Home Mushrooms Dragon egg fruit. Pitahaya (Dragon Fruit) - what it is, how it is eaten, what it tastes like, where it grows, benefits. Growing pitahaya at home from seeds

Dragon egg fruit. Pitahaya (Dragon Fruit) - what it is, how it is eaten, what it tastes like, where it grows, benefits. Growing pitahaya at home from seeds

Dragon fruit - pitahaya is first found in the records of the Aztecs. His homeland is Mexico. The Indians roasted the seeds of the unusual fruit, then ground them and added them to stews. Today it can be found in South America, Vietnam and Israel. We went to Thailand to try the dragon's heart (also known as pitahaya).

“And at that time a three-headed dragon was flying over the castle,” I just wanted to listen to my favorite fantasy to the end, but I had to get distracted and take out my headphones...

- Wow! What an extraordinary fruit! What cool scales! Ha, yes, it's also red. Exactly: you have to take it! – I couldn’t let up when I first saw the dragon’s heart in real life. – I definitely won’t try this in our area...

“It’s still good that we came here,” I thought once again...

It’s one thing when you watch a video or read a virtual article. And it’s completely different when you hold a dragon fruit in your hands. The scales scratch my palm a little...

Cunning Thais count out their change and think: “These tourists! You have to fool with terrible force" And so it happened... For one small fruit we gave... oh, why even remember about money...

“So we bought a cactus,” said the husband.

– What do I hear?! What kind of cactus is this?!

And it really is. Or almost like that... Although we never got to see how this fruit grows... It’s good that there is the Internet: everything is accessible, everything is clear.

Dragon fruit is also called prickly pear. But it has nothing to do with the pear.

It's a cactus!

It looks like a bush, but it's a vine. With long, as befits a vine, stems. At the end of each stem there is a dragon heart. One bush of this amazing plant produces crops six times a year.

I read an interesting fact about this fruit in my spare time (usually my leisure time in one of the hotels in the Kingdom of Thailand appeared after dinner, when the black sky was lit up with thousands of lightning bolts). So what am I talking about... mmm... I was talking about an interesting fact...

More precisely, the facts:

  • white dragon cactus flowers appear strictly on the first and fifteenth day of the month,
  • they have a strong pleasant aroma, but only open at night,
  • pollinate them... the bats and moths!

That's how it is, huh? Yes, it’s a pity that we didn’t have the opportunity to look at this amazing phenomenon.

So we cut it anyway. Wow! So this is the same kiwi, only the flesh is white.

But how to eat it? Or maybe you can lick these little black bones? No... that won’t work... We take a quick look around the room: knife, spoons, glasses, Toothbrush

- No, no... still, let’s eat it with a spoon... like kiwi.

How to eat dragon fruit - pitahaya

(options not ours)

  1. Cut into two halves and scoop out with a spoon, like a watermelon;
  2. Remove the peel, like a tangerine, and cut into pieces;
  3. Peel it like a tangerine, and don’t cut it at all, but gnaw it with your teeth like an apple.

And away we go. The first spoon... mmm... somehow there is a lot of wateriness. And the bones crunch unpleasantly on the teeth. Is it possible to eat them? If possible, then how exactly: chew or swallow? A little wrinkled...

“Tasteless watermelon,” says the husband, “with seeds or an unsweetened pear...

But I can’t compare this fruit with anything... I don’t even have any thoughts... What does it taste like? Just bones... So the taste, to put it mildly, let us down...


The same Internet says that pitahaya (as our pink hero is also called) is very useful, especially for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract ( required quality food on voyages to overseas countries). The only thing you need to do is chew the seeds thoroughly, as they take a long time and are difficult to digest.

What else is useful? Oh, here's another one:

  • it contains tannin, which is good for vision;
  • eating dragon fruit reduces blood glucose;
  • High vitamin C content strengthens the immune system.

So there are a lot of useful things, but somehow not enough taste. This is such an interesting, beautiful, exotic fruit, healthy...

There is also some strange, in my opinion, legend


A long time ago, when there were so many dragons that they often flew over castles, people were looking for meetings with terrible monsters. But not in order to rid your land of monsters.

People loved to eat pitahaya. She hid inside the dragons and appeared only when, weakened by a long struggle, the exhausted monsters no longer had the strength to spew fire. At this moment, they exhaled the thorny fruit and died quietly.

