted to kill another edge dragon, then you can do it easily. To do this you will need to make 4 Ender crystals. They are crafted quite simply: each requires seven glasses, an eye of Ender and a tear. After this, simply place them on the sides of the portal in the Ender World and the process of restoring the remaining crystals and resurrecting the dragon will begin.

Attention: do not forget to pick up the dragon egg, as it will disappear from its place on the portal as soon as you begin the process of summoning a new dragon.

Also, after summoning a new dragon, the portal to the ordinary world will not work until you kill the new one. However, this dragon, unlike the previous one, will give much less experience. So on GamePedia it is said that it will drop only 500 experience points, while the first dragon dropped 12 thousand experience points.

Thus, we have sorted out everything related to the world of Ender, which is otherwise called the World of End. Now you know how to make a portal to the ender world and you can easily find, activate it and destroy the dragon, thereby completing the Minecraft storyline.

Why did I think this was the end of the game? Because after killing the dragon and returning to the ordinary world, the credits will turn on! However, the ender dragon is the first, but not the only boss. There is more, but more about that another time!

The cubic world is full of mysterious mysterious places, hidden from the average player. In this article we will look at one of these places and learn how to find a portal to the Ender world in Minecraft.

In each of the worlds there are three underground strongholds. In them you can find various treasures and a portal to the Land of Ender, filled with Endermen. There the player will have a battle with a boss - a dragon. After winning, the game will be completely completed.

Find a portal to the Ender World in Minecraft game A small modification to the Ender Compass will help. The mod will add to the game unusual looking a compass with an arrow indicating the direction to the nearest dungeon. Ender Compass is not a cheat, it simply makes it easier to find a portal to Ender, which is difficult to find in a regular game. The player will not have to dig through a lot of caves and mines. All that remains is to prepare for the battle with the main boss of the game.

How to craft Ender's compass?

Thanks to the compass, players will save time, be able to quickly loot dungeon rooms and find a hidden portal to the world of Ender. The Ender Compass mod can be downloaded for Minecraft 1.7.10.

As soon as you start playing Minecraft, it becomes clear that you need to get to Ender, or the End, as soon as possible. There are three worlds in the game - Heaven, Hell and Ender. The edge is the final of all worlds. To get there, you must first complete your mission in Hell and Heaven. In other words, the most persistent players with well-pumped skills end up in Ender. However, some still find out how to make a portal to Ender and penetrate it ahead of schedule.

Before you enter there, you need to know that the way back is through the boss's corpse. Otherwise, death awaits you. Ender is home to the coolest boss in Minecraft - the Ender Dragon, and you need to fight him. Because of this, you must undergo thorough preparation before entering the Land.

Ender's World is an island in a state of weightlessness. Of the living creatures, only the Ender Dragon and Endermen live there - white-eyed black men. They wander around the island. There are also pillars in this world made of obsidian. The Land, or Ender, is a rather gloomy, deserted place. There is no day-night cycle at all, and the sky is always a dull purple.

Step-by-step instruction

So, in order to penetrate Ender, you first need to find a portal to it. For game versions 1.5.2, 1.7.2, 1.7.5 and 1.8.3 this can be done as follows:

  • If you want to construct a portal using as few resources as possible, and generally do everything quickly, then you will need 12 blocks and the same number of Eye of Ender artifacts. To create a portal to the End, blocks are placed on the surface of the earth in the form of a square with a side of 4 blocks, and on top is the Eye. Well, then a transition appears.

  • Here you will need the Eye again - you need to throw it, and it will fall in the direction where the portal is located. To find the portal, you will have to wander through the labyrinth located under the surface of the earth. In this case, you need an artifact. When you find the portal, there will be 12 cells there. You need to put artifacts in them, and then the passage between worlds will begin to work.

Before you go to Ender, you need to get some sleep. You also need to put things in a box, and in order not to lose them when entering the world, you should arm yourself with a sword carved from stone.

The Ender Pearl will help you land on the endernyak from the platform.

Before the boss fight, destroy the Ender Crystal. It will be located on obsidian pillars. The crystal replenishes the loss of your opponent's strength, so while it exists, it is much more difficult to defeat. It is enough to hit the Crystal with an arrow or a snowball. It is also possible to destroy it at the moment when the boss is healing - this will cause great damage to the Dragon.

Having dealt with the boss, you automatically gain a lot of experience, and therefore it is imperative to defeat him. But first, gain experience in Hell and Heaven.

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