Home Mushrooms Where can I download minecraft launcher. Download TL - Alternative launcher for Minecraft

Where can I download minecraft launcher. Download TL - Alternative launcher for Minecraft

Many players love the virtual world of Minecraft and continue to support its popularity, it is not without reason that this game project is in the TOP of popularity among all others. game projects. But it turned out that not everyone wants to spend a lot of money on buying the official version of the game, in addition, it can be the reason that some modifications and other updates will not work stably. Therefore, in order to correct this unpleasant moment, we offer you download TLauncher- a program that is ready to correct this moment and give you the opportunity to enjoy your favorite game without any problems. To do this, just use our special link and you will definitely get this program for your use, which you will definitely like.

The question immediately arises: what kind of program is this? Everything is quite simple, TLauncher is a special launcher that has its own synchronized server on the Internet and offers players the latest versions of the Minecraft game. That is, you will essentially be able to use your small cloud of saves and games, which will provide the opportunity to play your favorite game for free and without special problems. This launcher has a variety of versions of the Minecraft game, from the very first to the most up-to-date. Before choosing entertainment for yourself, it is immediately worth noting that each version of the Minecraft game has its own interesting aspects and completeness of content, maybe you want to know how exactly this virtual adventure began, or maybe you are wondering to what extent it could develop, all this curiosity you can satisfy, enough download minecraft launcher.

The software quite easy to learn and has a clear interface that will allow you to set the settings for a special format for the game, will allow you to choose required version games and just start the adventure itself. The program does not weigh that much, the game client is downloaded to a separate folder and leaves a special shortcut. Worry over something so dubious gameplay not worth it this way has been around for several years and has become part of the gaming community. Feel free to use and enjoy an interesting game.

In addition, it is worth noting that minecraft launcher has the following advantages:
  • this launcher is absolutely free;
  • there is a choice among all existing versions games;
  • constant updates;
  • 24/7 access and support;
  • all versions are optimized for any kind of modifications and additions.

Launcher it minecraft launcher from the talented developer Turikhay, is rapidly gaining popularity in the Russian-speaking minecraft community. L is positioned as an alternative to the official launcher. Launcher supports login with minecraft.net, and if you are a pirate, you can easily create a local account right in the program or use an account from ely.by.

If you compare Launcher with the official minecraft launcher, then the comparison is not in favor of the second one. With it, you can download not only all official minecraft clients and snapshots, but also clients with integrated mods - Optifine, Minecraft Forge, Liteloader. Which by installing you will avoid many problems if you yourself install it manually. New versions of the game will be available immediately after the release, and mods will always be updated to the latest version. This will reduce the chances of any bugs occurring during the game.

For more information and to read breaking news, as well as learn about the latest Launcher updates, we recommend that you visit official vkontakte page


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Launcher Features

  • Creation account directly in the launcher and support for premium authorization (mojang account)
  • Non-overloaded and intuitive interface - beginners will quickly get used to it, and advanced users will be able to customize all the parameters for themselves
  • Special client versions available with Forge, OptiFine and LiteLoader
  • Small size and fast operation
  • Russian language support
  • Automatic update to the latest version

List of changes

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Launcher 1.6

  • Added subfolders for different versions
  • Moved to tlaun.ch
  • Compressed the update file by 35%
  • Reduced app size by 25%
  • Launcher starts a little faster
  • Numerous interface fixes
  • "Update Client" now updates the jar file of the selected version, not just the libraries
  • Added new crash tips
  • Optimized server requests
  • Fixed optimized arguments
  • Updated paths to repositories
  • Added the ability to disable downloading versions from the server
  • Added the ability to disable optimized JVM arguments, which caused lag for some
  • Slightly improved en_US translation
  • Slightly improved settings interface
  • Slightly changed the packer of the EXE version
  • Disabled debug-mode authorization flag
  • Improved the principle of requesting updates
  • Improved game performance (BETA)
  • Possibility to increase the font size
  • Fixed bug with uploading files via SSL
  • Added support for messages from the Ely server

Launcher 1.7

  • dxdiag prompt on crash (Windows)
  • Ukrainian localization (by F1xer)
  • Other small fixes
  • Almost no unfunny jokes
  • Implemented support for Minecraft 1.9
  • Version files now load faster
  • New algorithm for checking and unpacking resources
  • Numerous interface improvements

Frequently Asked Questions about Launcher

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How to install a skin? (2 ways)

  • Buy the game and put this skin on the official website: https://minecraft.net/profile
  • Register on Ely.by and use the login through your Ely.by account in the launcher. In this case, only those who also installed this mod will see your skin.