And the satisfied winners took tasty treat, obtained from the mouth of a dragon, and treated them to their beloved. And this continued until the last dragon died.

I told you the legend is strange...

Pitahaya is the fruit of a tree-like cactus, a plant common in tropical climates. South America is considered the birthplace of the exotic fruit, but it is cultivated in many countries with similar climatic conditions: Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Israel and others. In this article we will talk about taste qualities ah and the beneficial properties of the overseas fruit.

Appearance and taste of dragon fruit

The shape of the fruit resembles fir cone, it is round with leafy scales-growths. The dense peel is not edible, but is easily removed, revealing a juicy pulp strewn with small seeds. Average weight- from 200 to 600 grams; in favorable conditions, a dragon’s heart can weigh up to a kilogram.

It is noteworthy that several harvests can be harvested in a year. There are three types of fruits:

  • red pitaya- with a bright pink peel and white or cream-colored pulp, tastes fresh-sweet, smells like herbs;
  • Costa Rican- with red skin and pulp, has a sugary taste;
  • yellow pitaya- with a yellow shell and center, has a pronounced sweetness in taste and a bright aroma.

Did you know? Ancient legends tell about the struggle of people with dragons: when warriors brought fire-breathing lizards to exhaustion, instead of fire, unusual fruits fell from their mouths. People liked the taste, this is called the reason for the extermination of dragons. And the fruit itself has since been called dragon heart, since the scales on the peel resemble dragon skin.

Vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements

The fruits have the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamins: , ;
  • mineral elements: , ;
  • ash;
  • tannin (in seeds).
Calorie content - up to 50 kcal/100 g.

Beneficial features

The benefits of pitahaya are due to its composition; the vitamins and other beneficial substances present in the pulp are an excellent prophylactic for many ailments. In countries where it is cultivated, It is recommended to consume the fruit for the following health problems:

  • pancreatic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • increased stomach acidity and related diseases;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • the cardiovascular system;
  • weak immunity.

Did you know? The ancient Indians called the pitaya cactus the queen of the night, since you can admire the blooming flowers of the plant only after sunset.

In addition to the pulp of the fruit, medicinal properties the seeds are rich in tannin; phenolic compounds have long been used in preparations for the treatment of eye diseases and in case of poisoning heavy metals, for throat diseases, for diarrhea.

Preparations that improve blood circulation and strengthen the walls are prepared from the stems of the plant. blood vessels and supporting the heart muscle. The juice from the stems is taken as an anthelmintic.

The fruit is useful for weight loss: it is low in calories, has the ability to bind fats and remove cholesterol.

Harm and contraindications

The contraindication for use is fruit, you should try small quantities. It is not advisable to get carried away with fruits, since overeating can lead to stomach upsets (nausea, diarrhea, bloating, etc.).

Important! Children up to three years Those who are prone to diathesis or have a history of it are not recommended to give the fruit.

How to choose

When choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • ripe pitahaya will have a uniform and rich color;
  • the average weight of a ripe fruit is 250 grams;
  • ripeness can be checked by touch: unripe fruit will be hard;
  • leafy growths on the peel should not be dry;
  • Visual inspection should not reveal cracks or other damage.

Important! If you notice spots, rotten areas, wrinkles on the peel or cracks, the product is not fresh, it is better not to purchase it.

How to eat fruit

Dragon heart is eaten fresh, cut into halves and scooped out the pulp with a spoon. You should not try to choose the seeds, they are not toxic, on the contrary, they are useful, but you need to chew them. Pieces of pitaya are cut into fruit salads, added to ice cream, cocktails, and decorated with desserts (mousses, jellies, pies, cakes).

The juicy pulp is used to make jams and preserves, sauces and dressings, sherbet, sweets and yoghurts.

Refreshing non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks from fruit:

  • juice, cocktails, tea (take flowers);
  • wine, liqueur, spirits.
Raw chilled pulp saves you from thirst in hot weather.


Ripe fruit spoils quickly; it needs to be stored in the refrigerator for about four days, no more.

Due to the difficulties of transportation, pitahaya cannot always be found in stores. If you want to buy fruit for any event, it is better to take a hard, almost ripe one; it will ripen in the refrigerator and will last longer.

Pitaya or pitahaya incredible beautiful fruit, with the same interesting name, like his appearance. This tasty and very healthy exotic fruit is used in the preparation of desserts, salads and drinks. How to eat pitahaya fruit and what benefits it has is our topic today.

This interesting exotic fruit has so many names that sometimes you begin to doubt whether it is the same fruit, we're talking about. Dragon fruit, dragon fruit, dragon eye fruit, pitaya, pitahaya, dragon heart, and that's not all. In the countries where it is grown, there are several more names. But, it’s enough to see this miracle once and you won’t forget it again.

What is pitahaya fruit?

This is a fruit with a bright pink or red skin, smooth with leafy growths. The pulp is white with black seeds, soft and creamy, with a pleasant, delicate aroma. It is precisely because of its beauty that this fruit is often used to decorate tables at special events.

Pitaya grows on small trees of the cactus family! There are plantations with pitahaya trees in South-East Asia, Japan, China, Taiwan. Also cultivated in the USA, Australia and Israel.

Today, the main supplier of these fruits to the world market is Southeast Asia, despite the fact that the homeland of dragon fruit is America.

Dragon fruit is the size of big apple, only slightly elongated. One fruit can weigh from 10 to 600 grams, some can reach a kilogram. The taste of dragon fruit is reminiscent of banana and kiwi.

Today, the most common 3 types of pitaya fruit are:

  • White pitahaya– pink or red peel, white pulp, black seeds.
  • Red– bright pink peel, bright red flesh, richer taste.
  • Yellow– yellow peel, white pulp, black seeds.

The pitahaya fruit is very easily damaged and therefore difficult to transport, especially over long distances. That is why this fruit is very rare in our country, and also quite expensive.

Calories: This fruit is loaded with vitamins and nutrients, but is very low in calories. Only 50Kcal per 100 grams of pulp.

Dragon fruit - beneficial properties

Like all exotic fruits, Patahaya contains many vitamins, especially vitamin C, antioxidants, minerals, fruit acids and dietary fiber.

Benefits of pitahaya fruit:

  • Contains a lot of fiber, which helps regulate intestinal function and removes waste and toxins;
  • Rich in antioxidants and, natural neutralizers of free radicals, which are responsible for the formation cancer cells and aging of the body;
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties, which improves well-being in case of artitis and other chronic diseases;
  • Useful for diabetes, as it regulates blood sugar levels;

Yellow, red and white dragon fruit

  • Thanks to its high vitamin C content, strengthens the immune system, and regular consumption prevents the occurrence of respiratory diseases such as asthma;
  • Contains B vitamins– B1, B2 and B3, iron, calcium phosphorus, protein, fiber, niacin and vitamin C. Good source nutrients while remaining a very low-calorie product;
  • Mask for the face Dragon fruit puree is excellent anti-aging care– increases skin elasticity and tones it;
  • Pitahaya pulp perfectly soothes sunburnt skin. While on holiday in Southeast Asia, this is a great and natural way to hydrate and restore your skin after sunbathing.

In addition to all that has been said, pitaya is simply a tasty and vitamin-packed fruit that also gives incredible aesthetic pleasure.

How to eat dragon fruit

The pulp of the dragon fruit has a sweetish taste, the consistency is soft, some may find the fruit somewhat bland, so it is recommended to eat it chilled, make juice and even wine. Pitahaya pulp does not combine with foods with a strong taste.

To eat, dragon fruit is cut vertically in half and the pulp scooped out with a spoon, or cut into slices like a melon. The peel is inedible.

There are very interesting way Serving pitahaya: The fruit is cut into 2 halves, and using a knife, scoop out all the contents, leaving 2 empty boats. Next, the pulp is cut into cubes, additional decorations or ingredients are added if desired, and placed back into the peel boats. This makes an incredibly beautiful fruit salad.

How to select and store pitaya fruit

When choosing a pitahaya fruit, you should avoid buying an overripe fruit; it usually has more on its surface. dark spots. It is easier to navigate by the color of the peel; it should be even and its color bright.

The fruit itself should be a little soft, like avocado. If the fruit is hard and there is no choice, then you will have to leave it in the refrigerator for a couple of days until it ripens. Leaf growths should not be dry; this is a sign that the fruit has been lying around for a long time after picking.

An interesting video about how white pitahaya differs from red one:

Dragon fruit does not last long, only 5-6 days in the refrigerator. The fresher the product, the more beneficial properties it has.

Dragon heart fruit - contraindications and harm

As usually happens with exotic fruits, some people are allergic to dragon fruit, so try to eat very little the first time. If no negative reactions occur, then you can safely consume this wonderful fruit.