Arguments command line as of 1.61

  • -directory - specifies the Minecraft directory
  • -help - writes all available arguments to System.out and/or console.
  • -java-directory Specifies the Java directory.
  • -javaargs - Specifies the arguments for the JVM. For example: -javaargs "-Xmx1G -XX:MaxPermSize=256M"
  • -margs - Specifies the arguments for Minecraft.
  • -nogui - Runs the non-GUI version, but with a console.
  • -settings - specifies the path to the launcher.cfg settings file.
  • -username - specifies the username
  • -version - specifies the version to run
  • -window Specifies the size of the window. Format: width; height. For example: -window 925;525
  • -background - specify the path to the background. Supported protocols are: http(s), ftp, jar (can be used for zip archives) and file (autodetect, but can be specified explicitly).
  • -fullscreen - Determines if Minecraft will run in full screen mode or not. For example: -fullscreen true
  • -profiles - specifies the location of the profiles file to use (see launcher_profiles.json file)

Usage example:
java -Xmx128m -cp launcher.jar ru.turikhay.launcher.Launcher -directory "./Minecraft" -java-directory "./Minecraft/Java" -settings "./Minecraft/launcher.cfg" -javaargs "-Xmx1G"

How to increase volume random access memory for Minecraft?
Since version 1.02, the launcher selects the required amount of memory on its own
And since 1.23 you can adjust the memory allocation from the launch settings.

(!) Remember that on 32-bit systems and 32-bit Java versions DO NOT allocate more than 1 GB of RAM to applications.

(!) If you are using versions older than Java 8, then I recommend adding the "-XX:MaxPermSize=256M" argument when using a large number of mods.

How to install 32bit/64bit Java on Windows?
1) Open the download page:
Java 7
Java 8
2) Click "Accept License Agreement"
3) Select and download the desired version
For Java 7: Windows xAA jre-7uNN-windows-xAA.exe
For Java 8: Windows xAA jre-8uNN-windows-xAA.exe
... where AA is the bit depth (32 or 64, choose the one you need), NN is the update number (the more, the better and newer).
4) Set as regular program.
5) Done!

Error 1603 occurs when installing Java
Disable your antivirus (not Dr.Web by any chance?) during the installation.

Where is the default Minecraft folder?
Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft
Linux: ~/.minecraft/

Where is the minecraft launcher configuration file located?
Windows: %appdata%\.launcher\legacy.properties
Linux: ~/.launcher/legacy.properties

How to reset Launcher settings?
Find the configuration file (see above) and delete it.

How to install Launcher

  1. Install Java (if you don't have it)
  2. Download and launch Launcher

In contact with

(downloads: 15874)

TLauncher-2.53.zip (downloads: 6974)
For quite some time, the developers have updated their launcher for downloading the game and changed the addresses of storages with files, this put an end to all past pirated programs through which most gamers played. But the decision has come, enough download TLauncher He will solve all these problems.

Official website https://tlauncher.org/

What kind of software is this? You can call it a lifesaver for all of us, because with it we can again download our favorite Minecraft for free and in just a couple of clicks. By the way, it has a list with all versions of the game: from the earliest to the latest. This means that each player can choose their favorite version and play it, and in the future switch to a new one, for example.

Do not forget about the releases of new versions, they appear in the same way as in the official one - at the same minute. That is, less and less cons can be found in using a non-official program.

Download minecraft launcher you can follow the link above. Moreover, you do not need to wait and enter the data of any captcha, the download will start immediately after clicking on the link. TLauncher does not weigh that much, which saves you traffic if you have limited it.

This software has the following advantages:

  • It's completely free!
  • Support for all versions of the game!
  • Installing your own skin!
  • New feature updates come out very often!
  • Access 24/7, always works at any time of the day!
  • Work with different assemblies!
  • And much more...
In the screenshot below, you can see the launcher settings, which make it clear that you have a lot of choices on how to make access to the game even better.

Literally in the next update, access to skins and capes is expected. You can install them on your own nickname on the official website of the program, later using this account for additional chips. Many people want to stand out, so the skin system from such a large and famous launcher is the right move.

In addition, this launcher can be used as a replacement for the official one, because it has many more functions. To begin with, I must say that you will be able to log in under your licensed account from Mojang, which means only one thing, all its functions will be with you! Don't worry, TLauncher is absolutely safe to use with official accounts!

What is on this moment Latest version of TLauncher? Before answering this question, let's digress and say that from this page you can always download the current and working version of this wonderful launcher, because immediately after the release of the next version we update the download links, everything is for you, our visitors! To date, latest version is TLauncher 2.22. Of course, the program itself offers you to update if there is an update available for download, but you can also go to this page for details.