As for other contraindications, science does not yet know about them. Of course, people with chronic diseases You should always consult your doctor before trying new foods.

The pitahaya fruit, unfortunately, due to its fragility, is almost impossible to find on store shelves in our country, but those who like to vacation in the exotic countries of Southeast Asia have every chance to try it.

Pitaya is an exotic fruit from Thailand, which is rarely found in Russian stores. It has several names, among which dragon fruit sounds most often. The article will help you understand the benefits and harms of pitahaya and will reveal the secrets of its proper use.

What does pitahaya look like and how does it grow?

Pitahaya is the fruit of plants that are representatives of the cactus of the genus Hylocereus. This is a climbing epiphytic liana-like plant, common in the countries of Central and South America, Mexico.

The dragon fruit is oval in shape, the size of a large apple and weighs from 100 g to 1 kg. The fruit is covered with yellow or pink scaly skin, has white or light pink flesh, with small black seeds. The structure of pitahaya pulp is comparable to that of kiwi.

Today, fruits with white, yellow and pink colors are known.

What does dragon fruit taste and smell like?

Dragon fruit has a neutral or sweetish taste. Despite the blandness, there are quite a few juicy fruits(for example, red pitahaya with white flesh).

Advice! It is best to eat pitahaya raw and slightly chilled. To fully experience the taste, it is recommended to eat ripe fruits separately from other products.

Dragon fruit has a light characteristic aroma, vaguely reminiscent of the smell of bananas, kiwi and herbs.

Chemical composition and calorie content of pitahaya

The calorie content of pitahaya per 100 g is only 50 kcal. In her chemical composition includes the following components:

What are the benefits of pitahaya?

Dragon eye is known as a fruit that has many health benefits. It contains vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the functioning of immune system. People suffering from stomach or intestinal disorders use pitahaya to normalize digestion and the process of lipid breakdown.

The small black seeds of the fruit pulp contain a large number of fat-containing compounds involved in the creation of cell membranes. They are rich fatty acids, which reduce the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. However, in order for the seeds to show their positive properties, you need to chew them thoroughly.

Pitahaya is rich in fiber, which helps slow down the breakdown of sucrose. GI ( glycemic index) of the product is quite low. This is especially important for those who suffer from type 2 diabetes.

Pitahaya fruits peel internal organs from toxins. The antioxidants they contain help remove free radicals from the body.

Dragon fruit tones and moisturizes skin, is actively used in the field of cosmetology.

In cooking, pitahaya is used as one of the ingredients fruit salads, desserts, smoothies and ice cream. Combinations of fruit with banana, pineapple, and muesli are healthy and tasty.

For example, a smoothie made from fruit pulp with apple and lemon juice, a small amount of spinach and grated ginger - a storehouse of vitamins and biologically active substances useful both for enhancing immunity and for preventing weight loss. Another interesting dessert is fruit ice with the addition of pitahaya. A peculiar rich pink color with small inclusions of black seeds, a pleasant taste, will not leave either children or adults indifferent.

Dragon fruit fully tones and moisturizes the skin; it is actively used in cosmetology as ingredients in tonics, gels, face and body creams. At home, ice cubes with pitahaya juice are a good morning tonic. A scrub version of an exfoliant using fruit is also interesting. Gentle and gentle cleansing of the skin combined with saturation with vitamins and other beneficial components.

How to clean, cut and eat pitahaya

Peeling and consuming dragon fruit is quite simple:

  • Starting from the top, carefully remove the peel with your hands. Inner part can be eaten like a regular apple;
  • cut the fruit into slices;
  • make a large cut around the entire perimeter of the fruit and slowly cut off the peel without touching the pulp;
  • Cut the pitahaya into two parts and consume the pulp with a spoon.

As a rule, dragon fruit is consumed fresh, without any processing. In some countries, jam, yogurt, jelly, candies, etc. are made from it. It is also used as an ingredient for alcoholic drinks.

Attention! Pitahaya can be consumed in combination with other foods of similar taste.

How to eat pitahaya correctly, you can watch (video):

Harm of pitahaya and contraindications

In some cases, pitahaya can cause both harm and benefit to the body. If you stick to balanced nutrition, the fruit has virtually no negative effect on human health. The only serious contraindication is individual intolerance to the fruit.

It should be noted that after a person eats red pitahaya, his urine turns red. This is only due to the high content of pigments in the product and does not have a negative effect on the body.