In the end, I want to say that this Minecraft launcher is the best! After reading this article, you yourself probably came to this conclusion, use it and enjoy the world of Minecraft.


After version 1.6, the developers have introduced a new official launcher, which put an end to the pirates, but we will save you our own launcher. It is much better than even the developers, as it is much informative, more settings. Therefore, you should try our Launcher for minecraft.


Question: does the launcher viruses?
Answer: course not! We have a good website that is trusted by many users. All antivirus believe that our file is safe, therefore, to worry should not be there. To ensure this, you can see the antivirus report.

Question: Previously worked launcher/game, now no what to do?
Answer: Try to completely delete the folder of minecraft, but first save your worlds c:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\), then you need to re- download TLauncher on the links above and try now to run the game/launcher.

Question: I downloaded and tried to run your program, but has highlighted some error related to Java, what to do?
Answer: you have not Seen or is not the latest version of Java, you can download it from our website or from the .

Question: I Have no versions in the list of "not installed", the new s is not loaded, how to fix?

Answer: you are not connected to the Internet or your anti-virus or firewall blocking the connection. So add the launcher as an exception in the antivirus and firewall. P.S. Not helped? Try to download the launcher again on the link at the beginning of the news, you never know.

Question: What version of minecraft are present in your launcher?
Answer: we have absolutely everything, from the oldest to the latest versions (such As the new Minecraft 1.8.1). And there OptiFine 1.7.4, OptiFine 1.7.2, Forge 1.7.2, ForgeOptiFine 1.6.4, OptiFine 1.6.4, ForgeOptiFine 1.6.2, OptiFine 1.6.2, Forge 1.6.2, ForgeOptiFine 1.5.2 and others.. .


We can proudly say that he is the easiest to use, you can be convinced after reading a short overview on the launcher.

Looking at the screenshot at the beginning of the article, you see that a large part of the launcher is a web page that displays the latest news versions of the game, and sometimes the portal. Therefore, you will always see that there is a new version, and will be able to read what had changed in her, so no need to look up this information on the Internet.

On the main page of the launcher in the bottom left corner there is a field to enter your nickname that will be used in multiplayer.

Below this line there is another drop-down list, here you can find a version of the game, usually the latest version, or one that you ran last time.

Selecting the version that you have downloaded, you will be prompted to install it by clicking on the "Install" button (since it"s a pirate minecraft launcher, it will install the game for free):

By default, the launcher minecraft don "t need nothing to change in the settings, but if you want to, you can find there:

Features of our launcher:
- Stability.
- Don't need constant Internet access.
- Easy to use.
- Many useful functions.
- Many languages.
- All versions of the game + mods.
- Regular updates.
- Multiplatform.

How to start Minecraft launcher on Mac OS X?

1. Installed Java. (If some mistake, read paragraph 2.)
2. Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> The General tab -> click on the lock and enter the username and password from your computer -> from point: "Allow apps downloaded from" select "Anywere", agree to the warning.

3. Downloadable from the link above launcher (Link called Mac OS X/Linux).
4. Run by double-clicking the left mouse button launcher.

I present to your attention a magnificent pirate Launcher for Minecraft. In a recent update, the Mojang team put a big cross on pirated servers. But this situation will save an excellent Minecraft Launcher - Launcher. Furthermore Tlauncher one of the most convenient and fast launchers that are available and work at the moment.

This Launcher has a number of advantages with which it is Launcher becomes one of the most best pirate launchers for Minecraft. If you are quite a fan of the latest updates, then the developers have built a page with the latest updates and changes especially for you in the launcher.

This launcher has more pros than cons:

  • Guaranteed security - which is the most important thing. No antivirus swears at this launcher and more than one hundred thousand players use it daily.
  • Completely free launcher - any version of the game will be available to you for free. And at the same time, you do not need to buy a license on the official website to play with skins.
  • Auto update - automatic check for launcher updates will do the work for you, if the developers release a new version of the launcher, it will automatically update.
  • Account manager - a convenient panel with which you can switch between accounts in the game.
  • Version manager - on servers Tlaunchera there are many early versions of Minecraft and pre-releases. Therefore, if you find a cool server early version game, then you can download this version of the game directly in the launcher.
  • And many more benefits...

The main advantage of this launcher is that it is free. Therefore, you can enter any nickname with a skin and play without entering a password. In the official versions of the minecraft client, you need a license to play and put the skin. And here you have access to all servers and plus any skins. Let me remind you that we have a section with skins by nicknames.

Ease of use is the key to success, the launcher does not contain any unnecessary information.

Launcher version for Windows

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