How to choose the right dragon fruit

When buying dragon fruit, first of all, pay attention to the peel. Bright colors with a slight shine and yellow-green scales indicate the maturity of the fruit. If the color is uneven, then the fruit is not yet ripe and should not be taken.

Important! If there are dried spots, spots or pale scales on the surface of the fruit, this means that it long time lies on the store shelves.

Too hard or soft fruit is also bad sign. Ripe and delicious fruit, should feel like kiwi to the touch.

How to grow pitahaya at home

Pitahaya is the fruit of a plant that is not too picky about its conditions. Therefore, it can be easily grown at home. Dragon fruit grows well in a warm and bright room, however, it can withstand more low temperatures and periodic blackouts.

To grow pitahaya, you need to germinate its seeds (small inclusions contained in the pulp of the fruit). To do this, use a slightly damp gauze cloth into which the seeds are placed. When they germinate, they are planted in the ground and the seedlings are placed on a lighted windowsill.

As a rule, shoots grow and develop quickly. Over the course of a year they reach about 80 cm in height. The plant must be regularly watered and fertilized with nitrogen mineral components.

Important! In order for a cactus to bear fruit, it is necessary to grow at least two copies and pollinate them.


The benefits and harms of pitahaya depend on the regularity of use. If you eat dragon fruit on a regular basis, it will have positive health effects. However, excessive consumption of fruits is extremely undesirable.

Thailand is famous for its unusual legends and exotic fruits. One of the ancient Thai parables is connected precisely with the amazing fruit of a fruit plant - pitahaya (pitaya).

In ancient times, there were deadly battles between warriors and dragons. Whenever the winged giant lost and was no longer able to fight, instead of a sizzling flame, a wondrous fruit appeared from his mouth, popularly nicknamed the “heart of the dragon” or the “dragon’s eye.”

What it is?

IN different regions In Thailand, the unique fruit is called differently: prickly pear, dragonfruit, kaumangkon, pitahaya and pitaya. According to legend, a fruit unknown in nature was so good that the Thais destroyed all the dragons for its sake. But the plant survived and took root in the warm climate of the mysterious kingdom. And only the scales on the dragon fruits now remind the Thais of the won battles with fire-breathing monsters in the distant past.

According to the scientific description, the pitaya plant belongs to the cactus family. The liana-like wild pitahaya is an epiphytic cactus, widespread in hot Mexico, and also predominant in South and Central America.

The stem of the plant reaches 10 meters in height. It is cultivated in the majority Asian countries in the Southeast. In addition to Thailand, exotic fruits are grown in the Philippines and Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Japan, Taiwan, Israel, Hawaii, and even in the northern part of Australia.

This amazing plant blooms exclusively at night. In the dark, the large white flowers on pitahaya can be confused with giant moths. The shape of fragrant flowers is characteristic of all plants of the cactus family. The enchanting scent of a blooming dragon seems to spread magic in the air, making the night magical. Fruits on a cactus vine appear in 30-50 days, and this can happen up to 6 times in a year.

The ripe fruit, nicknamed the “heart of the dragon,” looks very unusual in appearance. The weight of one pitaya is from 150 to 600 grams. The size does not exceed a large apple, but the shape is more oblong. The skin color varies from yellow to crimson, depending on the variety of pitahaya. The top of the skin is covered with large scales, which really resemble the skin of a dragon. At the ends of the scales are painted an intense light green color. The fruit looks interesting. Under the dense shell, a creamy consistency of whitish, pinkish or purple flesh is found.

The attractive plant is not only pleasing to the eye, but is also widely used in local medicine to heal cuts and wounds, improve vision, increase appetite, strengthen memory and reduce weight.

Thais use not only the fruits, but also the stems of the plant for treatment, extracting from them healing juice. If you keep the proportions, it makes an excellent remedy for strengthening the cardiovascular system, a circulatory stimulant, an antispasmodic, and even an anthelmintic.

But before you start treatment, you need to know the specific dosage. Exceeding the dose at one time is dangerous for poisoning.

Taste characteristics

The most popular fruits to eat are yellow, Costa Rican and red pitaya. The size, color of the skin and pulp are not the same, and depend on the variety of tropical fruit.

It is not recommended to “lean into” the fruit with fanaticism. Concentration useful substances in dragonfruit is quite capable of triggering an allergic reaction. The seeds in the pulp are almost imperceptible to the taste, but difficult to digest, so it is better to chew them thoroughly. Moreover, they contain a lot of lipids and tannin, which is indicated for diabetes mellitus, and has a positive effect on vision.

Ripe pitaya fruit is rich in phosphorus, protein, vitamins C and B, useful iron, essential calcium, niacin and riboflavin. Eating fruit has positive influence on functions intestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine system, stops stomach upsets and eliminates flatulence.

Diabetics can enjoy pitaya without fear; on the contrary, the fruit helps normalize sugar levels. And thanks to the calcium in its composition, dragon's eye is indispensable in therapeutic nutrition for diseases affecting bones and joints. The same mineral will help strengthen teeth, hair and nails. Regular moderate consumption of fruit rich in vitamin C will strengthen the immune system and help avoid acute respiratory infections in the midst of viral development.

It is also useful for dieting, as it is low in calories. It is well absorbed and does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Nutritional value per 100 g of fruit:

  • calorie content – ​​50 kcal;
  • proteins – 5 grams;
  • fats – 3 grams;
  • carbohydrates – 12 grams.

The color of the pulp does not affect the taste of dragon, which disappoints many with its neutrality. At first glance, it seems that the bright fruit is as rich in taste as it is in color. But the pulp has a slight sweetness and herbaceous taste. The seeds are slightly crunchy on the teeth, but not hard, like the tropical kiwi fruit.

How to eat pitahaya correctly?

In Thailand and the hot countries of Asia, dragon fruit is sold all year round. The dragon fruit plant is now cultivated wherever a tropical climate prevails. Leaders in pitaya harvest: Thailand, China, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Varieties with fuchsia-colored pulp and white contents are most often sold in Russia. You can buy them in large supermarkets. The color of the pulp can be easily determined by appearance fetus The pink and yellow skin with greenish scaled leaves hides white flesh under its shell, and the purple contents of the fruit are usually a rich crimson hue.

You can enjoy the fruit in different ways:

  • cut the fruit into two equal parts and serve as a dessert (it is more convenient to eat with a spoon, scooping out all the pulp, right down to the skin);
  • cut pitaya into slices and eat without using cutlery;
  • Peel the skin like a banana and bite off a piece;
  • mix with yogurt or sorbet;
  • add to a cocktail with any citrus fruit.

In America, it is popular to prepare dessert with the addition of pitahaya. The fruit is whipped in a blender bowl with condensed milk, almonds and Mascarpone cheese, and eaten for breakfast with toast or used as a dip for biscuits. The Thais have learned to make jam, mousses and sauces from these tropical fruits. Even pitahaya flowers benefit enterprising owners. Tea with the petals of the plant acquires a breathtaking aroma.

The sweetish fruit contains only 50 kilocalories per 100 g of its weight. This means that it can be included in a diet aimed at losing weight without a twinge of conscience. Nutritionists agree with this, who also recommend the fruit to children instead of candy and sweets. But only after three years, given that pitaya is an allergen.

It is better to eat the product fresh, not after heat treatment to get from the process maximum benefit, and even quench your thirst. This fruit is a favorite delicacy among the population of long-lived countries, thanks to the microelements, minerals and vitamins in its composition.

The skin of the dragon fruit is not eaten, but is immediately thrown away. It has no benefit or taste. It is easy to separate the shell from the pulp with a knife or pry up the edge and remove the skin, like from a banana.

The contents of the exotic fruit found many fans, but many were not impressed at all. To determine your attitude towards a fruit, you need to personally taste what it tastes and smells like.

In order to buy this fruit, you do not need to go to hot countries or wait for a gift from there. In Russian shopping centers trade different varieties pitahaya. Fruits with pink skin are mainly common; those with yellow skin are less common. To taste truly tasty and aromatic dragonfruit, you need to choose a ripe fruit. You can check the ripeness by lightly pressing the shell; if the fruit underneath is soft, it means it is ripe. A pitaya fruit that is hard to the touch will be tasteless, or rather, tasteless. Ripe fruits can be easily peeled by hand.

When buying pitaya, pay attention to the freshness of the fruit. The disadvantage of the product is that the fruits quickly deteriorate, become wrinkled, and are difficult to transport. That is why you should not buy pitahaya in kilograms. An exotic gift from hot countries cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than three days.

About how to eat pitahaya and its beneficial features, watch in the next video.

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